コード例 #1
def resolve_alpha_channel(buf, alpha_channel):
    result = bytearray()
    if len(alpha_channel) > 0:
        for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks(buf, 4)):
            chunk[3] = alpha_channel[i]
            result += chunk
        for chunk in chunks(buf, 4):
            chunk[3] = 0xFF
            result += chunk
    return result
コード例 #2
def extract_file(filename, key):
    arc = Malie.from_file(filename)
    archive_file = open(filename, "rb")
    header = Malie.Header.from_bytes(decrypt(arc.header, 0, key))
    size = (header.file_entries_count * 8 + header.unk2) * 4
    print(header.magic, header.file_entries_count, header.unk2, header.unk3,
    file_data_offset = ((
        (header.file_entries_count * 8 + header.unk2) * 4 + 0x10) + 1023) >> 10
    d = [
        decrypt(chunk, (i + 1) * 0x10, key) for i, chunk in enumerate(
            chunks(archive_file.read(align_size(size)), 16))
    a = bytearray()
    for b in d:
        a += b
    file_entries_size = header.file_entries_count << 5
    file_entries = {
        i: Malie.FileEntry.from_bytes(chunk)
        for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks(a[:file_entries_size], 32))
    file_offset_table = [
        int.from_bytes(chunk, "little")
        for chunk in chunks(a[file_entries_size:], 4)
    dirs = [(k, v.name, range(v.file_offset, v.file_offset + v.file_size))
            for k, v in file_entries.items() if v.type == 0]
    for i, f in filter(lambda f: f[1].type == 1, file_entries.items()):
        name = get_path(i, dirs) + f.name
            hex((file_offset_table[f.file_offset] + file_data_offset) << 10),
        off = (file_offset_table[f.file_offset] + file_data_offset) << 10
        d = decrypt_file(archive_file.read(align_size(f.file_size)), off,
                         f.file_size, key)
        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname("ext/" + name), exist_ok=True)
        output_file = open(
            "ext/" + name,
コード例 #3
def remove_bitmap_padding(buf, width, padding):
    if padding == 0:
        return buf
    result = bytearray()
    for chunk in chunks(buf, width):
        result += chunk[:-padding]
    return result
コード例 #4
ファイル: resources.py プロジェクト: Forlos/vn_re
def decrypt_entry(data, file_name, size, flags, xor_key):
    if flags == Acv1.AcvFlags.plain.value:
        return data

    if flags & Acv1.AcvFlags.compressed.value == 0:
        return_data = bytearray(data)
        result = size // len(file_name)
        index = 0
        name_index = 0
        while index <= size and name_index < (len(file_name) - 1):
            for i in range(0, result):
                return_data[index] ^= file_name[name_index]
                index += 1
            name_index += 1
        return return_data

    return_data = bytearray()
    for chunk in chunks(data, 4):
        if len(chunk) != 4:
            return_data += chunk
            return_data += (int.from_bytes(chunk, "little") ^ xor_key).to_bytes(
                4, "little", signed=False
    return zlib.decompress(return_data)
コード例 #5
ファイル: cpz7.py プロジェクト: Forlos/vn_re
def decrypt_data3(data: bytes, size: int, key: int):
    input_data = bytearray()
    dest = bytearray(size)
    for chunk in chunks(data, 4):
        input_data += (int.from_bytes(chunk, "little") ^ key).to_bytes(4, "little")

