コード例 #1
def test_calculate_normals():
    import visvis as vv

    pp = vv.Pointset(3)
    pp.append((1, 2, 3))
    pp.append((3, 1, 5))
    pp.append((4, 4, 7))
    pp.append((6, 7, 9))
    m = vv.BaseMesh(pp, faces=[0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3])

    assert m._normals is None

    normals1 = m._normals

    assert m._normals is not None
    assert m._normals.shape == (4, 3)

    normals2 = m._normals

    assert m._normals is not None
    assert m._normals.shape == (6, 3)

    assert normals1 is not normals2
    assert normals1.shape != normals2.shape  # because faces have been unwound
コード例 #2
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: chiluf/visvis
def isocontour(im, isovalue=None):
    """ isocontour(im, isovalue=None)
    Calculate the iso contours for the given 2D image. If isovalue
    is not given or None, a value between the min and max of the image
    is used. 
    Returns a pointset in which each two subsequent points form a line 
    piece. This van be best visualized using "vv.plot(result, ls='+')".
    # Check image
    if not isinstance(im, np.ndarray) or (im.ndim != 2):
        raise ValueError('im should be a 2D numpy array.')
    # Make sure its 32 bit float
    # todo: also allow bool and uint8 ?
    if im.dtype != np.float32:
        im = im.astype('float32')
    # Get isovalue
    if isovalue is None:
        isovalue = 0.5 * (im.min() + im.max())
    isovalue = float(isovalue) # Will raise error if not float-like value given
    # Do the magic!
    data = marchingsquares_.marching_squares(im, isovalue, 
    # Return as pointset
    return vv.Pointset(data)
コード例 #3
def arrows(points, vectors, head=(0.2, 1.0), **kwargs):

    if 'ls' in kwargs:
        raise ValueError('Cannot set line style for arrows.')

    ppd = vv.Pointset(pp.ndim)
    for i in range(len(points)):

        p1 = points[i]  # source point
        v1 = vectors[i]  # THE vector
        v1_norm = v1.norm()
        p2 = p1 + v1  # destination point
        if v1_norm:
            pn = v1.normal() * v1_norm * abs(head[0])  # normal vector
            pn = vv.Point(0, 0)
        ph1 = p1 + v1 * head[1]
        ph2 = ph1 - v1 * head[0]

        # Add stick
        # Add arrowhead
        ppd.append(ph2 + pn)
        ppd.append(ph2 - pn)

    return vv.plot(ppd, ls='+', **kwargs)
コード例 #4
 def __init__(self):
     # Create figure and axes
     self._a = a = vv.gca()
     vv.title("Hold mouse to draw lines. Use 'rgbcmyk' and '1-9' keys.")
     # Set axes
     a.SetLimits((0,1), (0,1))
     a.cameraType = '2d'
     a.daspectAuto = False
     a.axis.showGrid = True
     # Init variables needed during drawing
     self._active = None
     self._pp = Pointset(2)
     # Create null and empty line objects
     self._line1 = None
     self._line2 = vv.plot(vv.Pointset(2), ls='+', lc='c', lw='2', axes=a)
     # Bind to events
コード例 #5
def _visualise_world_visvis(X, Y, Z, format="surf"):
    Legacy function to produce a surface render using visvis
    :param X:
    :param Y:
    :param Z:
    :param format:
    import visvis as vv

    # m2 = vv.surf(worldx[::detail], worldy[::detail], worldz[::detail])

    app = vv.use()
    # prepare axes
    a = vv.gca()
    a.cameraType = '3d'
    a.daspectAuto = False
    # print("view", a.camera.GetViewParams())
    # a.SetView(loc=(-1000,0,0))
    # a.camera.SetView(None, loc=(-1000,0,0))

    if format == "surf":
        l = vv.surf(X, Y, Z)
        a.SetLimits(rangeX=(-0.2, 0.2),
                    rangeY=(-0.5, 0.5),
                    rangeZ=(-0.5, 0),
        # draw points
        pp = vv.Pointset(
            np.concatenate([X.flatten(), Y.flatten(),
                            Z.flatten()], axis=0).reshape((-1, 3)))
        l = vv.plot(pp, ms='.', mc='r', mw='5', ls='', mew=0)
        l.alpha = 0.2
コード例 #6
 def calculateMotion(self, I):
     """ Given a mesh and the indices of vertices in the mesh, calculates
     the motion of all vertices.
     Returns a list of pointsets that contain the motion vectors.
     deltas = []
     for delta in self._mverticesDeltas:
         dd = vv.Pointset(delta[I,:])
     return deltas
コード例 #7
def test_line2mesh():
    import visvis as vv

