コード例 #1
class MultiVolumeVisual(Visual):
    Displays multiple 3D volumes simultaneously.

    volumes : list of tuples
        The volumes to show. Each tuple should contain three elements: the data
        array, the clim values, and the colormap to use. The clim values should
        be either a 2-element tuple, or None.
    relative_step_size : float
        The relative step size to step through the volume. Default 0.8.
        Increase to e.g. 1.5 to increase performance, at the cost of
    emulate_texture : bool
        Use 2D textures to emulate a 3D texture. OpenGL ES 2.0 compatible,
        but has lower performance on desktop platforms.
    n_volume_max : int
        Absolute maximum number of volumes that can be shown.

    def __init__(self, volumes, clim=None, threshold=None,
                 relative_step_size=0.8, cmap1='grays', cmap2='grays',
                 emulate_texture=False, n_volume_max=10):

        # Choose texture class
        tex_cls = TextureEmulated3D if emulate_texture else Texture3D

        # We store the data and colormaps in a CallbackList which can warn us
        # when it is modified.
        self.volumes = CallbackList()
        self.volumes.on_size_change = self._update_all_volumes
        self.volumes.on_item_change = self._update_volume

        self._vol_shape = None
        self._need_vertex_update = True

        # Create OpenGL program
        vert_shader, frag_shader = get_shaders(n_volume_max)
        super(MultiVolumeVisual, self).__init__(vcode=vert_shader, fcode=frag_shader)

        # Create gloo objects
        self._vertices = VertexBuffer()
        self._texcoord = VertexBuffer(
                [0, 0, 0],
                [1, 0, 0],
                [0, 1, 0],
                [1, 1, 0],
                [0, 0, 1],
                [1, 0, 1],
                [0, 1, 1],
                [1, 1, 1],
            ], dtype=np.float32))

        # Set up textures
        self.textures = []
        for i in range(n_volume_max):
            self.textures.append(tex_cls((10, 10, 10), interpolation='linear',
            self.shared_program['u_volumetex{0}'.format(i)] = self.textures[i]
            self.shared_program.frag['cmap{0:d}'.format(i)] = Function(get_colormap('grays').glsl_map)

        self.shared_program['a_position'] = self._vertices
        self.shared_program['a_texcoord'] = self._texcoord
        self._draw_mode = 'triangle_strip'
        self._index_buffer = IndexBuffer()

        self.shared_program.frag['sampler_type'] = self.textures[0].glsl_sampler_type
        self.shared_program.frag['sample'] = self.textures[0].glsl_sample

        # Only show back faces of cuboid. This is required because if we are
        # inside the volume, then the front faces are outside of the clipping
        # box and will not be drawn.
        self.set_gl_state('translucent', cull_face=False)

        self.relative_step_size = relative_step_size

        # Add supplied volumes

    def _update_all_volumes(self, volumes):
        Update the number of simultaneous textures.

        n_textures : int
            The number of textures to use
        if len(self.volumes) > len(self.textures):
            raise ValueError("Number of volumes ({0}) exceeds number of textures ({1})".format(len(self.volumes), len(self.textures)))
        for index in range(len(self.volumes)):
            self._update_volume(volumes, index)

    def _update_volume(self, volumes, index):

        data, clim, cmap = volumes[index]

        cmap = get_colormap(cmap)

        if clim is None:
            clim = data.min(), data.max()

        data = data.astype(np.float32)
        if clim[1] == clim[0]:
            if clim[0] != 0.:
                data *= 1.0 / clim[0]
            data -= clim[0]
            data /= clim[1] - clim[0]

        self.shared_program.frag['cmap{0:d}'.format(index)] = Function(cmap.glsl_map)


        if self._vol_shape is None:
            self.shared_program['u_shape'] = data.shape[::-1]
            self._vol_shape = data.shape
        elif data.shape != self._vol_shape:
            raise ValueError("Shape of arrays should be {0} instead of {1}".format(self._vol_shape, data.shape))

        self.shared_program['u_n_tex'] = len(self.volumes)

    def relative_step_size(self):
        """ The relative step size used during raycasting.

        Larger values yield higher performance at reduced quality. If
        set > 2.0 the ray skips entire voxels. Recommended values are
        between 0.5 and 1.5. The amount of quality degredation depends
        on the render method.
        return self._relative_step_size

    def relative_step_size(self, value):
        value = float(value)
        if value < 0.1:
            raise ValueError('relative_step_size cannot be smaller than 0.1')
        self._relative_step_size = value
        self.shared_program['u_relative_step_size'] = value

    def _create_vertex_data(self):
        """ Create and set positions and texture coords from the given shape

        We have six faces with 1 quad (2 triangles) each, resulting in
        6*2*3 = 36 vertices in total.
        shape = self._vol_shape

        # Get corner coordinates. The -0.5 offset is to center
        # pixels/voxels. This works correctly for anisotropic data.
        x0, x1 = -0.5, shape[2] - 0.5
        y0, y1 = -0.5, shape[1] - 0.5
        z0, z1 = -0.5, shape[0] - 0.5

        pos = np.array([
            [x0, y0, z0],
            [x1, y0, z0],
            [x0, y1, z0],
            [x1, y1, z0],
            [x0, y0, z1],
            [x1, y0, z1],
            [x0, y1, z1],
            [x1, y1, z1],
        ], dtype=np.float32)

         /|      /|
        4-------5 |
        | |     | |
        | 2-----|-3
        |/      |/

        # Order is chosen such that normals face outward; front faces will be
        # culled.
        indices = np.array([2, 6, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2, 3, 0, 1, 5, 3, 7],

        # Apply

    def _compute_bounds(self, axis, view):
        return 0, self._vol_shape[axis]

    def _prepare_transforms(self, view):
        trs = view.transforms
        view.view_program.vert['transform'] = trs.get_transform()

        view_tr_f = trs.get_transform('visual', 'document')
        view_tr_i = view_tr_f.inverse
        view.view_program.vert['viewtransformf'] = view_tr_f
        view.view_program.vert['viewtransformi'] = view_tr_i

    def _prepare_draw(self, view):
        if self._need_vertex_update:
            self._need_vertex_update = False
コード例 #2
class OpenGLRenderer(ABC):
    def __init__(self, src_fbuffer, src_default):
        self.default_prog = None
        self.fbuffer_prog = None

        self.fbuffer = None
        self.fbuffer_tex_front = None
        self.fbuffer_tex_back = None

        self.vertex_buffer = None
        self.index_buffer = None

        # Renderer Globals: STYLE/MATERIAL PROPERTIES
        self.style = Style()

        # Renderer Globals: Curves
        self.stroke_weight = 1
        self.stroke_cap = ROUND
        self.stroke_join = MITER

