def hypervisorHeartbeat(self, config, options=None): """ Send heart beat to candlepin server :param config: reference on configuration :param options: other options """ if options: named_options = NamedOptions() for key, value in options['global'].items(): setattr(named_options, key, value) else: named_options = None try: connection = self._connect(config) result = connection.hypervisorHeartbeat(config['owner'], named_options) except BadStatusLine: raise ManagerError( "Communication with subscription manager interrupted") except rhsm_connection.RateLimitExceededException as e: raise ManagerThrottleError(e.retry_after) except rhsm_connection.GoneException: raise ManagerError( "Communication with subscription manager failed: consumer no longer exists" ) except rhsm_connection.ConnectionException as e: if hasattr(e, 'code'): raise ManagerError( "Communication with subscription manager failed with code %d: %s" % (e.code, str(e))) raise ManagerError( "Communication with subscription manager failed: %s" % str(e)) return result
def sendVirtGuests(self, report, options=None): """ Update consumer facts with info about virtual guests. `guests` is a list of `Guest` instances (or it children). """ guests = report.guests self._connect(report.config) # Sort the list guests.sort(key=lambda item: item.uuid) serialized_guests = [guest.toDict() for guest in guests] 'Sending update in guests lists for config ' '"%s": %d guests found',, len(guests)) self.logger.debug("Domain info: %s", json.dumps(serialized_guests, indent=4)) # Send list of guest uuids to the server try: self.connection.updateConsumer(self.uuid(), guest_uuids=serialized_guests, hypervisor_id=report.hypervisor_id) except rhsm_connection.GoneException: raise ManagerError( "Communication with subscription manager failed: consumer no longer exists" ) except rhsm_connection.RateLimitExceededException as e: raise ManagerThrottleError(e.retry_after) report.state = AbstractVirtReport.STATE_FINISHED
def hypervisorCheckIn(self, report, options=None): """ Send hosts to guests mapping to subscription manager. """ connection = self._connect(report.config) is_async = self._is_rhsm_server_async(report, connection) serialized_mapping = self._hypervisor_mapping(report, is_async, connection) self.logger.debug( "Host-to-guest mapping being sent to '{owner}': {mapping}".format( owner=report.config['owner'], mapping=json.dumps(serialized_mapping, indent=4))) # All subclasses of ConfigSection use dictionary like notation, # but RHSM uses attribute like notation if options: named_options = NamedOptions() for key, value in options['global'].items(): setattr(named_options, key, value) else: named_options = None try: try: result = self.connection.hypervisorCheckIn( report.config['owner'], report.config['env'], serialized_mapping, options=named_options) # pylint:disable=unexpected-keyword-arg except TypeError: # This is temporary workaround until the options parameter gets implemented # in python-rhsm self.logger.debug( "hypervisorCheckIn method in python-rhsm doesn't understand options parameter, ignoring" ) result = self.connection.hypervisorCheckIn( report.config['owner'], report.config['env'], serialized_mapping) except BadStatusLine: raise ManagerError( "Communication with subscription manager interrupted") except rhsm_connection.RateLimitExceededException as e: raise ManagerThrottleError(e.retry_after) except rhsm_connection.GoneException: raise ManagerError( "Communication with subscription manager failed: consumer no longer exists" ) except rhsm_connection.ConnectionException as e: if hasattr(e, 'code'): raise ManagerError( "Communication with subscription manager failed with code %d: %s" % (e.code, str(e))) raise ManagerError( "Communication with subscription manager failed: %s" % str(e)) if is_async is True: report.state = AbstractVirtReport.STATE_CREATED report.job_id = result['id'] else: report.state = AbstractVirtReport.STATE_FINISHED return result
