コード例 #1
def select_neighbors(port_cfg, cfg_facts):
    Helper to select a neighbors to be tested out of a set of ports.  Pass in all of the INTERFACE
    or PORTCHANNEL_INTERFACE and it will chose one and return the neighbors as a list.

        port_cfg: The config facts for the interfaces to check.
        cfg_facts: The config facts for the asic for looking up neighbors.

        A list of neighbor IPs.

    neighs = cfg_facts['BGP_NEIGHBOR']

    nbr_to_test = []
    eth_ports = [intf for intf in port_cfg]
    local_port = random.choice(eth_ports)

    for neighbor in neighs:
        local_ip = neighs[neighbor]['local_addr']
        nbr_port = get_port_by_ip(cfg_facts, local_ip)
        if local_port == nbr_port:

    return nbr_to_test
コード例 #2
def test_voq_neighbor_create(duthosts, nbrhosts, nbrhosts_facts):
    Verify neighbor entries are created on linecards for local and remote VMS.

    For local neighbors:
    * ARP/NDP should be resolved when BGP to adjacent VMs is established.
    * On local linecard, verify ASIC DB entries.
        * MAC address matches MAC of neighbor VM.
        * Router interface OID matches back to the correct interface and port the neighbor was learned on.
    * On local linecard, verify show arp/ndp, ip neigh commands.
        * MAC address matches MAC of neighbor VM.
    * On local linecard. verify neighbor table in appDB.
        * MAC address matches MAC of neighbor VM.
    * On supervisor card, verify SYSTEM_NEIGH table in Chassis AppDB (redis-dump -h <ip> -p 6380 -d 12 on supervisor).
        * Verify encap index and MAC address match between ASICDB the Chassis AppDB
    * Repeat with IPv4, IPv6, dual-stack.

    For remote neighbors:
    * When local neighbors are established as in the Local Neighbor testcase, corresponding entries will be established
      on all other line cards.  On each remote card, verify:
    * Verify ASIC DB entries on remote linecards.
        * Verify impose index=True in ASIC DB.
        * Verify MAC address in ASIC DB is the remote neighbor mac.
        * Verify encap index for ASIC DB entry matches Chassis App DB.
        * Verify router interface OID matches the interface the neighbor was learned on.
    * Verify on linecard CLI, show arp/ndp, ip neigh commands.
        * For inband port, MAC should be inband port mac in kernel table and LC appDb.
        * For inband vlan mode, MAC will be remote ASIC mac in kernel table and LC appdb.
    * Verify neighbor table in linecard appdb.
    * Verify static route is installed in kernel routing table with /32 (or /128 for IPv6) for neighbor entry.
    * Repeat with IPv4, IPv6, dual-stack.


    for per_host in duthosts.frontend_nodes:

        for asic in per_host.asics:
            logger.info("Checking local neighbors on host: %s, asic: %s",
                        per_host.hostname, asic.asic_index)
            cfg_facts = asic.config_facts(source="persistent")['ansible_facts']
            dev_sysports = get_device_system_ports(cfg_facts)
            neighs = cfg_facts['BGP_NEIGHBOR']
            inband_info = get_inband_info(cfg_facts)

            # Check each neighbor in table
            for neighbor in neighs:
                local_ip = neighs[neighbor]['local_addr']
                if local_ip == inband_info[
                        'ipv4_addr'] or local_ip == inband_info['ipv6_addr']:
                    # skip inband neighbors

                # Check neighbor on local linecard
                local_port = get_port_by_ip(cfg_facts, local_ip)
                show_intf = asic.show_interface(
                if local_port is None:
                        "Did not find port for this neighbor %s, must skip",
                elif "portchannel" in local_port.lower():
                    # TODO: LAG support
                        "Port channel is not supported yet by this test, skip port: %s",
                if show_intf['int_status'][local_port]['oper_state'] == "down":
                        "Port is down, must skip interface: %s, IP: %s",
                        local_port, local_ip)

                neigh_mac = get_neighbor_mac(neighbor, nbrhosts,
                if neigh_mac is None:
                        "Could not find neighbor MAC, must skip.  IP: %s, port: %s",
                        local_ip, local_port)

                local_dict = check_local_neighbor(per_host, asic, neighbor,
                                                  neigh_mac, local_port)
                logger.info("Local_dict: %s", local_dict)

                # Check the same neighbor entry on the supervisor nodes
                sysport_info = find_system_port(dev_sysports,
                                                asic.asic_index, local_port)
                for sup in duthosts.supervisor_nodes:
                    check_voq_neighbor_on_sup(sup, sysport_info['slot'],
                                              sysport_info['asic'], local_port,

                # Check the neighbor entry on each remote linecard
                for rem_host in duthosts.frontend_nodes:

                    for rem_asic in rem_host.asics:
                        if rem_host == per_host and rem_asic == asic:
                            # skip remote check on local host
                        rem_cfg_facts = rem_asic.config_facts(
                        remote_inband_info = get_inband_info(rem_cfg_facts)
                        remote_inband_mac = get_sonic_mac(
                            rem_host, rem_asic.asic_index,
                        check_voq_remote_neighbor(rem_host, rem_asic, neighbor,
コード例 #3
def test_neighbor_hw_mac_change(duthosts, enum_rand_one_per_hwsku_frontend_hostname, enum_asic_index,
                                setup, teardown, nbrhosts, all_cfg_facts, nbr_macs, established_arp):
    Verify tables, databases, and kernel routes are correctly updated when the MAC address of a neighbor changes
    and is updated via request/reply exchange.