        # Renderer Globals
        self.viewport = None
        self.texture_viewport = None
        self.transform_matrix = np.identity(4)
        self.projection_matrix = np.identity(4)

        # Renderer Globals: RENDERING
        self.draw_queue = []

        # Shaders
        self.fbuffer_prog = Program(src_fbuffer.vert, src_fbuffer.frag)
        self.default_prog = Program(src_default.vert, src_default.frag)

    def initialize_renderer(self):
        self.fbuffer = FrameBuffer()

        vertices = np.array(
            [[-1.0, -1.0], [+1.0, -1.0], [-1.0, +1.0], [+1.0, +1.0]],
        texcoords = np.array([[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]],

        self.fbuf_vertices = VertexBuffer(data=vertices)
        self.fbuf_texcoords = VertexBuffer(data=texcoords)

        self.fbuffer_prog['texcoord'] = self.fbuf_texcoords
        self.fbuffer_prog['position'] = self.fbuf_vertices

        self.vertex_buffer = VertexBuffer()
        self.index_buffer = IndexBuffer()

    def render_default(self, draw_type, draw_queue):
        # 1. Get the maximum number of vertices persent in the shapes
        # in the draw queue.
        if len(draw_queue) == 0:

        num_vertices = 0
        for vertices, _, _ in draw_queue:
            num_vertices = num_vertices + len(vertices)

        # 2. Create empty buffers based on the number of vertices.
        data = np.zeros(num_vertices,
                        dtype=[('position', np.float32, 3),
                               ('color', np.float32, 4)])

        # 3. Loop through all the shapes in the geometry queue adding
        # it's information to the buffer.
        sidx = 0
        draw_indices = []
        for vertices, idx, color in draw_queue:
            num_shape_verts = len(vertices)

            data['position'][sidx:(sidx +
                                   num_shape_verts), ] = np.array(vertices)

            color_array = np.array([color] * num_shape_verts)
            data['color'][sidx:sidx + num_shape_verts, :] = color_array

            draw_indices.append(sidx + idx)

            sidx += num_shape_verts


        # 4. Bind the buffer to the shader.

        # 5. Draw the shape using the proper shape type and get rid of
        # the buffers.
        self.default_prog.draw(draw_type, indices=self.index_buffer)

    def cleanup(self):
        """Run the clean-up routine for the renderer.

        This method is called when all drawing has been completed and the
        program is about to exit.


    def _transform_vertices(self, vertices, local_matrix, global_matrix):
        return np.dot(np.dot(vertices, local_matrix.T), global_matrix.T)[:, :3]
コード例 #3
ファイル: renderer2d.py プロジェクト: zostercr/p5
class Renderer2D:
    def __init__(self):
        self.default_prog = None
        self.fbuffer_prog = None
        self.texture_prog = None
        self.line_prog = None

        self.fbuffer = None
        self.fbuffer_tex_front = None
        self.fbuffer_tex_back = None

        self.vertex_buffer = None
        self.index_buffer = None

        ## Renderer Globals: USEFUL CONSTANTS
        self.COLOR_WHITE = (1, 1, 1, 1)
        self.COLOR_BLACK = (0, 0, 0, 1)
        self.COLOR_DEFAULT_BG = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0)

        ## Renderer Globals: STYLE/MATERIAL PROPERTIES
        self.background_color = self.COLOR_DEFAULT_BG

        self.fill_color = self.COLOR_WHITE
        self.fill_enabled = True

        self.stroke_color = self.COLOR_BLACK
        self.stroke_enabled = True

        self.tint_color = self.COLOR_BLACK
        self.tint_enabled = False

        ## Renderer Globals: Curves
        self.stroke_weight = 1
        self.stroke_cap = 2
        self.stroke_join = 0

        ## Renderer Globals
        self.viewport = None
        self.texture_viewport = None
        self.transform_matrix = np.identity(4)
        self.modelview_matrix = np.identity(4)
        self.projection_matrix = np.identity(4)

        ## Renderer Globals: RENDERING
        self.draw_queue = []

    def initialize_renderer(self):
        self.fbuffer = FrameBuffer()

        vertices = np.array(
            [[-1.0, -1.0], [+1.0, -1.0], [-1.0, +1.0], [+1.0, +1.0]],
        texcoords = np.array([[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]],

        self.fbuf_vertices = VertexBuffer(data=vertices)
        self.fbuf_texcoords = VertexBuffer(data=texcoords)

        self.fbuffer_prog = Program(src_fbuffer.vert, src_fbuffer.frag)
        self.fbuffer_prog['texcoord'] = self.fbuf_texcoords
        self.fbuffer_prog['position'] = self.fbuf_vertices

        self.vertex_buffer = VertexBuffer()
        self.index_buffer = IndexBuffer()

        self.default_prog = Program(src_default.vert, src_default.frag)
        self.texture_prog = Program(src_texture.vert, src_texture.frag)
        self.texture_prog['texcoord'] = self.fbuf_texcoords


    def reset_view(self):
        self.viewport = (
            int(builtins.width * builtins.pixel_x_density),
            int(builtins.height * builtins.pixel_y_density),
        self.texture_viewport = (


        cz = (builtins.height / 2) / math.tan(math.radians(30))
        self.projection_matrix = matrix.perspective_matrix(
            math.radians(60), builtins.width / builtins.height, 0.1 * cz,
            10 * cz)
        self.modelview_matrix = matrix.translation_matrix(-builtins.width / 2, \
                    builtins.height / 2, \
        self.modelview_matrix = self.modelview_matrix.dot(
            matrix.scale_transform(1, -1, 1))

        self.transform_matrix = np.identity(4)

        self.default_prog['modelview'] = self.modelview_matrix.T.flatten()
        self.default_prog['projection'] = self.projection_matrix.T.flatten()

