コード例 #1
    def init_time(session):
        Initialize guest RTC time to epoch + 1234567890 and system time
        one day latter.

        :param session: Session from which to access guest
        res = virsh.domtime(vm_name, time=1234567890)
        if res.exit_status:
            logging.debug("Failed to init time to 1234567890:\n%s", res)
        status, output = session.cmd_status_output('date -s "1 day"')
        if status:
            test.error("Failed to set guest time:\n%s" % output)
コード例 #2
ファイル: virsh_domtime.py プロジェクト: yalzhang/tp-libvirt
    def init_time(session):
        Initialize guest RTC time to epoch + 1234567890 and system time
        one day latter.

        :param session: Session from which to access guest
        res = virsh.domtime(vm_name, time=1234567890)
        if res.exit_status:
            logging.debug("Failed to init time to 1234567890:\n%s", res)
        status, output = session.cmd_status_output('date -s "1 day"')
        if status:
            test.error("Failed to set guest time:\n%s" % output)
コード例 #3
ファイル: guest_agent.py プロジェクト: xiaodwan/tp-libvirt
def check_ga_function(vm_name, status_error, hotunplug_ga):
    Check whether guest agent function can work as expected

    :param vm_name: The vm's name
    :param status_error: Expect status error or not
    :param hotunplug_ga: hotunplug guest agent device or not
    error_msg = []
    if status_error:
        error_msg.append("QEMU guest agent is not connected")
    if hotunplug_ga:
        error_msg.append("QEMU guest agent is not configured")
    result = virsh.domtime(vm_name, ignore_status=True, debug=True)
コード例 #4
    def get_guest_times(session):
        Retrieve different guest time as a dict for checking.
            local_hw: Guest RTC time in local timezone
            local_sys: Guest system time in local timezone
            utc_sys: Guest system time in UTC
            domtime: Guest system time in UTC got from virsh domtime command

        :param session: Session from which to access guest
        times = {}
        get_begin = time.time()
        # Guest RTC local timezone time
        output, _ = run_cmd(session, 'hwclock')
        time_str, _ = re.search(r"(.+)  (\S+ seconds)", output).groups()

            # output format 1: Tue 01 Mar 2016 01:53:46 PM CST
            # Remove timezone info from output
            new_str = re.sub(r'\s+\S+$', '', time_str)
            times['local_hw'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                new_str, r"%a %d %b %Y %I:%M:%S %p")
        except ValueError:
            # There are two possible output format for `hwclock`
            # output format 2: Sat Feb 14 07:31:33 2009
            times['local_hw'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                time_str, r"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
        delta = time.time() - get_begin
        times['local_hw'] -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)

        # Guest system local timezone time
        output, _ = run_cmd(session, 'date')
        # Strip timezone info from output
        # e.g. 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 CST 2009' -> 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 2009'
        time_str = re.sub(r'\S+ (?=\S+$)', '', output.strip())
        times['local_sys'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
            time_str, r"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
        delta = time.time() - get_begin
        times['local_sys'] -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)

        # Guest system UTC timezone time
        output, _ = run_cmd(session, 'date -u')
        # Strip timezone info from output
        # e.g. 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 CST 2009' -> 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 2009'
        time_str = re.sub(r'\S+ (?=\S+$)', '', output.strip())
        times['utc_sys'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(time_str,
                                                      r"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
        delta = time.time() - get_begin
        times['utc_sys'] -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)

        # Guest UTC time from virsh domtime
        res = virsh.domtime(vm_name, pretty=True, ignore_status=True)
        if not res.exit_status:
            logging.info('Result of "domtime". Duration: %s. Output:%s',
                         res.duration, res.stdout.strip())
            _, time_str = res.stdout.split(" ", 1)
            times['domtime'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                time_str.strip(), r"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            delta = time.time() - get_begin
            times['domtime'] -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)
            logging.debug("Unable to get domain time:\n%s", res)
            times['domtime'] = None

        return times, time.time() - get_begin
コード例 #5
def run(test, params, env):
    This test virsh domtime command and its options.

    1) Start a guest with/without guest agent configured;
    2) Record guest times;
    3) Do some operation to stop VM;
    4) Run virsh domtime command with different options;
    5) Check the command result;
    6) Check the guest times against expectation;
    7) Cleanup test environment.
    epoch = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
    # Max time can be set with domtime successfully in newer qemu-ga
    time_max_1 = 3155731199
    # Max time can be set with domtime successfully in older qemu-ga
    time_max_2 = 3155759999
    # Max time can be set with domtime bug failed to set RTC in older qemu-ga
    time_max_3 = 9223372035

    def init_time(session):
        Initialize guest RTC time to epoch + 1234567890 and system time
        one day latter.

        :param session: Session from which to access guest
        res = virsh.domtime(vm_name, time=1234567890)
        if res.exit_status:
            logging.debug("Failed to init time to 1234567890:\n%s", res)
        status, output = session.cmd_status_output('date -s "1 day"')
        if status:
            test.error("Failed to set guest time:\n%s" % output)

    def get_host_utc_time():
        Get host UTC time from date command.
        res = process.run("date -u", shell=True)
        # Strip timezone info from output
        # e.g. 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 CST 2009' -> 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 2009'
        time_str = re.sub(r'\S+ (?=\S+$)', '', res.stdout_text.strip())
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(time_str, r"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")

    def run_cmd(session, cmd):
        Run a command in a session and record duration of call.
        start = time.time()
        output = session.cmd_output(cmd)
        duration = time.time() - start
        logging.info('Result of command "%s". Duration: %s. Output:%s', cmd,
                     duration, output.strip())
        return output, duration

    def get_guest_times(session):
        Retrieve different guest time as a dict for checking.
            local_hw: Guest RTC time in local timezone
            local_sys: Guest system time in local timezone
            utc_sys: Guest system time in UTC
            domtime: Guest system time in UTC got from virsh domtime command

