コード例 #1
def main():
	driver_type = 5
	full_screen = False
	stencil_buffer = False
	vsync = False
	run_app = True

	from video_choice_dialog import has_pywingui
	if has_pywingui:
		from video_choice_dialog import ChoiceDialog, IDOK, IDCANCEL
		dialog = ChoiceDialog()
		dialog.driver_type = driver_type
		dialog.full_screen = full_screen
		dialog.stencil_buffer = stencil_buffer
		dialog.vsync = vsync
		dialogResult = dialog.DoModal()
		if dialogResult == IDOK:
			driver_type = dialog.driver_type
			full_screen = dialog.full_screen
			stencil_buffer = dialog.stencil_buffer
			vsync = dialog.vsync
		elif dialogResult == IDCANCEL:
			run_app = False

	if run_app:

		import pymunk as pm
		import os, math, random
		X,Y,Z = 0,1,2 # Easy indexing

		info_text = '\nJoints. Just wait and the L will tip over'

		### Physics stuff
		space = pm.Space()
		space.gravity = 0.0, -900.0

		## Balls
		balls = []

		### static stuff
		rot_center_body = pm.Body()
		rot_center_body.position = (300,300)

		### To hold back the L
		rot_limit_body = pm.Body()
		rot_limit_body.position = (200,300)

		### The moving L shape
		l1 = [(-150, 0), (255.0, 0.0)]
		l2 = [(-150.0, 0), (-150.0, 50.0)]

		body = pm.Body(10,10000)
		body.position = (300,300)

		lines = [pm.Segment(body, l1[0], l1[1], 5.0), pm.Segment(body, l2[0], l2[1], 5.0)]


		### The L rotates around this
		rot_center = pm.PinJoint(body, rot_center_body, (0,0), (0,0))
		### And is constrained by this
		joint_limit = 25
		rot_limit = pm.SlideJoint(body, rot_limit_body, (-100,0), (0,0), 0, joint_limit)
		space.add(rot_center, rot_limit)

		ticks_to_next_ball = 10

		screen_x, screen_y = 640, 480
		def reverse_coords(p):
			"""Small hack to convert pymunk to pygame coordinates"""
			return p.x, -p.y+screen_y

		### pyIrrlicht block
		import pyirrlicht as irr
		if not driver_type:
			driver_type = irr.EDT_SOFTWARE

		class UserIEventReceiver(irr.IEventReceiver):
			KeyIsDown = {}
			for key in range(irr.KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT):
				KeyIsDown[key] = False
			def OnEvent(self, evt):
				event = irr.SEvent(evt)
				if event.EventType is irr.EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT:
					self.KeyIsDown[event.KeyInput.Key] = event.KeyInput.PressedDown
				return False
			def IsKeyDown(self, keyCode):
				return self.KeyIsDown[keyCode]

		window_size = irr.dimension2du(screen_x, screen_y)
		device = irr.createDevice(driver_type, window_size, 16, full_screen, stencil_buffer, vsync)

		if device:
			window_caption = __doc__
			video_driver = device.getVideoDriver()
			scene_manager = device.getSceneManager()
			gui_environment = device.getGUIEnvironment()
			font = irr.CGUITTFont(gui_environment, os.environ['SYSTEMROOT']+'/Fonts/arial.ttf', 16)
			if not font:
				font = gui_environment.getBuiltInFont()
			static_text = gui_environment.addStaticText(window_caption + info_text, irr.recti(10, 10, screen_x-20, 50), True)
			color_red = irr.SColor(255, 255, 0, 0)
			color_green = irr.SColor(255, 0, 255, 0)
			color_blue = irr.SColor(255, 0, 0, 255)
			color_black = irr.SColor(255, 0, 0, 0)
			color_lightgray = irr.SColor(255, 200, 200, 200)
			color_text = irr.SColor(255, 0, 0, 0)
			color_screen = irr.SColor(255, 100, 100, 100)
			lastFPS = -1
			i_event_receiver = UserIEventReceiver()
			update_physics = False
			while device.run():
				if device.isWindowActive():
					if i_event_receiver.IsKeyDown(irr.KEY_ESCAPE):

					if device.getTimer().getTime() > 30:
						ticks_to_next_ball -= 1
						if ticks_to_next_ball <= 0:
							ticks_to_next_ball = 25
							mass = 1
							radius = 14
							inertia = pm.moment_for_circle(mass, 0, radius, (0,0))
							body = pm.Body(mass, inertia)
							x = random.randint(120,380)
							body.position = x, 550
							shape = pm.Circle(body, radius, (0,0))
							space.add(body, shape)
						update_physics = True

