def runningUpdateJobs(dbsession, logger, testing=False):'Fetch overwrite id for unprocessed georeference jobs ...') overwrites = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_getOverwriteIdsOfUnprocessedGeorefProcessesTypeOfUpdate( dbsession) counter = 0 # clear all unnecessary overwrites and run update process for the actual process for overwrite in overwrites: # check if there is an old race conflict if not clearRaceConflicts(overwrite, dbsession): counter += 1 jobs = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getJobsWithSameOverwrites( overwrite, dbsession) pendingJob = None for job in jobs: if pendingJob is None: pendingJob = job else: dbsession.delete(job) logger.debug('Process a update georeference process with id - %s' % runUpdateGeoreferenceProcess(pendingJob, dbsession, logger, testing) logger.debug('Processed %s update georeference process.' % counter)
def setIsValide(job, dbsession, logger, testing = False): """ This function sets a georeference process as 'isvalide' and if there is no other newer georeference process for this map its activate this georeference process for this map. @param vkviewer.python.models.messtischblatt.AdminJobs: job @param sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session: dbsession @param logging.Logger: logger @param boolean: testing (Default: False) """ logger.debug('Set georeference process for id %s to isvalide ...'%(job.georefid)) # set georeferenceprocess to isvalide georefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(job.georefid, dbsession) # check if there is an other process which is newer and more up to date activeGeorefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getActualGeoreferenceProcessForMapId(georefProcess.mapid, dbsession) mapObj = Map.by_id(georefProcess.mapid, dbsession) if activeGeorefProcess and >='The georeference process with the id %s or younger process is already active for this map object.' pass elif activeGeorefProcess and <'Activate the is valide georeference process and deactive old one ...') deactivate(activeGeorefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger) activate(georefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger) else:'Activate georeference process %s for the map object %s ...'%(, georefProcess.mapid)) activate(georefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger) if georefProcess.adminvalidation == 'invalide': mapObj.hasgeorefparams = mapObj.hasgeorefparams + 1 georefProcess.adminvalidation = 'isvalide'
def getGeoreferenceProcessQueue(dbsession, logger): """ This functions build a georeference process queue. For this it looks for entries in the georeference table with status unprocessed and extends it with georeference process for which the equivalent map object has status updated. Arguments: dbsession {sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session} logger (Logger) Returns: dictionary where the key is a timestamp and the value a list object containing tuple which contain orm mapper for the tables georeferenzierungsprozess and messtischblatt """ try: # response object response = {'georeference': {}, 'reset': []} # get unprocessed georeference process dictProcessingQueueGeoref = {} unprocessedGeorefProcs = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_getUnprocessedGeorefProcesses( dbsession) for georefProc in unprocessedGeorefProcs: dictProcessingQueueGeoref[georefProc.messtischblattid] = georefProc # get updated messtischblätter updatedMesstischblaetter = Messtischblatt.getUpdatedMesstischblaetter( dbsession) for messtischblatt in updatedMesstischblaetter: # if there is no process for this mtb in the dictProcessingQueueGeoref than get one and add it if not in dictProcessingQueueGeoref: georefProc = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getLatestGeorefProcessForObjectId(, dbsession) # if georefProc is None there is no more georeference process and the map object # should be resetted if georefProc is None: response['reset'].append( else: dictProcessingQueueGeoref[] = georefProc # sort the georeference process by timestamps for key in dictProcessingQueueGeoref: # get timestamp for the equivalent map object to the georeference process time = MdZeit.by_id( dictProcessingQueueGeoref[key].messtischblattid, dbsession).time.year if time in response['georeference']: response['georeference'][time].append( dictProcessingQueueGeoref[key]) else: response['georeference'][time] = [ dictProcessingQueueGeoref[key] ] return response except: logger.error( 'Unknown error while trying to create the georeference processing queue ...' ) raise
def createResponseForSpecificGeoreferenceProcess(mapObj, request, georeferenceid=None): log.debug('Create response for specific georeference process ...') mtb_extent = Map.getExtent(, request.db) if georeferenceid is None: georeferenceprocess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getActualGeoreferenceProcessForMapId(, request.db) else: georeferenceprocess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id( georeferenceid, request.db) pure_clipparameters = georeferenceprocess.georefparams # get the actual valide gcps gcps = None if georeferenceprocess.type == 'new': # in case of a new registered clip_parameter gcps = pure_clipparameters else: # in case of an update process gcps = pure_clipparameters['new'] # get zoomify and metadata information log.debug('Create response ...') metadata = Metadata.by_id(, request.db) response = { 'type': 'update', 'objectid':, 'georeferenceid':, 'timestamp': str(georeferenceprocess.timestamp), 'gcps': gcps, 'extent': mtb_extent, 'zoomify': metadata.imagezoomify, 'metadata': { 'dateiname': mapObj.apsdateiname, 'titel_long': metadata.title, 'titel_short': metadata.titleshort } } # check if there is an other user is working on this map right now # @TODO use babel lingua fpr translation try: areTherePendingUpdateProcesses = Georeferenzierungsprozess.arePendingProcessForMapId(, request.db) if areTherePendingUpdateProcesses: if request.locale_name == 'de': warnMsg = 'Aktuell wird das Kartenblatt von anderen Nutzern bearbeitet. Um Informationsverluste zu vermeiden versuchen Sie es bitte noch einmal in ein 15 Minuten.' else: warnMsg = 'Right now another users is working on the georeferencing of this map sheet. For preventing information losses please try again in 15 minutes.' response['warn'] = warnMsg return response except ProcessIsInvalideException as e: pass return response
