コード例 #1
ファイル: Program_4.5_3body.v1.py プロジェクト: com-py/compy
def threebody(id, r, v, t):         # Eqns of motion for 3-body
    if (id==0): return v            # return velocity array
    else:                           # calc acceleration
        r12, r13, r23 = r[0]-r[1], r[0]-r[2], r[1]-r[2]
        s12, s13, s23 = vp.mag(r12), vp.mag(r13), vp.mag(r23)
        a = [-m2*r12/s12**3 - m3*r13/s13**3,        # $\frac{d\vec{v}_i}{dt}$, 
              m1*r12/s12**3 - m3*r23/s23**3,
              m1*r13/s13**3 + m2*r23/s23**3]
        return np.array(a)          # return accel array
コード例 #2
def threebody(id, r, v, t):  # Eqns of motion for 3-body
    if (id == 0): return v  # return velocity array
    else:  # calc acceleration
        r12, r13, r23 = r[0] - r[1], r[0] - r[2], r[1] - r[2]
        s12, s13, s23 = vp.mag(r12), vp.mag(r13), vp.mag(r23)
        a = [
            -m2 * r12 / s12**3 -
            m3 * r13 / s13**3,  # $\frac{d\vec{v}_i}{dt}$, 
            m1 * r12 / s12**3 - m3 * r23 / s23**3,
            m1 * r13 / s13**3 + m2 * r23 / s23**3
        return np.array(a)  # return accel array
コード例 #3
 def c_acel(self, xm, obj):
     acel = v.vector(0, 0, 0)
     for i in obj:
         if i.id != self.id:
             acel += (i.mass * (v.norm(i.pos - xm) * G) /
                      (v.mag(i.pos - xm)**2))
     return acel
コード例 #4
ファイル: zad1.py プロジェクト: wemstar/vPython
def calculateVelocities(k1, k2):
    if a == 0. or delta < 0.:
    k1.vel=k1.vel-2.0* k2.m /(k1.m+k2.m)*np.dot(k1.vel-k2.vel,wsp)*wsp
    k2.vel=k2.vel+2.0* k2.m /(k1.m+k2.m)*np.dot(k1.vel-k2.vel,wsp)*wsp
コード例 #5
ファイル: camera.py プロジェクト: rubenrm97/vpython-wx
def reDrawLines():
    global fwd_line, mouse_line, cam_dist, ray, scene_size, linelen
    linelen = scene_size + vs.mag(cam_frame.axis.norm() * cam_dist +
    reDrawLine(fwd_line, vs.vector(cam_dist, 0, 0), linelen,
               vs.vector(-1, 0, 0))
    reDrawLine(mouse_line, vs.vector(cam_dist, 0, 0), linelen, ray)
コード例 #6
def getfield(posn):
    """ Get the field at a given point."""
    fld = vp.vector(0, 0, 0)
    for chrg in CHARGES:
        fld = fld + (posn - chrg.pos) * 8.988e9 * chrg.Q / vp.mag(posn -
    return fld
コード例 #7
ファイル: camera.py プロジェクト: BruceSherwood/vpython-wx
def drawCameraFrame():  # create frame and draw its contents
    global  cam_box, cent_plane,  cam_lab, cam_tri, range_lab, linelen, fwd_line
    global fwd_arrow, mouse_line, mouse_arrow, mouse_lab, fov, range_x, cam_dist, cam_frame
    global ray
    cam_frame = vs.frame( pos = vs.vector(0,2,2,),  axis = (0,0,1))
               # NB: contents are rel to this frame.  start with camera looking "forward"
               # origin is at simulated scene.center
    fov = vs.pi/3.0  # 60 deg 
    range_x = 6  # simulates scene.range.x  
    cam_dist = range_x / vs.tan(fov/2.0)  # distance between camera and center. 
    ray = vs.vector(-20.0, 2.5, 3.0).norm()  # (unit) direction of ray vector (arbitrary)
                                         #  REL TO CAMERA FRAME
    cam_box = vs.box(frame=cam_frame, length=1.5, height=1, width=1.0, color=clr.blue,
                                                   pos=(cam_dist,0,0)) # camera-box
    cent_plane = vs.box(frame=cam_frame, length=0.01, height=range_x*1.3, width=range_x*2,
                                                    pos=(0,0,0), opacity=0.5 )  # central plane
    cam_lab = vs.label(frame=cam_frame, text= 'U', pos= (cam_dist,0,0), height= 9, xoffset= 6)
    cam_tri = vs.faces( frame=cam_frame, pos=[(0,0,0), (0,0,-range_x), (cam_dist,0,0)])
    range_lab = vs.label(frame=cam_frame, text= 'R', pos= (0, 0, -range_x), height= 9, xoffset= 6)
    linelen = scene_size + vs.mag( cam_frame.axis.norm()*cam_dist + cam_frame.pos)
                                                                   # len of lines from camera
    fwd_line = drawLine( vs.vector(cam_dist,0,0), linelen, vs.vector(-1,0,0))
    fwd_arrow = vs.arrow(frame=cam_frame, axis=(-2,0,0), pos=(cam_dist, 0, 0), shaftwidth=0.08,
    vs.label(frame=cam_frame, text='C', pos=(0,0,0), height=9, xoffset=6, color=clr.yellow)
    mouse_line = drawLine ( vs.vector(cam_dist,0,0), linelen, ray ) 
    mouse_arrow = vs.arrow(frame=cam_frame, axis=ray*2, pos=(cam_dist,0,0), shaftwidth=0.08,
    mouse_lab = vs.label(frame=cam_frame, text= 'M', height= 9, xoffset= 10, color=clr.red, 
                                pos=  -ray*(cam_dist/vs.dot(ray,(1,0,0))) + (cam_dist,0,0))
コード例 #8
ファイル: zad1.py プロジェクト: wemstar/vPython
def calculateVelocities(k1, k2):
    a = vs.mag((k1.vel - k2.vel)**2.0)
    b = -2. * np.dot((k1.pos - k2.pos), (k1.vel - k2.vel))
    c = vs.mag(
        np.power(k1.pos - k2.pos, 2.) - np.power(k1.radius + k2.radius, 2.))
    delta = b**2.0 - 4.0 * a * c
    if a == 0. or delta < 0.:
    dtp = (-1.0 * b + np.sqrt(delta)) / (2. * a)
    k1.pos -= k1.vel * dtp
    k2.pos -= k2.vel * dtp
    wsp = (k1.pos - k2.pos) / (np.abs(vs.mag(k1.pos - k2.pos)))
    k1.vel = k1.vel - 2.0 * k2.m / (k1.m + k2.m) * np.dot(
        k1.vel - k2.vel, wsp) * wsp
    k2.vel = k2.vel + 2.0 * k2.m / (k1.m + k2.m) * np.dot(
        k1.vel - k2.vel, wsp) * wsp
    k1.pos += k1.vel * dtp
    k2.pos += k2.vel * dtp
コード例 #9
def rotation_matrix(omega):
    theta = mag(omega)
    if theta == 0:
        return np.matrix(np.identity(3))
    axis = norm(omega)
    a = cos(theta / 2)
    b, c, d = -axis * sin(theta / 2)
    aa, bb, cc, dd = a * a, b * b, c * c, d * d
    bc, ad, ac, ab, bd, cd = b * c, a * d, a * c, a * b, b * d, c * d
    return np.matrix([[aa+bb-cc-dd, 2*(bc+ad), 2*(bd-ac)],
                      [2*(bc-ad), aa+cc-bb-dd, 2*(cd+ab)],
                      [2*(bd+ac), 2*(cd-ab), aa+dd-bb-cc]])
コード例 #10
def go(animate=True):  # default: True
    r, v = np.array([0.4667, 0.0]), np.array([0.0, 8.198])  # init r, v
    t, h, ta, angle = 0.0, 0.002, [], []
    w = 1.0 / vp.mag(r)  # $W_0=\Omega(r)$

