def calculate(self): addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config) self.regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) result = {} if not self._config.HIVE_OFFSET: self.regapi.set_current("SYSTEM") else: name = obj.Object("_CMHIVE", vm = addr_space, offset = self._config.HIVE_OFFSET).get_name() self.regapi.all_offsets[self._config.HIVE_OFFSET] = name self.regapi.current_offsets[self._config.HIVE_OFFSET] = name self.regapi.reset_current() currentcs = self.regapi.reg_get_currentcontrolset() if currentcs == None: currentcs = "ControlSet001" shutdownkey = currentcs + "\\Control\\Windows" key = self.regapi.reg_get_key("system", shutdownkey) value = self.regapi.reg_get_value("system", shutdownkey, "ShutdownTime", given_root = key) result["key"] = key result["hive"] = "SYSTEM" result["valuename"] = "ShutdownTime" result["value"] = value result["timestamp"] = "" if value != None: try: bufferas = addrspace.BufferAddressSpace(self._config, data = value) result["timestamp"] = obj.Object("WinTimeStamp", vm = bufferas, offset = 0, is_utc = True) except (struct.error, TypeError): pass yield result
def calculate(self): addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config) regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) regapi.reset_current() version = (addr_space.profile.metadata.get('major', 0), addr_space.profile.metadata.get('minor', 0)) for value, data_raw in regapi.reg_yield_values('security', 'Policy\\PolAdtEv', thetype = 'REG_NONE'): bufferas = addrspace.BufferAddressSpace(self._config, data = data_raw) if version <= (5, 1): ap = obj.Object("AuditPolDataXP", offset = 0, vm = bufferas) elif version <= (6, 0): ap = obj.Object("AuditPolDataVista", offset = 0, vm = bufferas) elif version == (6, 1): ap = obj.Object("AuditPolData7", offset = 0, vm = bufferas) elif version == (6, 2) or version == (6, 3): ap = obj.Object("AuditPolData8", offset = 0, vm = bufferas) else: ap = obj.Object("AuditPolData10", offset = 0, vm = bufferas) if ap == None: debug.error("No AuditPol data found") yield data_raw, ap
def calculate(self): addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config) regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) regapi.reset_current() currentcs = regapi.reg_get_currentcontrolset() if currentcs == None: currentcs = "ControlSet001" version = (addr_space.profile.metadata.get('major', 0), addr_space.profile.metadata.get('minor', 0)) xp = False if version <= (5, 1): key = currentcs + '\\' + "Control\\Session Manager\\AppCompatibility" xp = True else: key = currentcs + '\\' + "Control\\Session Manager\\AppCompatCache" data_raw = regapi.reg_get_value('system', key, "AppCompatCache") if data_raw == None or len(data_raw) < 0x1c: debug.error("No ShimCache data found") bufferas = addrspace.BufferAddressSpace(self._config, data = data_raw) shimdata = obj.Object("ShimRecords", offset = 0, vm = bufferas) if shimdata == None: debug.error("No ShimCache data found") for e in shimdata.Entries: if xp: path = str(''.join([str(c) for c in e.Path])) yield self.remove_unprintable(path), e.LastModified, e.LastUpdate else: yield self.remove_unprintable(, int(e.Length))), e.LastModified, None
def __init__(self, config, *args, **kwargs): common.AbstractWindowsCommand.__init__(self, config, *args, **kwargs) config.add_option('HIVE-OFFSET', short_option='o', help='Hive offset (virtual)', type='int') self.regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config)
def calculate(self): addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config) regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) software_hive = "SOFTWARE" uninstall = "Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall" hive_offsets = [] if not self._config.HIVE_OFFSET: for h in hivelist.HiveList.calculate(self): hive_name = self.hive_name(h) if software_hive in hive_name: hive_offsets = [(hive_name, h.obj_offset)] else: hive_offsets = [("User Specified", self._config.HIVE_OFFSET)] for name, hoff in set(hive_offsets): h = hivemod.HiveAddressSpace(addr_space, self._config, hoff) root = rawreg.get_root(h) if not root: if self._config.HIVE_OFFSET: debug.error( "Unable to find root key. Is the hive offset correct?") else: uninstall_key = rawreg.open_key(root, uninstall.split('\\')) if uninstall_key: yield name, uninstall_key else: outfd.write( "The requested key could not be found in the hive(s) searched\n" )
