def main(): # Read the command-line arguments. The args object will contain # 4 properties, args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port, args.user, and # args.password. args = getargs.getargs() # Create a session using the requests library. For more information on # requests, see session = requests.session() # If your NSX API server is using its default self-signed certificate, # you will need the following line, otherwise the python ssl layer # will reject the server certificate. THIS IS UNSAFE and you should # normally verify the server certificate. session.verify = False # Set up the API connector and security context nsx_url = 'https://%s:%s' % (args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port) connector = connect.get_requests_connector( session=session, msg_protocol='rest', url=nsx_url) stub_config = StubConfigurationFactory.new_std_configuration(connector) security_context = create_user_password_security_context( args.user, args.password) connector.set_security_context(security_context) # Now any API calls we make should authenticate to NSX using # HTTP Basic Authentication. Let's get a list of all Transport Zones. transportzones_svc = TransportZones(stub_config) tzs = transportzones_svc.list() # Create a pretty printer to make the output look nice. pp = PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(tzs)
def main(): api_client = auth.create_nsx_policy_api_client("admin", "superSecretPassword", "nsx1.yasen.local", 443, auth_type=auth.SESSION_AUTH) # Create a pretty printer to make the output look nice. pp = PrettyPrinter() tag1 = Tag(scope="Event", tag="VMworld2019") tag2 = Tag(scope="Session", tag="CODE2544U") tagList = [tag1, tag2] t1id = 'my_t1_id' tier1 = Tier1( id=t1id, display_name='myVMworldT1', description='T1 GW created using python SDK for VMworld demo', route_advertisement_types=['TIER1_STATIC_ROUTES', 'TIER1_CONNECTED'], tier0_path='/infra/tier-0s/t0', tags=tagList) try: api_client.infra.Tier1s.patch(t1id, tier1) newTier1 = api_client.infra.Tier1s.get(t1id) pp.pprint(newTier1) except Error as ex: api_error = print("An error occurred when creating Segment: %s" % api_error.error_message) subnet = SegmentSubnet( dhcp_ranges=None, gateway_address='', network='', ) segmentId = 'testSegmentId' segment = Segment( id=segmentId, display_name='testSegmentName', tags=tagList, subnets=[subnet], connectivity_path='/infra/tier-1s/%s' % t1id, transport_zone_path= '/infra/sites/default/enforcement-points/default/transport-zones/4052b9da-2912-4c79-8709-3e25a34457ac' ) try: api_client.infra.Segments.patch(segmentId, segment) newSegment = api_client.infra.Segments.get(segmentId) pp.pprint(newSegment) except Error as ex: api_error = print("An error occurred when creating Segment: %s" % api_error.error_message)
def main(): arg_parser = getargs.get_arg_parser() arg_parser.add_argument("port1", metavar="PORT_ID_1", type=str, nargs="?", help="Logical port 1") arg_parser.add_argument("port2", metavar="PORT_ID_2", type=str, nargs="?", help="Logical port 2") args = arg_parser.parse_args() # Verify exactly 0 or 2 ports were given ports = [x for x in [args.port1, args.port2] if x is not None] if len(ports) not in (0, 2): arg_parser.error("Give exactly two logical port IDs, or none to " "get a list of logical ports.") stub_config = auth.get_session_auth_stub_config(args.user, args.password, args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port) pp = PrettyPrinter() # Instantiate all the services we'll need. lp_svc = LogicalPorts(stub_config) forwardingpath_svc = ForwardingPath(stub_config) # Find all logical ports all_lps = lp_svc.list().results lp_ids = [ for lp in all_lps] fail = False for port in ports: if port not in lp_ids: print("Logical port %s not found" % port) fail = True if fail: sys.exit(1) print("Checking forwarding path between %s and %s" % (args.port1, args.port2)) if len(ports) == 0: # Print all the ports for lp in all_lps: # Show the port's name and id, the logical switch it's on, # and what it's attached to, if anything. print("Logical port %s (id %s)" % (lp.display_name, print(" On switch %s" % lp.logical_switch_id) attachment = ("None" if lp.attachment is None else "%s %s" % (lp.attachment.attachment_type, print(" Attached to: %s" % attachment) else: # Print forwarding path path = forwardingpath_svc.get(ports[0], ports[1]) pp.pprint(path)
def main(): connection = create_api_connection() bgp_svc = BGPStatus(connection) result = bgp_svc.list( logical_router_id='eb18c105-521a-4ca1-a7d7-ed51d93ed718', source='realtime') pp = PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(result)
def main(): arg_parser = getargs.get_arg_parser() arg_parser.add_argument("-s", "--remote_ssh_server", type=str, required=True, help="remote ssh server") arg_parser.add_argument("-r", "--remote_ssh_user", type=str, required=True, help="remote ssh username") arg_parser.add_argument("-c", "--remote_ssh_password", type=str, required=True, help="remote ssh password") arg_parser.add_argument("-f", "--remote_ssh_fingerprint", type=str, required=True, help="remote ssh SHA256 fingerprint") args = arg_parser.parse_args() stub_config = auth.get_session_auth_stub_config(args.user, args.password, args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port) pp = PrettyPrinter() # Instantiate all the services we'll need. sb_svc = SupportBundles(stub_config) cl_node_svc = Nodes(stub_config) # Get the UUID of the manager node we're talking to. We'll # request a support bundle from it. mgr_node = cl_node_svc.get("self") mgr_uuid = print(mgr_uuid) protocol = SupportBundleFileTransferProtocol( name="SCP", authentication_scheme=SupportBundleFileTransferAuthenticationScheme( scheme_name="PASSWORD", username=args.remote_ssh_user, password=args.remote_ssh_password), ssh_fingerprint=args.remote_ssh_fingerprint) rfs = SupportBundleRemoteFileServer(directory_path="/tmp", server=args.remote_ssh_server, protocol=protocol) sb_request = SupportBundleRequest(log_age_limit=1, nodes=[mgr_uuid], remote_file_server=rfs) resp = sb_svc.collect(sb_request) pp.pprint(resp)
def main(): connection = create_api_connection() # logicalswitches_svc = LogicalSwitches(connection) # result = logicalswitches_svc.list() logicalrouters_svc = LogicalRouters(connection) result = logicalrouters_svc.list() pp = PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(result)
def main(): args = getargs.getargs() api_client = auth.create_nsx_api_client(args.user, args.password, args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port, auth_type=auth.SESSION_AUTH) # Create a pretty printer to make the output look nice. pp = PrettyPrinter() t = api_client.telemetry.Config.get() pp.pprint(t)
def main(): arg_parser = getargs.get_arg_parser() arg_parser.add_argument("-s", "--remote_ssh_server", type=str, required=True, help="remote ssh server") arg_parser.add_argument("-w", "--remote_ssh_user", type=str, required=True, help="remote ssh username") arg_parser.add_argument("-c", "--remote_ssh_password", type=str, required=True, help="remote ssh password") arg_parser.add_argument("-f", "--remote_ssh_fingerprint", type=str, required=True, help="remote ssh SHA256 fingerprint") args = arg_parser.parse_args() api_client = auth.create_nsx_api_client(args.user, args.password, args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port, auth_type=auth.SESSION_AUTH) pp = PrettyPrinter() # Get the UUID of the manager node we're talking to. We'll # request a support bundle from it. mgr_node = api_client.cluster.Nodes.get("self") mgr_uuid = print(mgr_uuid) protocol = SupportBundleFileTransferProtocol( name="SCP", authentication_scheme=SupportBundleFileTransferAuthenticationScheme( scheme_name="PASSWORD", username=args.remote_ssh_user, password=args.remote_ssh_password ), ssh_fingerprint=args.remote_ssh_fingerprint ) rfs = SupportBundleRemoteFileServer( directory_path="/tmp", server=args.remote_ssh_server, protocol=protocol ) sb_request = SupportBundleRequest( log_age_limit=1, nodes=[mgr_uuid], remote_file_server=rfs ) try: resp = api_client.administration.SupportBundles.collect(sb_request) pp.pprint(resp) except Error as ex: api_error = print("An error occurred: %s" % api_error.error_message)
def main(): # Read the command-line arguments. arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() arg_parser.add_argument('-n', '--nsx_host', type=str, required=True, help='NSX host to connect to') arg_parser.add_argument('-t', '--tcp_port', type=int, default=443, help='TCP port for NSX server') arg_parser.add_argument('-c', '--client_certificate', type=str, required=True, help='Name of PEM file containing client ' 'certificate and private key') args = arg_parser.parse_args() # Create a session using the requests library. For more information on # requests, see session = requests.session() # If your NSX API server is using its default self-signed certificate, # you will need the following line, otherwise the python ssl layer # will reject the server certificate. THIS IS UNSAFE and you should # normally verify the server certificate. session.verify = False # Configure the requests library to supply a client certificate session.cert = args.client_certificate # Set up the API connector and client nsx_url = 'https://%s:%s' % (args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port) connector = connect.get_requests_connector(session=session, msg_protocol='rest', url=nsx_url) stub_config = StubConfigurationFactory.new_std_configuration(connector) stub_factory = nsx_client.StubFactory(stub_config) api_client = ApiClient(stub_factory) # Now any API calls we make should authenticate to NSX using # the client certificate. Let's get a list of all Transport Zones. tzs = api_client.TransportZones.list() # Create a pretty printer to make the output look nice. pp = PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(tzs)
def main(): connection = create_api_connection() pp = PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint( LogicalRouters(connection).get(logical_router_id=LOGICAL_ROUTER_ID)) pp.pprint(NatRules(connection).list(logical_router_id=LOGICAL_ROUTER_ID)) # pp.pprint(BgpAdvertisementRules(connection).get(logical_router_id=LOGICAL_ROUTER_ID)) pp.pprint( BgpRedistributionRules(connection).get( logical_router_id=LOGICAL_ROUTER_ID)) pp.pprint(BfdPeers(connection).list(logical_router_id=LOGICAL_ROUTER_ID)) pp.pprint( BgpNeighborsStatus(connection).list( logical_router_id=LOGICAL_ROUTER_ID, source='realtime'))
def main(): args = getargs.getargs() # Create a pretty printer to make the output look nice. pp = PrettyPrinter() api_client = auth.create_nsx_api_client(args.user, args.password, args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port, auth_type=auth.SESSION_AUTH) # First, list all switching profiles. swps = api_client.SwitchingProfiles.list() print("Initial list of switching profiles - %d profiles" % swps.result_count) # Since switching profiles are polymorphic, we need to convert # each profile to its concrete class for raw_profile in swps.results: concrete_type_name = raw_profile.to_dict()["resource_type"] concrete_type = getattr(model_client, concrete_type_name) profile = raw_profile.convert_to(concrete_type) pp.pprint(profile) # Create a new QOS switching profile new_profile = QosSwitchingProfile(class_of_service=None, dscp=None, shaper_configuration=None, description="", display_name="My QoS Policy", tags=[]) result_profile = api_client.SwitchingProfiles.create( new_profile).convert_to(QosSwitchingProfile) print("Switching profile created. id is %s" % # Save the id, which uniquely identifies the resource we created. profile_id = # Read that switching profile. read_profile = api_client.SwitchingProfiles.get(profile_id).convert_to( QosSwitchingProfile) print("Re-read the QOS switching profile") pp.pprint(read_profile) # Delete the switching profile api_client.SwitchingProfiles.delete(profile_id) print("After deleting QOS switching profile")
def main(): # Read the command-line arguments. The args object will contain # 3 properties, args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port, and args.refresh_token. args = getargs.getargs() if args.refresh_token is None: sys.stderr.write( "Error: you must provide a refresh token for this example\n") sys.exit(1) # Obtain a token to use for authenticating to the NSX Manager. We # just use the python requests library directly. params = {"refresh_token", args.refresh_token} resp ="%s?refresh_token=%s" % (VMC_AUTH_URL, args.refresh_token)) resp.raise_for_status() # Will raise exception if error resp_json = resp.json() # This is the access token you will pass with all NSX Manager API requests access_token = resp_json["access_token"] # Create a session using the requests library. For more information on # requests, see session = requests.session() # Arrange for the requests library to send the bearer token header # with each request. session.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer %s" % access_token # If your NSX API server is using its default self-signed certificate, # you will need the following line, otherwise the python ssl layer # will reject the server certificate. THIS IS UNSAFE and you should # normally verify the server certificate. session.verify = False # Set up the API connector nsx_url = 'https://%s:%s' % (args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port) resp = session.get("%s/api/v1/cluster" % nsx_url) connector = connect.get_requests_connector(session=session, msg_protocol='rest', url=nsx_url) stub_config = StubConfigurationFactory.new_std_configuration(connector) # Let's get a list of all Domains domains_svc = Domains(stub_config) domains = domains_svc.list() # Create a pretty printer to make the output look nice. pp = PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(domains)
def main(): # Read the command-line arguments. arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() arg_parser.add_argument('-o', '--org_id', type=str, required=True, help='VMC Organization ID') arg_parser.add_argument('-s', '--sddc_id', type=str, required=True, help='VMC Software Defined Datacenter ID') arg_parser.add_argument('-r', '--refresh_token', type=str, required=True, help='Refresh token') args = arg_parser.parse_args() vmc_client = create_nsx_policy_client_for_vmc( args.refresh_token, args.org_id, args.sddc_id) # Let's get a list of all Domains domains = vmc_client.infra.Domains.list() # Create a pretty printer to make the output look nice. pp = PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(domains)
def main(): args = getargs.getargs() # Create a pretty printer to make the output look nice. pp = PrettyPrinter() api_client = auth.create_nsx_api_client(args.user, args.password, args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port, auth_type=auth.SESSION_AUTH) # Create an IP Pool new_pool = IpPool(display_name="My IP Pool", description="IP Pool for IP Pool demo", subnets=[ IpPoolSubnet(cidr="", allocation_ranges=[ IpPoolRange(start="", end="") ]) ]) result_pool = api_client.pools.IpPools.create(new_pool) print("IP Pool created. id is %s" % # Allocate an IP address alloc = AllocationIpAddress(allocation_id="") api_client.pools.IpPools.allocateorrelease(, allocation_ip_address=alloc, action=api_client.pools.IpPools.ALLOCATEORRELEASE_ACTION_ALLOCATE) # Show the allocations allocs = api_client.pools.ip_pools.Allocations.list( pp.pprint(allocs) # Deallocate the IP address api_client.pools.IpPools.allocateorrelease(, allocation_ip_address=alloc, action=api_client.pools.IpPools.ALLOCATEORRELEASE_ACTION_RELEASE)
def main(): # Read the command-line arguments. The args object will contain # 4 properties, args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port, args.user, and # args.password. args = getargs.getargs() # Create a session using the requests library. For more information on # requests, see session = requests.session() # If your NSX API server is using its default self-signed certificate, # you will need the following line, otherwise the python ssl layer # will reject the server certificate. THIS IS UNSAFE and you should # normally verify the server certificate. session.verify = False # Set up the API connector and security context nsx_url = 'https://%s:%s' % (args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port) connector = connect.get_requests_connector(session=session, msg_protocol='rest', url=nsx_url) stub_config = StubConfigurationFactory.new_std_configuration(connector) # Arrange for the Authorization header to be sent with every request. # We do this because the vapi libraries do not currently directly # support authentication with this header payload. auth_str = base64.b64encode("%s:%s" % (args.user, args.password)) session.headers["Authorization"] = "Remote %s" % auth_str stub_factory = nsx_client.StubFactory(stub_config) api_client = ApiClient(stub_factory) # Now any API calls we make should authenticate to NSX by # providing an Authorization header with the correct value. # Let's get a list of all Transport Zones. tzs = api_client.TransportZones.list() # Create a pretty printer to make the output look nice. pp = PrettyPrinter() pp.pprint(tzs)
def main(): arg_parser = getargs.get_arg_parser() arg_parser.add_argument("-s", "--remote_enforcement_point", type=str, required=True, help="remote enforcement point (nsx-t manager " "ip address or hostname)") arg_parser.add_argument("-l", "--remote_login_user", type=str, required=True, help="remote login username") arg_parser.add_argument("-c", "--remote_login_password", type=str, required=True, help="remote login password") arg_parser.add_argument("-f", "--remote_ssl_thumbprint", type=str, required=True, help="remote ssl SHA256 thumbprint") args = arg_parser.parse_args() api_client = auth.create_nsx_policy_api_client(args.user, args.password, args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port, auth_type=auth.SESSION_AUTH) # Create a pretty printer to make the output look nice. pp = PrettyPrinter() DEFAULT_DZ_ID = "default" # Read the default deployment zone default_dz = api_client.infra.DeploymentZones.get(DEFAULT_DZ_ID) # Print the current enforcement points print("Initial enforcement points: ") pp.pprint(default_dz.enforcement_points) # Register an enforcement point conn_info = NSXTConnectionInfo( enforcement_point_address=args.remote_enforcement_point, thumbprint=args.remote_ssl_thumbprint, username=args.remote_login_user, password=args.remote_login_password, ) ep = EnforcementPoint( description="Example Enforcement Point", connection_info=conn_info, ) try: api_client.infra.EnforcementPoints.patch(DEFAULT_DZ_ID, "example", ep) except Error as ex: api_error = print("An error occurred: %s" % api_error.error_message) eps = api_client.infra.EnforcementPoints.list(DEFAULT_DZ_ID) pp.pprint(eps) print("You can now examine the enforcement points in the") print("NSX policy service if you wish. Press enter to continue.") sys.stdin.readline() # Delete the enforcement point api_client.infra.EnforcementPoints.delete(DEFAULT_DZ_ID, "example") print("After deleting enforcement point")
def main(): # args = getargs.getargs() nsx_host = "" user = "******" password = "******" tcp_port = 443 # stub_config = auth.get_basic_auth_stub_config(args.user, args.password, # args.nsx_host, # args.tcp_port) stub_config = auth.get_session_auth_stub_config(user, password, nsx_host, tcp_port) # Create a pretty printer to make the output look nice. pp = PrettyPrinter() # Create the services we'll need. infra_svc = Infra(stub_config) domains_svc = Domains(stub_config) # First, retrieve /infra and the domains in /infra. If your NSX # policy service has just been installed, there will be no domains. infra = infra_svc.get() print("Initial state of /infra") pp.pprint(infra) domains = domains_svc.list() print("All domains: total of %d domains" % domains.result_count) # Create a domain with a random id domain_id = "Domain_%d" % random.choice(range(10000)) domain = Domain( id=domain_id, display_name=domain_id, # Note: the revision should not be required, but for # now it must be provided on initial object creation. revision=0) try: domains_svc.update(domain_id, domain) print("Domain %s created." % domain_id) except Error as ex: api_error = print("An error occurred: %s" % api_error.error_message) # Read that domain read_domain = domains_svc.get(domain_id) print("Re-read the domain") pp.pprint(read_domain) # List all domains again. The newly created domain # will be in the list. domains = domains_svc.list() print("All domains: total of %d domains" % domains.result_count) print("You can now examine the infra and domains in the") print("NSX policy service if you wish. Press enter to continue.") sys.stdin.readline() # Update the domain. The NSX policy API only supports a create API, # so to update an existing resource, just call the create method # again, passing the properties you wish to update. read_domain.description = "Updated description for transport zone" domains_svc.update(domain_id, read_domain) # Re-read the domain read_domain = domains_svc.get(domain_id) print("Domain after updating") pp.pprint(read_domain) # Delete the domain domains_svc.delete(domain_id) print("After deleting domain") # Now if we try to read the domain, we should get a # 404 Not Found error. This example also shows how you can # check for and handle specific errors from the NSX Policy API. try: read_domain = domains_svc.get(domain_id) except NotFound: print("Domain is gone, as expected")
def main(): args = getargs.getargs() # Create a pretty printer to make the output look nice. pp = PrettyPrinter() api_client = auth.create_nsx_api_client(args.user, args.password, args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port, auth_type=auth.SESSION_AUTH) # First, list all transport zones. If your NSX installation has # just been installed, this should return an empty list. tzs = api_client.TransportZones.list() print("Initial list of transport zones - %d zones" % tzs.result_count) pp.pprint(tzs) # Create a transport zone. new_tz = TransportZone( transport_type=TransportZone.TRANSPORT_TYPE_OVERLAY, display_name="My transport zone", description="Transport zone for basic create/read/update/delete demo", host_switch_name="hostswitch1") result_tz = api_client.TransportZones.create(new_tz) print("Transport zone created. id is %s" % # Save the id, which uniquely identifies the resource we created. tz_id = # Read that transport zone. read_tz = api_client.TransportZones.get(tz_id) print("Re-read the transport zone") pp.pprint(read_tz) # List all transport zones again. The newly created transport # zone will be in the list. tzs = api_client.TransportZones.list() print("Updated list of transport zones - %d zones" % tzs.result_count) pp.pprint(tzs) print("You can now examine the list of transport zones in the") print("NSX manager if you wish. Press enter to continue.") sys.stdin.readline() # Update the transport zone. read_tz.description = "Updated description for transport zone" updated_tz = api_client.TransportZones.update(tz_id, read_tz) print("After updating description. Note that the revision property is " "automatically updated.") pp.pprint(updated_tz) # Update the transport zone again. # # Note that NSX insists that clients always operate on up-to-date # data. To enforce this, every resource in NSX has a "revision" # property that is automatically maintained by NSX and is # incremented each time the resource is updated. If a client # submits an update operation, and the revision property in the # payload provided by the client does not match the revision # stored on the server, another update must have happened since # the client last read the resource, and the client's copy is # therefore stale. In this case, the server will return a 412 # Precondition Failed error. This is intended to prevent clients # from clobbering each other's updates. To recover from this # error, the client must re-read the resource, apply any desired # updates, and perform another update operation. updated_tz.description = "Updated description again for transport zone" updated_tz = api_client.TransportZones.update(tz_id, updated_tz) print("After updating description again.") pp.pprint(updated_tz) # Delete the transport zone. api_client.TransportZones.delete(tz_id) print("After deleting transport zone") # Now if we try to read the transport zone, we should get a # 404 Not Found error. This example also shows how you can # check for and handle specific errors from the NSX API. try: read_tz = api_client.TransportZones.get(tz_id) except NotFound: print("Transport zone is gone, as expected")
def main(): args = getargs.getargs() api_client = auth.create_nsx_policy_api_client( args.user, args.password, args.nsx_host, args.tcp_port, auth_type=auth.SESSION_AUTH) # Create a pretty printer to make the output look nice. pp = PrettyPrinter() # First, retrieve /infra and the domains in /infra. If your NSX # policy service has just been installed, there will be no domains. infra = api_client.Infra.get() print("Initial state of /infra") pp.pprint(infra) domains = api_client.infra.Domains.list() print("All domains: total of %d domains" % domains.result_count) # Create a domain with a random id domain_id = "Domain_%d" % random.choice(range(10000)) domain = Domain( id=domain_id, display_name=domain_id, ) try: api_client.infra.Domains.update(domain_id, domain) print("Domain %s created." % domain_id) except Error as ex: api_error = print("An error occurred: %s" % api_error.error_message) # Read that domain read_domain = api_client.infra.Domains.get(domain_id) print("Re-read the domain") pp.pprint(read_domain) # List all domains again. The newly created domain # will be in the list. domains = api_client.infra.Domains.list() print("All domains: total of %d domains" % domains.result_count) print("You can now examine the infra and domains in the") print("NSX policy service if you wish. Press enter to continue.") sys.stdin.readline() # Update the domain. The NSX policy API only supports a create API, # so to update an existing resource, just call the create method # again, passing the properties you wish to update. read_domain.description = "Updated description for transport zone" api_client.infra.Domains.update(domain_id, read_domain) # Re-read the domain read_domain = api_client.infra.Domains.get(domain_id) print("Domain after updating") pp.pprint(read_domain) # Delete the domain api_client.infra.Domains.delete(domain_id) print("After deleting domain") # Now if we try to read the domain, we should get a # 404 Not Found error. This example also shows how you can # check for and handle specific errors from the NSX Policy API. try: read_domain = api_client.infra.Domains.get(domain_id) except NotFound: print("Domain is gone, as expected")