    if (animate): planet, info, RLvec = set_scene(r)
    while t < 100:  # run for 100 years
        L = vp.cross(r, v)  # $\vec{L}/m=\vec{r}\times \vec{v}$
        A = vp.cross(v, L) - GM * r / vp.mag(r)  # scaled RL vec,
        angle.append(np.arctan(A.y / A.x) * 180 * 3600 / np.pi)  # arcseconds
        if (animate):
            planet.pos = r  # move planet
            RLvec.axis, RLvec.length = A, .25  # update RL vec
            info.text = 'Angle": %8.2f' % (angle[-1])  # angle info
        r, v, t, w = ode.leapfrog_tt(mercury, r, v, t, w, h)

    plt.figure()  # make plot
    plt.plot(ta, angle)
    plt.xlabel('Time (year)'), plt.ylabel('Precession (arcsec)')
コード例 #11
ファイル: solar.py プロジェクト: jozefg/solar-system
def mag_gravity(a, b):
    '''Magnitude of gravity between a and b. Since gravity is always
    attractive we can easily calculuate the force on a with norm(b -
    a) and symmetrically for b


    G = -6.67 * 1e-11
    dist = mag(a.pos - b.pos)**2
    if dist == 0:
        return 0 # The objects were the same
        return (G * a.mass * b.mass) / (1.0 * dist)
コード例 #12
ファイル: Program_4.3_mercury.py プロジェクト: com-py/compy
def go(animate = True):                     # default: True
    r, v = np.array([0.4667, 0.0]), np.array([0.0, 8.198]) # init r, v
    t, h, ta, angle = 0.0, 0.002, [], []
    w = 1.0/vp.mag(r)                       # $W_0=\Omega(r)$
    if (animate): planet, info, RLvec = set_scene(r)
    while t<100:                            # run for 100 years
        L = vp.cross(r, v)                  # $\vec{L}/m=\vec{r}\times \vec{v}$
        A = vp.cross(v, L) - GM*r/vp.mag(r) # scaled RL vec, 
        angle.append(np.arctan(A.y/A.x)*180*3600/np.pi) # arcseconds
        if (animate):    
            planet.pos = r                              # move planet
            RLvec.axis, RLvec.length = A, .25           # update RL vec
            info.text='Angle": %8.2f' %(angle[-1])      # angle info 
        r, v, t, w = ode.leapfrog_tt(mercury, r, v, t, w, h)
    plt.figure()        # make plot
    plt.plot(ta, angle)
    plt.xlabel('Time (year)'), plt.ylabel('Precession (arcsec)')
コード例 #13
def run_3body(scale):
    t, h, ic, cycle, R = 0.0, 0.001, 0, 20, 0.1  # anim cycle, R=obj size
    r, v = init_cond(scale)
    body, vel, line = set_scene(R, r)  # create objects
    while True:
        r, v = ode.leapfrog(threebody, r, v, t, h)
        ic = ic + 1
        if (ic % cycle == 0):  # animate once per 'cycle'
            for i in range(3):  # move bodies, draw vel, path, lines
                body[i].pos = r[i]  # bodies
                vel[i].pos, vel[i].axis = body[i].pos, v[i]
                vel[i].length = R * (1 + 2 * vp.mag(v[i]))  # scale vel vector
            line.pos = [body[i].pos for i in [0, 1, 2]]  # lines
コード例 #14
ファイル: Program_4.5_3body.v1.py プロジェクト: com-py/compy
def run_3body(scale):
    t, h, ic, cycle, R = 0.0, 0.001, 0, 20, 0.1 # anim cycle, R=obj size
    r, v = init_cond(scale)
    body, vel, line = set_scene(R, r)     # create objects
    while True:
        r, v = ode.leapfrog(threebody, r, v, t, h)
        ic = ic + 1
        if (ic % cycle == 0):       # animate once per 'cycle'
            for i in range(3):      # move bodies, draw vel, path, lines
                body[i].pos = r[i]  # bodies 
                vel[i].pos, vel[i].axis = body[i].pos, v[i]
                vel[i].length = R*(1+2*vp.mag(v[i]))    # scale vel vector
            line.pos = [body[i].pos for i in [0,1,2]]   # lines  
コード例 #15
ファイル: skier.py プロジェクト: askiba/optimal-gigant
 def __compute_sin_cos_beta(self):
     find cos_beta and sin_beta from velocity vector 
     where beta is the angle between x plane and velocity vector
     v0_length = mag(self.velocities[-1])
     eps = 0.00001
         cos_beta =  self.velocities[-1][0]/v0_length
         sin_beta = self.velocities[-1][1]/v0_length
     return sin_beta, cos_beta
コード例 #16
def solver(t, x0, v0, sin_beta, cos_beta, alfa, mi, k1, k2, m, sign_omega, kappa=1/20.0, B=4):
    Solves the move equation. Move happens on an inclined plane with 
    rules of uniformly accelerated motion.
    Air resistance force is dependent with velocity, friction is constant.
        x0: initial position - vector
        v0: initial velocity in m/s - vector
        cos_beta,sin_beta - beta is the angle between x plane and velocity vector
        t: time - list of discrete time samples to be considered e.g. np.linspace(0, 5, 21)
        alfa: slope degree (degree between  B and C)
           |  \
        A  |    \  C
           | alfa \
        mi: coefficient of friction       
        k1: air drag factor
        k2: air drag 
        m : skier mass in kg
        kappa: curvature - reciprocal of the radius (positive makes right turn)
        B : boundary value (in m/s) from with air drag becomes 
                proportional to the square of the velocity.

