コード例 #1
def predict_image(id):
    # load image, switch to BGR, subtract mean, and make dims C x H x W for Caffe

    VOCopts_seg_imgsetpath = os.path.join(VOCopts['datadir'], VOCopts['dataset'],

    with open(VOCopts_seg_imgsetpath, 'r') as rf:
        gtids = [i.replace('\n', '') for i in rf.readlines()]
    num = 1
    total_time = 0
    for imname in gtids:
        start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        if not imname:
        imgpath = os.path.join(VOCopts['datadir'], VOCopts['dataset'], 'JPEGImages/{}.jpg'.format(imname))
        print '读取图片: {}'.format(imgpath)

        im = Image.open(imgpath).resize((1008,1100))
        in_ = np.array(im, dtype=np.float32)

        in_ = in_[:, :, ::-1]

        in_ -= np.array((104.00698793, 116.66876762, 122.67891434))

        in_ = in_.transpose((2, 0, 1))
        # shape for input (data blob is N x C x H x W), set data
        net.blobs['data'].reshape(1, *in_.shape)
        net.blobs['data'].data[...] = in_
        # np.save("infer.npy", np.array(net.blobs['data'].data))
        # run net and take argmax foim = im.resize((500, 500))r prediction
        out = net.blobs['score'].data[0].argmax(axis=0)

        print out.max()
        out_im = Image.fromarray(out.astype('uint8'))
        print out_im.mode

        end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        process_time = end_time - start_time
        total_time += process_time.total_seconds()
        print '处理图片第{}张图片{} 耗时{}'.format(num, imname, process_time)
        print '总耗时{}, 平均耗时{}'.format(total_time, total_time / num)
        num += 1
        save_path = os.path.join(VOCopts['resdir'],
                                 'Segmentation/{}_{}_cls/'.format(id, VOCopts['testset']))
        resfile = os.path.join(VOCopts['resdir'],
                               'Segmentation/{}_{}_cls/{}.png'.format(id, VOCopts['testset'], imname))
        # visualize segmentation in PASCAL VOC colors
        voc_palette = vis.make_palette(21)
        out_palette_im = Image.fromarray(vis.color_seg(out, voc_palette))


        masked_im = Image.fromarray(vis.vis_seg(im, out, voc_palette))
        print '存储结果图片: {}'.format(resfile)
コード例 #2
def segment(img):
    time_start = time.time()
    im = modifySize(Image.open(img))
    if (im.mode == "RGBA"):
        im = im.convert("RGB")
    in_ = np.array(im, dtype=np.float32)
    in_ = in_[:, :, ::-1]
    in_ -= np.array((104.00698793, 116.66876762, 122.67891434))
    in_ = in_.transpose((2, 0, 1))

    # load net
    #net = caffe.Net('Server/FCN/voc-fcn8s/deploy.prototxt', 'Server/FCN/voc-fcn8s/fcn8s-heavy-pascal.caffemodel', caffe.TEST)
    # shape for input (data blob is N x C x H x W), set data
    net.blobs['data'].reshape(1, *in_.shape)
    net.blobs['data'].data[...] = in_
    # run net and take argmax for prediction
    out = net.blobs['score'].data[0].argmax(axis=0)

    # visualize segmentation in PASCAL VOC colors
    voc_palette = vis.make_palette(21)
    out_im = Image.fromarray(vis.color_seg(out, voc_palette))
    imgNames = img.split('.')
    output = os.path.join("./static/image", imgNames[0] + ".output.png")
    masked_im = Image.fromarray(vis.vis_seg(im, out, voc_palette))
    visualization = os.path.join("./static/image", imgNames[0] + ".vis.jpg")
    time_end = time.time()
    print('totally cost', time_end - time_start)
    return time_end - time_start
コード例 #3
ファイル: score.py プロジェクト: davidgj94/SegNet-Tutorial
def compute_hist(net, save_dir, dataset, layer='score', gt='label'):
    n_cl = net.blobs[layer].channels
    if save_dir:
    hist = np.zeros((n_cl, n_cl))
    loss = 0
    for idx in dataset:
        hist += fast_hist(net.blobs[gt].data[0, 0].flatten(),
                          net.blobs[layer].data[0].argmax(0).flatten(), n_cl)

        if save_dir:

            sat_path = 'data/roads/ROADS/CroppedImages/{}.png'.format(idx)
            sat = Image.open(sat_path)
            score = net.blobs["score"].data[...][0, :, :, :]
            score = score.transpose((1, 2, 0))
            label = np.argmax(score, axis=2)
            vis_img = Image.fromarray(
                vis.vis_seg(sat, label, vis.make_palette(4)))
            vis_img.save(os.path.join(save_dir, idx + '.png'))

            #im = Image.fromarray(net.blobs[layer].data[0].argmax(0).astype(np.uint8), mode='P')
            #im.save(os.path.join(save_dir, idx + '.png'))
        # compute the loss as well
        loss += net.blobs['loss'].data.flat[0]
    return hist, loss / len(dataset)
コード例 #4
ファイル: infer.py プロジェクト: jackeryjam/GraduationProject
def segment(img):
    # load image, switch to BGR, subtract mean, and make dims C x H x W for Caffe
    print "start"
    im = modifySize(Image.open(img))
    in_ = np.array(im, dtype=np.float32)
    in_ = in_[:, :, ::-1]
    in_ -= np.array((104.00698793, 116.66876762, 122.67891434))
    in_ = in_.transpose((2, 0, 1))

    net = caffe.Net('Server/FCN/voc-fcn8s/deploy.prototxt',

    time_start = time.time()
    # shape for input (data blob is N x C x H x W), set data
    net.blobs['data'].reshape(1, *in_.shape)
    net.blobs['data'].data[...] = in_
    # run net and take argmax for prediction
    print "forward"
    out = net.blobs['score'].data[0].argmax(axis=0)

    print "end forward"
    # visualize segmentation in PASCAL VOC colors
    voc_palette = vis.make_palette(21)
    out_im = Image.fromarray(vis.color_seg(out, voc_palette))
    time_end = time.time()
    print('totally cost', time_end - time_start)
    imgNames = img.split('.')
    output = os.path.join("./static/image", imgNames[0] + "output.png")
    masked_im = Image.fromarray(vis.vis_seg(im, out, voc_palette))
    visualization = output = os.path.join("./static/image",
                                          imgNames[0] + "visualization.jpg")
コード例 #5
def infer(input_image,input_mask,input_mask_thr,output_mask,output_overlay):
    # the demo image is "2007_000129" from PASCAL VOC

