コード例 #1
ファイル: test_ctes.py プロジェクト: hasan3050/voltdb_tpcc
def test_simple_cte_extraction():
    sql = 'WITH a AS (SELECT abc FROM xxx) SELECT * FROM a'
    start_pos = len('WITH a AS ')
    stop_pos = len('WITH a AS (SELECT abc FROM xxx)')
    ctes, remainder = extract_ctes(sql)

    assert tuple(ctes) == (('a', ('abc', ), start_pos, stop_pos), )
    assert remainder.strip() == 'SELECT * FROM a'
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_ctes.py プロジェクト: alexeevm/voltdb
def test_simple_cte_extraction():
    sql = 'WITH a AS (SELECT abc FROM xxx) SELECT * FROM a'
    start_pos = len('WITH a AS ')
    stop_pos = len('WITH a AS (SELECT abc FROM xxx)')
    ctes, remainder = extract_ctes(sql)

    assert tuple(ctes) == (('a', ('abc',), start_pos, stop_pos),)
    assert remainder.strip() == 'SELECT * FROM a'
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_ctes.py プロジェクト: hasan3050/voltdb_tpcc
def test_cte_extraction_around_comments():
    sql = '''--blah blah blah
            WITH a AS (SELECT abc def FROM x)
            SELECT * FROM a'''
    start_pos = len('''--blah blah blah
            WITH a AS ''')
    stop_pos = len('''--blah blah blah
            WITH a AS (SELECT abc def FROM x)''')

    ctes, remainder = extract_ctes(sql)
    assert tuple(ctes) == (('a', ('def', ), start_pos, stop_pos), )
    assert remainder.strip() == 'SELECT * FROM a'
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_ctes.py プロジェクト: alexeevm/voltdb
def test_cte_extraction_around_comments():
    sql = '''--blah blah blah
            WITH a AS (SELECT abc def FROM x)
            SELECT * FROM a'''
    start_pos = len('''--blah blah blah
            WITH a AS ''')
    stop_pos = len('''--blah blah blah
            WITH a AS (SELECT abc def FROM x)''')

    ctes, remainder = extract_ctes(sql)
    assert tuple(ctes) == (('a', ('def',), start_pos, stop_pos),)
    assert remainder.strip() == 'SELECT * FROM a'
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_ctes.py プロジェクト: hasan3050/voltdb_tpcc
def test_multiple_cte_extraction():
    sql = '''WITH
            x AS (SELECT abc, def FROM x),
            y AS (SELECT ghi, jkl FROM y)
            SELECT * FROM a, b'''

    start1 = len('''WITH
            x AS ''')

    stop1 = len('''WITH
            x AS (SELECT abc, def FROM x)''')

    start2 = len('''WITH
            x AS (SELECT abc, def FROM x),
            y AS ''')

    stop2 = len('''WITH
            x AS (SELECT abc, def FROM x),
            y AS (SELECT ghi, jkl FROM y)''')

    ctes, remainder = extract_ctes(sql)
    assert tuple(ctes) == (('x', ('abc', 'def'), start1, stop1),
                           ('y', ('ghi', 'jkl'), start2, stop2))
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_ctes.py プロジェクト: alexeevm/voltdb
def test_multiple_cte_extraction():
    sql = '''WITH
            x AS (SELECT abc, def FROM x),
            y AS (SELECT ghi, jkl FROM y)
            SELECT * FROM a, b'''

    start1 = len('''WITH
            x AS ''')

    stop1 = len('''WITH
            x AS (SELECT abc, def FROM x)''')

    start2 = len('''WITH
            x AS (SELECT abc, def FROM x),
            y AS ''')

    stop2 = len('''WITH
            x AS (SELECT abc, def FROM x),
            y AS (SELECT ghi, jkl FROM y)''')

    ctes, remainder = extract_ctes(sql)
    assert tuple(ctes) == (
        ('x', ('abc', 'def'), start1, stop1),
        ('y', ('ghi', 'jkl'), start2, stop2))