    Air drag is proportional to the square of velocity
    when the velocity is grater than some boundary value: B.
    k1 and k2 factors control whether we take square or linear proportion
    v0_length = mag(v0)
    if v0_length <= B:
        k2 = 0
        k1 = 0
    params = [alfa, mi, k1, k2, m, kappa, cos_beta, sin_beta, sign_omega]
    w = odeint(_vectorfield, [x0[0], x0[1], v0[0], v0[1]], t, args=(params,) )
    #print w,"\t" #,t,"\t"
    wlist = w.tolist()
    y = [wlist[1][1],wlist[1][3]]
    x = [wlist[1][0],wlist[1][2]]

    return x,y
コード例 #17
ファイル: viz.py プロジェクト: rkdarst/saiga12
 def tagToggle2(self):
     # Selecting arrows, and other objects for which "pick" does not work
     closest = 1e9
     closestObj = None
     # Iterate through all objects, and select the closest arrow object.
     for obj in self._otherObjects:
         # only select arrows - other objects can be directly selected.
         if not isinstance(obj, visual.primitives.arrow): continue
         # If this object is closest to pointer, save it for later.
         displacement = visual.mag(self.scene.mouse.pickpos - obj.pos)
         if displacement < closest:
             closest = displacement
             closestObj = obj
     # Now set the tags like normal
     obj = closestObj
     if obj == None: return
コード例 #18
ファイル: Game_Pool1.py プロジェクト: leevawns/pylab_works_3
    def handleCollision(self, other):
        difference = other.p - self.p
        if mag(difference) < self.radius + other.radius:
            vrelative = other.v - self.v
            normal = norm(difference)
            vrn = dot(vrelative, normal)
            if vrn < 0:
                #Collision Detected!
                difference = norm(difference)

                #Compute magnitude of Impulse
                Imag = -(1 + restitution) * vrn / (1.0 / self.mass +
                                                   1.0 / other.mass)

                I = Imag * normal  # convert to a vector

                #Apply impulse to both affected balls
                self.v -= I / self.mass
                other.v += I / other.mass
コード例 #19
def _vectorfield(w, t, params):
    Right hand side of the differential equation in x plane.
    d2x/dt2 = v**2*sinus(beta)*kappa - ( mi*g*cos(alfa) + k1*(dx/dt)/m - k2*(dx/dt)^2/m )*cos(beta) 
    _,_, vx, vy  = w
    alfa, mi, k1, k2, m, kappa, cosinus, sinus, sign_omega  = params
    vl = mag((vx,vy))
    f_R = vl**2*abs(kappa)
    # it's not the valu of the force -> no mass in eq
    f_r = f_R + sign_omega*g*sin(alfa)*cosinus
    f_r can't be negative because it has to have the same sense (colloquially direction) 
    as the f_R. 
    If it is negative we decided to zero the F_R value so the skier goes straight.    
    if f_r < 0:
        f_r = sign_omega*g*sin(alfa)*cosinus
        f_R = 0
    The pressing force is the composition of the centripetal force 
    and component of the gravity force.
    N = sqrt ( (g*cos(alfa))**2 + (f_R)**2 )
    f = [vx,
         vy,                                     # dx/dt
         - (mi*N + k1/m*vl + k2/m*vl**2)*cosinus
         g*sin(alfa) - f_r*cosinus*sign_omega
         - (mi*N + k1/m*vl + k2/m*vl**2)*sinus                                     # dx/dt
         ]    # dv/dt
    return f
コード例 #20
def draw_camera_frame():
    """Create frame and draw its contents."""
    global RAY
    CAM_FRAME = vs.frame(pos=vs.vector(0, 2, 2, ), axis=(0, 0, 1))
               # NB: contents are rel to this frame.  start with camera looking "forward"
               # origin is at simulated scene.center
    FOV = vs.pi/3.0  # 60 deg
    RANGE_X = 6  # simulates scene.range.x
    CAM_DIST = RANGE_X / vs.tan(FOV/2.0)  # distance between camera and center.
    RAY = vs.vector(-20.0, 2.5, 3.0).norm()  # (unit) direction of ray vector (arbitrary)
                                         #  REL TO CAMERA FRAME
    CAM_BOX = vs.box(frame=CAM_FRAME, length=1.5, height=1, width=1.0,
                     color=CLR.blue, pos=(CAM_DIST, 0, 0)) # camera-box
    CENT_PLANE = vs.box(frame=CAM_FRAME, length=0.01, height=RANGE_X*1.3,
                        width=RANGE_X*2, pos=(0, 0, 0), opacity=0.5)  # central plane
    CAM_LAB = vs.label(frame=CAM_FRAME, text='U', pos=(CAM_DIST, 0, 0),
                       height=9, xoffset=6)
    CAN_TRI = vs.faces(frame=CAM_FRAME, pos=[
        (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, -RANGE_X), (CAM_DIST, 0, 0)])
    RANGE_LAB = vs.label(frame=CAM_FRAME, text='R', pos=(0, 0, -RANGE_X),
                         height=9, xoffset=6)
    LINELEN = SCENE_SIZE + vs.mag(
        CAM_FRAME.axis.norm()*CAM_DIST + CAM_FRAME.pos)  # len of lines from camera