    pp = vv.Pointset(3)
    pp.append((1, 2, 3))
    pp.append((3, 1, 5))
    pp.append((4, 4, 7))
    pp.append((6, 7, 9))

    m = vv.processing.lineToMesh(pp, 3, 10)
    assert isinstance(m, vv.BaseMesh)
コード例 #8
 def _CalculateDonut(self, N=32, M=32, thickness=0.2):
     # Quick access
     pi2 = np.pi*2
     cos = np.cos
     sin = np.sin
     sl = M+1
     # Calculate vertices, normals and texcords
     vertices = vv.Pointset(3)
     normals = vv.Pointset(3)
     texcords = vv.Pointset(2)
     # Cone
     for n in range(N+1):
         v = float(n)/N
         a = pi2 * v        
         # Obtain outer and center position of "tube"
         po = vv.Point(sin(a), cos(a), 0)
         pc = po * (1.0-0.5*thickness)
         # Create two vectors that span the the circle orthogonal to the tube
         p1 = (pc-po)
         p2 = vv.Point(0, 0, 0.5*thickness)
         # Sample around tube        
         for m in range(M+1):
             u = float(m) / (M)
             b = pi2 * (u) 
             dp = cos(b) * p1 + sin(b) * p2
     # Calculate indices
     indices = []
     for j in range(N):
         for i in range(M):
             indices.extend([(j+1)*sl+i, (j+1)*sl+i+1, j*sl+i+1, j*sl+i])
     # Make indices a numpy array
     indices = np.array(indices, dtype=np.uint32)
     return vertices, indices, normals, texcords
コード例 #9
ファイル: stl.py プロジェクト: chiluf/visvis.dev
    def _convertQuadsToTriangles(cls, mesh):
        """ STL only allows triangles, therefore we need a method
        to convert triangles to quads.
        if mesh._faces is not None:
            faces = mesh._GetFaces()
            vertices = mesh._vertices
            vv1 = vertices[faces[:, 0]]
            vv2 = vertices[faces[:, 1]]
            vv3 = vertices[faces[:, 2]]
            vv4 = vertices[faces[:, 3]]
            vv1 = mesh._vertices[0::4]
            vv2 = mesh._vertices[1::4]
            vv3 = mesh._vertices[2::4]
            vv4 = mesh._vertices[3::4]

        tri1 = vv.Pointset(vv1)
        tri2 = vv.Pointset(vv2)
        tri3 = vv.Pointset(vv3)

