コード例 #1
      if x == 0:
        I = ISpatial
        tree = treeSpatial
        I = INonSpatial
        tree = treeNonSpatial
      for cell in cells_testWeWant:
        cellr = cell['id'][1]
        cellc = cell['id'][2]
        cellNeighbors =  adj_test[cell['id']]
        DTOutput = SDT.sdt_predict(tree, cell, cellNeighbors, theta)
        if DTOutput == cell['class']:#Correct result
          if DTOutput == 'null': # TN
          else : # TP
             I = drawSquare(I,cellr,cellc,green)
        else: # incorrect result
          if DTOutput == 'null': #FN
            I = drawSquare(I,cellr,cellc,yellow)
          else : # FP
            I = drawSquare(I,cellr,cellc,red)
      if x == 0:
        ISpatial = I
        INonSpatial = I
    IFinal = np.concatenate((INonSpatial,ISpatial), axis = 1)
    counter += 1
    print counter    

コード例 #2
  eventClass = e
  dataset = d
  print eventClass,dataset
  headers,matches = SOLARGenImageList.image_event_matches(dataset=dataset,waves = ['0171'])
  S_train,S_test, = read_data(e,n,d,w,b)
  cells, adj = S_train
  cells2, adj2 = S_test
  print 'matches calculated'
  counter = 0
  total = len(matches.keys())
  for x in sorted(matches.keys()): # for each image
    paramsFilename = x[0]
    imageFilename = paramsFilename[:-4]+'_th.png'
    I = m.imread(imageFilename)
    outputname = os.path.join(outputFolder,e,os.path.basename(imageFilename)[:-4]+'_'+e+'.png')
    cellsWeWant = [x for x in cells if x['id'][3][0] == paramsFilename]
    for cell in cellsWeWant:
      cellr = cell['id'][1]
      cellc = cell['id'][2]
      I = drawSquare(I,cellr,cellc,colordict[e] if cell['class'] != 'null' else black ) 
      # null training cells are colored black, non-nulls are colored according to their class
    cellsWeWant2 = [x for x in cells2 if x['id'][3][0] == paramsFilename]
    for cell in cellsWeWant2:
      cellr = cell['id'][1]
      cellc = cell['id'][2]
      I = drawSquare(I,cellr,cellc,cyan) #color the test cells cyan
    counter += 1
    print counter, '/', total