    FWD_LINE = draw_line(vs.vector(CAM_DIST, 0, 0), LINELEN, vs.vector(-1, 0, 0))
    FWR_ARROW = vs.arrow(frame=CAM_FRAME, axis=(-2, 0, 0), pos=(CAM_DIST, 0, 0),
                         shaftwidth=0.08, color=CLR.yellow)
    vs.label(frame=CAM_FRAME, text='C', pos=(0, 0, 0), height=9, xoffset=6,
    MOUSE_LINE = draw_line(vs.vector(CAM_DIST, 0, 0), LINELEN, RAY)
    MOUSE_ARROW = vs.arrow(frame=CAM_FRAME, axis=RAY*2, pos=(CAM_DIST, 0, 0),
                           shaftwidth=0.08, color=CLR.red)
    MOUSE_LAB = vs.label(
        frame=CAM_FRAME, text='M', height=9, xoffset=10,
        pos=-RAY*(CAM_DIST/vs.dot(RAY, (1, 0, 0))) + (CAM_DIST, 0, 0))
コード例 #21
ファイル: vec_comb_vpython5.py プロジェクト: orimosenzon/work
def all_sums_comb(vecs):
    vecs_segs = [] 
    res = 2 
    for v in vecs:
        norm = visual.mag(v)
        v1 = v*(res/norm)
        segs = [] 
        nn = int(norm/res)
        start = 0 
        if not is_span_positive:
            start = -nn
        for i in range(start,nn):
            segs += [v1*i]
        vecs_segs += [segs]
    cartecians = ordered_cartesian(vecs_segs)
    sums = [] 
    for c in cartecians:
        sum = visual.vector(orig)
        for v in c:
            sum += v 
        sums += [sum] 
    return sums     
コード例 #22
ファイル: vec_comb_vpython5.py プロジェクト: orimosenzon/work
def all_sums_comb(vecs):
    vecs_segs = []
    res = 2
    for v in vecs:
        norm = visual.mag(v)
        v1 = v * (res / norm)
        segs = []
        nn = int(norm / res)
        start = 0
        if not is_span_positive:
            start = -nn
        for i in range(start, nn):
            segs += [v1 * i]
        vecs_segs += [segs]
    cartecians = ordered_cartesian(vecs_segs)
    sums = []
    for c in cartecians:
        sum = visual.vector(orig)
        for v in c:
            sum += v
        sums += [sum]
    return sums
コード例 #23
ファイル: Program_3.8_baseball.py プロジェクト: com-py/compy
    trail = vp.curve(pos=(0,0,0), radius=0.04)
    ideal = vp.curve(pos=(0,0,0), radius=0.04, color=vp.color.green)
    spin = vp.arrow(axis=omega,pos=(0,0,0),length=1)   # omega dir
    info = vp.label(pos=(1.1*R,2,-2),text='Any key=repeat')
    return scene, ball, trail, ideal, spin
def go(x, y, vx, vy):       # motion with full drag and spin effects
    h, t, Y = 0.01, 0., np.array([[x,y,0.], [vx,vy,0.]])  # initialize
    while (Y[0,0]<R and Y[0,1]>0.2):    # before homeplate&above ground
        t, Y = t+h, ode.RK4(baseball, Y, t, h)  # integrate
        ball.pos, spin.pos = Y[0], Y[0]-offset # move ball, arrow 
        spin.rotate(angle=phi), ball.rotate(angle=phi,axis=omega)  #spin
        ideal.append(pos=(x+vx*t, y+vy*t-0.5*g*t*t, 0.))  # ideal case
    while (not scene.kb.keys):              # check for key press 
        spin.rotate(angle=phi), ball.rotate(angle=phi,axis=omega)
    scene.kb.getkey()                       # clear key 
    trail.append(pos=(0,0,0), retain=0)     # reset trails 
    ideal.append(pos=(0,0,0), retain=0)

g, b2, alpha, mass = 9.8, .0013, 5e-5, .15  # parameters    
R, omega = 18.4, 200.*np.array([0,1,1])     # range, angular velocity 
phi, offset = np.pi/16., 0.4*omega/vp.mag(omega)

scene, ball, trail, ideal, spin = set_scene(R)
while (1):
    go(x=0., y=2., vx=30., vy=0.)           # initially z=0, vz=0

コード例 #24
PS = 5.5
DLT = 0.05
THK = 5.04
nl = 1  # nl = 100
CF = vp.frame(frame=ROTOR_FRAME, pos=(0, 0, THK / 2.0 + C1 / 2.0))
for i in range(nl):
    # Extrude rotor core profile to get the full core body
    GE3 = vp.extrusion(
        pos=[(0, 0, i * DLT), (0, 0, i * DLT + THK)], shape=G3, color=(0.7, 0.7, 0.705), twist=0.0, frame=CF

# Do the core wire windings
# Here is a trick to build a saw-teeth profile, to represent many single windings
N = 20  # coils
VRIGHT = vp.vector(0.3, 1.3)
R = vp.mag(VRIGHT) / (2 * N)
VRIGHT = vp.norm(VRIGHT)
# S is the cross sectional profile of "winding block"
S = vp.Polygon([(-0.1, -0.65), (0, -0.65), (0.3, 0.65), (-0.1, 0.65)])
for n in range(N):
    RIGHT = vp.vector(0, -0.65) + (R + n * 2 * R) * VRIGHT
    # Add saw-teeth on the block to represent wires
    S += vp.shapes.circle(pos=(RIGHT.x, RIGHT.y), radius=R, np=4)

# Define the winding path as a rounded rectangle
P = vp.shapes.rectangle(width=0.5, height=THK)
P += vp.shapes.circle(pos=(0, -THK / 2), radius=0.25, np=10)
P += vp.shapes.circle(pos=(0, +THK / 2), radius=0.25, np=10)
WRFS = []
for i in range(NS):
    # We need a separate frame for individiual winding section
コード例 #25
target = V.sphere(pos=(D, H, 0), radius=1, color=V.color.yellow)
target.velocity = V.vector(0, 0, 0)

# The 'dart gun' is just a cylinder.
gun = V.cylinder(pos=(0, 0, 0),
                 axis=gun_len * sight,

# Run simulation

print 'Starting simulation...'

# Put a little delay to give all the OpenGL stuff time to initialize nicely.

while (arrow.y >= 0 and target.y >=0) and \
          V.mag(arrow.pos-target.pos) > impact_distance:


    for obj in (arrow, target):
        obj.pos += obj.velocity * dt
        obj.velocity += dv

# Report to user.
if V.mag(arrow.pos - target.pos) <= impact_distance:
    print 'Hit!'
    print 'Miss...'
コード例 #26
ファイル: zad1.py プロジェクト: wemstar/vPython

n = 20
r = 1.
dt = 0.1
kule = []
scena = vs.display(width=550,height=550)
vs.sphere(pos=(0, 0, 0), radius=20,opacity=0.1)
for x in range(n):
    kula = vs.sphere(pos=np.random.randint(-5,5,3), radius=r)
    kula.vel = np.random.randint(-5,5,3)

while True:
    for k1 in kule:
        for k2 in kule:
            k1.pos += k1.vel * dt
            if np.abs(vs.mag(k1.pos - k2.pos)) <= 3.0 * r:

                calculateVelocities(k1, k2)
            if np.abs(vs.mag(k1.pos)) > 20.:
                k1.vel = -k1.vel

