def __init__(self,use_keyboard = True, desktop_mode = False): caveapp.CaveApplication.__init__(self,desktop_mode) #call constructor of super class, you have to do this explicitly in Python #self.wand = vizshape.addAxes() #load axis model to represent the wand (WALL FFS!) # Add skybox sky = viz.add(viz.ENVIRONMENT_MAP,'alien/jajalien1.jpg') skybox = viz.add('skydome.dlc') skybox.texture(sky) # First light added seems to be ignored.... # Add lighting dummy = viz.addLight() light = viz.addLight() light.position(0, 0, 0) light.color([0.8, 1, 0.8]) self.use_keyboard = use_keyboard #store if we want to use the keyboard #self.time = 0.0 #note that to 0.0 is important because it is a double precision floating point number self.speed = 400.0 #--four-- meters per second originTracker = self.cavelib.getOriginTracker() #originTracker.setPosition([-100,100,0],viz.REL_LOCAL) self.returnToStart() self.yaw = 90 self.startSet=0 self.joystickpressed=0 vizact.onkeydown(' ', viz.setDebugSound3D, viz.TOGGLE)
def __init__(self): viz.mouse.setVisible(viz.OFF) #Activate NVIS HMD nvis.nvisorSX111() #nvis.nvisorSX60() viz.cursor(viz.OFF) #isense = viz.add('intersense.dls') vrpn = viz.add('vrpn7.dle') view = viz.MainView self.markers = [] headMarker = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@' + PPT_HOSTNAME, 0) self.markers.append(headMarker) self.markers.append( vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@' + PPT_HOSTNAME, 1) ) self.markers.append( vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@' + PPT_HOSTNAME, 2) ) self.markers.append( vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@' + PPT_HOSTNAME, 3) ) self.markers.append( vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@' + PPT_HOSTNAME, 4) ) filter = viz.add("filter.dle") headMarker_filter = filter.average(headMarker, samples = 7) headPos =, view, priority = 0) headPos.setOffset(DEFAULT_OFFSET) self.posLink = headPos #self.posLink.postScale(DEFAULT_SCALE) self.headMarker = headMarker
def GameFinish (self, delay): = vizinfo.add(self.tooltips['congrats'])'textures/c-olive_icon.png')), self.tooltips['finish']+'\n'+self.tooltips['produce'] % self._oil.getMessage()), self.tooltips['stats']),0.95),2.6),100,0), 0.8)[100,100,0], .9) points =, self.tooltips['score']+': %s' % self._total.getMessage()) points.texture(viz.add('textures/total_icon.png')) time =, self.tooltips['time']+': %s' % self.ConvertTime(viz.tick())) time.texture(viz.add('textures/time_icon.png')) #hide all other panels self._scorePanel.visible(0) self._infoPanel.visible(0) self._alertPanel.visible(0) for p in self.PLAYERS.values(): p._infoPanel.visible(0) p._alertPanel.visible(0) p._hud.visible(0) time.addAction(vizact.waittime(delay)) time.addAction(, 1)) time.addAction(vizact.waittime(.1)) time.addAction( time.addAction(
def init_settings(mainSceneWindow, cameraWindow, cameraWindowView, cam, pause_screen, nunchuck_disconnect_screen, message_screen, wiimote, nunchuck_wiimote, should_it_run): viz.MainWindow.visible(viz.OFF) #Hago invisible la main window viz.setMultiSample(8) # FSAA de 8 viz.fogcolor = viz.BLACK # Color de sombra = negro viz.fog(0.15) # Agrega sombra de tipo exponencial viz.collision(viz.ON) # Habilita colisiones en el mundo viz.phys.enable() # Habilita la fisica #Desabilita mouse viz.mouse.setOverride(viz.ON) #Mouse invisible viz.mouse.setVisible(viz.OFF) #Subventana que renderea viz.MainWindow mainSceneWindow = viz.addWindow() mainSceneWindow.setSize(0.7,1) mainSceneWindow.setPosition(0,1) mainSceneWindow.fov(40, 1.3) # Coloca el FOV de la ventana principal en la actual con los valores de default (40 grados verticales, 1.3 aspect ratio) #Creando una ventana y un punto de vista para la camara cameraWindow = viz.addWindow(pos =[.7,1],size=(0.4,1)) #Creando la ventana cameraWindowView = viz.addView() #Creando un viewpoint cameraWindowView.setScene(2) #Poniendo la nueva ventana en la escena 2 cameraWindow.setView(cameraWindowView) #Ligando el viewpoint con la nueva ventana #Vincular camara web a plugin de AR cam = ar.addWebCamera(window=cameraWindow) #Agregando una camara en la ventada nueva # Configuracion de mensajes de la pantalla message_screen = viz.addTexQuad(parent=viz.SCREEN, pos=[0.5,0.5,1], scale=[12.80,10.24,1]) pause_screen = viz.add("PAUSA.png") nunchuck_disconnect_screen = viz.add("NUNCHUCK_DISCONNECTED.png") message_screen.texture(pause_screen) message_screen.visible(viz.OFF) #Cuando should_it_run sea False, viz.ON es el valor a usar. # Conecta al primer wiimote disponible wiimote = wii.addWiimote() # Prende el LED 1 del wiimote wiimote.led = wii.LED_1 # Obten el nunchuck del wiimote nunchuck_wiimote = wiimote.nunchuk #Determines wheter the program should run or not. #It will run if the Nunchuck is connected; otherwise, it won't. should_it_run = True #Ensures that the program won't run without the NUNCHUCK plug'd in. if(wiimote.getExtension() == wii.EXT_NUNCHUK): should_it_run = True else: print "Please plug-in the Wii NUNCHUCK." message_screen.texture(nunchuck_disconnect_screen) message_screen.visible(viz.ON) should_it_run = False return mainSceneWindow, cameraWindow, cameraWindowView, cam, pause_screen, nunchuck_disconnect_screen, message_screen, wiimote, nunchuck_wiimote, should_it_run
def addfix(): global fixation ##add fixation fixName = 'textures/fix_trans.gif' fixation = viz.add(viz.TEXQUAD) ttsize = .4 fixation.scale(ttsize, ttsize, ttsize) fixation.texture(viz.add(fixName)) fixation.visible(1)
def init(qHaveSimultaneous): if qHaveSimultaneous: vizconnect.go('vizconnectSetups/') else: vizconnect.go('vizconnectSetups/') piazza = viz.add('piazza.osgb') piazza2 = viz.add('piazza_animations.osgb') vive = vizconnect.getRawTracker('head_tracker') if qHaveSimultaneous: optHead = vizconnect.getRawTracker('optical_heading') PPT1 = vizconnect.getRawTracker('ppt_1') PPT2 = vizconnect.getRawTracker('ppt_2') PPT3 = vizconnect.getRawTracker('ppt_3') PPT4 = vizconnect.getRawTracker('ppt_4') inertiacube = vizconnect.getRawTracker('inertiacube') # check controller is on steamvr.getControllerList()[0].isButtonDown(2) def getTrackInfo(): if 1: if qHaveSimultaneous: return { 'vive': vive.getPosition() + vive.getEuler(), 'optical_heading': optHead.getPosition() + optHead.getEuler(), 'PPT1': PPT1.getPosition(), 'PPT2': PPT2.getPosition(), 'PPT3': PPT3.getPosition(), 'PPT4': PPT4.getPosition(), 'inertiacube': inertiacube.getEuler() } else: return {'vive': vive.getPosition() + vive.getEuler()} else: return { 'viveController': steamvr.getControllerList()[0].getPosition() + steamvr.getControllerList()[0].getEuler() } trialStartSound = viz.addAudio('sounds/quack.wav', play=0, volume=2.) trialCompletedSound = viz.addAudio('sounds/pop.wav', play=0, volume=2.) alarmSound = viz.addAudio('alarm.wav', play=0, volume=2.) # make return values Sounds = namedtuple('Sounds', 'trialStart trialCompleted alarm') InitReturn = namedtuple('initReturn', 'visuals sounds trackerDataFun') return InitReturn(visuals=[piazza, piazza2], sounds=Sounds(trialStart=trialStartSound, trialCompleted=trialCompletedSound, alarm=alarmSound), trackerDataFun=getTrackInfo)