    # load image, switch to BGR, subtract mean, and make dims C x H x W for Caffe
    image = Image.open(input_image)
    image = image.resize([128, 128], Image.ANTIALIAS)
    in_ = np.array(image, dtype=np.float32)
    in_ = in_[:,:,::-1]
    # in_ -= np.array((104.00698793,116.66876762,122.67891434))
    in_ = in_.transpose((2,0,1))

    label = Image.open(input_mask)
    label = label.resize([128, 128],Image.NEAREST)
    label = np.array(label,np.uint8)
    # label -= 1  # rotate labels so classes start at 0, void is 255
    # label = label[np.newaxis, ...]
    label = (label > 200) * 1
    from scipy.misc import imsave
    if input_mask_thr: imsave(input_mask_thr,label)

    # shape for input (data blob is N x C x H x W), set data
    net.blobs['data'].reshape(1, *in_.shape)
    net.blobs['data'].data[...] = in_
    # run net and take argmax for prediction
    out = net.blobs['output_sep'].data[0]

    Dtype = out.dtype
    im = Image.fromarray(out[0,:,:])
    im = im.resize([6, 6], Image.NEAREST)
    im = np.array(im,Dtype)
    print im

    out = out.argmax(axis=0)

    im = Image.fromarray(out.astype(Dtype))
    im = im.resize([6, 6], Image.NEAREST)
    im = np.array(im,Dtype)
    print im

    # visualize segmentation in PASCAL VOC colors
    voc_palette = vis.make_palette(2)
    out_im = Image.fromarray(vis.color_seg(out, voc_palette))
    masked_im = Image.fromarray(vis.vis_seg(image, out, voc_palette))
コード例 #6
def callback(imgmsg):

    # print(imgmsg)
    bridge = CvBridge()
    img_ori = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(imgmsg, "bgr8")

    # Resize image [Image size is defined during training]
    img_resize = skimage.transform.resize(img_ori, IMAGE_DIM) * 255

    # Convert RGB to BGR [skimage reads image in RGB, some networks may need BGR]
    image_t = img_resize[:, :, ::-1]

    # Mean subtraction & scaling [A common technique used to center the data]
    image_t = image_t.astype(numpy.float16)
    image_t = (image_t - numpy.float16(IMAGE_MEAN))

    # -----------step4: get result-------------------------------------------------
    graph.queue_inference_with_fifo_elem(fifo_in, fifo_out, image_t,
                                         'user object')

    # Get the results from NCS
    out, userobj = fifo_out.read_elem()

    #  flatten ---> image
    out = out.reshape(-1, 2).T.reshape(2, 331, -1)
    out = out.argmax(axis=0)
    out = out[6:-5, 6:-5]

    # save result
    voc_palette = vis.make_palette(2)
    #out_im = Image.fromarray(vis.color_seg(out, voc_palette))
    #iamge_name = IMAGE_PATH.split('/')[-1].rstrip('.jpg')
    # out_im.save('demo_test/' + iamge_name + '_ncs_' + '.png')

    # get masked image
    img_masked = Image.fromarray(vis.vis_seg(img_ori, out, voc_palette))

    # # visualization
    img_ori = img_ori[:, :, ::-1]
    img_masked = img_masked[:, :, ::-1]
    cv2.imshow("in", img_ori)
    cv2.imshow("out", img_masked)
コード例 #7
def segmentation(path, current_painting):
    # the demo image is "2007_000129" from PASCAL VOC

    # load image, switch to BGR, subtract mean, and make dims C x H x W for Caffe
    # im = Image.open('demo/image.jpg')
    # path = "demo/Trials/twice.jpg"
    im = Image.open(path)
    # reshape input layer from dimensions of image H x W
    delayPrint("Starting to segment the image: {}".format(current_painting),
    in_ = np.array(im, dtype=np.float32)
    in_ = in_[:, :, ::-1]
    in_ -= np.array((104.00698793, 116.66876762, 122.67891434))
    in_ = in_.transpose((2, 0, 1))

    # Own code:
    # Set mode to GPU
    # load net
    net = caffe.Net('voc-fcn8s/deploy.prototxt',
                    'voc-fcn8s/fcn8s-heavy-pascal.caffemodel', caffe.TEST)
    # shape for input (data blob is N x C x H x W), set data
    net.blobs['data'].reshape(1, *in_.shape)
    net.blobs['data'].data[...] = in_
    # run net and take argmax for prediction
    out = net.blobs['score'].data[0].argmax(axis=0)

    # visualize segmentation in PASCAL VOC colors
    voc_palette = vis.make_palette(21)
    out_im = Image.fromarray(vis.color_seg(out, voc_palette))
    # out_im.save('demo/output.png')
    out_im.save('demo/output/output_%s.png' % (current_painting.split(".")[0]))
    masked_im = Image.fromarray(vis.vis_seg(im, out, voc_palette))

    # print extracted colors of original image

    # masked_im.save('demo/visualization.jpg')
    masked_im.save('demo/output/output_%s.jpg' % (current_painting))
コード例 #8
def callback(imgmsg):

    # print(imgmsg)
    bridge = CvBridge()
    img_ori = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(imgmsg, "bgr8")