        return tri1, tri2, tri3
コード例 #10
 def performMeasurements(self, z, quick=False):
     # Get points that are near the given z
     I1 = self.getIndicesNearZ(z, quick=quick)
     # Get contour
     I2 = self.getStentContourAtZ(z, I1)
     # Store
     self._I1, self._I2 = I1, I2
     # Make points and calculate centre and radius
     pp = vv.Pointset(self._mvertices[I2,:])
     pp2 = vv.Pointset(pp.data[:,:2])
     c = fit_cirlce(pp2)
     # Show contour
     if self._line is None:
         self._line = vv.plot(pp, lw=4, mw=8, ms='.', axesAdjust=False,
     # Translate the donut
     self.translation = c.x, c.y, z
     self.scaling = c.r*2.0, c.r*2.0, c.r*4.0
     # Calculate motion
     if not quick:
         motions = self.calculateMotion(I2)
         minArea, maxArea, minCirc, maxCirc = self.calculatePulsation(pp, motions)
         distalMotion = self.calculateDistalMotion(pp, motions)
         motionMag = self.calculateMotionMagnitude(pp, motions)
         aMax, a75, a95 = self.calculateAngleChanges(I2)
         print('=== Ring measurements ===')
         print('Area change: %1.1f%%' % (100*maxArea/minArea))
         #print('Circumference change: %1.1f%%' % (100*maxCirc/minCirc))
         print('Distal motion: %1.2f mm' % distalMotion)
         print('Motion magnitude: %1.2f mm' % motionMag)
         print('Angular change: %1.2f / %1.2f / %1.2f degrees' % (aMax, a75, a95))
コード例 #11
ファイル: picker.py プロジェクト: almarklein/stentseg
 def onClick(event):
     if event.button == 2 and vv.KEY_SHIFT in event.modifiers:
         # Get clicked location in NDC
         w, h = event.owner.position.size
         x, y = 2 * event.x / w - 1, -2 * event.y / h + 1
         # Apply inverse camera transform to get two points on the clicked line
         M = np.linalg.inv(get_camera_matrix(event.owner))
         p1 = vv.Point(np.dot((x, y, -100, 1), M)[:3])
         p2 = vv.Point(np.dot((x, y, +100, 1), M)[:3])
         # Calculate center point and vector
         pm = 0.5 * (p1 + p2)
         vec = (p2 - p1).normalize()
         # Prepare for searching in two directions
         pp = [pm - vec, pm + vec]
         status = 0 if sample(vol, pm) is None else 1
         status = [status, status]
         hit = None
         max_sample = -999999
         step = min(vol.sampling)
         # Look in two directions simulaneously, search for volume, collect samples
         for i in range(10000):  # Safe while-loop
             for j in (0, 1):
                 if status[j] < 2:
                     s = sample(vol, pp[j])
                     inside = s is not None
                     if inside:
                         if s > max_sample:
                             max_sample, hit = s, pp[j]
                         if status[j] == 0:
                             status[j] = 1
                                 not j] = 2  # stop looking in other direction
                         if status[j] == 1:
                             status[j] = 2
                     pp[j] += (j * 2 - 1) * step * vec
             if status[0] == 2 and status[1] == 2:
             print('Warning: ray casting to collect samples did not stop'
                   )  # clicking outside the volume
         # Draw
         pp2 = vv.Pointset(3)
         text = 'No point inside volume selected.'
         if hit:
             ii = vol.point_to_index(hit)
             text = 'At z=%1.1f, y=%1.1f, x=%1.1f -> X[%i, %i, %i] -> %1.2f' % (
                 hit.z, hit.y, hit.x, ii[0], ii[1], ii[2], max_sample)
         label.text = text
         return True  # prevent default mouse action
コード例 #12
ファイル: stl.py プロジェクト: chiluf/visvis.dev
    def read(cls, fname, check=False):
        """ read(fname, check=False)
        This classmethod is the entry point for reading STL files.
        fname : string
            The name of the file to read.
        check : bool
            If check is True and the file is in ascii, some checks to the
            integrity of the file are done (which is a bit slower). 

        # Open file
        f = open(fname, 'rb')

            # Read whitespace
            while not f.read(1).strip():
            # Go one back
            f.seek(-1, 1)

            # Determine ascii or binary
            data = f.read(5).decode('ascii', 'ignore')
            if data == 'solid':
                # Pop rest of line (i.e. the name) and get reader object
                reader = StlAsciiReader(f)
                # Pop rest if header (header has 80 chars) and get reader object
                reader = StlBinReader(f)

            # Read all
            vertices = vv.Pointset(3)
            while True:
                reader.readFace(vertices, check)

        except EOFError:

        # Done
        return vv.BaseMesh(vertices)
コード例 #13
def test_combine_meshes():
    import visvis as vv

    pp = vv.Pointset(3)
    pp.append((1, 2, 3))
    pp.append((3, 1, 5))
    pp.append((4, 4, 7))
    pp.append((6, 7, 9))
    m = vv.BaseMesh(pp, faces=[0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3])

    assert m._vertices.shape == (4, 3)

    m2 = vv.processing.combineMeshes([m, m, m])
    assert m2 is not m

    assert m2._vertices.shape == (12, 3)
コード例 #14
def plot_progress(plots, sampler_info):

    settings = requests.get(sampler_info['settings']).json()
    lower = settings['lower']
    upper = settings['upper']

    subplt = vv.subplot(*(plots['shape'] + (1 + plots['count'], )))
    plots['count'] += 1