        self.texture_prog['modelview'] = self.modelview_matrix.T.flatten()
        self.texture_prog['projection'] = self.projection_matrix.T.flatten()

        self.line_prog = Program(src_line.vert, src_line.frag)

        self.line_prog['modelview'] = self.modelview_matrix.T.flatten()
        self.line_prog['projection'] = self.projection_matrix.T.flatten()
        self.line_prog["height"] = builtins.height

        self.fbuffer_tex_front = Texture2D(
            (builtins.height, builtins.width, 3))
        self.fbuffer_tex_back = Texture2D((builtins.height, builtins.width, 3))

        for buf in [self.fbuffer_tex_front, self.fbuffer_tex_back]:
            self.fbuffer.color_buffer = buf
            with self.fbuffer:

    def clear(self, color=True, depth=True):
        """Clear the renderer background."""
        gloo.clear(color=color, depth=depth)

    def _comm_toggles(self, state=True):

        if state:
            gloo.set_state(blend_func=('src_alpha', 'one_minus_src_alpha'))

    def draw_loop(self):
        """The main draw loop context manager.

        self.transform_matrix = np.identity(4)

        self.default_prog['modelview'] = self.modelview_matrix.T.flatten()
        self.default_prog['projection'] = self.projection_matrix.T.flatten()

        self.fbuffer.color_buffer = self.fbuffer_tex_back

        with self.fbuffer:
            self.fbuffer_prog['texture'] = self.fbuffer_tex_front


            self.transform_matrix = np.identity(4)

        self.fbuffer_prog['texture'] = self.fbuffer_tex_back

        self.fbuffer_tex_front, self.fbuffer_tex_back = self.fbuffer_tex_back, self.fbuffer_tex_front

    def _transform_vertices(self, vertices, local_matrix, global_matrix):
        return np.dot(np.dot(vertices, local_matrix.T), global_matrix.T)[:, :3]

    def _add_to_draw_queue_simple(self, stype, vertices, idx, fill, stroke,
                                  stroke_weight, stroke_cap, stroke_join):
        """Adds shape of stype to draw queue
        if stype == 'lines':
                (stype, (vertices, idx, stroke, stroke_weight, stroke_cap,
            self.draw_queue.append((stype, (vertices, idx, fill)))

    def render(self, shape):
        fill = shape.fill.normalized if shape.fill else None
        stroke = shape.stroke.normalized if shape.stroke else None
        stroke_weight = shape.stroke_weight
        stroke_cap = shape.stroke_cap
        stroke_join = shape.stroke_join

        obj_list = get_render_primitives(shape)
        for obj in obj_list:
            stype, vertices, idx = obj
            # Transform vertices
            vertices = self._transform_vertices(
                np.hstack([vertices, np.ones((len(vertices), 1))]),
                shape._matrix, self.transform_matrix)
            # Add to draw queue
            self._add_to_draw_queue_simple(stype, vertices, idx, fill, stroke,
                                           stroke_weight, stroke_cap,

    def flush_geometry(self):
        """Flush all the shape geometry from the draw queue to the GPU.
        current_queue = []
        for index, shape in enumerate(self.draw_queue):
            current_shape = self.draw_queue[index][0]

            if current_shape == "lines":
                self.render_default(current_shape, current_queue)

            current_queue = []

        self.draw_queue = []

    def render_default(self, draw_type, draw_queue):
        # 1. Get the maximum number of vertices persent in the shapes
        # in the draw queue.
        if len(draw_queue) == 0:

        num_vertices = 0
        for vertices, _, _ in draw_queue:
            num_vertices = num_vertices + len(vertices)

        # 2. Create empty buffers based on the number of vertices.
        data = np.zeros(num_vertices,
                        dtype=[('position', np.float32, 3),
                               ('color', np.float32, 4)])

        # 3. Loop through all the shapes in the geometry queue adding
        # it's information to the buffer.
        sidx = 0
        draw_indices = []
        for vertices, idx, color in draw_queue:
            num_shape_verts = len(vertices)

            data['position'][sidx:(sidx + num_shape_verts), ] = vertices

            color_array = np.array([color] * num_shape_verts)
            data['color'][sidx:sidx + num_shape_verts, :] = color_array

            draw_indices.append(sidx + idx)

            sidx += num_shape_verts


        # 4. Bind the buffer to the shader.

        # 5. Draw the shape using the proper shape type and get rid of
        # the buffers.
        self.default_prog.draw(draw_type, indices=self.index_buffer)

    def render_line(self, queue):
		This rendering algorithm works by tesselating the line into
		multiple triangles.

		Reference: https://blog.mapbox.com/drawing-antialiased-lines-with-opengl-8766f34192dc

        if len(queue) == 0:

        pos = []
        posPrev = []
        posCurr = []
        posNext = []
        markers = []
        side = []

        linewidth = []
        join_type = []
        cap_type = []
        color = []

        for line in queue:
            if len(line[1]) == 0:

            for segment in line[1]:
                for i in range(
                        len(segment) -
                        1):  # the data is sent to renderer in line segments
                    for j in [0, 0, 1, 0, 1,
                              1]:  # all the vertices of triangles
                        if i + j - 1 >= 0:
                            posPrev.append(line[0][segment[i + j - 1]])
                            posPrev.append(line[0][segment[i + j]])

                        if i + j + 1 < len(segment):
                            posNext.append(line[0][segment[i + j + 1]])
                            posNext.append(line[0][segment[i + j]])

                        posCurr.append(line[0][segment[i + j]])

                        [1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0,
                         -1.0])  # Is the vertex up/below the line segment
                    side.extend([1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0,
                                 -1.0])  # Left or right side of the segment
                    pos.extend([line[0][segment[i]]] *
                               6)  # Left vertex of each segment
                    linewidth.extend([line[3]] * 6)
                    join_type.extend([line[5]] * 6)
                    cap_type.extend([line[4]] * 6)
                    color.extend([line[2]] * 6)

        if len(pos) == 0:

        posPrev = np.array(posPrev, np.float32)
        posCurr = np.array(posCurr, np.float32)
        posNext = np.array(posNext, np.float32)
        markers = np.array(markers, np.float32)
        side = np.array(side, np.float32)
        pos = np.array(pos, np.float32)
        linewidth = np.array(linewidth, np.float32)
        join_type = np.array(join_type, np.float32)
        cap_type = np.array(cap_type, np.float32)
        color = np.array(color, np.float32)

        self.line_prog['pos'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(pos)
        self.line_prog['posPrev'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(posPrev)
        self.line_prog['posCurr'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(posCurr)
        self.line_prog['posNext'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(posNext)
        self.line_prog['marker'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(markers)
        self.line_prog['side'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(side)
        self.line_prog['linewidth'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(linewidth)
        self.line_prog['join_type'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(join_type)
        self.line_prog['cap_type'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(cap_type)
        self.line_prog["color"] = gloo.VertexBuffer(color)


    def render_image(self, image, location, size):
        """Render the image.