    # Resize image [Image size is defined during training]
    img_resize = skimage.transform.resize(img_ori, IMAGE_DIM) * 255

    # Convert RGB to BGR [skimage reads image in RGB, some networks may need BGR]
    image_t = img_resize[:, :, ::-1]

    # Mean subtraction & scaling [A common technique used to center the data]
    image_t = image_t.astype(numpy.float16)
    image_t = (image_t - numpy.float16(IMAGE_MEAN))

    # -----------step4: get result-------------------------------------------------
    graph.LoadTensor(image_t, 'user object')

    # Get the results from NCS
    out = graph.GetResult()[0]

    #  flatten ---> image
    out = out.reshape(-1, 2).T.reshape(2, 331, -1)
    out = out.argmax(axis=0)
    out = out[:-11, :-11]

    # save result
    voc_palette = vis.make_palette(2)

    # get masked image
    img_masked = vis.vis_seg(img_resize, out, voc_palette)

    # # visualization
    img_ori = img_ori[:, :, ::-1]
    img_masked = img_masked[:, :, ::-1]
    cv2.imshow("in", img_ori)
    cv2.imshow("out", img_masked)
コード例 #9
ファイル: infer.py プロジェクト: tengguolong/keras-fcn
    K.clear_session()  # Clear previous models from memory.
    model = fcn8s_resnet(height=cfg.height, width=cfg.width)
    weights_path = os.path.abspath(args.weights)
    model.load_weights(weights_path, by_name=True)

    with open('../data/VOC2007/ImageSets/Segmentation/minival.txt') as f:
        ims = [x.strip() + '.jpg' for x in f.readlines()][:10]

    t = timer.now()
    segs = []
    for i in range(len(ims)):
        img_path = '../data/VOC2007/JPEGImages/' + ims[i]
        segs.append(pred(model, img_path))
    delta = timer.now() - t
    print(len(ims), 'images cost: ', delta)
    print('average cost: ', delta / len(ims))
    with open('segs.pkl', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(segs, f)

    # visualize segmentation in PASCAL VOC colors
    voc_palette = make_palette(21)
    for i in range(len(ims)):
        img_path = '../data/VOC2007/JPEGImages/' + ims[i]
        im = Image.open(img_path)
        im = np.array(im, np.uint8)
        im = cv2.resize(im, (cfg.width, cfg.height))
        out_im = Image.fromarray(color_seg(segs[i], voc_palette))
        masked_im = Image.fromarray(vis_seg(im, segs[i], voc_palette))
        masked_im.save('results/' + ims[i])
コード例 #10
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument('--weights', type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument('--imgs_txt', type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument('--save_dir', type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument('--num_classes', type=str, required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()

net = caffe.Net(args.model, args.weights, caffe.TEST)

test_txt = np.loadtxt(args.imgs_txt, dtype=str)
test_names = [os.path.basename(img_path) for img_path in test_txt[:, 1]]

for img_name in test_names:


    image = net.blobs['data'].data
    label = net.blobs['label'].data
    predicted = net.blobs['prob'].data
    image = np.squeeze(image[0, :, :, :])
    output = np.squeeze(predicted[0, :, :, :])
    ind = np.argmax(output, axis=0)

    image = np.transpose(image, (1, 2, 0))
    image = image[:, :, (2, 1, 0)]

    vis_img = Image.fromarray(
        vis.vis_seg(image, ind, vis.make_palette(int(args.num_classes))))
    vis_img.save(os.path.join(args.save_dir, img_name))
コード例 #11
    def load_image_label(self, img_path, label_path):

        white_img = cv2.imread(img_path)
        label = cv2.imread(label_path)[..., 0]

        if self.testing:
            plt.imshow(white_img[..., ::-1])
            plt.title("White Image")

        flip_op = np.random.choice([-1, 0, 1])
        white_img = cv2.flip(white_img, flip_op)
        label = cv2.flip(label, flip_op)

        if self.testing:
            vis_img = vis.vis_seg(white_img.astype(np.uint8), label,
            plt.imshow(vis_img[..., ::-1])
            plt.title("Flipped {} Image".format(flip_op))

        if np.random.rand() < 0.5:

            white_img, top_border = trans.random_crop(white_img,
            label = trans.crop(label, top_border, self.crop_size)

            if self.testing:
                vis_img = vis.vis_seg(white_img.astype(np.uint8), label,
                plt.imshow(vis_img[..., ::-1])
                plt.title("Cropped Image")


            angle = self.sigma * np.random.randn()
            white_img = trans.rotate_img(white_img, angle, self.crop_size)
            label = trans.rotate_img(label,

            if self.testing:
                label_vis = label.copy()
                label_vis[label_vis == 255] = 5
                vis_img = vis.vis_seg(white_img.astype(np.uint8), label_vis,
                plt.imshow(vis_img[..., ::-1])
                plt.title("Rotated Image_{}".format(int(angle)))

        illuminant = self.sample_illuminant()
        img = illu.apply_illuminant(white_img, illuminant)

        if self.testing:
            plt.imshow(img[..., ::-1])
            plt.title("New Image")

        img = img.astype(float)
        img -= self.mean

        img = img.transpose((2, 0, 1))
        label = label[np.newaxis, ...]

        return img, label
コード例 #12
ファイル: run_server.py プロジェクト: luyunxi/A-REST-API
def predict():
    # initialize the data dictionary that will be returned from the
    # view
    data = {"success": False}

    # ensure an image was properly uploaded to our endpoint
    if flask.request.method == "POST":
        if flask.request.files.get("image"):
            # read the image in PIL format
            image = flask.request.files["image"].read()
            image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image))

            # if necesary, we can perpare images ahead.
            # preprocess the image and prepare it for classification
            # image = prepare_image(image, target=(224, 224))
            # image = np.matrix(image, dtype=np.int32)

