def main(): global loc_list global active_location loc_list = [] mainSceneWindow = None cameraWindow = None cameraWindowView = None cam = None pause_screen = None nunchuck_disconnect_screen = None message_screen = None wiimote = None nunchuck_wiimote = None should_it_run = None mainSceneWindow, cameraWindow, cameraWindowView, cam, pause_screen, nunchuck_disconnect_screen, message_screen, wiimote, nunchuck_wiimote, should_it_run = init_settings(mainSceneWindow, cameraWindow, cameraWindowView, cam, pause_screen, nunchuck_disconnect_screen, message_screen, wiimote, nunchuck_wiimote, should_it_run) vizact.ontimer(0, moveCamera, nunchuck_wiimote, should_it_run) viz.callback(wii.EXT_CONNECT_EVENT,onConnect) viz.callback(wii.EXT_DISCONNECT_EVENT,onDisconnect) initializer(loc_list) arMarkerLoader(cam) wiimoteInitializer(wiimote, nunchuck_wiimote, should_it_run, message_screen) viz.go() # Inicia VIZ for item in loc_list: if item.space_name == "piazza.osgb": active_location = item item.addLocation()
def setup_world(self): viz.setOption('viz.fullscreen.monitor', 1) #viz.setOption('viz.window.width', 2560) #viz.setOption('viz.window.height', 1040) #viz.setMultiSample(4) #viz.MainWindow.clip(0.01, 500) #viz.vsync(1) vizconfig.register(nvis.nvisorSX111()) viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN)
def main(): global TRACKER viz.go(0) # configure the phasespace. mocap = vrlab.Phasespace('', freq=100., postprocess=True) mocap.start_thread() TRACKER = mocap.track_points(M) viztask.schedule(workflow)
def go(self): """Use this command to start the application.""" if self.__cave_mode: viz.go(viz.STEREO | viz.FULLSCREEN) else: viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) viz.mouse.setOverride(viz.ON) self.callback(viz.UPDATE_EVENT,self.__onUpdate)
def main(): viz.vsync(viz.ON) viz.window.setFullscreenMonitor([2]) viz.setMultiSample(4) viz.MainWindow.clip(0.01, 200) viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) environment = viz.addChild("piazza.osgb") environment.setPosition(2.75, 0, -0.75) mocap = phasespace.Phasespace() head = mocap.get_rigidTracker("hmd") # DOES NOT ACCOUNT FOR RIGID BODY OFFSET DURING RESET # mocap.track_rigid('Resources/hmd-nvisMount.rb', center_markers=(1,2)) head.link_pose(viz.MainView) # glove = mocap.track_points([8, 9, 10]) paddle = mocap.track_rigid({17: (0, 0, 1), 19: (0, 0, 0), 20: (1, 0, 0), 22: (0, 1, 0)}) mocap.start_thread() # mocap.start_timer() def log_mocap(timer_id): # print 'glove#9 pos {0[1]:.2f} {0[1]:.2f} {0[2]:.2f}'.format(*glove.get_marker(9)) print "head pos {0[0]:.2f} {0[1]:.2f} {0[2]:.2f}, quat {1[0]:.3f} {1[1]:.3f} {1[2]:.3f} {1[3]:.3f}".format( *head.get_pose() ) print "main " + str(viz.MainView.getPosition()) # print 'paddle pos {0[0]:.2f} {0[1]:.2f} {0[2]:.2f}, quat {1[0]:.3f} {1[1]:.3f} {1[2]:.3f} {1[3]:.3f}'.format(*paddle.get_pose()) viz.callback(viz.TIMER_EVENT, log_mocap) viz.starttimer(0, 1, viz.FOREVER) def keydown(key): if key == "h": head.reset() if key == "H": elif key == "1": print "Marker Pos: " + str(mocap.get_MarkerPos(1)) viz.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT, keydown)
def __setupVizParams__(self): #Just playing here# #viz.setMultiSample(8) #viz.fov(120) #Check monitor refresh rate and set stereo mode accordingly# monitor_RefreshRate = viz.getOption('viz.monitor.refresh_rate', type=int) #if(119 <= monitor_RefreshRate): #Turn on the physics engine viz.phys.enable() viz.window.setFullscreenMonitor(2) viz.setMultiSample(8) viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN | viz.QUAD_BUFFER) print "here"
def __init__(self): viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN |viz.QUAD_BUFFER) viz.window.setFullscreen(1) ##################### #setup CAVE polyMode = viz.POLY_WIRE #viz.setFarPlane(1) #viz.setMultiSample(4) #didn't observe a difference in landscapes with anti-aliasing. viz.window.setPolyMode(viz.POLY_WIRE) viz.vsync(viz.ON)#this may increase frame rate but may get tears viz.ipd(0.2) #20 cm apart eyes seemed right for our scaling. self.cave = vizcave.Cave()
def InitHMD(): global collisionLimbBoxes if(USE_HMD): pptExtension.setup(); viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) viz.clip(0.1) vizact.onupdate(0, pptExtension.pptUpdate, avatar, ghostAvatar, collisionLimbBoxes); if(len(collisionLimbBoxes) > 0): vizact.ontimer(1, pptExtension.refreshAvatar, ghostAvatar, avatar, collisionLimbBoxes); else: vizact.ontimer(1, pptExtension.refreshAvatar, ghostAvatar, avatar, None); else: pptSimulation.setup(avatar); viz.clip(0.1) viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN); vizact.onupdate(0, pptSimulation.pptUpdate, avatar, ghostAvatar, collisionLimbBoxes);
def InitHMD(): #BL:start global collisionLimbBoxes # if USE_HMD: pptextension.setup() if some_global_variables.headTrackingActive: viz.go(viz.HMD | viz.TRACKER) else: viz.go() viz.window.setSize(1260, 950) #viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) #BL:end viz.clip(0.1) vizact.onupdate(0, pptextension.pptUpdate, some_global_variables.avatar, some_global_variables.ghostAvatar, collisionLimbBoxes); if(len(collisionLimbBoxes) > 0): vizact.ontimer(1, pptextension.refreshAvatar, some_global_variables.ghostAvatar, some_global_variables.avatar, collisionLimbBoxes); else: vizact.ontimer(1, pptextension.refreshAvatar, some_global_variables.ghostAvatar, some_global_variables.avatar, None);
def main(): viz.setOption('viz.fullscreen.monitor', 1) viz.setOption('viz.window.width', 2 * 640) viz.setOption('viz.window.height', 480) viz.setMultiSample(4) viz.MainWindow.clip(0.01, 500) vizconfig.register(nvis.nvisorSX111()) viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) piazza = viz.addChild('piazza.osgb') mocap = phasespace.Mocap('') head = mocap.track_rigid('Resources/hmd-nvis.rb', center_markers=(0, 5)) head.link_pose(viz.MainView) glove = mocap.track_points([8, 9, 10]) paddle = mocap.track_rigid({ 17:(0, 0, 1), 19:(0, 0, 0), 20:(1, 0, 0), 22:(0, 1, 0), }) mocap.start_thread() #mocap.start_timer() def log_mocap(timer_id): print 'glove#9 pos {0[1]:.2f} {0[1]:.2f} {0[2]:.2f}'.format(*glove.get_marker(9)) print 'head pos {0[0]:.2f} {0[1]:.2f} {0[2]:.2f}, quat {1[0]:.3f} {1[1]:.3f} {1[2]:.3f} {1[3]:.3f}'.format(*head.get_pose()) print 'paddle pos {0[0]:.2f} {0[1]:.2f} {0[2]:.2f}, quat {1[0]:.3f} {1[1]:.3f} {1[2]:.3f} {1[3]:.3f}'.format(*paddle.get_pose()) viz.callback(viz.TIMER_EVENT, log_mocap) viz.starttimer(0, 1, viz.FOREVER) def keydown(*args): head.reset() paddle.reset() viz.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT, keydown)
def vhilGo(rift=False, ppt1=False, OH=False, otherTrackerVirtualIDs=[], debug=False, homePos=[0,1.82,0], homeOri=[0,0,0]): #, **kwargs global RIFT global PPT1 global DEBUG global HOME_POS global HOME_ORI # Run-context constants # RIFT = rift # Indicates whether we are going to run the simulation on an Oculus Rift. PPT1 = ppt1 # Indicates whether we are going to run the simulation in PPT1. DEBUG = debug # Indicates whether we are going to run the simulation in debug mode, enabling extra controls and features # HOME_POS, HOME_ORI: Starting position and orientation of viz.MainView. # reset() resets to the home position and home orientation by default. HOME_POS = homePos HOME_ORI = homeOri viz.go() reset() return setupHardware(OH, otherTrackerVirtualIDs)
def InitHMD(): # BL:start global collisionLimbBoxes, isLeftHanded if USE_HMD: viz.go(viz.HMD | viz.TRACKER) viz.window.setSize(1260, 950) pptExtension.setup(isLeftHanded) # viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) # BL:end viz.clip(0.1) vizact.onupdate(0, pptExtension.pptUpdate, avatar, ghostAvatar, collisionLimbBoxes) if len(collisionLimbBoxes) > 0: vizact.ontimer(1, pptExtension.refreshAvatar, ghostAvatar, avatar, collisionLimbBoxes) else: vizact.ontimer(1, pptExtension.refreshAvatar, ghostAvatar, avatar, None) else: pptSimulation.setup(avatar) viz.clip(0.1) viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) vizact.onupdate(0, pptSimulation.pptUpdate, avatar, ghostAvatar, collisionLimbBoxes)
def InitHMD(): global collisionLimbBoxes if(USE_HMD): #BL:start viz.go(viz.HMD | viz.TRACKER) viz.window.setSize(1260, 950) pptExtension.setup(); #viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) #BL:end viz.clip(0.1) vizact.onupdate(0, pptExtension.pptUpdate, avatar, ghostAvatar, collisionLimbBoxes); if(len(collisionLimbBoxes) > 0): vizact.ontimer(1, pptExtension.refreshAvatar, ghostAvatar, avatar, collisionLimbBoxes); else: vizact.ontimer(1, pptExtension.refreshAvatar, ghostAvatar, avatar, None); else: pptSimulation.setup(avatar); viz.clip(0.1) viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN); vizact.onupdate(0, pptSimulation.pptUpdate, avatar, ghostAvatar, collisionLimbBoxes);
def setUp(): global currentCondition viz.setMultiSample(8) initGlobals() currentCondition = viz.choose('Select condition:', CONDITION_CHOICES) print "CurCondition:", currentCondition setFlags() # setUpRecording() # # if YOKE_F: # setUpYoke() # # if not FLYING_F: # setUpHelicopter() # # if(not confirmStates(currentCondition)): # viz.quit() # finish() #TODO make it so that on failure no files are created. # return # # #configData() if USE_HMD_F: setUpHMD() if not FLYING_F: setHeliInitPos() else: viz.go() viz.MainView.setPosition(START_POSITION_HELI) setUpWorld() setUpChild() setUpSound()
def __init__(self, filename=''): '''Opens and interprets configuration files for running experiments. This constructor opens both the system config (as defined by the <platform>.cfg file) and the experiment config (as defined by the given filename). Both configurations must conform the specs given in SYSTEM.ini and experiment.ini respectively. It also initializes the system as specified in the system config. ''' self.exp = self.create_exp_config(filename) self.sys = self.create_sys_config() for path in self.sys['set_path']: viz.res.addPath(path) viz.window.setFullscreenMonitor(self.sys['displays']) viz.setMultiSample(self.sys['antiAliasPasses']) viz.MainWindow.clip(0.01, 200) self.writables = [] self.writer = None self.mocap = None self.body_camera = None self._setup_hmd() self._setup_recorder() self._setup_eyetracking() self._setup_phasespace() self._setup_hiball() self.writables.append(self.mocap) self.writables.append(self.body_camera) if self.sys['use_fullscreen']: viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) else: viz.go()
def setUpHMD(): global lhTracker, rhTracker, flyingLink, headTracker viz.window.setSize(1520,1205) viz.go(viz.TRACKER) view = viz.MainView # isense = viz.add('intersense.dle') # headTracker = isense.addTracker(port=1) # vizact.onkeydown('r',headTracker.resetHeading) #vrpn = viz.add('vrpn7.dle') #Tracker_HOSTNAME = '' from vizconnect.util.virtual_trackers import OpticalHeading import steamvr # vive view will take the Main View (viz.MainView) hmd = steamvr.HMD() ### Trackers ### ORI_TRACKER = hmd.getSensor() offsetMarkerNode = viz.addGroup() headTracker =, offsetMarkerNode) lhTracker = steamvr.getControllerList()[0] rhTracker = steamvr.getControllerList()[1] viveViewLink =, viz.MainView) if FLYING_F: flyingLink = viveViewLink flyingLink.postTrans(START_POSITION_BASE)
def vhilGo( vive=False, ppt1=False, OH=False, otherTrackerVirtualIDs=[], debug=False, homePos=[0, 1.82, 0], homeOri=[0, 0, 0], keyboardcontrol=True, mode=0, **kwargs ): global VIVE global PPT1 global DEBUG global HOME_POS global HOME_ORI # Run-context constants # VIVE = vive # Indicates whether we are going to run the simulation on an HTC Vive. PPT1 = ppt1 # Indicates whether we are going to run the simulation in PPT1. DEBUG = ( debug ) # Indicates whether we are going to run the simulation in debug mode, enabling extra controls and features # HOME_POS, HOME_ORI: Starting position and orientation of viz.MainView. # reset() resets to the home position and home orientation by default. HOME_POS = homePos HOME_ORI = homeOri viz.go(mode) if keyboardcontrol: keyboardControl(viz.MainView) return setupHardware(OH, otherTrackerVirtualIDs, **kwargs)
def display(self): """ Initialize the display Mode selection: 0 - Regular computer 1 - 3D TV 2 - Oculus rift """ if self.displayMode == 0: viz.setMultiSample(4) viz.fov(60) viz.window.setSize([1280,720]) viz.go() viz.window.setFullscreenMonitor(1) # viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) #viz.FULLSCREEN elif self.displayMode == 1: viz.setMultiSample(4) viz.go(viz.STEREO_HORZ | viz.FULLSCREEN) elif self.displayMode == 2: viz.go(viz.STEREO_HORZ) viz.setMultiSample(16) viz.window.setSize([1280,720]) KEYS = { 'reset' : 'r', 'camera' : 'c'} # Helps reduce latency #do not use ? makes things worse. #viz.setOption('viz.glFinish',1) elif self.displayMode == 3: viz.setMultiSample(4) viz.fov(60) viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) #viz.FULLSCREEN viz.window.setFullscreenMonitor(2) # Initial direction of main view viz.MainView.setEuler([0,0,0]) viz.MainView.setPosition([0,0,-3], viz.ABS_GLOBAL)
def __setupSystem(self): # Set up the wiimote ################################################################ ################################################################ ## Misc. Design specific items here. if (self.sysCfg['use_wiimote']): # Create wiimote holder self.wiimote = 0 self._connectWiiMote() ################################################################ ## HMD #Set up the HMD if self.sysCfg['use_hmd']: self.hmd = HMD(self.sysCfg['hmd'], True, displayList=self.sysCfg['displays']) self.use_HMD = True else: self.hmd = HMD(self.sysCfg['hmd'], False) self.use_HMD = False viz.setMultiSample(self.sysCfg['antiAliasPasses']) viz.MainWindow.clip(0.01, 200) #viz.vsync(1) viz.setOption("viz.glfinish", 1) viz.setOption("viz.dwm_composition", 0) ################################################################ ## Recording if self.sysCfg['use_DVR'] == 1: self.use_DVR = True else: self.use_DVR = False self.writer = None #Will get initialized later when the system starts #Set up the eye tracking callibration/configuration (eyeTrackingCal) ################################################################ ## Eyetracking if self.sysCfg['use_eyetracking']: self.use_eyeTracking = True if self.sysCfg['hmd']['type'] == 'nvis': import EyeTrackerCalibrationNVIS_MT self.eyeTrackingCal = EyeTrackerCalibrationNVIS_MT.EyeTrackerCalibrationNVIS( self.sysCfg['eyetracker']['settingsDir']) self.eyeTrackingCal.changeDisplayNum( self.sysCfg['displays'][0]) print "Eye tracking enabled using NVIS visor" else: print "Error in VRLabConfig: Eye-tracking not setup for this HMD." sys.exit(1) else: self.use_eyeTracking = False self.eyeTrackingCal = None ################################################################ ## Mocap #self.writables.append(self.eyeTrackingCal) self.mocap = None self.bodyCam = None if self.sysCfg['use_phasespace']: #from mocapInterface import phasespaceInterface #self.mocap = phasespaceInterface(self.sysCfg); from mocapInterface import phasespaceInterface self.mocap = phasespaceInterface(self.sysCfg) self.use_phasespace = True else: self.use_phasespace = False if self.sysCfg['use_hiball']: from HiBallCameraMT import HiBallCamera #self.mocap = HiBallCamera(self.sysCfg['hiball']['origin'], self.sysCfg['hiball']['scale'], None, None, self.sysCfg, None); self.mocap = HiBallCamera( self.sysCfg['hiball']['origin'], particle=None, sensorNum=self.sysCfg['hiball']['headCam'], attachTo=viz.MainView, preTrans=self.sysCfg['hiball']['preTransHead']) if self.sysCfg['hiball']['bodyCam'] != -1: self.bodyCam = HiBallCamera( self.sysCfg['hiball']['origin'], particle=None, sensorNum=self.sysCfg['hiball']['bodyCam'], attachTo=None, preTrans=self.sysCfg['hiball']['preTransBody']) else: self.bodyCam = None self.use_hiball = True else: self.use_hiball = False self.writables.append(self.mocap) self.writables.append(self.bodyCam) if self.sysCfg['use_fullscreen']: viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) else: viz.go()
def __init__(self): viz.EventClass.__init__(self) ### Real - world measurements of the display. Specifies a 'viewport' into the virtual world. self.EH = 1.2 Proj_Dist = 1.0 #front projection distance to Eye Proj_V_F = 1.115 #vertical extent of projection (m) Proj_H_F = 1.985 #1.96#horizontal extent of projection (m) Proj_HfG = .665 #Front projection height from ground. FB = Proj_HfG #FrontBottom FT = Proj_HfG + Proj_V_F #FrontTop FL = -Proj_H_F / 2 #Front Left FR = Proj_H_F / 2 #Front Right FC0 = FL, FB, Proj_Dist # Front Wall: FC0,FC1,FC2,FC3 FC1 = FR, FB, Proj_Dist FC2 = FL, FT, Proj_Dist FC3 = FR, FT, Proj_Dist self.FrontWall = vizcave.Wall(upperLeft=FC2, upperRight=FC3, lowerLeft=FC0, lowerRight=FC1, name='Front Wall') #Create front wall viz.setMultiSample(8) #set anti-aliasing #Initialize graphics window viz.go() # viz.eyeheight(1.2) #for monitor in viz.window.getMonitorList(): # print # print ' ',monitor viz.window.setFullscreenMonitor(2) viz.window.setFullscreen(viz.ON) self.cave = vizcave.Cave(stereo=0) self.cave.addWall(self.FrontWall) #,window=self.frontWindow) # print ("1_N: ", self.cave.getNearPlane()) #default is [.1, -1.] # print ("1_F: ", self.cave.getFarPlane()) #set near and far plane. self.cave.setNearPlane(1.0) self.cave.setFarPlane(100.0) view = viz.MainView self.track = viztracker.Keyboard6DOF() #tracker object self.track.setPosition(0, self.EH, 0), view) #linked to mainview self.cave.setTracker(pos=self.track) #change euler #self.cave.setTracker(pos=self.track) ##Create CaveView object for manipulating the entire cave environment ##The caveorigin is a node that can be adjusted to move the entire cave around the virtual environment, it needs a tracker object to initialise it. self.caveview = vizcave.CaveView(self.track)
#print file,string.find(file,name) if string.find(file, name) >= 0: dirFiles.append(file) #print "Found matches for ",name,": ",file return dirFiles if __name__ == '__main__': prefix = "MTM" dirPrefix = "" env = "Demo" InitMsg = None prompt = True if prompt: print __doc__ viz.go(viz.PROMPT | viz.FULLSCREEN) InitMsg = viz.get(viz.INITMESG) giveDirs = viz.get(viz.OPTION1) skipTraining = viz.get(viz.OPTION2) movie = viz.get(viz.TRACKER) if viz.get(viz.HMD): group = 1 else: group = 0 else: viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) InitMsg = "MTM Grid D 1 1" giveDirs = 0 skipTraining = 0 movie = 0 movement = 0 group = 0 viz.mouse(viz.OFF)
def main(): # global variables global debug global pieces global shape global sidebar global sidebarBG global blockState global cursor global cursorPos global highlightedObj global highlightedObjType global selectedObj global selectedObjType global animRot global identity global selectedIndex global won global is900Sensor1 global old_data global all_data global iSenseMode # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # init vizard # initialize pdb if debugging is needed # pdb.set_trace() # init intersense tracker iSenseMode = False # isense = viz.add('intersense.dle') # # wand. # if isense.valid() == True : # iSenseMode = True # is900Sensor1 = isense.addTracker(port=1,station=2) # viz.add('court.ive') """ Set the pivot point 2 meters above the origin. Set the rotation mode to blend its orientation from its current orientation to that associated with the pivot. """ # gotoRight = vizact.goto([2,1,-2],rotate_mode=viz.BLEND_ROTATE,pivot=[0,2,0],ori_mask=viz.BODY_ORI) # gotoLeft = vizact.goto([-2,2,-2],rotate_mode=viz.BLEND_ROTATE,pivot=[0,2,0],ori_mask=viz.BODY_ORI) # Use keyboard actions to move the viewpoint. # vizact.onkeydown(viz.KEY_ALT_L, viz.MainView.runAction, gotoRight ) # # vizact.onkeydown(viz.KEY_ALT_R, viz.MainView.runAction, gotoLeft ) # cam = vizcam.PivotNavigate(center=[0,1,0],distance=4) # # # cam.enabled = True # # vizcam.PivotNavigate(center=[0,1,0],distance=5) # assign space mouse callbacks # viz.callback(vizspace.ROTATE_EVENT,spaceRot) old_data = [] all_data = [] # set the maximum frame rate to something lower than the minimum the application runs # so that the FPS is constant throughout the run viz.setOption("viz.max_frame_rate", "60") # set the full screen monitor to 1 viz.setOption("viz.fullscreen.monitor", 2) # start in full screen # viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) viz.go() # vizcam.PivotNavigate(center=[0,1,0],distance=5) # set cursor visibility # viz.mouse.setVisible(viz.OFF) # enable backface culling viz.enable(viz.CULL_FACE) # set clear color for raster viz.clearcolor(Colors.WHITE) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # init variables # flag to toggle debug breakpoints - Use 'x' to toggle debug = False # list of pieces available pieces = [] # won the game won = False # group with all cubes in their final position - read from file shape = viz.add(viz.GROUP, viz.WORLD) # input file with description of pieces and # input_file = open('puzzle.txt','r') # parseInputFile(input_file) # since we still don't have an input format, we build the puzzle manually buildPuzzle(3, 3, 3) # create sidebar to indicate existing pieces/possibilities sidebar = [] sidebarBG = createQuad([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]) sidebarBG.depthFunc(viz.GL_ALWAYS) sidebarBG.drawOrder(100) buildSideBar() animRot = 0 identity = vizmat.Transform() identity.makeIdent() cursor = vizshape.addSphere(radius=0.2) cursor.color(Colors.LIGHT_BLUE) cursorPos = [0.0, 0.0, 3.0] selectedObj = None selectedObjType = None selectedIndex = -1 highlightedObj = None highlightedObjType = None # assign keyDown and keyUp as callback functions for events viz.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT, keyDown) viz.callback(viz.KEYUP_EVENT, keyUp) # register the update function to be called every iteration of the main loop vizact.ontimer(0, update)
import viz import vizshape viz.go( #viz.FULLSCREEN ) #viz.MainView.setPosition(0, 0, -1) #viz.MainView.setEuler(0,0,0) #set target tolerance for step time global targetL targetL = 1 global targetR targetR = 1 global targettol targettol = 0.05 global boxL boxL = viz.addChild('target.obj', color=(0.063, 0.102, 0.898), scale=[0.2, targettol, 0.0125]) boxL.setPosition([-0.3, targetL - targettol, 0]) #boxL.alpha(0.6) global boxR boxR = viz.addChild('target.obj', color=(0.063, 0.102, 0.898),
upperLeft=(-2.26977050781, 0.0, 1.05118676758), upperRight=(0.988239257812, 0.0, 0.967888549805), lowerLeft=(-2.25686572266, 0.0, -0.73389465332), lowerRight=(0.874583740234, 0.0, -0.748521972656), name='Bottom' ) ''' import vizshape #Add a world axis with X,Y,Z labels world_axes = vizshape.addAxes() X = viz.addText3D('X',pos=[1.1,0,0],color=viz.RED,scale=[0.3,0.3,0.3],parent=world_axes) Y = viz.addText3D('Y',pos=[0,1.1,0],color=viz.GREEN,scale=[0.3,0.3,0.3],align=viz.ALIGN_CENTER_BASE,parent=world_axes) Z = viz.addText3D('Z',pos=[0,0,1.1],color=viz.BLUE,scale=[0.3,0.3,0.3],align=viz.ALIGN_CENTER_BASE,parent=world_axes) #Initialize graphics window viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN | viz.QUAD_BUFFER) viz.window.setFullscreenMonitor(1) #Create cave object with power wall cave = vizcave.Cave() cave.load('caveWallDimensions.cave') #cave.addWall(BottomWall) phaseSpaceIP = '' owlParamMarkerCount = 25 # Dir where textures and rb files are located phaseSpaceFilePath = 'MocapResources/' # Rb files in phaseSpaceFilePath
import socket import sys import io import re from xml.etree import ElementTree import viz import threading import Queue viz.go() #start worldviz def UpdateViz(root, q): #thread to update WorldViz objects while 1: root = q.get() #pull xml from the queue # parse xml... #update Worldviz objects... def runclient(root, q): #client to receive xml from c++ server #illegal characters to remove from string later before going to xml RE_XML_ILLEGAL = u'([\u0000-\u0008\u000b-\u000c\u000e-\u001f\ufffe-\uffff])' + \ u'|' + \ u'([%s-%s][^%s-%s])|([^%s-%s][%s-%s])|([%s-%s]$)|(^[%s-%s])' % \ (unichr(0xd800),unichr(0xdbff),unichr(0xdc00),unichr(0xdfff), unichr(0xd800),unichr(0xdbff),unichr(0xdc00),unichr(0xdfff), unichr(0xd800),unichr(0xdbff),unichr(0xdc00),unichr(0xdfff)) HOST = 'localhost'
import viz import vizact import viztask import vizshape import vizmultiprocess import SetupHMD import NPCSpawner import EnvironmentSetup import HeartRate #viz.setMultiSample(4) #viz.fov(60) viz.go(viz.EMBEDDED) def RecordHR(): while not viz.done(): yield viztask.waitTime( 3) # Record Heart Rate into Array every 3 seconds global recordedHR if (HeartRate.heartRate > 20): recordedHR.append(HeartRate.heartRate) # Add value to Array # Setup Audio trainAtStation = viz.addAudio('Assets/Audio/AtStation.wav') trainAtStation.loop(viz.OFF)
def main(): # global variables global debug global pieces global shape global sidebar global sidebarBG global blockState global cursor global cursorPos global highlightedObj global highlightedObjType global selectedObj global selectedObjType global animRot global identity global selectedIndex global won #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # init vizard # initialize pdb if debugging is needed #pdb.set_trace() # set the maximum frame rate to something lower than the minimum the application runs # so that the FPS is constant throughout the run viz.setOption('viz.max_frame_rate','60') # set the full screen monitor to 1 viz.setOption('viz.fullscreen.monitor',2) # start in full screen #viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) viz.go() # set cursor visibility #viz.mouse.setVisible(viz.OFF) # enable backface culling viz.enable(viz.CULL_FACE) # set clear color for raster viz.clearcolor(Colors.WHITE) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # init variables # flag to toggle debug breakpoints - Use 'x' to toggle debug = False # list of pieces available pieces = [] # won the game won = False # group with all cubes in their final position - read from file shape = viz.add(viz.GROUP,viz.WORLD) # input file with description of pieces and #input_file = open('puzzle.txt','r') #parseInputFile(input_file) # since we still don't have an input format, we build the puzzle manually buildPuzzle(3,3,3) # create sidebar to indicate existing pieces/possibilities sidebar = [] sidebarBG = createQuad([0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]) sidebarBG.depthFunc(viz.GL_ALWAYS) sidebarBG.drawOrder(100) buildSideBar() animRot = 0 identity = vizmat.Transform() identity.makeIdent() cursor = vizshape.addSphere(radius=0.2) cursor.color(Colors.LIGHT_BLUE) cursorPos = [0.0,0.0,3.0] selectedObj = None selectedObjType = None selectedIndex = -1 highlightedObj = None highlightedObjType = None # assign keyDown and keyUp as callback functions for events viz.callback(viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT, keyDown) viz.callback(viz.KEYUP_EVENT, keyUp) # register the update function to be called every iteration of the main loop vizact.ontimer(0,update)
import viz import random import viztask import math tracker = viz.add('intersense.dls') #viz.mouse.setVisible(viz.OFF) viz.window.setFullscreen(viz.ON) viz.window.setBorder( viz.BORDER_NONE ) viz.go( viz.STENCIL_BUFFER ) viz.phys.enable() #viz.disable( viz.LIGHTING ) light1 = viz.addLight() light1.position(0,5,0) light1.color(viz.WHITE) #env = viz.add(viz.ENVIRONMENT_MAP, 'eucalyptus\eucalyptus.jpg',scene=viz.MainScene) env = viz.add(viz.ENVIRONMENT_MAP, 'sky.jpg',scene=viz.MainScene) sky = viz.add('skydome.dlc') sky.texture(env) TRANSLATE_INC = .2 ROTATION_INC = 2 SCALE = [0.03, 0.03, 0.03] room = viz.add("../models/room2/room2.wrl") room.setScale(SCALE) vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_UP,viz.move,0,0,TRANSLATE_INC) #Move forward while up key is pressed vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_DOWN,viz.move,0,0,-TRANSLATE_INC) #Move backward while down key is pressed vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_LEFT,viz.rotate,viz.BODY_ORI,-ROTATION_INC,0,0) #Turn left while left arrow pressed vizact.whilekeydown(viz.KEY_RIGHT,viz.rotate,viz.BODY_ORI,ROTATION_INC,0,0) #Turn right while right arrow pressed
screenMode=viz.FULLSCREEN if data["hmd"]["resolutions"][0]["display_mode"] != "full_screen": if data["hmd"]["resolutions"][0]["display_mode"]== "vert_side_by_side": screenMode=viz.FULLSCREEN | viz.STEREO_VERT else: screenMode=viz.FULLSCREEN | viz.STEREO_HORZ hmd=CustomHMD(data["hmd"]["field_of_view"]["monocular_horizontal"], data["hmd"]["field_of_view"]["monocular_vertical"], overlap=1.0*data["hmd"]["field_of_view"]["overlap_percent"]*data["hmd"]["field_of_view"]["monocular_horizontal"]/100, leftRollShift=data["hmd"]["rendering"]["left_roll"], rightRollShift=data["hmd"]["rendering"]["right_roll"], verticalShift=data["hmd"]["field_of_view"]["pitch_tilt"], stereo=screenMode); viz.window.setFullscreenMonitor(1) viz.enable(viz.AUTO_COMPUTE) viz.go(screenMode) #Create skylight sky_light = viz.addLight(euler=(0,0,0)) sky_light.position(0,0,0,0) sky_light.color(viz.WHITE) sky_light.ambient([5,5,5]) # necessary to light up images in Vizard 5 #Add the gallery mode gallery = viz.addChild('gallery.osgb')
import socket import sys import io import re from xml.etree import ElementTree import viz import threading import Queue import time import json import vizact import math #viz.splashScreen('C:\Users\Gelsey Torres-Oviedo\Desktop\VizardFolderVRServer\Logo_final.jpg') viz.go( #viz.FULLSCREEN ) targettol = 0.025 boxL = viz.addChild('target2.obj',color=viz.WHITE,scale=[0.1,0.005,targettol*2]) boxL.setPosition([0,0,0]) boxL.setEuler(0,90,0) origin = viz.addChild('box.wrl',color=viz.GREEN,scale=[0.1,0.0009,0.001]) origin.setPosition([0,0,0]) h = viz.addChild('box.wrl',color=viz.RED,scale=[0.1, 0.0009, 0.001]) h.setPosition([0,-targettol,0]) g = viz.addChild('box.wrl',color=viz.RED,scale=[0.1,0.0009,0.001]) g.setPosition([0,+targettol,0])
Subject is intended to stand still on the treadmill wearing typical plugin gait with hip marker set. Targets are displayed showing how far a subject should step forward. In version 3 rev3, feedback, cursor, and target are on. Treadmill moves the feet back to neutral after a step rev 3 incorps a counter of successful steps """ import viz import vizshape import time import vizinfo viz.go( viz.FULLSCREEN #run world in full screen ) #viz.addChild('dojo.osgb') # code to add the grid to the environment #grid = vizshape.addGrid() #initExtraWindows() #viz.MainView.setPosition(0, 0, -1) #viz.MainView.setEuler(0,0,0) #set target tolerance for stride length global targetL targetL = 0.3
import socket import sys import io import re from xml.etree import ElementTree import viz import threading import Queue viz.go()#start worldviz def UpdateViz(root,q):#thread to update WorldViz objects while 1: root = q.get()#pull xml from the queue # parse xml... #update Worldviz objects... def runclient(root,q):#client to receive xml from c++ server #illegal characters to remove from string later before going to xml RE_XML_ILLEGAL = u'([\u0000-\u0008\u000b-\u000c\u000e-\u001f\ufffe-\uffff])' + \ u'|' + \ u'([%s-%s][^%s-%s])|([^%s-%s][%s-%s])|([%s-%s]$)|(^[%s-%s])' % \ (unichr(0xd800),unichr(0xdbff),unichr(0xdc00),unichr(0xdfff), unichr(0xd800),unichr(0xdbff),unichr(0xdc00),unichr(0xdfff), unichr(0xd800),unichr(0xdbff),unichr(0xdc00),unichr(0xdfff)) HOST = 'localhost' PORT = 50008 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
#Stridetime revision 6 introduces new biofeedback realization -- firworks explotion #WDA 6/4/2014 import viz import vizshape import vizinfo viz.go( viz.FULLSCREEN ) #viz.MainView.setPosition(0, 0, -1) #viz.MainView.setEuler(0,0,0) #setup a variable to scale the height of objects so that the screen setup is optimized for viewing base on target values global scalorxx scalorxx = 0.6667 #set target tolerance for step time global targetL targetL = 1 global targetR targetR = 1 global targettol targettol = 0.05 global boxL boxL = viz.addChild('target.obj',color=(0.063,0.102,0.898),scale=[0.1,(targettol+0.04)*0.75,0.0125])
def main(self, fullscreen=True):'running experiment') viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN if fullscreen else 0) viztask.schedule(self.workflow)
import vizact import vizinfo import vizproximity import vizshape import time import viznet import vizinput import random import numpy as np from Environments import * # import the virtual environments import oculus import os # Initialize window viz.setMultiSample(8) viz.go() # Should call this early to avoid some errors viz.mouse.setVisible(False) # Read the information from the folder name # The folder name contains all information including: # - participant id # - condition sequence # - prism direction sequence path = os.getcwd() folder = path.split('\\') folder = folder[-1] folder = folder.split('_') id = folder[0] Sequence = folder[1] side = folder[2]
sys.path.append(rootpath) #Purpose of File is to pilot cognitive load task. #File interfaces with module 'Count_Adjustable', which serves to load a trial at a time. #Experiment name: Orca18 import viz # vizard library import vizact # vizard library for timers import numpy as np # numpy library - such as matrix calculation import random # python library import vizdriver_Orca18_pilotnosteering as vizdriver # vizard library import viztask # vizard library import math as mt # python library import Count_Adjustable #distractor task viz.go() viz.window.setFullscreenMonitor(2) viz.window.setFullscreen(viz.ON) # Prompt for filename ExpID = "Orca19_Distractor_Baseline_" DEG_SYM = unichr(176).encode("latin-1") pname = viz.input('Participant code: ') ########### CHANGE HERE TO TOGGLE PRACTICE ANDS BLOCK ############# #SP CHANGE HERE PRACTICE = False #if practice, they only do one of each. DISTRACTOR_TYPE = "Middle" #(2 targets)# "Hard" #"Easy" (1 target) or "Hard" (3 targets).
import viz import vizact import vizshape import math import datetime import time import Queue viz.go()#viz.PROMPT) ''' *************************** Set Up Scene **************************** ''' #ground = viz.add('tut_ground.wrl') #sky = viz.clearcolor(viz.SKYBLUE) #gallery = viz.addChild('gallery.osgb') grid = vizshape.addGrid() ''' *********************** End of Scene set up ************************* ''' ''' *************************** KINECT CODE ***************************** ''' #myHead = vrpn.addTracker( 'Tracker0@localhost', HEAD) HEAD = 0 NECK = 1 TORSO = 2 WAIST = 3 LEFTCOLLAR = 4 LEFTSHOULDER = 5 LEFTELBOW = 6 LEFTWRIST = 7
''' Project Jourdan Kerl & Bisoye Olaleye Performer plays music as the crowd dances ''' import viz import vizshape import vizact from random import randint viz.setMultiSample(4)#Enable full screen anti-aliasing (FSAA) to smooth edges viz.go() #starts an empty world viz.MainWindow.fov(60)#Increase the Field of View #viz.MainView.move([0,0,7]) #X,Z,Y viz.MainView.setPosition([-0,0,-15]) #viz.MainView.setEuler([0,30,0]) piazza = viz.addChild('piazza.osgb') #adds the plazza sound = viz.addAudio('Panda.mp3') sound.loop(viz.ON) platform = viz.addChild('platform.osg') platform.setPosition([0, .2, -11]) micStand = viz.addChild('pole.wrl',parent=platform) micStand.setPosition([0, 0, .5]) micStand.setScale([0.5,0.36,0.5]) micStand.color(1,1,1) mic = viz.addChild('pole.wrl') mic.setPosition([0, 1.6, -10.5])
import viz import viztask import vizjoy import math import random import time import vizshape import vizact import datetime import time import Queue viz.go(viz.PROMPT) viz.collision(viz.ON) ''' *************************** KINECT CODE ***************************** ''' #myHead = vrpn.addTracker( 'Tracker0@localhost', HEAD) HEAD = 0 NECK = 1 TORSO = 2 WAIST = 3 LEFTCOLLAR = 4 LEFTSHOULDER = 5 LEFTELBOW = 6 LEFTWRIST = 7 LEFTHAND = 8 LEFTFINGERTIP = 9 RIGHTCOLLAR = 10 RIGHTSHOULDER = 11
import socket import sys import io import re from xml.etree import ElementTree import viz import threading import Queue import time import json import vizact viz.splashScreen('C:\Users\Gelsey Torres-Oviedo\Desktop\VizardFolderVRServer\Logo_final.jpg') viz.go( viz.FULLSCREEN ) #indicate flag for post-catch targets, which last for the first 12 steps global catchflag catchflag = 0 global stridecounter stridecounter = 0 #set target tolerance for stride length global targetL targetL = 0.5 global targetR targetR = 0.5
import viz import vizact viz.go() ball = viz.add('ball.wrl')[1,0,0]) ball.setPosition([0,1.82,2]) spinForever = vizact.spin(0,1,0, 90, viz.FOREVER) ball.addAction(spinForever) vizact.onkeydown('1', ball.endAction) vizact.onkeydown('2', ball.addAction, spinForever)
""" Biofeedback routine used to train subjects to take a step forward of various length Subject is intended to stand still on the treadmill wearing typical plugin gait with hip marker set. Targets are displayed showing how far a subject should step forward. In version 2, upon toe-off the target and cursor disappear. When Heel strike occurs the target is re-displayed and a history marker shows the subject where they landed. Eventually the treadmill will slowly move the displaced foot back to a neutral position... """ import viz import vizshape import time viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN #run world in full screen ) #viz.addChild('dojo.osgb') # code to add the grid to the environment grid = vizshape.addGrid() #initExtraWindows() #viz.MainView.setPosition(0, 0, -1) #viz.MainView.setEuler(0,0,0) #set target tolerance for stride length global targetL targetL = 0.3 global targetR