					### Draw stuff
					if video_driver.beginScene(True, True, color_screen):
						balls_to_remove = []
						for ball in balls:
							if ball.body.position.y < 150:

							x1, y1 = reverse_coords(ball.body.position)
							video_driver.draw2DPolygon_f(x1, y1, ball.radius, color_blue)

						for ball in balls_to_remove:
							space.remove(ball, ball.body)

						for line in lines:
							body = line.body
							pv1 = body.position + line.a.rotated(body.angle)
							pv2 = body.position + line.b.rotated(body.angle)
							x1, y1 = reverse_coords(pv1)
							x2, y2 = reverse_coords(pv2)
							video_driver.draw2DLine_f(x1, y1, x2, y2, color_lightgray)

						### The rotation center of the L shape
						x, y = reverse_coords(rot_center_body.position)
						video_driver.draw2DPolygon_f(x, y, 5, color_red)
						### The limits where it can move.
						x, y = reverse_coords(rot_limit_body.position)
						video_driver.draw2DPolygon_f(x, y, joint_limit, color_green, 100)


					### Update physics
					if update_physics:
						dt = 1.0/50.0/10.0
						for x in range(10):
						update_physics = False


					fps = video_driver.getFPS()
					if lastFPS != fps:
						caption = '%s [%s] FPS:%d' % (window_caption, video_driver.getName(), fps)
						static_text.setText(caption + info_text)
						lastFPS = fps

			print('ERROR createDevice')
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_timer3d.py プロジェクト: kenygia/pyirrlicht
'Timer3D - Irrlicht Engine Demo'

driver_type = 5
full_screen = False
stencil_buffer = False
vsync = False

run_app = True

from video_choice_dialog import has_pywingui
if has_pywingui:
	from video_choice_dialog import ChoiceDialog, IDOK, IDCANCEL
	dialog = ChoiceDialog()
	dialog.driver_type = driver_type
	dialog.full_screen = full_screen
	dialog.stencil_buffer = stencil_buffer
	dialog.vsync = vsync
	dialogResult = dialog.DoModal()
	if dialogResult == IDOK:
		driver_type = dialog.driver_type
		full_screen = dialog.full_screen
		stencil_buffer = dialog.stencil_buffer
		vsync = dialog.vsync
	elif dialogResult == IDCANCEL:
		run_app = False

if run_app:
	from pyirrlicht import *
	if not driver_type:
		#driver_type = EDT_SOFTWARE
		#driver_type = EDT_DIRECT3D9
コード例 #3
def main():
	global text, line_point1, static_lines, run_physics
	driver_type = 1
	full_screen = False
	stencil_buffer = False
	vsync = False
	run_app = True

	from video_choice_dialog import has_pywingui
	if has_pywingui:
		from video_choice_dialog import ChoiceDialog, IDOK, IDCANCEL
		dialog = ChoiceDialog()
		dialog.driver_type = driver_type
		dialog.full_screen = full_screen
		dialog.stencil_buffer = stencil_buffer
		dialog.vsync = vsync
		dialogResult = dialog.DoModal()
		if dialogResult == IDOK:
			driver_type = dialog.driver_type
			full_screen = dialog.full_screen
			stencil_buffer = dialog.stencil_buffer
			vsync = dialog.vsync
		elif dialogResult == IDCANCEL:
			run_app = False

	if run_app:
		import os, math
		import pymunk as pm
		from pymunk import Vec2d

		### Physics stuff
		space = pm.Space()
		space.gravity = Vec2d(0.0, -900.0)

		## Balls
		balls = []

		### Mouse
		mouse_body = pm.Body()
		mouse_shape = pm.Circle(mouse_body, 3, Vec2d(0,0))
		mouse_shape.collision_type = COLLTYPE_MOUSE

		space.add_collision_handler(COLLTYPE_MOUSE, COLLTYPE_BALL, None, mouse_coll_func, None, None)   