            # make file "time.txt" and write the path of the image get from clinet
            file_time = open("time.txt", "w+")
            fileName = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S')
            image.save('./images/' + fileName + '.jpg')
            file_time.write(absPath + '/images/' + fileName + '.jpg')

            pred_hooks = None
            if FLAGS.debug:
                debug_hook = tf_debug.LocalCLIDebugHook()
                pred_hooks = [debug_hook]

            examples = dataset_util.read_examples_list(FLAGS.infer_data_list)
            image_files = [os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, filename) for filename in examples]

            with graph.as_default():
                    global model
                    predictions = model.predict(input_fn=lambda: preprocessing.eval_input_fn(image_files),
                except Exception as e:
                    raise TypeError("bad input") from e

            output_dir = FLAGS.output_dir
            if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

            # print(image_files)
            for pred_dict, image_path in zip(predictions, image_files):
                image_basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_path))[0]
                output_filename = image_basename + '.png'
                path_to_output = os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename)
                orginalImage = np.array(Image.open(image_path))
                img = Image.fromarray(orginalImage)

                mask = pred_dict['decoded_labels']
                mask = Image.fromarray(mask)

                mask = mask.convert('L')
                threshold = 10
                table = []
                for i in range(256):
                    if i < threshold:
                mask = mask.point(table, '1')
                mask = np.matrix(mask, dtype=np.int32)

                voc_palette = vis.make_palette(2)
                out_im = Image.fromarray(vis.color_seg(mask, voc_palette))
                (shotname, extension) = os.path.splitext(image_path)

                # mask images
                # out_im.save(shotname+'out.png')

                masked_im = Image.fromarray(vis.vis_seg(img, mask, voc_palette))
                # get vis in images/
                # masked_im.save(shotname+'vis.png')

                print("generating:", path_to_output)

            # results = imagenet_utils.decode_predictions(preds)
            data["predictions"] = []

            # loop over the results and add them to the list of
            # returned predictions
            # for (imagenetID, label, prob) in 1:
            r = {"label": "apple", "probability": float(0.999)}

            # indicate that the request was a success
            data["success"] = True

    # return the data dictionary as a JSON response
    return flask.jsonify(data)
コード例 #13
def main(unused_argv):
    # Using the Winograd non-fused algorithms provides a small performance boost.
    os.environ['TF_ENABLE_WINOGRAD_NONFUSED'] = '1'

    pred_hooks = None
    if FLAGS.debug:
        debug_hook = tf_debug.LocalCLIDebugHook()
        pred_hooks = [debug_hook]

    model = tf.estimator.Estimator(
            'output_stride': FLAGS.output_stride,
            1,  # Batch size must be 1 because the images' size may differ
            'base_architecture': FLAGS.base_architecture,
            'pre_trained_model': None,
            'batch_norm_decay': None,
            'num_classes': _NUM_CLASSES,

    examples = dataset_util.read_examples_list(FLAGS.infer_data_list)
    image_files = [
        os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, filename) for filename in examples

    predictions = model.predict(
        input_fn=lambda: preprocessing.eval_input_fn(image_files),

    output_dir = FLAGS.output_dir
    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

    for pred_dict, image_path in zip(predictions, image_files):
        image_basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_path))[0]
        output_filename = image_basename + '.png'
        path_to_output = os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename)

        orginalImage = np.array(Image.open(image_path))
        img = Image.fromarray(orginalImage)

        print("generating:", path_to_output)
        start = time.clock()
        mask = pred_dict['decoded_labels']
        end = time.clock()
        print('running time %s' % (end - start))
        mask = Image.fromarray(mask)

        mask = mask.convert('L')
        threshold = 10
        table = []
        for i in range(256):
            if i < threshold:
        mask = mask.point(table, '1')
        mask = np.matrix(mask, dtype=np.int32)

        voc_palette = vis.make_palette(2)
        out_im = Image.fromarray(vis.color_seg(mask, voc_palette))
        (shotname, extension) = os.path.splitext(image_path)
        masked_im = Image.fromarray(vis.vis_seg(img, mask, voc_palette))
        masked_im.save(shotname + 'vis.jpg')

        plt.savefig(path_to_output, bbox_inches='tight')
コード例 #14
def main(args):
    '''main '''
    detection = CaffeDetection(args.gpu_id,
                               args.model_def, args.model_weights,
                               args.image_resize, args.labelmap_file)
    img_dir = args.image_file
    img_path = '/media/data/seg_dataset/fbox/JPEGImages'
    dst_path = '/home/yaok/software/caffe_ssd/result/box/mask_96/union'
    mask_path = '/media/data/seg_dataset/fbox/SemanticLabels'
    xml_path = '/media/data/seg_dataset/fbox/Annotations'

    font                   = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
    fontScale              = 1
    fontColor              = (0,0,255)
    lineType               = 2
    n_cls                  = 8
    voc_palette            = vis.make_palette(n_cls)

    # metrics 
    seg_miou, seg_recall, seg_precision = [], [], []

    with open(img_dir) as f:
        img_list = f.readlines()

    for img_name in img_list:
        # img_name = 'IMG_20180305_120305'
        img_name = img_name.strip() + '.png'
        mask_name = img_name.strip()[0:-4] + '_seg.png'
        gt_mask_name = img_name.strip()[0:-4] + '.bmp'
        xml_name = img_name.strip()[0:-4] + '.xml'

        full_name = os.path.join(img_path, img_name)
        gt_mask_path = os.path.join(mask_path, gt_mask_name)
        xml_full_path = os.path.join(xml_path, xml_name)

        result, seg_mask = detection.detect(full_name)
        # mask_rect = detection.seg2box_multiclass(mask)