def test_send_data_poll_async_429(self): # This test's that when a 429 is detected during async polling # we wait for the amount of time specified source_keys = ['source1', 'source2'] config1, d1 = self.create_fake_config('source1', **self.default_config_args) config2, d2 = self.create_fake_config('source2', **self.default_config_args) virt1 = Mock() virt1.CONFIG_TYPE = 'esx' virt2 = Mock() virt2.CONFIG_TYPE = 'esx' guest1 = Guest('GUUID1', virt1.CONFIG_TYPE, Guest.STATE_RUNNING) guest2 = Guest('GUUID2', virt2.CONFIG_TYPE, Guest.STATE_RUNNING) assoc1 = {'hypervisors': [Hypervisor('hypervisor_id_1', [guest1])]} assoc2 = {'hypervisors': [Hypervisor('hypervisor_id_2', [guest2])]} report1 = HostGuestAssociationReport(config1, assoc1) report2 = HostGuestAssociationReport(config2, assoc2) datastore = {'source1': report1, 'source2': report2} data_to_send = {'source1': report1, 'source2': report2} config, d = self.create_fake_config('test', **self.default_config_args) error_to_throw = ManagerThrottleError(retry_after=62) manager = Mock() manager.hypervisorCheckIn = Mock(side_effect=[error_to_throw, report1]) expected_wait_calls = [call(wait_time=error_to_throw.retry_after)] logger = Mock() terminate_event = Mock() interval = 10 # Arbitrary for this test options = Mock() options.print_ = False destination_thread = DestinationThread(logger, config, source_keys=source_keys, source=datastore, dest=manager, interval=interval, terminate_event=terminate_event, oneshot=False, options=self.options) destination_thread.wait = Mock() destination_thread.is_terminated = Mock(return_value=False) destination_thread.record_status = Mock() destination_thread._send_data(data_to_send) destination_thread.wait.assert_has_calls(expected_wait_calls)
def test_send_data_429_during_send_virt_guests(self): # Show that when a 429 is encountered during the sending of a # DomainListReport that we retry after waiting the appropriate # amount of time source_keys = ['source1'] config1 = Config('source1', 'esx') virt1 = Mock() virt1.CONFIG_TYPE = 'esx' guest1 = Guest('GUUID1', virt1, Guest.STATE_RUNNING) report1 = DomainListReport(config1, [guest1], hypervisor_id='hypervisor_id_1') datastore = {'source1': report1} data_to_send = {'source1': report1} config = Mock() config.polling_interval = 10 logger = Mock() error_to_throw = ManagerThrottleError(retry_after=21) manager = Mock() manager.sendVirtGuests = Mock(side_effect=[error_to_throw, report1]) terminate_event = Mock() interval = 10 options = Mock() options.print_ = False destination_thread = DestinationThread(logger, config, source_keys=source_keys, source=datastore, dest=manager, interval=interval, terminate_event=terminate_event, oneshot=True, options=options) destination_thread.wait = Mock() destination_thread._send_data(data_to_send) manager.sendVirtGuests.assert_has_calls([ call(report1, options=destination_thread.options), call(report1, options=destination_thread.options) ]) destination_thread.wait.assert_has_calls( [call(wait_time=error_to_throw.retry_after)])
def check_report_state(self, report): # BZ 1554228 job_id = str(report.job_id) self._connect(report.config) self.logger.debug('Checking status of job %s', job_id) try: result = self.connection.getJob(job_id) except BadStatusLine: raise ManagerError( "Communication with subscription manager interrupted") except rhsm_connection.RateLimitExceededException as e: raise ManagerThrottleError(e.retry_after) except rhsm_connection.ConnectionException as e: if hasattr(e, 'code'): raise ManagerError( "Communication with subscription manager failed with code %d: %s" % (e.code, str(e))) raise ManagerError( "Communication with subscription manager failed: %s" % str(e)) state = STATE_MAPPING.get(result['state'], AbstractVirtReport.STATE_FAILED) report.state = state if state not in (AbstractVirtReport.STATE_FINISHED, AbstractVirtReport.STATE_CANCELED, AbstractVirtReport.STATE_FAILED): self.logger.debug('Job %s not finished', job_id) else: # log completed job status result_data = result.get('resultData', {}) if not result_data: self.logger.warning("Job status report without resultData: %s", result) return if isinstance(result_data, string_types): self.logger.warning( "Job status report encountered the following error: %s", result_data) return for fail in result_data.get('failedUpdate', []): self.logger.error("Error during update list of guests: %s", str(fail)) self.logger.debug("Number of mappings unchanged: %d", len(result_data.get('unchanged', [])))"Mapping for config \"%s\" updated",
def test_send_data_429_during_send_virt_guests(self): # Show that when a 429 is encountered during the sending of a # DomainListReport that we retry after waiting the appropriate # amount of time config, d = self.create_fake_config('test', **self.default_config_args) source_keys = ['source1'] virt1 = Mock() virt1.CONFIG_TYPE = 'esx' guest1 = Guest('GUUID1', virt1.CONFIG_TYPE, Guest.STATE_RUNNING) report1 = DomainListReport(config, [guest1], hypervisor_id='hypervisor_id_1') datastore = {'source1': report1} data_to_send = {'source1': report1} logger = Mock() error_to_throw = ManagerThrottleError(retry_after=62) manager = Mock() manager.sendVirtGuests = Mock(side_effect=[error_to_throw, report1]) terminate_event = Mock() interval = 10 options = Mock() options.print_ = False destination_thread = DestinationThread(logger, config, source_keys=source_keys, source=datastore, dest=manager, interval=interval, terminate_event=terminate_event, oneshot=False, options=self.options) destination_thread.wait = Mock() destination_thread.record_status = Mock() destination_thread.is_terminated = Mock(return_value=False) destination_thread._send_data(data_to_send) manager.sendVirtGuests.assert_has_calls( [call(report1, options=destination_thread.options)]) destination_thread.wait.assert_has_calls( [call(wait_time=error_to_throw.retry_after)])
def test_send_data_poll_hypervisor_async_result(self): # This test's that when we have an async result from the server, # we poll for the result # Setup the test data config1, d1 = self.create_fake_config('source1', **self.default_config_args) config2, d2 = self.create_fake_config('source2', **self.default_config_args) virt1 = Mock() virt1.CONFIG_TYPE = 'esx' virt2 = Mock() virt2.CONFIG_TYPE = 'esx' guest1 = Guest('GUUID1', virt1.CONFIG_TYPE, Guest.STATE_RUNNING) guest2 = Guest('GUUID2', virt2.CONFIG_TYPE, Guest.STATE_RUNNING) assoc1 = {'hypervisors': [Hypervisor('hypervisor_id_1', [guest1])]} assoc2 = {'hypervisors': [Hypervisor('hypervisor_id_2', [guest2])]} report1 = HostGuestAssociationReport(config1, assoc1) report2 = HostGuestAssociationReport(config2, assoc2) data_to_send = {'source1': report1, 'source2': report2} source_keys = ['source1', 'source2'] batch_report1 = Mock() # The "report" to check status batch_report1.state = AbstractVirtReport.STATE_CREATED datastore = {'source1': report1, 'source2': report2} manager = Mock() items = [ ManagerThrottleError(), ManagerThrottleError(), ManagerThrottleError(), AbstractVirtReport.STATE_FINISHED ] manager.check_report_state = Mock( side_effect=self.check_report_state_closure(items)) logger = Mock() config, d = self.create_fake_config('test', **self.default_config_args) terminate_event = Mock() interval = 10 # Arbitrary for this test options = Mock() options.print_ = False destination_thread = DestinationThread(logger, config, source_keys=source_keys, source=datastore, dest=manager, interval=interval, terminate_event=terminate_event, oneshot=False, options=self.options) # In this test we want to see that the wait method is called when we # expect and with what parameters we expect destination_thread.wait = Mock() destination_thread.is_terminated = Mock(return_value=False) destination_thread.check_report_status(batch_report1) # There should be three waits, one after the job is submitted with duration of # MinimumJobPollingInterval. The second and third with duration MinimumJobPollInterval * 2 # (and all subsequent calls as demonstrated by the third wait) destination_thread.wait.assert_has_calls([ call(wait_time=MinimumJobPollInterval), call(wait_time=MinimumJobPollInterval * 2), call(wait_time=MinimumJobPollInterval * 2) ])
