コード例 #1
 def test_three_vertical(self):
     feature = HaarLikeFeature(FeatureType.THREE_VERTICAL, (0, 0), 24, 24, 100000, 1)
     left_area = ii.sum_region(self.int_img, (0, 0), (24, 8))
     middle_area = ii.sum_region(self.int_img, (0, 8), (24, 16))
     right_area = ii.sum_region(self.int_img, (0, 16), (24, 24))
     expected = 1 if feature.threshold * feature.polarity > left_area - middle_area + right_area else 0
     assert feature.get_vote(self.int_img) == expected
コード例 #2
 def test_three_horizontal(self):
     feature = HaarLikeFeature(FeatureType.THREE_HORIZONTAL, (0, 0), 24, 24, 100000, 1)
     left_area = ii.sum_region(self.int_img, (0, 0), (8, 24))
     middle_area = ii.sum_region(self.int_img, (8, 0), (16, 24))
     right_area = ii.sum_region(self.int_img, (16, 0), (24, 24))
     expected = 1 if feature.threshold * feature.polarity > left_area - middle_area + right_area else 0
     assert feature.get_vote(self.int_img) == expected
コード例 #3
 def test_four(self):
     feature = HaarLikeFeature(FeatureType.THREE_HORIZONTAL, (0, 0), 24, 24, 100000, 1)
     top_left_area = ii.sum_region(self.int_img, (0, 0), (12, 12))
     top_right_area = ii.sum_region(self.int_img, (12, 0), (24, 12))
     bottom_left_area = ii.sum_region(self.int_img, (0, 12), (12, 24))
     bottom_right_area = ii.sum_region(self.int_img, (12, 12), (24, 24))
     expected = 1 if feature.threshold * feature.polarity > top_left_area - top_right_area - bottom_left_area + bottom_right_area else 0
     assert feature.get_vote(self.int_img) == expected
コード例 #4
 def detect(self, frame):
     ''' Given grayscale-frame return [bounding-box], where bounding-box is ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) '''
     iimage = IImg.get_integral_image(frame)
     frameWidth = frame.shape[1]
     frameHeight = frame.shape[0]
     rects = utils.detect_faces_non_max_supp(iimage, frameWidth,
     rects = utils.non_max_supp(rects)
     return rects
コード例 #5
 def get_score(self, int_img):
     Get score for given integral image array.
     :param int_img: Integral image array
     :type int_img: numpy.ndarray
     :return: Score for given feature
     :rtype: float
     score = 0
     if self.type == FeatureType.TWO_VERTICAL:
         first = ii.sum_region(int_img, self.top_left,
                               (self.top_left[0] + self.width,
                                int(self.top_left[1] + self.height / 2)))
         second = ii.sum_region(
             (self.top_left[0], int(self.top_left[1] + self.height / 2)),
         score = first - second
     elif self.type == FeatureType.TWO_HORIZONTAL:
         first = ii.sum_region(int_img, self.top_left,
                               (int(self.top_left[0] + self.width / 2),
                                self.top_left[1] + self.height))
         second = ii.sum_region(
             (int(self.top_left[0] + self.width / 2), self.top_left[1]),
         score = first - second
     elif self.type == FeatureType.THREE_HORIZONTAL:
         first = ii.sum_region(int_img, self.top_left,
                               (int(self.top_left[0] + self.width / 3),
                                self.top_left[1] + self.height))
         second = ii.sum_region(
             (int(self.top_left[0] + self.width / 3), self.top_left[1]),
             (int(self.top_left[0] + 2 * self.width / 3),
              self.top_left[1] + self.height))
         third = ii.sum_region(
             (int(self.top_left[0] + 2 * self.width / 3), self.top_left[1]),
         score = first - second + third
     elif self.type == FeatureType.THREE_VERTICAL:
         first = ii.sum_region(int_img, self.top_left,
                                int(self.top_left[1] + self.height / 3)))
         second = ii.sum_region(
             (self.top_left[0], int(self.top_left[1] + self.height / 3)),
              int(self.top_left[1] + 2 * self.height / 3)))
         third = ii.sum_region(
             int_img, (self.top_left[0],
                       int(self.top_left[1] + 2 * self.height / 3)),
         score = first - second + third
     elif self.type == FeatureType.FOUR:
         # top left area
         first = ii.sum_region(int_img, self.top_left,
                               (int(self.top_left[0] + self.width / 2),
                                int(self.top_left[1] + self.height / 2)))
         # top right area
         second = ii.sum_region(
             (int(self.top_left[0] + self.width / 2), self.top_left[1]),
              int(self.top_left[1] + self.height / 2)))
         # bottom left area
         third = ii.sum_region(
             (self.top_left[0], int(self.top_left[1] + self.height / 2)),
             (int(self.top_left[0] + self.width / 2), self.bottom_right[1]))
         # bottom right area
         fourth = ii.sum_region(int_img,
                                (int(self.top_left[0] + self.width / 2),
                                 int(self.top_left[1] + self.height / 2)),
         score = first - second - third + fourth
     return score
コード例 #6
 def test_two_vertical_fail(self):
     feature = HaarLikeFeature(FeatureType.TWO_VERTICAL, (0, 0), 24, 24, 100000, 1)
     left_area = ii.sum_region(self.int_img, (0, 0), (24, 12))
     right_area = ii.sum_region(self.int_img, (0, 12), (24, 24))
     expected = 1 if feature.threshold * -1 > left_area - right_area else 0
     assert feature.get_vote(self.int_img) != expected
コード例 #7
 def setUp(self):
     img_arr = np.array(Image.open('../trainingdata/faces/faces0001.png'), dtype=np.float64)
     self.int_img = ii.to_integral_image(img_arr)
コード例 #8
 def test_area_sum(self):
     assert ii.sum_region(self.int_img, (0, 0), (1, 1)) == self.orig_img[0, 0]
     assert ii.sum_region(self.int_img, (0, 0), (-1, -1)) == np.sum(self.orig_img)
コード例 #9
      str((float(correctFacesCount) / len(facesTesting)) * 100) +
      '%)\nNon Faces: ' + str(correctNonFacesCount) + '/' +
      str(len(nonFacesTesting)) + '  (' +
      str((float(correctNonFacesCount) / len(nonFacesTesting)) * 100) + '%)')