        mask_h, mask_w = seg_mask.shape
        det_mask = np.zeros((mask_h, mask_w, 3))
        gt_mask = cv2.imread(gt_mask_path, 0)
        gt_mask = cv2.resize(gt_mask, (mask_h, mask_w))

        for item in result:
            xmin = int(round(item[0] * mask_w))
            ymin = int(round(item[1] * mask_h))
            xmax = int(round(item[2] * mask_w))
            ymax = int(round(item[3] * mask_h))
            pt_x = int((xmax + xmin) / 2)
            pt_y = int((ymax + ymin) / 2)
            cls_ind = categories[item[-1]]
            det_mask = cv2.rectangle(det_mask, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (cls_ind,cls_ind,cls_ind), -1)
        img = cv2.imread(full_name)
        h, w, _ = img.shape
        det_mask_gray = det_mask[:,:,0].astype(np.uint8)

        seg_mask_onehot = detection.one_hot_transform(seg_mask)
        det_mask_onehot = detection.one_hot_transform(det_mask_gray)
        assert seg_mask_onehot.shape == det_mask_onehot.shape
        union = np.zeros(seg_mask.shape).astype(np.uint8)
        for i in range(1, n_cls):
            union_tmp = cv2.bitwise_or(det_mask_onehot[i-1], seg_mask_onehot[i-1])
            union[np.where(union_tmp == 1)] = i

        miou_seg, rec_seg, prec_seg = seg_scores(gt_mask, union, n_cls)
        print("segmentation metrics: miou: ", miou_seg, " recall: ", \
         rec_seg, " precision: ", prec_seg)

        resize_mask = cv2.resize(union, (h, w), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
        out_im = vis.vis_seg(img, resize_mask, voc_palette)
        dst_mask_name = os.path.join(dst_path, mask_name)
        cv2.imwrite(dst_mask_name, out_im)
    print("Final Segmentaiton: miou: ", np.array(seg_miou).sum()/len(seg_miou), 
                           " recall: ", np.array(seg_recall).sum()/len(seg_recall),
                           " precision: ", np.array(seg_precision).sum()/len(seg_precision))
    # print("Final deteciton: miou: ", np.array(det_miou).sum()/len(det_miou), 
    #                     " recall: ", np.array(det_recall).sum()/len(det_recall),
    #                     " precision: ", np.array(det_precision).sum()/len(det_precision))
コード例 #15
im = Image.open('demo/image.jpg')
in_ = np.array(im, dtype=np.float32)
in_ = in_[:,:,::-1]
in_ -= np.array((114.578, 115.294, 108.353))
in_ = in_.transpose((2,0,1))

import scipy.io
label = scipy.io.loadmat('demo/label.mat')['S']
label = label.astype(np.uint8)
# label -= 1  # rotate labels so classes start at 0, void is 255
# label = label[np.newaxis, ...]

from scipy.misc import imsave

# load net
net = caffe.Net('siftflow-fcn8s/deploy.prototxt', 'siftflow-fcn8s/siftflow-fcn8s-heavy.caffemodel', caffe.TEST)
# shape for input (data blob is N x C x H x W), set data
net.blobs['data'].reshape(1, *in_.shape)
net.blobs['data'].data[...] = in_
# run net and take argmax for prediction
out = net.blobs['score'].data[0].argmax(axis=0)

# visualize segmentation in PASCAL VOC colors
voc_palette = vis.make_palette(33)
out_im = Image.fromarray(vis.color_seg(out, voc_palette))
masked_im = Image.fromarray(vis.vis_seg(im, out, voc_palette))
コード例 #16
# the demo image is "2007_000129" from PASCAL VOC
list_file = '/home/king/Documents/image/tum3_seg/kf_timestmp.txt'
indexlist = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(list_file)]
print "indexlist: " + str(indexlist[0])

# load net
net = caffe.Net('/home/king/Documents/deeplab_v2/exper/nyu/config/deeplab_largeFOV/deploy.prototxt','/home/king/Documents/deeplab_v2/exper/nyu/model/deeplab_largeFOV/train_iter_20000.caffemodel',caffe.TEST)

for i, name in enumerate(indexlist):
	# load image, switch to BGR, subtract mean, and make dims C x H x W for Caffe
	im = Image.open('/home/king/Documents/image/rgbd_dataset_freiburg3_long_office_household/rgb/'+name+'.png')
	in_ = np.array(im, dtype=np.float32)
	in_ = in_[:,:,::-1]
	in_ -= np.array((104.00698793,116.66876762,122.67891434))	# subtract mean
	in_ = in_.transpose((2,0,1))

	# shape for input (data blob is N x C x H x W), set data
	net.blobs['data'].reshape(1, *in_.shape)
	net.blobs['data'].data[...] = in_
	# run net and take argmax for prediction
	out = net.blobs['score'].data[0].argmax(axis=0)

	# visualize segmentation in PASCAL VOC colors
	voc_palette = vis.make_palette(459)
	out_im = Image.fromarray(vis.color_seg(out, voc_palette))
	out_im.save('/home/king/Documents/image/tum3_seg/rgb/' + name + '.png')
	# masked_im = Image.fromarray(vis.vis_seg(im, out, voc_palette))
	# masked_im.save('/home/king/Documents/image/tum3_seg/rgb/' + name + 'merge.png')
コード例 #17
def main(args):
    '''main '''
    detection = CaffeDetection(args.gpu_id,
                               args.model_def, args.model_weights,
                               args.image_resize, args.labelmap_file)
    img_dir = args.image_file
    img_path = '/media/data/seg_dataset/fbox/JPEGImages'
    dst_path = '/home/yaok/software/caffe_ssd/result/box/mask_96/threshold_8e3'
    mask_path = '/media/data/seg_dataset/fbox/SemanticLabels'
    xml_path = '/media/data/seg_dataset/fbox/Annotations'

    font                   = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
    fontScale              = 1
    fontColor              = (0,0,255)
    lineType               = 2
    n_cls                  = 8
    voc_palette            = vis.make_palette(n_cls)
    gamma                  = 0.008
    voc_palette[-1]        = np.array([255, 128, 255])