def calculate(self): """ Use the volatility registry API to enumerate the Services registry key based on the last modified time stamp :return: """ # Set up our registry api instance reg_api = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) key = "ControlSet001\\Services" # Pull the ControlSet001\Services registry sub-keys sub_keys = reg_api.reg_get_all_subkeys("system", key) services = dict((s.Name, int(s.LastWriteTime)) for s in sub_keys) # Sort them by their last modified timestamp, in descending order times = sorted(set(services.values()), reverse=True) # Pull the service info from the registry using SvcScanner svc_scanner = svcscan.SvcScan(self._config) service_info = svc_scanner.get_service_info(reg_api) # only return a subset of the Service last write times top_five = times[0:5] return [top_five, services, service_info]
def generator(self, data): if self._config.VERBOSE: regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) dlls = self.get_service_dlls(regapi) for rec in data: if self._config.VERBOSE: val = dlls.get("{0}".format(rec.ServiceName.dereference()), None) if val == None: val = "" yield (0, [ Address(rec.obj_offset), int(rec.Order), str(rec.Start), int(rec.Pid), str(rec.ServiceName.dereference() or ""), str(rec.DisplayName.dereference() or ""), str(rec.Type), str(rec.State), str(rec.Binary or ""), str(val) ]) else: yield (0, [ Address(rec.obj_offset), int(rec.Order), str(rec.Start), int(rec.Pid), str(rec.ServiceName.dereference() or ""), str(rec.DisplayName.dereference() or ""), str(rec.Type), str(rec.State), str(rec.Binary or "") ])
def render_text(self, outfd, data): if self._config.VERBOSE: regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) for rec in data: # This can't possibly look neat in a table with columns... outfd.write("Offset: {0:#x}\n".format(rec.obj_offset)) outfd.write("Order: {0}\n".format(rec.Order)) outfd.write("Process ID: {0}\n".format(rec.Pid)) outfd.write("Service Name: {0}\n".format( rec.ServiceName.dereference())) outfd.write("Display Name: {0}\n".format( rec.DisplayName.dereference())) outfd.write("Service Type: {0}\n".format(rec.Type)) outfd.write("Service State: {0}\n".format(rec.State)) outfd.write("Binary Path: {0}\n".format(rec.Binary)) if self._config.VERBOSE: ccs = regapi.reg_get_currentcontrolset() val = regapi.reg_get_value( hive_name="system", key="{0}\\services\\{1}\\Parameters".format( ccs, rec.ServiceName.dereference()), value="ServiceDll") if val is not None: outfd.write("ServiceDll: {0}\n".format(val)) outfd.write("\n")
def calculate(self): addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config) self.regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) win7 = addr_space.profile.metadata.get( 'major', 0) == 6 and addr_space.profile.metadata.get('minor', 0) >= 1 skey = "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\explorer\\userassist" if not self._config.HIVE_OFFSET: self.regapi.set_current("ntuser.dat") else: name = obj.Object("_CMHIVE", vm=addr_space, offset=self._config.HIVE_OFFSET).get_name() self.regapi.all_offsets[self._config.HIVE_OFFSET] = name self.regapi.current_offsets[self._config.HIVE_OFFSET] = name for key, name in self.regapi.reg_yield_key(None, skey): for guidkey in self.regapi.reg_get_all_subkeys(None, None, given_root=key): for count in self.regapi.reg_get_all_subkeys( None, None, given_root=guidkey): if count.Name == "Count": yield win7, name, count
def render_text(self, outfd, data): if self._config.VERBOSE: regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) dlls = self.get_service_dlls(regapi) for rec in data: # This can't possibly look neat in a table with columns... outfd.write("Offset: {0:#x}\n".format(rec.obj_offset)) outfd.write("Order: {0}\n".format(rec.Order)) outfd.write("Start: {0}\n".format(rec.Start)) outfd.write("Process ID: {0}\n".format(rec.Pid)) outfd.write("Service Name: {0}\n".format( rec.ServiceName.dereference())) outfd.write("Display Name: {0}\n".format( rec.DisplayName.dereference())) outfd.write("Service Type: {0}\n".format(rec.Type)) outfd.write("Service State: {0}\n".format(rec.State)) outfd.write("Binary Path: {0}\n".format(rec.Binary)) if self._config.VERBOSE: val = dlls.get("{0}".format(rec.ServiceName.dereference()), None) if val is not None: outfd.write("ServiceDll: {0}\n".format(val)) outfd.write("\n")
def __init__(self, config, *args, **kwargs): AbstractWindowsCommand.__init__(self, config, *args, **kwargs) self._config.add_option('MATCH', help='Only shows suspicious entries', action='store_true') self.addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config) self.regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config)