    # Request the training data
    training_data = requests.get(sampler_info['training_data_uri']).json()

    xres = 30
    yres = 30
    xeva, yeva = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(lower[0], upper[0], xres),
                             np.linspace(lower[1], upper[1], yres))
    Xquery = np.array([xeva.flatten(), yeva.flatten()]).T

    #Request the predictions from the server
    r = requests.get(sampler_info['pred_uri'], json=Xquery.tolist())
    pred = r.json()
    pred_mean = np.array(pred['predictive_mean'])
    id_matrix = np.reshape(
        np.arange(Xquery.shape[0])[:, np.newaxis], xeva.shape)
    n, n_outputs = pred_mean.shape

    # Plot the training data and the predictions
    vol = np.zeros((n_outputs, xeva.shape[0], xeva.shape[1]))
    for x in range(xres):
        for y in range(yres):
            vol[:, x, y] = pred_mean[id_matrix[x, y]]
    plt = vv.volshow(vol, renderStyle='mip', clim=(-0.5, 1))
    plt.colormap = vv.CM_JET
    subplt.axis.xLabel = 'input 1'
    subplt.axis.yLabel = 'input 2'
    subplt.axis.zLabel = 'model output'
    a = ((np.asarray(training_data['X']) - np.array([np.min(xeva),
          np.min(yeva)])[np.newaxis, :]) / np.array([np.max(xeva) -
          np.min(xeva), np.max(yeva)-np.min(yeva)])[np.newaxis, :])  \
          * np.array(xeva.shape)  # NOQA
    n = a.shape[0]
    a = np.hstack((a, (n_outputs + 0.01) * np.ones((n, 1))))
    pp = vv.Pointset(a)
    vv.plot(pp, ms='.', mc='w', mw='9', ls='')
コード例 #15
 def calculateMotionMagnitude(self, contour, deltas):
     """ Calculate the mean motion magnitude (i.e. amplitude in principal
     # Init a list that contains the mean z-position for each time unit
     # Note that this is a relative z-position, but that doesnt matter
     meanPositions = vv.Pointset(3)
     # delta is a pointset, there is such a pointsets for each time unit
     for delta in deltas: 
         meanPosition = vv.Point(0,0,0)
         for p in delta:
             meanPosition += p
         meanPosition *= 1.0 / len(delta)
     return self._calculateMagnitude(meanPositions)
コード例 #16
ファイル: SceneWindow.py プロジェクト: kkjaergaard/eos-rsa
    def show(self):
        for projection_name in self.rsa_assessment.projection_list():
            rsa_projection = self.rsa_assessment.projection(projection_name)

            # projection = self.assessment.projection(i)
            # projector = self.projectors[i]

            for image_segment_name in rsa_projection.image_segment_list():
                    rsa_image_segment = rsa_projection.image_segment(
                except NotImplementedError:

                for line in rsa_projection.segment_point_lines(
                    ps = vv.Pointset(3)
                    vl = vv.solidLine(ps, radius=self.lineSize, N=self.lineN)
                    vl.faceColor = self.lineColor

        for scene_segment_name in self.rsa_assessment.scene_segment_list():
                scene_segment = self.rsa_assessment.scene_segment(
            except NotImplementedError:

            for i in range(len(scene_segment.points)):
                vs = vv.solidSphere(translation=tuple(
                                    scaling=([self.pointSize] * 3),
                vs.faceColor = self.pointColor

        # Enter main loop
        app = vv.use()
コード例 #17
def test_unwindfaces():
    import visvis as vv

    pp = vv.Pointset(3)
    pp.append((1, 2, 3))
    pp.append((3, 1, 5))
    pp.append((4, 4, 7))
    pp.append((6, 7, 9))
    m = vv.BaseMesh(pp, faces=[0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3])

    assert m._faces is not None
    assert m._vertices.shape == (4, 3)


    assert m._faces is None
    assert m._vertices.shape == (6, 3)
    assert tuple(m._vertices[0]) == tuple(pp[0])
    assert tuple(m._vertices[1]) == tuple(pp[1])
    assert tuple(m._vertices[2]) == tuple(pp[2])
    assert tuple(m._vertices[3]) == tuple(pp[0])
    assert tuple(m._vertices[4]) == tuple(pp[2])
    assert tuple(m._vertices[5]) == tuple(pp[3])
コード例 #18
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: AlexAppleManzer/AIAssign1
def isocontour(im, isovalue=None):
    """ isocontour(im, isovalue=None)
    Uses scikit-image to calculate the iso contours for the given 2D
    image. If isovalue is not given or None, a value between the min
    and max of the image is used.
    Returns a pointset in which each two subsequent points form a line
    piece. This van be best visualized using "vv.plot(result, ls='+')".

