def import_stars_hip(): # I/239/hip_main Stars._create_stardb(Stars.STARDB_HIP) conn = sqlite3.connect(Stars.STARDB_HIP) cursor = conn.cursor() from astroquery.vizier import Vizier Vizier.ROW_LIMIT = -1 cols = ["HIP", "HD", "_RA.icrs", "_DE.icrs", "Vmag", "B-V"] r = Vizier(catalog="I/239/hip_main", columns=cols, row_limit=-1).query_constraints()[0] for i, row in enumerate(r): hip, hd, ra, dec, mag_v, b_v = [row[f] for f in cols] if np.any(list(map(, (ra, dec, mag_v)))): continue hd = 'null' if else hd mag_b = 'null' if or np.isnan( b_v) else b_v + mag_v x, y, z = tools.spherical2cartesian(math.radians(dec), math.radians(ra), 1) cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO deep_sky_objects (hip, hd, ra, dec, x, y, z, mag_v, mag_b) VALUES (%s, %s, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %s)""" % (hip, hd, ra, dec, x, y, z, mag_v, mag_b)) if i % 100 == 0: conn.commit() tools.show_progress(len(r), i) conn.commit() conn.close()
def add_simbad_col(): conn = sqlite3.connect(Stars.STARDB) cursor_r = conn.cursor() cursor_w = conn.cursor() # cursor_w.execute("alter table deep_sky_objects add column simbad char(20) default null") # conn.commit() N_tot = cursor_r.execute( "SELECT max(id) FROM deep_sky_objects WHERE 1").fetchone()[0] skip = 0 result = cursor_r.execute( "select id, hip from deep_sky_objects where id >= %d" % skip) import time from astroquery.simbad import Simbad Simbad.add_votable_fields('typed_id') while 1: rows = result.fetchmany(1000) if rows is None or len(rows) == 0: break tools.show_progress(N_tot, rows[0][0] - 1) s = Simbad.query_objects(['HIP %d' % int(row[1]) for row in rows]) time.sleep(2) values = [] if s is not None: s.add_index('TYPED_ID') for row in rows: sr = get(s, ('HIP %d' % int(row[1])).encode('utf-8')) if sr is not None: k = sr['MAIN_ID'].decode('utf-8') values.append("(%d, '%s', 0,0,0,0,0,0)" % (row[0], k.replace("'", "''"))) if len(values) > 0: cursor_w.execute(""" INSERT INTO deep_sky_objects (id, simbad, ra, dec, x, y, z, mag_v) VALUES """ + ','.join(values) + """ ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET simbad = excluded.simbad""") conn.commit() conn.close()
len(predictor_idxs), figsize=(8, 6)) for r, axr in enumerate(axs): axr[0].get_shared_y_axes().join(*axs[r]) for c, axc in enumerate(axs[0]): axc.get_shared_x_axes().join(*[axr[c] for axr in axs]) count = len(predictor_idxs) * (len(targets) + 1) * len(image_types) * len(algos) i = 0 old_itype = None for (pj, pi), (ti, target), itype, algo in itertools.product( enumerate(predictor_idxs), enumerate(('fails', ) + targets), image_types, algos): tools.show_progress(count, i) ti -= 1 i += 1 try: X, Y, yc, labels = data[itype][algo] except TypeError: assert False, 'No log file found for: %s %s %s %s %s' % ( mission, postfix, itype, algo, sm_quality) # remove difficult samples on other dimensions so that effect of plotted dimension more clear I0 = tuple((X[:, k] >= EASY_LIMITS[itype][k][0], X[:, k] <= EASY_LIMITS[itype][k][1]) for k in predictor_idxs if k != pi) I = np.logical_and.reduce(sum(I0, ())) if ti >= 0: if False:
def export(sm, dst_path, src_path=None, src_imgs=None, trg_shape=(224, 224), crop=False, debug=False, img_prefix="", title=""): trg_w, trg_h = trg_shape assert (src_path is not None) + (src_imgs is not None) == 1, 'give either src_path or src_imgs, not both' if debug: renderer = RenderEngine(,, antialias_samples=0) obj_idx = renderer.load_object(sm.asteroid.target_model_file, smooth=sm.asteroid.render_smooth_faces) algo = AlgorithmBase(sm, renderer, obj_idx) metadatafile = os.path.join(dst_path, 'dataset_all.txt') if not os.path.exists(metadatafile): with open(metadatafile, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(['%s, camera centric coordinate frame used' % title, 'Image ID, ImageFile, Target Pose [X Y Z W P Q R], Sun Vector [X Y Z]', '', ''])) files = list(os.listdir(src_path)) if src_imgs is None else src_imgs files = sorted(files) id = 0 for i, fn in enumerate(files): if src_imgs is not None or'(?