def login_menu(): """ Login Menu - Create Account / Log In / Quit """ while True: view.print_login_menu() choice = view.login_menu_prompt().strip() if choice not in ("1", "2", "3"): """ bad input """ view.bad_login_input() return login_menu() elif choice == "3": """ 3. Quit """ view.goodbye() return None # return None for quit elif choice == "1": """ 1. Create Account """ create_account() elif choice == "2": """ 2. Log In """ account = view.login_account_num() pin = view.login_pin() account_data = model.login(account, pin) if account_data != None: return main_menu(account_data) else: view.bad_account_login()
def main(): greetings() """ Load configurations for the game """ # create and load dictionary of points if not os.path.isfile(WORDSDICT): create_dict() try: wordPoints = load_dict() except: return "Could not load the dictionary." try: lettersGame = create_list_letters() except: return "Could not create list of letters." """ set game variables """ piecesLeft = len(lettersGame) numberOfPiecesHand = 5 lettersDict = LETTERS lettersPC = "" pointsPC = 0 wordsPC = [] lettersHuman = "" pointsHuman = 0 wordsHuman = [] """ Game Loop """ while piecesLeft >= 2 * numberOfPiecesHand: # computer's turn print("\n--> Computer's Turn:") points, word, lettersPC, lettersDict = computerTurn( wordPoints, lettersGame, numberOfPiecesHand, lettersDict, lettersPC ) pointsPC += points wordsPC.append(word) printStatus(word, str(points), str(pointsPC)) # human's turn print("\n--> Your Turn:") points, word, lettersHuman, lettersDict = humanTurn( wordPoints, lettersGame, numberOfPiecesHand, lettersDict, lettersHuman ) pointsHuman += points wordsHuman.append(word) printStatus(word, str(points), str(pointsHuman)) break """ Game Finalization """ goodbye(str(pointsHuman), str(pointsPC), wordsHuman, wordsPC)
def homepage(): while True: view.show_homepage() selection = view.get_input() if selection != '1' and selection != '2' and selection != '3': view.bad_selection() elif selection == '1': customer = get_user_info() if customer[2] != customer[3]: view.no_pin_match() else: new_customer = model.create_account(customer) logged_in_homepage(new_customer) return elif selection == '2': name = view.login_name() pin = view.login_pin() if model.login_user(name, pin): customer = model.login_user(name, pin) logged_in_homepage(customer) return else: view.invalid_login() pass elif selection == '3': view.goodbye() return
def logged_in_homepage(primary_key): while True: customer = model.get_customer(primary_key) view.logged_in_homepage(customer) selection = view.get_input() if selection != '1' and selection != '2' and selection != '3' and selection != '4': view.bad_selection() elif selection == '1': funds_requested = view.withdraw_funds() if funds_requested.isdigit() and int( customer[0][3]) >= int(funds_requested): model.update_funds(customer, funds_requested, "W") else: view.insufficient_funds() elif selection == '2': funds_to_deposit = view.deposit_funds() if funds_to_deposit.isdigit(): model.update_funds(customer, funds_to_deposit, "D") continue else: view.invalid_amount() elif selection == '3': view.goodbye() homepage() return
def main(): greetings() """ Load configurations for the game """ # create and load dictionary of points if not os.path.isfile(WORDSDICT): create_dict() try: wordPoints = load_dict() except: return "Could not load the dictionary." try: lettersGame = create_list_letters() except: return "Could not create list of letters." """ set game variables """ piecesLeft = len(lettersGame) numberOfPiecesHand = 5 lettersDict = LETTERS lettersPC = "" pointsPC = 0 wordsPC = [] lettersHuman = "" pointsHuman = 0 wordsHuman = [] """ Game Loop """ while piecesLeft >= 2 * numberOfPiecesHand: # computer's turn print("\n--> Computer's Turn:") points, word, lettersPC, lettersDict = computerTurn(wordPoints, lettersGame, \ numberOfPiecesHand, lettersDict, lettersPC) pointsPC += points wordsPC.append(word) printStatus(word, str(points), str(pointsPC)) # human's turn print("\n--> Your Turn:") points, word, lettersHuman, lettersDict = humanTurn(wordPoints, lettersGame, \ numberOfPiecesHand, lettersDict, lettersHuman) pointsHuman += points wordsHuman.append(word) printStatus(word, str(points), str(pointsHuman)) break """ Game Finalization """ goodbye(str(pointsHuman), str(pointsPC), wordsHuman, wordsPC)
def login_terminal(): view.input_terminal() options_menu = input() while options_menu not in ["1", "2", "3", 1, 2, 3]: view.invalid_input() return login_terminal() if options_menu == "1" or options_menu == 1: create_account() view.create_confirm() return login_terminal() if options_menu == "2" or options_menu == 2: login() if options_menu == "3" or options_menu == 3: view.goodbye() quit()
def welcome_menu(): while True: selection = view.welcome_screen() if selection not in ["1", "2", "3"]: view.improper_selection() continue if selection == '1': username = view.get_username() balance = view.add_balance() password = view.get_password() confirm_password = view.confirm_password() if password != confirm_password: view.improper_password() continue if not balance.isdigit() or int(balance) < 0: view.improper_balance() account = Accounts(username=username, balance=balance) account.set_password(password) account.generate_api_key() logged_in_homepage(account) return elif selection == '2': username = view.get_username() password = view.get_password() logged_in_account = Accounts.login(username=username, password=password) if logged_in_account: logged_in_homepage(logged_in_account) return else: print("Invalid Credentials") continue elif selection == '3': view.goodbye() return