        :param session: Session from which to access guest
        times = {}
        get_begin = time.time()
        # Guest RTC local timezone time
        output, _ = run_cmd(session, 'hwclock')
        time_str, _ = re.search(r"(.+)  (\S+ seconds)", output).groups()

            # output format 1: Tue 01 Mar 2016 01:53:46 PM CST
            # Remove timezone info from output
            new_str = re.sub(r'\s+\S+$', '', time_str)
            times['local_hw'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                new_str, r"%a %d %b %Y %I:%M:%S %p")
        except ValueError:
            # There are two possible output format for `hwclock`
            # output format 2: Sat Feb 14 07:31:33 2009
            times['local_hw'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                time_str, r"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
        delta = time.time() - get_begin
        times['local_hw'] -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)

        # Guest system local timezone time
        output, _ = run_cmd(session, 'date')
        # Strip timezone info from output
        # e.g. 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 CST 2009' -> 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 2009'
        time_str = re.sub(r'\S+ (?=\S+$)', '', output.strip())
        times['local_sys'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
            time_str, r"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
        delta = time.time() - get_begin
        times['local_sys'] -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)

        # Guest system UTC timezone time
        output, _ = run_cmd(session, 'date -u')
        # Strip timezone info from output
        # e.g. 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 CST 2009' -> 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 2009'
        time_str = re.sub(r'\S+ (?=\S+$)', '', output.strip())
        times['utc_sys'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(time_str,
                                                      r"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
        delta = time.time() - get_begin
        times['utc_sys'] -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)

        # Guest UTC time from virsh domtime
        res = virsh.domtime(vm_name, pretty=True, ignore_status=True)
        if not res.exit_status:
            logging.info('Result of "domtime". Duration: %s. Output:%s',
                         res.duration, res.stdout.strip())
            _, time_str = res.stdout.split(" ", 1)
            times['domtime'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                time_str.strip(), r"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            delta = time.time() - get_begin
            times['domtime'] -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)
            logging.debug("Unable to get domain time:\n%s", res)
            times['domtime'] = None

        return times, time.time() - get_begin

    def check_get_success(expected_times):
        Check virsh command get result against expected times

        :param expected_times: Expected time for checking
        _, time_str = res.stdout.split(" ", 1)
        if pretty:
            # Time: 2015-01-13 06:29:18
            domtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(time_str.strip(),
                                                 r"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            # Time: 1421130740
            domtime = epoch + datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(time_str))
        time_shift = time.time() - start
        logging.debug("Time shift is %s", time_shift)
        result_diff = (domtime - expected_times['domtime']).total_seconds()
        if abs(result_diff) > 2.0:
            test.fail("Expect get time %s, but got %s, time "
                      "diff: %s" %
                      (org_times['domtime'], domtime, result_diff))

    def check_guest_times(expected_times, cur_times):
        Check guest times after test against expected times

        :param expected_times: Expected time for checking
        time_shift = time.time() - start
        logging.debug("Time shift is %s", time_shift)

        error_msgs = []
        for key in cur_times:
            if cur_times[key] is not None:
                cur = cur_times[key]
                expect = expected_times[key]

                diff = (cur - expect).total_seconds()
                msg = "For %s, expect get time %s, got %s, time diff: %s" % (
                    key, expect, cur, diff)
                if abs(diff) > 2.0:
        if error_msgs:

    def check_time(result, org_times, cur_times):
        Check whether domain time has been change accordingly.

        :param result: virsh domtime CmdResult instance
        :param org_times: Original guest times
        action = "get"
        if now or sync or (set_time is not None):
            action = "set"

        host_tz_diff = org_host_loc_time - org_host_time
        logging.debug("Timezone diff on host is %d hours.",
                      (host_tz_diff.total_seconds() // 3600))

        # Hardware time will never stop
        logging.info('Add %ss to expected guest time', interval)
        if action == 'get':
            expected_times = org_times
        elif action == 'set':
            if result.exit_status:
                # Time not change if domtime fails
                expected_times = org_times
                # Time change accordingly if succeed.
                if now:
                    utc_time = org_host_time
                    local_time = utc_time + guest_tz_diff
                elif sync:
                    local_time = org_times["local_hw"]
                    utc_time = local_time - guest_tz_diff
                elif set_time is not None:
                    utc_time = epoch + datetime.timedelta(
                        seconds=(int(set_time) - guest_duration))
                    local_time = utc_time + guest_tz_diff
                expected_times = {}
                expected_times['local_hw'] = local_time
                expected_times['local_sys'] = local_time
                expected_times["utc_sys"] = utc_time
                expected_times["domtime"] = utc_time

        # Add interval between two checks of guest time
        for key in expected_times:
            if expected_times[key] is not None:
                expected_times[key] += interval

        # Hardware time will never stop
        # Software time will stop if suspended or managed-saved
        if suspend or managedsave:
            logging.info('Remove %ss from expected guest software time',
            expected_times["domtime"] -= stop_time
            expected_times["local_sys"] -= stop_time
            expected_times["utc_sys"] -= stop_time

        # Check guest time if domtime succeeded
        check_guest_times(expected_times, cur_times)

        # Check if output of domtime is correct
        if action == 'get' and not result.exit_status:

    def prepare_fail_patts():
        Predict fail pattern from test parameters.
        fail_patts = []
        if not channel:
            fail_patts.append(r"QEMU guest agent is not configured")
        if not agent:
            # For older version
            fail_patts.append(r"Guest agent not available for now")
            # For newer version
            fail_patts.append(r"Guest agent is not responding")
        if int(now) + int(sync) + int(bool(set_time)) > 1:
            fail_patts.append(r"Options \S+ and \S+ are mutually exclusive")
        if shutdown:
            fail_patts.append(r"domain is not running")

        if set_time is not None:
            if int(set_time) < 0:
                fail_patts.append(r"Invalid argument")
            elif time_max_1 < int(set_time) <= time_max_2:
                fail_patts.append(r"Invalid time")
            elif time_max_2 < int(set_time) <= time_max_3:
                fail_patts.append(r"Invalid time")
            elif time_max_3 < int(set_time):
                fail_patts.append(r"too big for guest agent")

        if readonly:
            fail_patts.append(r"operation forbidden")
        return fail_patts

    def stop_vm():
        Suspend, managedsave, pmsuspend or shutdown a VM for a period of time
        stop_start = time.time()
        vmlogin_dur = 0.0
        if suspend:
        elif managedsave:
            start_dur = time.time()
            vmlogin_dur = time.time() - start_dur
        elif pmsuspend:
            start_dur = time.time()
            vmlogin_dur = time.time() - start_dur
        elif shutdown:

        # Check real guest stop time
        stop_seconds = time.time() - stop_start - vmlogin_dur
        stop_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=stop_seconds)
        logging.debug("Guest stopped: %s", stop_time)
        return stop_time

    # Check availability of virsh command domtime
    if not virsh.has_help_command('domtime'):
        test.cancel("This version of libvirt does not support "
                    "the domtime test")

    channel = (params.get("prepare_channel", "yes") == 'yes')
    agent = (params.get("start_agent", "yes") == 'yes')
    pretty = (params.get("domtime_pretty", "no") == 'yes')
    now = (params.get("domtime_now", "no") == 'yes')
    sync = (params.get("domtime_sync", "no") == 'yes')
    set_time = params.get("domtime_time", None)

    shutdown = (params.get("shutdown_vm", "no") == 'yes')
    suspend = (params.get("suspend_vm", "no") == 'yes')
    managedsave = (params.get("managedsave_vm", "no") == 'yes')
    pmsuspend = (params.get("pmsuspend_vm", "no") == 'yes')
    vm_stop_duration = int(params.get("vm_stop_duration", "10"))

    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    readonly = (params.get("readonly_test", "no") == "yes")

    # Backup domain XML
    xml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
        if pmsuspend:
        # Add or remove qemu-agent from guest before test
        vm.prepare_guest_agent(channel=channel, start=agent)
        session = vm.wait_for_login()
        # Let's set guest timezone to region where we do not
        # have day light savings, to affect the time
        session.cmd("timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Kolkata")
            init_guest_times, _ = get_guest_times(session)
            guest_tz_diff = init_guest_times['local_sys'] - init_guest_times[
            logging.debug("Timezone diff on guest is %d hours.",
                          (guest_tz_diff.total_seconds() // 3600))

            if channel and agent:

            # Expected fail message patterns
            fail_patts = prepare_fail_patts()

            # Message patterns test should skip when met
            skip_patts = [
                r'The command \S+ has not been found',

            # Record start time
            start = time.time()

            # Record host utc time before testing
            org_host_time = get_host_utc_time()

            # Record host local time before testing
            outp = process.run('date', shell=True)
            time_st = re.sub(r'\S+ (?=\S+$)', '', outp.stdout_text.strip())
            org_host_loc_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                time_st, r"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")

            # Get original guest times
            org_times, guest_duration = get_guest_times(session)

            # Run some operations to stop guest system
            stop_time = stop_vm()

            # Run command with specified options.
            res = virsh.domtime(vm_name,
            libvirt.check_result(res, fail_patts, skip_patts)

            # Check interval between two check of guest time
            interval = datetime.timedelta(seconds=(time.time() - start))
            logging.debug("Interval between guest checking: %s", interval)

            if not shutdown:
                # Get current guest times
                cur_times, _ = get_guest_times(session)

                check_time(res, org_times, cur_times)
            if shutdown:
            # sync guest timezone
            # Sync guest time with host
            if channel and agent and not shutdown:
                res = virsh.domtime(vm_name, now=True)
                if res.exit_status:
                    test.error("Failed to recover guest time:\n%s" % res)
        # Restore VM XML
コード例 #6
ファイル: virsh_domtime.py プロジェクト: yalzhang/tp-libvirt
    def get_guest_times(session):
        Retrieve different guest time as a dict for checking.
            local_hw: Guest RTC time in local timezone
            local_sys: Guest system time in local timezone
            utc_sys: Guest system time in UTC
            domtime: Guest system time in UTC got from virsh domtime command

        :param session: Session from which to access guest
        times = {}
        get_begin = time.time()
        # Guest RTC local timezone time
        output, _ = run_cmd(session, 'hwclock')
            time_str, _ = re.search(r"(.+)  (\S+ seconds)", output).groups()

                # output format 1: Tue 01 Mar 2016 01:53:46 PM CST
                # Remove timezone info from output
                new_str = re.sub(r'\s+\S+$', '', time_str)
                times['local_hw'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    new_str, r"%a %d %b %Y %I:%M:%S %p")
            except ValueError:
                # There are known three possible output format for `hwclock`
                # output format 2: Sat Feb 14 07:31:33 2009
                times['local_hw'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    time_str, r"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
        except AttributeError:
            try:  # output format 3: 2019-03-22 05:16:18.224511-04:00
                time_str = output.split(".")[0]
                times['local_hw'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    time_str, r"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            except ValueError:
                test.fail("Unknown hwclock output format in guest: %s", output)
        delta = time.time() - get_begin
        times['local_hw'] -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)

        # Guest system local timezone time
        output, _ = run_cmd(session, 'date')
        # Strip timezone info from output
        # e.g. 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 CST 2009' -> 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 2009'
        time_str = re.sub(r'\S+ (?=\S+$)', '', output.strip())
        times['local_sys'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
            time_str, r"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
        delta = time.time() - get_begin
        times['local_sys'] -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)

        # Guest system UTC timezone time
        output, _ = run_cmd(session, 'date -u')
        # Strip timezone info from output
        # e.g. 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 CST 2009' -> 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 2009'
        time_str = re.sub(r'\S+ (?=\S+$)', '', output.strip())
        times['utc_sys'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
            time_str, r"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
        delta = time.time() - get_begin
        times['utc_sys'] -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)

        # Guest UTC time from virsh domtime
        res = virsh.domtime(vm_name, pretty=True, ignore_status=True)
        if not res.exit_status:
            logging.info('Result of "domtime". Duration: %s. Output:%s',
                         res.duration, res.stdout.strip())
            _, time_str = res.stdout.split(" ", 1)
            times['domtime'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                time_str.strip(), r"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            delta = time.time() - get_begin
            times['domtime'] -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)
            logging.debug("Unable to get domain time:\n%s", res)
            times['domtime'] = None

        return times, time.time() - get_begin
コード例 #7
ファイル: virsh_domtime.py プロジェクト: yalzhang/tp-libvirt
def run(test, params, env):
    This test virsh domtime command and its options.

    1) Start a guest with/without guest agent configured;
    2) Record guest times;
    3) Do some operation to stop VM;
    4) Run virsh domtime command with different options;
    5) Check the command result;
    6) Check the guest times against expectation;
    7) Cleanup test environment.
    epoch = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
    # Max time can be set with domtime successfully in newer qemu-ga
    time_max_1 = 3155731199
    # Max time can be set with domtime successfully in older qemu-ga
    time_max_2 = 3155759999
    # Max time can be set with domtime bug failed to set RTC in older qemu-ga
    time_max_3 = 9223372035

    def init_time(session):
        Initialize guest RTC time to epoch + 1234567890 and system time
        one day latter.

        :param session: Session from which to access guest
        res = virsh.domtime(vm_name, time=1234567890)
        if res.exit_status:
            logging.debug("Failed to init time to 1234567890:\n%s", res)
        status, output = session.cmd_status_output('date -s "1 day"')
        if status:
            test.error("Failed to set guest time:\n%s" % output)

    def get_host_utc_time():
        Get host UTC time from date command.
        res = process.run("date -u", shell=True)
        # Strip timezone info from output
        # e.g. 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 CST 2009' -> 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 2009'
        time_str = re.sub(r'\S+ (?=\S+$)', '', res.stdout_text.strip())
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(time_str,
                                          r"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")

    def run_cmd(session, cmd):
        Run a command in a session and record duration of call.
        start = time.time()
        output = session.cmd_output(cmd)
        duration = time.time() - start
        logging.info('Result of command "%s". Duration: %s. Output:%s',
                     cmd, duration, output.strip())
        return output, duration

    def get_guest_times(session):
        Retrieve different guest time as a dict for checking.
            local_hw: Guest RTC time in local timezone
            local_sys: Guest system time in local timezone
            utc_sys: Guest system time in UTC
            domtime: Guest system time in UTC got from virsh domtime command

        :param session: Session from which to access guest
        times = {}
        get_begin = time.time()
        # Guest RTC local timezone time
        output, _ = run_cmd(session, 'hwclock')
            time_str, _ = re.search(r"(.+)  (\S+ seconds)", output).groups()

                # output format 1: Tue 01 Mar 2016 01:53:46 PM CST
                # Remove timezone info from output
                new_str = re.sub(r'\s+\S+$', '', time_str)
                times['local_hw'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    new_str, r"%a %d %b %Y %I:%M:%S %p")
            except ValueError:
                # There are known three possible output format for `hwclock`
                # output format 2: Sat Feb 14 07:31:33 2009
                times['local_hw'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    time_str, r"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
        except AttributeError:
            try:  # output format 3: 2019-03-22 05:16:18.224511-04:00
                time_str = output.split(".")[0]
                times['local_hw'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    time_str, r"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            except ValueError:
                test.fail("Unknown hwclock output format in guest: %s", output)
        delta = time.time() - get_begin
        times['local_hw'] -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)

        # Guest system local timezone time
        output, _ = run_cmd(session, 'date')
        # Strip timezone info from output
        # e.g. 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 CST 2009' -> 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 2009'
        time_str = re.sub(r'\S+ (?=\S+$)', '', output.strip())
        times['local_sys'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
            time_str, r"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
        delta = time.time() - get_begin
        times['local_sys'] -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)

        # Guest system UTC timezone time
        output, _ = run_cmd(session, 'date -u')
        # Strip timezone info from output
        # e.g. 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 CST 2009' -> 'Sun Feb 15 07:31:40 2009'
        time_str = re.sub(r'\S+ (?=\S+$)', '', output.strip())
        times['utc_sys'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
            time_str, r"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
        delta = time.time() - get_begin
        times['utc_sys'] -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)

        # Guest UTC time from virsh domtime
        res = virsh.domtime(vm_name, pretty=True, ignore_status=True)
        if not res.exit_status:
            logging.info('Result of "domtime". Duration: %s. Output:%s',
                         res.duration, res.stdout.strip())
            _, time_str = res.stdout.split(" ", 1)
            times['domtime'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                time_str.strip(), r"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            delta = time.time() - get_begin
            times['domtime'] -= datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)
            logging.debug("Unable to get domain time:\n%s", res)
            times['domtime'] = None

        return times, time.time() - get_begin

    def check_get_success(expected_times):
        Check virsh command get result against expected times

        :param expected_times: Expected time for checking
        _, time_str = res.stdout.split(" ", 1)
        if pretty:
            # Time: 2015-01-13 06:29:18
            domtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(time_str.strip(),
                                                 r"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            # Time: 1421130740
            domtime = epoch + datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(time_str))
        time_shift = time.time() - start
        logging.debug("Time shift is %s", time_shift)
        result_diff = (domtime - expected_times['domtime']).total_seconds()
        if abs(result_diff) > 2.0:
            test.fail("Expect get time %s, but got %s, time "
                      "diff: %s" % (org_times['domtime'],
                                    domtime, result_diff))

    def check_guest_times(expected_times, cur_times):
        Check guest times after test against expected times

        :param expected_times: Expected time for checking
        time_shift = time.time() - start
        logging.debug("Time shift is %s", time_shift)

        error_msgs = []
        for key in cur_times:
            if cur_times[key] is not None:
                cur = cur_times[key]
                expect = expected_times[key]

                diff = (cur - expect).total_seconds()
                msg = "For %s, expect get time %s, got %s, time diff: %s" % (
                    key, expect, cur, diff)
                if abs(diff) > 2.0:
        if error_msgs:

    def check_time(result, org_times, cur_times):
        Check whether domain time has been change accordingly.

        :param result: virsh domtime CmdResult instance
        :param org_times: Original guest times
        action = "get"
        if now or sync or (set_time is not None):
            action = "set"

        host_tz_diff = org_host_loc_time - org_host_time
        logging.debug("Timezone diff on host is %d hours.",
                      (host_tz_diff.total_seconds() // 3600))

        # Hardware time will never stop
        logging.info('Add %ss to expected guest time', interval)
        if action == 'get':
            expected_times = org_times
        elif action == 'set':
            if result.exit_status:
                # Time not change if domtime fails
                expected_times = org_times
                # Time change accordingly if succeed.
                if now:
                    utc_time = org_host_time
                    local_time = utc_time + guest_tz_diff
                elif sync:
                    local_time = org_times["local_hw"]
                    utc_time = local_time - guest_tz_diff
                elif set_time is not None:
                    utc_time = epoch + datetime.timedelta(
                        seconds=(int(set_time) - guest_duration))
                    local_time = utc_time + guest_tz_diff
                expected_times = {}
                expected_times['local_hw'] = local_time
                expected_times['local_sys'] = local_time
                expected_times["utc_sys"] = utc_time
                expected_times["domtime"] = utc_time

        # Add interval between two checks of guest time
        for key in expected_times:
            if expected_times[key] is not None:
                expected_times[key] += interval

        # Hardware time will never stop
        # Software time will stop if suspended or managed-saved
        if suspend or managedsave:
            logging.info('Remove %ss from expected guest software time',
            expected_times["domtime"] -= stop_time
            expected_times["local_sys"] -= stop_time
            expected_times["utc_sys"] -= stop_time

        # Check guest time if domtime succeeded
        check_guest_times(expected_times, cur_times)

        # Check if output of domtime is correct
        if action == 'get' and not result.exit_status:

    def prepare_fail_patts():
        Predict fail pattern from test parameters.
        fail_patts = []
        if not channel:
            fail_patts.append(r"QEMU guest agent is not configured")
        if not agent:
            # For older version
            fail_patts.append(r"Guest agent not available for now")
            # For newer version
            fail_patts.append(r"Guest agent is not responding")
        if int(now) + int(sync) + int(bool(set_time)) > 1:
            fail_patts.append(r"Options \S+ and \S+ are mutually exclusive")
        if shutdown:
            fail_patts.append(r"domain is not running")

        if set_time is not None:
            if int(set_time) < 0:
                fail_patts.append(r"Invalid argument")
            elif time_max_1 < int(set_time) <= time_max_2:
                fail_patts.append(r"Invalid time")
            elif time_max_2 < int(set_time) <= time_max_3:
                fail_patts.append(r"Invalid time")
            elif time_max_3 < int(set_time):
                fail_patts.append(r"too big for guest agent")

        if readonly:
            fail_patts.append(r"operation forbidden")
        return fail_patts

    def stop_vm():
        Suspend, managedsave, pmsuspend or shutdown a VM for a period of time
        stop_start = time.time()
        vmlogin_dur = 0.0
        if suspend:
        elif managedsave:
            start_dur = time.time()
            vmlogin_dur = time.time() - start_dur
        elif pmsuspend:
            start_dur = time.time()
            vmlogin_dur = time.time() - start_dur
        elif shutdown:

        # Check real guest stop time
        stop_seconds = time.time() - stop_start - vmlogin_dur
        stop_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=stop_seconds)
        logging.debug("Guest stopped: %s", stop_time)
        return stop_time

    # Check availability of virsh command domtime
    if not virsh.has_help_command('domtime'):
        test.cancel("This version of libvirt does not support "
                    "the domtime test")

    channel = (params.get("prepare_channel", "yes") == 'yes')
    agent = (params.get("start_agent", "yes") == 'yes')
    pretty = (params.get("domtime_pretty", "no") == 'yes')
    now = (params.get("domtime_now", "no") == 'yes')
    sync = (params.get("domtime_sync", "no") == 'yes')
    set_time = params.get("domtime_time", None)

    shutdown = (params.get("shutdown_vm", "no") == 'yes')
    suspend = (params.get("suspend_vm", "no") == 'yes')
    managedsave = (params.get("managedsave_vm", "no") == 'yes')
    pmsuspend = (params.get("pmsuspend_vm", "no") == 'yes')
    vm_stop_duration = int(params.get("vm_stop_duration", "10"))

    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
    readonly = (params.get("readonly_test", "no") == "yes")

    # Backup domain XML
    xml_backup = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
        if pmsuspend:
        # Add or remove qemu-agent from guest before test
        vm.prepare_guest_agent(channel=channel, start=agent)
        session = vm.wait_for_login()
        # Let's set guest timezone to region where we do not
        # have day light savings, to affect the time
        session.cmd("timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Kolkata")
            init_guest_times, _ = get_guest_times(session)
            guest_tz_diff = init_guest_times['local_sys'] - init_guest_times['utc_sys']
            logging.debug("Timezone diff on guest is %d hours.",
                          (guest_tz_diff.total_seconds() // 3600))

            if channel and agent:

            # Expected fail message patterns
            fail_patts = prepare_fail_patts()

            # Message patterns test should skip when met
            skip_patts = [
                r'The command \S+ has not been found',

            # Record start time
            start = time.time()

            # Record host utc time before testing
            org_host_time = get_host_utc_time()

            # Record host local time before testing
            outp = process.run('date', shell=True)
            time_st = re.sub(r'\S+ (?=\S+$)', '', outp.stdout_text.strip())
            org_host_loc_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(time_st, r"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")

            # Get original guest times
            org_times, guest_duration = get_guest_times(session)

            # Run some operations to stop guest system
            stop_time = stop_vm()

            # Run command with specified options.
            res = virsh.domtime(vm_name, now=now, pretty=pretty, sync=sync,
                                time=set_time, readonly=readonly, debug=True)
            libvirt.check_result(res, fail_patts, skip_patts)

            # Check interval between two check of guest time
            interval = datetime.timedelta(
                seconds=(time.time() - start))
            logging.debug("Interval between guest checking: %s", interval)

            if not shutdown:
                # Get current guest times
                cur_times, _ = get_guest_times(session)

                check_time(res, org_times, cur_times)
            if shutdown:
            # sync guest timezone
            # Sync guest time with host
            if channel and agent and not shutdown:
                res = virsh.domtime(vm_name, now=True)
                if res.exit_status:
                    test.error("Failed to recover guest time:\n%s"
                               % res)
        # Restore VM XML
コード例 #8
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh dompmsuspend <domain> <target>
    The command suspends a running domain using guest OS's power management.

    # MAIN TEST CODE ###
    # Process cartesian parameters
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)

    vm_state = params.get("vm_state", "running")
    suspend_target = params.get("pm_suspend_target", "mem")
    pm_enabled = params.get("pm_enabled", "not_set")
    pm_enabled_disk = params.get("pm_enabled_disk", "no")
    pm_enabled_mem = params.get("pm_enabled_mem", "no")
    test_managedsave = "yes" == params.get("test_managedsave", "no")
    test_save_restore = "yes" == params.get("test_save_restore", "no")
    test_suspend_resume = "yes" == params.get("test_suspend_resume", "no")
    pmsuspend_error = 'yes' == params.get("pmsuspend_error", 'no')
    pmsuspend_error_msg = params.get("pmsuspend_error_msg")
    agent_error_test = 'yes' == params.get("agent_error_test", 'no')
    arch = platform.processor()

    # Libvirt acl test related params
    uri = params.get("virsh_uri")
    unprivileged_user = params.get('unprivileged_user')
    if unprivileged_user:
        if unprivileged_user.count('EXAMPLE'):
            unprivileged_user = '******'

    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 1, 1):
        if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes':
            test.cancel("API acl test not supported in current"
                        " libvirt version.")

    # A backup of original vm
    vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    vmxml_backup = vmxml.copy()

    # Expected possible fail patterns.
    # Error output should match one of these patterns.
    # An empty list mean test should succeed.
    fail_pat = []
    virsh_dargs = {'debug': True, 'ignore_status': True}
    if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes':
        virsh_dargs_copy = virsh_dargs.copy()
        virsh_dargs_copy['uri'] = uri
        virsh_dargs_copy['unprivileged_user'] = unprivileged_user
        if pmsuspend_error:
            fail_pat.append('access denied')

    # Setup possible failure patterns excluding ppc
    if "ppc64" not in arch:
        if pm_enabled == 'not_set':
            fail_pat.append('not supported')
        if pm_enabled == 'no':

    if vm_state == 'paused':
        # For older version
        fail_pat.append('not responding')
        # For newer version
        fail_pat.append('not running')
    elif vm_state == 'shutoff':
        fail_pat.append('not running')
    if agent_error_test:
        fail_pat.append('not running')
        fail_pat.append('agent not available')
    if pmsuspend_error_msg:

    # RHEL6 or older releases
    unsupported_guest_err = 'suspend mode is not supported by the guest'

        if vm.is_alive():

        # Set pm tag in domain's XML if needed.
        if "ppc64" not in arch:
            if pm_enabled == 'not_set':
                    if vmxml.pm:
                        del vmxml.pm
                except xcepts.LibvirtXMLNotFoundError:
                pm_xml = vm_xml.VMPMXML()
                pm_xml.mem_enabled = pm_enabled_mem
                pm_xml.disk_enabled = pm_enabled_disk
                vmxml.pm = pm_xml

        except virt_vm.VMStartError as info:
            if "not supported" in str(info).lower():
        # Selinux should be enforcing

        # Create swap partition/file if nessesary.
        need_mkswap = False
        if suspend_target in ['disk', 'hybrid']:
            need_mkswap = not vm.has_swap()
        if need_mkswap:
            logging.debug("Creating swap partition.")

            libvirtd = utils_libvirtd.Libvirtd()
            savefile = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(),
                                    "%s.save" % vm_name)
            session = vm.wait_for_login()
            # Touch a file on guest to test managed save command.
            if test_managedsave:
                session.cmd_status("touch pmtest")

            # Set vm state
            if vm_state == "paused":
            elif vm_state == "shutoff":

            # Run test case
            result = virsh.dompmsuspend(vm_name,
            if result.exit_status == 0:
                if fail_pat:
                    test.fail("Expected failed with %s, but run succeed:\n%s" %
                              (fail_pat, result.stdout))
                if unsupported_guest_err in result.stderr:
                    test.cancel("Unsupported suspend mode:\n%s" %
                if not fail_pat:
                    test.fail("Expected success, but run failed:\n%s" %
                #if not any_pattern_match(fail_pat, result.stderr):
                if not any(p in result.stderr for p in fail_pat):
                    test.fail("Expected failed with one of %s, but "
                              "failed with:\n%s" % (fail_pat, result.stderr))

            # check whether the state changes to pmsuspended
            if not utils_misc.wait_for(lambda: vm.state() == 'pmsuspended',
                test.fail("VM failed to change its state, expected state: "
                          "pmsuspended, but actual state: %s" % vm.state())

            if agent_error_test:
                ret = virsh.dompmsuspend(vm_name, "mem", **virsh_dargs)
                libvirt.check_result(ret, fail_pat)
                ret = virsh.dompmsuspend(vm_name, "disk", **virsh_dargs)
                libvirt.check_result(ret, fail_pat)
                ret = virsh.domtime(vm_name, **virsh_dargs)
                libvirt.check_result(ret, fail_pat)
            if test_managedsave:
                ret = virsh.managedsave(vm_name, **virsh_dargs)
                # Dompmwakeup should return false here
                ret = virsh.dompmwakeup(vm_name, **virsh_dargs)
                libvirt.check_exit_status(ret, True)
                ret = virsh.start(vm_name)
                if not vm.is_paused():
                    test.fail("Vm status is not paused before pm wakeup")
                if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes':
                    ret = virsh.dompmwakeup(vm_name, **virsh_dargs_copy)
                    ret = virsh.dompmwakeup(vm_name, **virsh_dargs)
                if not vm.is_paused():
                    test.fail("Vm status is not paused after pm wakeup")
                ret = virsh.resume(vm_name, **virsh_dargs)
                sess = vm.wait_for_login()
                if sess.cmd_status("ls pmtest && rm -f pmtest"):
                    test.fail("Check managed save failed on guest")
            if test_save_restore:
                # Run a series of operations to check libvirtd status.
                ret = virsh.dompmwakeup(vm_name, **virsh_dargs)
                # Wait for vm is started
                ret = virsh.save(vm_name, savefile, **virsh_dargs)
                ret = virsh.restore(savefile, **virsh_dargs)
                # Wait for vm is started
                # run pmsuspend again
                ret = virsh.dompmsuspend(vm_name, suspend_target,
                # save and restore the guest again.
                ret = virsh.save(vm_name, savefile, **virsh_dargs)
                ret = virsh.restore(savefile, **virsh_dargs)
                ret = virsh.destroy(vm_name, **virsh_dargs)
                if not libvirtd.is_running():
                    test.fail("libvirtd crashed")
            if test_suspend_resume:
                ret = virsh.suspend(vm_name)
                libvirt.check_exit_status(ret, expect_error=True)
                if vm.state() != 'pmsuspended':
                    test.fail("VM state should be pmsuspended")
                ret = virsh.resume(vm_name)
                libvirt.check_exit_status(ret, expect_error=True)
                if vm.state() != 'pmsuspended':
                    test.fail("VM state should be pmsuspended")
            # Remove the tmp file
            if os.path.exists(savefile):
            # Restore VM state
            if vm_state == "paused":

            if suspend_target in ['mem', 'hybrid']:
                if vm.state() == "pmsuspended":
                if vm.state() == "in shutdown":
                if vm.is_dead():

            if need_mkswap:

        # Destroy the vm.
        if vm.is_alive():
        # Recover xml of vm.
コード例 #9
def run(test, params, env):
    Test command: virsh dompmsuspend <domain> <target>
    The command suspends a running domain using guest OS's power management.

    # MAIN TEST CODE ###
    # Process cartesian parameters
    vm_name = params.get("main_vm")
    vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)

    vm_state = params.get("vm_state", "running")
    suspend_target = params.get("pm_suspend_target", "mem")
    pm_enabled = params.get("pm_enabled", "not_set")
    pm_enabled_disk = params.get("pm_enabled_disk", "no")
    pm_enabled_mem = params.get("pm_enabled_mem", "no")
    test_managedsave = "yes" == params.get("test_managedsave", "no")
    test_save_restore = "yes" == params.get("test_save_restore", "no")
    test_suspend_resume = "yes" == params.get("test_suspend_resume", "no")
    pmsuspend_error = 'yes' == params.get("pmsuspend_error", 'no')
    pmsuspend_error_msg = params.get("pmsuspend_error_msg")
    agent_error_test = 'yes' == params.get("agent_error_test", 'no')
    arch = platform.processor()
    duration_value = int(params.get("duration", "0"))

    # Libvirt acl test related params
    uri = params.get("virsh_uri")
    unprivileged_user = params.get('unprivileged_user')
    if unprivileged_user:
        if unprivileged_user.count('EXAMPLE'):
            unprivileged_user = '******'

    if not libvirt_version.version_compare(1, 1, 1):
        if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes':
            test.cancel("API acl test not supported in current"
                        " libvirt version.")

    # A backup of original vm
    vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
    vmxml_backup = vmxml.copy()

    # Expected possible fail patterns.
    # Error output should match one of these patterns.
    # An empty list mean test should succeed.
    fail_pat = []
    virsh_dargs = {'debug': True, 'ignore_status': True}
    if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes':
        virsh_dargs_copy = virsh_dargs.copy()
        virsh_dargs_copy['uri'] = uri
        virsh_dargs_copy['unprivileged_user'] = unprivileged_user
        if pmsuspend_error:
            fail_pat.append('access denied')

    # Setup possible failure patterns excluding ppc
    if "ppc64" not in arch:
        if pm_enabled == 'not_set':
            fail_pat.append('not supported')
        if pm_enabled == 'no':

    if vm_state == 'paused':
        # For older version
        fail_pat.append('not responding')
        # For newer version
        fail_pat.append('not running')
    elif vm_state == 'shutoff':
        fail_pat.append('not running')
    if agent_error_test:
        fail_pat.append('not running')
        fail_pat.append('agent not available')
    if pmsuspend_error_msg:

    # RHEL6 or older releases
    unsupported_guest_err = 'suspend mode is not supported by the guest'

        if vm.is_alive():

        # Set pm tag in domain's XML if needed.
        if "ppc64" not in arch:
            if pm_enabled == 'not_set':
                    if vmxml.pm:
                        del vmxml.pm
                except xcepts.LibvirtXMLNotFoundError:
                pm_xml = vm_xml.VMPMXML()
                pm_xml.mem_enabled = pm_enabled_mem
                pm_xml.disk_enabled = pm_enabled_disk
                vmxml.pm = pm_xml

        except virt_vm.VMStartError as info:
            if "not supported" in str(info).lower():
        # Selinux should be enforcing

        # Create swap partition/file if nessesary.
        need_mkswap = False
        if suspend_target in ['disk', 'hybrid']:
            need_mkswap = not vm.has_swap()
        if need_mkswap:
            logging.debug("Creating swap partition.")

            libvirtd = utils_libvirtd.Libvirtd()
            savefile = os.path.join(data_dir.get_tmp_dir(), "%s.save" % vm_name)
            session = vm.wait_for_login()
            # Touch a file on guest to test managed save command.
            if test_managedsave:
                session.cmd_status("touch pmtest")

            # Set vm state
            if vm_state == "paused":
            elif vm_state == "shutoff":

            # Run test case
            result = virsh.dompmsuspend(vm_name, suspend_target, duration=duration_value, debug=True,
            if result.exit_status == 0:
                if fail_pat:
                    test.fail("Expected failed with %s, but run succeed:\n%s" %
                              (fail_pat, result.stdout))
                if unsupported_guest_err in result.stderr:
                    test.cancel("Unsupported suspend mode:\n%s" % result.stderr)
                if not fail_pat:
                    test.fail("Expected success, but run failed:\n%s" % result.stderr)
                #if not any_pattern_match(fail_pat, result.stderr):
                if not any(p in result.stderr for p in fail_pat):
                    test.fail("Expected failed with one of %s, but "
                              "failed with:\n%s" % (fail_pat, result.stderr))

            # If pmsuspend_error is True, just skip below checking, and return directly.
            if pmsuspend_error:
            # check whether the state changes to pmsuspended
            if not utils_misc.wait_for(lambda: vm.state() == 'pmsuspended', 30):
                test.fail("VM failed to change its state, expected state: "
                          "pmsuspended, but actual state: %s" % vm.state())

            if agent_error_test:
                ret = virsh.dompmsuspend(vm_name, "mem", **virsh_dargs)
                libvirt.check_result(ret, fail_pat)
                ret = virsh.dompmsuspend(vm_name, "disk", **virsh_dargs)
                libvirt.check_result(ret, fail_pat)
                ret = virsh.domtime(vm_name, **virsh_dargs)
                libvirt.check_result(ret, fail_pat)
            if test_managedsave:
                ret = virsh.managedsave(vm_name, **virsh_dargs)
                # Dompmwakeup should return false here
                ret = virsh.dompmwakeup(vm_name, **virsh_dargs)
                libvirt.check_exit_status(ret, True)
                ret = virsh.start(vm_name)
                if not vm.is_paused():
                    test.fail("Vm status is not paused before pm wakeup")
                if params.get('setup_libvirt_polkit') == 'yes':
                    ret = virsh.dompmwakeup(vm_name, **virsh_dargs_copy)
                    ret = virsh.dompmwakeup(vm_name, **virsh_dargs)
                if not vm.is_paused():
                    test.fail("Vm status is not paused after pm wakeup")
                ret = virsh.resume(vm_name, **virsh_dargs)
                sess = vm.wait_for_login()
                if sess.cmd_status("ls pmtest && rm -f pmtest"):
                    test.fail("Check managed save failed on guest")
            if test_save_restore:
                # Run a series of operations to check libvirtd status.
                ret = virsh.dompmwakeup(vm_name, **virsh_dargs)
                # Wait for vm is started
                ret = virsh.save(vm_name, savefile, **virsh_dargs)
                ret = virsh.restore(savefile, **virsh_dargs)
                # Wait for vm is started
                # run pmsuspend again
                ret = virsh.dompmsuspend(vm_name, suspend_target, **virsh_dargs)
                # save and restore the guest again.
                ret = virsh.save(vm_name, savefile, **virsh_dargs)
                ret = virsh.restore(savefile, **virsh_dargs)
                ret = virsh.destroy(vm_name, **virsh_dargs)
                if not libvirtd.is_running():
                    test.fail("libvirtd crashed")
            if test_suspend_resume:
                ret = virsh.suspend(vm_name)
                libvirt.check_exit_status(ret, expect_error=True)
                if vm.state() != 'pmsuspended':
                    test.fail("VM state should be pmsuspended")
                ret = virsh.resume(vm_name)
                libvirt.check_exit_status(ret, expect_error=True)
                if vm.state() != 'pmsuspended':
                    test.fail("VM state should be pmsuspended")
            # Remove the tmp file
            if os.path.exists(savefile):
            # Restore VM state
            if vm_state == "paused":

            if suspend_target in ['mem', 'hybrid']:
                if vm.state() == "pmsuspended":
                if vm.state() == "in shutdown":
                if vm.is_dead():

            if need_mkswap:

        # Destroy the vm.
        if vm.is_alive():
        # Recover xml of vm.