    global GLOBAL_NUM
    GLOBAL_NUM = 0x100
    data1 = list(bytes(512))
    data2 = list(bytes(512))
    ptr_arr = [input_data, 0, 0, 0]
    result = recursive_data3_decrypt(ptr_arr, data1, data2)
    for i in range(size):
        inner_result = result
        if inner_result >= 0x100:
            while True:
                if ptr_arr[2] == 0:
                    ptr_arr[3] = int.from_bytes(ptr_arr[0][0:4], "little")
                    ptr_arr[2] = 32
                    ptr_arr[0] = ptr_arr[0][4:]
                ptr_arr[2] -= 1
                x = ptr_arr[3]
                ptr_arr[3] >>= 1
                if x & 1 == 0:
                    inner_result = data1[inner_result]
                    inner_result = data2[inner_result]
                if inner_result < 0x100:
        dest[i] = inner_result
    return dest
コード例 #6
ファイル: cpz7.py プロジェクト: Forlos/vn_re
def decrypt_using_password(data: bytearray, size: int, password: bytearray, key: int):
    xor_buf = bytearray()
    result = bytearray()
    for chunk in chunks(password, 4):
        v = wrapping_sub(int.from_bytes(chunk, "little"), key)
        xor_buf += (v).to_bytes(4, "little")
    k = key
    k >>= 8
    k ^= key
    k >>= 8
    k ^= key
    k >>= 8
    k ^= key
    k ^= 0xFFFFFFFB
    k &= 0x0F
    k += 7
    index = 5
    for i in range(size >> 2):
        v = int.from_bytes(xor_buf[index * 4 : (index + 1) * 4], "little")
        v ^= int.from_bytes(data[i * 4 : (i + 1) * 4], "little")
        v = (v + 0x784C5062) & 0xFFFFFFFF
        v = ror(v, k & 0xFF, 32)
        v = (v + 0x01010101) & 0xFFFFFFFF
        result += v.to_bytes(4, "little")
        index = (index + 1) % 0x18

    for i in range(size & 3, 0, -1):
        v = int.from_bytes(xor_buf[index * 4 : (index + 1) * 4], "little")
        v >>= i * 4
        v ^= data[(size - i) * 4 : ((size - i) * 4) + 1]
        v -= 0x7D
        result += v.to_bytes(1, "little")
        index = (index + 1) % 0x18
    return result
コード例 #7
def bitmap_to_png_with_padding(buf, width, padding):
    if padding == 0:
        return bitmap_to_png(buf, width)

    result = bytearray()
    for chunk in chunks(buf, width):
        result = chunk[:-padding] + result
    return result
コード例 #8
def abgr_to_rgba(buf):
    result = bytearray()
    for chunk in chunks(buf, 4):
        a = int.from_bytes(chunk, "little")
        chunk[3] = ~a & 0xFF  # alpha
        chunk[2] = (a >> 8) & 0xFF  # blue
        chunk[1] = (a >> 16) & 0xFF  # green
        chunk[0] = (a >> 24) & 0xFF  # red
        result += chunk
    return result
コード例 #9
def encrypt_scripts(data, xor_key, script_key):
    result = bytes()
    for chunk in chunks(data, 4):
        if len(chunk) != 4:
            result += chunk
            result += (int.from_bytes(chunk, "little") ^ xor_key ^ script_key).to_bytes(
                4, "little", signed=False
    return result
コード例 #10
def bgr_to_rgb(buf):
    result = bytearray()
    for chunk in chunks(buf, 3):
        if len(chunk) != 3:
        a = int.from_bytes(chunk, "little")
        chunk[2] = a & 0xFF
        chunk[1] = (a >> 8) & 0xFF
        chunk[0] = (a >> 16) & 0xFF
        result += chunk
    return result
コード例 #11
ファイル: esc_arc2.py プロジェクト: Forlos/vn_re
def decrypt_file_entries(file_entries, file_entry_key, key):
    decrypted_file_entries = bytearray()
    for chunk in chunks(file_entries, 4):
        file_entry_key ^= key
        d = wrapping_add(file_entry_key, file_entry_key)
        d ^= file_entry_key
        c = file_entry_key
        c >>= 1
        d = wrapping_add(d, d)
        c ^= file_entry_key
        d = wrapping_add(d, d)
        c >>= 3
        d = wrapping_add(d, d)
        c ^= d
        file_entry_key ^= c
        decrypted_file_entries += (int.from_bytes(chunk, "little")
                                   ^ file_entry_key).to_bytes(4, "little")
    result = list()
    for chunk in chunks(decrypted_file_entries, 12):
    return result
コード例 #12
def rotate_buffer(buf, n):
    n >>= 4
    n &= 0xF
    n += 0x10
    result = bytearray()
    for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks(buf, 4)):
        if i % 2 == 0:
            result += rol(int.from_bytes(chunk, "little"), n,
                          32).to_bytes(4, "little")
            result += ror(int.from_bytes(chunk, "little"), n,
                          32).to_bytes(4, "little")
    return bytes(result)
コード例 #13
ファイル: cpz7.py プロジェクト: Forlos/vn_re
def decrypt_file(
    file_contents: bytearray,
    file_size: int,
    md5_cpz7: bytearray,
    key: int,
    decrypt_table: bytearray,
    password: bytearray,
    contents_index = 0
    result = bytearray()
    decrypt_buf = bytearray()  # could need static size
    decrypt_buf2 = bytearray()
    v = int.from_bytes(md5_cpz7[4:8], "little") >> 2
    for b in password:
        decrypt_buf += (decrypt_table[b] ^ (v & 0xFF)).to_bytes(1, "little")
    for chunk in chunks(decrypt_buf, 4):
        decrypt_buf2 += (int.from_bytes(chunk, "little") ^ key).to_bytes(4, "little")
    c = 0x2748C39E
    a = 0x0A
    dx = key
    for i in range(file_size >> 2):
        b = int.from_bytes(decrypt_buf2[a * 4 : (a * 4) + 4], "little") >> 1
        d = (c >> 6) & 0xF
        b ^= int.from_bytes(decrypt_buf2[d * 4 : (d * 4) + 4], "little")
        b ^= int.from_bytes(
            file_contents[contents_index : contents_index + 4], "little"
        b = wrapping_sub(b, dx)
        dx = c & 3
        b ^= int.from_bytes(md5_cpz7[dx * 4 : (dx * 4) + 4], "little")
        dx = key
        result += b.to_bytes(4, "little")