    # metrics 
    seg_miou, seg_recall, seg_precision = [], [], []

    with open(img_dir) as f:
        img_list = f.readlines()

    for img_name in img_list:
        startTm = datetime.now()
        # img_name = 'IMG_20180305_120305'
        img_name = img_name.strip() + '.png'
        mask_name = img_name.strip()[0:-4] + '_seg.png'
        gt_mask_name = img_name.strip()[0:-4] + '.bmp'
        xml_name = img_name.strip()[0:-4] + '.xml'

        full_name = os.path.join(img_path, img_name)
        gt_mask_path = os.path.join(mask_path, gt_mask_name)
        xml_full_path = os.path.join(xml_path, xml_name)

        result, seg_mask = detection.detect(full_name)
        # mask_rect = detection.seg2box_multiclass(mask)

        mask_h, mask_w = seg_mask.shape
        # det_mask = np.zeros((mask_h, mask_w, 3))
        gt_mask = cv2.imread(gt_mask_path, 0)
        gt_h, gt_w = gt_mask.shape
        # gt_mask = cv2.resize(gt_mask, (mask_h, mask_w), cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
        # gt_mask = gt_mask[:, :, 0] # cv2.cvtColor(gt_mask, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
        img = cv2.imread(full_name)
        h, w, _ = img.shape

        thresh_inter_tmp = seg_inter_threshold(detection, result, seg_mask, n_cls, gamma)
        thresh_inter_pil = Image.fromarray(thresh_inter_tmp)
        thresh_inter_pil = thresh_inter_pil.resize((h, w))
        thresh_inter = np.array(thresh_inter_pil)

        miou_seg, rec_seg, prec_seg = seg_scores(gt_mask, thresh_inter, n_cls)
        print("segmentation metrics: miou: ", miou_seg, " recall: ", \
         rec_seg, " precision: ", prec_seg)

        resize_mask = cv2.resize(thresh_inter, (h, w), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
        out_im = vis.vis_seg(img, resize_mask, voc_palette)
        dst_mask_name = os.path.join(dst_path, mask_name)
        cv2.imwrite(dst_mask_name, out_im)
        endTm = datetime.now()
        tm = endTm - startTm
        print("processing one image needs to take ", tm.seconds, "s ", tm.microseconds/1000, "ms")
    print("Final Segmentaiton: miou: ", np.array(seg_miou).sum()/len(seg_miou), 
                           " recall: ", np.array(seg_recall).sum()/len(seg_recall),
                           " precision: ", np.array(seg_precision).sum()/len(seg_precision))
    # print("Final deteciton: miou: ", np.array(det_miou).sum()/len(det_miou), 
    #                     " recall: ", np.array(det_recall).sum()/len(det_recall),
    #                     " precision: ", np.array(det_precision).sum()/len(det_precision))
コード例 #18
ファイル: create_blended.py プロジェクト: davidgj94/utils_img
from PIL import Image
import sys
import numpy as np
import os
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import vis
import pdb

png_images_dir = sys.argv[1]
segmentation_class_raw_dir = sys.argv[2]
save_dir = sys.argv[3]

if os.path.exists(save_dir):
    shutil.rmtree(save_dir, ignore_errors=True)

p = Path(segmentation_class_raw_dir)
for glob in p.glob("*.png"):
    img_name = glob.parts[-1]
    sat = np.array(Image.open(png_images_dir + img_name))
    label = np.array(Image.open(segmentation_class_raw_dir + img_name))
    print img_name
    vis_img = Image.fromarray(vis.vis_seg(sat, label, vis.make_palette(3)))
    vis_img.save(os.path.join(save_dir, img_name))
コード例 #19
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

import caffe
import vis

# the demo image is "2007_000129" from PASCAL VOC

# load image, switch to BGR, subtract mean, and make dims C x H x W for Caffe
im = Image.open('demo/image.jpg')
in_ = np.array(im, dtype=np.float32)
in_ = in_[:,:,::-1]
in_ -= np.array((104.00698793,116.66876762,122.67891434))
in_ = in_.transpose((2,0,1))

# load net
net = caffe.Net('voc-fcn8s/deploy.prototxt', 'voc-fcn8s/fcn8s-heavy-pascal.caffemodel', caffe.TEST)
# shape for input (data blob is N x C x H x W), set data
net.blobs['data'].reshape(1, *in_.shape)
net.blobs['data'].data[...] = in_
# run net and take argmax for prediction
out = net.blobs['score'].data[0].argmax(axis=0)

# visualize segmentation in PASCAL VOC colors
voc_palette = vis.make_palette(21)
out_im = Image.fromarray(vis.color_seg(out, voc_palette))
masked_im = Image.fromarray(vis.vis_seg(im, out, voc_palette))
コード例 #20
        label = cv2.resize(label, (self.width, self.height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
#        label = np.expand_dims(label, 0)
        return label
    def data_generation(self, inds):
        inputs, targets = [], []
        for idx in inds:
        inputs = np.array(inputs)
        targets = np.array(targets)
        return inputs, targets