<!far_)\d{4}\.png$', fn): c = 2 if src_imgs is None else 1 tools.show_progress(len(files)//c, i//c) id += 1 # read system state, write out as relative to s/c fname = os.path.basename(fn) if src_imgs is None: fn = os.path.join(src_path, fn) lbl_fn = re.sub(r'_%s(\d{4})' % img_prefix, r'_\1', fn[:-4]) + '.lbl' sm.load_state(lbl_fn) sm.swap_values_with_real_vals() if not crop: shutil.copy2(fn, os.path.join(dst_path, fname)) if os.path.exists(fn[:-4] + '.d.exr'): shutil.copy2(fn[:-4] + '.d.exr', os.path.join(dst_path, fname[:-4] + '.d.exr')) if os.path.exists(fn[:-4] + '.xyz.exr'): shutil.copy2(fn[:-4] + '.xyz.exr', os.path.join(dst_path, fname[:-4] + '.xyz.exr')) if os.path.exists(fn[:-4] + '.s.exr'): shutil.copy2(fn[:-4] + '.s.exr', os.path.join(dst_path, fname[:-4] + '.s.exr')) _write_metadata(metadatafile, id, fname, sm.get_system_scf()) continue from visnav.algo.absnet import AbsoluteNavigationNN # read image, detect box, resize, adjust relative pose img = cv2.imread(fn, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) assert img is not None, 'image file %s not found' % fn # detect target, get bounds x, y, w, h = ImageProc.single_object_bounds(img, threshold=AbsoluteNavigationNN.DEF_LUMINOSITY_THRESHOLD, crop_marg=AbsoluteNavigationNN.DEF_CROP_MARGIN, min_px=AbsoluteNavigationNN.DEF_MIN_PIXELS, debug=debug) if x is None: continue # write image metadata system_scf = sm.get_cropped_system_scf(x, y, w, h) _write_metadata(metadatafile, id, fname, system_scf) others, (depth, coords, px_size), k = [], [False] * 3, 1 if os.path.exists(fn[:-4] + '.d.exr'): depth = True others.append(cv2.imread(fn[:-4] + '.d.exr', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)) if os.path.exists(fn[:-4] + '.xyz.exr'): coords = True others.append(cv2.imread(fn[:-4] + '.xyz.exr', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)) if os.path.exists(fn[:-4] + '.s.exr'): px_size = True others.append(cv2.imread(fn[:-4] + '.s.exr', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)) # crop & resize image, write it cropped = ImageProc.crop_and_zoom_image(img, x, y, w, h, None, (trg_w, trg_h), others=others) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dst_path, fname), cropped[0], [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 9]) if depth: cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dst_path, fname[:-4] + '.d.exr'), cropped[k], (cv2.IMWRITE_EXR_TYPE, cv2.IMWRITE_EXR_TYPE_FLOAT)) k += 1 if coords: cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dst_path, fname[:-4] + '.xyz.exr'), cropped[k], (cv2.IMWRITE_EXR_TYPE, cv2.IMWRITE_EXR_TYPE_FLOAT)) k += 1 if px_size: cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dst_path, fname[:-4] + '.s.exr'), cropped[k], (cv2.IMWRITE_EXR_TYPE, cv2.IMWRITE_EXR_TYPE_FLOAT)) if debug: sc, dq = sm.cropped_system_tf(x, y, w, h) sm.spacecraft_pos = tools.q_times_v(SystemModel.sc2gl_q.conj(), sc_ast_lf_r) sm.rotate_spacecraft(dq) #sm.set_cropped_system_scf(x, y, w, h, sc_ast_lf_r, sc_ast_lf_q) if False: sm.load_state(lbl_fn) sm.swap_values_with_real_vals() imgd = cv2.resize(img, (trg_h, trg_w)) imge = algo.render(center=False, depth=False, shadows=True) h, w = imge.shape imge = cv2.resize(imge[:, (w - h)//2:(w - h)//2+h], cropped[0].shape) cv2.imshow('equal?', np.hstack(( cropped[0], np.ones((cropped[0].shape[0], 1), dtype=cropped[0].dtype) * 255, imge, ))) cv2.waitKey() if i > 60: quit()
def optimize(self, measures): opt_method = self.method cams = measures[0] cn = len(cams) qn = [len(cams[i].qeff_coefs) for i in range(cn)] fn = { FRAME_GAIN_NONE: 0, FRAME_GAIN_SAME: 1, FRAME_GAIN_STATIC: 0, FRAME_GAIN_INDIVIDUAL: np.max([ for m in measures]) + 1, }[FRAME_GAINS] gn = 1 if GENERAL_GAIN_ADJUSTMENT is not False else 0 STAR_SATURATION_MODELING = StarFrame.STAR_SATURATION_MODELING != StarFrame.STAR_SATURATION_MODEL_IDEAL f_gains = np.ones(fn) for m in measures: if FRAME_GAINS == FRAME_GAIN_SAME: f_gains[0] = STAR_GAIN_ADJUSTMENT elif FRAME_GAINS == FRAME_GAIN_INDIVIDUAL: if m.obj_id[0] == 'moon': f_gains[] = MOON_GAIN_ADJ else: f_gains[] = STAR_GAIN_ADJUSTMENT if[ 0].emp_coef >= 1 else STAR_GAIN_ADJUSTMENT_TN def encode(cams, f_gains, gain_adj, psf_coef): # if len(psf_coef) == 3 and not StarFrame.STAR_SATURATION_MULTI_KERNEL: # psf_coef = list(psf_coef) # psf_coef[2] = np.log(psf_coef[1]/psf_coef[2]) # psf_coef[1] = np.log(psf_coef[0]/psf_coef[1]) # parameterize cam spectral responsivity, frame specific exposure correction return (*[qec for c in cams for qec in c.qeff_coefs], *f_gains, *((gain_adj, ) if gn else tuple()), *psf_coef) def