img = cv2.imread('./ViolaJones/test1.jpg')
# frame = cv2.resize(img, (360, 360), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
frame = np.copy(img)
frameGrayScale = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# frameGrayScale = frameGrayScale.astype('uint8')
print("max: ", np.max(frameGrayScale))
print("min: ", np.min(frameGrayScale))
# mean = frameGrayScale.mean()
# std = frameGrayScale.std()
# normalized_img = (frameGrayScale - mean)/std
iimage = IImg.get_integral_image(frameGrayScale)
frameWidth = frameGrayScale.shape[1]
frameHeight = frameGrayScale.shape[0]
rects = utils.detect_faces_non_max_supp(iimage, frameWidth, frameHeight,
modifiedImage = np.copy(frame)
print("rects before non max suppression: ", len(rects))
new_rects = utils.non_max_supp(rects)
print("rects after non max suppression: ", len(new_rects))
for rect in new_rects:
    modifiedImage = cv2.rectangle(frame, (rect[0], rect[1]),
                                  (rect[2], rect[3]), (0, 255, 0), 2)
cv2.imshow("Test", modifiedImage)
コード例 #10
def compute_feature(box, featureChosen, frameGrayScale, integralImg):
    # scaling features
    boxSize = box[0]  # area
    sideLength = int(np.sqrt(boxSize))
    areaPos_i = box[1]
    areaPos_j = box[2]
    # @ TODO the calFeatures file
    # featureChosen = features[featureIndex] # features should be from the calFeatures file
    sampleSize = 24
    scale = sideLength / sampleSize

    # scaling the i and j of the feature
    i = int(scale * featureChosen.topLeft[1] + 0.5)  # topLeft[1] rows
    j = int(scale * featureChosen.topLeft[0] + 0.5)  # topLeft[0] cols

    # abs_i and abs_j will be used to calculate the integral image result
    # indicate the feature position inside the real frame
    abs_i = areaPos_i + i
    abs_j = areaPos_j + j

    width = featureChosen.width
    height = featureChosen.height
    originArea = width * height

    # scaling the width and the height of the feature
    width = int(scale * width + 0.5)
    height = int(scale * height + 0.5)

    # scaling the feature pattern one i.e. 1x2 feature
    if (featureChosen.featureType == FeatureType.TWO_HORIZONTAL):
        the height of the feature may exceeds the box's size - i as
        boxSize - i is the maximum side the feature's height can hold
        height = height if height < (sideLength - i) else (sideLength - i)
        width = width if width % 2 == 0 else (width + 1)
        the width of the feature may exceeds the box's size - j as
        boxSize - j is the maximum side the feature's width can hold
        # we should make sure that width is divisible by 2 after scaling

        while (width > 2 and width > sideLength - j):
            width -= 2

    # scaling the feature pattern two i.e. 1x3 feature
    elif (featureChosen.featureType == FeatureType.THREE_HORIZONTAL):
        the height of the feature may exceeds the box's size - i as
        boxSize - i is the maximum side the feature's height can hold
        height = height if height < (sideLength - i) else (sideLength - i)
        # we should make sure that width is divisible by 3 after scaling
        width = width if width % 3 == 0 else ((width + 2 if width %
                                               3 == 1 else width + 1))
        the width of the feature may exceeds the box's size - j as
        boxSize - j is the maximum side the feature's width can hold
        while (width > 3 and width > sideLength - j):
            width -= 3