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import vis
    palette = vis.make_palette(21)
    g = DataGenerator(320, 320, split='train', batch_size=1, shuffle=False)
    for i in range(20):
        image, label = g[i]
        image = np.array(image[0] + cfg.mean, 'uint8')
        label = label[0]
        label[np.where(label==255)] = 0
        out_im = Image.fromarray(vis.color_seg(label, palette))
        masked_im = vis.vis_seg(image, label, palette)
        cv2.imwrite('check_data/{}.jpg'.format(i), masked_im)
コード例 #21
def main(args):
    '''main '''
    detection = CaffeDetection(args.gpu_id, args.model_def, args.model_weights,
                               args.image_resize, args.labelmap_file)
    img_dir = args.image_file
    img_path = '/media/data/seg_dataset/corrosion/JPEGImages'
    dst_path = '/home/yaok/software/caffe_ssd/result/corrosion/'

    fontScale = 1
    fontColor = (0, 0, 255)
    lineType = 2
    voc_palette = vis.make_palette(8)

    with open(img_dir) as f:
        img_list = f.readlines()

    for img_name in img_list:
        # img_name = 'IMG_20180305_120305'
        img_name = img_name.strip() + '.jpg'
        mask_name = img_name.strip()[0:-4] + '_seg.png'
        full_name = os.path.join(img_path, img_name)
        result, mask = detection.detect(full_name)

        mask_rect = detection.seg2box(mask)

        mask_h, mask_w = mask.shape
        img = cv2.imread(full_name)
        h, w, _ = img.shape
        img_mask = img.copy()
        mask_name = os.path.join(dst_path, mask_name)
        print(mask.shape, h, w)
        # cv2.resize(mask.astype(np.float32), (h, w), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC).astype(np.int32)
        img_mask = cv2.resize(img, (mask_h, mask_w),

        out_im = vis.vis_seg(img_mask, mask, voc_palette)
        out_im = cv2.resize(out_im, (h, w), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
        cv2.imwrite(mask_name, out_im)
        # out_im.save(mask_name)
        # img = cv2.resize(out_im, (h, w), interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
        det_bbox = []
        for item in result:
            xmin = int(round(item[0] * w))
            ymin = int(round(item[1] * h))
            xmax = int(round(item[2] * w))
            ymax = int(round(item[3] * h))
            det_bbox.append([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax])
            img = cv2.rectangle(img, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (0, 255, 0),
            pt_x = int((xmax + xmin) / 2)
            pt_y = int((ymax + ymin) / 2)
            cv2.putText(img, item[-1] + str(item[-2]), (pt_x, pt_y), font,
                        fontScale, fontColor, lineType)
        det_bbox = np.array(det_bbox)
        print("det_bbox: ", det_bbox.shape, len(det_bbox))
        for box in mask_rect:
            # print(box)
            xmin = int(round(box[0] * w))
            ymin = int(round(box[1] * h))
            xmax = int(round(box[2] * w))
            ymax = int(round(box[3] * h))
            box_w = xmax - xmin
            box_h = ymax - ymin
            area = box_w * box_h
            if len(det_bbox) > 0:
                rect = np.array([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax])
                ixmin = np.maximum(det_bbox[:, 0], rect[0])
                iymin = np.maximum(det_bbox[:, 1], rect[1])
                ixmax = np.minimum(det_bbox[:, 2], rect[2])
                iymax = np.minimum(det_bbox[:, 3], rect[3])
                iw = np.maximum(ixmax - ixmin + 1., 0.)
                ih = np.maximum(iymax - iymin + 1., 0.)
                inters = iw * ih
                uni = ((rect[2] - rect[0] + 1.) * (rect[3] - rect[1] + 1.) +
                       (det_bbox[:, 2] - det_bbox[:, 0] + 1.) *
                       (det_bbox[:, 3] - det_bbox[:, 1] + 1.) - inters)
                overlaps = inters / uni
                ovmax = np.max(overlaps)
                if ovmax == 0 and area > 300:
                    img = cv2.rectangle(img, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax),
                                        (0, 255, 0), 2)
                if area > 300:
                    img = cv2.rectangle(img, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax),
                                        (0, 255, 0), 2)
        dst_name = os.path.join(dst_path, img_name)
        cv2.imwrite(dst_name, img)
コード例 #22
def main(args):
    '''main '''
    detection = CaffeDetection(args.gpu_id,
                               args.model_def, args.model_weights,
                               args.image_resize, args.labelmap_file)
    img_dir = args.image_file
    img_path = '/media/data/seg_dataset/fbox/JPEGImages'
    dst_path = '/home/yaok/software/caffe_ssd/result/box/mask_96'
    mask_path = '/media/data/seg_dataset/fbox/SemanticLabels'
    xml_path = '/media/data/seg_dataset/fbox/Annotations'

    font                   = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
    fontScale              = 1
    fontColor              = (0,0,255)
    lineType               = 2
    n_cls                  = 8
    voc_palette            = vis.make_palette(n_cls)

    # metrics 
    seg_miou, seg_recall, seg_precision = [], [], []
    det_miou, det_recall, det_precision = [], [], []

    with open(img_dir) as f:
        img_list = f.readlines()

    for img_name in img_list:
        # img_name = 'IMG_20180305_120305'
        img_name = img_name.strip() + '.png'
        mask_name = img_name.strip()[0:-4] + '_seg.png'
        gt_mask_name = img_name.strip()[0:-4] + '.bmp'
        xml_name = img_name.strip()[0:-4] + '.xml'

        full_name = os.path.join(img_path, img_name)
        gt_mask_path = os.path.join(mask_path, gt_mask_name)
        xml_full_path = os.path.join(xml_path, xml_name)

        result, mask = detection.detect(full_name)
        mask_rect = detection.seg2box_multiclass(mask)

        mask_h, mask_w = mask.shape
        img = cv2.imread(full_name)
        h, w, _ = img.shape
        gt_mask = cv2.imread(gt_mask_path, 0)
        gt_mask = cv2.resize(gt_mask, (mask_h, mask_w))