    # Check image
    if not isinstance(im, np.ndarray) or (im.ndim != 2):
        raise ValueError('im should be a 2D numpy array.')

    # Get isovalue
    if isovalue is None:
        isovalue = 0.5 * (im.min() + im.max())
    isovalue = float(
        isovalue)  # Will raise error if not float-like value given

    # Get the contours
    data = find_contours(im, isovalue)

    # Build the contour as we used to return it. It is less rich, but easier
    # to visualize.
    data2 = []
    for contour in data:
        n = contour.shape[0] * 2 - 2
        contour2 = np.empty((n, 2), np.float32)
        contour2[0::2] = contour[:-1]
        contour2[1::2] = contour[1:]

    # Return as pointset
    return vv.Pointset(np.row_stack(data2))
コード例 #19
ファイル: deform_by_hand.py プロジェクト: almarklein/pirt
 def __init__(self, im, grid_sampling=40):
     # Store image
     self._im = im
     # Setup visualization
     self._fig = fig = vv.figure()
     self._a1 = a1 = vv.subplot(231);
     self._a2 = a2 = vv.subplot(232);
     self._a3 = a3 = vv.subplot(233);
     self._a4 = a4 = vv.subplot(234);
     self._a5 = a5 = vv.subplot(235);
     self._a6 = a6 = vv.subplot(236);
     # Text objects
     self._text1 = vv.Label(fig)
     self._text1.position = 5, 2
     self._text2 = vv.Label(fig)
     self._text2.position = 5, 20
     # Move axes 
     a1.parent.position = 0.0, 0.1, 0.33, 0.45
     a2.parent.position = 0.33, 0.1, 0.33, 0.45
     a3.parent.position = 0.66, 0.1, 0.33, 0.45
     a4.parent.position = 0.0, 0.55, 0.33, 0.45
     a5.parent.position = 0.33, 0.55, 0.33, 0.45
     a6.parent.position = 0.66, 0.55, 0.33, 0.45
     # Correct axes, share camera
     cam = vv.cameras.TwoDCamera()
     for a in [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6]:
         a.axis.visible = False
         a.camera = cam
     # Show images
     im0 = im*0
     self._t1 = vv.imshow(im, axes=a1)
     self._t2 = vv.imshow(im, axes=a2)
     self._t3 = vv.imshow(im, axes=a3)
     self._t4 = vv.imshow(im0, axes=a4)
     self._t5 = vv.imshow(im0, axes=a5)
     self._t6 = vv.imshow(im0, axes=a6)
     # Init pointsets
     self._pp1 = Pointset(2)
     self._pp2 = Pointset(2)
     self._active = None
     self._lines = []
     # Init lines to show all deformations
     tmp = vv.Pointset(2)        
     self._line1 = vv.plot(tmp, ls='', ms='.', mc='c', axes=a2)
     self._line2 = vv.plot(tmp, ls='+', lc='c', lw='2', axes=a2)
     # Init grid properties
     self._sampling = grid_sampling
     self._levels = 5
     self._multiscale = True
     self._injective = 0.5
     self._frozenedge = 1
     self._forward = True
     # Init grid
     self.DeformationField = DeformationFieldForward
     self._field1 = self.DeformationField(FieldDescription(self._im))
     self._field2 = self.DeformationField(FieldDescription(self._im))
     # Bind to events
     # Apply
コード例 #20
    def plot3d(self,
                   'pose3d': np.empty((0, 13, 3)),
                   'pose2d': np.empty((0, 13, 2))
                   'pose3d': np.empty((0, 21, 3)),
                   'pose2d': np.empty((0, 21, 2))
                   'pose3d': np.empty((0, 84, 3)),
                   'pose2d': np.empty((0, 84, 2))
        :param img: a HxWx3 numpy array
        :param bodies: dictionnaroes with 'pose3d' (resp 'pose2d') with the body 3D (resp 2D) pose
        :param faces: same with face pose
        :param hands: same with hand pose
        :param body_with_wrists: list with for each body, a tuple (left_hand_id, right_hand_id) of the index of the hand detection attached to this body detection (-1 if none) for left and right hands
        :parma body_with_head: list with for each body, the index of the face detection attached to this body detection (-1 if none)
        :param interactive: whether to open the viewer in an interactive manner or not