    # scaling the feature pattern one i.e. 2x1 feature
    elif (featureChosen.featureType == FeatureType.TWO_VERTICAL):
        the width of the feature may exceeds the box's size - j as
        boxSize - j is the maximum side the feature's width can hold
        width = width if width < (sideLength - j) else (sideLength - j)
        the height of the feature may exceeds the box's size - i as
        boxSize - i is the maximum side the feature's height can hold
        # we should make sure that height is divisible by 2 after scaling
        height = height if height % 2 == 0 else height + 1
        # we should make sure that height is divisible by 2 after scaling
        while (height > 2 and height > sideLength - i):
            height -= 2

    # scaling the feature pattern one i.e. 3x1 feature
    elif (featureChosen.featureType == FeatureType.THREE_VERTICAL):
        the width of the feature may exceeds the box's size - j as
        boxSize - j is the maximum side the feature's width can hold
        width = width if (width < (sideLength - j)) else (sideLength - j)
        the height of the feature may exceeds the box's size - i as
        boxSize - i is the maximum side the feature's height can hold
        # we should make sure that height is divisible by 3 after scaling
        height = height if height % 3 == 0 else ((height + 2 if height %
                                                  3 == 1 else height + 1))

        while (height > 3 and height > sideLength - i):
            height -= 3

    # scaling the feature pattern one i.e. 2x2 feature
        the width of the feature may exceeds the box's size - j as
        boxSize - j is the maximum side the feature's width can hold
        width = width if width % 2 == 0 else width + 1
        # we should make sure that width is divisible by 2 after scaling
        while (width > 2 and width > sideLength - j):
            width -= 2
        the height of the feature may exceeds the box's size - i as
        boxSize - i is the maximum side the feature's height can hold
        height = height if height % 2 == 0 else height + 1
        # we should make sure that height is divisible by 2 after scaling
        while (height > 2 and height > sideLength - i):
            height -= 2

