コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: timoMa/skneuro
def placePointsInVolumen(points, shape):
    volumen = numpy.zeros(shape)
    points = numpy.maximum(points, numpy.array((0, 0, 0)))
    points = numpy.minimum(points, numpy.array(shape) - 1)
    for point in (numpy.floor(points)).astype(int):
        volumen[point[0], point[1], point[2]] = 1
    return volumen
コード例 #2
def placePointsInVolumen(points, shape):
    volumen = numpy.zeros(shape)
    points = numpy.maximum(points, numpy.array((0, 0, 0)))
    points = numpy.minimum(points, numpy.array(shape) - 1)
    for point in (numpy.floor(points)).astype(int):
        volumen[point[0], point[1], point[2]] = 1
    return volumen
コード例 #3
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: timoMa/skneuro
def pmapWatershed(pmap, raw, visu=True, seedThreshold=0.6):

    viewGrayData = [(pmap, "pmap") ]
    viewLabelData= []

    print "densoise"

    pmapD = denoise.tvBregman(pmap, weight=4.5, isotropic=True).astype(numpy.float32)
    pmapG = vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(pmap, 1.0)

    viewGrayData.append((pmapG, "pmapGauss"))
    viewGrayData.append((pmapD, "pmapTotalVariation"))
    viewGrayData.append((raw, "raw"))

    #addHocViewer(viewGrayData, viewLabelData, visu=visu)

    print "compute local minima "

    localMin = vigra.analysis.extendedLocalMinima3D(pmapD,neighborhood=26)
    localMin2 = localMin.astype(numpy.float32)

    print "tweak min"
    localMin2 *= pmap

    whereZero = numpy.where(localMin == 0)
    localMin2[whereZero] = 100.0

    whereMin = numpy.where(localMin2 <= seedThreshold)

    filteredLocalMin = numpy.zeros(localMin.shape, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    filteredLocalMin[whereMin] = 1


    # compute connected components
    seeds = vigra.analysis.labelVolumeWithBackground(filteredLocalMin, neighborhood=26)

    viewLabelData.append([seeds, "seeds"])

    print "watersheds"
    seg, nseg = vigra.analysis.watersheds(pmapG.astype(numpy.float32), seeds=seeds.astype(numpy.uint32))

    print "nseg",nseg

    viewLabelData.append([seg, "seg"])
    addHocViewer(viewGrayData, viewLabelData, visu=visu)

    return se
コード例 #4
def pmapWatershed(pmap, raw, visu=True, seedThreshold=0.6):

    viewGrayData = [(pmap, "pmap")]
    viewLabelData = []

    print "densoise"

    pmapD = denoise.tvBregman(pmap, weight=4.5,
    pmapG = vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(pmap, 1.0)

    viewGrayData.append((pmapG, "pmapGauss"))
    viewGrayData.append((pmapD, "pmapTotalVariation"))
    viewGrayData.append((raw, "raw"))

    #addHocViewer(viewGrayData, viewLabelData, visu=visu)

    print "compute local minima "

    localMin = vigra.analysis.extendedLocalMinima3D(pmapD, neighborhood=26)
    localMin2 = localMin.astype(numpy.float32)

    print "tweak min"
    localMin2 *= pmap

    whereZero = numpy.where(localMin == 0)
    localMin2[whereZero] = 100.0

    whereMin = numpy.where(localMin2 <= seedThreshold)

    filteredLocalMin = numpy.zeros(localMin.shape, dtype=numpy.uint8)
    filteredLocalMin[whereMin] = 1

    viewGrayData.append([localMin, "localMin"])
    viewGrayData.append([filteredLocalMin, "filteredLocalMin"])

    # compute connected components
    seeds = vigra.analysis.labelVolumeWithBackground(filteredLocalMin,

    viewLabelData.append([seeds, "seeds"])

    print "watersheds"
    seg, nseg = vigra.analysis.watersheds(pmapG.astype(numpy.float32),

    print "nseg", nseg

    viewLabelData.append([seg, "seg"])
    addHocViewer(viewGrayData, viewLabelData, visu=visu)

    return se
コード例 #5
    def addSample(self, f1, f2, label, pluginManager):
        # if self.labels == []:
        # else:
        #    self.labels = np.concatenate((np.array(self.labels),label)) # for adding batches of features
        features = self.constructSampleFeatureVector(f1, f2, pluginManager)

        if self._numSamples is None:
            # use vstack
            if self.mydata is None:
                self.mydata = features
                self.mydata = np.vstack((self.mydata, features))
            # allocate full array once, then fill in row by row
            if self.mydata is None:
                self.mydata = np.zeros((self._numSamples, features.shape[0]))