		### pyIrrlicht block
		import pyirrlicht as irr
		if not driver_type:
			driver_type = irr.EDT_SOFTWARE

		class UserIEventReceiver(irr.IEventReceiver):
			shift = False
			control = False
			pressed_down = False
			video_driver = None
			screen_size = irr.dimension2du()
			mouse_position = Vec2d(0, flipy(0))
			KeyIsDown = {}
			for key in range(irr.KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT):
				KeyIsDown[key] = False
			def OnEvent(self, evt):
				global line_point1
				event = irr.SEvent(evt)
				if event.EventType is irr.EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT:
					self.shift = event.KeyInput.Shift
					self.control = event.KeyInput.Control
					self.pressed_down = event.KeyInput.PressedDown
					self.KeyIsDown[event.KeyInput.Key] = self.pressed_down
				elif event.EventType is irr.EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT:
					if event.MouseInput.EventType == irr.EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED:
						self.mouse_position.x = event.MouseInput.X
						self.mouse_position.y = event.MouseInput.Y
					elif event.MouseInput.EventType == irr.EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN:
						body = pm.Body(10, 100)
						body.position = (event.MouseInput.X, flipy(event.MouseInput.Y))
						shape = pm.Circle(body, 10, (0,0))
						shape.friction = 0.5
						shape.collision_type = COLLTYPE_BALL
						space.add(body, shape)
					elif event.MouseInput.EventType == irr.EMIE_RMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN: 
						if line_point1 is None:
							line_point1 = Vec2d(event.MouseInput.X, flipy(event.MouseInput.Y))
					elif event.MouseInput.EventType == irr.EMIE_RMOUSE_LEFT_UP: 
						if line_point1 is not None:
							line_point2 = Vec2d(event.MouseInput.X, flipy(event.MouseInput.Y))
							body = pm.Body()
							shape= pm.Segment(body, line_point1, line_point2, 0.0)
							shape.friction = 0.99
							line_point1 = None
				return False
			def IsKeyDown(self, keyCode):
				return self.KeyIsDown[keyCode]
			def mouse_pos(self):
				return self.mouse_position

		window_size = irr.dimension2du(screen_x, screen_y)
		device = irr.createDevice(driver_type, window_size, 16, full_screen, stencil_buffer, vsync)

		if device:
			window_caption = __doc__
			video_driver = device.getVideoDriver()
			scene_manager = device.getSceneManager()
			gui_environment = device.getGUIEnvironment()
			font = irr.CGUITTFont(gui_environment, os.environ['SYSTEMROOT']+'/Fonts/arial.ttf', 16)
			if not font:
				font = gui_environment.getBuiltInFont()
			static_text = gui_environment.addStaticText(window_caption + text, irr.recti(10, 10, screen_x-20, 110), True)
			color_red = irr.SColor(255, 255, 0, 0)
			color_blue = irr.SColor(255, 0, 0, 255)
			color_black = irr.SColor(255, 0, 0, 0)
			color_lightgray = irr.SColor(255, 200, 200, 200)
			color_text = irr.SColor(255, 0, 0, 0)
			color_screen = irr.SColor(255, 100, 100, 100)
			lastFPS = -1
			i_event_receiver = UserIEventReceiver()
			i_event_receiver.video_driver = video_driver
			i_event_receiver.gui = gui_environment
			while device.run():
				if device.isWindowActive():
					if i_event_receiver.IsKeyDown(irr.KEY_ESCAPE):
						run_physics = not run_physics

					p = i_event_receiver.mouse_pos()
					mouse_pos = Vec2d(p[X],flipy(p[Y]))
					mouse_body.position = mouse_pos

					if i_event_receiver.shift and i_event_receiver.pressed_down:
						body = pm.Body(10, 10)
						body.position = mouse_pos
						shape = pm.Circle(body, 10, (0,0))
						shape.collision_type = COLLTYPE_BALL
						space.add(body, shape)

					### Update physics
					if run_physics:
						dt = 1.0/60.0
						for x in range(1):

					if video_driver.beginScene(True, True, color_screen):