		:param image: image to be rendered
		:type image: builtins.Image

		:param location: top-left corner of the image
		:type location: tuple | list | builtins.Vector

		:param size: target size of the image to draw.
		:type size: tuple | list | builtins.Vector

            'fill_color'] = self.tint_color if self.tint_enabled else self.COLOR_WHITE
        self.texture_prog['transform'] = self.transform_matrix.T.flatten()

        x, y = location
        sx, sy = size
        imx, imy = image.size
        data = np.zeros(4,
                        dtype=[('position', np.float32, 2),
                               ('texcoord', np.float32, 2)])
        data['texcoord'] = np.array(
            [[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0]], dtype=np.float32)
        data['position'] = np.array(
            [[x, y + sy], [x + sx, y + sy], [x, y], [x + sx, y]],

        self.texture_prog['texture'] = image._texture

    def cleanup(self):
        """Run the clean-up routine for the renderer.

		This method is called when all drawing has been completed and the
		program is about to exit.

コード例 #4
class NapariVolumeVisual(Visual):
    """ Displays a 3D Volume

    vol : ndarray
        The volume to display. Must be ndim==3.
    clim : tuple of two floats | None
        The contrast limits. The values in the volume are mapped to
        black and white corresponding to these values. Default maps
        between min and max.
    method : {'mip', 'translucent', 'additive', 'iso'}
        The render method to use. See corresponding docs for details.
        Default 'mip'.
    threshold : float
        The threshold to use for the isosurface render method. By default
        the mean of the given volume is used.
    relative_step_size : float
        The relative step size to step through the volume. Default 0.8.
        Increase to e.g. 1.5 to increase performance, at the cost of
    cmap : str
        Colormap to use.
    emulate_texture : bool
        Use 2D textures to emulate a 3D texture. OpenGL ES 2.0 compatible,
        but has lower performance on desktop platforms.
    def __init__(self,

        tex_cls = TextureEmulated3D if emulate_texture else Texture3D

        # Storage of information of volume
        self._vol_shape = ()
        self._clim = None
        self._need_vertex_update = True

        # Set the colormap
        self._cmap = get_colormap(cmap)

        # Create gloo objects
        self._vertices = VertexBuffer()
        self._texcoord = VertexBuffer(
                [0, 0, 0],
                [1, 0, 0],
                [0, 1, 0],
                [1, 1, 0],
                [0, 0, 1],
                [1, 0, 1],
                [0, 1, 1],
                [1, 1, 1],
        self._tex = tex_cls((10, 10, 10),

        # Create program
        Visual.__init__(self, vcode=VERT_SHADER, fcode="")
        self.shared_program['u_volumetex'] = self._tex
        self.shared_program['a_position'] = self._vertices
        self.shared_program['a_texcoord'] = self._texcoord
        self._draw_mode = 'triangle_strip'
        self._index_buffer = IndexBuffer()

        # Only show back faces of cuboid. This is required because if we are
        # inside the volume, then the front faces are outside of the clipping
        # box and will not be drawn.
        self.set_gl_state('translucent', cull_face=False)

        # Set data
        self.set_data(vol, clim)

        # Set params
        self.method = method
        self.relative_step_size = relative_step_size
        self.threshold = threshold if (threshold is not None) else vol.mean()

    def set_data(self, vol, clim=None):
        """ Set the volume data.

        vol : ndarray
            The 3D volume.
        clim : tuple | None
            Colormap limits to use. None will use the min and max values.
        # Check volume
        if not isinstance(vol, np.ndarray):
            raise ValueError('Volume visual needs a numpy array.')
        if not ((vol.ndim == 3) or (vol.ndim == 4 and vol.shape[-1] <= 4)):
            raise ValueError('Volume visual needs a 3D image.')

        # Handle clim
        if clim is not None:
            clim = np.array(clim, float)
            if not (clim.ndim == 1 and clim.size == 2):
                raise ValueError('clim must be a 2-element array-like')
            self._clim = tuple(clim)
        if self._clim is None:
            self._clim = vol.min(), vol.max()

        # Apply clim
        vol = np.array(vol, dtype='float32', copy=False)
        if self._clim[1] == self._clim[0]:
            if self._clim[0] != 0.:
                vol *= 1.0 / self._clim[0]
            vol -= self._clim[0]
            vol /= self._clim[1] - self._clim[0]

        # Apply to texture
        self._tex.set_data(vol)  # will be efficient if vol is same shape
        self.shared_program['u_shape'] = (vol.shape[2], vol.shape[1],

        shape = vol.shape[:3]
        if self._vol_shape != shape:
            self._vol_shape = shape
            self._need_vertex_update = True
        self._vol_shape = shape

        # Get some stats
        self._kb_for_texture = np.prod(self._vol_shape) / 1024

    def clim(self):
        """ The contrast limits that were applied to the volume data.
        Settable via set_data().
        return self._clim

    def cmap(self):
        return self._cmap

    def cmap(self, cmap):
        self._cmap = get_colormap(cmap)
        self.shared_program.frag['cmap'] = Function(self._cmap.glsl_map)

    def method(self):
        """The render method to use

        Current options are:

            * translucent: voxel colors are blended along the view ray until
              the result is opaque.
            * mip: maxiumum intensity projection. Cast a ray and display the
              maximum value that was encountered.
            * additive: voxel colors are added along the view ray until
              the result is saturated.
            * iso: isosurface. Cast a ray until a certain threshold is
              encountered. At that location, lighning calculations are
              performed to give the visual appearance of a surface.
        return self._method

    def method(self, method):
        # Check and save
        known_methods = list(frag_dict.keys())
        if method not in known_methods:
            raise ValueError('Volume render method should be in %r, not %r' %
                             (known_methods, method))
        self._method = method
        # Get rid of specific variables - they may become invalid
        if 'u_threshold' in self.shared_program:
            self.shared_program['u_threshold'] = None

        self.shared_program.frag = frag_dict[method]
        self.shared_program.frag['sampler_type'] = self._tex.glsl_sampler_type
        self.shared_program.frag['sample'] = self._tex.glsl_sample
        self.shared_program.frag['cmap'] = Function(self._cmap.glsl_map)

    def threshold(self):
        """ The threshold value to apply for the isosurface render method.
        return self._threshold

    def threshold(self, value):
        self._threshold = float(value)
        if 'u_threshold' in self.shared_program:
            self.shared_program['u_threshold'] = self._threshold

    def relative_step_size(self):
        """ The relative step size used during raycasting.