def createResponseForSpecificGeoreferenceProcess(mapObj, request, georeferenceid = None): log.debug('Create response for specific georeference process ...') mtb_extent = Map.getExtent(, request.db) if georeferenceid is None: georeferenceprocess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getActualGeoreferenceProcessForMapId(, request.db) else: georeferenceprocess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(georeferenceid, request.db) pure_clipparameters = georeferenceprocess.georefparams # get the actual valide gcps gcps = None if georeferenceprocess.type == 'new': # in case of a new registered clip_parameter gcps = pure_clipparameters else: # in case of an update process gcps = pure_clipparameters['new'] # get zoomify and metadata information log.debug('Create response ...') metadata = Metadata.by_id(, request.db) response = { 'type':'update', 'objectid':, 'georeferenceid', 'timestamp':str(georeferenceprocess.timestamp), 'gcps':gcps, 'extent': mtb_extent, 'zoomify': metadata.imagezoomify, 'metadata': { 'dateiname': mapObj.apsdateiname, 'titel_long': metadata.title, 'titel_short': metadata.titleshort } } # check if there is an other user is working on this map right now # @TODO use babel lingua fpr translation try: areTherePendingUpdateProcesses = Georeferenzierungsprozess.arePendingProcessForMapId(, request.db) if areTherePendingUpdateProcesses: if request.locale_name == 'de': warnMsg = 'Aktuell wird das Kartenblatt von anderen Nutzern bearbeitet. Um Informationsverluste zu vermeiden versuchen Sie es bitte noch einmal in ein 15 Minuten.' else: warnMsg = 'Right now another users is working on the georeferencing of this map sheet. For preventing information losses please try again in 15 minutes.' response['warn'] = warnMsg return response except ProcessIsInvalideException as e: pass return response
def georeferenceConfirm(request):'Receive request for processing georeference validation result') try: userid = checkIsUser(request) request_data = None if request.method == 'POST': request_data = request.json_body mapObj = parseMapObjForId(request_data, 'id', request.db) log.debug('Id is valide: %s'%request_data) log.debug('Check if there is already a registered georeference process for this messtischblatt ...') if Georeferenzierungsprozess.isGeoreferenced(, request.db): msg = 'There is already a georeference process for this process. Please load again and start on the latest changes.' log.debug(msg) georeferenceid = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getActualGeoreferenceProcessForMapId(, request.db).id response = {'text':msg,'georeferenceid':georeferenceid} return response # actual only support this option if target srs is EPSG:4314 log.debug('Start saving georeference process in the database ...') epsg_code = int(str(request_data['georeference']['target']).split(':')[1]) if request_data['georeference']['source'] == 'pixel' and epsg_code == 4314: log.debug('Create georeference process record ...') timestamp = getTimestampAsPGStr() georeference_parameter = str(convertUnicodeDictToUtf(request_data['georeference'])) georefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess(messtischblattid = mapObj.apsobjectid, nutzerid = userid, georefparams = ast.literal_eval(georeference_parameter), clipparameter = georeference_parameter, timestamp = timestamp, isactive = True, type = 'new', adminvalidation = '', processed = False, mapid =, overwrites = 0) request.db.add(georefProcess) request.db.flush() log.debug('Create response ...') response = {'text':'Georeference result saved. It will soon be ready for use.','georeferenceid', 'points':20, 'gcps':request_data['georeference'] ,'type':'confirm'} return response else: raise GeoreferenceParameterError('Wrong or missing service parameter') except GeoreferenceParameterError as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPBadRequest(ERROR_MSG) except Exception as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPInternalServerError(ERROR_MSG)
def resetGeorefParameters(request): try:'Receive a reset georeference parameter requests.') login = checkIsUser(request) dbsession = request.db messtischblatt_id = request.params['mtbid'] georeference_process = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_messtischblattid(messtischblatt_id, dbsession) referenz = georeference_process.clipparameter fehlerbeschreibung = 'Zuruecksetzen von Georeferenzierungsparameter für GeorefId=%s' if login and messtischblatt_id and referenz and fehlerbeschreibung and Users.by_username(login, dbsession): log.debug('Save reset process in table fehlermeldungen ...') newFehlermeldung = Fehlermeldung(objektid = messtischblatt_id, referenz = referenz, nutzerid = login, fehlerbeschreibung = fehlerbeschreibung, timestamp = getTimestampAsPGStr()) dbsession.add(newFehlermeldung) log.debug('Remove georeference process ...') dbsession.delete(georeference_process) log.debug('Remove refmtblayer ...') try: refmtblayer = RefMtbLayer.by_id(MTB_LAYER_ID, messtischblatt_id, dbsession) dbsession.delete(refmtblayer) except: log.debug('No entry for refmtblayer found ...') pass log.debug('Update messtischblatt db ...') messtischblatt = Messtischblatt.by_id(messtischblatt_id, dbsession) messtischblatt.isttransformiert = False return json.dumps({'status':'confirmed'}, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf-8') except DBAPIError: log.error('Problems while trying to remove georeference parameter from the database ...') return Response(conn_err_msg, content_type='text/plain', status_int=500)
def publishGeorefParameters(request):'Request - Publish georeference result.') try: log.debug('Parse parameters ...') objectid = request.params['objectid'] georeferenceid = request.params['georeferenceid'] messtischblatt = Messtischblatt.by_id(objectid, request.db) georeferenceprocess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id( georeferenceid, request.db) log.debug('Udpate parameters') georeferenceprocess.publish = True messtischblatt.updated = False return json.dumps( { 'message': 'The georeference process is now published. The georeference map will soon be updated and than ready for accessing.' }, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf-8') except Exception as e: log.error( 'Error while trying to request georeference history information') log.error(e) return {}
def georeferenceGetProcess(request):'Receive request GetGeoreferenceProcess') try: request_data = None if request.method == 'POST': request_data = request.json_body if 'georeferenceid' in request_data: georeferenceid = int(request_data['georeferenceid']) log.debug('Parsed parameters - georeferenceid: %s'%georeferenceid) mapObj = Map.by_id(int(Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(georeferenceid, request.db).mapid), request.db) response = createResponseForSpecificGeoreferenceProcess(mapObj, request, georeferenceid) elif 'objectid' in request_data: mapObjId = request_data['objectid'] log.debug('Parsed parameters - mapid: %s'%mapObjId) mapObj = Map.by_id(int(mapObjId), request.db) response = createGeneralResponse(mapObj, request) else: log.error('Could not find a georeferenceid or and objectid in the post request parameters ...') raise GeoreferenceParameterError return response except GeoreferenceParameterError as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPBadRequest(ERROR_MSG) except ProcessIsInvalideException as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPBadRequest('This georeference process is blocked for further work!') except Exception as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPInternalServerError(ERROR_MSG)
def getGeoreferencePage(request):'Call view getGeoreferencePage.') if 'id' in request.params: return {'objectid':request.params['id']} elif 'georeferenceid' in request.params: georefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(request.params['georeferenceid'], request.db) return {'objectid':georefProcess.mapid}
def setUp(self): self.config = testing.setUp() self.config.registry.dbmaker = self.Session # create dummy georefprocess self.notReferencedObjId = 10000023 self.dummyProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess( mapsid = 10000023, messtischblattid = 90015724, nutzerid = login, clipparameter = "{'Test':'Test'}", timestamp = "2014-08-09 12:20:26", type = 'new', refzoomify = True, isactive = True, processed = False, overwrites = 0, adminvalidation = '' ) self.dummyParams = {'georeference': {'source': 'pixel', 'target': 'EPSG:4314', 'gcps': [ {'source': [467, 923], 'target': [10.6666660308838, 51.4000015258789]}, {'source': [7281, 999], 'target': [10.8333339691162, 51.4000015258789]}, {'source': [7224, 7432], 'target': [10.8333339691162, 51.2999992370605]}, {'source': [258, 7471], 'target': [10.6666660308838, 51.2999992370605]}]}, 'id': 10000023}
def createResponseForSpecificGeoreferenceProcess(objectid, georeferenceid, request): log.debug('Create response for specific georeference process ...') messtischblatt = Messtischblatt.by_id(objectid, request.db) mtb_extent = Messtischblatt.getExtent(objectid, request.db) georeferenceprocess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(georeferenceid, request.db) pure_clipparameters = ast.literal_eval(str(georeferenceprocess.clipparameter)) gcps = None if 'new' in pure_clipparameters: # in case of an update process gcps = pure_clipparameters['new'] else: # in case of a new registered clip_parameter gcps = pure_clipparameters # get zoomify and metadata information log.debug('Create response ...') metadata = MdCore.by_id(, request.db) return { 'type':'update', 'objectid':, 'georeferenceid':georeferenceid, 'timestamp':str(georeferenceprocess.timestamp), 'gcps':gcps, 'extent': mtb_extent, 'zoomify': { 'properties': messtischblatt.zoomify_properties, 'width': messtischblatt.zoomify_width, 'height': messtischblatt.zoomify_height }, 'metadata': { 'dateiname': messtischblatt.dateiname, 'titel_long': metadata.titel, 'titel_short': metadata.titel_short } }
def getGeoreferenceProcessQueue(dbsession, logger): """ This functions build a georeference process queue. For this it looks for entries in the georeference table with status unprocessed and extends it with georeference process for which the equivalent map object has status updated. Arguments: dbsession {sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session} logger (Logger) Returns: dictionary where the key is a timestamp and the value a list object containing tuple which contain orm mapper for the tables georeferenzierungsprozess and messtischblatt """ try: # response object response = { 'georeference':{}, 'reset': [] } # get unprocessed georeference process dictProcessingQueueGeoref = {} unprocessedGeorefProcs = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_getUnprocessedGeorefProcesses(dbsession) for georefProc in unprocessedGeorefProcs: dictProcessingQueueGeoref[georefProc.messtischblattid] = georefProc # get updated messtischblätter updatedMesstischblaetter = Messtischblatt.getUpdatedMesstischblaetter(dbsession) for messtischblatt in updatedMesstischblaetter: # if there is no process for this mtb in the dictProcessingQueueGeoref than get one and add it if not in dictProcessingQueueGeoref: georefProc = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getLatestGeorefProcessForObjectId(, dbsession) # if georefProc is None there is no more georeference process and the map object # should be resetted if georefProc is None: response['reset'].append( else: dictProcessingQueueGeoref[] = georefProc # sort the georeference process by timestamps for key in dictProcessingQueueGeoref: # get timestamp for the equivalent map object to the georeference process time = MdZeit.by_id(dictProcessingQueueGeoref[key].messtischblattid, dbsession).time.year if time in response['georeference']: response['georeference'][time].append(dictProcessingQueueGeoref[key]) else: response['georeference'][time] = [dictProcessingQueueGeoref[key]] return response except: logger.error('Unknown error while trying to create the georeference processing queue ...') raise
def georeferenceUpdate(request):'Receive request for processing georeference update result') try: userid = checkIsUser(request) request_data = None if request.method == 'POST': request_data = request.json_body mapObj = parseMapObjForId(request_data, 'id', request.db) log.debug('Id is valide: %s' % request_data) log.debug( 'Check if there exists a registered georeference process for this messtischblatt ...' ) if Georeferenzierungsprozess.isGeoreferenced(, request.db) == False: response = { 'text': 'There is no registered georeference process for this messtischblatt. Please move back to the confirm process.' } return response # actual only support this option if target srs is EPSG:4314 log.debug('Saving georeference process in the database ...') if request_data['georeference']: encoded_clip_params = convertUnicodeDictToUtf( request_data['georeference']) georefProcess = registerUpdateGeoreferenceProcessInDb( mapObj, userid, str(encoded_clip_params), request.db) log.debug('Create response ...') # right now the premise is that for the updated gcps are equal to the removed gcps. For every # updated gcps the users get new points achievement_points = len( request_data['georeference']['remove']['gcps']) * 5 response = { 'text': 'Georeference result updated. It will soon be ready for use.', 'georeferenceid':, 'points': achievement_points, 'gcps': request_data['georeference']['new'], 'type': 'update' } return response else: log.error('The remove and new parameters are not valide - %s') raise GeoreferenceParameterError( 'The remove and new parameters are not valide.') except GeoreferenceParameterError as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPBadRequest(ERROR_MSG) except Exception as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPInternalServerError(ERROR_MSG)
def getGeoreferencePage(request):'Call view getGeoreferencePage.') if 'id' in request.params: return {'objectid': request.params['id']} elif 'georeferenceid' in request.params: georefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id( request.params['georeferenceid'], request.db) return {'objectid': georefProcess.mapid}
def registerUpdateGeoreferenceProcessInDb(mapObj, userid, gcps, dbsession): log.debug('Create georeference process record ...') activeGeorefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getActualGeoreferenceProcessForMapId(, dbsession) georefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess(messtischblattid = mapObj.apsobjectid, nutzerid = userid, georefparams = ast.literal_eval(gcps), clipparameter = gcps, timestamp = getTimestampAsPGStr(), isactive = False, type = 'update', adminvalidation = '', processed = False, mapid =, overwrites = dbsession.add(georefProcess) dbsession.flush() return georefProcess
def registerUpdateGeoreferenceProcessInDb(mapObj, userid, gcps, dbsession): log.debug('Create georeference process record ...') activeGeorefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getActualGeoreferenceProcessForMapId(, dbsession) georefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess( messtischblattid=mapObj.apsobjectid, nutzerid=userid, georefparams=ast.literal_eval(gcps), clipparameter=gcps, timestamp=getTimestampAsPGStr(), isactive=False, type='update', adminvalidation='', processed=False,, dbsession.add(georefProcess) dbsession.flush() return georefProcess
def runningNewJobs(dbsession, logger, testing = False):'Check for unprocessed georeference jobs ...') unprocessedJobs = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_getUnprocessedGeorefProcessesTypeOfNew(dbsession) counterNew = 0 for job in unprocessedJobs: logger.debug('Process a new georeference process with id - %s' runNewGeoreferenceProcess(job, dbsession, logger, testing) counterNew += 1 logger.debug('Processed %s new georeference process.'%counterNew)
def getDummyGeorefProcess(cls): return Georeferenzierungsprozess( messtischblattid=71055048, nutzerid='user', clipparameter= "{'source': 'pixel', 'target': 'EPSG:4314', 'gcps': [{'source': [451.0, 7662.0], 'target': [16.1666660308838, 50.2999992370605]}, {'source': [480.0, 1198.0], 'target': [16.1666660308838, 50.4000015258789]}, {'source': [7374.0, 1229.0], 'target': [16.3333339691162, 50.4000015258789]}, {'source': [7341.0, 7689.0], 'target': [16.3333339691162, 50.2999992370605]}]}", timestamp=getTimestampAsPGStr(), isvalide=True, type='new', refzoomify=True, publish=False, processed=False)
def createGeneralResponse(objectid, request): log.debug('Create general response ...') lastGeoreferenceId = '' lastTimestamp = '' messtischblatt = Messtischblatt.by_id(objectid, request.db) mtb_extent = Messtischblatt.getExtent(objectid, request.db) isAlreadyGeorefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_getLatestValidGeorefProcessForObjectId(, request.db) if isAlreadyGeorefProcess: return createResponseForSpecificGeoreferenceProcess( objectid,, request) else: gcps = { 'source': 'pixel', 'target': 'EPSG:4314', 'gcps': [{ "source": [], "target": [mtb_extent[0], mtb_extent[1]] }, { "source": [], "target": [mtb_extent[0], mtb_extent[3]] }, { "source": [], "target": [mtb_extent[2], mtb_extent[1]] }, { "source": [], "target": [mtb_extent[2], mtb_extent[3]] }] } # get zoomify and metadata information log.debug('Create response ...') metadata = MdCore.by_id(, request.db) return { 'type': 'new', 'objectid':, 'georeferenceid': lastGeoreferenceId, 'timestamp': str(lastTimestamp), 'gcps': gcps, 'extent': mtb_extent, 'zoomify': { 'properties': messtischblatt.zoomify_properties, 'width': messtischblatt.zoomify_width, 'height': messtischblatt.zoomify_height }, 'metadata': { 'dateiname': messtischblatt.dateiname, 'titel_long': metadata.titel, 'titel_short': metadata.titel_short } }
def runningNewJobs(dbsession, logger, testing=False):'Check for unprocessed georeference jobs ...') unprocessedJobs = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_getUnprocessedGeorefProcessesTypeOfNew( dbsession) counterNew = 0 for job in unprocessedJobs: logger.debug('Process a new georeference process with id - %s' % runNewGeoreferenceProcess(job, dbsession, logger, testing) counterNew += 1 logger.debug('Processed %s new georeference process.' % counterNew)
def runningUpdateJobs(dbsession, logger, testing = False):'Fetch overwrite id for unprocessed georeference jobs ...') overwrites = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_getOverwriteIdsOfUnprocessedGeorefProcessesTypeOfUpdate(dbsession) counter = 0 # clear all unnecessary overwrites and run update process for the actual process for overwrite in overwrites: # check if there is an old race conflict if not clearRaceConflicts(overwrite, dbsession): counter += 1 jobs = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getJobsWithSameOverwrites(overwrite, dbsession) pendingJob = None for job in jobs: if pendingJob is None: pendingJob = job else: dbsession.delete(job) logger.debug('Process a update georeference process with id - %s' runUpdateGeoreferenceProcess(pendingJob, dbsession, logger, testing) logger.debug('Processed %s update georeference process.'%counter)
def georeferenceUpdate(request):'Receive request for processing georeference update result') try: userid = checkIsUser(request) request_data = None if request.method == 'POST': request_data = request.json_body if request_data: validateId(request_data['id']) log.debug('Request data is valide: %s'%request_data) log.debug('Check if there exists a registered georeference process for this messtischblatt ...') messtischblatt = Messtischblatt.by_id(request_data['id'], request.db) isAlreadyGeorefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_messtischblattid(, request.db) if isAlreadyGeorefProcess is None: response = {'text':'There is no registered georeference process for this messtischblatt. Please move back to the confirm process.'} return json.dumps(response, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf-8') # actual only support this option if target srs is EPSG:4314 log.debug('Saving georeference process in the database ...') if request_data['georeference']: encoded_clip_params = convertUnicodeDictToUtf(request_data['georeference']) georefProcess = registerNewGeoreferenceProcessInDb(, userid, str(encoded_clip_params), 'update', request.db) log.debug('Set update status for messtischblatt ...') messtischblatt.setIsUpdated(True) log.debug('Create response ...') # right now the premise is that for the updated gcps are equal to the removed gcps. For every # updated gcps the users get new points achievement_points = len(request_data['georeference']['remove']['gcps'])*5 #gcps = getJsonDictPasspointsForMapObject(, request.db) response = {'text':'Georeference result updated. It will soon be ready for use.','georeferenceid', 'points':achievement_points, 'gcps':request_data['georeference']['new'] ,'type':'update'} return json.dumps(response, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf-8') else: log.error('The remove and new parameters are not valide - %s') raise GeoreferenceParameterError('The remove and new parameters are not valide.') except GeoreferenceParameterError as e: message = 'Wrong or missing service parameter - %s'%e.value log.error(message) return HTTPBadRequest(message) except Exception as e: message = 'Problems while computing validation result - %s'%e log.error(message) return HTTPInternalServerError(message)
def getLastValidGeoreferenceProcess(overwritesId, dbsession, logger): """ This function goes down the overwrite chain and looks for the last valid georeference process @param Integer: job @param sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session: dbsession @param logging.Logger: logger """ georefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(overwritesId, dbsession) if georefProcess.adminvalidation == 'isvalide' or georefProcess.adminvalidation == '': return georefProcess elif georefProcess.overwrites > 0: return getLastValidGeoreferenceProcess(georefProcess.overwrites, dbsession, logger) else: return None
def confirmExistingGeoreferenceProcess(self, georefid, isvalide=False, typeValidation='user'): # get georef data from database and parse them georefProc = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(georefid, self.dbsession) # change valdation status of georeference process in database georefProc.isvalide = isvalide georefProc.typevalidierung = typeValidation self.dbsession.flush() self.logger.debug("Change validation status of georeference process with id %s!"%georefid) # register passpunkte #self.updatePasspunkte(georefProc) #self.dbSession.commit()"Ground control points for georeference process with id %s registered!"%georefid) return georefid
def testRunningResetJobs(self): print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" print "\n" print "Test if runningResetJobs runs correctly ..." dbsession = loadDbSession(DBCONFIG_PARAMS, self.logger) response = runningResetJobs(dbsession, self.logger, True) # check if the reset functions resetJobs = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getResetJobs(dbsession) counter = 0 for job in resetJobs: counter += 1 self.assertTrue(counter == 0, 'There are unprocessed reset jobs ...') dbsession.rollback()
def registerNewGeoreferenceProcessInDb(objectid, userid, gcps, type, dbsession): log.debug('Create georeference process record ...') timestamp = getTimestampAsPGStr() georefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess(messtischblattid=objectid, nutzerid=userid, clipparameter=gcps, timestamp=timestamp, isvalide=True, type=type, refzoomify=True, publish=False, processed=False) dbsession.add(georefProcess) dbsession.flush() return georefProcess
def resetGeorefParameters(request): try:'Receive a reset georeference parameter requests.') login = checkIsUser(request) dbsession = request.db messtischblatt_id = request.params['mtbid'] georeference_process = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_messtischblattid( messtischblatt_id, dbsession) referenz = georeference_process.clipparameter fehlerbeschreibung = 'Zuruecksetzen von Georeferenzierungsparameter für GeorefId=%s' % if login and messtischblatt_id and referenz and fehlerbeschreibung and Users.by_username( login, dbsession): log.debug('Save reset process in table fehlermeldungen ...') newFehlermeldung = Fehlermeldung( objektid=messtischblatt_id, referenz=referenz, nutzerid=login, fehlerbeschreibung=fehlerbeschreibung, timestamp=getTimestampAsPGStr()) dbsession.add(newFehlermeldung) log.debug('Remove georeference process ...') dbsession.delete(georeference_process) log.debug('Remove refmtblayer ...') try: refmtblayer = RefMtbLayer.by_id(MTB_LAYER_ID, messtischblatt_id, dbsession) dbsession.delete(refmtblayer) except: log.debug('No entry for refmtblayer found ...') pass log.debug('Update messtischblatt db ...') messtischblatt = Messtischblatt.by_id(messtischblatt_id, dbsession) messtischblatt.isttransformiert = False return json.dumps({'status': 'confirmed'}, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf-8') except DBAPIError: log.error( 'Problems while trying to remove georeference parameter from the database ...' ) return Response(conn_err_msg, content_type='text/plain', status_int=500)
def createGeneralResponse(mapObj, request): log.debug('Create general response ...') isAlreadyGeorefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.isGeoreferenced(, request.db) if isAlreadyGeorefProcess: return createResponseForSpecificGeoreferenceProcess(mapObj, request) else: mtb_extent = Map.getExtent(, request.db) gcps = { 'source': 'pixel', 'target': 'EPSG:4314', 'gcps': [{ "source": [], "target": [mtb_extent[0], mtb_extent[1]] }, { "source": [], "target": [mtb_extent[0], mtb_extent[3]] }, { "source": [], "target": [mtb_extent[2], mtb_extent[1]] }, { "source": [], "target": [mtb_extent[2], mtb_extent[3]] }] } # get zoomify and metadata information log.debug('Create response ...') metadata = Metadata.by_id(, request.db) return { 'type': 'new', 'objectid':, 'georeferenceid': "", 'timestamp': "", 'gcps': gcps, 'extent': mtb_extent, 'zoomify': metadata.imagezoomify, 'metadata': { 'dateiname': mapObj.apsdateiname, 'titel_long': metadata.title, 'titel_short': metadata.titleshort } }
def publishGeorefParameters(request):'Request - Publish georeference result.') try: log.debug('Parse parameters ...') objectid = request.params['objectid'] georeferenceid = request.params['georeferenceid'] messtischblatt = Messtischblatt.by_id(objectid, request.db) georeferenceprocess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(georeferenceid, request.db) log.debug('Udpate parameters') georeferenceprocess.publish = True messtischblatt.updated = False return json.dumps({'message':'The georeference process is now published. The georeference map will soon be updated and than ready for accessing.'}, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf-8') except Exception as e: log.error('Error while trying to request georeference history information'); log.error(e) return {}
def deleteGeorefParameters(request):'Request - Delete georeference result.') try: # remove georeference process georeferenceid = request.params['georeferenceid'] georeferenceprocess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(georeferenceid, request.db) messtischblattid = georeferenceprocess.messtischblattid request.db.delete(georeferenceprocess) # mark the messtischblatt as updated messtischblatt = Messtischblatt.by_id(messtischblattid, request.db) messtischblatt.udpated = True return json.dumps({'message':'The georeference process has been removed.'}, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf-8') except Exception as e: log.error('Error while trying to request georeference history information'); log.error(e) return {}
def clearRaceConflicts(overwrite, dbsession): # double check if there are jobs which should be deleted # this clears the case that while there was on job activated in the past # there was still because of concurrency another jobs registered with the same # overwrites id possibleConflictJobs = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getJobsWithSameOverwrites(overwrite, dbsession) alreadyActiveJob = None for conflictJob in possibleConflictJobs: if conflictJob.isactive == True: alreadyActiveJob = conflictJob if alreadyActiveJob is not None: for conflictJob in possibleConflictJobs: if != dbsession.delete(conflictJob) return True return False
def georeferenceUpdate(request):'Receive request for processing georeference update result') try: userid = checkIsUser(request) request_data = None if request.method == 'POST': request_data = request.json_body mapObj = parseMapObjForId(request_data, 'id', request.db) log.debug('Id is valide: %s'%request_data) log.debug('Check if there exists a registered georeference process for this messtischblatt ...') if Georeferenzierungsprozess.isGeoreferenced(, request.db) == False: response = {'text':'There is no registered georeference process for this messtischblatt. Please move back to the confirm process.'} return response # actual only support this option if target srs is EPSG:4314 log.debug('Saving georeference process in the database ...') if request_data['georeference']: encoded_clip_params = convertUnicodeDictToUtf(request_data['georeference']) georefProcess = registerUpdateGeoreferenceProcessInDb(mapObj, userid, str(encoded_clip_params), request.db) log.debug('Create response ...') # right now the premise is that for the updated gcps are equal to the removed gcps. For every # updated gcps the users get new points achievement_points = len(request_data['georeference']['remove']['gcps'])*5 response = {'text':'Georeference result updated. It will soon be ready for use.','georeferenceid', 'points':achievement_points, 'gcps':request_data['georeference']['new'] ,'type':'update'} return response else: log.error('The remove and new parameters are not valide - %s') raise GeoreferenceParameterError('The remove and new parameters are not valide.') except GeoreferenceParameterError as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPBadRequest(ERROR_MSG) except Exception as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPInternalServerError(ERROR_MSG)
def georeferenceGetProcess(request):'Receive request GetGeoreferenceProcess') try: request_data = None if request.method == 'POST': request_data = request.json_body if 'georeferenceid' in request_data: georeferenceid = int(request_data['georeferenceid']) log.debug('Parsed parameters - georeferenceid: %s' % georeferenceid) mapObj = Map.by_id( int( Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(georeferenceid, request.db).mapid), request.db) response = createResponseForSpecificGeoreferenceProcess( mapObj, request, georeferenceid) elif 'objectid' in request_data: mapObjId = request_data['objectid'] log.debug('Parsed parameters - mapid: %s' % mapObjId) mapObj = Map.by_id(int(mapObjId), request.db) response = createGeneralResponse(mapObj, request) else: log.error( 'Could not find a georeferenceid or and objectid in the post request parameters ...' ) raise GeoreferenceParameterError return response except GeoreferenceParameterError as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPBadRequest(ERROR_MSG) except ProcessIsInvalideException as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPBadRequest( 'This georeference process is blocked for further work!') except Exception as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPInternalServerError(ERROR_MSG)
def clearRaceConflicts(overwrite, dbsession): # double check if there are jobs which should be deleted # this clears the case that while there was on job activated in the past # there was still because of concurrency another jobs registered with the same # overwrites id possibleConflictJobs = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getJobsWithSameOverwrites( overwrite, dbsession) alreadyActiveJob = None for conflictJob in possibleConflictJobs: if conflictJob.isactive == True: alreadyActiveJob = conflictJob if alreadyActiveJob is not None: for conflictJob in possibleConflictJobs: if != dbsession.delete(conflictJob) return True return False
def runUpdateGeoreferenceProcess(georefProcess, dbsession, logger, testing = False): """ This function update the georeference result for a given map object. @param vkviewer.python.models.messtischblatt.AdminJobs: georefProcess @param sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session: dbsession @param logging.Logger: logger @param boolean: testing (Default: False) """'Run georeference process with type "update" with id %s ...' activeGeorefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getActualGeoreferenceProcessForMapId(georefProcess.mapid, dbsession) mapObj = Map.by_id(georefProcess.mapid, dbsession)'Deactivate old georeference processes ...') if activeGeorefProcess: deactivate(activeGeorefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger)'Activate new georeference processes ...') activate(georefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger)
def createGeneralResponse(objectid, request): log.debug('Create general response ...') lastGeoreferenceId = '' lastTimestamp = '' messtischblatt = Messtischblatt.by_id(objectid, request.db) mtb_extent = Messtischblatt.getExtent(objectid, request.db) isAlreadyGeorefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_getLatestValidGeorefProcessForObjectId(, request.db) if isAlreadyGeorefProcess: return createResponseForSpecificGeoreferenceProcess(objectid,, request) else: gcps = { 'source':'pixel', 'target':'EPSG:4314', 'gcps': [ {"source":[], "target":[mtb_extent[0],mtb_extent[1]]}, {"source":[], "target":[mtb_extent[0],mtb_extent[3]]}, {"source":[], "target":[mtb_extent[2],mtb_extent[1]]}, {"source":[], "target":[mtb_extent[2],mtb_extent[3]]} ] } # get zoomify and metadata information log.debug('Create response ...') metadata = MdCore.by_id(, request.db) return { 'type':'new', 'objectid':, 'georeferenceid':lastGeoreferenceId, 'timestamp':str(lastTimestamp), 'gcps':gcps, 'extent': mtb_extent, 'zoomify': { 'properties': messtischblatt.zoomify_properties, 'width': messtischblatt.zoomify_width, 'height': messtischblatt.zoomify_height }, 'metadata': { 'dateiname': messtischblatt.dateiname, 'titel_long': metadata.titel, 'titel_short': metadata.titel_short } }
def deleteGeorefParameters(request):"Request - Delete georeference result.") try: # remove georeference process georeferenceid = request.params["georeferenceid"] georeferenceprocess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(georeferenceid, request.db) messtischblattid = georeferenceprocess.messtischblattid request.db.delete(georeferenceprocess) # mark the messtischblatt as updated messtischblatt = Messtischblatt.by_id(messtischblattid, request.db) messtischblatt.udpated = True return json.dumps( {"message": "The georeference process has been removed."}, ensure_ascii=False, encoding="utf-8" ) except Exception as e: log.error("Error while trying to request georeference history information") log.error(e) return {}
def confirmExistingGeoreferenceProcess(self, georefid, isvalide=False, typeValidation='user'): # get georef data from database and parse them georefProc = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(georefid, self.dbsession) # change valdation status of georeference process in database georefProc.isvalide = isvalide georefProc.typevalidierung = typeValidation self.dbsession.flush() self.logger.debug( "Change validation status of georeference process with id %s!" % georefid) # register passpunkte #self.updatePasspunkte(georefProc) #self.dbSession.commit()"Ground control points for georeference process with id %s registered!"%georefid) return georefid
def registerGeoreferenceProcess(self, messtischblattid, userid=None, clipParams=None, isvalide=False, typeValidation='none', refzoomify=True): # get timestamp timestamp = getTimestampAsPGStr() georefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess( messtischblattid=messtischblattid, nutzerid=userid, clipparameter=clipParams, timestamp=timestamp, isvalide=isvalide, typevalidierung='user', refzoomify=refzoomify) self.dbsession.add(georefProcess) self.dbsession.flush() return georefProcess
def setProcessToIsValide(request):'Request - Set admin evaluation of georeference process to isvalide ....') try: # remove georeference process if 'georeferenceid' in request.params: georeferenceid = request.params['georeferenceid'] userid = checkIsUser(request) comment = '' if 'comment' not in request.params else request.params['comment'] # check if georeference id exist georeferenceprocess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(georeferenceid, request.db) if georeferenceprocess: newJob = createNewAdminJob(georeferenceprocess, 'isvalide', userid, comment) request.db.add(newJob) return {'message':'The georeference process has been set to isvalide.'} else: raise Exception('Missing parameter (georeferenceid) ...') except Exception as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) return HTTPBadRequest(GENERAL_ERROR_MESSAGE);
def setInValide(job, dbsession, logger, testing = False): """ This function sets a georeference process as 'isvalide' and if there is no other newer georeference process for this map its activate this georeference process for this map. @param vkviewer.python.models.messtischblatt.AdminJobs: job @param sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session: dbsession @param logging.Logger: logger @param boolean: testing (Default: False) """ logger.debug('Set georeference process for id %s to isvalide ...'%(job.georefid)) # set georeferenceprocess to isvalide georefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id(job.georefid, dbsession) # update map object and datasource mapObj = Map.by_id(georefProcess.mapid, dbsession) if georefProcess.isactive == True and georefProcess.overwrites > 0:'Deactive georeference process and activate georeference process with id %s ...'%georefProcess.overwrites) # deactive the georeference process deactivate(georefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger) # look if there is a valid overwrite id and if yes activate the matching # process newGeorefProcess = getLastValidGeoreferenceProcess(georefProcess.overwrites, dbsession, logger) if newGeorefProcess: activate(newGeorefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger) elif georefProcess.isactive == True and georefProcess.overwrites == 0:'Deactive georeference process %s ...'%georefProcess.overwrites) # deactive the georeference process deactivate(georefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger) logger.debug('Set georeference process with id %s to inactive ...'%georefProcess.overwrites) if georefProcess.adminvalidation != 'invalide': georefProcess.adminvalidation = 'invalide' mapObj.hasgeorefparams = 0 if mapObj.hasgeorefparams - 1 < 0 else mapObj.hasgeorefparams - 1
def createResponseForSpecificGeoreferenceProcess(objectid, georeferenceid, request): log.debug('Create response for specific georeference process ...') messtischblatt = Messtischblatt.by_id(objectid, request.db) mtb_extent = Messtischblatt.getExtent(objectid, request.db) georeferenceprocess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_id( georeferenceid, request.db) pure_clipparameters = ast.literal_eval( str(georeferenceprocess.clipparameter)) gcps = None if 'new' in pure_clipparameters: # in case of an update process gcps = pure_clipparameters['new'] else: # in case of a new registered clip_parameter gcps = pure_clipparameters # get zoomify and metadata information log.debug('Create response ...') metadata = MdCore.by_id(, request.db) return { 'type': 'update', 'objectid':, 'georeferenceid': georeferenceid, 'timestamp': str(georeferenceprocess.timestamp), 'gcps': gcps, 'extent': mtb_extent, 'zoomify': { 'properties': messtischblatt.zoomify_properties, 'width': messtischblatt.zoomify_width, 'height': messtischblatt.zoomify_height }, 'metadata': { 'dateiname': messtischblatt.dateiname, 'titel_long': metadata.titel, 'titel_short': metadata.titel_short } }
def createGeneralResponse(mapObj, request): log.debug('Create general response ...') isAlreadyGeorefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.isGeoreferenced(, request.db) if isAlreadyGeorefProcess: return createResponseForSpecificGeoreferenceProcess(mapObj, request) else: mtb_extent = Map.getExtent(, request.db) gcps = { 'source':'pixel', 'target':'EPSG:4314', 'gcps': [ {"source":[], "target":[mtb_extent[0],mtb_extent[1]]}, {"source":[], "target":[mtb_extent[0],mtb_extent[3]]}, {"source":[], "target":[mtb_extent[2],mtb_extent[1]]}, {"source":[], "target":[mtb_extent[2],mtb_extent[3]]} ] } # get zoomify and metadata information log.debug('Create response ...') metadata = Metadata.by_id(, request.db) return { 'type':'new', 'objectid':, 'georeferenceid':"", 'timestamp':"", 'gcps':gcps, 'extent': mtb_extent, 'zoomify': metadata.imagezoomify, 'metadata': { 'dateiname': mapObj.apsdateiname, 'titel_long': metadata.title, 'titel_short': metadata.titleshort } }
def runUpdateGeoreferenceProcess(georefProcess, dbsession, logger, testing=False): """ This function update the georeference result for a given map object. @param vkviewer.python.models.messtischblatt.AdminJobs: georefProcess @param sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session: dbsession @param logging.Logger: logger @param boolean: testing (Default: False) """'Run georeference process with type "update" with id %s ...' % activeGeorefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getActualGeoreferenceProcessForMapId( georefProcess.mapid, dbsession) mapObj = Map.by_id(georefProcess.mapid, dbsession)'Deactivate old georeference processes ...') if activeGeorefProcess: deactivate(activeGeorefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger)'Activate new georeference processes ...') activate(georefProcess, mapObj, dbsession, logger)
def georeferenceConfirm(request):'Receive request for processing georeference validation result') try: userid = checkIsUser(request) request_data = None if request.method == 'POST': request_data = request.json_body mapObj = parseMapObjForId(request_data, 'id', request.db) log.debug('Id is valide: %s' % request_data) log.debug( 'Check if there is already a registered georeference process for this messtischblatt ...' ) if Georeferenzierungsprozess.isGeoreferenced(, request.db): msg = 'There is already a georeference process for this process. Please load again and start on the latest changes.' log.debug(msg) georeferenceid = Georeferenzierungsprozess.getActualGeoreferenceProcessForMapId(, request.db).id response = {'text': msg, 'georeferenceid': georeferenceid} return response # actual only support this option if target srs is EPSG:4314 log.debug('Start saving georeference process in the database ...') epsg_code = int( str(request_data['georeference']['target']).split(':')[1]) if request_data['georeference'][ 'source'] == 'pixel' and epsg_code == 4314: log.debug('Create georeference process record ...') timestamp = getTimestampAsPGStr() georeference_parameter = str( convertUnicodeDictToUtf(request_data['georeference'])) georefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess( messtischblattid=mapObj.apsobjectid, nutzerid=userid, georefparams=ast.literal_eval(georeference_parameter), clipparameter=georeference_parameter, timestamp=timestamp, isactive=True, type='new', adminvalidation='', processed=False,, overwrites=0) request.db.add(georefProcess) request.db.flush() log.debug('Create response ...') response = { 'text': 'Georeference result saved. It will soon be ready for use.', 'georeferenceid':, 'points': 20, 'gcps': request_data['georeference'], 'type': 'confirm' } return response else: raise GeoreferenceParameterError( 'Wrong or missing service parameter') except GeoreferenceParameterError as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPBadRequest(ERROR_MSG) except Exception as e: log.error(e) log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise HTTPInternalServerError(ERROR_MSG)
def georeferenceUpdate(request):'Receive request for processing georeference update result') try: userid = checkIsUser(request) request_data = None if request.method == 'POST': request_data = request.json_body if request_data: validateId(request_data['id']) log.debug('Request data is valide: %s' % request_data) log.debug( 'Check if there exists a registered georeference process for this messtischblatt ...' ) messtischblatt = Messtischblatt.by_id(request_data['id'], request.db) isAlreadyGeorefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_messtischblattid(, request.db) if isAlreadyGeorefProcess is None: response = { 'text': 'There is no registered georeference process for this messtischblatt. Please move back to the confirm process.' } return json.dumps(response, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf-8') # actual only support this option if target srs is EPSG:4314 log.debug('Saving georeference process in the database ...') if request_data['georeference']: encoded_clip_params = convertUnicodeDictToUtf( request_data['georeference']) georefProcess = registerNewGeoreferenceProcessInDb(, userid, str(encoded_clip_params), 'update', request.db) log.debug('Set update status for messtischblatt ...') messtischblatt.setIsUpdated(True) log.debug('Create response ...') # right now the premise is that for the updated gcps are equal to the removed gcps. For every # updated gcps the users get new points achievement_points = len( request_data['georeference']['remove']['gcps']) * 5 #gcps = getJsonDictPasspointsForMapObject(, request.db) response = { 'text': 'Georeference result updated. It will soon be ready for use.', 'georeferenceid':, 'points': achievement_points, 'gcps': request_data['georeference']['new'], 'type': 'update' } return json.dumps(response, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf-8') else: log.error('The remove and new parameters are not valide - %s') raise GeoreferenceParameterError( 'The remove and new parameters are not valide.') except GeoreferenceParameterError as e: message = 'Wrong or missing service parameter - %s' % e.value log.error(message) return HTTPBadRequest(message) except Exception as e: message = 'Problems while computing validation result - %s' % e log.error(message) return HTTPInternalServerError(message)
def georeferenceConfirm(request):'Receive request for processing georeference validation result') try: userid = checkIsUser(request) user = Users.by_username(userid, request.db) request_data = None if request.method == 'POST': request_data = request.json_body if request_data: validateId(request_data['id']) log.debug('Request data is valide: %s' % request_data) log.debug( 'Check if there is already a registered georeference process for this messtischblatt ...' ) messtischblatt = Messtischblatt.by_id(request_data['id'], request.db) isAlreadyGeorefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_messtischblattid(, request.db) if isAlreadyGeorefProcess is not None: response = { 'text': 'There is already a registered georeference process for this messtischblatt. Please move forward to the update process.', 'georeferenceid': } return json.dumps(response, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf-8') # actual only support this option if target srs is EPSG:4314 log.debug('Start saving georeference process in the database ...') epsg_code = int( str(request_data['georeference']['target']).split(':')[1]) if request_data['georeference'][ 'source'] == 'pixel' and epsg_code == 4314: log.debug('Create georeference process record ...') timestamp = getTimestampAsPGStr() georeference_parameter = str( convertUnicodeDictToUtf(request_data['georeference'])) georefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess(, nutzerid=userid, clipparameter=georeference_parameter, timestamp=timestamp, isvalide=True, type='new', refzoomify=True, publish=False, processed=False) request.db.add(georefProcess) request.db.flush() log.debug('Creating passpoints ...') # gcps = request_data['georeference']['gcps'] # passpoints = [] # for i in range(0,len(gcps)): # unrefPoint = [gcps[i]['source'][0],gcps[i]['source'][1]] # refPoint = 'POINT(%s %s)'%(gcps[i]['target'][0], gcps[i]['target'][1]) # passpoint = Passpoint(objectid =, userid =, unrefpoint = unrefPoint, # refpoint = refPoint, deprecated = False, timestamp = timestamp, georeferenceprocessid = # request.db.add(passpoint) # passpoints.append(passpoints) log.debug('Create response ...') ##gcps = getJsonDictPasspointsForMapObject(, request.db) response = { 'text': 'Georeference result saved. It will soon be ready for use.', 'georeferenceid':, 'points': 20, 'gcps': request_data['georeference'], 'type': 'confirm' } return json.dumps(response, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf-8') else: raise GeoreferenceParameterError( 'Wrong or missing service parameter') except GeoreferenceParameterError as e: message = 'Wrong or missing service parameter - %s' % e.value log.error(message) return HTTPBadRequest(message) except Exception as e: message = 'Problems while computing validation result - %s' % e log.error(message) return HTTPInternalServerError(message)
def georeferenceConfirm(request):'Receive request for processing georeference validation result') try: userid = checkIsUser(request) user = Users.by_username(userid, request.db) request_data = None if request.method == 'POST': request_data = request.json_body if request_data: validateId(request_data['id']) log.debug('Request data is valide: %s'%request_data) log.debug('Check if there is already a registered georeference process for this messtischblatt ...') messtischblatt = Messtischblatt.by_id(request_data['id'], request.db) isAlreadyGeorefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess.by_messtischblattid(, request.db) if isAlreadyGeorefProcess is not None: response = {'text':'There is already a registered georeference process for this messtischblatt. Please move forward to the update process.','georeferenceid'} return json.dumps(response, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf-8') # actual only support this option if target srs is EPSG:4314 log.debug('Start saving georeference process in the database ...') epsg_code = int(str(request_data['georeference']['target']).split(':')[1]) if request_data['georeference']['source'] == 'pixel' and epsg_code == 4314: log.debug('Create georeference process record ...') timestamp = getTimestampAsPGStr() georeference_parameter = str(convertUnicodeDictToUtf(request_data['georeference'])) georefProcess = Georeferenzierungsprozess(messtischblattid =, nutzerid = userid, clipparameter = georeference_parameter, timestamp = timestamp, isvalide = True, type = 'new', refzoomify = True, publish = False, processed = False) request.db.add(georefProcess) request.db.flush() log.debug('Creating passpoints ...') # gcps = request_data['georeference']['gcps'] # passpoints = [] # for i in range(0,len(gcps)): # unrefPoint = [gcps[i]['source'][0],gcps[i]['source'][1]] # refPoint = 'POINT(%s %s)'%(gcps[i]['target'][0], gcps[i]['target'][1]) # passpoint = Passpoint(objectid =, userid =, unrefpoint = unrefPoint, # refpoint = refPoint, deprecated = False, timestamp = timestamp, georeferenceprocessid = # request.db.add(passpoint) # passpoints.append(passpoints) log.debug('Create response ...') ##gcps = getJsonDictPasspointsForMapObject(, request.db) response = {'text':'Georeference result saved. It will soon be ready for use.','georeferenceid', 'points':20, 'gcps':request_data['georeference'] ,'type':'confirm'} return json.dumps(response, ensure_ascii=False, encoding='utf-8') else: raise GeoreferenceParameterError('Wrong or missing service parameter') except GeoreferenceParameterError as e: message = 'Wrong or missing service parameter - %s'%e.value log.error(message) return HTTPBadRequest(message) except Exception as e: message = 'Problems while computing validation result - %s'%e log.error(message) return HTTPInternalServerError(message)