						### Display some text
						#~ font.draw(text, irr.recti(5, 40, screen_x-10, 50), color_text)

						for ball in balls:           
							r = ball.radius
							v = ball.body.position
							rot = ball.body.rotation_vector
							x1, y1 = v.x, flipy(v.y)
							#~ x2, y2 = (Vec2d(rot.x, -rot.y) * r * 0.9 + (x1, y1)).int_tuple
							end = (Vec2d(rot.x, -rot.y) * r * 0.9 + (x1, y1))
							video_driver.draw2DPolygon_f(x1, y1, r, color_blue, 100)
							video_driver.draw2DLine_f(x1, y1, end.x, end.y, color_red)

						if line_point1 is not None:
							video_driver.draw2DLine_f(line_point1.x, flipy(line_point1.y), mouse_pos.x, flipy(mouse_pos.y), color_black)

						for line in static_lines:
							body = line.body
							pv1 = body.position + line.a.rotated(body.angle)
							pv2 = body.position + line.b.rotated(body.angle)
							video_driver.draw2DLine_f(pv1.x, flipy(pv1.y), pv2.x, flipy(pv2.y), color_lightgray)



					fps = video_driver.getFPS()
					if lastFPS != fps:
						caption = '%s [%s] FPS:%d' % (window_caption, video_driver.getName(), fps)
						static_text.setText(caption + text)
						lastFPS = fps

			print('ERROR createDevice')
コード例 #4
### video choice dialog pyWinGUI block
driver_type = 1
full_screen = False
stencil_buffer = False
vsync = False

run_app = True

from video_choice_dialog import has_pywingui
if has_pywingui:
	from video_choice_dialog import ChoiceDialog, IDOK, IDCANCEL
	dialog = ChoiceDialog()
	dialog.driver_type = driver_type
	dialog.full_screen = full_screen
	dialog.stencil_buffer = stencil_buffer
	dialog.vsync = vsync
	dialogResult = dialog.DoModal()
	if dialogResult == IDOK:
		driver_type = dialog.driver_type
		full_screen = dialog.full_screen
		stencil_buffer = dialog.stencil_buffer
		vsync = dialog.vsync
	elif dialogResult == IDCANCEL:
		run_app = False

if run_app:
	import pymunk as pm
	from pymunk import Vec2d
	import math, sys, random
コード例 #5
def main():
    driver_type = 0
    full_screen = False
    stencil_buffer = False
    vsync = False
    run_app = True

    from video_choice_dialog import has_pywingui
    if has_pywingui:
        from video_choice_dialog import ChoiceDialog, IDOK, IDCANCEL
        dialog = ChoiceDialog()
        dialog.driver_type = driver_type
        dialog.full_screen = full_screen
        dialog.stencil_buffer = stencil_buffer
        dialog.vsync = vsync
        dialogResult = dialog.DoModal()
        if dialogResult == IDOK:
            driver_type = dialog.driver_type
            full_screen = dialog.full_screen
            stencil_buffer = dialog.stencil_buffer
            vsync = dialog.vsync
        elif dialogResult == IDCANCEL:
            run_app = False

    if run_app:
        global pymunk, irr, Vec2d, color_darkgray

        import math, random
        import os

        import pymunk
        from pymunk import Vec2d

        import pyirrlicht as irr

        ### Physics stuff
        space = pymunk.Space()

        ### Game area
        # walls - the left-top-right walls
        static_lines = [
            pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (50, 50), (50, 550), 5),
            pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (50, 550), (550, 550), 5),
            pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (550, 550), (550, 50), 5)
        for line in static_lines:
            line.color = irr.SColor(255, 200, 200, 200)
            line.elasticity = 1.0


        # bottom - a sensor that removes anything touching it
        bottom = pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (50, 50), (550, 50), 5)
        bottom.sensor = True
        bottom.collision_type = 1
        bottom.color = irr.SColor(255, 255, 0, 0)

        def remove_first(space, arbiter):
            first_shape = arbiter.shapes[0]
            space.add_post_step_callback(space.remove, first_shape,
            return True

        space.add_collision_handler(0, 1, begin=remove_first)

        ### Player ship
        player_body = pymunk.Body(500, pymunk.inf)
        player_shape = pymunk.Circle(player_body, 35)
        player_shape.color = irr.SColor(255, 255, 0, 0)
        player_shape.elasticity = 1.0
        player_body.position = 300, 100
        # restrict movement of player to a straigt line
        move_joint = pymunk.GrooveJoint(space.static_body, player_body,
                                        (100, 100), (500, 100), (0, 0))
        space.add(player_body, player_shape, move_joint)

