def select_footage(footage, display_mode): url = url_dict[display_mode][footage] # Find desired footage return [ rpd.my_Player(id='video-display', url=url, width='100%', height='50vh', controls=True, playing=False, seekTo=0, volume=1) ]
'borderWidth': '10px', 'borderStyle': 'solid', 'borderRadius': '20px', 'textAlign': 'center', 'margin': 'left', }), # html.H2(id = 'time_counter', # children='''NO TIME YET''', # style={ # 'textAlign': 'center' # }), html.Div(children=rpd.my_Player( id = 'video_player', url = '', width = 900, height = 720, controls = True, playing = False, seekTo = 0, volume = 1 ), style={'textAlign': 'center', 'margin': 'auto'} ), dcc.Slider(id = 'time-slider', value=0, min=0, max=120, step=0.00001, marks={0: 'Start', 120: 'End'}), ]) @app.callback( ##Graph 1
html.Img( src= "" ) ], className="banner"), # Body html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.Div( [rpd.my_Player()], id='div-video-player', style={ 'color': 'rgb(255, 255, 255)', 'margin-bottom': '-30px' }), html.Div( [ "Minimum Confidence Threshold:", dcc.Slider( min=20, max=80, marks={ i: f'{i}%' for i in range(20, 81, 10) },
'value': s } for s in data_dict.keys()], value=[], multi=True), dcc.Slider(id='time-slider', value=0, min=-10, max=20, step=0.00001, labels={ -10: 'start', 20: 'end' }), rpd.my_Player(id='video_player', url='', width=900, height=720, controls=True, playing=True), html.Div(children=html.Div(id='graphs'), className='row'), #Conatins all of the Graphs dcc.Interval( #Updates graphs determind in ms by interval var id='graph-update', interval=100), ], className="container", style={ 'width': '98%', 'margin-left': 10, 'margin-right': 10, 'max-width': 50000 })