def run(): if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "--cheat": cheat = True else: cheat = False # generate computer's board size = view.ask_boardsize() board = ComputerBoard(size, size) while board.count_symbol('S') < NUMSHIPS: board.random_ship() while not board.no_ships(): if cheat: print(board) else: view.show_board(board) x, y = view.get_attack_coords(board) if board.attack(x, y): view.hit() else: view.miss() view.goodbye()
def login_menu(): while True: view.print_login_menu() choice = view.login_menu_prompt().strip() if choice not in ("1", "2", "3"): view.bad_login_input() return login_menu() elif choice == "3": view.goodbye() return None # return None for quit elif choice == "1": create_account() """ TODO: prompt for firstname, lastname, and pin, and confirm pin create the account and then tell the user what their new account number is """ elif choice == "2": """ TODO: prompt functions to ask for account and PIN, use try, except to check for bad login """ account = view.login_account_num() pin = view.login_pin() account_data = model.login(account, pin) return main_menu(account_data)
def logged_in_homepage(customer): while True: view.logged_in_homepage(customer) selection = view.get_input() if selection != '1' and selection != '2' and selection != '3' and selection != '4': view.bad_selection() elif selection == '1': funds_requested = view.withdraw_funds() if funds_requested.isdigit() and int( customer["Balance"]) >= int(funds_requested): model.withdraw_funds(customer, funds_requested) else: view.insufficient_funds() elif selection == '2': funds_to_deposit = view.deposit_funds() if funds_to_deposit.isdigit(): model.deposit_funds(customer, funds_to_deposit) else: view.invalid_amount() elif selection == '3': view.goodbye() homepage() return
def login_menu(user_login): if user_login.type == "ADMIN": view.login_menu_admin(user_login) login_input = input() while login_input not in [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11" ]: view.invalid_input() login_input = input() if login_input == "1": view.check_balance(user_login) return login_menu(user_login) if login_input == "2": all_positions = user_login.getpositions() view.check_all_positions(user_login) model.print_gettrades(all_positions) return login_menu(user_login) if login_input == "3": view.ticker_query() ticker = input().upper() price = model.apiget(ticker) while price == None: print("Not a valid ticker!") view.ticker_query() ticker = input().upper() price = model.apiget(ticker) view.ticker_check_price(ticker, price) return login_menu(user_login) if login_input == "4": buy(user_login) if login_input == "5": sell(user_login) if login_input == "6": all_trades = user_login.gettrades() view.see_all_trades(user_login) model.print_gettrades(all_trades) return login_menu(user_login) if login_input == "7": view.goodbye() return login_terminal() if login_input == "8": view.goodbye() quit() if login_input == "9": view.set_funds_amount() amt_of_funds = input() user_login.set_balance(amt_of_funds) return login_menu(user_login) if login_input == "10": view.see_all_accounts_one() all_accounts = user_login.get_all_accounts() model.print_all_accounts(all_accounts) return login_menu(user_login) if login_input == "11": print(model.return_top_headlines_content("author")) return login_menu(user_login) else: view.login_menu_user(user_login) login_input = input() while login_input not in ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]: view.invalid_input() login_input = input() if login_input == "1": view.check_balance(user_login) return login_menu(user_login) if login_input == "2": all_positions = user_login.getpositions() print(all_positions) view.check_all_positions(user_login) model.print_gettrades(all_positions) return login_menu(user_login) if login_input == "3": view.ticker_query() ticker = input().upper() price = model.apiget(ticker) while price == None: print("Not a valid ticker!") view.ticker_query() ticker = input().upper() price = model.apiget(ticker) view.ticker_check_price(ticker, price) return login_menu(user_login) if login_input == "4": buy(user_login) if login_input == "5": sell(user_login) if login_input == "6": all_trades = user_login.gettrades() view.see_all_trades(user_login) model.print_gettrades(all_trades) return login_menu(user_login) if login_input == "7": view.goodbye() return login_terminal() if login_input == "8": view.goodbye() quit() if login_input == "9": view.deposit_amount() try: deposit_amount = int(input()) except ValueError: view.invalid_input() return login_menu(user_login) while deposit_amount < 0: view.invalid_input deposit_amount = input() user_login.deposit_funds(deposit_amount) view.depsosit_successful() return login_menu(user_login)
def run(): """ Main flow of the program. """ view.welcome_message() login_terminal() view.goodbye() quit()