def loadimage(fn): """Loads a and scales a texture from a given image path""" defaultscale = 800.0 / 600.0 aspect = 1920.0 / 1080.0 scale = aspect / defaultscale ttsize = 1 pt = viz.add(viz.TEXQUAD, viz.SCREEN) pt.scale(ttsize, ttsize * scale, ttsize) pt.texture(viz.add(fn)) pt.visible(0) return (pt)
def loadimage(fn): """Loads a and scales a texture from a given image path""" defaultscale = 800.0/600.0 aspect = 1920.0 / 1080.0 scale = aspect/defaultscale ttsize = 1 pt = viz.add(viz.TEXQUAD, viz.SCREEN) pt.scale(ttsize, ttsize*scale, ttsize) pt.texture(viz.add(fn)) pt.translate(Grid[0][0],Grid[0][1]) # Now you can specify screen coordinates, so the visual angle is OK (i.e. no depth) pt.visible(0) return (pt)
def start(self): viz.add(self.resource) self.visible(viz.OFF) self.setScale(self.scale[0], self.scale[1], self.scale[2]) if self.scope == 'global': self.setPosition(self.position, viz.ABS_GLOBAL) elif self.scope == 'local': self.setPosition(self.position, viz.ABS_LOCAL) else: print( "ERROR: Could not set position of landmark object because of undefined scope '" + str(scope) + "'. Scope must be 'local' or 'global'.")
def drawCorners(sD): # buildings tmpObst = sD.obstacles for cObst in tmpObst: for cP in cObst.getCorners('world'): cornerBalls.append(viz.add('ball.wrl')) cornerBalls[-1].setPosition(cP[0],0,cP[1]) # show bounding box corners using balls for cP in sD.bbCtx1.getCorners('world'): cornerBalls.append(viz.add('ball.wrl')) cornerBalls[-1].setPosition(cP[0],0,cP[1]) # show bounding box corners using balls for cP in sD.bbCtx2.getCorners('world'): cornerBalls.append(viz.add('ball.wrl')) cornerBalls[-1].setPosition(cP[0],0,cP[1])
def setStage(self,stage,NAxes,relSpeed,holes,waittime): self.stage = stage if holes == True: self.bridge = viz.add('bridgeHoles.OSGB') else: self.bridge = viz.add('bridge.OSGB') self.tracking_data.write("Stage "+str(stage)+"\n") yield self.activateHeadTracking(True) yield self.stageAxes(NAxes,relSpeed,holes) yield self.activateHeadTracking(False) yield self.deleteScene() yield viztask.waitTime(waittime) yield self.returnToStart()
def initInputs(initFlag=vizconnect.INIT_INDEPENDENT, initList=None): #VC: place any general initialization code here rawInput = vizconnect.getRawInputDict() #VC: initialize a new input _name = 'flystick_analog' if vizconnect.isPendingInit('input', _name, initFlag, initList): #VC: init the raw object if initFlag & vizconnect.INIT_RAW: #VC: set some parameters basename = 'DTrack' hostname = '' #VC: create the raw object vrpn = viz.add('vrpn7.dle') sensor = vrpn.addAnalog(basename + '@' + hostname) rawInput[_name] = sensor #VC: init the wrapper (DO NOT EDIT) if initFlag & vizconnect.INIT_WRAPPERS: vizconnect.addInput(rawInput[_name], _name, make='Generic', model='VRPN Analog') #VC: initialize a new input _name = 'flystick_buttons' if vizconnect.isPendingInit('input', _name, initFlag, initList): #VC: init the raw object if initFlag & vizconnect.INIT_RAW: #VC: set some parameters basename = 'DTrack' hostname = '' #VC: create the raw object vrpn = viz.add('vrpn7.dle') sensor = vrpn.addButton(basename + '@' + hostname) rawInput[_name] = sensor #VC: init the wrapper (DO NOT EDIT) if initFlag & vizconnect.INIT_WRAPPERS: vizconnect.addInput(rawInput[_name], _name, make='Generic', model='VRPN Buttons') #VC: return values can be modified here return None
def initTrackers(): rawTracker = vizconnect.getRawTrackerDict() default = '' # initialization code for ppt which is a WorldVizPPT pptHostname="localhost" vrpn7 = viz.add('vrpn7.dle') # initialization for sub object ppt_Rhead markerId=1 rawTracker['ppt_Rhead'] = vrpn7.addTracker('PPT0@'+pptHostname, markerId-1) # initialization for sub object ppt_Lhead markerId=2 rawTracker['ppt_Lhead'] = vrpn7.addTracker('PPT0@'+pptHostname, markerId-1) # initialization for sub object ppt_hand markerId=4 rawTracker['ppt_hand'] = vrpn7.addTracker('PPT0@'+pptHostname, markerId-1) # initialization code for osv3_sensor_bus which is a InertialLabsOSv3SensorBus port=11 sensorIndex=0 InertialLabs = viz.add('InertialLabs.dle') sensors = InertialLabs.addSensorBus(port=port) try: sensor = sensors[sensorIndex] except: viz.logWarn("** WARNING: can't connect to InertialLabs OSv3 (Sensor Bus) on port {0} with index {1}. It's likely that not enough sensors are connected.".format(port, sensorIndex)) sensor = viz.addGroup() sensor.invalidTracker = True rawTracker['osv3_sensor_bus'] = sensor # transformation offset code for osv3_sensor_bus link =['osv3_sensor_bus'], viz.NullLinkable) link.setSrcMaskOverride(viz.LINK_ORI|viz.LINK_POS) link.preEuler([90, 0, 180]) rawTracker['osv3_sensor_bus'] = link # initialization code for optical_heading which is a VirtualOpticalHeading leftPosTracker=vizconnect.getRawTracker('ppt_Lhead') rightPosTracker=vizconnect.getRawTracker('ppt_Rhead') oriTracker=vizconnect.getRawTracker('osv3_sensor_bus') distance=0.37 from vizconnect.virtual_trackers import OpticalHeading rawTracker['optical_heading'] = OpticalHeading(leftPosTracker, rightPosTracker, oriTracker, distance=distance) # setting default default = 'ppt_Rhead' return rawTracker, default
def __init__(self, offset, particle=None, sensorNum=0, attachTo=viz.MainView, preTrans = [0, 0, 0.1778]) : viz.EventClass.__init__(self) self.offset = offset self.particle = particle self.sensorNum = sensorNum self.attachTo = attachTo self.preTran = preTrans = True self.vrpn = viz.add('vrpn6.dle') self.tracker = self.vrpn.addTracker('[email protected]', sensorNum) self.tracker.swapPos([1,3,2]) self.tracker.swapQuat([-1,-3,-2,4]) self.preMat = vizmat.Transform() self.preMat.preEuler([-90, 0, 0]); self.preMat.preTrans(self.preTran); self.postMat = vizmat.Transform(); self.postMat.postTrans(offset); vizact.ontimer(0, self.updateView) self.pos = [0,0,0] self.rot = [0, 0, 0, 0] self.turnOn()
def __init__(self, name='None', power=0, toughness=0, pos=[0, 0, 0], model='None'): """ Creates an item. use Item( name,description, power, toughness) """ Entity.Entity.__init__(self, name) #set name of object """ Sets object Name """ #self.description=description # ? a description of the object self.stats = Stats.Stats( power, toughness ) # ? an instance of stats, holding the power/toughness of the object. if model != 'None': self.model = viz.add(model, scene=3) #self.model.setScale(.1/3,.1/3,.1/3) self.model.setPosition(pos) print 'Item init, model pos' print self.model.getPosition()
def main(): global marker global current if marker.getVisible() and current == 1: current = 0 baseValueX1 = marker.getPosition(0)[0] #this denotes the X position baseValueY1 = marker.getPosition(0)[1] #this denotes the Y position baseValueZ1 = marker.getPosition(0)[2] #this denotes the Z position endValueX1 = endMarker.getPosition()[0] endValueY1 = endMarker.getPosition()[1] endValueZ1 = endMarker.getPosition()[2] arrow = viz.add('thesis/greenArrow.dae') scaleSize = 0.5 arrow.setScale(scaleSize, scaleSize, scaleSize) #change the size of arrow object arrow.setEuler(90) arrow.setPosition([baseValueX1, baseValueY1, baseValueZ1]) positions = [[baseValueX1, baseValueY1, baseValueZ1], [1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4]] for p in range(5): pinch = viz.addChild('thesis/niceHand_5.dae') scaleSize = 0.5 pinch.setScale(scaleSize, scaleSize, scaleSize) #change the size of arrow object pinch.setEuler([90, 0, 0]) pinch.setPosition(positions[p])
def start_avatar(): avatar = viz.add('vcc_female.cfg', pos = (0,0,4), euler=(180,0,0)) avatar.state(5) #Add avatar as a shadow caster shadow.addCaster(avatar)
def createCustomComposite(id=0): viz.logNotice('MotionNode Head Tracking') # Use general VRPN tracker. vrpn = viz.add('vrpn7.dle') PPT_VRPN = 'Tracker0@localhost' head = vrpn.addTracker(PPT_VRPN) # Need to change rotation axes from MotionNode # to Vizard conventions. head.swapQuat([-3, -2, -1, 4]) # Or, use the built in MotionNode tracker # support. #MotionNode = viz.add('MotionNode.dle') #head = MotionNode.addSensor() headfinal = viz.addGroup() headlink =, headfinal, enabled=False) import vizact vizact.onupdate(viz.PRIORITY_PLUGINS + 1, headlink.update) headlink.postTrans([0, 0.1, 0]) # Apply 10 cm translate in Y axis import vizuniverse as VU comp = VU.VUCompositeTrackers() comp.storeTracker(comp.HEAD, headfinal) comp.createAvatarNone() comp.defineViewpoint() comp.finishTrackers() return comp
def __init__(self, room, size, marker_num, hand='left'): VisualObject.__init__(self, room=room, shape='sphere', size=size) # remove the sphere and add the baseball glove self.vis_node.remove() model_path = 'res/glove_{}.OSGB'.format(hand) try: self.vis_node = viz.addChild(model_path) except: print 'Hand must be left or right.' # setup position and orientation tracking glove_tracker = ppt.add_tracker(1) isense = viz.add('intersense.dle') self.ori_tracker = isense.addTracker(port=0) self.ori_tracker.setCompass(0) self.ori_tracker.setEnhancement(0) self.ori_tracker.resetHeading() vizact.onkeydown('i', self.ori_tracker.resetHeading) if hand == 'left': pre_trans = [0.04, -0.02, 0] else: pre_trans = [-0.04, -0.02, 0] link =, target=self.vis_node, ori=self.ori_tracker, pre_trans=pre_trans) # setup physics object # TODO: do we really want this? self.toggleUpdatePhysWithVis()
def initAvatars(initFlag=vizconnect.INIT_INDEPENDENT, initList=None): #VC: place any general initialization code here rawAvatar = vizconnect.getRawAvatarDict() #VC: initialize a new avatar _name = 'male' if vizconnect.isPendingInit('avatar', _name, initFlag, initList): #VC: init the raw object if initFlag & vizconnect.INIT_RAW: #VC: create the raw object avatar = viz.add('vcc_male.cfg') avatar._bodyPartDict = {} avatar._handModelDict = {} rawAvatar[_name] = avatar #VC: init the wrapper (DO NOT EDIT) if initFlag & vizconnect.INIT_WRAPPERS: vizconnect.addAvatar(rawAvatar[_name], _name, make='Complete Characters', model='Male') #VC: init the animator if initFlag & vizconnect.INIT_ANIMATOR: # need to get the raw tracker dict for animating the avatars from vizconnect.util.avatar import animator from vizconnect.util.avatar import skeleton # get the skeleton from the avatar _skeleton = skeleton.CompleteCharacters(rawAvatar[_name]) #VC: set which trackers animate which body part # format is: bone: (tracker, parent, degrees of freedom used) _trackerAssignmentDict = { vizconnect.AVATAR_HEAD: (vizconnect.getTracker('look_at2').getNode3d(), None, vizconnect.DOF_6DOF), vizconnect.AVATAR_L_FOREARM: (vizconnect.getTracker('marker6').getNode3d(), None, vizconnect.DOF_6DOF), vizconnect.AVATAR_L_HAND: (vizconnect.getTracker('look_at').getNode3d(), None, vizconnect.DOF_6DOF), vizconnect.AVATAR_R_HAND: (vizconnect.getTracker('look_at3').getNode3d(), None, vizconnect.DOF_6DOF), } #VC: create the raw object _rawAnimator = animator.InverseKinematics(rawAvatar[_name], _skeleton, _trackerAssignmentDict) #VC: set animator in wrapper (DO NOT EDIT) vizconnect.getAvatar(_name).setAnimator(_rawAnimator, make='WorldViz', model='Inverse Kinematics') #VC: return values can be modified here return None
def fadeAndAppear(): ball = viz.add('soccerball.ive') ball.setPosition(2,2,0) yield viztask.addAction( ball, vizact.fadeTo(0,time=2) ) print 'done fading' yield viztask.addAction( ball, vizact.fadeTo(1,time=2) ) print 'done appearing'
def loadDisabledOceanScene(): # Add environments. global globeScene, city, skyDome2 globals_oa.ocean = vizfx.addChild(globals_oa.FILE_PATH_TO_WATER) globals_oa.ocean.setAnimationSpeed(0.5) globals_oa.terrainZone2 = vizfx.addChild(globals_oa.FILE_PATH_TO_ZONE2) globals_oa.currentZoneNumber = 1 #underwater collision transport_vhil.initializeOceanFloorCollision() transport_vhil.initializeOceanSurfaceCollision() globals_oa.ocean.disable(viz.RENDERING) globals_oa.terrainZone2.disable(viz.RENDERING) #load globescene assets globeScene = vizfx.addChild(globals_oa.FILE_PATH_TO_GLOBE) globeScene.setScale([0.2,0.2,0.2]) globeScene.setPosition([0,0,1]) globeScene.disable(viz.RENDERING) #load city scene assets city = vizfx.addChild(globals_oa.FILE_PATH_TO_CITY) city.setPosition([-8,0,11]) skyDome2 = viz.add('sky_day.osgb') city.disable(viz.RENDERING) skyDome2.disable(viz.RENDERING)
def __init__(self, offset, particle=None, sensorNum=0, attachTo=viz.MainView, preTrans=[0, 0, 0.1778]): viz.EventClass.__init__(self) self.offset = offset self.particle = particle self.sensorNum = sensorNum self.attachTo = attachTo self.preTran = preTrans = True self.vrpn = viz.add('vrpn6.dle') self.tracker = self.vrpn.addTracker('[email protected]', sensorNum) self.tracker.swapPos([1, 3, 2]) self.tracker.swapQuat([-1, -3, -2, 4]) self.preMat = vizmat.Transform() self.preMat.preEuler([-90, 0, 0]) self.preMat.preTrans(self.preTran) self.postMat = vizmat.Transform() self.postMat.postTrans(offset) vizact.ontimer(0, self.updateView) self.pos = [0, 0, 0] self.rot = [0, 0, 0, 0] self.turnOn()
def initInputs(initFlag=vizconnect.INIT_INDEPENDENT, initList=None): #VC: place any general initialization code here rawInput = vizconnect.getRawInputDict() #VC: initialize a new input _name = 'r_hand_input' if vizconnect.isPendingInit('input', _name, initFlag, initList): #VC: init the raw object if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_RAW: #VC: create the raw object rawInput[_name] = viz.mouse #VC: init the wrapper (DO NOT EDIT) if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_WRAPPERS: vizconnect.addInput(rawInput[_name], _name, make='Generic', model='Mouse Buttons') #VC: initialize a new input _name = 'keyboard' if vizconnect.isPendingInit('input', _name, initFlag, initList): #VC: init the raw object if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_RAW: #VC: set some parameters index = 0 #VC: create the raw object d = viz.add('directinput.dle') device = d.getKeyboardDevices()[index] rawInput[_name] = d.addKeyboard(device) #VC: init the wrapper (DO NOT EDIT) if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_WRAPPERS: vizconnect.addInput(rawInput[_name], _name, make='Generic', model='Keyboard') #VC: return values can be modified here return None
def initInputs(initFlag=vizconnect.INIT_INDEPENDENT, initList=None): #VC: place any general initialization code here rawInput = vizconnect.getRawInputDict() #VC: initialize a new input _name = 'keyboard' if vizconnect.isPendingInit('input', _name, initFlag, initList): #VC: init the raw object if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_RAW: #VC: set some parameters index = 0 #VC: create the raw object d = viz.add('directinput.dle') device = d.getKeyboardDevices()[index] rawInput[_name] = d.addKeyboard(device) #VC: init the wrapper (DO NOT EDIT) if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_WRAPPERS: vizconnect.addInput(rawInput[_name], _name, make='Generic', model='Keyboard') #VC: initialize a new input _name = 'mouse_buttons' if vizconnect.isPendingInit('input', _name, initFlag, initList): #VC: init the raw object if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_RAW: #VC: create the raw object rawInput[_name] = viz.mouse #VC: init the wrapper (DO NOT EDIT) if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_WRAPPERS: vizconnect.addInput(rawInput[_name], _name, make='Generic', model='Mouse Buttons') #VC: return values can be modified here return None
def Pau(): #Menu principal global current_scene current_scene = 4 bgTexture = viz.add(image['pau']) quad_bgtexture = viz.addTexQuad(parent=viz.SCREEN, scene=scenePau) quad_bgtexture.texture(bgTexture) quad_bgtexture.setScale(12.8, 10.24, 0) quad_bgtexture.setPosition(0.5, 0.5) viz.scene(scenePau) #Botones de interaccion btn_atras = viz.addButton(scene=scenePau) btn_atras.setPosition(0.60, 0.05) btn_atras.setScale(7, 1.6) btn_atras.downpicture(button['regresar']) btn_atras.uppicture(button['regresar']) #Botones de interaccion btn_sig = viz.addButton(scene=scenePau) btn_sig.setPosition(0.87, 0.05) btn_sig.setScale(7, 1.6) btn_sig.downpicture(button['portada_A']) btn_sig.uppicture(button['portada_A']) vizact.onbuttonup(btn_atras, Conant) vizact.onbuttonup(btn_sig, Diego)
def Instruction(objName, ITI, phase, feedback): viz.MainWindow.setScene(2) if phase: if feedback > 0: smile = viz.add('smile' + str(feedback) + '.tif') feed = viz.addTexQuad(parent=viz.SCREEN, scene=2, size=[500, 400]) feed.setPosition([0.5, 0.5, 0]) #put quad in view feed.texture(smile) yield viztask.waitTime(ITI - 1) feed.visible(0) Message = 'Collect ' + objName else: Message = 'Replace ' + objName #info info = viz.addText(Message, viz.SCREEN, scene=2) info.fontSize(36) info.color(viz.WHITE) info.setPosition([0.4, 0.5, 0]) info.visible(1) #wait for iti yield viztask.waitTime(ITI + 1) info.visible(0)
def setupPathView (): import vizcam # viz.MainWindow.ortho(-25,25,-15,20,-1,1) viz.MainView.setEuler(0,90,0) flmap=viz.add('models/floor_map.IVE') flmap.texture(viz.addTexture('textures/map_view.png'),'',0) cam = vizcam.PivotNavigate(distance=50) cam.centerNode(flmap)
def initializeObjectFiles(): global objectFiles commonAddress='C:\Users\Bryton\Desktop\Terrain Vizard\TerrainStuff\\' for i in range(len(objectAddresses)): objectFiles.append([]) for j in range(len(objectAddresses[i])): objectFiles[i].append(viz.add(commonAddress + objectAddresses[i][j])) objectFiles[i][j].visible(viz.OFF)
def addUser(): global mainUser # ---- Trackers ---- # Initialize an empty composite object to store all the trackers # The composite.storeTracker() method is used to combine the individual trackers for the user's body within the composite composite = VU.VUCompositeTrackers() vrpn = viz.add('vrpn7.dle') headPos = vrpn.addTracker( 'PPT0@'+PPT_MACHINE,PPT_HEAD_ID) if not OPTICAL_HEADING: iLabs = viz.addExtension( 'inertiallabs.dle' ) headOri = iLabs.addSensorBus(port=INERTIALLABS_HEAD_PORT)[0] VU.onkeydownspecial('r', resetHead, headOri, 90 ) # ---- Display ---- import sensics sensics.zSight_60() if not OPTICAL_HEADING: headTracker = viz.mergeLinkable( headPos, headOri ) else: headTracker = headPos composite.storeTracker (composite.HEAD, headTracker ) viz.setOption('viz.fullscreen', 1 ) # Go fullscreen on monitor 1 viz.setOption('viz.fov', [37.5, 1.25]) # Set fov to match sensics specs viz.setOption('viz.setDisplayMode', [1280,1024]) # Change resolution of displays # ---- Input ---- wandpos = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@' + PPT_MACHINE, PPT_WAND_ID) wandori = iLabs.addSensorBus(port=INERTIALLABS_HAND_PORT)[0] wandtracker = viz.mergeLinkable( wandpos, wandori ) # wandjoy = VU.VUJoystickPPTWandVRPN(hostname=PPT_MACHINE, markerid=PPT_WAND_ID+1) # wandflyer = VU.VUTrackerWandFlyerSmooth(wandjoy, wandtracker,accelerationSteps=Config.WAND_ACCELERATION_STEPS, decelerationSteps=Config.WAND_DECELERATION_STEPS, speed=Config.WAND_SPEED_SCALE, keystrokes=[Config.WAND_BUTTON1,Config.WAND_BUTTON2,Config.WAND_BUTTON3,Config.WAND_BUTTON4,Config.WAND_BUTTON5,Config.WAND_BUTTON6],buttonReset=None, buttonForward=None, buttonFist=None, oriSteer=False ) # wandflyer.getHandSensor().joystick = wandjoy # composite.addDriverNode(wandflyer) # composite.storeTracker( composite.RHAND, wandtracker ) #the following is beta: global main_sphere composite.storeTracker(composite.RHAND,wandtracker), main_sphere) #end beta. #not sure if u need this in beta: composite.createRightHand(wandori) VU.onkeydownspecial('r', resetHand, wandori, 90 ) # composite.storeTracker( composite.RHAND, wandtracker ) #composite.createRightHand(wandori) #,ball) # ---- Avatar ---- composite.createAvatarNone() # ---- Finalize Composite ---- composite.finishTrackers() # Build up internal links for all the tracking devices composite.defineViewpoint() # Attach viewpoint to default location on the user mainUser = composite manager.addComposite(mainUser, 'Main-User')
def __init__(self): # base class constructor viz.EventClass.__init__(self) self.desk = Model('desk\\model1.dae') self.shelf = Model('shelf\\model.dae') self.desk.setOrientation(3,0,4,1,90) self.shelf.setOrientation(0, .5, 0, 1, 0) self.deskPressed = False self.shelfPressed = False # set up keyboard and timer callback methods self.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT,self.onKeyDown) self.callback(viz.MOUSEDOWN_EVENT, self.onMouseDown) #avatar's postion and rotation angle self.x = 0.5 self.z = 0.5 self.theta = 0 # The 2D array below stores the representation of a maze. # Array entries containing a 2 represent 1 x 2 x 1 wall blocks. # Array entries containing a 0 represent 1 x 0.1 x 1 floor blocks. self.maze = [] self.maze = [[2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2]] + self.maze # row 8 self.maze = [[2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2]] + self.maze # row 7 self.maze = [[2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2]] + self.maze # row 6 self.maze = [[2,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,2]] + self.maze # row 5 self.maze = [[2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2]] + self.maze # row 4 self.maze = [[2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2]] + self.maze # row 2 self.maze = [[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2]] + self.maze # row 0 self.maze = [[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2]] + self.maze # row 1 self.maze = [[0,0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2]] + self.maze # row 0 # Add +x,+y,+z coordinate axes to scene to help with placing the blocks correctly self.addCoordinateAxes() # Code to create blocks forming the maze goes here for r in range(0,len(self.maze)): for c in range(0, len(self.maze[0])): if (self.maze[r][c] == 0): box = vizshape.addCube( size=1, color=viz.YELLOW ) mat = viz.Matrix() mat.postScale(1,.1,1) mat.postTrans(c+.5,0.05,r+.5) box.setMatrix( mat ) elif (self.maze[r][c] == 2): box = vizshape.addCube( size=1, color=viz.GREEN ) mat = viz.Matrix() mat.postScale(1,2,1) mat.postTrans(c+.5,1,r+.5) box.setMatrix( mat ) self.avatar = viz.add('vcc_female.cfg') mat = viz.Matrix() mat.postAxisAngle(0,1,0,self.theta) mat.postTrans(self.x,.1,self.z); self.avatar.setMatrix(mat) self.mode = "thirdperson"
def _setupOtherTrackers(otherTrackerVIDs): global vrpn if vrpn is None: vrpn = viz.add('vrpn7.dle') trackers = [] for id in otherTrackerVIDs: trackers.append(vrpn.addTracker(PPT_ADDRESS, id-1)) return trackers
def AddMap (self): self.flmap=viz.add('models/floor_map2.IVE') # self.flmap.texture(viz.addTexture('textures/map_view.png'),'',0) self.flmap.setPosition(0, .01, 0) #self.flmap.setScale(1, 1, 1.1) self.flmap.renderOnlyToWindows([self._window]) = viz.addTexQuad(parent=viz.ORTHO, scene=self._window) self.CreateInfoPanels() self.CreateScorePanel()
def __init__(self): # must call constructor of EventClass first!! viz.EventClass.__init__(self) self.x = 20 self.z = 20 self.y = 0 self.theta = 0 self.angl = 0 self.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT, self.onKeyDown) self.avatar = viz.add('vcc_female.cfg') self.avatar.disable(viz.INTERSECTION) print "Reading file greysriver.asc..." f = open('greysriver.asc', 'r') # first two lines are number of cols and rows cols = int(str.split(f.readline())[1]) rows = int(str.split(f.readline())[1]) # discard next 4 lines in file f.readline(), f.readline(), f.readline(), f.readline() # create 2D array of empty lists, one empty list for each row of data self.elevation = [[] for x in range(0, rows)] maxElevation = -50000 minElevation = 50000 # read in elevation data and keep track of max and min elevations for r in range(0, rows): for n in str.split(f.readline()): self.elevation[r].append(float(n)) if (float(n) > maxElevation): maxElevation = float(n) if (float(n) < minElevation): minElevation = float(n) # create triangle mesh viz.startLayer(viz.TRIANGLES) for r in range(rows - 1): for c in range(cols - 1): # create first triangle color = self.getColor(self.elevation[r][c], maxElevation, minElevation) viz.vertexColor(color) viz.vertex(c, self.elevation[r][c], r) viz.vertex(c + 1, self.elevation[r + 1][c + 1], r + 1) viz.vertex(c, self.elevation[r + 1][c], r + 1) # create second triangle color = self.getColor(self.elevation[r][c + 1], maxElevation, minElevation) viz.vertexColor(color) viz.vertex(c, self.elevation[r][c], r) viz.vertex(c + 1, self.elevation[r][c + 1], r) viz.vertex(c + 1, self.elevation[r + 1][c + 1], r + 1) self.t = viz.endLayer() self.y = self.elevation[20][20] + 1 self.transform()
def init3dMouse(self): connexion = viz.add('3dconnexion.dle') device = connexion.addDevice() device.setRotateScale([0,1,0]) device.setTranslateScale([0,0,1]) #link =, self.pointer, viz.REL_PARENT) #link.preEuler([0,90,0]) myTask = viztask.schedule( getCoords(device,self.pointer))
def init3dMouse(self): connexion = viz.add('3dconnexion.dle') device = connexion.addDevice() device.setRotateScale([0, 1, 0]) device.setTranslateScale([0, 0, 1]) #link =, self.pointer, viz.REL_PARENT) #link.preEuler([0,90,0]) myTask = viztask.schedule(getCoords(device, self.pointer))
def __init__(self, name, wall_length, wall_height, wall_depth, orientation, feedback_dir, position, visible=False): """ Args: name: wall_length: wall_height: wall_depth position: orientation: visible: """ # create collision wall object self.wall_object = viz.add( 'box.wrl', scale=[wall_length, wall_height, wall_depth]) self.wall_object.collideBox() self.wall_object.disable(viz.DYNAMICS) self.wall_object.enable(viz.COLLIDE_NOTIFY) = name self.wall_object.wall_length = wall_length self.wall_object.wall_height = wall_height self.wall_object.wall_depth = wall_depth self.wall_object.orientation = orientation # feedback direction parameter: can be + or - on an axis or 0 if no problem as is self.wall_object.feedback_dir = feedback_dir self.wall_object.position = position # make wall invisible if visible: self.wall_object.alpha(1) else: self.wall_object.alpha(0) if orientation == 'x': ori = [90, 0, 0] self.wall_object.color( viz.BLUE) # change color of x walls if visible elif orientation == 'z': ori = [0, 0, 0] self.wall_object.setPosition(position) self.wall_object.setEuler(ori)
def onKeyDown(key): if key == ' ': print 'Space Key Pressed' ball1 = viz.add('soccerball.ive') #Add an object. ball1.setPosition(1.0,-1,6.0) ballPhys1 = ball1.collideSphere(bounce=1.5) # Define ball's physical properties ball1.applyForce([0.01,0,0],1) if key == 'c': print 'Calculating edges and creating physical objects' createPhysicalObjects()
def initAvatars(initFlag=vizconnect.INIT_INDEPENDENT, initList=None): #VC: place any general initialization code here rawAvatar = vizconnect.getRawAvatarDict() #VC: initialize a new avatar _name = 'female' if vizconnect.isPendingInit('avatar', _name, initFlag, initList): #VC: init the raw object if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_RAW: #VC: create the raw object avatar = viz.add('vcc_female.cfg') avatar._bodyPartDict = {} avatar._handModelDict = {} rawAvatar[_name] = avatar #VC: init the wrapper (DO NOT EDIT) if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_WRAPPERS: vizconnect.addAvatar(rawAvatar[_name], _name, make='Complete Characters', model='Female') #VC: init the animator if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_ANIMATOR: # need to get the raw tracker dict for animating the avatars from vizconnect.util.avatar import animator from vizconnect.util.avatar import skeleton # get the skeleton from the avatar _skeleton = skeleton.CompleteCharacters(rawAvatar[_name]) #VC: set which trackers animate which body part # format is: bone: (tracker, parent, degrees of freedom used) _trackerAssignmentDict = { vizconnect.AVATAR_HEAD:(vizconnect.getTracker('rift_orientation_tracker').getNode3d(), None, vizconnect.DOF_ORI), } #VC: create the raw object _rawAnimator = animator.InverseKinematics(rawAvatar[_name], _skeleton, _trackerAssignmentDict) #VC: set animator in wrapper (DO NOT EDIT) vizconnect.getAvatar(_name).setAnimator(_rawAnimator, make='WorldViz', model='Inverse Kinematics') #VC: init the mappings for the wrapper if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_WRAPPER_MAPPINGS: #VC: on-state mappings if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_MAPPINGS_ON_STATE: vizconnect.getAvatar(_name).setOnStateEventList([ vizconnect.onstate(lambda rawInput: rawInput['joystick'].isButtonDown(3), vizconnect.getAvatar(_name).setVisible),# make=Generic, model=Joystick, name=joystick, signal=Button 3 ]) #VC: set the parent of the node if initFlag&vizconnect.INIT_PARENTS: vizconnect.getAvatar(_name).setParent(vizconnect.getTransport('walking')) #VC: return values can be modified here return None
def __init__(self): super(self.__class__, self).__init__() self._day = viz.add('resources/sky_day.osgb',parent=self._root) self._day.renderToBackground(order=8) self._environment = vizfx.addChild('resources/environment.osgb',parent=self._root) # self._environment.renderToBackground() self._waveGroup = viz.addGroup(parent=self._root) # self._wave_M = viz.addChild('resources/wave.osgb',cache=viz.CACHE_CLONE,pos=([0,1.5,0]),parent=self._waveGroup) # self._wave_B = viz.addChild('resources/wave.osgb',cache=viz.CACHE_CLONE,pos=([0,1.5,-50]),parent=self._waveGroup) self._newWalkway = vizfx.addChild('resources/walkway.osgb',pos=[0,0.25,0], parent=self._root)
def expertise_maze(): # setup viewpoint and positioning yield setup_view() # declare globals global signal global collide_coords global movement_time global coordinate_array global maze # clear the coordinate array coordinate_array = array([]) # Setup the objection "collision" signal = viztask.Signal() collide_coords = end_coords # Show instructions and wait for user signal until they are removed instructions = viz.addText('Please navigate to the blue wall', viz.SCREEN) instructions.fontSize(42) instructions.setPosition(.5, .5) instructions.alignment(viz.TEXT_CENTER_CENTER) yield viztask.waitKeyDown('m') instructions.remove() # show user fixation cross yield display_fix() # Load the maze maze_name = maze_root + '.IVE' maze = viz.add(maze_name) maze.visible(viz.OFF) yield maze.visible(viz.ON) # enable all of the global events joy_timer.setEnabled(viz.ON) coor_timer.setEnabled(viz.ON) write_onkey.setEnabled(viz.ON) quit_onkey.setEnabled(viz.ON) pos_timer.setEnabled(viz.ON) # reset and start the clock movement_time = TickTockTimer() movement_time.StartTimer() # wait for "collision" signal yield signal.wait() #disable and quit disable() write_trial_data() maze.remove()
def __init__(self, maze_type, subject, show_avatar_hands=False): # call constructor of superclass super(VisualMazeScene, self).__init__(background_noise=True) if not maze_type == 'baseline': # create proximity manager for maze ground units and corner types self.poi_manager = super(VisualMazeScene, self).create_proximity_manager() vizact.onkeydown('p', self.poi_manager.setDebug, viz.TOGGLE) # init drawing tool self.draw_tool = pencil.Pencil() self.draw_sphere = VisualMazeScene.add_sphere( 'draw_sphere', 0.1, viz.RED, [0, 0, 0], viz.OFF, False, None) # arrow for warning when head is leaving the maze path self.arrow = viz.add('resources/arrow.dae') self.arrow.visible(viz.OFF) self.arrow.setScale(2, 2, 2) self.arrow.color(viz.RED) # add draw frame 3D model self.drawing_frame = viz.add('resources/frame_model.osgb') self.drawing_frame.setScale(1.5, 1.5, 1.5) self.drawing_frame.visible(viz.OFF) # add local landmark (flash) self.flash_quad = screen_flash.Flasher(color=viz.WHITE) # reward feedback self.coin = viz.add('resources/model2.dae') self.coin.setScale(1, 1, 1) self.coin.visible(viz.OFF) # tracked 3D object for hand collision self.feedback_sphere_right = VisualMazeScene.add_sphere( 'wall_touch', 0.001, viz.WHITE, [0, 0, 0], viz.ON, False, None) self.feedback_sphere_right.setScale([0.29 * 350, 0.29 * 350, 0.01]) self.feedback_sphere_right.alpha(0)
def initializeObjectFiles(): global objectFiles for i in range(len(objectAddresses)): objectFiles.append([]) for j in range(len(objectAddresses[i])): #account for wheelbarro.ive ending tempending = ojbectEnding if (i == 2 and j == 5): tempending = '.ive' objectFiles[i].append(viz.add(commonAddress + objectAddresses[i][j] + tempending)) objectFiles[i][j].visible(viz.OFF)
def __init__(self, factory, pos): self.object = factory.add('models/boiler.ive') self.hatch = (self.object.insertGroupBelow('HatchDoorL'), self.object.insertGroupBelow('HatchDoorR')) self.gauge = self.object.insertGroupBelow('velona') fire = viz.add('textures/', loop=1, play=1) = viz.addTexQuad(texture=fire, pos=[.15,1.2,0], size=1.2, alpha=0) self.object.setPosition(pos) self.getComponents() #this is called by the AddProximitySensors() of the main module self.proximityData = (vizproximity.RectangleArea([5,5]), self.object)
def ShowTotalScore (self): #add third row with the total score if not added already try: self._total.alignment(viz.ALIGN_RIGHT_BASE) except: row3text = viz.addText(self.tooltips['score']) row3text.font("Segoe UI") row3icon = viz.addTexQuad(size=25, texture=viz.add('textures/total_icon.png')) self._total= viz.addText('000') self._total.font("Segoe UI") self._total.alignment(viz.ALIGN_RIGHT_BASE) self._scorePanel.addRow([row3icon, row3text, self._total])
def initAvatars(): avatars = [] for d in AVATAR_DATA: avatar = viz.add(d.file, euler=AVATAR_EULER) avatar.setPosition( Seats.getseat( ) avatar.state(d.state) avatar.teleSeatIDs = d.teleSeatIDs avatar.story = d.story avatar.stateNum = d.state avatars.append(avatar) return avatars
def __init__(self, filename): # read model data from file and add to scene graph self.node = viz.add(filename) # model's location in world self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.z = 0 # model's scale self.s = 1 # model's rotation about the Y axis (in degrees) self.yrot = 0 self.setTransMatrix()
def CreateScorePanel(self): self._newScore = None #holds the temp score after each update self._scorePanel = vizdlg.GridPanel(window=self._window, skin=vizdlg.ModernSkin, spacing=-10, align=vizdlg.ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP, margin=0) row1text = viz.addText(self.tooltips['points']) row1text.font("Segoe UI") self._scoreIcon = viz.addTexQuad(size=25, texture=viz.add('textures/star_yellow_256.png')) self._score= viz.addText('000') self._score.font("Segoe UI") self._score.alignment(viz.ALIGN_RIGHT_BASE) self._scorePanel.addRow([self._scoreIcon, row1text, self._score]) row2text = viz.addText(self.tooltips['oil']) row2text.font("Segoe UI") self._oilIcon = viz.addTexQuad(size=25, texture=viz.add('textures/oil_icon.png')) self._oil= viz.addText('000') self._oil.font("Segoe UI") self._oil.alignment(viz.ALIGN_RIGHT_BASE) self._scorePanel.addRow([self._oilIcon, row2text, self._oil]) self._scorePanel.setCellAlignment(vizdlg.ALIGN_RIGHT_TOP) #place the score board at the top right corner of the window, self._scorePanel, offset=(-10,-45,0))
def addBusLight(scene=viz.MainScene): busLightModel = viz.add("Bus Light.vzf", scene=scene) light = viz.addLight(scene=scene, group=1), light) light.position(0, 0, 0, 1) busLightModel.emissive(viz.WHITE) busLightModel.setEuler([0, 90.0, 0]) light.color(viz.WHITE) intensity = 3 light.intensity(intensity) light.quadraticattenuation(1) return busLightModel
def setup(): global lhPPT, rhPPT, headPPT, headLink; global lhSphere, rhSphere nvis.nvisorSX111(); #nvis.nvisorSX60(); viz.mouse.setVisible(False) #viz.cursor(viz.OFF); view = viz.MainView isense = viz.add('intersense.dle') headTracker = isense.addTracker(port=1) vizact.onkeydown('r',headTracker.resetHeading) vrpn = viz.add('vrpn7.dle'); PPT_HOSTNAME = ''; headPPTorig = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@' + PPT_HOSTNAME, 0); #Merge two links together headPPT = viz.mergeLinkable(headPPTorig,headTracker) headLink =, viz.MainView); headLink.postTrans([EYE_VECTOR[0], EYE_VECTOR[1], EYE_VECTOR[2]]); #now add the PPT hands tracker rhPPT = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@' + PPT_HOSTNAME, 1) lhPPT = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@' + PPT_HOSTNAME, 2) grid = vizshape.addGrid(); grid.color([0.5] * 3); viz.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT, onKeyDown); if(DEBUG_MODE): print "adding spheres"; rhSphere = vizshape.addSphere(radius = 0.1, color = viz.WHITE); lhSphere = vizshape.addSphere(radius = 0.1, color = viz.WHITE); rfSphere = vizshape.addSphere(radius = 0.1, color = viz.WHITE); lfSphere = vizshape.addSphere(radius = 0.1, color = viz.WHITE); return;
def AddPanel(self, langu): self._hud = viz.addGroup(viz.ORTHO, scene=self._window) panel = viz.addTexQuad(parent=viz.ORTHO, scene=self._window, size=200) panel.texture(viz.addTexture('textures/panel.png', useCache = True)) panel.setParent(self._hud) self.tag = viz.addTexQuad(parent=viz.ORTHO, scene=self._window, size=200) self.tag.texture(viz.addTexture('textures/p'+str(self._player)+'_tag.png', useCache = True)) self.tag.setParent(self._hud) #add the player name as a child of the panel self._name = viz.addText(self._name, panel) self._name.alignment(viz.ALIGN_CENTER_TOP) self._name.font("Segoe UI") self._name.color(viz.BLACK) self._name.fontSize(14) self._name.resolution(.5) self._name.setScale(1.5,.75,1) self._name.setPosition(3,92,0) self._name.setParent(self._hud) #add the user feedback message self._message = viz.addText('', viz.ORTHO, self._window) self._message.alignment(viz.ALIGN_LEFT_TOP) self._message.font("Segoe UI") self._message.color(viz.BLACK) self._message.fontSize(13) self._message.resolution(.5) self._message.setScale(1.5,.75,1) self._message.setPosition(-80,32,0) self._message.setParent(self._hud) #add the collab icon self._collabTextures = [viz.add('textures/signs'+langu+'/collab0.png'), viz.add('textures/signs'+langu+'/collab1.png')] self._collabIcon = viz.addTexQuad(parent=viz.ORTHO, scene=self._window, size=150) self._collabIcon.texture(self._collabTextures[0]) self._collabIcon.setParent(self._hud) self._collabIcon.drawOrder(20) self._collabIcon.setPosition(0, -65, 10) self._collabIcon.setScale(1,.4,1) self._collabIcon.alpha(0) self.ResizePanel() #add the info panels self.CreateInfoPanels()
def setupTarget(): viztask.waitTime(5) target = viz.add('arm/all_target.wrl') target.setScale(.01, .01, .01) target.setEuler(0, 90, 0) target.setPosition([-1.35, 1.5, -1.5]) reportTargetTime() #Adds invisible cube that launches fire global targetcube targetcube = [] targetcube.append(TouchCube()) targetcube[0].setPosition([-1.35, 1.5, -1.5])
def _setupHeadTrackers(hmd, OH): global vrpn if vrpn is None: vrpn = viz.add('vrpn7.dle') POS_TRACKER = vrpn.addTracker(PPT_ADDRESS, 0) ORI_TRACKER = hmd.getSensor() if OH: print 'vhil_devkit: Optical heading setup not yet implemented - set OH to False.' else: tracker = viz.mergeLinkable(POS_TRACKER, ORI_TRACKER) oculusViewLink =, MainView) oculusViewLink.preTrans(OCULUSVIEWLINK_PRETRANS)
def initInputs(initFlag=vizconnect.INIT_INDEPENDENT, initList=None): #VC: place any general initialization code here rawInput = vizconnect.getRawInputDict() #VC: initialize a new input _name = 'flystick' if vizconnect.isPendingInit('input', _name, initFlag, initList): #VC: init the raw object if initFlag & vizconnect.INIT_RAW: #VC: set some parameters hostname = '' #VC: create the raw object from vizconnect.util.input import vrpn_joystick sensor = vrpn_joystick.VRPNJoystick(basename='DTrack', hostname=hostname) rawInput[_name] = sensor #VC: init the wrapper (DO NOT EDIT) if initFlag & vizconnect.INIT_WRAPPERS: vizconnect.addInput(rawInput[_name], _name, make='ART', model='Flystick') #VC: initialize a new input _name = 'keyboard' if vizconnect.isPendingInit('input', _name, initFlag, initList): #VC: init the raw object if initFlag & vizconnect.INIT_RAW: #VC: set some parameters index = 0 #VC: create the raw object d = viz.add('directinput.dle') device = d.getKeyboardDevices()[index] rawInput[_name] = d.addKeyboard(device) #VC: init the wrapper (DO NOT EDIT) if initFlag & vizconnect.INIT_WRAPPERS: vizconnect.addInput(rawInput[_name], _name, make='Generic', model='Keyboard') #VC: set the name of the default vizconnect.setDefault('input', 'flystick') #VC: return values can be modified here return None
def __init__(self): # base class constructor viz.EventClass.__init__(self) # set up keyboard and timer callback methods self.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT, self.onKeyDown) # avatar's x,z location in maze and its rotation angle self.theta = 0 self.x = 0.5 self.z = 0.5 self.fp = False # The 2D array below stores the representation of a maze. # Array entries containing a 2 represent 1 x 2 x 1 wall blocks. # Array entries containing a 0 represent 1 x 0.1 x 1 floor blocks. self.maze = [] self.maze = [[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]] + self.maze # row 8 self.maze = [[2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2]] + self.maze # row 7 self.maze = [[2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2]] + self.maze # row 6 self.maze = [[2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2]] + self.maze # row 5 self.maze = [[2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2]] + self.maze # row 4 self.maze = [[2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2]] + self.maze # row 2 self.maze = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2]] + self.maze # row 0 self.maze = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2]] + self.maze # row 1 self.maze = [[0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]] + self.maze # row 0 # Add +x,+y,+z coordinate axes to scene to help with placing the blocks correctly self.addCoordinateAxes() # Code to create blocks forming the maze goes here for x in range(0, len(self.maze)): for z in range(0, len(self.maze[0])): if self.maze[x][z] == 0: block = vizshape.addCube(size=1, color=viz.YELLOW) mat = viz.Matrix() mat.postScale(1, 0.1, 1) mat.postTrans(x + .5, .05, z + .5) block.setMatrix(mat) elif self.maze[x][z] == 2: block = vizshape.addCube(size=1, color=viz.GREEN) mat = viz.Matrix() mat.postScale(1, 2, 1) mat.postTrans(x + .5, 1, z + .5) block.setMatrix(mat) self.avatar = viz.add('vcc_female.cfg') mat = viz.Matrix() mat.postTrans(self.x, .1, self.z) self.avatar.setMatrix(mat) self.avatar.state(1)
def practice_maze(): # declare globals global coordinate_array global movement_time global maze # Display instructions until they are removed practice_instructions = viz.addText( 'This practice session is designed to help you get used to\n using the joystick. Navigate through the hallways using\n the joystick until you are comfortable using to move.', viz.SCREEN) practice_instructions.fontSize(42) practice_instructions.setPosition(.5, .5) practice_instructions.alignment(viz.TEXT_CENTER_CENTER) yield viztask.waitKeyDown('m') practice_instructions.remove() # show user fixation cross yield display_fix() # setup viewpoint and positioning yield setup_view() # load the maze maze_name = maze_root + '.IVE' maze = viz.add(maze_name) maze.visible(viz.OFF) yield maze.visible(viz.ON) # load coordinate_array in clear it so that previous trial data is gone coordinate_array = array([]) # enable all of the global events joy_timer.setEnabled(viz.ON) coor_timer.setEnabled(viz.ON) write_onkey.setEnabled(viz.ON) quit_onkey.setEnabled(viz.ON) # reset and start the clock movement_time = TickTockTimer() movement_time.StartTimer() # stay in maze until experimenter presses a key... yield viztask.waitKeyDown('m') # disable events and quit maze disable() write_trial_data() maze.remove()
def CreateAvatar(startLocation, avatarScale=0.35, visible=viz.OFF): avatar = viz.add('female.cfg') avatar.destination = startLocation avatar.interrupted = "No" avatar.backupMoveProbability = None avatar.moveProbability = None (position, rotation) = __state2viz(startLocation) avatar.visible(visible) avatar.translate(position) avatar.rotate(rotation) avatar.scale(avatarScale, avatarScale, avatarScale) avatar.idlepose(12) return avatar
def __init__(self): viz.EventClass.__init__(self) self.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT, self.onKeyDown) self.callback(viz.TIMER_EVENT, self.onTimer) #self.callback(viz.MOUSEDOWN_EVENT, self.onMouse) self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.z = 0 #self.rotate = 0 self.pitch = 0 self.roll = 0 self.yaw = 0 space = viz.add(viz.ENVIRONMENT_MAP, 'Skybox/stars.jpg') skybox = viz.add('skydome.dlc') skybox.texture(space) self.model = None self.xWing = viz.add('x-wing/x-wing.dae') self.tie = viz.add('tie/tie.dae') self.destroyer = viz.add('destroyer/[.dae]/republic assault ship.dae') print("Destroyer is at {}".format(self.destroyer.getCenter())) self.destroyer.setScale(15, 15, 15) self.destroyer.setPosition(0, -50, 600) self.picking = True self.pickShip() self.starttimer(1, 1 / 20, viz.FOREVER) self.callback(viz.MOUSEDOWN_EVENT, self.onClick)
def _connectWiiMote(self): wii = viz.add('wiimote.dle') #Add wiimote extension # Replace old wiimote if (self.wiimote): print 'Wiimote removed.' self.wiimote.remove() self.wiimote = wii.addWiimote() # Connect to first available wiimote vizact.onexit( self.wiimote.remove) # Make sure it is disconnected on quit self.wiimote.led = wii.LED_1 | wii.LED_4 #Turn on leds to show connection
def finalDemo(): sky.remove() Panel.remove() piazza = viz.add('gallery.osgb') Panel2 = vizinfo.InfoPanel( "You may now take off the headset, Thank you for your participation", parent=canvas, align=viz.ALIGN_CENTER, fontSize=22, icon=False, title="Finished") Panel2.alpha(.8) navigationNode = viz.addGroup() viewLink =, viz.MainView) viewLink.preMultLinkable(hmd.getSensor()) viewLink.setOffset([0, 1.8, 0]), Panel2, offset=(400, 230, 0))