コード例 #27
ファイル: drape.py プロジェクト: GadgetSteve/vpython-wx
    BAND.p[:, 1] = BAND.p[:, 1] - M * G * DT

    # force[n] is the force on point n from point n+1 (to the right):
    LENGTH = (BAND.pos[1:] - BAND.pos[:-1])
    DIST = vp.sqrt(vp.sum(LENGTH*LENGTH, -1))
    FORCE = LENGTH/DIST[:, vp.newaxis] * FORCE[:, vp.newaxis]

    BAND.p[:-1] = BAND.p[:-1] + FORCE*DT
    BAND.p[1:] = BAND.p[1:] - FORCE*DT

    # color based on "stretch":  blue -> white -> red
    C = vp.clip(DIST/RESTLENGTH * 0.5, 0, 2)

    #   blue (compressed) -> white (relaxed) -> red (tension)
    BAND.red[1:] = vp.where(vp.less(C, 1), C, 1)
    BAND.green[1:] = vp.where(vp.less(C, 1), C, 2-C)
    BAND.blue[1:] = vp.where(vp.less(C, 1), 1, 2-C)

    for S in SPHERES:
        DIST = vp.mag(BAND.pos - S.pos)[:, vp.newaxis]
        inside = vp.less(DIST, S.radius)
        if vp.sometrue(inside):
            R = (BAND.pos - S.pos) / DIST
            surface = S.pos + (S.radius)*R

            BAND.pos = surface*inside + BAND.pos*(1-inside)

            pdotR = vp.sum(vp.asarray(BAND.p)*vp.asarray(R), -1)
            BAND.p = BAND.p - R*pdotR[:, vp.newaxis]*inside
コード例 #28
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: seanth/PyTectonics
def moment(point, end1, end2=vector(0, 0, 0)):
    '''Returns the moment defined as the distance between a point 
    and a line formed by two endpoints, end1 and end2.
    All points must be given as 3d vectors'''
    return mag(cross(point - end2, point - end1)) /     \
           mag(end1 - end2)
コード例 #29
ファイル: Program_7.1_hockey.v1.py プロジェクト: com-py/compy
def hockey(Y, t):               # return eqn of motion
    accel = 0.
    for i in range(len(loc)):
        accel += Q[i]*(Y[0]-loc[i])/(vp.mag(Y[0]-loc[i]))**3
    return [Y[1], q*accel]      # list for non-vectorized solver
コード例 #30
ファイル: Program_4.1_earth.py プロジェクト: com-py/compy
def earth(id, r, v, t):            # return the eqns of motion
    if (id == 0): return v         # velocity, dr/dt
    s = vp.mag(r)                  # $s=|\vec{r}|$
    return -GM*r/(s*s*s)           # accel dv/dt, faster than s**3  
コード例 #31
ファイル: camera.py プロジェクト: BruceSherwood/vpython-wx
def reDrawLines():
   global fwd_line, mouse_line, cam_dist, ray, scene_size, linelen
   linelen = scene_size + vs.mag( cam_frame.axis.norm()*cam_dist + cam_frame.pos)
   reDrawLine( fwd_line, vs.vector(cam_dist,0,0), linelen, vs.vector(-1,0,0))
   reDrawLine( mouse_line, vs.vector(cam_dist,0,0), linelen, ray ) 
Planet = sphere(pos=initpos, radius=0.02, color=color.blue,
                make_trail=True)  #Graphic visualisation of Planet 1
Planet.trail_object.color = color.white  # make Planet 1's trail white
SecondPlanet = sphere(pos=Sinitpos,
                      make_trail=True)  #Graphic visualisation of Planet 2
SecondPlanet.trail_object.color = color.red  # make Planet 2's trail red
Star = sphere(pos=(0, 0, 0), radius=0.08,
              color=color.yellow)  #Graphic visualisation of Star
vel = vector(-15, 0, 0)  # initial velocity of planet 1
Svel = vector(-60, 0, 0)  # initial velocity of planet 1
r = initpos  #Position vector for Planet 1
r2 = Sinitpos  #Position vector for Planet 2
while step <= maxstep:  #Run simulation in time limit defined by maximum step
    Planet.pos = r  #Set the 3D objects' location according to position vectors
    SecondPlanet.pos = r2
    vel = vel - (M * mass1 /
                 (mag(r)**3)) * r * dt + (mass1 * mass2 / (mag(r2 - r)**3)) * (
                     r2 -
                     r) * dt  #Velocity variation according to Newton's laws
    #Radially inwards interaction from star, outwards from second planet
    Svel = Svel - (M * mass2 /
                   (mag(r2)**3)) * r2 * dt + (mass1 * mass2 /
                                              (mag(r2 - r)**3)) * (r2 - r) * dt
    #Radially inwards interaction from star and first planet
    r += dt * vel  #Update position vectors
    r2 += dt * Svel
    step += 1  #Update step
    rate(75)  #Fast animation
print("end of program")
コード例 #33
def r3body(y, t):  # equations of motion for restricted 3body
    r, v = y[0], y[1]
    r1, r2 = r - [-a, 0], r - [b, 0]  # rel pos vectors
    acc = -GM * (b * r1 / vp.mag(r1)**3 + a * r2 / vp.mag(r2)**3)  #
    acc += omega**2 * r + 2 * omega * np.array([v[1], -v[0]])  # Coriolis term
    return np.array([v, acc])
コード例 #34
ファイル: zad1.py プロジェクト: wemstar/vPython
        k1.vel - k2.vel, wsp) * wsp
    k2.vel = k2.vel + 2.0 * k2.m / (k1.m + k2.m) * np.dot(
        k1.vel - k2.vel, wsp) * wsp
    k1.pos += k1.vel * dtp
    k2.pos += k2.vel * dtp

n = 20
r = 1.
dt = 0.1
kule = []
scena = vs.display(width=550, height=550)
vs.sphere(pos=(0, 0, 0), radius=20, opacity=0.1)
for x in range(n):
    kula = vs.sphere(pos=np.random.randint(-5, 5, 3), radius=r)
    kula.m = 1.
    kula.vel = np.random.randint(-5, 5, 3)

while True:
    for k1 in kule:
        for k2 in kule:
            k1.pos += k1.vel * dt
            if np.abs(vs.mag(k1.pos - k2.pos)) <= 3.0 * r:

                calculateVelocities(k1, k2)
            if np.abs(vs.mag(k1.pos)) > 20.:
                k1.vel = -k1.vel
コード例 #35
ファイル: pyscript.py プロジェクト: dmart030/example
#V is the potential.  This next line puts in zero for every value.
#In order to have a well behaved plot, Vmax sets the upper and lower limit
#This double loop goes through all the values in the mesh
for i in range(len(X[:,0])):
    for j in range(len(Y[0,:])):
        #r_loc is the vector observation location based on x,y
        #r1 is the vector from charge 1 to observation location
        #r2 is the vector from charge 2 to observation location
        #if the observation location is on either of the charge charges
        #do not computer V (it would be a division by zero)
        if mag(r1) !=0 and mag(r2)!=0:
            #calculate V
            V[i,j]=k*q1q/mag(r1) + k*q2q/mag(r2)
            #if V is too high, limit it
            if V[i,j]>=Vmax: V[i,j]=Vmax
            if V[i,j]<=-Vmax: V[i,j]=-Vmax
#the plotting part
data=[{'x':x, 'y':y, 'z':V, 'type':'contour'}]
plot_url = py.plot(data, filename='electric potential_v2')
コード例 #36
ファイル: physics.py プロジェクト: P403n1x87/pool
def dist(a,b):
    '''Returns the linear distance between a and b, i.e. the magnitude
       of the vector a - b.'''
    return( mag(a.pos - b.pos) )
コード例 #37
ファイル: fields.py プロジェクト: messej/VPython-Homework
def get_e_field2(pos, *pos_charge_tuples):
    f = vector(0, 0, 0)
    kel = 9e9  # Coulomb constant
    for c in pos_charge_tuples:
        f = f + (pos - c[0]) * kel * c[1] / mag(pos - c[0])**3
    return f
コード例 #38
ファイル: fields.py プロジェクト: messej/VPython-Homework
def get_e_field(p, *charges):
    f = vector(0, 0, 0)
    kel = 9e9  # Coulomb constant
    for c in charges:
        f = f + (p.pos - c.pos) * kel * c.q / mag(p.pos - c.pos)**3
    return f
コード例 #39
ファイル: pyscript.py プロジェクト: dmart030/example
q2q = -1e-6

#V is the potential.  This next line puts in zero for every value.
V = X * 0

#In order to have a well behaved plot, Vmax sets the upper and lower limit
Vmax = 4e6

#This double loop goes through all the values in the mesh
for i in range(len(X[:, 0])):
    for j in range(len(Y[0, :])):
        #r_loc is the vector observation location based on x,y
        r_loc = vector(X[i, j], Y[i, j], 0)

        #r1 is the vector from charge 1 to observation location
        r1 = r_loc - q1
        #r2 is the vector from charge 2 to observation location
        r2 = r_loc - q2

        #if the observation location is on either of the charge charges
        #do not computer V (it would be a division by zero)
        if mag(r1) != 0 and mag(r2) != 0:
            #calculate V
            V[i, j] = k * q1q / mag(r1) + k * q2q / mag(r2)
            #if V is too high, limit it
            if V[i, j] >= Vmax: V[i, j] = Vmax
            if V[i, j] <= -Vmax: V[i, j] = -Vmax

#the plotting part
data = [{'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': V, 'type': 'contour'}]
plot_url = py.plot(data, filename='electric potential_v2')
コード例 #40
ファイル: shoot.py プロジェクト: acaballero6270/py4science
# The target is a sphere
target = V.sphere(pos=(D,H,0), radius=1, color=V.color.yellow)
target.velocity = V.vector(0,0,0)

# The 'dart gun' is just a cylinder.
gun = V.cylinder(pos=(0,0,0), axis=gun_len*sight, radius=1,
                 color = V.color.green)

# Run simulation

print 'Starting simulation...'

# Put a little delay to give all the OpenGL stuff time to initialize nicely.

while (arrow.y >= 0 and target.y >=0) and \
          V.mag(arrow.pos-target.pos) > impact_distance:


    for obj in (arrow,target):
        obj.pos += obj.velocity*dt
        obj.velocity += dv

# Report to user.
if V.mag(arrow.pos-target.pos) <= impact_distance:
    print 'Hit!'
    print 'Miss...'
コード例 #41
ファイル: dipole.py プロジェクト: GadgetSteve/vpython-wx
def getfield(posn):
    """ Get the field at a given point."""
    fld = vp.vector(0, 0, 0)
    for chrg in CHARGES:
        fld = fld + (posn-chrg.pos) * 8.988e9 * chrg.Q / vp.mag(posn-chrg.pos)**3
    return fld
コード例 #42
ファイル: Program_4.7_r3body.py プロジェクト: com-py/compy
def r3body(y, t):   # equations of motion for restricted 3body
    r, v = y[0], y[1]
    r1, r2 = r - [-a,0], r - [b,0]  # rel pos vectors 
    acc = -GM*(b*r1/vp.mag(r1)**3 + a*r2/vp.mag(r2)**3) # 
    acc += omega**2*r + 2*omega*np.array([v[1], -v[0]]) # Coriolis term 
    return np.array([v, acc])
コード例 #43
def redraw_lines():
    """ Re-Draw the lines."""
    global LINELEN
    LINELEN = SCENE_SIZE + vs.mag(CAM_FRAME.axis.norm()*CAM_DIST + CAM_FRAME.pos)
    redraw_line(FWD_LINE, vs.vector(CAM_DIST, 0, 0), LINELEN, vs.vector(-1, 0, 0))
    redraw_line(MOUSE_LINE, vs.vector(CAM_DIST, 0, 0), LINELEN, RAY)
コード例 #44
T_step = step_interval
s = sphere(make_trail=True, pos=[ride_radius + ride_radius2, 0, 0], radius=0.1)
s.trail_object.color = color.yellow
a_tangential = arrow(pos=[1, 0, 0], axis=[0, 1, 0], color=color.red)
a_inward = arrow(pos=[1, 0, 0], axis=[-1, 0, 0], color=color.blue)
for theta in arange(0, 100 * pi, T_step):
    r = vector(ride_radius*cos(theta) + ride_radius2*cos(p*theta), \
         ride_radius*sin(theta) + ride_radius2*sin(p*theta), 0)
    velocity = vector(-ride_radius*sin(theta)-ride_radius2*p*sin(p*theta), \
    vel = str(velocity).strip('[]')
    acceleration = vector(-ride_radius*cos(theta) - ride_radius2*p**2*cos(p*theta), \
         -ride_radius*sin(theta) - ride_radius2*p**2*sin(p*theta), 0)
    tangential_acceleration = (dot(velocity, acceleration) /
                               mag(velocity)) * norm(velocity)
    tang_accel = str(tangential_acceleration).strip('[]')
    inward_acceleration = acceleration - tangential_acceleration
    in_accel = str(inward_acceleration).strip('[]')
    s.pos = r
    a_tangential.pos = r
    a_inward.pos = r
    a_tangential.axis = tangential_acceleration
    a_inward.axis = inward_acceleration
    data.append([theta, vel, tang_accel, in_accel])

for row in data:

ws.append(["Major Radius: ", r1])
ws.append(["Minor Radius: ", r2])
コード例 #45
vel_bird = vector(v0 * np.cos(theta), v0 * np.sin(theta),
                  0)  # initial velocity of Bird
criticalspeed = 10  # Minimum speed of impact between Olaf and Bird for Olaf to be destroyed
dt = 0.001  # timestep in seconds
step = 1  # loop counter
maxstep = 500  # maximum number of calculation steps to include

#!@!@### TEMPLATE HEADER ENDS ###@!@!#

while step <= maxstep:  # While loop
    rate(80)  #Setting rate of animation to a suitable level

    #Calculating position and velocity of bird due to gravitational forces from Death Star and Death Snowball
    vel_bird = vel_bird - G * M * (
        (Bird.pos - DeathSnowball.pos) /
        (mag(Bird.pos - DeathSnowball.pos)**3)) * dt - G * M2 * (
            (Bird.pos - DeathStar.pos) /
            (mag(Bird.pos - DeathStar.pos)**3)) * dt
    Bird.pos = Bird.pos + vel_bird * dt

    #Calculating position and velocity of Death Snowball due to gravitational forces bird
    vel_DS = vel_DS - G * mbird * ((DeathSnowball.pos - Bird.pos) /
                                   (mag(DeathSnowball.pos - Bird.pos)**3)) * dt
    DeathSnowball.pos = DeathSnowball.pos + vel_DS * dt

    #Calculating position and velocity of Death Star due to gravitational forces bird
    vel_DS2 = vel_DS2 - G * mbird * ((DeathStar.pos - Bird.pos) /
                                     (mag(DeathStar.pos - Bird.pos)**3)) * dt
    DeathStar.pos = DeathStar.pos + vel_DS2 * dt

    #Keeping Olaf in position on Death Snowball
コード例 #46
def ug_energy(self, objects):
	ug = 0
	for o in objects:
		if self.pos != o.pos:
			ug += -g * self.mass * o.mass / mag(self.pos - o.pos)
	return ug
コード例 #47
    spin = vp.arrow(axis=omega, pos=(0, 0, 0), length=1)  # omega dir
    info = vp.label(pos=(1.1 * R, 2, -2), text='Any key=repeat')
    return scene, ball, trail, ideal, spin

def go(x, y, vx, vy):  # motion with full drag and spin effects
    h, t, Y = 0.01, 0., np.array([[x, y, 0.], [vx, vy, 0.]])  # initialize
    while (Y[0, 0] < R and Y[0, 1] > 0.2):  # before homeplate&above ground
        t, Y = t + h, ode.RK4(baseball, Y, t, h)  # integrate
        ball.pos, spin.pos = Y[0], Y[0] - offset  # move ball, arrow
        spin.rotate(angle=phi), ball.rotate(angle=phi, axis=omega)  #spin
        ideal.append(pos=(x + vx * t, y + vy * t - 0.5 * g * t * t,
                          0.))  # ideal case
    while (not scene.kb.keys):  # check for key press
        spin.rotate(angle=phi), ball.rotate(angle=phi, axis=omega)
    scene.kb.getkey()  # clear key
    trail.append(pos=(0, 0, 0), retain=0)  # reset trails
    ideal.append(pos=(0, 0, 0), retain=0)

g, b2, alpha, mass = 9.8, .0013, 5e-5, .15  # parameters
R, omega = 18.4, 200. * np.array([0, 1, 1])  # range, angular velocity
phi, offset = np.pi / 16., 0.4 * omega / vp.mag(omega)

scene, ball, trail, ideal, spin = set_scene(R)
while (1):
    go(x=0., y=2., vx=30., vy=0.)  # initially z=0, vz=0
コード例 #48
def hockey(Y, t):  # return eqn of motion
    accel = 0.
    for i in range(len(loc)):
        accel += Q[i] * (Y[0] - loc[i]) / (vp.mag(Y[0] - loc[i]))**3
    return [Y[1], q * accel]  # list for non-vectorized solver
コード例 #49
def baseball(Y, t):  # Y = [r, v] assumed
    v = Y[1]
    fm = alpha * vp.cross(omega, v)  # Magnus force
    a = (fm - b2 * vp.mag(v) * v) / mass - [0, g, 0]  # minus g-vec
    return np.array([v, a])  # np array
コード例 #50
mass2 = 0.1  # mass of planet 2
pos2 = vector(0, 5.1, 0.1)  # initial position vector of planet 2
Planet2 = sphere(pos=pos2,
                 radius=1 * mass2,
Planet2.trail_object.color = color.white  # make the trail white
vel2 = vector(35, 0, 0)  # initial velocity of planet 2

#Making a loop
while step <= maxstep:

    #I have added another term to the velocity equation so that the velocity of the body is affected by BOTH other bodies

    #Velocity and position calculations of planet 1 based on force from other two bodies
    vel1 = vel1 - dt * (G * M * pos1) / (mag(pos1)**3) - dt * (
        G * mass2 * pos1) / (mag(pos1)**3)
    pos1 = pos1 + vel1 * dt

    #Velocity and position calculations of planet 2 based on force from other two bodies
    vel2 = vel2 - dt * (G * M * pos2) / (mag(pos2)**3) - dt * (
        G * mass1 * (pos2 - pos1)) / (mag(pos2 - pos1)**3)
    pos2 = pos2 + vel2 * dt