        # Start game
        setup_level(space, player_body)

        ### pyirrlicht init
        class UserIEventReceiver(irr.IEventReceiver):
            #~ mouse_button_down = False
            #~ mouse_position = Vec2d(0, 0)
            KeyIsDown = {}
            for key in range(irr.KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT):
                KeyIsDown[key] = False

            def OnEvent(self, evt):
                event = irr.SEvent(evt)
                self.mouse_button_down = False
                self.mouse_position = Vec2d(0, 0)
                if event.EventType is irr.EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT:
                        event.KeyInput.Key] = event.KeyInput.PressedDown
                    if event.KeyInput.Key == irr.KEY_LEFT:
                        if event.KeyInput.PressedDown:
                            player_body.velocity = (-600, 0)
                            player_body.velocity = 0, 0
                    elif event.KeyInput.Key == irr.KEY_RIGHT:
                        if event.KeyInput.PressedDown:
                            player_body.velocity = (600, 0)
                            player_body.velocity = 0, 0
                    elif event.KeyInput.Key == irr.KEY_KEY_R:
                        setup_level(space, player_body)
                #~ elif event.EventType is irr.EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT:
                #~ if event.MouseInput.EventType == irr.EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN:
                #~ self.mouse_button_down = True
                #~ self.mouse_position.x = event.MouseInput.X
                #~ self.mouse_position.y = event.MouseInput.Y
                return False

            def IsKeyDown(self, keyCode):
                return self.KeyIsDown[keyCode]

        if not driver_type:
            driver_type = irr.EDT_SOFTWARE

        window_size = irr.dimension2du(width, height)
        device = irr.createDevice(driver_type, window_size, 16, full_screen,
                                  stencil_buffer, vsync)

        if device:
            device.setWindowCaption('pyMunk breakout game')
            video_driver = device.getVideoDriver()
            gui_environment = device.getGUIEnvironment()
            font = irr.CGUITTFont(
                gui_environment, os.environ['SYSTEMROOT'] + '/Fonts/arial.ttf',
            if not font:
                font = gui_environment.getBuiltInFont()

            space_drawer = SpaceDrawer(space, video_driver)

            i_event_receiver = UserIEventReceiver()
            color_white = irr.SColor(255, 255, 255, 255)
            color_darkgray = irr.SColor(255, 100, 100, 100)
            color_screen = irr.SColor(255, 0, 0, 0)
            ticks = 60
            dt = 1. / ticks
            while device.run():
                if device.isWindowActive():
                    if i_event_receiver.IsKeyDown(irr.KEY_ESCAPE):
                    elif i_event_receiver.IsKeyDown(irr.KEY_SPACE):
                        spawn_ball(space, player_body.position + (0, 40),
                                   random.choice([(1, 1), (-1, 1)]))

                    ### Clear screen
                    if video_driver.beginScene(True, True, color_screen):

                        ### Draw stuff

                        ### Info
                        font.draw("fps: %d" % video_driver.getFPS(),
                                  irr.recti(0, 0, 100, 20), color_white)
                            "Move with left/right arrows, space to spawn a ball",
                            irr.recti(5, height - 35, 300, 20), color_darkgray)
                        font.draw("Press R to reset, ESC or Q to quit",
                                  irr.recti(5, height - 20, 300, 20),


                    ### Update physics
                    if device.getTimer().getTime() > ticks:


コード例 #6
ファイル: pymunk_breakout.py プロジェクト: kenygia/pyirrlicht
def main():
	driver_type = 0
	full_screen = False
	stencil_buffer = False
	vsync = False
	run_app = True

	from video_choice_dialog import has_pywingui
	if has_pywingui:
		from video_choice_dialog import ChoiceDialog, IDOK, IDCANCEL
		dialog = ChoiceDialog()
		dialog.driver_type = driver_type
		dialog.full_screen = full_screen
		dialog.stencil_buffer = stencil_buffer
		dialog.vsync = vsync
		dialogResult = dialog.DoModal()
		if dialogResult == IDOK:
			driver_type = dialog.driver_type
			full_screen = dialog.full_screen
			stencil_buffer = dialog.stencil_buffer
			vsync = dialog.vsync
		elif dialogResult == IDCANCEL:
			run_app = False

	if run_app:
		global pymunk, irr, Vec2d, color_darkgray

		import math, random
		import os

		import pymunk
		from pymunk import Vec2d

		import pyirrlicht as irr

		### Physics stuff
		space = pymunk.Space()   

		### Game area
		# walls - the left-top-right walls
		static_lines = [pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (50, 50), (50, 550), 5)
					,pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (50, 550), (550, 550), 5)
					,pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (550, 550), (550, 50), 5)
		for line in static_lines:
			line.color = irr.SColor(255, 200, 200, 200)
			line.elasticity = 1.0