        Larger values yield higher performance at reduced quality. If
        set > 2.0 the ray skips entire voxels. Recommended values are
        between 0.5 and 1.5. The amount of quality degredation depends
        on the render method.
        return self._relative_step_size

    def relative_step_size(self, value):
        value = float(value)
        if value < 0.1:
            raise ValueError('relative_step_size cannot be smaller than 0.1')
        self._relative_step_size = value
        self.shared_program['u_relative_step_size'] = value

    def _create_vertex_data(self):
        """ Create and set positions and texture coords from the given shape

        We have six faces with 1 quad (2 triangles) each, resulting in
        6*2*3 = 36 vertices in total.
        shape = self._vol_shape

        # Get corner coordinates. The -0.5 offset is to center
        # pixels/voxels. This works correctly for anisotropic data.
        x0, x1 = -0.5, shape[2] - 0.5
        y0, y1 = -0.5, shape[1] - 0.5
        z0, z1 = -0.5, shape[0] - 0.5

        pos = np.array([
            [x0, y0, z0],
            [x1, y0, z0],
            [x0, y1, z0],
            [x1, y1, z0],
            [x0, y0, z1],
            [x1, y0, z1],
            [x0, y1, z1],
            [x1, y1, z1],
         /|      /|
        4-------5 |
        | |     | |
        | 2-----|-3
        |/      |/

        # Order is chosen such that normals face outward; front faces will be
        # culled.
        indices = np.array([2, 6, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2, 3, 0, 1, 5, 3, 7],

        # Apply

    def _compute_bounds(self, axis, view):
        return 0, self._vol_shape[axis]

    def _prepare_transforms(self, view):
        trs = view.transforms
        view.view_program.vert['transform'] = trs.get_transform()

        view_tr_f = trs.get_transform('visual', 'document')
        view_tr_i = view_tr_f.inverse
        view.view_program.vert['viewtransformf'] = view_tr_f
        view.view_program.vert['viewtransformi'] = view_tr_i

    def _prepare_draw(self, view):
        if self._need_vertex_update:
コード例 #5
class Renderer3D:
    def __init__(self):
        self.default_prog = None

        self.fbuffer = None
        self.fbuffer_tex_front = None
        self.fbuffer_tex_back = None

        self.vertex_buffer = None
        self.index_buffer = None

        ## Renderer Globals: USEFUL CONSTANTS
        self.COLOR_WHITE = (1, 1, 1, 1)
        self.COLOR_BLACK = (0, 0, 0, 1)
        self.COLOR_DEFAULT_BG = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0)

        ## Renderer Globals: STYLE/MATERIAL PROPERTIES
        self.background_color = self.COLOR_DEFAULT_BG

        self.fill_color = self.COLOR_WHITE
        self.fill_enabled = True

        self.stroke_color = self.COLOR_BLACK
        self.stroke_enabled = True

        self.tint_color = self.COLOR_BLACK
        self.tint_enabled = False

        ## Renderer Globals: Curves
        self.stroke_weight = 1
        self.stroke_cap = 2
        self.stroke_join = 0

        ## Renderer Globals
        self.viewport = None
        self.texture_viewport = None
        self.transform_matrix = np.identity(4)
        self.projection_matrix = np.identity(4)
        self.lookat_matrix = np.identity(4)

        ## Renderer Globals: RENDERING
        self.draw_queue = []

    def initialize_renderer(self):
        self.fbuffer = FrameBuffer()

        vertices = np.array(
            [[-1.0, -1.0], [+1.0, -1.0], [-1.0, +1.0], [+1.0, +1.0]],
        texcoords = np.array([[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0]],

        self.fbuf_vertices = VertexBuffer(data=vertices)
        self.fbuf_texcoords = VertexBuffer(data=texcoords)

        self.fbuffer_prog = Program(src_fbuffer.vert, src_fbuffer.frag)
        self.fbuffer_prog['texcoord'] = self.fbuf_texcoords
        self.fbuffer_prog['position'] = self.fbuf_vertices

        self.vertex_buffer = VertexBuffer()
        self.index_buffer = IndexBuffer()

        self.default_prog = Program(src_default.vert, src_default.frag)


    def reset_view(self):
        self.viewport = (
            int(builtins.width * builtins.pixel_x_density),
            int(builtins.height * builtins.pixel_y_density),
        self.texture_viewport = (


        cz = (builtins.height / 2) / math.tan(math.radians(30))
        self.projection_matrix = matrix.perspective_matrix(
            math.radians(60), builtins.width / builtins.height, 0.1 * cz,
            10 * cz)

        self.transform_matrix = np.identity(4)

        self.default_prog['projection'] = self.projection_matrix.T.flatten()
        self.default_prog['perspective_matrix'] = self.lookat_matrix.T.flatten(

        self.fbuffer_tex_front = Texture2D(
            (builtins.height, builtins.width, 3))
        self.fbuffer_tex_back = Texture2D((builtins.height, builtins.width, 3))

        for buf in [self.fbuffer_tex_front, self.fbuffer_tex_back]:
            self.fbuffer.color_buffer = buf
            with self.fbuffer:

        self.fbuffer.depth_buffer = gloo.RenderBuffer(
            (builtins.height, builtins.width))

    def clear(self, color=True, depth=True):
        """Clear the renderer background."""
        gloo.clear(color=color, depth=depth)

    def _comm_toggles(self, state=True):

        if state:
            gloo.set_state(blend_func=('src_alpha', 'one_minus_src_alpha'))

    def draw_loop(self):
        """The main draw loop context manager.