decode(xr): x = np.abs(xr) off1 = len(STAR_PSF_SDS) off0 = off1 + (1 if gn else 0) if not FIXED_PSF_SDS: psf_coef = list(x[-off1:] if STAR_SATURATION_MODELING else (1, 0, 0)) # if len(STAR_PSF_SDS) == 3 and not StarFrame.STAR_SATURATION_MULTI_KERNEL: # psf_coef[1] = psf_coef[0] * np.exp(-psf_coef[1]) # psf_coef[2] = psf_coef[1] * np.exp(-psf_coef[2]) k = 0 qeff_coefss = [] for i in range(cn): qeff_coefss.append(x[k:k + qn[i]]) k += qn[i] return (qeff_coefss, x[k:len(x) - off0], (x[-off0] if gn else 1), psf_coef) def cost_fun(x, measures, prior_x, return_details=False, plot=False): c_qeff_coefs, f_gains, gain_adj, psf_coef = decode(x) band = [] obj_ids = [] measured_du = [] expected_du = [] weights = [] for m in measures: if FRAME_GAINS == FRAME_GAIN_SAME: pre_sat_gain = f_gains[0] elif FRAME_GAINS == FRAME_GAIN_INDIVIDUAL: pre_sat_gain = f_gains[] elif FRAME_GAINS == FRAME_GAIN_STATIC: if m.obj_id[0] == 'moon': pre_sat_gain = MOON_GAIN_ADJ else: pre_sat_gain = STAR_GAIN_ADJUSTMENT if[ 0].emp_coef >= 1 else STAR_GAIN_ADJUSTMENT_TN else: pre_sat_gain = 1 edu = m.expected_du(pre_sat_gain=pre_sat_gain, post_sat_gain=gain_adj, qeff_coefs=c_qeff_coefs, psf_coef=psf_coef) if return_details or (m.obj_id[0], m.cam_i) not in IGNORE_MEASURES: expected_du.append(edu) measured_du.append(m.du_count) weights.append(m.weight) band.append(m.cam_i) obj_ids.append(m.obj_id) measured_du, expected_du, band = map( np.array, (measured_du, expected_du, band)) if plot: plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16}) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=[6.4, 4.8]) sb, = ax.plot(expected_du[band == 0] * 1e-3, measured_du[band == 0] * 1e-3, 'bx') sg, = ax.plot(expected_du[band == 1] * 1e-3, measured_du[band == 1] * 1e-3, 'gx') sr, = ax.plot(expected_du[band == 2] * 1e-3, measured_du[band == 2] * 1e-3, 'rx') line = np.linspace(0, np.max(expected_du)) ax.plot(line * 1e-3, line * 1e-3, 'k--', linewidth=0.5) ax.set_xlabel('Expected [1000 DNs]') ax.set_ylabel('Measured [1000 DNs]') names = Stars.get_catalog_id( np.unique(list(s[0] for s in obj_ids if s[0] != 'moon')), 'simbad') names['moon'] = 'Moon' labels = np.array([names[id[0]] for id in obj_ids]) tools.hover_annotate(fig, ax, sb, labels[band == 0]) tools.hover_annotate(fig, ax, sg, labels[band == 1]) tools.hover_annotate(fig, ax, sr, labels[band == 2]) plt.tight_layout() _, _, gain_adj0, _ = decode(prior_x) # err = tuple(tools.pseudo_huber_loss(STAR_CALIB_HUBER_COEF, (measured_du - expected_du) * 2 / (expected_du + measured_du)) * np.array(weights)) err = tuple( tools.pseudo_huber_loss( STAR_CALIB_HUBER_COEF, np.log10(expected_du) - np.log10(measured_du)) * np.array(weights)) n = 3 * len(c_qeff_coefs[0]) lab_dp = tuple() if STAR_LAB_DATAPOINT_WEIGHT > 0: c, lam =, 557.7e-9 g = Camera.sample_qeff(c_qeff_coefs[1], c[1].lambda_min, c[1].lambda_max, lam) eps = 1e-10 r_g = (Camera.sample_qeff(c_qeff_coefs[2], c[2].lambda_min, c[2].lambda_max, lam) + eps) / (g + eps) b_g = (Camera.sample_qeff(c_qeff_coefs[0], c[0].lambda_min, c[0].lambda_max, lam) + eps) / (g + eps) lab_dp = tuple(STAR_LAB_DATAPOINT_WEIGHT * (np.log10(r_g) - np.log10(np.array((0.26, 0.25, 0.24, 0.24))))**2) \ +tuple(STAR_LAB_DATAPOINT_WEIGHT * (np.log10(b_g) - np.log10(np.array((0.23, 0.24, 0.21, 0.22))))**2) prior = tuple(STAR_CALIB_PRIOR_WEIGHT ** 2 * (np.array(x[:n]) - np.array(prior_x[:n])) ** 2) \ if STAR_CALIB_PRIOR_WEIGHT > 0 else tuple() err_tuple = lab_dp + err + prior return (err_tuple, measured_du, expected_du) if return_details else \ err_tuple if opt_method == 'leastsq' else \ np.sum(err_tuple) if STAR_SATURATION_MODELING: psf_coef = STAR_PSF_COEF_TN if cams[ 0].emp_coef < 1 else STAR_PSF_SDS else: psf_coef = tuple() x0b = encode(cams, f_gains, GENERAL_GAIN_ADJUSTMENT, psf_coef) prior_x = encode(get_bgr_cam(estimated=False), f_gains, GENERAL_GAIN_ADJUSTMENT, psf_coef) if DEBUG_MEASURES: cost_fun(x0b, measures, x0b, plot=True) timer = tools.Stopwatch() timer.start() results = [None] * OPTIMIZER_START_N scores = [None] * OPTIMIZER_START_N for i in range(OPTIMIZER_START_N): tools.show_progress(OPTIMIZER_START_N, i) x0 = tuple( np.array(x0b) * (1 if OPTIMIZER_START_N == 1 else np.random.lognormal(0, 0.05, len(x0b)))) if opt_method == 'leastsq': res = leastsq(cost_fun, x0, args=(measures, prior_x), full_output=True, **self.params) x, fval = res[0], np.sum(res[2]['fvec']) else: res = minimize(cost_fun, x0, args=(measures, prior_x), method=opt_method, **self.params) x, fval = res.x, results[i] = (x, x0) scores[i] = fval if fval > 0 else float('inf') timer.stop() if len(scores) > 0: best = np.argmin(scores) print('\nscores: %s' % sorted(scores)) res, x0 = results[best] print('\nbest prior_x: %s' % (x0, )) print('best x: %s' % (res, )) print('time: %.1fs' % timer.elapsed) else: res = x0b qeff_coefs, f_gains, gain_adj, psf_sd = decode(res) err, measured, expected = cost_fun(res, measures, x0b, return_details=True, plot=True) return qeff_coefs, f_gains, gain_adj, psf_sd, err, measured, expected
def query_t_eff(): from astroquery.vizier import Vizier v = Vizier(catalog="B/pastel/pastel", columns=["ID", "Teff", "logg", "[Fe/H]"], row_limit=-1) v2 = Vizier(catalog="J/A+A/525/A71/table2", columns=["Name", "Teff", "log(g)", "[Fe/H]"], row_limit=-1) v3 = Vizier(catalog="J/MNRAS/471/770/table2", columns=["HIP", "Teff", "log(g)"], row_limit=-1) conn = sqlite3.connect(Stars.STARDB) cursor_r = conn.cursor() cursor_w = conn.cursor() cond = "(t_eff is null OR log_g is null OR 1)" N_tot = cursor_r.execute(""" SELECT max(id) FROM deep_sky_objects WHERE %s """ % cond).fetchone()[0] skip = 37601 f_id, f_hip, f_hd, f_sim, f_ra, f_dec, f_t, f_g, f_m, f_src = range(10) results = cursor_r.execute( """ SELECT id, hip, hd, simbad, ra, dec, t_eff, log_g, fe_h, src FROM deep_sky_objects WHERE %s AND id >= ? ORDER BY id ASC """ % cond, (skip, )) r = v.query_constraints()[0] r.add_index('ID') N = 40 while True: rows = results.fetchmany(N) if rows is None or len(rows) == 0: break tools.show_progress(N_tot, rows[0][f_id] - 1) ids = { row[f_id]: [i, row[f_src][:3] + '___'] for i, row in enumerate(rows) } insert = {} for i, row in enumerate(rows): k = 'HIP %6d' % int(row[f_hip]) if get(r, k) is None and row[f_hd]: k = 'HD %6d' % int(row[f_hd]) if get(r, k) is None and row[f_sim]: k = row[f_sim] if get(r, k) is None and row[f_sim]: k = row[f_sim] + ' A' dr = get(r, k) if dr is not None: t_eff, log_g, fe_h = median(dr, ('Teff', 'logg', '__Fe_H_'), null='null') src = row[f_src][0:3] + ''.join( [('_' if v == 'null' else Stars.SOURCE_PASTEL) for v in (t_eff, log_g, fe_h)]) insert[row[f_id]] = [t_eff, log_g, fe_h, src] if '_' not in src[3:5]: ids.pop(row[f_id]) else: ids[row[f_id]][1] = src if len(ids) > 0: # try using other catalog r = v2.query_constraints( Name='=,' + ','.join([('HD%06d' % int(rows[i][f_hd])) for i, s in ids.values() if rows[i][f_hd] is not None])) time.sleep(2) if len(r) > 0: r = r[0] r.add_index('Name') for id, (i, src) in ids.copy().items(): dr = get(r, 'HD%06d' % int(rows[i][f_hd])) if rows[i][f_hd] else None if dr is not None: t_eff, log_g, fe_h = median( dr, ('Teff', 'log_g_', '__Fe_H_'), null='null') src = src[0:3] + ''.join( [('_' if v == 'null' else Stars.SOURCE_WU) for v in (t_eff, log_g, fe_h)]) insert[id] = [t_eff, log_g, fe_h, src] if '_' not in src[3:5]: ids.pop(rows[i][f_id]) else: ids[rows[i][f_id]][1] = src if len(ids) > 0: # try using other catalog r = v3.query_constraints( HIP='=,' + ','.join([str(rows[i][f_hip]) for i, s in ids.values()]))[0] r.add_index('HIP') for id, (i, src) in ids.copy().items(): dr = get(r, int(rows[i][f_hip])) if dr is not None: t_eff, log_g = median(dr, ('Teff', 'log_g_'), null='null') src = src[0:3] + ''.join( [('_' if v == 'null' else Stars.SOURCE_GAIA1) for v in (t_eff, log_g)]) + src[5] insert[id] = [ t_eff, log_g, insert[id][2] if id in insert else 'null', src ] # if '_' not in src[3:5]: # ids.pop(rows[i][f_id]) # else: # ids[rows[i][f_id]][1] = src if len(insert) > 0: values = [ "(%d, %s, %s, %s, '%s', 0,0,0,0,0,0)" % (id, t_eff, log_g, fe_h, src) for id, (t_eff, log_g, fe_h, src) in insert.items() ] cursor_w.execute(""" INSERT INTO deep_sky_objects (id, t_eff, log_g, fe_h, src, ra, dec, x, y, z, mag_v) VALUES """ + ','.join(values) + """ ON CONFLICT(id) DO UPDATE SET t_eff = excluded.t_eff, log_g = excluded.log_g, fe_h = excluded.fe_h, src = excluded.src """) conn.commit() conn.close()