            assert(self._nextIdx < self._numSamples)
            self.mydata[self._nextIdx, :] = features
            self._nextIdx += 1
コード例 #6
    def addSample(self, f1, f2, label, pluginManager):
        # if self.labels == []:
        # else:
        #    self.labels = np.concatenate((np.array(self.labels),label)) # for adding batches of features
        features = self.constructSampleFeatureVector(f1, f2, pluginManager)

        if self._numSamples is None:
            # use vstack
            if self.mydata is None:
                self.mydata = features
                self.mydata = np.vstack((self.mydata, features))
            # allocate full array once, then fill in row by row
            if self.mydata is None:
                self.mydata = np.zeros((self._numSamples, features.shape[0]))

            assert(self._nextIdx < self._numSamples)
            self.mydata[self._nextIdx, :] = features
            self._nextIdx += 1
コード例 #7
def agglomerative_clustering_2d(img, labels, use_gradient = False):
	labels = vigra.analysis.labelImage(labels)
	imgBig = vigra.resize(img, [img.shape[0]*2-1, img.shape[1]*2-1])
	if use_gradient:
		# compute the gradient on interpolated image
		sigmaGradMag = 2.0
		gradMag = vigra.filters.gaussianGradientMagnitude(imgBig, sigmaGradMag)

	# get 2D grid graph and edgeMap for grid graph
	# from gradMag of interpolated image or from plain image (depending on use_gradient)
	gridGraph = vigra.graphs.gridGraph(img.shape[0:2])
	gridGraphEdgeIndicator = []
	if use_gradient:
		gridGraphEdgeIndicator = vigra.graphs.edgeFeaturesFromInterpolatedImage(gridGraph, gradMag)
		gridGraphEdgeIndicator = vigra.graphs.edgeFeaturesFromInterpolatedImage(gridGraph, imgBig)

	# get region adjacency graph from super-pixel labels
	rag = vigra.graphs.regionAdjacencyGraph(gridGraph, labels)

	# accumalate edge weights from gradient magintude
	edgeWeights = rag.accumulateEdgeFeatures(gridGraphEdgeIndicator)

	# agglomerative clustering
	beta = 0.5
	nodeNumStop = 20
	clustering = vigra.graphs.agglomerativeClustering(graph = rag, edgeWeights = edgeWeights,
					beta = beta, nodeNumStop = nodeNumStop)
	res = np.zeros( labels.shape )

	for c in range(len(clustering)):
		res[ np.where( labels== (c-1) ) ] = clustering[c]

	res = vigra.Image(res)
	res = vigra.analysis.labelImage(res)

	return res
コード例 #8
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: timoMa/skneuro
def computeGlobalFeatures(pmap,

    f = h5py.File(pmap, 'r')
    raw = f[dsetName][0:300, 0:300, 300:400, 0]
    pMito = f[dsetName][0:300, 0:300, 300:400, membraneIndex].astype('float32')
    pMito -= pMito.min()
    pMito /= pMito.max()

    bMito = numpy.zeros(pMito.shape, dtype='uint8')
    bMito[pMito > 0.9] = 1

    sdt = vigra.filters.signedDistanceTransform(bMito)

    grayData = [(raw, "raw"), (pMito, "pMito"), (bMito, "bMito"), (sdt, "sdt")]
    segData = [
        #(labels, "labels")
    skneuro.addHocViewer(grayData, segData, visu=visu)
コード例 #9
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: timoMa/skneuro
def computeGlobalFeatures(pmap, mitoIndex, membraneIndex, visu=True, dsetName='data'):

    f = h5py.File(pmap,'r')
    raw = f[dsetName][0:300,0:300,300:400,0]
    pMito = f[dsetName][0:300,0:300,300:400,membraneIndex].astype('float32')

    bMito = numpy.zeros(pMito.shape, dtype='uint8')
    bMito[pMito>0.9] = 1

    sdt = vigra.filters.signedDistanceTransform(bMito)

    grayData = [
    segData  = [
        #(labels, "labels")
    skneuro.addHocViewer(grayData, segData,visu=visu)
コード例 #10
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: timoMa/skneuro
def getLargeSeeds(raw, pmap, membraneWidth , threshold , rank, visu=False):

    with  vigra.Timer("ballRankOrderFilter"):
        # make mebrane wider with ballRankOrderFilter
        r = int(membraneWidth*0.35 + 0.5)
        r = max(r, 1)
        widerPmap1 = denoise.ballRankOrderFilter(pmap, radius=r, rank=rank)
        widerPmap = denoise.ballRankOrderFilter(widerPmap1, radius=r, rank=rank)
        widerPmap1 = None

    with  vigra.Timer("normalize"):
        # renormalize
        widerPmap -= widerPmap.min()
        widerPmap /= widerPmap.max()

    with  vigra.Timer("binarize"):
        # binarize
        binaryPmap = numpy.zeros(widerPmap.shape, dtype='uint8')
        binaryPmap[pmap>threshold] = 1
        #widerPmap = None  # save mem
        if visu == False:
            widerPmap = None

    with  vigra.Timer("multiBinaryDilation"):
        # morphology
        # 1) make membrane wider by  r
        r = int(membraneWidth*1.2 + 0.5)
        r = max(r, 2)
        mBinaryPmapA = vigra.filters.multiBinaryDilation(binaryPmap,r)
        #binaryPmap = None  # save mem
        if visu == False:
            binaryPmap = None

