コード例 #1
def mask(varr, threshold=None, mask_out=False):
    """Create mask on image: set voxel data to 0 where image is below threshold.

    Noise threshold is assumed if set to None

    def _vertical_project(data):

        data = np.mean(data,axis=(0,1))
        return data    

    def _guess_threshold(vertical_projection):

        # TODO account for noise variance in a more normal way...
        thresh = 2 * np.min(vertical_projection)
        return thresh

    # guessing a threshold
    if threshold == None: 
        vprint('Making mask, assuming noise to be in the'+
                'top voxels when determining threshold')
        orig_space = varr.space
        magnitude = vj.core.recon.ssos(varr.data)  # simple combine rcvrs
        # top down is dim2 backwards
        vert_proj = _vertical_project(magnitude)
        vert_min = np.min(vert_proj)
        vert_max = np.max(vert_proj)

        threshold = _guess_threshold(vert_proj)

    # masking
    mask = np.zeros_like(varr.data,dtype='float32')
    mask[magnitude > threshold] = 1.0

    # filling mistakenly masked inner voxels:
    mask = median_filter(mask, size=3)
    # 2nd pass
    mask = median_filter(mask, size=3)

    varr.data = varr.data * mask

    # transform back to original space for consistency
    if orig_space == 'anatomical':
    elif orig_space == 'local':
    elif orig_space == 'global':  # TODO this is not ready though

    # return results
    if mask_out:
        return varr, mask
        return varr
コード例 #2
def write_nifti(varr,out, save_procpar=True,\
    """Write Nifti1 files from vnmrjpy.varray.
    You can specify the data to be saved 
        varray       -- vnmrjpy.varray object containing the data
        out          -- output path
        save_procpar -- (boolean) saves procpar json in the same directory
        save_complex -- save complex data in real-imag pairs along a dimension
        only4dim     -- compress data into 4 dimensions , if possible
    # sanity check for input options

    if combine_rcvrs != None and save_complex == True:

    # check type of data
    if len(varr.data.shape) < 3:
        raise (Exception('Data dimension error'))
    if not varr.is_kspace_complete:
        raise (Exception('K-space is not completed'))
    #------------------ making the Nifti affine and header-----------------

    # main write
    if '.nii' in out:
        out_name = str(out)
    elif '.nii.gz' in out:
        out_name = str(out[:-3])
        out_name = str(out) + '.nii'

    data = varr.data

    # OPTION : save_complex----------------------------------------------------

    # to save complex data, real and imaginary parts are added
    # to receiver channel
    if save_complex:
        rch = 4

        if complex_pairs == 'real-imag':
            data = np.concatenate([np.real(data), np.imag(data)], axis=rch)
        elif complex_pairs == 'magn-phase':
            magn = np.absolute(data)
            phase = np.arctan2(np.imag(data), np.real(data))
            data = np.concatenate([magn, phase], axis=rch)
            raise (Exception('Wrong complex_pairs'))

    # OPTION : rcvr_to_timedim-------------------------------------------------

    if rcvr_to_timedim:
        rch = 4
        timedim = data.shape[rch] * data.shape[3]
        newshape = (data.shape[0], data.shape[1], data.shape[2], timedim)
        data = np.reshape(data, newshape, order='c')

    # OPTION : combine_rcvrs---------------------------------------------------

    if combine_rcvrs == 'ssos':

        data = vj.core.recon.ssos(data, axis=4)
        # cut dimensions more than 3. This is mainly for use with certain FSL calls
        if cut_to_3d:
            if len(data.shape) == 4:
                data = data[..., 0]
            elif len(data.shape) == 5:
                data = data[..., 0, 0]
                raise (Exception('Not implemented'))
    # set affine as none to use the one in header
    img = nib.Nifti1Image(data, None, varr.nifti_header)
    # create directories if not exists
    basedir = out_name.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
    if not os.path.exists(basedir):
    nib.save(img, out_name)
    os.system('gzip -f ' + str(out_name))
    vprint('write_nifti : ' + str(out_name) + ' saved ... ')

    if save_procpar:
        new_pp = out_name[:-3] + 'procpar'
            copyfile(varr.procpar, new_pp)
            pdname = out_name[:-3] + 'json'
            vj.core.utils.savepd(varr.pd, pdname)
コード例 #3
ファイル: varray.py プロジェクト: hlatkyd/vnmrjpy
    def to_kspace(self, raw=False, zerofill=True,
        """Build the k-space from the raw fid data and procpar.