def test_send_data_poll_async_429(self): # This test's that when a 429 is detected during async polling # we wait for the amount of time specified source_keys = ['source1', 'source2'] config1 = Config('source1', 'esx') config2 = Config('source2', 'esx') virt1 = Mock() virt1.CONFIG_TYPE = 'esx' virt2 = Mock() virt2.CONFIG_TYPE = 'esx' guest1 = Guest('GUUID1', virt1, Guest.STATE_RUNNING) guest2 = Guest('GUUID2', virt2, Guest.STATE_RUNNING) assoc1 = {'hypervisors': [Hypervisor('hypervisor_id_1', [guest1])]} assoc2 = {'hypervisors': [Hypervisor('hypervisor_id_2', [guest2])]} report1 = HostGuestAssociationReport(config1, assoc1) report2 = HostGuestAssociationReport(config2, assoc2) datastore = {'source1': report1, 'source2': report2} data_to_send = {'source1': report1, 'source2': report2} config = Mock() config.polling_interval = 10 error_to_throw = ManagerThrottleError(retry_after=20) manager = Mock() manager.hypervisorCheckIn.return_value = report1 # A closure to allow us to have a function that "modifies" the given # report in a predictable way. # In this case I want to set the state of the report to STATE_FINISHED # after the first try def check_report_state_closure(items): item_iterator = iter(items) def mock_check_report_state(report): item = next(item_iterator) if isinstance(item, Exception): raise item report.state = item return report return mock_check_report_state states = [error_to_throw, AbstractVirtReport.STATE_FINISHED] expected_wait_calls = [call(wait_time=error_to_throw.retry_after)] check_report_mock = check_report_state_closure(states) manager.check_report_state = Mock(side_effect=check_report_mock) logger = Mock() terminate_event = Mock() interval = 10 # Arbitrary for this test options = Mock() options.print_ = False destination_thread = DestinationThread(logger, config, source_keys=source_keys, source=datastore, dest=manager, interval=interval, terminate_event=terminate_event, oneshot=True, options=options) destination_thread.wait = Mock() destination_thread._send_data(data_to_send) destination_thread.wait.assert_has_calls(expected_wait_calls)
def _connect(self, config=None): """ Connect to the subscription-manager. """ kwargs = { 'host': self.rhsm_config.get('server', 'hostname'), 'ssl_port': int(self.rhsm_config.get('server', 'port')), 'handler': self.rhsm_config.get('server', 'prefix'), 'proxy_hostname': self.rhsm_config.get('server', 'proxy_hostname'), 'proxy_port': self.rhsm_config.get('server', 'proxy_port'), 'proxy_user': self.rhsm_config.get('server', 'proxy_user'), 'proxy_password': self.rhsm_config.get('server', 'proxy_password'), 'no_proxy': self.rhsm_config.get('server', 'no_proxy'), 'insecure': self.rhsm_config.get('server', 'insecure') } kwargs_to_config = { 'host': 'rhsm_hostname', 'ssl_port': 'rhsm_port', 'handler': 'rhsm_prefix', 'proxy_hostname': 'rhsm_proxy_hostname', 'proxy_port': 'rhsm_proxy_port', 'proxy_user': '******', 'proxy_password': '******', 'no_proxy': 'rhsm_no_proxy', 'insecure': 'rhsm_insecure' } rhsm_username = None rhsm_password = None if config: try: rhsm_username = config['rhsm_username'] rhsm_password = config['rhsm_password'] except KeyError: pass if rhsm_username == NotSetSentinel: rhsm_username = None if rhsm_password == NotSetSentinel: rhsm_password = None # Testing for None is necessary, it might be an empty string for key, value in kwargs.items(): try: from_config = config[kwargs_to_config[key]] if from_config != NotSetSentinel and from_config is \ not None: if key == 'ssl_port': from_config = int(from_config) kwargs[key] = from_config