    #with  vigra.Timer("multiBinaryErosion"):
    #    # morphology
    #    # 1) make membrane smaller by  r
    #    r = int(membraneWidth*0.1 + 0.5)
    #    r = max(r, 1)
    #    mBinaryPmapB = vigra.filters.multiBinaryErosion(mBinaryPmapA,r)
    #    if visu == False:
    #        mBinaryPmapA = None

    with  vigra.Timer("labelVolumeWithBackground"):
        # get seeds
        invertedBinaryPmap = 1- mBinaryPmapA
        if visu == False:
            mBinaryPmapB = None

        invertedBinaryPmap = numpy.require(invertedBinaryPmap, dtype='uint32')
        ccImg = vigra.analysis.labelVolumeWithBackground(invertedBinaryPmap)

        if visu == False:
            invertedBinaryPmap = None

    if visu:
        grayData = [
            (raw, "raw"),
        segData  = [
            (ccImg, "seeds"),
            #(seg, "seg")
        skneuro.addHocViewer(grayData, segData)

    return ccImg
コード例 #11
    # add all internal links of tracklets
    for v in uuidToTraxelMap.values():
        prev = None
        for timestepIdTuple in v:
            if prev is not None:
                links.append((prev, timestepIdTuple))
            prev = timestepIdTuple

    # group by timestep
    timesteps = [t for t in traxelIdPerTimestepToUniqueIdMap.keys()]
    linksPerTimestep = dict([(t, [(a[1], b[1]) for a, b in links
                                  if b[0] == int(t)]) for t in timesteps])
    assert (len(linksPerTimestep['0']) == 0)

    # create output array
    resultVolume = np.zeros((len(timesteps), ) + shape, dtype='uint32')
    print("resulting volume shape: {}".format(resultVolume.shape))
    progressBar = ProgressBar(stop=len(timesteps))

    # iterate over timesteps and label tracks from front to back in a distinct color
    nextUnusedColor = 1
    lastFrameColorMap = {}
    lastFrameLabelImage = getLabelImageForFrame(args.labelImageFilename,
                                                args.labelImagePath, 0, shape)
    for t in range(1, len(timesteps)):
        thisFrameColorMap = {}
        thisFrameLabelImage = getLabelImageForFrame(args.labelImageFilename,
                                                    args.labelImagePath, t,
コード例 #12
def getLargeSeeds(raw, pmap, membraneWidth, threshold, rank, visu=False):

    with vigra.Timer("ballRankOrderFilter"):
        # make mebrane wider with ballRankOrderFilter
        r = int(membraneWidth * 0.35 + 0.5)
        r = max(r, 1)
        widerPmap1 = denoise.ballRankOrderFilter(pmap, radius=r, rank=rank)
        widerPmap = denoise.ballRankOrderFilter(widerPmap1,
        widerPmap1 = None

    with vigra.Timer("normalize"):
        # renormalize
        widerPmap -= widerPmap.min()
        widerPmap /= widerPmap.max()

    with vigra.Timer("binarize"):
        # binarize
        binaryPmap = numpy.zeros(widerPmap.shape, dtype='uint8')
        binaryPmap[pmap > threshold] = 1
        #widerPmap = None  # save mem
        if visu == False:
            widerPmap = None

    with vigra.Timer("multiBinaryDilation"):
        # morphology
        # 1) make membrane wider by  r
        r = int(membraneWidth * 1.2 + 0.5)
        r = max(r, 2)
        mBinaryPmapA = vigra.filters.multiBinaryDilation(binaryPmap, r)
        #binaryPmap = None  # save mem
        if visu == False:
            binaryPmap = None