        Raw fid_data is numpy.ndarray(blocks, traces * np) format. Should be
        untangled based on 'seqcon' or 'seqfil' parameters.
        seqcon chars refer to (echo, slice, Pe1, Pe2, Pe3)

        For compatibility, an interface to Xrecon is provided. Set 'method' to 
            method -- 'xrecon', or 'vnmrjpy'

                ([rcvrs, phase, read, slice, echo*time])
                ([phase, read, slice, echo*time, rcvrs])
        # ====================== Child functions, helpers======================
        def _is_interleaved(ppdict):
            res  = (int(ppdict['sliceorder']) == 1)
            return res
        def _is_evenslices(ppdict):
                res = (int(ppdict['ns']) % 2 == 0)
                res = (int(ppdict['pss']) % 2 == 0)
            return res
        def make_im2D():
            """Child method of 'make', provides the same as vnmrj im2Drecon"""
            p = self.pd 
            rcvrs = int(p['rcvrs'].count('y'))
            (read, phase, slices) = (int(p['np'])//2,int(p['nv']),int(p['ns']))
            if 'ne' in p.keys():
                echo = int(p['ne'])
                echo = 1
            time = 1
            # this is the old shape which worked, better to reshape at the end
            finalshape = (rcvrs, phase, read, slices,echo*time*array_length)
            final_kspace = np.zeros(finalshape,dtype='complex64')
            for i in range(array_length):
                kspace = self.data[i*blocks:(i+1)*blocks,...]

                if p['seqcon'] == 'nccnn':
                    shape = (rcvrs, phase, slices, echo*time, read)
                    kspace = np.reshape(kspace, shape, order='C')
                    kspace = np.moveaxis(kspace, [0,1,4,2,3], [0,1,2,3,4])

                elif p['seqcon'] == 'nscnn':

                    raise(Exception('not implemented'))

                elif p['seqcon'] == 'ncsnn':

                    preshape = (rcvrs, phase, slices*echo*time*read)
                    shape = (rcvrs, phase, slices, echo*time, read)
                    kspace = np.reshape(kspace, preshape, order='F')
                    kspace = np.reshape(kspace, shape, order='C')
                    kspace = np.moveaxis(kspace, [0,1,4,2,3], [0,1,2,3,4])

                elif p['seqcon'] == 'ccsnn':

                    preshape = (rcvrs, phase, slices*echo*time*read)
                    shape = (rcvrs, phase, slices, echo*time, read)
                    kspace = np.reshape(kspace, preshape, order='F')
                    kspace = np.reshape(kspace, shape, order='C')
                    kspace = np.moveaxis(kspace, [0,1,4,2,3], [0,1,2,3,4])
                    raise(Exception('Not implemented yet'))
                if _is_interleaved(p): # 1 if interleaved slices
                    if _is_evenslices(p):
                        c = np.zeros(kspace.shape, dtype='complex64')
                        c[...,0::2,:] = kspace[...,:slices//2,:]
                        c[...,1::2,:] = kspace[...,slices//2:,:]
                        kspace = c
                        c = np.zeros(kspace.shape, dtype='complex64')
                        c[...,0::2,:] = kspace[...,:(slices+1)//2,:]
                        c[...,1::2,:] = kspace[...,(slices-1)//2+1:,:]
                        kspace = c

                final_kspace[...,i*echo*time:(i+1)*echo*time] = kspace

            self.data = final_kspace
            # additional reordering
            self.data = np.moveaxis(self.data,[0,1,2,3,4],[4,1,0,2,3])
            # swap axes 0 and 1 so phase, readout etc is the final order
            self.data = np.swapaxes(self.data,0,1)
            return self

        def make_im2Dcs(**kwargs):
            These (*cs) are compressed sensing variants

            def decode_skipint_2D(skipint):

            raise(Exception('not implemented'))

        def make_im2Depi(**kwargs):

            p = self.pd
            # count navigator echos, also there is a unused one
            if p['navigator'] == 'y':
                pluspe = 1 + int(p['nnav'])  # navigator echo + unused
                pluspe = 1  # unused only
            # init main params
            # -------------------------------------------------------
            comp_seg = p['cseg']
            altread = p['altread']
            nseg = int(p['nseg'])  # number of segments
            etl = int(p['etl'])  # echo train length
            kzero = int(p['kzero'])  
            images = int(p['images'])  # repetitions
            rcvrs = int(p['rcvrs'].count('y'))
            time = len(p['image'])  # total volumes including references
            npe = etl + pluspe  # total phase encode lines per shot
            # getting phase encode scheme
            if p['pescheme'] == 'l':
                pescheme = 'linear'
            elif p['pescheme'] == 'c':
                pescheme = 'centric'
                pescheme = None
            #TODO make petable?
            if p['petable'] == 'y':
                petab_file = None #TODO
                phase_order = vj.core.epitools.\
                phase_order = vj.core.epitools.\

            # init final shape
            if int(p['pro']) != 0:
                (read, phase, slices) = (int(p['nread']), \
                                            int(p['nphase']), \
                (read, phase, slices) = (int(p['nread'])//2, \
                                            int(p['nphase']), \
            finalshape = (read, phase, slices,time*array_length, rcvrs)
            final_kspace = np.zeros(finalshape,dtype='complex64')
            #navshape = (rcvrs, int(p['nnav']),read,slices,
            #        echo*time*array_length)
            #nav = np.zeros(navshape,dtype='complex64')  #full set of nav echos

            # sanity check
            if int(self.fid_header['np']) != int((etl +pluspe)*read*2):
                raise Exception("np and kspace format doesn't match")

            for i in range(array_length):
                # arrange to kspace, but don't do corrections
                kspace = self.data[i*blocks:(i+1)*blocks,...]

                # this case repetitions are in different blocks
                if p['seqcon'] == 'ncnnn':
                    #preshape = (rcvrs, time, nseg, slices, npe, read)
                    preshape = (time, rcvrs, nseg, slices, npe, read)
                    kspace = np.reshape(kspace, preshape, order='c')
                    # utility swaps...
                    kspace = np.swapaxes(kspace, 2,3)
                    kspace = np.swapaxes(kspace, 0,1)
                    # dims now: [rcvrs,time,nslices, nseg, phase, read]
                    # reverse odd readout lines
                    kspace = vj.core.epitools._reverse_odd(kspace,\
                    # correct reversed echos for main ghost corr
                    kspace = vj.core.epitools._navigator_scan_correct(kspace,p)
                    # navigator correct
                    # this is for intersegment, and additional ghost corr
                    kspace = vj.core.epitools.\
                    # remove navigator echos 
                    kspace = vj.core.epitools._remove_navigator_echos(kspace,etl)
                    kspace = vj.core.epitools._zerofill(kspace, phase, nseg)
                    # start combining segments
                    kspace = vj.core.epitools._combine_segments(kspace,pescheme)
                    # reshape to [read,phase,slice,time,rcvrs]
                    kspace = vj.core.epitools._reshape_stdepi(kspace)
                    # correct for interleaved slices
                    kspace = vj.core.epitools._correct_ilepi(kspace,p)
                    kspace = vj.core.epitools._refcorrect(\

                    raise(Exception('This seqcon not implemented in epip'))
                # -------------------epi kspace preprocessing------------------
                # TODO check 'image' after array merginf
                final_kspace[...,i*time:(i+1)*time,:] = kspace
            # --------------------- kspace finished----------------------------
            self.data = final_kspace
            return self

        def make_im2Depics():
            raise(Exception('not implemented'))
        def make_im2Dfse(**kwargs):

            p = self.pd
            #petab = vj.util.getpetab(self.procpar,is_procpar=True)
            petab = vj.core.read_petab(self.pd)
            nseg = int(p['nseg'])  # seqgments
            etl = int(p['etl'])  # echo train length
            kzero = int(p['kzero'])  
            images = int(p['images'])  # repetitions
            (read, phase, slices) = (int(p['np'])//2,int(p['nv']),int(p['ns']))

            # setting time params
            echo = 1
            time = images

            phase_sort_order = np.reshape(np.array(petab),petab.size,order='C')
            # shift to positive
            phase_sort_order = phase_sort_order + phase_sort_order.size//2-1

            finalshape = (rcvrs, phase, read, slices,echo*time*array_length)
            final_kspace = np.zeros(finalshape,dtype='complex64')
            for i in range(array_length):
                kspace = self.data[i*blocks:(i+1)*blocks,...]
                if p['seqcon'] == 'nccnn':

                    #TODO check for images > 1
                    preshape = (rcvrs, phase//etl, slices, echo*time, etl, read)
                    shape = (rcvrs, echo*time, slices, phase, read)
                    kspace = np.reshape(kspace, preshape, order='C')
                    kspace = np.swapaxes(kspace,1,3)
                    kspace = np.reshape(kspace, shape, order='C')
                    # shape is [rcvrs, phase, slices, echo*time, read]
                    kspace = np.swapaxes(kspace,1,3)
                    kspace_fin = np.zeros_like(kspace)
                    kspace_fin[:,phase_sort_order,:,:,:] = kspace
                    kspace_fin = np.moveaxis(kspace_fin, [0,1,4,2,3], [0,1,2,3,4])
                    kspace = kspace_fin
                    raise(Exception('not implemented'))
                if _is_interleaved(p): # 1 if interleaved slices
                    if _is_evenslices(p):
                        c = np.zeros(kspace.shape, dtype='complex64')
                        c[...,0::2,:] = kspace[...,:slices//2,:]
                        c[...,1::2,:] = kspace[...,slices//2:,:]
                        kspace = c
                        c = np.zeros(kspace.shape, dtype='complex64')
                        c[...,0::2,:] = kspace[...,:(slices+1)//2,:]
                        c[...,1::2,:] = kspace[...,(slices-1)//2+1:,:]
                        kspace = c
                final_kspace[...,i*echo*time:(i+1)*echo*time] = kspace

            self.data = final_kspace
            # additional reordering
            self.data = np.moveaxis(self.data,[0,1,2,3,4],[4,1,0,2,3])
            # swap axes 0 and 1 so phase, readout etc is the final order
            self.data = np.swapaxes(self.data,0,1)
            return self

        def make_im2Dfsecs(**kwargs):
            raise(Exception('not implemented'))
        def make_im3D(**kwargs):
            """Child method of 'make', provides the same as vnmrj im3Drecon"""
            p = self.pd 
            rcvrs = int(p['rcvrs'].count('y'))
            (read, phase, phase2) = (int(p['np'])//2,int(p['nv']),int(p['nv2']))
            if 'ne' in p.keys():
                echo = int(p['ne'])
                echo = 1
            if 'images' in p.keys():
                time = int(p['images'])
                time = 1

            finalshape = (rcvrs, phase, read, phase2,echo*time*array_length)
            final_kspace = np.zeros(finalshape,dtype='complex64')
            for i in range(array_length):
                kspace = self.data[i*blocks:(i+1)*blocks,...]

                if p['seqcon'] == 'nccsn':
                    preshape = (rcvrs,phase2,phase*echo*time*read)
                    shape = (rcvrs,phase2,phase,echo*time,read)
                    kspace = np.reshape(kspace,preshape,order='F')
                    kspace = np.reshape(kspace,shape,order='C')
                    kspace = np.moveaxis(kspace, [0,2,4,1,3], [0,1,2,3,4])
                    # what is this??
                    #kspace = np.flip(kspace,axis=3)

                if p['seqcon'] == 'ncccn':
                    preshape = (rcvrs,phase2,phase*echo*time*read)
                    shape = (rcvrs,phase,phase2,echo*time,read)
                    kspace = np.reshape(kspace,preshape,order='F')
                    kspace = np.reshape(kspace,shape,order='C')
                    kspace = np.moveaxis(kspace, [0,2,4,1,3], [0,1,2,3,4])
                if p['seqcon'] == 'cccsn':
                    preshape = (rcvrs,phase2,phase*echo*time*read)
                    shape = (rcvrs,phase,phase2,echo*time,read)
                    kspace = np.reshape(kspace,preshape,order='F')
                    kspace = np.reshape(kspace,shape,order='C')
                    kspace = np.moveaxis(kspace, [0,2,4,1,3], [0,1,2,3,4])

                if p['seqcon'] == 'ccccn':
                    shape = (rcvrs,phase2,phase,echo*time,read)
                    kspace = np.reshape(kspace,shape,order='C')
                    kspace = np.moveaxis(kspace, [0,2,4,1,3], [0,1,2,3,4])

                final_kspace[...,i*echo*time:(i+1)*echo*time] = kspace

            self.data = final_kspace
            # additional reordering
            self.data = np.moveaxis(self.data,[0,1,2,3,4],[4,1,0,2,3])
            # swap axes 0 and 1 so phase, readout etc is the final order
            self.data = np.swapaxes(self.data,0,1)
            return self

        def make_im3Dcs():
            3D compressed sensing
            sequences : ge3d, mge3d, se3d, etc
            # -------------------im3Dcs Make helper functions ---------------------

            def decode_skipint_3D(skipint):
                Takes 'skipint' parameter and returns a 0-1 matrix according to it
                which tells what lines are acquired in the phase1-phase2 plane
                BITS = 32  # Skipint parameter is 32 bit encoded binary, see spinsights
                skip_matrix = np.zeros([int(p['nv']), int(p['nv2'])])
                skipint = [int(x) for x in skipint]
                skipint_bin_vals = [str(np.binary_repr(d, BITS)) for d in skipint]
                skipint_bin_vals = ''.join(skipint_bin_vals)
                skipint_bin_array = np.asarray([int(i) for i in skipint_bin_vals])
                skip_matrix = np.reshape(skipint_bin_array, skip_matrix.shape)

                return skip_matrix

            def fill_kspace_3D(pre_kspace, skip_matrix, shape):
                Fills up reduced kspace with zeros according to skip_matrix
                returns zerofilled kspace in the final shape
                kspace = np.zeros(shape, dtype=complex)
                if self.p['seqcon'] == 'ncccn':

                    n = int(self.p['nv'])
                    count = 0
                    for i in range(skip_matrix.shape[0]):
                        for k in range(skip_matrix.shape[1]):
                            if skip_matrix[i,k] == 1:
                                kspace[:,i,k,:,:] = pre_kspace[:,count,:,:]
                                count = count+1
                self.kspace = kspace
                return kspace

            #------------------------im3Dcs make start -------------------------------

            kspace = self.pre_kspace
            p = self.p
            (read, phase, phase2) = (int(p['np'])//2, \
                                    int(p['nv']), \

            shiftaxis = (self.config['pe_dim'],\

            if 'ne' in p.keys():
                echo = int(p['ne'])
                echo = 1

            time = 1

            if p['seqcon'] == 'nccsn':


            if p['seqcon'] == 'ncccn':
                skip_matrix = decode_skipint_3D(p['skipint'])
                pre_phase = int(self.fid_header['ntraces'])    
                shape = (self.rcvrs, phase, phase2, echo*time, read)
                pre_shape = (self.rcvrs, pre_phase, echo*time, read)
                pre_kspace = np.reshape(kspace, pre_shape, order='c')
                kspace = fill_kspace_3D(pre_kspace, skip_matrix, shape)
                kspace = np.moveaxis(kspace, [0,1,4,2,3],[0,1,2,3,4])
            self.kspace = kspace
            return kspace

        def make_im3Dute():
            raise(Exception('not implemented')) 

        # ========================== INIT =====================================
        # if data is not from fid, just fft it
        if self.vdtype == 'imagespace':
            raise(Exception('not implemented yet'))        
            #TODO something like this:

            #self.data = vj.core.recon._fft(self.data,dims)
            #self.vdype = 'kspace'                

        #=========================== Xrecon ===================================
        vprint(' making seqfil : {}'.format(self.pd['seqfil']))

        if method == 'xrecon':
            self = vj.xrecon.make_temp_dir(self)
            self = vj.xrecon.mod_procpar(self,output='kspace')
            self = vj.xrecon.call(self)
            self = vj.xrecon.loadfdf(self)
            self = vj.xrecon.clean(self)
            return self

        # ========================= Vnmrjpy recon ============================
        elif method == 'vnmrjpy':

            # check if data is really from fid
            if self.vdtype is not 'fid':
                raise(Exception('varray data is not fid data.'))
            self.data = np.vectorize(complex)(self.data[:,0::2],\
            # check for arrayed parameters, save the length for later 
            array_length = reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, \
                            [i[1] for i in self.arrayed_params])
            blocks = self.data.shape[0] // array_length
            vprint('Making k-space for '+ str(self.apptype)+' '\
                    +str(self.pd['seqfil'])+' seqcon: '+str(self.pd['seqcon']))
            rcvrs = self.pd['rcvrs'].count('y')

            # add epiref
            self.epiref_type = epiref_type
            # ----------------Handle sequence exceptions first---------------------

            if str(self.pd['seqfil']) == 'ge3d_elliptical':
                self = make_im3Dcs()

            #--------------------------Handle by apptype---------------------------

            if self.pd['apptype'] == 'im2D':

                self = make_im2D()
                self.is_kspace_complete = True

            elif self.pd['apptype'] == 'im2Dcs':

                self = make_im2Dcs()

            elif self.pd['apptype'] == 'im2Depi':

                self = make_im2Depi()
                self.is_kspace_complete = True

            elif self.pd['apptype'] == 'im2Depics':

                self = make_im2Depics()

            elif self.pd['apptype'] == 'im2Dfse':

                self = make_im2Dfse()
                self.is_kspace_complete = True

            elif self.pd['apptype'] == 'im2Dfsecs':

                self = make_im2Dfsecs()

            elif self.pd['apptype'] == 'im3D':

                self = make_im3D()
                self.is_kspace_complete = True

            elif self.pd['apptype'] == 'im3Dcs':

                self = make_im3Dcs()

            elif self.pd['apptype'] == 'im3Dute':

                self = make_im3Dute()
                self.is_kspace_complete = True

                raise(Exception('Could not find apptype.'))

        # ===================== Global modifications on Kspace ================

        #TODO if slices are in reversed order, flip them
        # in revamp make new axes, mainly for nifti io, and viewers
        # old : [rcvrs, phase, read, slice, time]
        # new : [read, phase, slice, time, rcvrs]

        # TODO moved these to the individual recons
        #self.data = np.moveaxis(self.data,[0,1,2,3,4],[4,1,0,2,3])
        # swap axes 0 and 1 so phase, readout etc is the final order
        #self.data = np.swapaxes(self.data,0,1)

        if vj.config['default_space'] == None:
        elif vj.config['default_space'] == 'anatomical':
        return self
コード例 #4
def read_fid(fid,procpar=None,load_data=True,
    """Handles raw data from Varian spectrometer

        fid -- path to .fid directory
        procpar -- path to procpar file, specify procpar manually
        load_data -- set false to prevent loading binary data into memory
        xrecon -- Set True for direct reconstruction by Xrecon
        xrecon_space -- either 'kspace' or 'imagespace' for xrecon output

    .fid File structure as per Vnmrj manual:
    struct datafilehead
    Used at the beginning of each data file (fid's, spectra, 2D) 

       int     nblocks;      /* number of blocks in file
       int     ntraces;      /* number of traces per block    
       int     np;           /* number of elements per trace    
       int     ebytes;       /* number of bytes per element            
       int     tbytes;       /* number of bytes per trace        
       int     bbytes;       /* number of bytes per block        
       short   vers_id;      /* software version and file_id status bits
       short   status;       /* status of whole file    
       int       nbheaders;     /* number of block headers            

    struct datablockhead
     Each file block contains the following header 

       short   scale;    /* scaling factor        
       short   status;    /* status of data in block      
       short   index;    /* block index              
       short   mode;    /* mode of data in block     
       int       ctcount;    /* ct value for FID        
       float   lpval;    /* F2 left phase in phasefile    
       float   rpval;    /* F2 right phase in phasefile
       float   lvl;        /* F2 level drift correction       
       float   tlt;        /* F2 tilt drift correction      
    def _decode_header(bheader):
        """Return dictionary of fid header from binary header data"""
        hkey_list = ['nblocks','ntraces','np','ebytes','tbytes','bbytes',\
        hval_list = []
        h_dict = {}
        if len(bheader) != 32:
            raise(Exception('Incorrect fid header data: not 32 bytes'))

            for num, i in enumerate(hkey_list):
                h_dict[i] = hval_list[num]
        return h_dict

    def _decode_blockhead(blockheader):
        """Return block header dictionary"""
        bh_dict = {}
        bhk_list = ['scale','status','index','mode','ctcount','lpval'\
        bhv_list = []

        for num, i in enumerate(bhk_list):
            bh_dict[i] = bhv_list[num]        
        return bh_dict

    def _chunks(l, n):
        """Generate n long chunks from list l"""
        for i in range(0, len(l), n):
            yield l[i:i + n]

    def _xrecon_read(varr,xrspace):
        varr = vj.xrecon.make_temp_dir(varr)
        varr = vj.xrecon.mod_procpar(varr,output=xrspace)
        varr = vj.xrecon.call(varr)
        varr = vj.xrecon.loadfdf(varr,data=xrspace)
        varr = vj.xrecon.clean(varr)
        return varr

    # ============================ INIT =======================================
    # TODO is procpar != None making sense?
    if procpar==None:
        if os.path.isdir(fid):
            fid_path = fid
            procpar = str(fid)+'/procpar'
            fid = str(fid)+'/fid'
            fid_path = fid.rsplit('/',1)[0]
            procpar = fid.rsplit('/')[0]+'/procpar'
        print('Warning: manual setting of procpar is not fully supported')
    # ============================ XRECON ====================================
    # deal with Xrecon is set True
    if xrecon == True:
        pd = read_procpar(procpar)
        arr = _get_arrayed_par_length(pd)
        # TODO ???
        sdim = ['phase', 'read', 'slice', 'time', 'rcvr']

        if xrecon_space == 'kspace':
            vdtype = 'kspace'
        elif xrecon_space == 'imagespace':
            vdtype = 'imagespace'

        varr = vj.varray(data=None,space=None,\
                        source='fid',dtype=vj.DTYPE, seqcon=pd['seqcon'],\
                        vdtype=None,sdims = sdim, fid_path=fid_path)

        varr = _xrecon_read(varr,xrecon_space)

        varr.vdtype = vdtype

        return varr

    # ================================ VNMRJPY ================================
    # header data should be 32 bytes
    with open(fid,'rb') as openFid:
        binary_data = openFid.read()
        # binary header data 
        bheader = bytearray(binary_data[:32])
        # binary fid data
        bdata = binary_data[32:]

    header_dict = _decode_header(bheader)
    pd = read_procpar(procpar)

    chunk_size = int(header_dict['bbytes'])
    block_list = list(_chunks(bdata,chunk_size))

    if header_dict['bbytes'] == len(block_list[0]):
        #print('blocksize check OK')

    vprint('reading fid {}'.format(fid))
    vprint('\nfid header :\n')

    #------------main iteration through bytearray -----------------

    if load_data == False:
        fid_data = None  #don't load fid data, useful if xrecon is called next
    elif load_data == True:
        dim = (int(header_dict['nblocks']),\
        fid_data = np.empty(dim)
        if header_dict['ebytes'] == 4:
            dt = '>f'
        if header_dict['ebytes'] == 2:
            dt = '>i2'
        for k,block in enumerate(block_list): # for each block
            block_header = block[:28] # separate block header
            block_data = block[28:]
            fid_data[k,:] = np.frombuffer(bytearray(block_data),dt)

    # fid data ready, now create varray class
    arr = _get_arrayed_par_length(pd)
    sdim = ['phase', 'read', 'slice', 'time', 'rcvr']
    varr = vj.varray(data=fid_data,space=None,pd=pd,fid_header=header_dict,\
                        source='fid',dtype=vj.DTYPE, seqcon=pd['seqcon'],\
                        sdims = sdim, fid_path=fid_path)
    return varr
コード例 #5
    def _parse_header(header):
        keys_to_parse = sorted(['rank','roi','location','spatial_rank',\
                        'pe2_size', 'abscissa',\
        to_delete = ('char','float','int')
        header = header.decode('ascii').split('\n')
        header_dict = {}    
        for line in header:             # some formatting of header
            for item in to_delete:
                if line.startswith(item):
                    line = line.split(item,1)
                line = line[1].lstrip()
                line = line.lstrip('*').rstrip(';')
                if '[]' in line:
                    line = line.replace('[]','')
                if '{' in line:
                    line = line.replace('{','(')
                if '}' in line:
                    line = line.replace('}',')')
                if ' ' in line:
                    line = line.replace(' ','')
                line = line.split('=')
                header_dict[line[0]] = line[1]        

        for item in keys_to_parse:
            if item in header_dict.keys():            
                if item == 'abscissa':
                    tempval = header_dict[item][1:-1];''.join(tempval)
                    tempval = tempval.replace('"','')                
                    header_dict[item] = tuple([k \
                                    for k in tempval.split(',')])
                if item == 'matrix':            
                    tempval = header_dict[item][1:-1];''.join(tempval)
                    header_dict[item] = tuple([int(k) \
                                    for k in tempval.split(',')])
                if item == 'roi':
                    tempval = header_dict[item][1:-1];''.join(tempval)
                    header_dict[item] = tuple([float(k)\
                                    for k in tempval.split(',')])
                if item == 'ro_size' or item == 'pe_size' \
                                    or item == 'pe2_size':
                    header_dict[item] = int(header_dict[item])
                if item == 'storage':
                    tempval = header_dict[item];''.join(tempval)
                    tempval = tempval.replace('"','')
                    header_dict[item] = str(tempval)
                if item == 'orientation':
                    tempval = header_dict[item][1:-1];''.join(tempval)
                    header_dict[item] = tuple([float(k)\
                                    for k in tempval.split(',')])
                if item == 'location':
                    tempval = header_dict[item][1:-1];''.join(tempval)
                    header_dict[item] = tuple([float(k)\
                                    for k in tempval.split(',')])
                if item == 'gap':
                    header_dict[item] = float(header_dict[item])
                if item == 'slices':
                    header_dict[item] = int(header_dict[item])
                if item == 'TR':
                    header_dict[item] = float(header_dict[item])/1000
        return header_dict
コード例 #6
def read_fdf(path):
    """Return vnmrjpy.varray from varian .fdf files

    Input can be the whole .img directory (this is preferred) or stand-alone
    .fdf files. Procpar file should be present in directory.

    #---------------- auxiliary functions for read method -----------------

    def _preproc_fdf(fdf):

        with open(fdf,'rb') as openFdf:
            fdata = bytearray(openFdf.read())
            nul = fdata.find(b'\x00')
            header = fdata[:nul]
            data = fdata[nul+1:]
        return (header,data)

    # ----------parse fdf header and return into a dictionary --------------

    def _parse_header(header):
        keys_to_parse = sorted(['rank','roi','location','spatial_rank',\
                        'pe2_size', 'abscissa',\
        to_delete = ('char','float','int')
        header = header.decode('ascii').split('\n')
        header_dict = {}    
        for line in header:             # some formatting of header
            for item in to_delete:
                if line.startswith(item):
                    line = line.split(item,1)
                line = line[1].lstrip()
                line = line.lstrip('*').rstrip(';')
                if '[]' in line:
                    line = line.replace('[]','')
                if '{' in line:
                    line = line.replace('{','(')
                if '}' in line:
                    line = line.replace('}',')')
                if ' ' in line:
                    line = line.replace(' ','')
                line = line.split('=')
                header_dict[line[0]] = line[1]        

        for item in keys_to_parse:
            if item in header_dict.keys():            
                if item == 'abscissa':
                    tempval = header_dict[item][1:-1];''.join(tempval)
                    tempval = tempval.replace('"','')                
                    header_dict[item] = tuple([k \
                                    for k in tempval.split(',')])
                if item == 'matrix':            
                    tempval = header_dict[item][1:-1];''.join(tempval)
                    header_dict[item] = tuple([int(k) \
                                    for k in tempval.split(',')])
                if item == 'roi':
                    tempval = header_dict[item][1:-1];''.join(tempval)
                    header_dict[item] = tuple([float(k)\
                                    for k in tempval.split(',')])
                if item == 'ro_size' or item == 'pe_size' \
                                    or item == 'pe2_size':
                    header_dict[item] = int(header_dict[item])
                if item == 'storage':
                    tempval = header_dict[item];''.join(tempval)
                    tempval = tempval.replace('"','')
                    header_dict[item] = str(tempval)
                if item == 'orientation':
                    tempval = header_dict[item][1:-1];''.join(tempval)
                    header_dict[item] = tuple([float(k)\
                                    for k in tempval.split(',')])
                if item == 'location':
                    tempval = header_dict[item][1:-1];''.join(tempval)
                    header_dict[item] = tuple([float(k)\
                                    for k in tempval.split(',')])
                if item == 'gap':
                    header_dict[item] = float(header_dict[item])
                if item == 'slices':
                    header_dict[item] = int(header_dict[item])
                if item == 'TR':
                    header_dict[item] = float(header_dict[item])/1000
        return header_dict

    #----------process bynary data based on header--------------------

    def _prepare_data(binary_data, header_dict):

        matrix = header_dict['matrix']

        if header_dict['storage'] == 'float' and \
           header_dict['bits'] == '32':
            dt = np.dtype('float32'); dt = dt.newbyteorder('<')

            raise(Exception('bits may be incorrectly specified in header data'))

        img_data = np.frombuffer(binary_data, dtype=dt)
        img_data = np.reshape(img_data,matrix)
        return img_data
    #                             main read method
    if os.path.isdir(path):
        vprint('\nMaking varray from fdf :  {} \n'.format(path))
        procpar = str(path)+'/procpar'
        fdf_list = sorted(glob.glob(str(path)+'/*.fdf'))
        (header, data) = _preproc_fdf(fdf_list[0])
        pd = read_procpar(procpar)
        if not path.endswith('.fdf'):
            warnings.warn('Input does not end with .fdf, path might be incorrect')
        vprint('\nMaking varray from fdf :  {} \n'.format(path))
        procpar = path.rsplit('/')[0]+'/procpar'
        pd = read_procpar(procpar)
        fdf_list =[path]
        (header, data) = _preproc_fdf(path)
    header_dict = _parse_header(header)
    # ------------------------process if 3d --------------------
    if header_dict['spatial_rank'] == '"3dfov"':

        full_data = []
        time_concat = []
        time = len([1 for i in fdf_list if 'slab001' in i])
        for i in fdf_list: # only 1 item, but there migh be more in future
            (header, data) = _preproc_fdf(i)
            img_data = _prepare_data(data, header_dict)
            # expand to time dim
            img_data = np.expand_dims(img_data,axis=3)
            full_data.append(img_data) # full data in one list

        data_array = np.concatenate(full_data,axis=3)

    #----------------------process if 2d-------------------------
    elif header_dict['spatial_rank'] == '"2dfov"':

        full_data = []
        time_concat = []
        time = len([1 for i in fdf_list if 'slice001' in i])

        for i in fdf_list:                
            (header, data) = _preproc_fdf(i)
            img_data = _prepare_data(data,header_dict)
            # expand 2d to 4d
            img_data = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(img_data,2),3)
            full_data.append(img_data) # full data in one list
        # make sublists
        slice_list =[full_data[i:i+time] \
                        for i in range(0,len(full_data),time)]
        for aslice in slice_list:
        #slice+time concatenated
        slice_time_concat = np.concatenate(time_concat, axis=2)
        data_array = slice_time_concat
    # --------------------process if 1d------------------------
    elif header_dict['spatial_rank'] == '"1dfov"':
        raise(Exception('Not implemented'))
    # making vnmrjpy.varray
    arrayed_params = _get_arrayed_par_length(pd) 
    varr = vj.varray(data=data_array, fdf_header=header_dict, pd=pd,\
                    dtype=vj.DTYPE, source='fdf', seqcon=pd['seqcon'],\
    varr.space = None
    return varr
コード例 #7
def read_procpar(procpar):
    """Return dictionary of varian parameters from procpar file"""

    with open(procpar,'r') as openpp:
        name = []
        value = []
        subtype = []
        basictype = []
        maxvalue = []
        minvalue = []
        # possibilities (as of manual): 0 :'line1', 1: 'line2', 2: 'last'
        line_id = 0 
        current_name = 0

        for line_num, line in enumerate(openpp.readlines()):

            if line_id == 0:  # parameter name line
                fields = line.rsplit('\n')[0].rsplit(' ')
                current_name = fields[0]

                # can be 0 (undefined), 1 (real), 2 (string)
                current_basictype = int(fields[2])  
                val_list = []  # if parameter value is a multitude of strings
                line_id = 1
            elif line_id == 1:  # parameter value line

                fields = line.rsplit('\n')[0].rsplit(' ')

                # values are real, and all are on this line
                if current_basictype == 1:  
                    val = [fields[i] for i in range(1,len(fields)-1)]
                    if len(val) == 1:  # don't make list if there is only one value
                        val = val[0]
                    line_id = 2
                # values are strings
                elif current_basictype == 2 and int(fields[0]) == 1:
                    line_id = 2
                # multiple string values
                elif current_basictype == 2 and int(fields[0]) > 1:
                    remaining_values = int(fields[0])-1
                    line_id = 3
            elif line_id == 2:

                line_id = 0
            elif line_id == 3:  # if values are on multiple lines
                if remaining_values > 1:  # count backwards from remaining values
                    remaining_values = remaining_values - 1
                elif remaining_values == 1:
                    remaining_values = remaining_values - 1
                    line_id = 2
                    raise(Exception('Error reading procpar, problem with line_id'))
                raise(Exception('Error reading procpar, problem with line_id'))

    vprint('procpar file {} read succesfully'.format(procpar))

    return dict(zip(name, value))