def calculate(self): """ Use the volatility registry API to enumerate the Services registry key based on the last modified time stamp :return [top_five, services, service_info]: """ # Set up our registry api instance reg_api = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) key = "ControlSet001\\Services" # Pull the ControlSet001\Services registry sub-keys sub_keys = reg_api.reg_get_all_subkeys("system", key) # collect the name and the last write timestamp of the service services = dict((s.Name, int(s.LastWriteTime)) for s in sub_keys) # De-duped list of times from the Service registry sub keys times = sorted(set([ts for ts in services.values()])) # confirm that the start timestamp is within the timeline start = 0 # Did the user provide a time window? if self._config.START_TIME: try: start = int( time.mktime( datetime.datetime.strptime(self._config.START_TIME, "%m/%d/%Y").timetuple())) except ValueError: print("Please enter date in correct format: mm/dd/YYYY") sys.exit(1) # Start time outside of the provided range? if start <= times[0]: start = times[0] elif start >= times[len(times) - 1]: start = times[len(times) - 1] # Get timestamps only on the provided day times = [ t for t in times if time.gmtime(t)[7] == time.gmtime(start)[7] ] # Pull the service info from the registry using SvcScanner svc_scanner = svcscan.SvcScan(self._config) service_info = svc_scanner.get_service_info(reg_api) # grab only the top five (or top n) timestamps from the services dict if self._config.N_TIMES: n = self._config.N_TIMES if n > len(times): n = len(times) top_five = sorted(times, reverse=True)[0:n] else: top_five = sorted(times, reverse=True)[0:5] return [top_five, services, service_info, start]
def load_user_sids(self): """Load the user SIDs from the registry""" regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) regapi.set_current("SOFTWARE") for k1 in regapi.reg_enum_key('SOFTWARE', 'Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList'): val = regapi.reg_get_value('SOFTWARE', k1, 'ProfileImagePath') sid = k1.split("\\")[-1] if val != None: ## Strip NULLs in the value self.extrasids[sid] = " (User: "******"\\")[-1].replace("\x00", "") + ")"
def get_rcm_secrets(self): """Retrieves the secrets held in the service Terminal Server. They are RC4 keys that were DPAPI encrypted using a system's masterkey for "S-1-5-20". Returns a dictionary of secrets. """ regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) current_cs = regapi.reg_get_currentcontrolset() regapi.set_current('SYSTEM') rcm_key = r'%s\Control\Terminal Server\RCM\Secrets' % current_cs item = regapi.reg_get_key(None, rcm_key) return regapi.reg_yield_values(None, rcm_key, given_root = item)
def calculate(self): addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config) version = (addr_space.profile.metadata.get('major', 0), addr_space.profile.metadata.get('minor', 0)) if self._config.MACHINE != "": self._config.update("MACHINE", "{0} ".format(self._config.MACHINE)) #set our current registry of interest and get its path regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) regapi.reset_current() #scan for registries and populate them: print "Scanning for registries...." regapi.set_current('ntuser.dat') shellbag_data = [] print "Gathering shellbag items and building path tree..." seen = {} for bk in BAG_KEYS: for cat, current_path in regapi.reg_yield_key("ntuser.dat", bk): keys = [(k, bk + "\\" + k.Name) for k in regapi.reg_get_all_subkeys("ntuser.dat", key = None, given_root = cat)] for key, start in keys: if key.Name: if seen.get(start + "\\" + k.Name, None) != None: continue seen[start + "\\" + k.Name] = key.obj_offset subkeys = [k for k in regapi.reg_get_all_subkeys("ntuser.dat", key = None, given_root = key)] for k in subkeys: keys.append((k, start + "\\" + k.Name)) items = self.parse_key(regapi, current_path, start, given_root = key) if len(items) > 0: shellbag_data.append((start, current_path, key, items)) if version >= (6, 0): regapi.reset_current() regapi.set_current("UsrClass.dat") seen = {} for bk in USERDAT_KEYS: for cat, current_path in regapi.reg_yield_key("UsrClass.dat", bk): keys = [(k, bk + "\\" + k.Name) for k in regapi.reg_get_all_subkeys("UsrClass.dat", key = None, given_root = cat)] for key, start in keys: if key.Name: if seen.get(start + "\\" + k.Name, None) != None: continue seen[start + "\\" + k.Name] = key.obj_offset subkeys = [k for k in regapi.reg_get_all_subkeys("UsrClass.dat", key = None, given_root = key)] for k in subkeys: keys.append((k, start + "\\" + k.Name)) items = self.parse_key(regapi, current_path, start, given_root = key) if len(items) > 0: shellbag_data.append((start, current_path, key, items)) return shellbag_data
def calculate(self): addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config) if not self._config.sys_offset or not self._config.sec_offset: regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) for offset in regapi.all_offsets: name = regapi.all_offsets[offset].lower().split("\\")[-1] if "system" == name: self._config.update("SYS_OFFSET", offset) elif "security" == name: self._config.update("SEC_OFFSET", offset) hashes = domcachedumpmod.dump_memory_hashes(addr_space, self._config, self._config.sys_offset, self._config.sec_offset) if hashes == None: debug.error("Unable to read hashes from registry") return hashes
def calculate(self): if self._config.DUMP_DIR == None: debug.error("Please specify a dump directory (--dump-dir)") addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config) if self._config.HIVE_OFFSET: name = obj.Object("_CMHIVE", vm=addr_space, offset=self._config.HIVE_OFFSET).get_name() yield self.fixname( name, self._config.HIVE_OFFSET), hivemod.HiveAddressSpace( addr_space, self._config, self._config.HIVE_OFFSET) else: regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) for offset in regapi.all_offsets: name = self.fixname(regapi.all_offsets[offset], offset) yield name, hivemod.HiveAddressSpace(addr_space, self._config, offset)
def calculate(self): addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config) if not self._config.sys_offset or not self._config.sec_offset: regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) for offset in regapi.all_offsets: name = regapi.all_offsets[offset].lower().split("\\")[-1] if "system" == name: self._config.update("SYS_OFFSET", offset) elif "security" == name: self._config.update("SEC_OFFSET", offset) secrets = lsasecrets.get_memory_secrets(addr_space, self._config, self._config.sys_offset, self._config.sec_offset) if not secrets: debug.error("Unable to read LSA secrets from registry") return secrets
def get_scan(self): ''' Mimics volatiltiy's svcscan - scans the memory image carving out objects which look like Windows processes. ''' import volatility.plugins.malware.svcscan as svcscan import volatility.plugins.registry.registryapi as registryapi regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self.vol.config) ccs = regapi.reg_get_currentcontrolset() for rec in svcscan.SvcScan(self.vol.config).calculate(): svcdll = regapi.reg_get_value( hive_name = "system", key = "{0}\\services\\{1}\\Parameters".format(ccs, rec.ServiceName.dereference()), value = "ServiceDll") yield Service(rec, svcdll, str(hex(rec.obj_offset)))
def lookup_user_sids(self): regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) regapi.set_current("hklm") key = "Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList" val = "ProfileImagePath" sids = {} for subkey in regapi.reg_get_all_subkeys(None, key = key): sid = str(subkey.Name) path = regapi.reg_get_value(None, key = "", value = val, given_root = subkey) if path: path = str(path).replace("\x00", "") user = ntpath.basename(path) sids[sid] = user return sids
def __init__(self, config, *args, **kwargs): hivelist.HiveList.__init__(self, config, *args, **kwargs) config.add_option( "ASEP-TYPE", short_option='t', default=None, help= 'Show these ASEP types: autoruns, services, appinit, winlogon, tasks, sdb (comma-separated)', action='store', type='str') config.add_option("VERBOSE", short_option='v', default=False, help='Verbose output: display less relevant results', action='store_true') self.regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config)
def calculate(self): self.regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) builds_with_old_location = ['16299', '17134'] # Get Windows build version addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config) build = addr_space.profile.metadata.get('build', 0) # Choose which location of bam to use in the registry. Builds 16299 and 17134 # use another path. bam_path = "" controlset = self.regapi.reg_get_currentcontrolset() or "ControlSet001" if build in builds_with_old_location: bam_path = controlset + "\\Services\\bam\\UserSettings" else: bam_path = controlset + "\\Services\\bam\\State\\UserSettings" bam_key = self.regapi.reg_get_key('system', bam_path) # Get all subkeys in UserSettings bam_sub_keys = self.regapi.reg_get_all_subkeys('system', bam_path, given_root=bam_key) # Get all key values, processing the binary content of the values = {} for sidkey in bam_sub_keys: sidkey_values = [] for key, value in self.regapi.reg_yield_values( 'system', sidkey, thetype='REG_BINARY', given_root=sidkey): dat = "\n".join( ["{0:<48}".format(h) for o, h, c in utils.Hexdump(value)]) sidkey_values.append({ 'key': key, 'time': self.reg_bin_to_file_time(dat) }) #print sidkey.Name, key, self.reg_bin_to_file_time(dat)[sidkey.Name] = sidkey_values return
def calculate(self): addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config) regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) user_hive = "ntuser.dat" trustrecords = { "Software\\Microsoft\\Office\\14.0\\Word\\Security\\Trusted Documents\\TrustRecords", "Software\\Microsoft\\Office\\14.0\\Excel\\Security\\Trusted Documents\\TrustRecords", "Software\\Microsoft\\Office\\14.0\\PowerPoint\\Security\\Trusted Documents\\TrustRecords", "Software\\Microsoft\\Office\\14.0\\Access\\Security\\Trusted Documents\\TrustRecords", } hive_offsets = {} if not self._config.HIVE_OFFSET: for h in hivelist.HiveList.calculate(self): hive_name = self.hive_name(h) if user_hive in hive_name.lower(): hive_offsets[h.obj_offset] = hive_name else: hive_offsets = [("User Specified", self._config.HIVE_OFFSET)] found = False for hoff, name in hive_offsets.iteritems(): h = hivemod.HiveAddressSpace(addr_space, self._config, hoff) root = rawreg.get_root(h) if not root: if self._config.HIVE_OFFSET: debug.error( "Unable to find root key. Is the hive offset correct?") else: for r in trustrecords: trustrecord_key = rawreg.open_key(root, r.split('\\')) if trustrecord_key: yield name, r, trustrecord_key found = True if not found: debug.error( "The requested key could not be found in the hive(s) searched\n" )
def render_text(self, outfd, data): serviceDict = defaultdict(list) #this is for the ServiceDLL data regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) info = self.get_service_info(regapi) outfd.write("\n") outfd.write("------- service check -------- \n\n") numberOfServices = 0 for rec in data: serviceInfo = [] vals = info.get("{0}".format(rec.ServiceName.dereference()), None) serviceDict[str(rec.ServiceName.dereference())].append( str(rec.DisplayName.dereference())) serviceDict[str(rec.ServiceName.dereference())].append( str(rec.Type)) serviceDict[str(rec.ServiceName.dereference())].append( str(rec.State)) if vals: serviceDict[str(rec.ServiceName.dereference())].append( str(vals[0])) else: serviceDict[str(rec.ServiceName.dereference())].append("") numberOfServices += 1 outfd.write("# of services: " + str(numberOfServices) + "\n\n") locationString = str(conf.ConfObject.opts["location"]).rsplit( '/', 1)[1] + "_ServiceList" outfd.write("Storing ServiceList as \"" + locationString + "\"\n") with open(locationString + '.p', 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump(serviceDict, fp)
def calculate(self): regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config) tasks = win32.tasks.pslist(addr_space) registerKeys = open('/Users/Lunde/volatility_plugins/registerRunKeys.txt').read().splitlines() for locations in registerKeys: base =locations.split('\\')[0] search_location = locations.split('\\',2)[2] if base == 'HKLM': hive = 'software' if base == 'HKCU': hive = 'NTUSER.DAT' #regapi.set_current(hive_name= "software", user = "******") regapi.set_current(hive_name= hive) key_ = search_location for value, data in regapi.reg_yield_values(hive_name = str(hive), key = str(key_)): yield value, data, locations
def calculate(self): #scan for registries and populate them: debug.debug("Scanning for registries....") #set our current registry of interest and get its path #and get current control set debug.debug("Getting Current Control Set....") regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) currentcs = regapi.reg_get_currentcontrolset() if currentcs == None: currentcs = "ControlSet001" #set the services root. regapi.set_current('system') debug.debug("Getting Services and calculating SIDs....") services = regapi.reg_get_key('system', currentcs + '\\' + 'Services') if services: for s in rawreg.subkeys(services): if s.Name not in servicesids.values(): sid = createservicesid(str(s.Name)) yield sid, str(s.Name) for sid in servicesids: yield sid, servicesids[sid]
