コード例 #1
    def __generate_ePass(self):
        """Generate the MF and SAM of an ICAO passport. This method is
        responsible for generating the filesystem and filling it with content.
        Therefore it must interact with the user by prompting for the MRZ and
        optionally for the path to a photo."""
        from PIL import Image
        from virtualsmartcard.cards.ePass import PassportSAM

        # TODO: Sanity checks
        MRZ = raw_input("Please enter the MRZ as one string: ")

        readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")

        picturepath = raw_input("Please enter the path to an image: ")
        picturepath = picturepath.strip()

        # MRZ1 = "P<UTOERIKSSON<<ANNA<MARIX<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"
        # MRZ2 = "L898902C<3UTO6908061F9406236ZE184226B<<<<<14"
        # MRZ = MRZ1 + MRZ2

            im = Image.open(picturepath)
            pic_width, pic_height = im.size
            fd = open(picturepath, "rb")
            picture = fd.read()
        except IOError:
            logging.warning("Failed to open file: " + picturepath)
            pic_width = 0
            pic_height = 0
            picture = None

        mf = MF()

        # We need a MF with Application DF \xa0\x00\x00\x02G\x10\x01
        df = DF(parent=mf, fid=4, dfname='\xa0\x00\x00\x02G\x10\x01',

        # EF.COM
        COM = pack([(0x5F01, 4, "0107"), (0x5F36, 6, "040000"),
                    (0x5C, 2, "6175")])
        COM = pack(((0x60, len(COM), COM),))
        df.append(TransparentStructureEF(parent=df, fid=0x011E,
                  filedescriptor=0, data=COM))

        # EF.DG1
        DG1 = pack([(0x5F1F, len(MRZ), MRZ)])
        DG1 = pack([(0x61, len(DG1), DG1)])
        df.append(TransparentStructureEF(parent=df, fid=0x0101,
                  filedescriptor=0, data=DG1))

        # EF.DG2
        if picture is not None:
            IIB = "\x00\x01" + inttostring(pic_width, 2) +\
                    inttostring(pic_height, 2) + 6 * "\x00"
            length = 32 + len(picture)  # 32 is the length of IIB + FIB
            FIB = inttostring(length, 4) + 16 * "\x00"
            FRH = "FAC" + "\x00" + "010" + "\x00" +\
                  inttostring(14 + length, 4) + inttostring(1, 2)
            picture = FRH + FIB + IIB + picture
            DG2 = pack([(0xA1, 8, "\x87\x02\x01\x01\x88\x02\x05\x01"),
                       (0x5F2E, len(picture), picture)])
            DG2 = pack([(0x02, 1, "\x01"), (0x7F60, len(DG2), DG2)])
            DG2 = pack([(0x7F61, len(DG2), DG2)])
            DG2 = ""
        df.append(TransparentStructureEF(parent=df, fid=0x0102,
                  filedescriptor=0, data=DG2))

        # EF.SOD
        df.append(TransparentStructureEF(parent=df, fid=0x010D,
                  filedescriptor=0, data=""))


        self.mf = mf
        self.sam = PassportSAM(self.mf)