        self.transform_matrix = np.identity(4)

        self.default_prog['projection'] = self.projection_matrix.T.flatten()
        self.default_prog['perspective_matrix'] = self.lookat_matrix.T.flatten(

        self.fbuffer.color_buffer = self.fbuffer_tex_back

        with self.fbuffer:
            self.fbuffer_prog['texture'] = self.fbuffer_tex_front


            self.transform_matrix = np.identity(4)

        self.fbuffer_prog['texture'] = self.fbuffer_tex_back

        self.fbuffer_tex_front, self.fbuffer_tex_back = self.fbuffer_tex_back, self.fbuffer_tex_front

    def _transform_vertices(self, vertices, local_matrix, global_matrix):
        return np.dot(np.dot(vertices, local_matrix.T), global_matrix.T)[:, :3]

    def render(self, shape):
        if isinstance(shape, Geometry):
            n = len(shape.vertices)
            tverts = self._transform_vertices(
                np.hstack([shape.vertices, np.ones((n, 1))]), shape.matrix,

            edges = shape.edges
            faces = shape.faces

            self.add_to_draw_queue('poly', tverts, edges, faces,
                                   self.fill_color, self.stroke_color)

        elif isinstance(shape, PShape):
            vertices = shape._draw_vertices
            n, _ = vertices.shape
            tverts = self._transform_vertices(
                           np.zeros((n, 1)),
                           np.ones((n, 1))]), shape._matrix,

            fill = shape.fill.normalized if shape.fill else None
            stroke = shape.stroke.normalized if shape.stroke else None
            edges = shape._draw_edges
            faces = shape._draw_faces

            if edges is None:

            if 'open' in shape.attribs:
                overtices = shape._draw_outline_vertices
                no, _ = overtices.shape
                toverts = self._transform_vertices(
                               np.zeros((no, 1)),
                               np.ones((no, 1))]), shape._matrix,

                self.add_to_draw_queue('poly', tverts, edges, faces, fill,
                self.add_to_draw_queue('path', toverts, edges[:-1], None, None,
                self.add_to_draw_queue(shape.kind, tverts, edges, faces, fill,

    def add_to_draw_queue(self,
        """Add the given vertex data to the draw queue.

		:param stype: type of shape to be added. Should be one of {'poly',
			'path', 'point'}
		:type stype: str

		:param vertices: (N, 3) array containing the vertices to be drawn.
		:type vertices: np.ndarray

		:param edges: (N, 2) array containing edges as tuples of indices
			into the vertex array. This can be None when not appropriate
			(eg. for points)
		:type edges: None | np.ndarray

		:param faces: (N, 3) array containing faces as tuples of indices
			into the vertex array. For 'point' and 'path' shapes, this can
			be None
		:type faces: np.ndarray

		:param fill: Fill color of the shape as a normalized RGBA tuple.
			When set to `None` the shape doesn't get a fill (default: None)
		:type fill: None | tuple

		:param stroke: Stroke color of the shape as a normalized RGBA
			tuple. When set to `None` the shape doesn't get stroke
			(default: None)
		:type stroke: None | tuple


        fill_shape = self.fill_enabled and not (fill is None)
        stroke_shape = self.stroke_enabled and not (stroke is None)

        if fill_shape and stype not in ['point', 'path']:
            idx = np.array(faces, dtype=np.uint32).ravel()
            self.draw_queue.append(["triangles", (vertices, idx, fill)])

        if stroke_shape:
            if stype == 'point':
                idx = np.arange(0, len(vertices), dtype=np.uint32)
                self.draw_queue.append(["points", (vertices, idx, stroke)])
                idx = np.array(edges, dtype=np.uint32).ravel()
                self.draw_queue.append(["lines", (vertices, idx, stroke)])

    def flush_geometry(self):
        """Flush all the shape geometry from the draw queue to the GPU.
        current_queue = []
        for index, shape in enumerate(self.draw_queue):
            current_shape, current_obj = self.draw_queue[index][
                0], self.draw_queue[index][1]
            # If current_shape is lines, bring it to the front by epsilon
            # to resolve z-fighting
            if current_shape == 'lines':
                # line_transform is used whenever we render lines to break ties in depth
                # We transform the points to camera space, move them by Z_EPSILON, and them move them back to world space
                line_transform = inv(self.lookat_matrix).dot(
                    translation_matrix(0, 0,
                vertices = current_obj[0]
                current_obj = (np.hstack(
                    [vertices, np.ones(
                        (vertices.shape[0], 1))]).dot(line_transform.T)[:, :3],
                               current_obj[1], current_obj[2])

            if index < len(self.draw_queue) - 1:
                if self.draw_queue[index][0] == self.draw_queue[index + 1][0]:

            self.render_default(current_shape, current_queue)
            current_queue = []

        self.draw_queue = []

    def render_default(self, draw_type, draw_queue):
        # 1. Get the maximum number of vertices persent in the shapes
        # in the draw queue.
        if len(draw_queue) == 0:

        num_vertices = 0
        for vertices, _, _ in draw_queue:
            num_vertices = num_vertices + len(vertices)

        # 2. Create empty buffers based on the number of vertices.
        data = np.zeros(num_vertices,
                        dtype=[('position', np.float32, 3),
                               ('color', np.float32, 4)])

        # 3. Loop through all the shapes in the geometry queue adding
        # it's information to the buffer.
        sidx = 0
        draw_indices = []
        for vertices, idx, color in draw_queue:
            num_shape_verts = len(vertices)

            data['position'][sidx:(sidx +
                                   num_shape_verts), ] = np.array(vertices)

            color_array = np.array([color] * num_shape_verts)
            data['color'][sidx:sidx + num_shape_verts, :] = color_array

            draw_indices.append(sidx + idx)

            sidx += num_shape_verts


        # 4. Bind the buffer to the shader.

        # 5. Draw the shape using the proper shape type and get rid of
        # the buffers.
        self.default_prog.draw(draw_type, indices=self.index_buffer)

    def cleanup(self):
        """Run the clean-up routine for the renderer.

		This method is called when all drawing has been completed and the
		program is about to exit.