    new_feature = Feature(featureChosen.featureType, (abs_j, abs_i),
                          int(width), int(height), featureChosen.weight,
                          featureChosen.threshold, featureChosen.polarity)
    # print(new_feature)
    score = new_feature.get_score(integralImg)
    # rescale the feature to its original scale
    # multiply the originArea by 2
    if (featureChosen.featureType == FeatureType.THREE_HORIZONTAL
            or featureChosen.featureType == FeatureType.THREE_VERTICAL):
        mean = IImg.sum_region(
            integralImg, (areaPos_j, areaPos_i),
            (areaPos_j + sideLength, areaPos_i + sideLength)) / boxSize
        score -= mean * width * height / 3
    reScale = originArea / (width * height)
    featureResult = score * reScale
    return featureResult
コード例 #11
 def get_score(self, int_img):
     Get score for given integral image array.
     :param int_img: Integral image array
     :type int_img: numpy.ndarray
     :return: Score for given feature
     :rtype: float
     score = 0
     if self.type == FeatureType.TWO_VERTICAL:
         first = ii.sum_region(int_img, self.top_left, (self.top_left[0] + self.width, int(self.top_left[1] + self.height / 2)))
         second = ii.sum_region(int_img, (self.top_left[0], int(self.top_left[1] + self.height / 2)), self.bottom_right)
         score = first - second
     elif self.type == FeatureType.TWO_HORIZONTAL:
         first = ii.sum_region(int_img, self.top_left, (int(self.top_left[0] + self.width / 2), self.top_left[1] + self.height))
         second = ii.sum_region(int_img, (int(self.top_left[0] + self.width / 2), self.top_left[1]), self.bottom_right)
         score = first - second
     elif self.type == FeatureType.THREE_HORIZONTAL:
         first = ii.sum_region(int_img, self.top_left, (int(self.top_left[0] + self.width / 3), self.top_left[1] + self.height))
         second = ii.sum_region(int_img, (int(self.top_left[0] + self.width / 3), self.top_left[1]), (int(self.top_left[0] + 2 * self.width / 3), self.top_left[1] + self.height))
         third = ii.sum_region(int_img, (int(self.top_left[0] + 2 * self.width / 3), self.top_left[1]), self.bottom_right)
         score = first - second + third
     elif self.type == FeatureType.THREE_VERTICAL:
         first = ii.sum_region(int_img, self.top_left, (self.bottom_right[0], int(self.top_left[1] + self.height / 3)))
         second = ii.sum_region(int_img, (self.top_left[0], int(self.top_left[1] + self.height / 3)), (self.bottom_right[0], int(self.top_left[1] + 2 * self.height / 3)))
         third = ii.sum_region(int_img, (self.top_left[0], int(self.top_left[1] + 2 * self.height / 3)), self.bottom_right)
         score = first - second + third
     elif self.type == FeatureType.FOUR:
         # top left area
         first = ii.sum_region(int_img, self.top_left, (int(self.top_left[0] + self.width / 2), int(self.top_left[1] + self.height / 2)))
         # top right area
         second = ii.sum_region(int_img, (int(self.top_left[0] + self.width / 2), self.top_left[1]), (self.bottom_right[0], int(self.top_left[1] + self.height / 2)))
         # bottom left area
         third = ii.sum_region(int_img, (self.top_left[0], int(self.top_left[1] + self.height / 2)), (int(self.top_left[0] + self.width / 2), self.bottom_right[1]))
         # bottom right area
         fourth = ii.sum_region(int_img, (int(self.top_left[0] + self.width / 2), int(self.top_left[1] + self.height / 2)), self.bottom_right)
         score = first - second - third + fourth
     return score
コード例 #12
 def get_score(self, integralImg):
     score = 0
     if self.featureType == FeatureType.TWO_VERTICAL:
         # top part of the feature
         topPart = IImg.sum_region(integralImg, self.topLeft,
                                   (self.topLeft[0] + self.width,
                                    int(self.topLeft[1] + self.height / 2)))
         # bottom part of the feature
         bottomPart = IImg.sum_region(
             (self.topLeft[0], int(self.topLeft[1] + self.height / 2)),
         score = topPart - bottomPart
     elif self.featureType == FeatureType.TWO_HORIZONTAL:
         # left part of the feature
         leftPart = IImg.sum_region(integralImg, self.topLeft,
                                    (int(self.topLeft[0] + self.width / 2),
                                     self.topLeft[1] + self.height))
         # bottom part of the feature
         rightPart = IImg.sum_region(
             (int(self.topLeft[0] + self.width / 2), self.topLeft[1]),
         score = leftPart - rightPart
     elif self.featureType == FeatureType.THREE_HORIZONTAL:
         # left part of the feature
         leftPart = IImg.sum_region(integralImg, self.topLeft,
                                    (int(self.topLeft[0] + self.width / 3),
                                     self.topLeft[1] + self.height))
         # middle part of the feature
         middlePart = IImg.sum_region(
             (int(self.topLeft[0] + self.width / 3), self.topLeft[1]),
             (int(self.topLeft[0] + 2 * self.width / 3),
              self.topLeft[1] + self.height))
         # right part of the feature
         rightPart = IImg.sum_region(
             (int(self.topLeft[0] + 2 * self.width / 3), self.topLeft[1]),
         score = leftPart - middlePart + rightPart
     elif self.featureType == FeatureType.THREE_VERTICAL:
         # top part of the feature
         topPart = IImg.sum_region(
             integralImg, self.topLeft,
             (self.bottomRight[0], int(self.topLeft[1] + self.height / 3)))
         # middle part of the feature
         middlePart = IImg.sum_region(
             (self.topLeft[0], int(self.topLeft[1] + self.height / 3)),
              int(self.topLeft[1] + 2 * self.height / 3)))
         # bottom part of the feature
         bottomPart = IImg.sum_region(
             (self.topLeft[0], int(self.topLeft[1] + 2 * self.height / 3)),
         score = topPart - middlePart + bottomPart
     elif self.featureType == FeatureType.FOUR:
         # top left part of the feature
         topLeftPart = IImg.sum_region(
             integralImg, self.topLeft,
             (int(self.topLeft[0] + self.width / 2),
              int(self.topLeft[1] + self.height / 2)))
         # top right part of the feature
         topRightPart = IImg.sum_region(
             (int(self.topLeft[0] + self.width / 2), self.topLeft[1]),
             (self.bottomRight[0], int(self.topLeft[1] + self.height / 2)))
         # bottom left part of the feature
         bottomLeftPart = IImg.sum_region(
             (self.topLeft[0], int(self.topLeft[1] + self.height / 2)),
             (int(self.topLeft[0] + self.width / 2), self.bottomRight[1]))
         # bottom right part of the feature
         bottomRightPart = IImg.sum_region(
             integralImg, (int(self.topLeft[0] + self.width / 2),
                           int(self.topLeft[1] + self.height / 2)),
         score = topLeftPart - topRightPart - bottomLeftPart + bottomRightPart
     return score