        c = wrapping_add(c, wrapping_add(key, b))
        a += 1
        a &= 0xF
        contents_index += 4

    for i in range(file_size & 3):
        c = file_contents[contents_index] ^ 0xAE
        result += decrypt_table[c].to_bytes(1, "little")

        contents_index += 1

    return result
コード例 #14
ファイル: resources.py プロジェクト: Forlos/vn_re
def encrypt_resources(data, flags, file_name, xor_key):
    if flags == Acv1.AcvFlags.plain.value:
        return data

    return_data = bytearray(data)
    if flags & Acv1.AcvFlags.compressed.value:
        for chunk in chunks(data, 4):
            if len(chunk) != 4:
                return_data += chunk
                return_data += (int.from_bytes(chunk, "little") ^ xor_key).to_bytes(
                    4, "little"
        return zlib.decompress(return_data)

    result = len(data) // len(file_name)
    index = 0
    name_index = 0
    while index <= len(data) and name_index < (len(file_name) - 1):
        for i in range(0, result):
            return_data[index] ^= file_name[name_index]
            index += 1
        name_index += 1
    return return_data
コード例 #15
def add_alpha_channel(buf):
    result = bytearray()
    for chunk in chunks(buf, 3):
        result += chunk + b"\xFF"
    return result
コード例 #16
def resolve_color_table(buf, color_table):
    color_table = [c for c in chunks(color_table, 4)]
    result = bytearray()
    for b in buf:
        result += color_table[b]
    return result
コード例 #17
def bitmap_to_png(buf, width):
    result = bytearray()
    for chunk in chunks(buf, width):
        result = chunk + result
    return result
コード例 #18
ファイル: cpz7.py プロジェクト: Forlos/vn_re
def header_checksum(header):
    num = 0x923A564C
    for chunk in chunks(header, 4):
        x = int.from_bytes(chunk, "little")
        num = (num + x) & 0xFFFFFFFF
    return num
コード例 #19
def resolve_color_table_without_alpha(color_index_table, color_table):
    color_table = [c for c in chunks(color_table, 3)]
    result = bytearray()
    for index in color_index_table:
        result += color_table[index]
    return result
コード例 #20
def decrypt_file(buf, offset, size, key):
    result = bytearray()
    for i, chunk in enumerate(filter(lambda c: len(c) == 16, chunks(buf, 16))):
        result += decrypt(chunk, offset + i * 0x10, key)
    return result[:size]
コード例 #21
def resolve_color_table(color_index_table, color_table):
    color_table = [c for c in chunks(color_table, 4)]
    result = bytearray()
    for index in color_index_table:
        result += color_table[index]
    return result