        # img_mask = img.copy()
        mask_name = os.path.join(dst_path, mask_name)
        # cv2.resize(mask.astype(np.float32), (h, w), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC).astype(np.int32)
        # img_mask = cv2.resize(img, (mask_h, mask_w), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
        # out_im = vis.vis_seg(img_mask, mask, voc_palette)
        # out_im = cv2.resize(out_im, (h, w), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
        # cv2.imwrite(mask_name, out_im)
        # out_im.save(mask_name)
        # img = cv2.resize(out_im, (h, w), interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
        resize_mask = mask.copy()
        img_mask = img.copy()
        print("seg result: ", gt_mask.shape, mask.shape)
        miou_seg, rec_seg, prec_seg = seg_scores(gt_mask, mask, n_cls)
        print("segmentation metrics: miou: ", miou_seg, " recall: ", \
         rec_seg, " precision: ", prec_seg)
        resize_mask = cv2.resize(mask, (h, w), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
        out_im = vis.vis_seg(img_mask, resize_mask, voc_palette)
        cv2.imwrite(mask_name, out_im)

        for item in result:
            xmin = int(round(item[0] * w))
            ymin = int(round(item[1] * h))
            xmax = int(round(item[2] * w))
            ymax = int(round(item[3] * h))
            img = cv2.rectangle(img, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (0,255,0), 2)
            pt_x = int((xmax + xmin) / 2)
            pt_y = int((ymax + ymin) / 2)
            cv2.putText(img,item[-1] + str(item[-2]), 
                (pt_x, pt_y), 
            # print("bbox: ", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, str(item[-2]), str(item[-1]))
            dst_name = os.path.join(dst_path, img_name)
        result = np.array(result)

        if len(result) == 0:
            print("detection metrics: miou: ", 0, " recall: ", \
             0, " precision: ", 0)
            miou_per_img, rec_per_img, prec_per_img = voc_eval_per_img(result, xml_full_path, h, w)
            print("detection metrics: miou: ", miou_per_img, " recall: ", \
             rec_per_img, " precision: ", prec_per_img)
        # print("deteciton metrics: miou: ", np.array(miou_per_img).sum()/(len(miou_per_img)),
        #       " recall: ", np.array(rec_per_img).sum()/(len(rec_per_img)), 
        #       " precision: ", np.array(prec_per_img).sum()/(len(prec_per_img)))
        # for i in range(len(mask_rect)): # (mask_rect.shape[0]):
        #     for box in mask_rect[i]:
        #         xmin = int(round(box[0] * w))
        #         ymin = int(round(box[1] * h))
        #         xmax = int(round(box[2] * w))
        #         ymax = int(round(box[3] * h))
        #         label = box[-1]
        #         # print("seg label: ", label)
        #         box_w = xmax - xmin
        #         box_h = ymax - ymin
        #         area = box_w * box_h
        #         img = cv2.rectangle(img, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (255,0,0), 2)
        #         pt_x = int((xmax + xmin) / 2)
        #         pt_y = int((ymax + ymin) / 2)
        #         cv2.putText(img, label, (pt_x, pt_y), font, fontScale, fontColor, lineType)
        #         """
        #         result_tmp = result[np.where(result[:, 4][0].astype(np.uint8))]
        #         if len(result_tmp) > 0:
        #             rect = np.array([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax])
        #             ixmin = np.maximum(result_tmp[:, 0].astype(np.float32), rect[0])
        #             iymin = np.maximum(result_tmp[:, 1].astype(np.float32), rect[1])
        #             ixmax = np.minimum(result_tmp[:, 2].astype(np.float32), rect[2])
        #             iymax = np.minimum(result_tmp[:, 3].astype(np.float32), rect[3])
        #             iw = np.maximum(ixmax - ixmin + 1., 0.)
        #             ih = np.maximum(iymax - iymin + 1., 0.)
        #             inters = iw * ih
        #             uni = ((rect[2] - rect[0] + 1.) * (rect[3] - rect[1] + 1.) +
        #                    (result_tmp[:, 2].astype(np.float32) - result_tmp[:, 0].astype(np.float32) + 1.) *
        #                    (result_tmp[:, 3].astype(np.float32) - result_tmp[:, 1].astype(np.float32) + 1.) - inters)
        #             overlaps = inters / uni
        #             ovmax = np.max(overlaps)
        #             if ovmax < 0.5 and area > 300:
        #                 img = cv2.rectangle(img, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (255,0,0), 2)
        #         else:
        #             if area > 300:
        #                 img = cv2.rectangle(img, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (255,0,0), 2)
        #         """
        cv2.imwrite(dst_name, img)
    print("Final Segmentaiton: miou: ", np.array(seg_miou).sum()/len(seg_miou), 
                           " recall: ", np.array(seg_recall).sum()/len(seg_recall),
                           " precision: ", np.array(seg_precision).sum()/len(seg_precision))
    print("Final deteciton: miou: ", np.array(det_miou).sum()/len(det_miou), 
                        " recall: ", np.array(det_recall).sum()/len(det_recall),
                        " precision: ", np.array(det_precision).sum()/len(det_precision))
コード例 #23
ファイル: prueba.py プロジェクト: davidgj94/SegNet-Tutorial
        cropped_img = img.crop((0, int(t), 256, int(b)))
        new_name = '{}:{}.png'.format(os.path.splitext(img_name)[0], index)

        with open(tmp_dir + 'test.txt', 'a') as txt:
            txt.write(tmp_dir + new_name + ' ' + tmp_dir + new_name + '\n')

        cropped_img.save(tmp_dir + new_name)

        num_crops += 1

    net = caffe.Net(args.model, args.weights, caffe.TEST)

    masks = []
    for i in range(0, num_crops):
        predicted = net.blobs['prob'].data
        output = np.squeeze(predicted[0, :, :, :])
        ind = np.argmax(output, axis=0)

    total_mask = np.vstack(tuple(masks))
    img_cropped = np.array(img.crop((0, top[0], 256, bottom[-1])))
    vis_img = Image.fromarray(
        vis.vis_seg(img_cropped, total_mask, vis.make_palette(4)))
    vis_img.save(os.path.join(blended_dir + img_name))

    shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
    os.mknod(tmp_dir + 'test.txt')