        # body pose do not use the same coordinate systems
        bodies['pose3d'][:, :, 0] *= -1
        bodies['pose3d'][:, :, 1] *= -1

        # Compute 3D scaled representation of each part, stored in "points3d"
        hands, bodies, faces = [copy.copy(s) for s in (hands, bodies, faces)]
        parts = (hands, bodies, faces)
        for part in parts:
            part['points3d'] = np.zeros_like(part['pose3d'])
            for part_idx in range(len(part['pose3d'])):
                points3d = scale_orthographic(part['pose3d'][part_idx],
                part['points3d'][part_idx] = points3d

        # Various display tricks to make the 3D visualization of full-body nice
        # (1) for faces, add a Z offset to faces to align them with the body
        for body_id, face_id in enumerate(body_with_head):
            if face_id != -1:
                z_offset = bodies['points3d'][body_id, 12, 2] - np.mean(
                    faces['points3d'][face_id, :, 2])
                faces['points3d'][face_id, :, 2] += z_offset
        # (2) for hands, add a 3D offset to put them at the wrist location
        for body_id, (lwrist_id, rwrist_id) in enumerate(body_with_wrists):
            if lwrist_id != -1:
                hands['points3d'][lwrist_id, :, :] = bodies['points3d'][
                    body_id, 7, :] - hands['points3d'][lwrist_id, 0, :]
            if rwrist_id != -1:
                hands['points3d'][rwrist_id, :, :] = bodies['points3d'][
                    body_id, 6, :] - hands['points3d'][rwrist_id, 0, :]

        img = np.asarray(img)
        height, width = img.shape[:2]

        fig = vv.figure(1)

        fig._SetPosition(0, 0, self.figsize[0], self.figsize[1])
        if not interactive:
            fig._enableUserInteraction = False

        axes = vv.gca()
        # Hide axis
        axes.axis.visible = False

        scaling_factor = 1.0 / height

        # Camera interaction is not intuitive along z axis
        # We reference every object to a parent frame that is rotated to circumvent the issue
        ref_frame = vv.Wobject(axes)
        ref_frame.transformations.append(vv.Transform_Rotate(-90, 1, 0, 0))
            vv.Transform_Translate(-0.5 * width * scaling_factor, -0.5, 0))

        # Draw image
        if self.display2d:
            # Display pose in 2D
            img = visu.visualize_bodyhandface2d(img,
                                                    'body': bodies['pose2d'],
                                                    'hand': hands['pose2d'],
                                                    'face': faces['pose2d']

            XX, YY = np.meshgrid([0, width * scaling_factor], [0, 1])
            img_z_offset = 0.5
            ZZ = img_z_offset * np.ones(XX.shape)
            # Draw image
            embedded_img = vv.surf(XX, YY, ZZ, img)
            embedded_img.parent = ref_frame
            embedded_img.ambientAndDiffuse = 1.0

            # Draw a grid on the bottom floor to get a sense of depth
            XX, ZZ = np.meshgrid(
                np.linspace(0, width * scaling_factor, 10),
                img_z_offset - np.linspace(0, width * scaling_factor, 10))
            YY = np.ones_like(XX)
            grid3d = vv.surf(XX, YY, ZZ)
            grid3d.parent = ref_frame
            grid3d.edgeColor = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0)
            grid3d.edgeShading = 'plain'
            grid3d.faceShading = None