except KeyError: continue if rhsm_username and rhsm_password: self.logger.debug("Authenticating with RHSM username %s", rhsm_username) kwargs['username'] = rhsm_username kwargs['password'] = rhsm_password else: self.logger.debug("Authenticating with certificate: %s", self.cert_file) if not os.access(self.cert_file, os.R_OK): raise SubscriptionManagerUnregisteredError( "Unable to read certificate, system is not registered or you are not root") kwargs['cert_file'] = self.cert_file kwargs['key_file'] = self.key_file"X-Correlation-ID: %s", self.correlation_id) if self.correlation_id: kwargs['correlation_id'] = self.correlation_id self.connection = rhsm_connection.UEPConnection(**kwargs) # add version to user_agent header on connection BZ 1844506 self.connection.conn.user_agent += " " + parser.get_version().replace(" ", "/") try: if not['result']: raise SubscriptionManagerError( "Unable to obtain status from server, UEPConnection is likely not usable." ) except rhsm_connection.RateLimitExceededException as e: raise ManagerThrottleError(e.retry_after) except BadStatusLine: raise ManagerError("Communication with subscription manager interrupted") return self.connection
def hypervisorCheckIn(self, report, options=None): """ Send hosts to guests mapping to subscription manager. """ mapping = report.association serialized_mapping = {} self._connect(report.config) self.logger.debug( "Checking if server has capability 'hypervisor_async'") is_async = hasattr( self.connection, 'has_capability' ) and self.connection.has_capability('hypervisors_async') if is_async and os.environ.get('VIRTWHO_DISABLE_ASYNC', '').lower() in ['1', 'yes', 'true']: "Async reports are supported but explicitly disabled") is_async = False if is_async: self.logger.debug("Server has capability 'hypervisors_async'") # Transform the mapping into the async version serialized_mapping = { 'hypervisors': [h.toDict() for h in mapping['hypervisors']] } else: self.logger.debug( "Server does not have 'hypervisors_async' capability") # Reformat the data from the mapping to make it fit with # the old api. for hypervisor in mapping['hypervisors']: guests = [g.toDict() for g in hypervisor.guestIds] serialized_mapping[hypervisor.hypervisorId] = guests hypervisor_count = len(mapping['hypervisors']) guest_count = sum( len(hypervisor.guestIds) for hypervisor in mapping['hypervisors']) 'Sending update in hosts-to-guests mapping for config ' '"%s": %d hypervisors and %d guests found',, hypervisor_count, guest_count) self.logger.debug("Host-to-guest mapping: %s", json.dumps(serialized_mapping, indent=4)) try: try: result = self.connection.hypervisorCheckIn(report.config.owner, report.config.env, serialized_mapping, options=options) # pylint:disable=unexpected-keyword-arg except TypeError: # This is temporary workaround until the options parameter gets implemented # in python-rhsm self.logger.debug( "hypervisorCheckIn method in python-rhsm doesn't understand options parameter, ignoring" ) result = self.connection.hypervisorCheckIn( report.config.owner, report.config.env, serialized_mapping) except BadStatusLine: raise ManagerError( "Communication with subscription manager interrupted") except rhsm_connection.RateLimitExceededException as e: retry_after = int( getattr(e, 'headers', {}).get('Retry-After', '60')) raise ManagerThrottleError(retry_after) except rhsm_connection.GoneException: raise ManagerError( "Communication with subscription manager failed: consumer no longer exists" ) except rhsm_connection.ConnectionException as e: if hasattr(e, 'code'): raise ManagerError( "Communication with subscription manager failed with code %d: %s" % (e.code, str(e))) raise ManagerError( "Communication with subscription manager failed: %s" % str(e)) if is_async is True: report.state = AbstractVirtReport.STATE_PROCESSING report.job_id = result['id'] else: report.state = AbstractVirtReport.STATE_FINISHED return result