コード例 #6
ファイル: volume.py プロジェクト: grlee77/napari
class VolumeVisual(Visual):
    """ Displays a 3D Volume
    vol : ndarray
        The volume to display. Must be ndim==3.
    clim : tuple of two floats | None
        The contrast limits. The values in the volume are mapped to
        black and white corresponding to these values. Default maps
        between min and max.
    method : {'mip', 'translucent', 'additive', 'iso'}
        The render method to use. See corresponding docs for details.
        Default 'mip'.
    threshold : float
        The threshold to use for the isosurface render method. By default
        the mean of the given volume is used.
    relative_step_size : float
        The relative step size to step through the volume. Default 0.8.
        Increase to e.g. 1.5 to increase performance, at the cost of
    cmap : str
        Colormap to use.
    gamma : float
        Gamma to use during colormap lookup.  Final color will be cmap(val**gamma).
        by default: 1.
    clim_range_threshold : float
        When changing the clims, if the new clim range is smaller than this fraction of the
        last-used texture data range, then it will trigger a rescaling of the texture data.
        For instance: if the texture data was last scaled from 0-1, and the clims are set to
        0.4-0.5, then a texture rescale will be triggered if ``clim_range_threshold < 0.1``.
        To prevent rescaling, set this value to 0.  To *always* rescale, set the value to
        >= 1.  By default, 0.2
    emulate_texture : bool
        Use 2D textures to emulate a 3D texture. OpenGL ES 2.0 compatible,
        but has lower performance on desktop platforms.
    interpolation : {'linear', 'nearest'}
        Selects method of image interpolation. 

    _interpolation_names = ['linear', 'nearest']

    def __init__(

        tex_cls = TextureEmulated3D if emulate_texture else Texture3D

        # Storage of information of volume
        self._vol_shape = ()
        self._clim = None
        self._texture_limits = None
        self._gamma = gamma
        self._need_vertex_update = True
        self._clim_range_threshold = clim_range_threshold
        # Set the colormap
        self._cmap = get_colormap(cmap)

        # Create gloo objects
        self._vertices = VertexBuffer()
        self._texcoord = VertexBuffer(
                    [0, 0, 0],
                    [1, 0, 0],
                    [0, 1, 0],
                    [1, 1, 0],
                    [0, 0, 1],
                    [1, 0, 1],
                    [0, 1, 1],
                    [1, 1, 1],

        self._interpolation = interpolation
        self._tex = tex_cls(
            (10, 10, 10),

        # Create program
        Visual.__init__(self, vcode=VERT_SHADER, fcode="")
        self.shared_program['u_volumetex'] = self._tex
        self.shared_program['a_position'] = self._vertices
        self.shared_program['a_texcoord'] = self._texcoord
        self.shared_program['gamma'] = self._gamma
        self._draw_mode = 'triangle_strip'
        self._index_buffer = IndexBuffer()

        # Only show back faces of cuboid. This is required because if we are
        # inside the volume, then the front faces are outside of the clipping
        # box and will not be drawn.
        self.set_gl_state('translucent', cull_face=False)

        # Set data
        self.set_data(vol, clim)

        # Set params
        self.method = method
        self.relative_step_size = relative_step_size
        self.threshold = threshold if (threshold is not None) else vol.mean()

    def set_data(self, vol, clim=None, copy=True):
        """ Set the volume data. 

        vol : ndarray
            The 3D volume.
        clim : tuple | None
            Colormap limits to use. None will use the min and max values.
        copy : bool | True
            Whether to copy the input volume prior to applying clim normalization.
        # Check volume
        if not isinstance(vol, np.ndarray):
            raise ValueError('Volume visual needs a numpy array.')
        if not ((vol.ndim == 3) or (vol.ndim == 4 and vol.shape[-1] <= 4)):
            raise ValueError('Volume visual needs a 3D image.')

        # Handle clim
        if clim is not None:
            clim = np.array(clim, float)
            if not (clim.ndim == 1 and clim.size == 2):
                raise ValueError('clim must be a 2-element array-like')
            self._clim = tuple(clim)
        if self._clim is None:
            self._clim = vol.min(), vol.max()

        # store clims used to normalize _tex data for use in clim_normalized
        self._texture_limits = self._clim
        # store volume in case it needs to be renormalized by clim.setter
        self._last_data = vol
        self.shared_program['clim'] = self.clim_normalized

        # Apply clim (copy data by default... see issue #1727)
        vol = np.array(vol, dtype='float32', copy=copy)
        if self._clim[1] == self._clim[0]:
            if self._clim[0] != 0.0:
                vol *= 1.0 / self._clim[0]
        elif self._clim[0] > self._clim[1]:
            vol *= -1
            vol += self._clim[1]
            vol /= self._clim[1] - self._clim[0]
            vol -= self._clim[0]
            vol /= self._clim[1] - self._clim[0]

        # Apply to texture
        self._tex.set_data(vol)  # will be efficient if vol is same shape
        self.shared_program['u_shape'] = (

        shape = vol.shape[:3]
        if self._vol_shape != shape:
            self._vol_shape = shape
            self._need_vertex_update = True
        self._vol_shape = shape

        # Get some stats
        self._kb_for_texture = np.prod(self._vol_shape) / 1024

    def rescale_data(self):
        """Force rescaling of data to the current contrast limits and texture upload.

        Because Textures are currently 8-bits, and contrast adjustment is done during
        rendering by scaling the values retrieved from the texture on the GPU (provided that
        the new contrast limits settings are within the range of the clims used when the
        last texture was uploaded), posterization may become visible if the contrast limits
        become *too* small of a fraction of the clims used to normalize the texture.
        This function is a convenience to "force" rescaling of the Texture data to the
        current contrast limits range.
        self.set_data(self._last_data, clim=self._clim)

    def clim(self):
        """The contrast limits that were applied to the volume data.

        Volume display is mapped from black to white with these values.
        Settable via set_data() as well as @clim.setter.
        return self._clim

    def texture_is_inverted(self):
        if self._texture_limits is not None:
            return self._texture_limits[1] < self._texture_limits[0]

    def clim(self, value):
        """Set contrast limits used when rendering the image.