        # Draw pose
        for part in parts:

            for part_idx in range(len(part['points3d'])):
                points3d = part['points3d'][part_idx] * scaling_factor
                # Draw bones
                J = len(points3d)
                is_body = (J == 13)
                ignore_neck = False if not is_body else body_with_head[
                    part_idx] != -1
                bones, bonecolors, pltcolors = visu._get_bones_and_colors(
                    J, ignore_neck=ignore_neck)
                for (kpt_id1, kpt_id2), color in zip(bones, bonecolors):
                    color = color[2], color[1], color[0]  # BGR vs RGB
                    p1 = visu._get_xyz(points3d, kpt_id1)
                    p2 = visu._get_xyz(points3d, kpt_id2)
                    pointset = vv.Pointset(3)

                    # Draw bones as solid capsules
                    bone_radius = 0.005
                    line = vv.solidLine(pointset, radius=bone_radius)
                    line.faceColor = color
                    line.ambientAndDiffuse = 1.0

                    line.parent = ref_frame

                # Draw keypoints, except for faces
                if J != 84:
                    keypoints_to_plot = points3d
                    if ignore_neck:
                        # for a nicer display, ignore head keypoint
                        keypoints_to_plot = keypoints_to_plot[:12, :]
                    # Use solid spheres
                    for i in range(len(keypoints_to_plot)):
                        kpt_wobject = vv.solidSphere(
                            translation=keypoints_to_plot[i, :].tolist(),
                            scaling=1.5 * bone_radius)
                        kpt_wobject.faceColor = (255, 0, 0)
                        kpt_wobject.ambientAndDiffuse = 1.0
                        kpt_wobject.parent = ref_frame

        # Use just an ambient lighting
        axes.light0.ambient = 0.8
        axes.light0.diffuse = 0.2
        axes.light0.specular = 0.0

        cam = vv.cameras.ThreeDCamera()
        axes.camera = cam
        #z axis
        cam.azimuth = -45
        cam.elevation = 20
        cam.roll = 0
        # Orthographic camera
        cam.fov = 0
        if self.camera_zoom is None:
            cam.zoom *= 1.3  # Zoom a bit more
            cam.zoom = self.camera_zoom
        if self.camera_location is not None:
            cam.loc = self.camera_location

        if interactive:

            img3d = vv.getframe(vv.gcf())
            img3d = np.clip(img3d * 255, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
            # Crop gray borders
            img3d = img3d[10:-10, 10:-10, :]

            return img3d, img
コード例 #21
vv.figure(2); vv.clf()

# Show volume and segmented stent as a graph
a1 = vv.subplot(131)
t = vv.volshow(vol)
t.clim = 0, 3000
#sd._nodes1.Draw(mc='g', mw = 6)    # draw seeded nodes
#sd._nodes2.Draw(mc='g')            # draw seeded and MCP connected nodes

# Show cleaned up
a2 = vv.subplot(132)
sd._nodes3.Draw(mc='g', lc='b')

# Show the mesh
a3 = vv.subplot(133)
a3.daspect = 1,-1,1
m = vv.mesh(bm)
m.faceColor = 'g'

# Use same camera
a1.camera = a2.camera = a3.camera

test = vv.plot([0,0,0], axesAdjust=False, ls='', ms='.', mc='r', mw=15)
if False:
    node = sd._nodes3.nodes()[3]
    pp = vv.Pointset( np.array(list(node)).reshape(1,3) )
# Take a screenshot 
#vv.screenshot('/home/almar/projects/valve_result_pat001.jpg', vv.gcf(), sf=2)
コード例 #22
deform_backward = pirt.DeformationFieldBackward(deform)

# Scale the deform
deform_forward2 = deform_forward.scale(0.5)
deform_backward2 = deform_backward.scale(0.5)

# Apply the deform to the images
im_forward = deform_forward.apply_deformation(im)
im_forward2 = deform_forward2.apply_deformation(im)
im_backward = deform_backward.apply_deformation(im)
im_backward2 = deform_backward2.apply_deformation(im)