    #with  vigra.Timer("multiBinaryErosion"):
    #    # morphology
    #    # 1) make membrane smaller by  r
    #    r = int(membraneWidth*0.1 + 0.5)
    #    r = max(r, 1)
    #    mBinaryPmapB = vigra.filters.multiBinaryErosion(mBinaryPmapA,r)
    #    if visu == False:
    #        mBinaryPmapA = None

    with vigra.Timer("labelVolumeWithBackground"):
        # get seeds
        invertedBinaryPmap = 1 - mBinaryPmapA
        if visu == False:
            mBinaryPmapB = None

        invertedBinaryPmap = numpy.require(invertedBinaryPmap, dtype='uint32')
        ccImg = vigra.analysis.labelVolumeWithBackground(invertedBinaryPmap)

        if visu == False:
            invertedBinaryPmap = None

    if visu:
        grayData = [
            (raw, "raw"),
            (pmap, "pmap"),
            (widerPmap, "widerPmap"),
            (binaryPmap, "binaryPmap"),
            (mBinaryPmapA, "mBinaryPmapA"),
        segData = [
            (ccImg, "seeds"),
            #(seg, "seg")
        skneuro.addHocViewer(grayData, segData)

    return ccImg
コード例 #13
    for v in uuidToTraxelMap.values():
        prev = None
        for timestepIdTuple in v:
            if prev is not None:
                links.append((prev, timestepIdTuple))
            prev = timestepIdTuple

    # group by timestep
    # timesteps = [t for t in traxelIdPerTimestepToUniqueIdMap.keys()]
    # there might be empty frames. We want them as output too.
    timesteps = [str(t).decode("utf-8") for t in range(int(min(traxelIdPerTimestepToUniqueIdMap.keys())) , int(max(traxelIdPerTimestepToUniqueIdMap.keys()))+1 )]
    linksPerTimestep = dict([(t, [(a[1], b[1]) for a, b in links if b[0] == int(t)]) for t in timesteps])
    assert(len(linksPerTimestep['0']) == 0)

    # create output array
    resultVolume = np.zeros((len(timesteps),) + shape, dtype='uint32')
    print("resulting volume shape: {}".format(resultVolume.shape))
    progressBar = ProgressBar(stop=len(timesteps))

    # iterate over timesteps and label tracks from front to back in a distinct color
    nextUnusedColor = 1
    lastFrameColorMap = {}
    lastFrameLabelImage = getLabelImageForFrame(args.labelImageFilename, args.labelImagePath, 0, shape)
    for t in range(1,len(timesteps)):
        thisFrameColorMap = {}
        thisFrameLabelImage = getLabelImageForFrame(args.labelImageFilename, args.labelImagePath, t, shape)
        for a, b in linksPerTimestep[str(t)]:
            # propagate color if possible, otherwise assign a new one
            if a in lastFrameColorMap:
コード例 #14
    if args.overwrite_channel is not None:
        threshold_channel = args.overwrite_channel
        print("Using user-provided channel: {}".format(threshold_channel))
        print("Using channel from project-file: {}".format(threshold_channel))

    print("Found PredictionMaps of shape {} (txyzc), using channel {}".format(
        predictionMaps.shape, threshold_channel))

    progressBar = ProgressBar(stop=shape[0])

    with h5py.File(args.out, 'w') as h5file:
        if args.single_volume:
            # loop over timesteps
            fullLabelImage = np.zeros(
                [shape[0], shape[3], shape[2], shape[1], 1], dtype='uint32')
            for t in range(shape[0]):
                # smooth, threshold, and size filter from prediction map
                framePrediction = predictionMaps[t, ...,
                assert ndim == len(framePrediction.shape)

                smoothedFramePrediction = vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(
                    framePrediction.astype('float32'), threshold_sigmas[:ndim])
                foreground = np.zeros(smoothedFramePrediction.shape,
                foreground[smoothedFramePrediction > threshold_level] = 1

                if ndim == 2:
                    labelImage = vigra.analysis.labelImageWithBackground(
コード例 #15
        threshold_channel = args.overwrite_channel
        print("Using user-provided channel: {}".format(threshold_channel))
        print("Using channel from project-file: {}".format(threshold_channel))

    print("Found PredictionMaps of shape {} (txyzc), using channel {}".format(

    progressBar = ProgressBar(stop=shape[0])

    with h5py.File(args.out, 'w') as h5file:
        if args.single_volume:
            # loop over timesteps
            fullLabelImage = np.zeros([shape[0], shape[3], shape[2], shape[1], 1], dtype='uint32')
            for t in range(shape[0]):
                # smooth, threshold, and size filter from prediction map
                framePrediction = predictionMaps[t, ..., threshold_channel].squeeze()
                assert ndim == len(framePrediction.shape)

                smoothedFramePrediction = vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(framePrediction.astype('float32'), threshold_sigmas[:ndim])
                foreground = np.zeros(smoothedFramePrediction.shape, dtype='uint32')
                foreground[smoothedFramePrediction > threshold_level] = 1

                if ndim == 2:
                    labelImage = vigra.analysis.labelImageWithBackground(foreground)
                    labelImage = vigra.analysis.labelVolumeWithBackground(foreground)

                # filter too small / too large objects out