    #time step
    t = t + dt

    #displayin planet and moon
    Planet1.pos = pos1
    Planet2.pos = pos2
コード例 #51
    vp.sphere(pos=(-1e-13, 0, 0), Q=EC, color=vp.color.red, radius=6e-15),
    vp.sphere(pos=(1e-13, 0, 0), Q=-EC, color=vp.color.blue, radius=6e-15),

def getfield(posn):
    """ Get the field at a given point."""
    fld = vp.vector(0, 0, 0)
    for chrg in CHARGES:
        fld = fld + (posn - chrg.pos) * 8.988e9 * chrg.Q / vp.mag(posn -
    return fld

while True:
    POSN = vp.scene.mouse.getclick().pos
    FLD = getfield(POSN)
    MAG = vp.mag(FLD)
    RED = vp.maximum(1 - 1e17 / MAG, 0)
    BLUE = vp.minimum(1e17 / MAG, 1)
    if RED >= BLUE:
        BLUE = BLUE / RED
        RED = 1.0
        RED = RED / BLUE
        BLUE = 1.0
             axis=FLD * (4e-14 / 1e17),
             color=(RED, 0, BLUE))
コード例 #52
ファイル: Program_3.8_baseball.py プロジェクト: com-py/compy
def baseball(Y, t):                 # Y = [r, v] assumed
    v = Y[1]
    fm = alpha*vp.cross(omega, v)               # Magnus force
    a = (fm - b2*vp.mag(v)*v)/mass - [0,g,0]    # minus g-vec
    return np.array([v, a])                     # np array
コード例 #53
ファイル: dipole.py プロジェクト: GadgetSteve/vpython-wx
vp.scene.title = "Electric Field Vectors"
vp.scene.range = 2e-13

    vp.sphere(pos=(-1e-13, 0, 0), Q=EC, color=vp.color.red, radius=6e-15),
    vp.sphere(pos=(1e-13, 0, 0), Q=-EC, color=vp.color.blue, radius=6e-15),

def getfield(posn):
    """ Get the field at a given point."""
    fld = vp.vector(0, 0, 0)
    for chrg in CHARGES:
        fld = fld + (posn-chrg.pos) * 8.988e9 * chrg.Q / vp.mag(posn-chrg.pos)**3
    return fld

while True:
    POSN = vp.scene.mouse.getclick().pos
    FLD = getfield(POSN)
    MAG = vp.mag(FLD)
    RED = vp.maximum(1-1e17/MAG, 0)
    BLUE = vp.minimum(1e17/MAG, 1)
    if RED >= BLUE:
        BLUE = BLUE/RED
        RED = 1.0
        RED = RED/BLUE
        BLUE = 1.0
    vp.arrow(pos=POSN, axis=FLD * (4e-14/1e17),
             color=(RED, 0, BLUE))
コード例 #54
ファイル: fields.py プロジェクト: messej/VPython-Homework
def get_g_field(p, *sources):
    f = vector(0, 0, 0)
    G = 6.674e-11
    for s in sources:
        f = f + (p.pos - s.pos) * G * s.m / mag(p.pos - s.pos)**3
    return f
コード例 #55
scene = vp.display(title='Electric dipole', background=(.2,.5,1), 
                   forward=(0,-1,-.5), up=(0,0,1))
zaxis = vp.curve(pos=[(0,0,-r),(0,0,r)])                    
qpos = vp.sphere(pos=(0,0,.02), radius=0.01, color=(1,0,0))
qneg = vp.sphere(pos=(0,0,-.02), radius=0.01, color=(0,0,1))
c1 = vp.ring(pos=(0,0,0), radius=r, axis=(0,0,1), thickness=0.002)
c2 = vp.ring(pos=(0,0,0), radius=r, axis=(0,1,0), thickness=0.002)

theta, phi = np.linspace(0, np.pi, m), np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, n) # grid 
phi, theta = vp.meshgrid(phi, theta)
rs = r*np.sin(theta)
x, y, z = rs*np.cos(phi), rs*np.sin(phi), r*np.cos(theta)   # coord. 
for i in range(m):
    for j in range(n):
        rvec = vp.vector(x[i,j], y[i,j], z[i,j])
        B = scale*vp.cross(rvec, vp.vector(0,0,1))/(r*r)    # $\vec{r}\times \hat z/r^2$
        E = vp.cross(B, rvec)/r                             # $\vec{B}\times \vec{r}/r$
        vp.arrow(pos=rvec, axis=E, length=vp.mag(E), color=(1,1,0))
        vp.arrow(pos=rvec, axis=B, length=vp.mag(B), color=(0,1,1))
コード例 #56
ファイル: camera.py プロジェクト: rubenrm97/vpython-wx
def drawCameraFrame():  # create frame and draw its contents
    global cam_box, cent_plane, cam_lab, cam_tri, range_lab, linelen, fwd_line
    global fwd_arrow, mouse_line, mouse_arrow, mouse_lab, fov, range_x, cam_dist, cam_frame
    global ray
    cam_frame = vs.frame(pos=vs.vector(
    ), axis=(0, 0, 1))
    # NB: contents are rel to this frame.  start with camera looking "forward"
    # origin is at simulated scene.center
    fov = vs.pi / 3.0  # 60 deg
    range_x = 6  # simulates scene.range.x
    cam_dist = range_x / vs.tan(
        fov / 2.0)  # distance between camera and center.
    ray = vs.vector(-20.0, 2.5,
                    3.0).norm()  # (unit) direction of ray vector (arbitrary)
    cam_box = vs.box(frame=cam_frame,
                     pos=(cam_dist, 0, 0))  # camera-box
    cent_plane = vs.box(frame=cam_frame,
                        height=range_x * 1.3,
                        width=range_x * 2,
                        pos=(0, 0, 0),
                        opacity=0.5)  # central plane
    cam_lab = vs.label(frame=cam_frame,
                       pos=(cam_dist, 0, 0),
    cam_tri = vs.faces(frame=cam_frame,
                       pos=[(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, -range_x), (cam_dist, 0, 0)])
    range_lab = vs.label(frame=cam_frame,
                         pos=(0, 0, -range_x),
    linelen = scene_size + vs.mag(cam_frame.axis.norm() * cam_dist +
    # len of lines from camera
    fwd_line = drawLine(vs.vector(cam_dist, 0, 0), linelen,
                        vs.vector(-1, 0, 0))
    fwd_arrow = vs.arrow(frame=cam_frame,
                         axis=(-2, 0, 0),
                         pos=(cam_dist, 0, 0),
             pos=(0, 0, 0),
    mouse_line = drawLine(vs.vector(cam_dist, 0, 0), linelen, ray)
    mouse_arrow = vs.arrow(frame=cam_frame,
                           axis=ray * 2,
                           pos=(cam_dist, 0, 0),
    mouse_lab = vs.label(frame=cam_frame,
                         pos=-ray * (cam_dist / vs.dot(ray, (1, 0, 0))) +
                         (cam_dist, 0, 0))
コード例 #57
def mercury(id, r, v, t):  # eqns of motion for mercury
    if (id == 0): return v  # velocity, dr/dt
    s = vp.mag(r)
    return -GM * r * (1.0 + lamb /
                      (s * s)) / (s * s * s)  # acceleration, dv/dt