# Calculate vectors
vecstep = 20
pp = vv.Pointset(2)
vvf, vvb = vv.Pointset(2), vv.Pointset(2)
vvf2, vvb2 = vv.Pointset(2), vv.Pointset(2)
for y in np.arange(0, im.shape[0], vecstep):
    for x in np.arange(0, im.shape[1], vecstep):
        # Center point
        p1 = vv.Point(x, y)
        # Vector for forward
        deform = deform_forward
        vvf.append(vv.Point(deform[1][y, x], deform[0][y, x]))
        deform = deform_forward2
        vvf2.append(vv.Point(deform[1][y, x], deform[0][y, x]))
        # Vector for backward
        deform = deform_backward
        vvb.append(vv.Point(deform[1][y, x], deform[0][y, x]))
コード例 #23
        # check (note that we use the original order for calculation)
        p1, p2 = self._check_and_sort(self, p, 'cross')

        # calculate
        a, b = self, p
        data = np.zeros(p2.shape, np.float64)
        data[:, 0] = a[:, 1] * b[:, 2] - a[:, 2] * b[:, 1]
        data[:, 1] = a[:, 2] * b[:, 0] - a[:, 0] * b[:, 2]
        data[:, 2] = a[:, 0] * b[:, 1] - a[:, 1] * b[:, 0]

        # return
        return PointSet(data)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import visvis as vv
    a = PointSet(2, np.float32)
    b = vv.Pointset(2)

    pp = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (100, 2))

    t0 = time.time()
    for i in range(len(pp)):
    print('numpy resize: %1.3f s' % (time.time() - t0))

    t0 = time.time()
    for i in range(len(pp)):
    print('PointSet append: %1.3f s' % (time.time() - t0))
コード例 #24
ファイル: picker.py プロジェクト: almarklein/stentseg
def pick3d(axes, vol):
    """ Enable picking intensities in a 3D volume.

    Given an Axes object and a volume (an Aarray), will show the value,
    index and position of the voxel with maximum intentity under the
    cursor when doing a SHIFT+RIGHTCLICK. Returns the label object, so
    that it can be re-positioned.
    * ThreeDCamera is in use and in orthographic mode (no perspective).
    * The volume does not have any transformations w.r.t the axes,
      except for the implicit transformations defined by its sampling
      and origin.
    assert hasattr(vol, 'sampling'), 'Vol must be an Aarray.'

    line = vv.plot(vv.Pointset(3),
    label = vv.Label(axes)
    label.position = 0, 0, 1, 20

    def onClick(event):
        if event.button == 2 and vv.KEY_SHIFT in event.modifiers:
            # Get clicked location in NDC
            w, h = event.owner.position.size
            x, y = 2 * event.x / w - 1, -2 * event.y / h + 1
            # Apply inverse camera transform to get two points on the clicked line
            M = np.linalg.inv(get_camera_matrix(event.owner))
            p1 = vv.Point(np.dot((x, y, -100, 1), M)[:3])
            p2 = vv.Point(np.dot((x, y, +100, 1), M)[:3])
            # Calculate center point and vector
            pm = 0.5 * (p1 + p2)
            vec = (p2 - p1).normalize()
            # Prepare for searching in two directions
            pp = [pm - vec, pm + vec]
            status = 0 if sample(vol, pm) is None else 1
            status = [status, status]
            hit = None
            max_sample = -999999
            step = min(vol.sampling)
            # Look in two directions simulaneously, search for volume, collect samples
            for i in range(10000):  # Safe while-loop
                for j in (0, 1):
                    if status[j] < 2:
                        s = sample(vol, pp[j])
                        inside = s is not None
                        if inside:
                            if s > max_sample:
                                max_sample, hit = s, pp[j]
                            if status[j] == 0:
                                status[j] = 1
                                    not j] = 2  # stop looking in other direction
                            if status[j] == 1:
                                status[j] = 2
                        pp[j] += (j * 2 - 1) * step * vec
                if status[0] == 2 and status[1] == 2:
                print('Warning: ray casting to collect samples did not stop'
                      )  # clicking outside the volume
            # Draw
            pp2 = vv.Pointset(3)
            text = 'No point inside volume selected.'
            if hit:
                ii = vol.point_to_index(hit)
                text = 'At z=%1.1f, y=%1.1f, x=%1.1f -> X[%i, %i, %i] -> %1.2f' % (
                    hit.z, hit.y, hit.x, ii[0], ii[1], ii[2], max_sample)
            label.text = text
            return True  # prevent default mouse action

    return label