        ``value`` should be a 2-tuple of floats (min_clim, max_clim), where each value is
        within the range set by self.clim. If the new value is outside of the (min, max)
        range of the clims previously used to normalize the texture data, then data will
        be renormalized using set_data.
        clim = np.array(value, float)
        if not (clim.ndim == 1 and clim.size == 2):
            raise ValueError('clim must be a 2-element array-like')
        self._clim = tuple(clim)
        if self.texture_is_inverted:
            if (clim[0] > self._texture_limits[0]) or (
                    clim[1] < self._texture_limits[1]):
            if (clim[0] < self._texture_limits[0]) or (
                    clim[1] > self._texture_limits[1]):
        # if the clim range is too small of a percentage of the last-used texture range,
        # posterization may be visible, so downscale the texture range.
        range_ratio = np.subtract(*clim) / abs(
        if np.abs(range_ratio) < self._clim_range_threshold:
            #  new clims are within reasonable range of the texture data, just call shader
            self.shared_program['clim'] = self.clim_normalized

    def clim_normalized(self):
        """Normalize current clims between 0-1 based on last-used texture data range.

        In set_data(), the data is normalized (on the CPU) to 0-1 using ``clim``.
        During rendering, the frag shader will apply the final contrast adjustment based on
        the current ``clim``.
        range_min, range_max = self._texture_limits
        clim0, clim1 = self.clim
        if self.texture_is_inverted:
            tex_range = range_min - range_max
            clim0 = (clim0 - range_max) / tex_range
            clim1 = (clim1 - range_max) / tex_range
            tex_range = range_max - range_min
            clim0 = (clim0 - range_min) / tex_range
            clim1 = (clim1 - range_min) / tex_range
        return clim0, clim1

    def gamma(self):
        """The gamma used when rendering the image."""
        return self._gamma

    def gamma(self, value):
        """Set gamma used when rendering the image."""
        if value <= 0:
            raise ValueError("gamma must be > 0")
        self._gamma = float(value)
        self.shared_program['gamma'] = self._gamma

    def cmap(self):
        return self._cmap

    def cmap(self, cmap):
        self._cmap = get_colormap(cmap)
        self.shared_program.frag['cmap'] = Function(self._cmap.glsl_map)

    def interpolation(self):
        """The interpolation method to use

        Current options are:
            * linear: this method is appropriate for most volumes as it creates
              nice looking visuals.
            * nearest: this method is appropriate for volumes with discrete
              data where additional interpolation does not make sense.
        return self._interpolation

    def interpolation(self, interp):
        if interp not in self._interpolation_names:
            raise ValueError("interpolation must be one of %s" %
                             ', '.join(self._interpolation_names))
        if self._interpolation != interp:
            self._interpolation = interp
            self._tex.interpolation = self._interpolation

    def method(self):
        """The render method to use

        Current options are:
            * translucent: voxel colors are blended along the view ray until
              the result is opaque.
            * mip: maxiumum intensity projection. Cast a ray and display the
              maximum value that was encountered.
            * additive: voxel colors are added along the view ray until
              the result is saturated.
            * iso: isosurface. Cast a ray until a certain threshold is
              encountered. At that location, lighning calculations are
              performed to give the visual appearance of a surface.  
        return self._method

    def method(self, method):
        # Check and save
        known_methods = list(frag_dict.keys())
        if method not in known_methods:
            raise ValueError('Volume render method should be in %r, not %r' %
                             (known_methods, method))
        self._method = method
        # Get rid of specific variables - they may become invalid
        if 'u_threshold' in self.shared_program:
            self.shared_program['u_threshold'] = None

        self.shared_program.frag = frag_dict[method]
        self.shared_program.frag['sampler_type'] = self._tex.glsl_sampler_type
        self.shared_program.frag['sample'] = self._tex.glsl_sample
        self.shared_program.frag['cmap'] = Function(self._cmap.glsl_map)
        self.shared_program['texture2D_LUT'] = (self.cmap.texture_lut() if (
            hasattr(self.cmap, 'texture_lut')) else None)

    def threshold(self):
        """ The threshold value to apply for the isosurface render method.
        return self._threshold

    def threshold(self, value):
        self._threshold = float(value)
        if 'u_threshold' in self.shared_program:
            self.shared_program['u_threshold'] = self._threshold

    def relative_step_size(self):
        """ The relative step size used during raycasting.
        Larger values yield higher performance at reduced quality. If
        set > 2.0 the ray skips entire voxels. Recommended values are
        between 0.5 and 1.5. The amount of quality degredation depends
        on the render method.
        return self._relative_step_size

    def relative_step_size(self, value):
        value = float(value)
        if value < 0.1:
            raise ValueError('relative_step_size cannot be smaller than 0.1')
        self._relative_step_size = value
        self.shared_program['u_relative_step_size'] = value

    def _create_vertex_data(self):
        """ Create and set positions and texture coords from the given shape
        We have six faces with 1 quad (2 triangles) each, resulting in
        6*2*3 = 36 vertices in total.
        shape = self._vol_shape

        # Get corner coordinates. The -0.5 offset is to center
        # pixels/voxels. This works correctly for anisotropic data.
        x0, x1 = -0.5, shape[2] - 0.5
        y0, y1 = -0.5, shape[1] - 0.5
        z0, z1 = -0.5, shape[0] - 0.5

        pos = np.array(
                [x0, y0, z0],
                [x1, y0, z0],
                [x0, y1, z0],
                [x1, y1, z0],
                [x0, y0, z1],
                [x1, y0, z1],
                [x0, y1, z1],
                [x1, y1, z1],
         /|      /|
        4-------5 |
        | |     | |
        | 2-----|-3
        |/      |/

        # Order is chosen such that normals face outward; front faces will be
        # culled.
        indices = np.array([2, 6, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2, 3, 0, 1, 5, 3, 7],

        # Apply

    def _compute_bounds(self, axis, view):
        return 0, self._vol_shape[axis]

    def _prepare_transforms(self, view):
        trs = view.transforms
        view.view_program.vert['transform'] = trs.get_transform()

        view_tr_f = trs.get_transform('visual', 'document')
        view_tr_i = view_tr_f.inverse
        view.view_program.vert['viewtransformf'] = view_tr_f
        view.view_program.vert['viewtransformi'] = view_tr_i

    def _prepare_draw(self, view):
        if self._need_vertex_update: