def plot(exps, n_epochs, fig_name, y_lim): viz = Viz( exps = exps, n_epochs = n_epochs, x_label = 'epoch', y_label = 'perplexity', x_lim = None, y_lim = y_lim, title = '', fig_name = fig_name ) viz.plot()
# Parse command line arguments args = sys.argv[1:] VARIANCE_CUTOFF = float(args[0]) TIME_MIN = int(args[1]) TIME_MAX = int(args[2]) SOURCE_FILE = args[3] PLOT_FILE = args[4] NUM_CHANNELS = int(args[5]) # Build and run anomaly detector anomaly_file = "spectrum4.csv" detector = AstroHTM(SOURCE_FILE + '.fits', VARIANCE_CUTOFF, headers, model_params.MODEL_PARAMS, anomaly_file, select_cols=True) detector.runAstroAnomaly() # Write original spectra to csv spectrum_file = SOURCE_FILE + '.csv' # Visualize original spectra with anomalies viz = Viz(spectrum_file, TIME_MIN, TIME_MAX, viz.choose_spectra(0, NUM_CHANNELS) viz.add_anomalies(anomaly_file) #print viz.df viz.plot(PLOT_FILE) print "Plot was saved to", PLOT_FILE