def test_schema_extend_overrides(): """Verify that Schema.extend can override required/extra parameters.""" base = Schema({'a': int}, required=True) extended = base.extend({'b': str}, required=False, extra=voluptuous.ALLOW_EXTRA) assert base.required == True assert base.extra == voluptuous.PREVENT_EXTRA assert extended.required == False assert extended.extra == voluptuous.ALLOW_EXTRA
def test_subschema_extension(): """Verify that Schema.extend adds and replaces keys in a subschema""" base = Schema({'a': {'b': int, 'c': float}}) extension = {'d': str, 'a': {'b': str, 'e': int}} extended = base.extend(extension) assert_equal(base.schema, {'a': {'b': int, 'c': float}}) assert_equal(extension, {'d': str, 'a': {'b': str, 'e': int}}) assert_equal(extended.schema, {'a': {'b': str, 'c': float, 'e': int}, 'd': str})
def test_schema_extend_key_swap(): """Verify that Schema.extend can replace keys, even when different markers are used""" base = Schema({Optional('a'): int}) extension = {Required('a'): int} extended = base.extend(extension) assert_equal(len(base.schema), 1) assert_true(isinstance(list(base.schema)[0], Optional)) assert_equal(len(extended.schema), 1) assert_true((list(extended.schema)[0], Required))
def test_schema_extend(): """Verify that Schema.extend copies schema keys from both.""" base = Schema({'a': int}, required=True) extension = {'b': str} extended = base.extend(extension) assert base.schema == {'a': int} assert extension == {'b': str} assert extended.schema == {'a': int, 'b': str} assert extended.required == base.required assert extended.extra == base.extra
def test_schema_infer_list(): schema = Schema.infer({ 'list': ['foo', True, 42, 3.14] }) assert_equal(schema, Schema({ Required('list'): [str, bool, int, float] }))
def test_schema_infer_scalar(): assert_equal(Schema.infer('foo'), Schema(str)) assert_equal(Schema.infer(True), Schema(bool)) assert_equal(Schema.infer(42), Schema(int)) assert_equal(Schema.infer(3.14), Schema(float)) assert_equal(Schema.infer({}), Schema(dict)) assert_equal(Schema.infer([]), Schema(list))
def test_schema_infer(): schema = Schema.infer({ 'str': 'foo', 'bool': True, 'int': 42, 'float': 3.14 }) assert_equal(schema, Schema({ Required('str'): str, Required('bool'): bool, Required('int'): int, Required('float'): float }))
def __call__(self, data): _data = data.copy() popped = [] for k, v in six.iteritems(data): if v is None and k not in self._not_none: _data.pop(k) popped.append((k, v)) schema_out = Schema.__call__(self, _data) for k, v in popped: schema_out[k] = v return schema_out
def test_schema_infer_dict(): schema = Schema.infer({ 'a': { 'b': { 'c': 'foo' } } }) assert_equal(schema, Schema({ Required('a'): { Required('b'): { Required('c'): str } } }))
def test_schema_infer_accepts_kwargs(): schema = Schema.infer({ 'str': 'foo', 'bool': True }, required=False, extra=True) # Subset of schema should be acceptable thanks to required=False. schema({'bool': False}) # Keys that are in schema should still match required types. try: schema({'str': 42}) except Invalid: pass else: assert False, 'Did not raise Invalid for Number' # Extra fields should be acceptable thanks to extra=True. schema({'str': 'bar', 'int': 42})
def setUp(self): self.task_schema = Schema( { 'task': { 'scopes': list, 'provisionerId': 'buildbot-bridge', 'workerType': 'buildbot-bridge', 'payload': { 'properties': { 'product': 'firefox', 'version': '42.0b2', 'build_number': 3, 'repo_path': 'releases/foo', 'script_repo_revision': 'abcd', 'revision': 'abcdef123456', 'tuxedo_server_url': '', } } } }, extra=True, required=True) test_kwargs = create_firefox_test_args({ 'push_to_candidates_enabled': True, 'push_to_releases_enabled': True, 'uptake_monitoring_enabled': True, 'signing_pvt_key': PVT_KEY_FILE, 'uptake_monitoring_platforms': ["macosx64", "win32", "win64", "linux", "linux64"], 'release_channels': ['foo'], 'final_verify_channels': ['foo'], 'en_US_config': { "platforms": { "macosx64": { "task_id": "abc" }, "win32": { "task_id": "def" }, "win64": { "task_id": "jgh" }, "linux": { "task_id": "ijk" }, "linux64": { "task_id": "lmn" }, } }, }) self.graph = make_task_graph(**test_kwargs) self.task = get_task_by_name(self.graph, "release-foo-firefox_uptake_monitoring") self.payload = self.task["task"]["payload"]
def dict_schema() -> Schema: schema = Schema({Required("name"): str, Required("continent"): str}) return schema
cron_yml_schema = Schema({ 'jobs': [{ # Name of the crontask (must be unique) Required('name'): basestring, # what to run # Description of the job to run, keyed by 'type' Required('job'): Any({ Required('type'): 'decision-task', # Treeherder symbol for the cron task Required('treeherder-symbol'): basestring, # --triggered-by './mach taskgraph decision' argument 'triggered-by': basestring, # --target-tasks-method './mach taskgraph decision' argument 'target-tasks-method': basestring, }), # when to run it # Optional set of projects on which this job should run; if omitted, this will # run on all projects for which cron tasks are set up 'projects': [basestring], # Array of times at which this task should run. These *must* be a multiple of # 15 minutes, the minimum scheduling interval. 'when': [{ 'hour': int, 'minute': All(int, even_15_minutes) }], }], })
def __init__(self, schema, msg=None): self.schema = schema self._schema = Schema(schema) self.msg = msg
#!/usr/bin/env python __all__ = [ "Environment", "EnvironmentalDataPoint", "FirmwareModule", "FirmwareModuleType", "Recipe", "SoftwareModule", "SoftwareModuleType" ] from openag_lib.firmware.categories import SENSORS, ACTUATORS, CALIBRATION, all_categories from voluptuous import Schema, Required, Any, Extra, Optional, REMOVE_EXTRA Environment = Schema({ "name": Any(str, unicode), }, extra=REMOVE_EXTRA) Environment.__doc__ = """ An :class:`Environment` abstractly represents a single homogenous climate-controlled volume within a system. A food computer usually consists of a single :class:`Environment`, but larger systems will often contain more than one :class:`Environment`. .. py:attribute:: name (str) A human-readable name for the environment """ EnvironmentalDataPoint = Schema({ Required("environment"): Any(str, unicode), Required("variable"): Any(str, unicode), Required("is_manual", default=False): bool, Required("is_desired"): bool, "value": object, Required("timestamp"): Any(float, int), }, extra=REMOVE_EXTRA)
def validate(self): """ Validate the given configuration, converting properties to native Python types. The configuration to check must have been given to the constructor and stored in :py:attr:`self.config`. :raises: :py:class:`voluptuous.Invalid` if one property is invalid :raises: :py:class:`voluptuous.MultipleInvalid` if multiple properties are not compliant """ self._pre_validate() # schema to validate all cluster properties schema = { "cluster": { "cloud": All(str, Length(min=1)), "setup_provider": All(str, Length(min=1)), "login": All(str, Length(min=1)), }, "setup": { "provider": All(str, Length(min=1)), Optional("playbook_path"): can_read_file(), Optional("ansible_command"): All(can_read_file(), can_execute_file()), Optional("ansible_extra_args"): All(str, Length(min=1)), Optional("ssh_pipelining"): Boolean(str), }, "login": { "image_user": All(str, Length(min=1)), "image_user_sudo": All(str, Length(min=1)), "image_sudo": Boolean(str), "user_key_name": All(str, Length(min=1)), "user_key_private": can_read_file(), "user_key_public": can_read_file(), }, } cloud_schema_ec2 = { "provider": 'ec2_boto', "ec2_url": Url(str), Optional("ec2_access_key"): All(str, Length(min=1)), Optional("ec2_secret_key"): All(str, Length(min=1)), "ec2_region": All(str, Length(min=1)), Optional("request_floating_ip"): Boolean(str), Optional("vpc"): All(str, Length(min=1)), } cloud_schema_gce = { "provider": 'google', "gce_client_id": All(str, Length(min=1)), "gce_client_secret": All(str, Length(min=1)), "gce_project_id": All(str, Length(min=1)), Optional("noauth_local_webserver"): Boolean(str), Optional("zone"): All(str, Length(min=1)), Optional("network"): All(str, Length(min=1)), } cloud_schema_openstack = { "provider": 'openstack', "auth_url": All(str, Length(min=1)), "username": All(str, Length(min=1)), "password": All(str, Length(min=1)), "project_name": All(str, Length(min=1)), Optional("request_floating_ip"): Boolean(str), Optional("region_name"): All(str, Length(min=1)), Optional("nova_api_version"): nova_api_version(), } node_schema = { "flavor": All(str, Length(min=1)), "image_id": All(str, Length(min=1)), "security_group": All(str, Length(min=1)), Optional("network_ids"): All(str, Length(min=1)), } # validation validator = Schema(schema, required=True, extra=True) node_validator = Schema(node_schema, required=True, extra=True) ec2_validator = Schema(cloud_schema_ec2, required=True, extra=False) gce_validator = Schema(cloud_schema_gce, required=True, extra=False) openstack_validator = Schema(cloud_schema_openstack, required=True, extra=False) if not self.config: raise Invalid("No clusters found in configuration.") for cluster, properties in self.config.iteritems(): self.config[cluster] = validator(properties) if 'provider' not in properties['cloud']: raise Invalid("Missing `provider` option in cluster `%s`" % cluster) try: cloud_props = properties['cloud'] if properties['cloud']['provider'] == "ec2_boto": self.config[cluster]['cloud'] = ec2_validator(cloud_props) elif properties['cloud']['provider'] == "google": self.config[cluster]['cloud'] = gce_validator(cloud_props) elif properties['cloud']['provider'] == "openstack": self.config[cluster]['cloud'] = openstack_validator( cloud_props) except MultipleInvalid as ex: raise Invalid( "Invalid configuration for cloud section `cloud/%s`: %s" % (properties['cluster']['cloud'], str.join(", ", [str(i) for i in ex.errors]))) if 'nodes' not in properties or len(properties['nodes']) == 0: raise Invalid("No nodes configured for cluster `%s`" % cluster) for node, props in properties['nodes'].iteritems(): # check name pattern to conform hostnames match ='^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$', node) if not match: raise Invalid( "Invalid name `%s` for node group. A valid node group" " can only consist of letters, digits or the hyphen" " character (`-`)" % (node, )) node_validator(props) if (properties['cloud']['provider'] == 'ec2_boto' and 'vpc' in self.config[cluster]['cloud'] and 'network_ids' not in props): raise Invalid("Node group `%s/%s` is being used in" " a VPC, so it must specify network_ids." % (cluster, node)) if (properties['cloud']['provider'] == 'ec2_boto' and 'network_ids' in props and 'vpc' not in self.config[cluster]['cloud']): raise Invalid("Cluster `%s` must specify a VPC to place" " `%s` instances in %s" % (cluster, node, props['network_ids'])) self._post_validate()
class SkipPackageSievePrescription(UnitPrescription): """Skip package sieve prescription unit implementation.""" CONFIGURATION_SCHEMA: Schema = Schema({ Required("package_name"): SchemaAny(str, None), Required("run"): SchemaAny(PRESCRIPTION_SKIP_PACKAGE_SIEVE_RUN_ENTRY_SCHEMA, None), Required("match"): PRESCRIPTION_SKIP_PACKAGE_SIEVE_MATCH_ENTRY_SCHEMA, Required("prescription"): Schema({"run": bool}), }) @staticmethod def is_sieve_unit_type() -> bool: """Check if this unit is of type sieve.""" return True @classmethod def should_include( cls, builder_context: "PipelineBuilderContext" ) -> Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]: """Check if the given pipeline unit should be included in the given pipeline configuration.""" if cls._should_include_base(builder_context): prescription: Dict[str, Any] = cls._PRESCRIPTION # type: ignore prescription_conf = {"run": False} if isinstance(prescription["match"], list): for item in prescription["match"]: yield { "package_name": item["package_name"], "run": prescription.get("run"), "match": item, "prescription": prescription_conf, } else: yield { "package_name": prescription["match"]["package_name"], "run": prescription.get("run"), "match": prescription["match"], "prescription": prescription_conf, } return None yield from () return None def pre_run(self) -> None: """Initialize this unit before each run.""" super().pre_run() def run( self, _: Generator[PackageVersion, None, None] ) -> Generator[PackageVersion, None, None]: """Run main entry-point for sieves to filter and score packages.""" prescription_conf = self._configuration["prescription"] if not prescription_conf["run"]: self._run_log() self._run_stack_info() prescription_conf["run"] = True raise SkipPackage
source_test_description_schema = Schema({ # most fields are passed directly through as job fields, and are not # repeated here Extra: object, # The platform on which this task runs. This will be used to set up attributes # (for try selection) and treeherder metadata (for display). If given as a list, # the job will be "split" into multiple tasks, one with each platform. Required('platform'): Any(text_type, [text_type]), # Build labels required for the task. If this key is provided it must # contain a build label for the task platform. # The task will then depend on a build task, and the installer url will be # saved to the GECKO_INSTALLER_URL environment variable. Optional('require-build'): { text_type: text_type, }, # These fields can be keyed by "platform", and are otherwise identical to # job descriptions. Required('worker-type'): optionally_keyed_by('platform', job_description_schema['worker-type']), Required('worker'): optionally_keyed_by('platform', job_description_schema['worker']), Optional('python-version'): [int], # If true, the DECISION_TASK_ID env will be populated. Optional('require-decision-task-id'): bool, # A list of artifacts to install from 'fetch' tasks. Optional('fetches'): { text_type: optionally_keyed_by('platform', job_description_schema['fetches'][text_type]), }, })
}, "webdavs": { **WEBDAV_COMMON, **REMOTE_COMMON }, "remote": { str: object }, # Any of the above options are valid }) }, "state": { "row_limit": All(Coerce(int), Range(1)), "row_cleanup_quota": All(Coerce(int), Range(0, 100)), }, } COMPILED_SCHEMA = Schema(SCHEMA) class Config(dict): """Class that manages configuration files for a DVC repo. Args: dvc_dir (str): optional path to `.dvc` directory, that is used to access repo-specific configs like .dvc/config and .dvc/config.local. validate (bool): optional flag to tell dvc if it should validate the config or just load it as is. 'True' by default. Raises: ConfigError: thrown if config has an invalid format. """
from voluptuous import Schema, Url LABEL_SCHEMA = Schema({ "id": int, "url": Url(), "name": str, "color": str, "default": bool })
def check_mode(x): if x in ["schedule", "none", "count_down"]: return x raise Invalid(f"invalid mode {x}") def lb_dev_state(x): if x in ["normal"]: return x raise Invalid(f"Invalid dev_state {x}") TZ_SCHEMA = Schema( {"zone_str": str, "dst_offset": int, "index": All(int, Range(min=0)), "tz_str": str} ) CURRENT_CONSUMPTION_SCHEMA = Schema( Any( { "voltage": Any(All(float, Range(min=0, max=300)), None), "power": Any(Coerce(float, Range(min=0)), None), "total": Any(Coerce(float, Range(min=0)), None), "current": Any(All(float, Range(min=0)), None), "voltage_mv": Any( All(float, Range(min=0, max=300000)), int, None ), # TODO can this be int? "power_mw": Any(Coerce(float, Range(min=0)), None), "total_wh": Any(Coerce(float, Range(min=0)), None), "current_ma": Any(
from datetime import datetime from os.path import isfile, join from random import randint import api import pymongo from api.annotations import log_action from api.common import (check, InternalException, safe_fail, SevereInternalException, validate, WebException) from bson import json_util from voluptuous import Length, Range, Required, Schema submission_schema = Schema({ Required("tid"): check(("This does not look like a valid tid.", [str, Length(max=100)])), Required("pid"): check(("This does not look like a valid pid.", [str, Length(max=100)])), Required("key"): check(("This does not look like a valid key.", [str, Length(max=100)])) }) problem_schema = Schema({ Required("name"): check(("The problem's display name must be a string.", [str])), Required("sanitized_name"): check(("The problems's sanitized name must be a string.", [str])), Required("score"): check(("Score must be a positive integer.", [int, Range(min=0)])), Required("author"): check(("Author must be a string.", [str])), Required("category"): check(("Category must be a string.", [str])),
def validate_metadata_file(path, is_ansible, check_deprecation_dates=False): """Validate explicit runtime metadata file""" try: with open(path, 'r') as f_path: routing = yaml.safe_load(f_path) except yaml.error.MarkedYAMLError as ex: print('%s:%d:%d: YAML load failed: %s' % (path, ex.context_mark.line + 1, ex.context_mark.column + 1, re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', str(ex)))) return except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except print('%s:%d:%d: YAML load failed: %s' % (path, 0, 0, re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', str(ex)))) return if is_ansible: current_version = get_ansible_version() else: current_version = get_collection_version() # Updates to schema MUST also be reflected in the documentation # ~ # plugin_routing schema avoid_additional_data = Schema(Any( { Required('removal_version'): any_value, 'warning_text': any_value, }, { Required('removal_date'): any_value, 'warning_text': any_value, }), extra=PREVENT_EXTRA) deprecation_schema = All( # The first schema validates the input, and the second makes sure no extra keys are specified Schema({ 'removal_version': partial(removal_version, is_ansible=is_ansible, current_version=current_version), 'removal_date': partial(isodate, check_deprecation_date=check_deprecation_dates), 'warning_text': Any(*string_types), }), avoid_additional_data) tombstoning_schema = All( # The first schema validates the input, and the second makes sure no extra keys are specified Schema({ 'removal_version': partial(removal_version, is_ansible=is_ansible, current_version=current_version, is_tombstone=True), 'removal_date': partial(isodate, is_tombstone=True), 'warning_text': Any(*string_types), }), avoid_additional_data) plugin_routing_schema = Any( Schema( { ('deprecation'): Any(deprecation_schema), ('tombstone'): Any(tombstoning_schema), ('redirect'): Any(*string_types), }, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA), ) list_dict_plugin_routing_schema = [{ str_type: plugin_routing_schema } for str_type in string_types] plugin_schema = Schema( { ('action'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), ('become'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), ('cache'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), ('callback'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), ('cliconf'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), ('connection'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), ('doc_fragments'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), ('filter'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), ('httpapi'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), ('inventory'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), ('lookup'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), ('module_utils'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), ('modules'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), ('netconf'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), ('shell'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), ('strategy'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), ('terminal'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), ('test'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), ('vars'): Any(None, *list_dict_plugin_routing_schema), }, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA) # import_redirection schema import_redirection_schema = Any( Schema( { ('redirect'): Any(*string_types), # import_redirect doesn't currently support deprecation }, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA)) list_dict_import_redirection_schema = [{ str_type: import_redirection_schema } for str_type in string_types] # top level schema schema = Schema( { # All of these are optional ('plugin_routing'): Any(plugin_schema), ('import_redirection'): Any(None, *list_dict_import_redirection_schema), # requires_ansible: In the future we should validate this with SpecifierSet ('requires_ansible'): Any(*string_types), ('action_groups'): dict, }, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA) # Ensure schema is valid try: schema(routing) except MultipleInvalid as ex: for error in ex.errors: # No way to get line/column numbers print('%s:%d:%d: %s' % (path, 0, 0, humanize_error(routing, error)))
validate_transaction = Schema( { 'account': { 'user_id': _unicode_or_printable_ascii, 'username_md5': _md5, }, 'billing': _address, 'payment': { 'processor': _payment_processor, 'was_authorized': bool, 'decline_code': _unicode_or_printable_ascii, }, 'credit_card': { 'avs_result': _single_char, 'bank_name': _unicode_or_printable_ascii, 'bank_phone_country_code': _telephone_country_code, 'bank_phone_number': _unicode_or_printable_ascii, 'cvv_result': _single_char, 'issuer_id_number': _iin, 'last_4_digits': _credit_card_last_4, 'token': _credit_card_token, }, 'custom_inputs': { _custom_input_key: _custom_input_value }, Required('device'): { 'accept_language': _unicode_or_printable_ascii, Required('ip_address'): _ip_address, 'session_age': All(_any_number, Range(min=0)), 'session_id': _unicode_or_printable_ascii, 'user_agent': _unicode_or_printable_ascii, }, 'email': { 'address': _email_or_md5, 'domain': _hostname, }, 'event': { 'shop_id': _unicode_or_printable_ascii, 'time': _rfc3339_datetime, 'type': _event_type, 'transaction_id': _unicode_or_printable_ascii, }, 'order': { 'affiliate_id': _unicode_or_printable_ascii, 'amount': _price, 'currency': _currency_code, 'discount_code': _unicode_or_printable_ascii, 'has_gift_message': bool, 'is_gift': bool, 'referrer_uri': _uri, 'subaffiliate_id': _unicode_or_printable_ascii, }, 'shipping': _shipping_address, 'shopping_cart': [ { 'category': _unicode_or_printable_ascii, 'item_id': _unicode_or_printable_ascii, 'price': _price, 'quantity': All(int, Range(min=1)), }, ], }, )
@coroutine def can_approve(self, user, **data): """ Only sys admins can approve an organisation, or a reseller sending pre_verified=true :param user: a User :param data: data that the user wants to update """ is_admin = user.is_admin() is_reseller_preverifying = user.is_reseller() and data.get('pre_verified', False) raise Return(is_admin or is_reseller_preverifying) all_permission_schema = Schema({ 'type': 'all', 'permission': In(PERMISSIONS), 'value': None }, required=True) organisation_permission_schema = all_permission_schema.extend({ 'type': 'organisation_id', 'permission': In(PERMISSIONS), 'value': unicode }) service_type_permission_schema = all_permission_schema.extend({ 'type': 'service_type', 'permission': In(PERMISSIONS), 'value': In(SERVICE_TYPES) }) def group_permissions(permissions):
class Nginx(ConfigurableExtension, AppAwareFactory, Generator, ServerProvider): configuration_schema: Schema = Schema({ 'www_directory_path': str, 'https': bool, }) def __init__(self, app: App, www_directory_path: Optional[str] = None, https: Optional[bool] = None): self._https = https self._www_directory_path = www_directory_path self._app = app @classmethod def validate_configuration(cls, configuration: Optional[Dict]) -> Dict: try: return cls.configuration_schema(configuration) except Invalid as e: raise ConfigurationValueError(e) @classmethod def new_for_app(cls, app: App, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('www_directory_path', app.configuration.www_directory_path) kwargs.setdefault('https', None) return cls(app, *args, **kwargs) @property def servers(self) -> Iterable[Server]: from betty.extension.nginx.serve import DockerizedNginxServer if DockerizedNginxServer.is_available(): return [DockerizedNginxServer(self._app)] return [] async def generate(self) -> None: await self.generate_configuration_file() await self._generate_dockerfile_file() @property def assets_directory_path(self) -> Optional[str]: return '%s/assets' % path.dirname(__file__) @property def https(self) -> bool: if self._https is None: return self._app.configuration.base_url.startswith('https') return self._https @property def www_directory_path(self) -> str: if self._www_directory_path is None: return self._app.configuration.www_directory_path return self._www_directory_path async def generate_configuration_file(self, destination_file_path: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> None: kwargs = dict({ 'content_negotiation': self._app.configuration.content_negotiation, 'https': self._app.extensions[Nginx].https, 'locale': self._app.locale, 'locales': self._app.configuration.locales, 'multilingual': self._app.configuration.multilingual, 'server_name': urlparse(self._app.configuration.base_url).netloc, 'www_directory_path': self._app.extensions[Nginx].www_directory_path, }, **kwargs) if destination_file_path is None: destination_file_path = path.join(self._app.configuration.output_directory_path, 'nginx', 'nginx.conf') await generate_configuration_file(destination_file_path, self._app.jinja2_environment, **kwargs) async def _generate_dockerfile_file(self) -> None: await generate_dockerfile_file(path.join(self._app.configuration.output_directory_path, 'nginx', 'docker', 'Dockerfile'))
class UnplannedHandler(handler.TriggeredHandler): """Creates a unplanned issue + associates it to an active sprint.""" # Because the client library fetches things over and over # and things we know to be the same, aren't changing a lot/ever... # # Size of these was picked somewhat arbitrarily but should be fine... cache = munch.Munch({ 'projects': LRUCache(maxsize=100), 'boards': LRUCache(maxsize=100), }) required_clients = ('jira', ) config_section = 'jira' handles_what = { 'message_matcher': matchers.match_or(matchers.match_slack("message"), matchers.match_telnet("message")), 'channel_matcher': matchers.match_channel(c.TARGETED), 'triggers': [ trigger.Trigger('jira unplanned', takes_args=True), ], 'args': { 'order': [ 'summary', 'time_taken', 'was_resolved', 'project', 'board', ], 'converters': { 'time_taken': _convert_time_taken, 'was_resolved': hu.strict_bool_from_string, }, 'schema': Schema({ Required("summary"): All(scu.string_types(), Length(min=1)), Required("project"): All(scu.string_types(), Length(min=1)), Required("board"): All(scu.string_types(), Length(min=1)), Required("time_taken"): int, Required("was_resolved"): bool, }), 'help': { 'summary': "short summary of the unplanned work", 'board': 'board to locate sprint to' ' drop newly created issue in (must exist)', 'time_taken': ('time taken on unplanned' ' work (ie 30 seconds, 5 minutes,' ' 1 hour, 1 day...)'), 'project': 'project to create task in (must exist)', 'was_resolved': 'mark the newly created issue as resolved', }, 'defaults': { 'project': 'CAA', 'board': 'CAA board', 'time_taken': "1 hour", "was_resolved": True, }, }, 'authorizer': auth.user_in_ldap_groups('admins_cloud'), } @staticmethod def _find_and_cache(fetcher_func, match_func, cache_target, cache_key): if cache_key and cache_key in cache_target: return cache_target[cache_key] offset = 0 result = None found = False while not found: items = fetcher_func(start_at=offset) if not items: break else: for item in items: if match_func(item): result = item found = True break if not found: offset = offset + len(items) + 1 if found and cache_key: cache_target[cache_key] = result return result @classmethod def _find_project(cls, jac, project): def match_func(p): return ( == project.lower() or p.key.lower() == project.lower() or == project) def fetcher_func(all_projects, start_at): return all_projects[start_at:] return cls._find_and_cache( functools.partial(fetcher_func, jac.projects()), match_func, cls.cache.projects, project) @classmethod def _find_board(cls, jac, board, type='scrum'): def match_func(b): return ( == board.lower() or == board) def fetcher_func(start_at): return jac.boards(type=type, startAt=start_at) return cls._find_and_cache(fetcher_func, match_func, cls.cache.boards, ":".join([board, type])) @classmethod def _find_sprint(cls, jac, board, board_name, ok_states): def match_func(s): return s.state.lower() in ok_states def fetcher_func(start_at): return jac.sprints(, startAt=start_at) # We don't want to cache anything, since we expect sprints to # actually become active/inactive quite a bit... return cls._find_and_cache(fetcher_func, match_func, {}, None) @staticmethod def _create_issue(jac, project, secs_taken, summary, user_name, channel_name='', quick_link=None): mins_taken = secs_taken / 60.0 hours_taken = mins_taken / 60.0 days_taken = hours_taken / 24.0 time_taken_pieces = [ "%0.2f days" % (days_taken), "%0.2f hours" % (hours_taken), "%0.2f minutes" % (mins_taken), "%s seconds" % (secs_taken), ] time_taken_text = " or ".join(time_taken_pieces) new_issue_description_lines = [ ("User @%s spent %s doing" " unplanned work.") % (user_name, time_taken_text), ] if channel_name: new_issue_description_lines.extend([ "", "In channel: #%s" % channel_name, ]) if quick_link: new_issue_description_lines.extend([ "", "Reference: %s" % quick_link, ]) new_issue_fields = { 'summary': summary, 'issuetype': { 'name': 'Task', }, 'components': [{ 'name': "Unplanned" }], 'assignee': { 'name': user_name, }, 'project':, 'description': "\n".join(new_issue_description_lines), } new_issue = jac.create_issue(fields=new_issue_fields) new_issue_link = "<%s|%s>" % (new_issue.permalink(), new_issue.key) return (new_issue, new_issue_link) def _run(self, summary, time_taken, was_resolved, project, board): # Load and validate stuff (before doing work...) jac = replier = functools.partial(self.message.reply_text, threaded=True, prefixed=False) # This one is used here because it appears the the RTM one isn't # processing/sending links correctly (did it ever, but this one # does handle links right, so ya...) reply_attachments = functools.partial( self.message.reply_attachments, log=LOG, link_names=True, as_user=True, thread_ts=self.message.body.ts,, unfurl_links=False) j_project = self._find_project(jac, project) if not j_project: raise excp.NotFound("Unable to find project '%s'" % (project)) j_board = self._find_board(jac, board) if not j_board: raise excp.NotFound("Unable to find board '%s'" % (board)) # Create it in that project... replier("Creating unplanned issue" " in project `%s`, please wait..." % (project)) new_issue, new_issue_link = self._create_issue( jac, j_project, time_taken, summary, self.message.body.user_name, channel_name=self.message.body.get('channel_name'), quick_link=self.message.body.get('quick_link')) reply_attachments(attachments=[{ 'pretext': ("Created unplanned" " issue %s.") % (new_issue_link), 'mrkdwn_in': ['pretext'], }]) # Find and bind it to currently active sprint (if any)... j_sprint = self._find_sprint(jac, j_board, board, ['active']) if j_sprint: reply_attachments(attachments=[{ 'pretext': ("Binding %s to active sprint `%s`" " of board `%s`." % (new_issue_link,, board)), 'mrkdwn_in': ['pretext'], }]) jac.add_issues_to_sprint(, [new_issue.key]) reply_attachments(attachments=[{ 'pretext': ("Bound %s to active sprint `%s`" " of board `%s`." % (new_issue_link,, board)), 'mrkdwn_in': ['pretext'], }]) else: replier("No active sprint found" " in board `%s`, sprint binding skipped." % (board)) # Mark it as done... if was_resolved: transition = None possible_transitions = set() for t in jac.transitions( t_name = t.get('name', '') t_name = t_name.lower() if t_name in _RESOLVED_TRANSITIONS: transition = t if t_name: possible_transitions.add(t_name) if not transition: possible_transitions = sorted(possible_transitions) possible_transitions = " or ".join( ["`%s`" % t.upper() for t in possible_transitions]) ok_transitions = sorted(_RESOLVED_TRANSITIONS) ok_transitions = " or ".join( ["`%s`" % t.upper() for t in ok_transitions]) reply_attachments(attachments=[{ 'pretext': ("Unable to resolve %s, could not find" " issues %s" " state transition!") % (new_issue_link, ok_transitions), 'mrkdwn_in': ['pretext', 'text'], "text": ("Allowable state" " transitions: %s" % possible_transitions), }]) else: reply_attachments(attachments=[{ 'pretext': ("Transitioning %s issue to resolved, " "please wait...") % (new_issue_link), 'mrkdwn_in': ['pretext'], }]) jac.transition_issue(, transition['id'], comment="All done! kthxbye") replier("Transitioned.") replier = self.message.reply_text replier("Thanks for tracking your unplanned work!", prefixed=True, threaded=True)
tuple([Any(list, tuple)]), ), ) ansible_module_kwargs_schema = Schema({ 'argument_spec': dict, 'bypass_checks': bool, 'no_log': bool, 'check_invalid_arguments': Any(None, bool), 'mutually_exclusive': sequence_of_sequences(min=2), 'required_together': sequence_of_sequences(min=2), 'required_one_of': sequence_of_sequences(min=2), 'add_file_common_args': bool, 'supports_check_mode': bool, 'required_if': sequence_of_sequences(min=3), }) suboption_schema = Schema( { Required('description'): Any(list_string_types, *string_types),
def __init__(self, paths): self.configfiles = self._list_config_files(paths) configparser = RawConfigParser() config_tmp = self.conf = dict() for section in configparser.sections(): self.conf[section] = dict(configparser.items(section)) #self.conf = ConfigObj(self.configfile, interpolation=False) self.schemas = { "storage": Schema({ Optional("storage_path"): All(str), Optional("storage_type"): Any('yaml', 'json', 'pickle'), }), "cloud": Schema( { "provider": Any('ec2_boto', 'google', 'openstack'), "ec2_url": Url(str), Optional("ec2_access_key"): All(str, Length(min=1)), Optional("ec2_secret_key"): All(str, Length(min=1)), "ec2_region": All(str, Length(min=1)), "auth_url": All(str, Length(min=1)), "username": All(str, Length(min=1)), "password": All(str, Length(min=1)), "tenant_name": All(str, Length(min=1)), Optional("region_name"): All(str, Length(min=1)), "gce_project_id": All(str, Length(min=1)), "gce_client_id": All(str, Length(min=1)), "gce_client_secret": All(str, Length(min=1)), "nova_client_api": nova_api_version() }, extra=True), "cluster": Schema( { "cloud": All(str, Length(min=1)), "setup_provider": All(str, Length(min=1)), "login": All(str, Length(min=1)), }, required=True, extra=True), "setup": Schema({ "provider": All(str, Length(min=1)), }, required=True, extra=True), "login": Schema( { "image_user": All(str, Length(min=1)), "image_user_sudo": All(str, Length(min=1)), "image_sudo": Boolean(str), "user_key_name": All(str, Length(min=1)), "user_key_private": can_read_file(), "user_key_public": can_read_file() }, required=True) }
# THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. """ Define some basic data shape schema on Python dictionaries parsed from Yaml. """ from voluptuous import Coerce from voluptuous import Optional from voluptuous import Schema SBP_EXTENSION = "/*.yaml" filename = Schema(str) identifier = Schema(str) description = Schema(str) include = Schema([filename]) bit = Schema(int) type_identifier = Schema(str) sbp_identifier = Schema(int) units = Coerce(str) bitmask = Coerce(str) size = Schema(int) bitfield = Schema([{ Optional(bitmask): { Optional('units'): units, Optional('values'): [{ bit: description
def test_in(): """Verify that In works.""" schema = Schema({"color": In(frozenset(["blue", "red", "yellow"]))}) schema({"color": "blue"})
task_description_schema = Schema({ # the label for this task Required('label'): basestring, # description of the task (for metadata) Required('description'): basestring, # attributes for this task Optional('attributes'): { basestring: object }, # dependencies of this task, keyed by name; these are passed through # verbatim and subject to the interpretation of the Task's get_dependencies # method. Optional('dependencies'): { basestring: object }, # expiration and deadline times, relative to task creation, with units # (e.g., "14 days"). Defaults are set based on the project. Optional('expires-after'): basestring, Optional('deadline-after'): basestring, # custom routes for this task; the default treeherder routes will be added # automatically Optional('routes'): [basestring], # custom scopes for this task; any scopes required for the worker will be # added automatically Optional('scopes'): [basestring], # custom "task.extra" content Optional('extra'): { basestring: object }, # treeherder-related information; see # # If not specified, no treeherder extra information or routes will be # added to the task Optional('treeherder'): { # either a bare symbol, or "grp(sym)". 'symbol': basestring, # the job kind 'kind': Any('build', 'test', 'other'), # tier for this task 'tier': int, # task platform, in the form platform/collection, used to set # treeherder.machine.platform and treeherder.collection or # treeherder.labels 'platform': basestring, # treeherder environments (defaults to both staging and production) Required('environments', default=['production', 'staging']): ['production', 'staging'], }, # information for indexing this build so its artifacts can be discovered; # if omitted, the build will not be indexed. Optional('index'): { # the name of the product this build produces 'product': Any('firefox', 'mobile'), # the names to use for this job in the TaskCluster index 'job-name': Any( # Assuming the job is named "normally", this is the v2 job name, # and the v1 and buildbot routes will be determined appropriately. basestring, # otherwise, give separate names for each of the legacy index # routes; if a name is omitted, no corresponding route will be # created. { # the name as it appears in buildbot routes Optional('buildbot'): basestring, Required('gecko-v2'): basestring, }), # The rank that the task will receive in the TaskCluster # index. A newly completed task supercedes the currently # indexed task iff it has a higher rank. If unspecified, # 'by-tier' behavior will be used. 'rank': Any( # Rank is equal the timestamp of the build_date for tier-1 # tasks, and zero for non-tier-1. This sorts tier-{2,3} # builds below tier-1 in the index. 'by-tier', # Rank is given as an integer constant (e.g. zero to make # sure a task is last in the index). int, # Rank is equal to the timestamp of the build_date. This # option can be used to override the 'by-tier' behavior # for non-tier-1 tasks. 'build_date', ), }, # The `run_on_projects` attribute, defaulting to "all". This dictates the # projects on which this task should be included in the target task set. # See the attributes documentation for details. Optional('run-on-projects'): [basestring], # If the task can be coalesced, this is the name used in the coalesce key # the project, etc. will be added automatically. Note that try (level 1) # tasks are never coalesced Optional('coalesce-name'): basestring, # the provisioner-id/worker-type for the task. The following parameters will # be substituted in this string: # {level} -- the scm level of this push 'worker-type': basestring, # information specific to the worker implementation that will run this task 'worker': Any( { Required('implementation'): Any('docker-worker', 'docker-engine'), # For tasks that will run in docker-worker or docker-engine, this is the # name of the docker image or in-tree docker image to run the task in. If # in-tree, then a dependency will be created automatically. This is # generally `desktop-test`, or an image that acts an awful lot like it. Required('docker-image'): Any( # a raw Docker image path (repo/image:tag) basestring, # an in-tree generated docker image (from `testing/docker/<name>`) {'in-tree': basestring}), # worker features that should be enabled Required('relengapi-proxy', default=False): bool, Required('chain-of-trust', default=False): bool, Required('taskcluster-proxy', default=False): bool, Required('allow-ptrace', default=False): bool, Required('loopback-video', default=False): bool, Required('loopback-audio', default=False): bool, # caches to set up for the task Optional('caches'): [{ # only one type is supported by any of the workers right now 'type': 'persistent', # name of the cache, allowing re-use by subsequent tasks naming the # same cache 'name': basestring, # location in the task image where the cache will be mounted 'mount-point': basestring, }], # artifacts to extract from the task image after completion Optional('artifacts'): [{ # type of artifact -- simple file, or recursive directory 'type': Any('file', 'directory'), # task image path from which to read artifact 'path': basestring, # name of the produced artifact (root of the names for # type=directory) 'name': basestring, }], # environment variables Required('env', default={}): { basestring: taskref_or_string }, # the command to run 'command': [taskref_or_string], # the maximum time to run, in seconds 'max-run-time': int, # the exit status code that indicates the task should be retried Optional('retry-exit-status'): int, }, { Required('implementation'): 'generic-worker', # command is a list of commands to run, sequentially 'command': [taskref_or_string], # artifacts to extract from the task image after completion; note that artifacts # for the generic worker cannot have names Optional('artifacts'): [{ # type of artifact -- simple file, or recursive directory 'type': Any('file', 'directory'), # task image path from which to read artifact 'path': basestring, }], # directories and/or files to be mounted Optional('mounts'): [{ # a unique name for the cache volume 'cache-name': basestring, # task image path for the cache 'path': basestring, }], # environment variables Required('env', default={}): { basestring: taskref_or_string }, # the maximum time to run, in seconds 'max-run-time': int, # os user groups for test task workers Optional('os-groups', default=[]): [basestring], }, { Required('implementation'): 'buildbot-bridge', # see # 'buildername': basestring, 'sourcestamp': { 'branch': basestring, Optional('revision'): basestring, Optional('repository'): basestring, Optional('project'): basestring, }, 'properties': { 'product': basestring, Extra: basestring, # additional properties are allowed }, }, { 'implementation': 'macosx-engine', # A link for an executable to download Optional('link'): basestring, # the command to run Required('command'): [taskref_or_string], # environment variables Optional('env'): { basestring: taskref_or_string }, # artifacts to extract from the task image after completion Optional('artifacts'): [{ # type of artifact -- simple file, or recursive directory Required('type'): Any('file', 'directory'), # task image path from which to read artifact Required('path'): basestring, # name of the produced artifact (root of the names for # type=directory) Required('name'): basestring, }], }), # The "when" section contains descriptions of the circumstances # under which this task can be "optimized", that is, left out of the # task graph because it is unnecessary. Optional('when'): Any({ # This task only needs to be run if a file matching one of the given # patterns has changed in the push. The patterns use the mozpack # match function (python/mozbuild/mozpack/ Optional('files-changed'): [basestring], }), })
def test_generator_signing_balrog_tasks(self): for p in ("win32", "macosx64"): for v, appV in (("38.0build1", "38.0"), ("37.0build2", "37.0")): generator = get_task_by_name(self.graph, "{}_en-US_{}_funsize_update_generator".format(p, v)) signing = get_task_by_name(self.graph, "{}_en-US_{}_funsize_signing_task".format(p, v)) balrog = get_task_by_name(self.graph, "{}_en-US_{}_funsize_balrog_task".format(p, v)) generator_schema = Schema({ 'requires': [self.generator_image['taskId']], 'task': { 'metadata': { 'name': "[funsize] Update generating task %s %s for %s" % (p, "en-US", v.split('build')[0],) } } }, extra=True, required=True) signing_schema = Schema({ 'requires': [generator['taskId']], 'task': { 'metadata': { 'name': "[funsize] MAR signing task %s %s for %s" % (p, "en-US", v.split('build')[0],), }, 'payload': { 'signingManifest': "" % generator["taskId"], }, 'scopes': [ "project:releng:signing:cert:release-signing", "project:releng:signing:format:mar", "project:releng:signing:format:gpg", ], }, }, extra=True, required=True) balrog_schema = Schema({ 'requires': [signing['taskId'], self.funsize_balrog_image['taskId']], 'task': { 'scopes': ["docker-worker:feature:balrogVPNProxy"], 'metadata': { 'name': "[funsize] Publish to Balrog %s %s for %s" % (p, "en-US", v.split('build')[0],), } } }, extra=True, required=True) if p == "win32": generator_schema = generator_schema.extend({ 'task': { 'extra': { 'funsize': { 'partials': [ { 'from_mar': "" % appV, 'to_mar': "", } ] } } } }) elif p == "macosx64": generator_schema = generator_schema.extend({ 'task': { 'extra': { 'funsize': { 'partials': [ { 'from_mar': "" % appV, 'to_mar': "", } ] } } } }) verify(generator, generator_schema, TestEnUSPartials.generator_not_allowed) verify(balrog, balrog_schema) verify(signing, signing_schema)
date = parse_datetime(value) or parse_date(value) if date is not None: return date else: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise Invalid('<{0}> is not a valid datetime.'.format(value)) return fn base_query_param_schema = Schema( { 'q': str, 'name': str, 'offset': IntegerLike(), 'limit': IntegerLike(), 'install_ts': DatetimeWithTZ(), 'update_ts': DatetimeWithTZ() }, extra=ALLOW_EXTRA ) company_query_schema = base_query_param_schema.extend( { "id": IntegerLike(), "name": str, "description": str, "auction_id": CSVofIntegers(), # /?team_id=1,2,3 } )
def __init__(self, schema, required=False, extra=False, not_none=False): if not isinstance(schema, dict): raise ValueError('This special Schema is intented to be used with ' 'dict only.') Schema.__init__(self, schema, required, extra) self._not_none = not_none if not_none is not False else ()
_check_email_format = lambda email: re.match(r".+@.+\..{2,}", email) is not None user_schema = Schema({ Required('email'): check( ("Email must be between 5 and 50 characters.", [str, Length(min=5, max=50)]), ("Your email does not look like an email address.", [_check_email_format]) ), Required('firstname'): check( ("First Name must be between 1 and 50 characters.", [str, Length(min=1, max=50)]) ), Required('lastname'): check( ("Last Name must be between 1 and 50 characters.", [str, Length(min=1, max=50)]) ), Required('country'): check( ("Please select a country", [str, Length(min=2, max=2)]) ), Required('username'): check( ("Usernames must be between 3 and 20 characters.", [str, Length(min=3, max=20)]), ("This username already exists.", [ lambda name: safe_fail(get_user, name=name) is None]) ), Required('password'): check(("Passwords must be between 3 and 20 characters.", [str, Length(min=3, max=20)]) ), Required('background'): check(("You must provide your background!", [str, Length(min=3, max=20)]) ) }, extra=True) new_eligible_team_schema = Schema({ Required('team-name-new'): check(
return "darknet" LABELS_SCHEMA = Schema([ All( deprecated("triggers_recording", replacement="trigger_recorder"), { Required("label"): str, Optional("confidence", default=0.8): All(Any(0, 1, All(float, Range(min=0.0, max=1.0))), Coerce(float)), Optional("height_min", default=0.0): All(Any(0, 1, All(float, Range(min=0.0, max=1.0))), Coerce(float)), Optional("height_max", default=1.0): All(Any(0, 1, All(float, Range(min=0.0, max=1.0))), Coerce(float)), Optional("width_min", default=0.0): All(Any(0, 1, All(float, Range(min=0.0, max=1.0))), Coerce(float)), Optional("width_max", default=1.0): All(Any(0, 1, All(float, Range(min=0.0, max=1.0))), Coerce(float)), Optional("trigger_recorder", default=True): bool, Optional("require_motion", default=False): bool, Optional("post_processor", default=None): Any(str, None), }, ensure_min_max, ) ]) class LabelConfig:
from voluptuous import Schema, Email, Coerce, Inclusive, In from common.enums import EmailResult contact_schema = Schema( {"name": str, "email": Email(), "first_name": str, "last_name": str}, required=True ) segment_schema = Schema({"name": str}, required=True) template_schema = Schema({"name": str, "template": str}, required=True) segment_contact_join_schema = Schema({"segment_id": Coerce(int)}, required=True) settings_schema = Schema( { Inclusive("name", "from"): str, Inclusive("email", "from"): Email(), Inclusive("user", "auth"): str, Inclusive("password", "auth"): str, } ) campaign_schema = Schema( {"segment_id": Coerce(int), "template_id": Coerce(int), "subject": str}, required=True, ) update_status_schema = Schema( {
import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse from voluptuous import All from voluptuous import Any from voluptuous import Length from voluptuous import Marker from voluptuous import Required from voluptuous import Schema from monasca_api.v2.common.schemas import exceptions LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) schemes = ['http', 'https'] notification_schema = { Required('name'): Schema(All(Any(str, unicode), Length(max=250))), Required('type'): Schema(Any(str, unicode)), Required('address'): Schema(All(Any(str, unicode), Length(max=512))), Marker('period'): All(Any(int, str))} request_body_schema = Schema(Any(notification_schema)) def parse_and_validate(msg, valid_periods, require_all=False): try: request_body_schema(msg) except Exception as ex: LOG.exception(ex) raise exceptions.ValidationException(str(ex)) if 'period' not in msg:
class UnitPrescription(Unit, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """A base class for implementing pipeline units based on prescription supplied.""" # Each prescription unit defines these specifically. SHOULD_INCLUDE_CACHE: Dict[str, bool] = {} CONFIGURATION_SCHEMA: Schema = Schema({ Required("package_name"): str, Required("match"): object, Required("run"): object, Required("prescription"): Schema({"run": bool}), }) _PRESCRIPTION: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None _stack_info_run = attr.ib(type=bool, kw_only=True, default=False) _configuration = attr.ib(type=Dict[str, Any], kw_only=True) prescription = attr.ib(type=Dict[str, Any], kw_only=True) @prescription.default def _prescription_default(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Initialize prescription property.""" if self._PRESCRIPTION is None: raise ValueError( "No assigned prescription on the class level to be set") return self._PRESCRIPTION @property def run_prescription(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get run part of the prescription assigned.""" return self._configuration.get("run", {}) @property def match_prescription(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get match part of the prescription assigned.""" return self._configuration.get("match", {}) @_configuration.default def _initialize_default_configuration(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Initialize default unit configuration based on declared class' default configuration.""" if self._PRESCRIPTION is None: raise ValueError( "No assigned prescription on the class level to be set") return { "package_name": None, "match": self._PRESCRIPTION.get("match", {}), "run": self._PRESCRIPTION.get("run", {}), "prescription": { "run": False }, } @classmethod def get_unit_name(cls) -> str: """Get the name of the current prescription unit. This method is a class method and *MUST NOT* be used when obtaining unit name on an instance. As part of the memory optimization we use class to get the current name of a prescription unit with assigned prescription. This means that the prescription unit instance would have different names reported with this method based on the current class context. """ if cls._PRESCRIPTION is None: raise ValueError("No prescription defined") name: str = cls._PRESCRIPTION["name"] return name @classmethod def set_prescription(cls, prescription: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Set prescription to the unit.""" cls._PRESCRIPTION = prescription @classmethod def _check_symbols(cls, unit_name: str, library_name: str, symbols_expected: List[str], symbols_used: List[str]) -> bool: """Check if symbols expected are available given the symbols used.""" for symbol_expected in symbols_expected: for symbol_used in symbols_used: if symbol_expected.endswith(".*"): if symbol_used.startswith( symbol_expected[:-2]): # Discard ending ".*" _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Library symbol %r matching unit requirement on symbol %r for %r", unit_name, symbol_used, symbol_expected, library_name, ) break elif symbol_used == symbol_expected: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Library symbol %r matching unit requirement on symbol %r for %r", unit_name, symbol_used, symbol_expected, library_name, ) break _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not registering as library symbol requested %r for %r is not used", unit_name, symbol_expected, library_name, ) return False _LOGGER.debug("%s: All library symbols required for %r unit are used", unit_name, library_name) return True @staticmethod def _check_version(version_present: Optional[str], version_spec_declared: Optional[str]) -> bool: """Check that version present matches version specification.""" if version_present is None: if version_spec_declared is not None: return False else: return True else: if version_spec_declared is None: return True return Version(version_present) in SpecifierSet( version_spec_declared) @classmethod def _should_include_base( cls, builder_context: "PipelineBuilderContext") -> bool: """Determine if this unit should be included.""" if cls._PRESCRIPTION is None: raise ValueError("No prescription defined") should_include_dict = cls._PRESCRIPTION["should_include"] unit_name = cls.get_unit_name() times = should_include_dict.get( "times", 1) # XXX: We allow values 0 or 1 in the schema described. if times == 0 or builder_context.is_included(cls): return False if not cls._should_include_base_cached(unit_name, builder_context, should_include_dict): # Using pre-cached results based on parts that do not change or first time run. return False # Dependencies. dependencies = should_include_dict.get("dependencies", {}) for boot_name in dependencies.get("boots", []): if boot_name not in builder_context.get_included_boot_names(): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not registering as dependency on boot %r is not satisfied", unit_name, boot_name) return False for pseudonym_name in dependencies.get("pseudonyms", []): if pseudonym_name not in builder_context.get_included_pseudonym_names( ): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not registering as dependency on pseudonym %r is not satisfied", unit_name, pseudonym_name) return False for sieve_name in dependencies.get("sieves", []): if sieve_name not in builder_context.get_included_sieve_names(): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not registering as dependency on sieve %r is not satisfied", unit_name, sieve_name) return False for step_name in dependencies.get("steps", []): if step_name not in builder_context.get_included_step_names(): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not registering as dependency on step %r is not satisfied", unit_name, step_name) return False for stride_name in dependencies.get("strides", []): if stride_name not in builder_context.get_included_stride_names(): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not registering as dependency on stride %r is not satisfied", unit_name, stride_name) return False for wrap_name in dependencies.get("wraps", []): if wrap_name not in builder_context.get_included_wrap_names(): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not registering as dependency on stride %r is not satisfied", unit_name, wrap_name) return False return True if TYPE_CHECKING: SHOULD_INCLUDE_FUNC_TYPE = Callable[[ Type["UnitPrescription"], str, "PipelineBuilderContext", Dict[str, Any] ], bool] @classmethod @should_include_cache def _should_include_base_cached( cls, unit_name: str, builder_context: "PipelineBuilderContext", should_include_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: """Determine if this unit should be included.""" adviser_pipeline = should_include_dict.get("adviser_pipeline", False) if not adviser_pipeline and builder_context.is_adviser_pipeline(): _LOGGER.debug("%s: Not registering for adviser pipeline", unit_name) return False elif adviser_pipeline and builder_context.is_adviser_pipeline(): allowed_recommendation_types = should_include_dict.get( "recommendation_types") if (allowed_recommendation_types is not None and builder_context.recommendation_type is not None and not in _ValueList(allowed_recommendation_types)): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not registering for adviser pipeline with recommendation type %s", unit_name,, ) return False if (not should_include_dict.get("dependency_monkey_pipeline", False) and builder_context.is_dependency_monkey_pipeline()): _LOGGER.debug("%s: Not registering for dependency monkey pipeline", unit_name) return False elif (should_include_dict.get("dependency_monkey_pipeline", False) and builder_context.is_dependency_monkey_pipeline()): allowed_decision_types = should_include_dict.get("decision_types") if (allowed_decision_types is not None and builder_context.decision_type is not None and not in _ValueList(allowed_decision_types)): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not registering for dependency monkey pipeline with decision type %s", unit_name,, ) return False authenticated = should_include_dict.get("authenticated") if authenticated is not None and authenticated is not builder_context.authenticated: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not registering as authentication requirements are not met", unit_name, ) return False labels_expected = should_include_dict.get("labels", {}) if labels_expected: for label_key, value in labels_expected.items(): value_context = builder_context.labels.get(label_key) if value == value_context: break else: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not registering as labels requested %s do not match with labels supplied %s", unit_name, labels_expected, builder_context.labels, ) return False # Library usage. library_usage_expected = should_include_dict.get("library_usage", {}) if library_usage_expected: if not builder_context.library_usage: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not registering as no library usage supplied", unit_name) return False for library_name, symbols_expected in library_usage_expected.items( ): symbols_used = builder_context.library_usage.get(library_name) if not symbols_used: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not registering as library %s is not used", unit_name, library_name) return False if not cls._check_symbols(unit_name, library_name, symbols_expected, symbols_used): return False else: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: All library symbols required present in the library usage supplied", unit_name) runtime_environment_dict = should_include_dict.get( "runtime_environments", {}) # Operating system. operating_systems = runtime_environment_dict.get("operating_systems") os_used = builder_context.project.runtime_environment.operating_system os_used_name = if os_used is not None else None os_used_version = os_used.version if os_used is not None else None if operating_systems: for item in operating_systems: os_name = item.get("name") os_version = item.get("version") if (os_name is None or os_name == os_used_name) and ( os_version is None or os_version == os_used_version): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Matching operating system %r in version %r", unit_name, os_name, os_version) break else: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not matching operating system (using %r in version %r)", unit_name, os_used_name, os_used_version, ) return False # Hardware. hw_used = builder_context.project.runtime_environment.hardware for hardware_dict in runtime_environment_dict.get("hardware", []): # CPU/GPU cpu_families = hardware_dict.get("cpu_families") cpu_models = hardware_dict.get("cpu_models") cpu_flags = hardware_dict.get("cpu_flags") or [] gpu_models = hardware_dict.get("gpu_models") if cpu_families is not None and hw_used.cpu_family not in _ValueList( cpu_families): _LOGGER.debug("%s: Not matching CPU family used (using %r)", unit_name, hw_used.cpu_family) return False if cpu_models is not None and hw_used.cpu_model not in _ValueList( cpu_models): _LOGGER.debug("%s: Not matching CPU model used (using %r)", unit_name, hw_used.cpu_model) return False if gpu_models is not None and hw_used.gpu_model not in _ValueList( gpu_models): _LOGGER.debug("%s: Not matching GPU model used (using %r)", unit_name, hw_used.gpu_model) return False if cpu_flags: if hw_used.cpu_family is None or hw_used.cpu_model is None: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: CPU family (%s) or CPU model (%s) not provided, cannot check CPU flags %r", unit_name, hw_used.cpu_family, hw_used.cpu_model, cpu_flags, ) return False if isinstance(cpu_flags, dict): for cpu_flag in cpu_flags["not"]: if CPUDatabase.provides_flag(hw_used.cpu_family, hw_used.cpu_model, cpu_flag): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: CPU flag %r is provided by CPU family %s and CPU model %s, not registering unit", unit_name, cpu_flag, hw_used.cpu_family, hw_used.cpu_model, ) return False else: for cpu_flag in cpu_flags: if not CPUDatabase.provides_flag( hw_used.cpu_family, hw_used.cpu_model, cpu_flag): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not matching CPU flag %r for CPU family %s and CPU model %s, not registering unit", unit_name, cpu_flag, hw_used.cpu_family, hw_used.cpu_model, ) return False _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Used CPU family %s and CPU model %s provides all CPU flags required %r", unit_name, hw_used.cpu_family, hw_used.cpu_model, cpu_flags, ) # Software present. runtime_used = builder_context.project.runtime_environment python_version_spec = runtime_environment_dict.get("python_version") if not cls._check_version(runtime_used.python_version, python_version_spec): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not matching Python version used (using %r; expected %r)", unit_name, runtime_used.python_version, python_version_spec, ) return False cuda_version_spec = runtime_environment_dict.get("cuda_version") if not cls._check_version(runtime_used.cuda_version, cuda_version_spec): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not matching CUDA version used (using %r; expected %r)", unit_name, runtime_used.cuda_version, cuda_version_spec, ) return False platforms = runtime_environment_dict.get("platforms") if platforms is not None and runtime_used.platform not in _ValueList( platforms): _LOGGER.debug("%s: Not matching platform used (using %r)", unit_name, runtime_used.platform) return False openblas_version_spec = runtime_environment_dict.get( "openblas_version") if not cls._check_version(runtime_used.openblas_version, openblas_version_spec): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not matching openblas version used (using %r; expected %r)", unit_name, runtime_used.openblas_version, openblas_version_spec, ) return False openmpi_version_spec = runtime_environment_dict.get("openmpi_version") if not cls._check_version(runtime_used.openmpi_version, openmpi_version_spec): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not matching openmpi version used (using %r; expected %r)", unit_name, runtime_used.openmpi_version, openmpi_version_spec, ) return False cudnn_version_spec = runtime_environment_dict.get("cudnn_version") if not cls._check_version(runtime_used.cudnn_version, cudnn_version_spec): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not matching cudnn version used (using %r; expected %r)", unit_name, runtime_used.cudnn_version, cudnn_version_spec, ) return False mkl_version_spec = runtime_environment_dict.get("mkl_version") if not cls._check_version(runtime_used.mkl_version, mkl_version_spec): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not matching mkl version used (using %r; expected %r)", unit_name, runtime_used.mkl_version, mkl_version_spec, ) return False base_images = runtime_environment_dict.get("base_images") if base_images is not None and runtime_used.base_image not in _ValueListBaseImage( base_images): _LOGGER.debug("%s: Not matching base image used (using %r)", unit_name, runtime_used.base_image) return False # All the following require base image information. base_image = None if runtime_used.base_image: base_image = cls.get_base_image(runtime_used.base_image, raise_on_error=True) abi = runtime_environment_dict.get("abi") if abi: if not base_image: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Check on ABI present but no base image provided", unit_name, ) return False symbols_present = set( builder_context.graph.get_thoth_s2i_analyzed_image_symbols_all( base_image[0], base_image[1], is_external=False, )) if not symbols_present: if builder_context.iteration == 0: _LOGGER.warning( f"%s: No symbols found for runtime environment %r", unit_name, runtime_used.base_image) return False if isinstance(abi, dict) and "not" in abi: # Negate operation. if symbols_present.intersection(set(abi["not"])): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not matching ABI present in the base image", unit_name) return False else: return True elif isinstance(abi, list): if set(abi).issubset(symbols_present): return True else: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not matching ABI present in the base image", unit_name) return False else: _LOGGER.error( "%s: Unknown ABI definition - please report this error to administrator", unit_name) return False rpm_packages = runtime_environment_dict.get("rpm_packages") if rpm_packages: if not base_image: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Check on RPM packages present but no base image provided", unit_name, ) return False analysis_document_id = builder_context.graph.get_last_analysis_document_id( base_image[0], base_image[1], is_external=False, ) if not analysis_document_id: if builder_context.iteration == 0: _LOGGER.warning( "%s: No analysis for base container image %r found", unit_name, runtime_used.base_image, ) return False rpm_packages_present = builder_context.graph.get_rpm_package_version_all( analysis_document_id) if not rpm_packages_present: _LOGGER.debug("%s: No RPM packages found for %r", unit_name, runtime_used.base_image) return False if not cls._check_rpm_packages(unit_name, rpm_packages_present, rpm_packages): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not matching RPM packages present in the base image %r", unit_name, runtime_used.base_image) return False python_packages = runtime_environment_dict.get("python_packages") if python_packages: if not base_image: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Check on Python packages present but no base image provided", unit_name, ) return False analysis_document_id = builder_context.graph.get_last_analysis_document_id( base_image[0], base_image[1], is_external=False, ) if not analysis_document_id: if builder_context.iteration == 0: _LOGGER.warning( "%s: No analysis for base container image %r found", unit_name, runtime_used.base_image, ) return False python_packages_present = builder_context.graph.get_python_package_version_all( analysis_document_id) if not python_packages_present: _LOGGER.debug("%s: No Python packages found for %r", unit_name, runtime_used.base_image) return False if not cls._check_python_packages( unit_name, python_packages_present, python_packages): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not matching Python packages present in the base image %r", unit_name, runtime_used.base_image) return False return True @classmethod def _index_url_check(cls, index_url_conf: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]], index_url: str) -> bool: """Convert index_url to a comparable object considering "not".""" if index_url_conf is None: return True if isinstance(index_url_conf, dict): if list(index_url_conf.keys()) != ["not"]: raise ValueError( "index_url configuration should state directly string or a 'not' value" ) return index_url_conf["not"] != index_url else: return index_url_conf == index_url @classmethod def _check_python_packages( cls, unit_name: str, python_packages_present: List[Dict[str, str]], python_packages_required: List[Dict[str, str]], ) -> bool: """Check if required Python packages are present in the environment.""" # Convert to dict to have O(1) access time. py_packages_present_dict: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, str]]] = {} for python_package_present in python_packages_present: package = py_packages_present_dict.get( python_package_present["package_name"]) if package is None: py_packages_present_dict[ python_package_present["package_name"]] = [ python_package_present ] else: package.append(python_package_present) if isinstance(python_packages_required, dict): if "not" not in python_packages_required: _LOGGER.error( "%s: Unable to parse description of Python packages required", unit_name) return False for not_required_python_package in python_packages_required["not"]: for py_package_present in py_packages_present_dict.get( not_required_python_package["name"]) or []: location = not_required_python_package.get("location") if location is not None and not re.fullmatch( location, py_package_present["location"]): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Python package %r in %r is located in different location %r as expected", unit_name, not_required_python_package["name"], py_package_present["location"], location, ) continue version = not_required_python_package.get("version") if version and py_package_present[ "package_version"] not in SpecifierSet(version): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Python package '%s==%s' (in %r) matches version %r but should not", unit_name, not_required_python_package["name"], py_package_present["package_version"], py_package_present["location"], version, ) continue _LOGGER.debug( "%s: presence of Python package %r causes not including the pipeline unit", unit_name, py_package_present, ) return False else: for required_python_package in python_packages_required: for py_package_present in py_packages_present_dict.get( required_python_package["name"]) or []: version = required_python_package.get("version") if version and py_package_present[ "package_version"] not in SpecifierSet(version): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Python package '%s==%s' (in %r) does not match required version %r", unit_name, required_python_package["name"], py_package_present["package_version"], py_package_present.get("location", "any"), version, ) continue location = required_python_package.get("location") if location is not None and not re.fullmatch( location, py_package_present["location"]): _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Python package %r is located at %r but expected to be in %r", unit_name, required_python_package["name"], py_package_present["location"], location, ) continue _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Python package %r in version %r (located in %r) is found in the runtime environment", unit_name, required_python_package["name"], required_python_package.get("version", "any"), py_package_present.get("location", "any"), ) break else: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not including as Python package %r (in version %r) is not present in the environment", unit_name, required_python_package["name"], required_python_package.get("version", "any"), ) return False _LOGGER.debug("%s: all Python package presence checks passed", unit_name) return True @staticmethod def _check_rpm_packages( unit_name: str, rpm_packages_present: List[Dict[str, str]], rpm_packages_required: Union[List[Dict[str, str]], Dict[str, List[Dict[str, str]]]], ) -> bool: """Check if required RPM packages are present.""" # Convert RPM packages present to mapping to save some cycles and have O(1) look up. rpm_packages_pres = { i["package_name"]: i for i in rpm_packages_present } rpm_packages_req: List[Dict[str, str]] if isinstance(rpm_packages_required, dict): if "not" not in rpm_packages_required: _LOGGER.error( "%s: Unable to parse description of RPM packages required", unit_name) return False should_be_present = False rpm_packages_req = [i for i in rpm_packages_required["not"]] else: should_be_present = True rpm_packages_req = [i for i in rpm_packages_required] for rpm_package_req in rpm_packages_req: rpm_name = rpm_package_req["package_name"] rpm_present = rpm_packages_pres.get(rpm_name) if should_be_present: if not rpm_present: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not including unit as RPM %r is not present in the runtime environment", unit_name, rpm_name, ) return False for key, value in rpm_package_req.items(): value_present = rpm_present.get(key) if value_present != value: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not including unit as RPM %r has not matching %r - expected %r got %r", unit_name, rpm_name, key, value, value_present, ) return False else: if not rpm_present: # If just one is not present, we know the unit is included. return True for key, value in rpm_package_req.items(): value_present = rpm_present.get(key) if value_present != value: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not including unit as RPM %s has matching %r - expected %r got %r", unit_name, rpm_name, key, value, value_present, ) return True if not should_be_present: _LOGGER.debug( "%s: Not including unit as all RPM are present in the runtime environment", unit_name) return False # Path to should be present. _LOGGER.debug("%s: all RPM package presence checks passed", unit_name) return True @classmethod def _prepare_justification_link(cls, entries: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: """Prepare justification links before using them.""" for entry in entries: link = entry.get("link") if link and not link.startswith(("https://", "http://")): entry["link"] = jl(link) @property def name(self) -> str: """Get name of the prescription instance.""" name: str = self.prescription["name"] return name def pre_run(self) -> None: """Prepare this pipeline unit before running it.""" self._prepare_justification_link( self.run_prescription.get("stack_info", [])) self._configuration["prescription"]["run"] = False super().pre_run() @staticmethod def _yield_should_include( unit_prescription: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]: """Yield for every entry stated in the match field.""" match = unit_prescription.get("match", {}) run = unit_prescription.get("run", {}) prescription_conf = {"run": False} if isinstance(match, list): for item in match: yield { "package_name": item["package_version"].get("name") if item else None, "match": item, "run": run, "prescription": prescription_conf, } else: yield { "package_name": match["package_version"].get("name") if match else None, "match": match, "run": run, "prescription": prescription_conf, } @staticmethod def _yield_should_include_with_state( unit_prescription: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]: """Yield for every entry stated in the match field.""" match = unit_prescription.get("match", {}) prescription_conf = {"run": False} if isinstance(match, list): for item in match: match_resolved = item.get("state", {}).get("resolved_dependencies") yield { # Return the first package name that should be matched to keep optimization for wrap calls. "package_name": match_resolved[0].get("name") if match_resolved else None, "match": item, "run": unit_prescription["run"], "prescription": prescription_conf, } else: match_resolved = match.get( "state", {}).get("resolved_dependencies") if match else None yield { "package_name": match_resolved[0].get("name") if match_resolved else None, "match": match, "run": unit_prescription["run"], "prescription": prescription_conf, } def _run_log(self) -> None: """Log message specified in the run prescription.""" if self._configuration["prescription"]["run"]: # Noop. The prescription was already run. return log = self.run_prescription.get("log") if log: _LOGGER.log(level=getattr(logging, log["type"]), msg=f"{}: {log['message']}") def _run_stack_info(self) -> None: """Add stack info if any prescribed.""" if self._configuration["prescription"]["run"]: # Noop. The prescription was already run. return stack_info = self.run_prescription.get("stack_info") if stack_info: self.context.stack_info.extend(stack_info) def _check_package_tuple_from_prescription( self, dependency_tuple: Tuple[str, str, str], dependency: Dict[str, str]) -> bool: """Check if the given package version tuple matches with what was written in prescription.""" develop = dependency.get("develop") if develop is not None: package_version = self.context.get_package_version( dependency_tuple, graceful=True) if not package_version: return False if package_version.develop != develop: return False if not self._index_url_check(dependency.get("index_url"), dependency_tuple[2]): return False version = dependency.get("version") if version is not None: specifier = SpecifierSet(version) if dependency_tuple[1] not in specifier: return False return True def _run_state(self, state: State) -> bool: """Check state match.""" state_prescription = self.match_prescription.get("state") if not state_prescription: # Nothing to check. return True for resolved_dependency in state_prescription.get( "resolved_dependencies", []): resolved = state.resolved_dependencies.get( resolved_dependency["name"]) if not resolved: return False if not self._check_package_tuple_from_prescription( resolved, resolved_dependency): return False return True def _run_state_with_initiator(self, state: State, package_version: PackageVersion) -> bool: """Check state match respecting also initiator of the give package.""" state_prescription = self.match_prescription.get("state") if not state_prescription: # Nothing to check. return True package_version_from = state_prescription.get( "package_version_from") or [] # XXX: we explicitly do not consider runtime environment as we expect to have it only one here. dependents = { i[0] for i in self.context.dependents.get(, {}).get( package_version.to_tuple(), set()) } for resolved_dependency in package_version_from: resolved = state.resolved_dependencies.get( resolved_dependency["name"]) if not resolved: return False if not self._check_package_tuple_from_prescription( resolved, resolved_dependency): return False if resolved not in dependents: _LOGGER.debug( "Package %r stated in package_version_from not a did not introduce package %r", resolved, package_version.to_tuple(), ) return False dependents.discard(resolved) if dependents and not state_prescription.get( "package_version_from_allow_other", False): for dependent in dependents: if dependent == state.resolved_dependencies.get(dependent[0]): return False for resolved_dependency in state_prescription.get( "resolved_dependencies", []): resolved = state.resolved_dependencies.get( resolved_dependency["name"]) if not resolved: return False if not self._check_package_tuple_from_prescription( resolved, resolved_dependency): return False return True def _run_base(self) -> None: """Implement base routines for run part of the prescription.""" self._run_log() self._run_stack_info() not_acceptable = self.run_prescription.get("not_acceptable") if not_acceptable: raise NotAcceptable(not_acceptable) eager_stop_pipeline = self.run_prescription.get("eager_stop_pipeline") if eager_stop_pipeline: raise EagerStopPipeline(eager_stop_pipeline)
class TensorFlowAPISieve(Sieve): """A sieve that makes sure the right TensorFlow release is used based on user's API usage.""" CONFIGURATION_SCHEMA: Schema = Schema( {Required("package_name"): SchemaAny(str)}) CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT = {"package_name": "tensorflow"} _LINK_API = jl("tf_api") _LINK_NO_API = jl("tf_no_api") _messages_logged = attr.ib(type=Set[str], factory=set, init=False) _no_api_logged = attr.ib(type=bool, default=False, init=False) _acceptable_releases = attr.ib(type=Optional[Set[str]], default=None, init=False) def pre_run(self) -> None: """Initialize this pipeline unit before each run.""" self._messages_logged.clear() self._acceptable_releases = None self._no_api_logged = False super().pre_run() def _pre_compute_releases(self) -> None: """Pre-compute releases that match library usage supplied by the user.""" with open(os.path.join(self._DATA_DIR, "tensorflow", "api.json"), "r") as api_file: known_api = json.load(api_file) self._acceptable_releases = set() tf_api_used = set( i for i in ((self.context.library_usage.get("report") or {} ).get("tensorflow") or []) # type: ignore ) for tf_version, tf_api in known_api.items(): if tf_api_used.issubset(tf_api): self._acceptable_releases.add(tf_version) @classmethod def should_include( cls, builder_context: "PipelineBuilderContext" ) -> Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]: """Register this pipeline unit for adviser library usage is provided.""" if (builder_context.is_adviser_pipeline() and not builder_context.is_included(cls) and builder_context.library_usage and builder_context.recommendation_type not in (RecommendationType.LATEST, RecommendationType.TESTING) and "tensorflow" in (builder_context.library_usage.get("report") or {})): yield {"package_name": "tensorflow"} yield {"package_name": "tensorflow-gpu"} yield {"package_name": "intel-tensorflow"} yield {"package_name": "tensorflow-cpu"} return None yield from () return None def run( self, package_versions: Generator[PackageVersion, None, None] ) -> Generator[PackageVersion, None, None]: """Use specific TensorFlow release based on library usage as supplied by the user.""" if self._acceptable_releases is None: self._pre_compute_releases() if not self._acceptable_releases: if not self._no_api_logged: self._no_api_logged = True msg = "No TensorFlow symbols API found in the database that would match TensorFlow symbols used" _LOGGER.warning("%s - see %s", msg, self._LINK_NO_API) self.context.stack_info.append({ "type": "WARNING", "message": msg, "link": self._LINK_NO_API, }) yield from package_versions return for package_version in package_versions: version = ".".join( map(str, package_version.semantic_version.release[:2])) if version in self._acceptable_releases: yield package_version elif version not in self._messages_logged: self._messages_logged.add(version) msg = ( f"Removing TensorFlow {package_version.to_tuple()!r} as it does not provide required symbols " f"in the exposed API") _LOGGER.warning("%s - see %s", msg, self._LINK_API) self.context.stack_info.append({ "type": "WARNING", "message": msg, "link": self._LINK_API })
def setUp(self): self.graph_schema = Schema({ 'scopes': generate_scope_validator(scopes={ "docker-worker:cache:tc-vcs", "docker-worker:image:taskcluster/builder:*", "queue:define-task:aws-provisioner-v1/opt-linux64", "queue:create-task:aws-provisioner-v1/opt-linux64", "queue:define-task:aws-provisioner-v1/build-c4-2xlarge", "queue:create-task:aws-provisioner-v1/build-c4-2xlarge", "docker-worker:cache:build-foo-release-workspace", "docker-worker:cache:tooltool-cache", "project:releng:signing:format:gpg", "project:releng:signing:cert:release-signing", "", }) }, extra=True, required=True) self.task_schema = Schema({ 'task': { 'scopes': generate_scope_validator(scopes={ "docker-worker:cache:tc-vcs", "docker-worker:image:taskcluster/builder:0.5.9", "queue:define-task:aws-provisioner-v1/opt-linux64", "queue:create-task:aws-provisioner-v1/opt-linux64", "queue:define-task:aws-provisioner-v1/build-c4-2xlarge", "queue:create-task:aws-provisioner-v1/build-c4-2xlarge", "docker-worker:cache:build-foo-release-workspace", "docker-worker:cache:tooltool-cache", "", }), 'provisionerId': 'aws-provisioner-v1', 'workerType': 'opt-linux64', 'payload': { 'artifacts': dict, 'command': list, 'cache': dict, 'image': Match(r'^rail/source-builder@sha256'), 'env': { 'MOZ_PKG_VERSION': '42.0b2', } } } }, extra=True, required=True) self.signing_task_schema = Schema({ 'task': { 'scopes': generate_scope_validator(scopes={ "project:releng:signing:format:gpg", "project:releng:signing:cert:release-signing", }), 'provisionerId': 'signing-provisioner-v1', 'workerType': 'signing-worker-v1', 'payload': All({ 'signingManifest': str, }, Length(1)) } }, extra=True, required=True) test_kwargs = create_firefox_test_args({ 'source_enabled': True, 'signing_pvt_key': PVT_KEY_FILE, 'en_US_config': EN_US_CONFIG, }) self.graph = make_task_graph(**test_kwargs) self.task = get_task_by_name(self.graph, "foo_source") self.signing_task = get_task_by_name(self.graph, "foo_source_signing")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json from tornado import gen from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient from tornado.httputil import url_concat from autumn.torn.form import Form from voluptuous import Schema, Required from autumn.utils import json_hook from .. import BaseHandler import hashlib schema = Schema({ Required('username'): str, Required('password'): str, 'next': str, }) class Login(BaseHandler): @gen.coroutine def get(self): form = Form(self.request.arguments, schema) http_client = AsyncHTTPClient() response = yield http_client.fetch( "") bg_img_url = json.loads(response.body, object_hook=json_hook).images[0].url self.render('auth/login.html', form=form, bg_img_url=bg_img_url)
job_description_schema = Schema({ # The name of the job and the job's label. At least one must be specified, # and the label will be generated from the name if necessary, by prepending # the kind. Optional('name'): basestring, Optional('label'): basestring, # the following fields are passed directly through to the task description, # possibly modified by the run implementation. See # taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/ for the schema details. Required('description'): task_description_schema['description'], Optional('attributes'): task_description_schema['attributes'], Optional('dependencies'): task_description_schema['dependencies'], Optional('expires-after'): task_description_schema['expires-after'], Optional('routes'): task_description_schema['routes'], Optional('scopes'): task_description_schema['scopes'], Optional('extra'): task_description_schema['extra'], Optional('treeherder'): task_description_schema['treeherder'], Optional('index'): task_description_schema['index'], Optional('run-on-projects'): task_description_schema['run-on-projects'], Optional('coalesce-name'): task_description_schema['coalesce-name'], Optional('needs-sccache'): task_description_schema['needs-sccache'], Optional('when'): task_description_schema['when'], # A description of how to run this job. 'run': { # The key to a job implementation in a peer module to this one 'using': basestring, # Any remaining content is verified against that job implementation's # own schema. Extra: object, }, Optional('platforms'): [basestring], Required('worker-type'): Any( task_description_schema['worker-type'], {'by-platform': { basestring: task_description_schema['worker-type'] }}, ), Required('worker'): Any( task_description_schema['worker'], {'by-platform': { basestring: task_description_schema['worker'] }}, ), })
def filter_schema_check(action, filter_dict): valid_filters = SchemaCheck( filter_dict, Schema(filters.Filters(action, location='singleton')), 'filters', '{0} singleton action "filters"'.format(action)).result() return validate_filters(action, valid_filters)
def setUp(self): # Task attributes common to each partner repack common_task_schema = Schema({ 'task': { 'provisionerId': 'buildbot-bridge', 'workerType': 'buildbot-bridge', 'payload': { 'properties': { 'version': '42.0b2', 'build_number': 3, } } } }) self.partner_task_schema = common_task_schema.extend({ 'task': { 'payload': { 'properties': { 'repack_manifests_url': '[email protected]:mozilla-partners/repack-manifests.git', } } } }, required=True, extra=True) self.eme_free_task_schema = common_task_schema.extend({ 'task': { 'payload': { 'properties': { 'repack_manifests_url': '', } } } }, required=True, extra=True) self.sha1_task_schema = common_task_schema.extend({ 'task': { 'payload': { 'properties': { 'repack_manifests_url': '', } } } }, required=True, extra=True) test_kwargs = create_firefox_test_args({ 'push_to_candidates_enabled': True, 'push_to_releases_enabled': True, 'push_to_releases_automatic': True, 'source_enabled': True, 'signing_pvt_key': PVT_KEY_FILE, 'partner_repacks_platforms': ['win32', 'linux'], 'eme_free_repacks_platforms': ['win32', 'macosx64'], 'sha1_repacks_platforms': ['win32'], 'release_channels': ['foo', 'bar'], 'en_US_config': { "platforms": { "linux": {'signed_task_id': 'abc', 'unsigned_task_id': 'abc'}, "macosx64": {'signed_task_id': 'abc', 'unsigned_task_id': 'abc'}, "win32": {'signed_task_id': 'abc', 'unsigned_task_id': 'abc'}, } }, 'l10n_config': { "platforms": { "win32": { "en_us_binary_url": "", "mar_tools_url": "", "locales": ["de", "en-GB", "zh-TW"], "chunks": 1, }, "linux": { "en_us_binary_url": "", "mar_tools_url": "", "locales": ["de", "en-GB", "zh-TW"], "chunks": 1, }, "macosx64": { "en_us_binary_url": "", "mar_tools_url": "", "locales": ["de", "en-GB", "zh-TW"], "chunks": 1, }, }, "changesets": { "de": "default", "en-GB": "default", "zh-TW": "default", }, }, }) self.graph = make_task_graph(**test_kwargs) self.partner_tasks = [ get_task_by_name(self.graph, "release-foo-firefox-{}_partner_repacks".format(platform)) for platform in ["win32", "linux"] ] self.eme_free_tasks = [ get_task_by_name(self.graph, "release-foo-firefox-{}_eme_free_repacks".format(platform)) for platform in ["win32", "macosx64"] ] self.sha1_tasks = [ get_task_by_name(self.graph, "release-foo-firefox-{}_sha1_repacks".format(platform)) for platform in ["win32"] ] self.partner_push_to_mirrors_task = get_task_by_name(self.graph, "release-foo-firefox_partner_repacks_copy_to_releases") self.push_to_mirrors_task = get_task_by_name(self.graph, "release-foo_firefox_push_to_releases") self.upstream_dependencies = [ "release-foo_firefox_{}_complete_en-US_beetmover_candidates".format(platform) for platform in ["win32", "linux", "macosx64"] ] + [ "release-foo_firefox_{}_l10n_repack_beetmover_candidates_1".format(platform) for platform in ["win32", "linux", "macosx64"] ]