		# bottom - a sensor that removes anything touching it
		bottom = pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (50, 50), (550, 50), 5)
		bottom.sensor = True
		bottom.collision_type = 1
		bottom.color = irr.SColor(255,255,0,0)
		def remove_first(space, arbiter):
			first_shape = arbiter.shapes[0]
			space.add_post_step_callback(space.remove, first_shape, first_shape.body)
			return True
		space.add_collision_handler(0, 1, begin = remove_first)

		### Player ship
		player_body = pymunk.Body(500, pymunk.inf)
		player_shape = pymunk.Circle(player_body, 35)
		player_shape.color = irr.SColor(255,255,0,0)
		player_shape.elasticity = 1.0
		player_body.position = 300,100
		# restrict movement of player to a straigt line 
		move_joint = pymunk.GrooveJoint(space.static_body, player_body, (100,100), (500,100), (0,0))
		space.add(player_body, player_shape, move_joint)

		# Start game
		setup_level(space, player_body)

		### pyirrlicht init
		class UserIEventReceiver(irr.IEventReceiver):
			#~ mouse_button_down = False
			#~ mouse_position = Vec2d(0, 0)
			KeyIsDown = {}
			for key in range(irr.KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT):
				KeyIsDown[key] = False
			def OnEvent(self, evt):
				event = irr.SEvent(evt)
				self.mouse_button_down = False
				self.mouse_position = Vec2d(0, 0)
				if event.EventType is irr.EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT:
					self.KeyIsDown[event.KeyInput.Key] = event.KeyInput.PressedDown
					if event.KeyInput.Key == irr.KEY_LEFT:
						if event.KeyInput.PressedDown:
							player_body.velocity = (-600,0)
							player_body.velocity = 0,0
					elif event.KeyInput.Key == irr.KEY_RIGHT:
						if event.KeyInput.PressedDown:
							player_body.velocity = (600,0)
							player_body.velocity = 0,0
					elif event.KeyInput.Key == irr.KEY_KEY_R:
						setup_level(space, player_body)
				#~ elif event.EventType is irr.EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT:
					#~ if event.MouseInput.EventType == irr.EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN:
						#~ self.mouse_button_down = True
						#~ self.mouse_position.x = event.MouseInput.X
						#~ self.mouse_position.y = event.MouseInput.Y
				return False
			def IsKeyDown(self, keyCode):
				return self.KeyIsDown[keyCode]

		if not driver_type:
			driver_type = irr.EDT_SOFTWARE

		window_size = irr.dimension2du(width, height)
		device = irr.createDevice(driver_type, window_size, 16, full_screen, stencil_buffer, vsync)

		if device:
			device.setWindowCaption('pyMunk breakout game')
			video_driver = device.getVideoDriver()
			gui_environment = device.getGUIEnvironment()
			font = irr.CGUITTFont(gui_environment, os.environ['SYSTEMROOT']+'/Fonts/arial.ttf', 16)
			if not font:
				font = gui_environment.getBuiltInFont()

			space_drawer = SpaceDrawer(space, video_driver)

			i_event_receiver = UserIEventReceiver()
			color_white = irr.SColor(255, 255, 255, 255)
			color_darkgray = irr.SColor(255, 100, 100, 100)
			color_screen = irr.SColor(255, 0, 0, 0)
			ticks = 60
			dt = 1./ticks
			while device.run():
				if device.isWindowActive():
					if i_event_receiver.IsKeyDown(irr.KEY_ESCAPE):
					elif i_event_receiver.IsKeyDown(irr.KEY_SPACE):
						spawn_ball(space, player_body.position + (0,40), random.choice([(1,1),(-1,1)]))

					### Clear screen
					if video_driver.beginScene(True, True, color_screen):

						### Draw stuff

						### Info
						font.draw("fps: %d" % video_driver.getFPS(), irr.recti(0, 0, 100, 20), color_white)
						font.draw("Move with left/right arrows, space to spawn a ball", irr.recti(5, height - 35, 300, 20), color_darkgray)
						font.draw("Press R to reset, ESC or Q to quit", irr.recti(5, height - 20, 300, 20), color_darkgray)


					### Update physics
					if device.getTimer().getTime() > ticks:

