コード例 #1
        EventDescription to show Dan what we need and to test the annotation part. You will probably need a pseudo
        EventGenerator for that.
        Later, the ResourceManagement API will receive new EventDescriptions and instanciate EventWrapper
        (or best case we can reuse one instance). There is no need to make the metadata file nor to instanciate an
        EventWrapper for each REPORT_ID."""

        self.eventDescription = eventdescription

    def getEventDescription(self):
        return self.eventDescription

if __name__ == "__main__":
    atew = AarhusTrafficEventWrapper()
    from virtualisation.annotation.genericannotation import GenericAnnotation
    annotator = GenericAnnotation()
    eventData = JSONObject()
    eventData.ceID = 123456
    eventData.ceType = "traffic"
    eventData.ceName = "traffic jam"
    eventData.ceTime = 1438591234000L
    eventData.ceCoordinate = "(56.12 10.13)"
    eventData.ceLevel = 1

    print "Incoming event data", eventData.dumps()

    g = annotator.annotateEvent(eventData, atew.getEventDescription())
    print "Resulting graph", g.serialize(format='n3')

    print atew.getEventDescription().dumps()
コード例 #2
class AbstractEventWrapper(object):
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self):
        self.config = JSONObject(file(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "config.json"), "rb"))
        self.host = self.config.rabbitmq.host
        self.port = self.config.rabbitmq.port
        # self.rabbitmqconnection, self.rabbitmqchannel = RabbitMQ.establishConnection(self.host, self.port)
        self.messageBusReceiveQueue = QueueThread(handler=self.receiveEventHandler)
        self.messageBusSendQueue = QueueThread(handler=self.sendAnnotatedEventHandler)
        self.wrappers = []
        self.splitters = None
        self.annotator = GenericAnnotation()
        self.exchange = RabbitMQ.exchange_annotated_event

    def getEventDescription(self):
        :return: a event description

    def getFileObject(cls, currentfile, filename, mode="r"):
        parent = os.path.dirname(currentfile)
        if parent.endswith(".zip"):
            zFile = zipfile.ZipFile(parent)
            return zFile.open(filename, mode)
            return file(os.path.join(parent, filename), mode)
    # def addWrapper(self, wrapper):
    #     """
    #     adds a wrapper to the internal wrapper list
    #     :param wrapper:
    #     :return:
    #     """
    #     if not isinstance(wrapper, AbstractEventWrapper):
    #         raise Exception(error="trying to add a wrapper of the wrong instance. Requires AbstractEventWRapper")
    #     self.wrappers.append(wrapper)

    def start(self):
        "@Daniel P: The ResourceManagement declares all available exchanges. I guess this is unnecessary therefore."
        # RabbitMQ.declareExchange(self.rabbitmqchannel, self.exchange, _type="topic")
        queue = RabbitMQ.channel.queue_declare()
        queue_name = queue.method.queue
        # in the following line the exchange should be RabbitMQ.exchange_event
        RabbitMQ.channel.queue_bind(exchange=self.exchange, queue=queue_name,

    def run(self):
        start listening on the event detection component
        # self.__forEachWrapper("run")
        self.runthread = threading.Thread(target=self._run)

    def _run(self):
        self.channel.basic_consume(self.receiveEventHandler, no_ack=True)

    def receiveEventHandler(self, channel, method, properties, body):
        Receives messages throught the message bus, annotates the event
         and sends the annotated event
        :param channel:
        :param method:
        :param properties:
        :param body:
        event = json.loads(body)
        annotatedevent = self.annotateEvent(event)

    def annotateEvent(self, event):
        Annotates the event and saves the graph in the triple store
        :param event:
        :return: returns the annotated graph of the event
        graph = self.annotator.annotateEvent(event, self.getEventDescription())
        return graph

    def sendAnnotatedEventHandler(self, annotatedevent):
        key = self.getEventDescription().messagebus.routingKey
        message = annotatedevent.serialize(format='n3')
        RabbitMQ.sendMessage(message, self.exchange, key)