コード例 #1
if __name__ == '__main__':
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate captions por test samples')
  parser.add_argument('-chckpt', '--checkpoint_path', type=str, default='pretrain/chckpt.pt',
                      help='Set the path to pre-trained model (default is pretrain/chckpt.pt).')
  parser.add_argument('-data', '--dataset_folder', type=str, default='data/MSVD',
                      help='Set the path to dataset folder (default is data/MSVD).')
  parser.add_argument('-out', '--output_folder', type=str, default='results/MSVD',
                      help='Set the path to output folder (default is results/MSVD).')

  args = parser.parse_args()

  # load vocabulary
  with open(os.path.join(args.dataset_folder, 'corpus.pkl'), "rb") as f:
      corpus = pickle.load(f)
      idx2word_dict = corpus[4]
  vocab = Vocabulary.from_idx2word_dict(idx2word_dict, False)
  print('Size of vocabulary: {}'.format(len(vocab)))

  # Pretrained Embedding
  pretrained_embedding = torch.Tensor(corpus[5])

  cnn_feature_size = 2048
  c3d_feature_size = 4096
  i3d_feature_size = 400
  eco_feature_size = 1536
  res_eco_features_size = 3584
  cnn_global_size = 512
  projected_size = 512
  hidden_size = 1024  # Number of hidden layer units of the cyclic network
  mid_size = 128  # The middle of the boundary detection layer represents the dimension