def calculate(self): regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) regapi.set_current(hive_name="NTUSER.DAT") ## Select the keys based on user input, keys = [] if self._config.EHISTRY: key = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\WordWheelQuery" title = "Explorer History" keys.append((key, title)) if self._config.RDOCS: key = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\RecentDocs" title = "Recent Documents" keys.append((key, title)) if self._config.SFOLDER: key = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders" title = "Shell Folders" keys.append((key, title)) if self._config.USFOLDER: key = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\User Shell Folders" title = "User Shell Folders" keys.append((key, title)) if not len(keys): key = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\WordWheelQuery" title = "Explorer History" keys.append((key, title)) for key, title in keys: yield title for record in regapi.reg_yield_values(None, key=key): ## yield the selected registry values yield record[1].strip()
def calculate(self): addr_space = utils.load_as(self._config) regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) hiveset = set() if not self._config.HIVE_OFFSET: hive_offsets = [ h.obj_offset for h in hivelist.HiveList.calculate(self) ] else: hive_offsets = [self._config.HIVE_OFFSET] for hoff in set(hive_offsets): h = hivemod.HiveAddressSpace(addr_space, self._config, hoff) name = obj.Object("_CMHIVE", vm=addr_space, offset=hoff).get_name() print "[debug]", name root = rawreg.get_root(h) hive = name.split("\\")[-1] hiveset.add(hive) print hiveset for hive in hiveset: print "\n========================", hive for regtime, keyname in regapi.reg_get_last_modified(hive, count=5): print "\n", regtime, keyname regapi.set_current(hive_name=hive) k = keyname.split('\\')[1:] k = '\\'.join(k) print k + "\n" for value, tp, data in self.reg_yield_values_type( regapi, hive_name=hive, key=k): yield value, tp, data regapi.reset_current()
def calculate(self): self.get_dll_list() self.regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) self.currentcs = self.regapi.reg_get_currentcontrolset() or "ControlSet001" asep_list = ['autoruns', 'services', 'appinit', 'winlogon', 'tasks', 'activesetup', 'sdb'] os_major = utils.load_as(self._config).profile.metadata.get('major', 0) # If all_offsets is empty then regapi was unable to find # hive offsets and we exit with an error message if not self.regapi.all_offsets: debug.error('Unable to find registry hives.') if self._config.ASEP_TYPE: debug.debug('Config: {}'.format(self._config.ASEP_TYPE)) asep_list = [s for s in self._config.ASEP_TYPE.replace(' ', '').split(',')] # Scan for ASEPs and populate the lists if 'autoruns' in asep_list: self.autoruns = self.get_autoruns() if 'services' in asep_list: = self.get_services() if 'appinit' in asep_list: self.appinit_dlls = self.get_appinit_dlls() if 'winlogon' in asep_list: self.winlogon = self.get_winlogon() if os_major == 5: self.winlogon_registrations = self.get_winlogon_registrations() if 'tasks' in asep_list: self.tasks = self.get_tasks() if 'activesetup' in asep_list: self.activesetup = self.get_activesetup() if 'sdb' in asep_list: self.sdb = self.get_sdb() #Returns a generator to generator() that generates the unified output data return self.get_unified_output_data()
yield self.getoutput(line, uadata.LastUpdated, body=body) shimdata = [] if "Shimcache" in self._config.TYPE: shimdata = shimcache.ShimCache(self._config).calculate() for path, lm, lu in shimdata: line = "[{2}SHIMCACHE]{0} {1}{0} ".format("" if body else "|", path, self._config.MACHINE) if lu: yield self.getoutput(line, lm, end=lu, body=body) else: yield self.getoutput(line, lm, body=body) if "_HBASE_BLOCK" in self._config.TYPE or "_CMHIVE" in self._config.TYPE or "Registry" in self._config.TYPE: regapi = registryapi.RegistryApi(self._config) for o in regapi.all_offsets: if "_HBASE_BLOCK" in self._config.TYPE: line = "[{2}_HBASE_BLOCK TimeStamp]{0} {1}{0} ".format( "" if body else "|", regapi.all_offsets[o], self._config.MACHINE) h = obj.Object("_HHIVE", o, addr_space) yield self.getoutput(line, h.BaseBlock.TimeStamp, body=body) if "_CMHIVE" in self._config.TYPE and version[ 0] == 6 and addr_space.profile.metadata.get( 'build', 0) >= 7601: line = line = "[{2}_CMHIVE LastWriteTime]{0} {1}{0} ".format( "" if body else "|", regapi.all_offsets[o],