def main(mission_sc=False, simple=False): mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = FONT_SIZE mpl.rcParams['lines.markersize'] = MARKER_SIZE mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = LINE_WIDTH try: switches = {'--video'} args = sys.argv[1:] video = '--video' in args if video: args = [a for a in args if a not in switches] filename = args[0] span = tuple(map(int, args[1].split(':'))) if len(args) > 1 else None is_4km = '4km' in filename is_vo = '-vo-' in filename is_nac = '-nac-' in filename or '-1n-' in filename or '-2n-' in filename except: print('USAGE: %s <logfile>' % sys.argv[0]) quit() raw = [] with open(filename, newline='') as fh: reader = csv.reader(fh, delimiter='\t', quotechar='"') for i, row in enumerate(reader): if i == 0 and mission_sc: continue raw.append(row) data = np.array(raw).astype('double') if span is not None: data = data[span[0]:span[1], :] if mission_sc: plot_mission_sc(data, format=3 if 'results' in filename else 2) quit() use_d2 = '-d2-' in filename.lower() or '-2n-' in filename.lower( ) or '-2w-' in filename.lower() id = filename.split('\\')[-1].split('-')[0] # time (1) time = data[:, 0] / 3600 # real D1 pose (7) d1_loc = data[:, 1:4] d1_q = data[:, 4:8] # real D2 pose (7) 15 d2_loc = data[:, 8:11] d2_q = data[:, 11:15] trg_loc = d2_loc if use_d2 else d1_loc trg_q = quaternion.as_quat_array(d2_q if use_d2 else d1_q) # real s/c pose (7) sc_loc = data[:, 15:18] sc_q = quaternion.as_quat_array(data[:, 18:22]) # init s/c pose (7) 29 isc_loc = data[:, 22:25] isc_q = data[:, 25:29] # landmark algo loc (3) # TODO: check that sc_q works, seems that static spl_loc = trg_loc - tools.q_times_mx(sc_q, data[:, 29:32]) # landmark algo loc ok (1) 33 spl_loc_ok = data[:, 32:33] spl_loc[np.logical_not(spl_loc_ok).flatten(), :] = np.nan # landmark algo ori (4) spl_q = data[:, 33:37] # landmark algo ori ok (1) 38 spl_q_ok = data[:, 37:38] spl_q[np.logical_not(spl_q_ok).flatten(), :] = np.nan # laser algo loc (3) lsr_loc = trg_loc - tools.q_times_mx(sc_q, data[:, 38:41]) # laser algo loc ok (1) 42 lsr_loc_ok = data[:, 41:42] lsr_loc[np.logical_not(lsr_loc_ok).flatten(), :] = np.nan # nav filter loc (3) flt_loc = data[:, 42:45] if True else np.full_like(spl_loc, np.nan) # measurement log likelihood (1) meas_ll = data[:, 45:46] # delta-v spent (1) cum_delta_v = data[:, 46:47] # vo loc (3) vo_loc = trg_loc - tools.q_times_mx(sc_q, data[:, 47:50]) # vo ori (4) vo_q = data[:, 50:54] # vo meas sds (6) vo_meas_sds = data[:, 54:60] # vo bias sds (6) vo_bias_sds = data[:, 60:66] # vo scale drift sd (1) vo_bias_sds = data[:, 66:67] # vo ok vo_ok = data[:, 67:68] # phase angle phase_angle = data[:, 68:69] # vo scale (1) vo_scale = data[:, 69:70] # cnt location (3) cnt_loc = trg_loc - tools.q_times_mx( sc_q, data[:, 70:73]) if data.shape[1] >= 73 else np.full_like( spl_loc, np.nan) # sun-sc vect sun_v = data[:, 73:76] if data.shape[1] >= 76 else None # s/c-target distance distance = np.linalg.norm(sc_loc - trg_loc, axis=1) has_spl = not np.all(np.isnan(spl_loc)) has_lsr = not np.all(np.isnan(lsr_loc)) has_vo = not np.all(np.isnan(vo_loc)) # and False has_cnt = not np.all(np.isnan(cnt_loc)) has_flt = False if use_d2: sun_v = sun_v if sun_v is not None else { 'id2': np.array([-0.3067, -0.9427, -0.1315]), 'id4': np.array([-0.5252, -0.8379, -0.1485]), 'id5': np.array([0, -1, 0]), }[id] is_d2_ecl = d2_eclipses(sun_v, d1_loc, d2_loc) d2_ecl = get_intervals(time, is_d2_ecl) is_d1_bg, is_d1_fg = d2_when_d1_in_view(sc_loc, sc_q, d1_loc, d2_loc) d1_bg, d1_fg = get_intervals(time, is_d1_bg), get_intervals(time, is_d1_fg) if not video: cnt_max_dist = { True: { # is_nac True: 1300, # - use_d2 False: 5800, # - not use_d2 }, False: { # not is_nac True: 225, # - use_d2 False: 1050, # - not use_d2 }, }[is_nac][use_d2] cnt_loc[phase_angle.flatten() > 100 / 180 * np.pi, :] = np.nan cnt_loc[distance.flatten() < cnt_max_dist, :] = np.nan spl_loc[phase_angle.flatten() > 135 / 180 * np.pi, :] = np.nan incl_for_stats = (phase_angle < 100 / 180 * np.pi).flatten() # phase angle less than 100 deg if use_d2: incl_for_stats = np.logical_and.reduce(( incl_for_stats, np.logical_not(is_d1_fg), np.logical_not(is_d2_ecl), )) # calculate transformation to synodic frame, apply tr_sf = calc_transf(d1_loc, d2_loc) # for error calculation and plots tr_stf = calc_transf(sc_loc, d2_loc if use_d2 else d1_loc) c_lab = ('distance', 'along orbit', 'above orbit') if has_vo: vo_loc, vo_scale, vo_loc_bias, nkf_idxs, is_mm = vo_data_prep( vo_loc, vo_scale, vo_bias_sds, sc_loc, trg_loc) if False: # correct drifting scale vo_loc = (vo_loc - trg_loc) / vo_scale.reshape((-1, 1)) + trg_loc d1_loc_sf = apply_transf(tr_sf, d1_loc) d2_loc_sf = apply_transf(tr_sf, d2_loc) trg_loc_sf = d2_loc_sf if use_d2 else d1_loc_sf sc_loc_sf = apply_transf(tr_sf, sc_loc) isc_loc_sf = apply_transf(tr_sf, isc_loc) spl_loc_sf = apply_transf(tr_sf, spl_loc) lsr_loc_sf = apply_transf(tr_sf, lsr_loc) flt_loc_sf = apply_transf(tr_sf, flt_loc) vo_loc_sf = apply_transf(tr_sf, vo_loc) cnt_loc_sf = apply_transf(tr_sf, cnt_loc) d1_loc_stf = apply_transf(tr_stf, d1_loc) d2_loc_stf = apply_transf(tr_stf, d2_loc) trg_loc_stf = d2_loc_stf if use_d2 else d1_loc_stf sc_loc_stf = apply_transf(tr_stf, sc_loc) isc_loc_stf = apply_transf(tr_stf, isc_loc) spl_loc_stf = apply_transf(tr_stf, spl_loc) lsr_loc_stf = apply_transf(tr_stf, lsr_loc) flt_loc_stf = apply_transf(tr_stf, flt_loc) vo_loc_stf = apply_transf(tr_stf, vo_loc) cnt_loc_stf = apply_transf(tr_stf, cnt_loc) if has_vo: vo_loc_sf = apply_transf(tr_sf, vo_loc) vo_loc_stf = apply_transf(tr_stf, vo_loc) vo_loc_bias_stf = apply_transf(tr_stf, vo_loc_bias) #vo_loc_sf, _, vo_loc_bias_sf, _, _ = vo_data_prep(vo_loc_sf, vo_scale, vo_bias_sds, sc_loc_sf, trg_loc_sf) #vo_loc_stf, vo_scale, vo_loc_bias_stf, nkf_idxs, is_mm = vo_data_prep(vo_loc_stf, vo_scale, vo_bias_sds, sc_loc_stf, trg_loc_stf) if has_flt: flt_err_mean = tools.robust_mean(flt_loc_stf - sc_loc_stf, axis=0) flt_err_std = tools.robust_std(flt_loc_stf - sc_loc_stf, axis=0) if has_lsr: lsr_err_mean = tools.robust_mean((lsr_loc_stf - sc_loc_stf), axis=0) lsr_err_std = tools.robust_std((lsr_loc_stf - sc_loc_stf), axis=0) if has_cnt: cnt_err_mean = tools.robust_mean( (cnt_loc_stf - sc_loc_stf)[incl_for_stats, :], axis=0) cnt_err_std = tools.robust_std( (cnt_loc_stf - sc_loc_stf)[incl_for_stats, :], axis=0) if has_spl: spl_err_mean = tools.robust_mean( (spl_loc_stf - sc_loc_stf)[incl_for_stats, :], axis=0) spl_err_std = tools.robust_std( (spl_loc_stf - sc_loc_stf)[incl_for_stats, :], axis=0) if has_vo: vo_err_mean = tools.robust_mean( (vo_loc_stf - sc_loc_stf)[incl_for_stats, :], axis=0) vo_err_std = tools.robust_std( (vo_loc_stf - sc_loc_stf)[incl_for_stats, :], axis=0) # nkf_idxs need to include a nan value between vo resets, is_mm vo_delta_scale_mean = tools.robust_mean( np.diff(vo_scale[nkf_idxs])[np.logical_not(is_mm[1:])]) vo_delta_scale_std = tools.robust_std(np.diff( vo_scale[nkf_idxs])[np.logical_not(is_mm[1:])], mean=0) vo_delta_bias_mean = tools.robust_mean(np.diff( vo_loc_bias_stf[nkf_idxs], axis=0)[np.logical_not(is_mm[1:]), :], axis=0) vo_delta_bias_std = tools.robust_std(np.diff( vo_loc_bias_stf[nkf_idxs], axis=0)[np.logical_not(is_mm[1:]), :], mean=0, axis=0) vo_mm_delta_scale_mean = tools.robust_mean( np.diff(vo_scale[nkf_idxs])[is_mm[1:]]) vo_mm_delta_scale_std = tools.robust_std(np.diff( vo_scale[nkf_idxs])[is_mm[1:]], mean=0) vo_mm_delta_bias_mean = tools.robust_mean(np.diff( vo_loc_bias_stf[nkf_idxs], axis=0)[is_mm[1:], :], axis=0) vo_mm_delta_bias_std = tools.robust_std(np.diff( vo_loc_bias_stf[nkf_idxs], axis=0)[is_mm[1:], :], mean=0, axis=0) cutoff_time = time[0] + { 'id1': time[-1], 'id2': 1.5 * 73.125, 'id3': time[-1], 'id4': 4 * 11.91, 'id5': 2 * 11.91, }[id] cutoff = np.argmax(time > cutoff_time) # normal plots if simple: fig2, axs = plt.subplots(4 + (0 if has_vo else 0), 1, sharex=True, figsize=(8, 6)) axs[0].plot(time, phase_angle / np.pi * 180, 'C0', label='phase angle') axs[0].set_ylabel('phase angle', color='C0') axs[0].tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='C0') axs[0].set_ybound(0, 180) ax0b = axs[0].twinx() ax0b.plot(time, distance, 'C1', label='distance') ax0b.set_ylabel('distance', color='C1') ax0b.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor='C1') axs[-1].set_xlabel('time [h]') for i, lab in enumerate(c_lab): axs[i + 1].set_ylabel(lab + ' error [m]') # for i, a in enumerate('real '+a for a in c_lab): # axs[i+1].plot(time, sc_loc_stf[:, i] - sc_loc_stf[:, i], label=a) # print('filter err μ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f), σ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)' % (*flt_err_mean, *flt_err_std)) # for i, a in enumerate('filter '+a for a in c_lab): # axs[i+1].plot(time, flt_loc_stf[:, i] - sc_loc_stf[:, i], label=a) if id in ('id3', 'id5'): idx = np.isclose((time * 60 * 60 - 5 + 1e-10) % 60, 0) else: idx = np.ones(len(time), dtype=np.bool) if has_cnt: print('cnt err μ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f), σ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)' % (*cnt_err_mean, *cnt_err_std)) for i, a in enumerate(c_lab): axs[i + 1].plot(time[idx], cnt_loc_stf[idx, i] - sc_loc_stf[idx, i], 'C0--', label='CNT') if has_spl: print('spl err μ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f), σ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)' % (*spl_err_mean, *spl_err_std)) for i, a in enumerate(c_lab): axs[i + 1].plot(time[idx], spl_loc_stf[idx, i] - sc_loc_stf[idx, i], 'C1--', label='SPL') if has_lsr: print('lsr err μ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f), σ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)' % (*lsr_err_mean, *lsr_err_std)) for i, a in enumerate(c_lab): axs[i + 1].plot(time[idx], lsr_loc_stf[idx, i] - sc_loc_stf[idx, i], 'C3:', label='LSR') if has_vo: print('vo delta scale μ=%.2f, σ=%.2f' % (vo_delta_scale_mean, vo_delta_scale_std)) print('vo delta bias μ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f), σ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)' % (*vo_delta_bias_mean, *vo_delta_bias_std)) print('vo mm delta scale μ=%.2f, σ=%.2f' % (vo_mm_delta_scale_mean, vo_mm_delta_scale_std)) print( 'vo mm delta bias μ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f), σ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)' % (*vo_mm_delta_bias_mean, *vo_mm_delta_bias_std)) print('vo meas err μ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f), σ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)' % (*vo_err_mean, *vo_err_std)) if id == 'id5': idx4 = np.isclose((time * 60 * 60 - 5 + 1e-10) % 60, 0) else: idx4 = np.ones(len(time), dtype=np.bool) for i, a in enumerate(c_lab): axs[i + 1].plot(time[idx4], vo_loc_stf[idx4, i] - sc_loc_stf[idx4, i], 'C2-.', label='VO') # for i, a in enumerate('vo bias ' + a for a in c_lab): # axs[i].plot(time[idx], vo_loc_bias_stf[idx, i], 'b-', label=a) # axs[-1].plot(time[idx], vo_scale[idx], 'b-', label='vo scale') bounded = True bad_pa = get_intervals(time, phase_angle > 135 / 180 * np.pi) if id == 'id1': pass #axs[i].set_ybound(-1000, 1000) elif id == 'id2': if bounded: axs[1].set_ybound(-400, 400) axs[2].set_ybound(-40, 40) axs[3].set_ybound(-40, 40) elif id == 'id3': pass #axs[i].set_ybound(-1000, 1000) elif id == 'id4': if bounded: axs[1].set_ybound(-20, 20) axs[2].set_ybound(-40, 40) axs[3].set_ybound(-40, 40) elif id == 'id5': if bounded: axs[1].set_ybound(-5, 5) axs[2].set_ybound(-10, 10) axs[3].set_ybound(-10, 10) for i in range(1, 4): axs[i].legend(loc='lower right') for s, e in bad_pa: axs[i].axvspan(s, e, facecolor='#f7aaaa', alpha=0.5) # pink if use_d2: for s, e in d2_ecl: axs[i].axvspan(s, e, facecolor='#b0f9ef', alpha=0.5) # turq for s, e in d1_bg: axs[i].axvspan(s, e, facecolor='#f8f9b0', alpha=0.5) # green for s, e in d1_fg: axs[i].axvspan(s, e, facecolor='#f5b0f9', alpha=0.5) # purple if bounded: ax0b.set_xbound(time[0], cutoff_time) else: fig2, axs = plt.subplots(4 if cum_delta_v[-1] > 0 else 3, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(8, 6)) # # location errors # i = 0 # for j, a in enumerate('real '+a for a in c_lab): # axs[i].plot(time, sc_loc_stf[:, j], label=a) # axs[i].set_prop_cycle(None) # for j, a in enumerate('filter '+a for a in c_lab): # axs[i].plot(time, flt_loc_stf[:, j], ':', label=a) # # axs[i].set_title('filter output\nerr μ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f), σ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)' % (*flt_err_mean, *flt_err_std)) # axs[i].legend(loc='lower right') # # # measurements # i += 1 # for j, a in enumerate('real '+a for a in c_lab): # axs[i].plot(time, sc_loc_stf[:, j], label=a) # axs[i].set_prop_cycle(None) # # if has_spl: # for j, a in enumerate('spl '+a for a in c_lab): # axs[i].plot(time, spl_loc_stf[:, j], 'C1--', label=a) # axs[i].set_prop_cycle(None) # # if has_lsr: # for j, a in enumerate('laser '+a for a in c_lab): # axs[i].plot(time, lsr_loc_stf[:, j], 'r:', label=a) # axs[i].set_prop_cycle(None) # # if has_vo: # for j, a in enumerate('vo '+a for a in c_lab): # axs[i].plot(time, vo_loc_stf[:, j], 'C2.-', label=a) # axs[i].set_prop_cycle(None) # # axs[i].set_title('measurements' # + ('\nopt err μ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f), σ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)' % (*spl_err_mean, *spl_err_std) if has_spl else '') # + ('\nlsr err μ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f), σ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)' % (*lsr_err_mean, *lsr_err_std) if has_lsr else '') # + ('\nvo err μ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f), σ=(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)' % (*vo_err_mean, *vo_err_std) if has_vo else '') # ) # axs[i].legend(loc='lower right') # measurement likelihood i += 1 axs[i].plot(time, meas_ll) axs[i].set_title('measurement likelihood') # delta-v used if cum_delta_v[-1] > 0: i += 1 axs[i].plot(time, cum_delta_v) axs[i].set_title('cumulative delta-v usage') axs[i].set_xlim(np.min(time), np.max(time)) plt.tight_layout() # plot didymain & didymoon fig1, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 7)) if video: framerate = 25 dw, dh = fig1.canvas.get_width_height() writer = cv2.VideoWriter(filename[:-4] + '.avi', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'DIVX'), framerate, (dw * 2, dh * 2)) try: skip = 2 for c in range(skip, len(d1_loc_sf), skip): if video: tools.show_progress(len(d1_loc_sf) // skip, c // skip) else: c = cutoff or -1 if is_vo: # for c in range(0, len(d1_loc_sf), 30): # plot_orbit_sf(ax, d1_loc_sf, sc_loc_sf, vo_loc_sf, cutoff=c, idx1=1, static=False) plot_orbit_sf(ax, d1_loc_sf, sc_loc_sf, vo_loc_sf, cutoff=c, static=not video) elif is_4km: plot_orbit_sf( ax, d1_loc, d2_loc, sc_loc, flt_loc if has_flt else None, spl_loc=spl_loc[idx, :] if id in ('id1', 'id2', 'id3') else None, vo_loc=vo_loc[idx4, :] if id in ('id1', 'id3') and has_vo else None, synodic=False, cutoff=c, static=not video) else: plot_orbit_sf( ax, d1_loc_sf, d2_loc_sf, sc_loc_sf, flt_loc_sf if has_flt else None, spl_loc=spl_loc_sf[idx, :] if id in ('id4', 'id5') else None, #vo_loc=vo_loc_sf[idx4, :] if id in ('id5',) else None, synodic=True, cutoff=c, static=not video) if video: #plt.tight_layout() # plt.pause(0.05) # plt.waitforbuttonpress() mi = [m for m in (5760, 7593) if m < c] if len(mi) > 0: ax.plot(spl_loc[mi, 0], spl_loc[mi, 1], 'bv', label='Maneuver', fillstyle='none') errtxt = 'error [m]: x=%5.1f, y=%5.1f, z=%5.1f' % tuple( spl_loc[c, :] - sc_loc[c, :]) plt.text(2650, 9500, errtxt, family='monospace', fontsize=12, horizontalalignment='center') ax.set_xbound(-5200, 10500) ax.set_ybound(-7100, 8600) fig1.canvas.draw() img = np.frombuffer(fig1.canvas.tostring_argb(), dtype=np.uint8) img.shape = (dh * 3, dw * 3, 4) # why need *3 ??? # canvas.tostring_argb give pixmap in ARGB mode. Roll the ALPHA channel to have it in RGBA mode img = np.roll(img, 3, axis=2) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGBA2BGR) img = cv2.resize(img, (dw * 2, dh * 2)) if False: cv2.imshow('test', img) cv2.waitKey() writer.write(img) ax.clear() else: plt.tight_layout() break finally: if video: writer.release()
img_files.append((i, file)) img_files = [f for _, f in sorted(img_files, key=lambda x: x[0])] assert len(img_files) > 3, 'too few images found: %s' % (img_files, ) img0 = cv2.imread(os.path.join(folder, img_files[0]), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) sh, sw, sc = img0.shape codecs = ['DIVX', 'H264', 'MPEG', 'MJPG'] writer = cv2.VideoWriter(target_file, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*codecs[0]), framerate, (dw, dh)) imgs = [] times = [] try: for i, f in enumerate(img_files): if i % skip_mult == 0: tools.show_progress( len(img_files) // skip_mult, i // skip_mult) img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(folder, f), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) if sw != dw or sh != dh: img = cv2.resize(img, (dw, dh), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) if exposure: # blend images to simulate blur due to long exposure times timestr = f[0:17] time = datetime.datetime.strptime(timestr, '%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S') imgs.append(img) times.append(time) idxs = np.where( np.array(times) > time - datetime.timedelta(seconds=exposure)) if len(idxs) < np.ceil(exposure):