    Test Steps

    * Change the MAC address on a remote host that is already present in the ARP table.
    * Without clearing the entry in the DUT, allow the existing entry to time out and the new reply to have the new MAC
    * On local linecard:
        * Verify table entries in local ASIC, APP, and host ARP table are updated with new MAC.
    * On supervisor card:
        * Verify Chassis App DB entry is correct for with the updated MAC address.
    * On remote linecards:
        * Verify table entries in remote hosts/ASICs in APPDB, and host ARP table are still present with inband MAC
        * Verify ASIC DB is updated with new MAC.
        * Verify kernel route in remote hosts are still present to inband port.
    * Verify that packets can be sent from local and remote linecards to the learned address.

        duthosts: duthosts fixture.
        enum_rand_one_per_hwsku_frontend_hostname: frontend iteration fixture.
        enum_asic_index: asic iteration fixture.
        setup: setup fixture for this module.
        nbrhosts: nbrhosts fixture.
        established_arp: Fixture to establish arp on all nodes
        all_cfg_facts: all_cfg_facts fixture from voq/conftest.py

    per_host = duthosts[enum_rand_one_per_hwsku_frontend_hostname]
    asic = per_host.asics[enum_asic_index if enum_asic_index is not None else 0]
    cfg_facts = all_cfg_facts[per_host.hostname][asic.asic_index]['ansible_facts']

    if 'BGP_NEIGHBOR' in cfg_facts:
        neighs = cfg_facts['BGP_NEIGHBOR']
        logger.info("No local neighbors for host: %s/%s, skipping", per_host.hostname, asic.asic_index)

    eth_cfg = cfg_facts['INTERFACE'] if 'INTERFACE' in cfg_facts else {}
    if eth_cfg == {}:
        pytest.skip("Can't run this test without any IP interfaces on ethernet ports")
    eth_ports = [intf for intf in eth_cfg]
    local_port = random.choice(eth_ports)

    logger.info("We will test port: %s on host %s, asic %s", local_port, per_host.hostname, asic.asic_index)

    nbr_to_test = []
    for neighbor in neighs:
        local_ip = neighs[neighbor]['local_addr']
        nbr_port = get_port_by_ip(cfg_facts, local_ip)
        if local_port == nbr_port:

    logger.info("We will test neighbors: %s", nbr_to_test)
    nbrinfo = get_neighbor_info(nbr_to_test[0], nbrhosts)
    original_mac = nbrinfo['mac']

    for neighbor in nbr_to_test:
        # Check neighbor on local linecard
        logger.info("*" * 60)
        logger.info("Verify initial neighbor: %s, port %s", neighbor, local_port)
        pytest_assert(wait_until(60, 2, check_arptable_mac, per_host, asic, neighbor, original_mac, checkstate=False),
                      "MAC {} didn't change in ARP table".format(original_mac))
        sonic_ping(asic, neighbor, verbose=True)
        pytest_assert(wait_until(60, 2, check_arptable_mac, per_host, asic, neighbor, original_mac),
                      "MAC {} didn't change in ARP table".format(original_mac))

    dump_and_verify_neighbors_on_asic(duthosts, per_host, asic, nbr_to_test, nbrhosts, all_cfg_facts, nbr_macs)

        logger.info("Changing ethernet mac on port %s, vm %s", nbrinfo['shell_intf'], nbrinfo['vm'])

        change_mac(nbrhosts[nbrinfo['vm']], nbrinfo['shell_intf'], NEW_MAC)

        for neighbor in nbr_to_test:
            if ":" in neighbor:
                logger.info("Force neighbor solicitation to workaround long IPV6 timer.")
                asic_cmd(asic, "ndisc6 %s %s" % (neighbor, local_port))
            pytest_assert(wait_until(60, 2, check_arptable_mac, per_host, asic, neighbor, NEW_MAC, checkstate=False),
                          "MAC {} didn't change in ARP table".format(NEW_MAC))

            sonic_ping(asic, neighbor, verbose=True)
            pytest_assert(wait_until(60, 2, check_arptable_mac, per_host, asic, neighbor, NEW_MAC),
                          "MAC {} didn't change in ARP table".format(NEW_MAC))
            logger.info("Verify neighbor after mac change: %s, port %s", neighbor, local_port)
            check_one_neighbor_present(duthosts, per_host, asic, neighbor, nbrhosts, all_cfg_facts)

        logger.info("Ping neighbors: %s from all line cards", nbr_to_test)

        ping_all_neighbors(duthosts, all_cfg_facts, nbr_to_test)

        logger.info("-" * 60)
        logger.info("Will Restore ethernet mac on port %s, vm %s", nbrinfo['shell_intf'], nbrinfo['vm'])
        change_mac(nbrhosts[nbrinfo['vm']], nbrinfo['shell_intf'], original_mac)
        for neighbor in nbr_to_test:
            if ":" in neighbor:
                logger.info("Force neighbor solicitation to workaround long IPV6 timer.")
                asic_cmd(asic, "ndisc6 %s %s" % (neighbor, local_port))
                wait_until(60, 2, check_arptable_mac, per_host, asic, neighbor, original_mac, checkstate=False),
                "MAC {} didn't change in ARP table".format(original_mac))
            sonic_ping(asic, neighbor, verbose=True)
            pytest_assert(wait_until(60, 2, check_arptable_mac, per_host, asic, neighbor, original_mac),
                          "MAC {} didn't change in ARP table".format(original_mac))

        dump_and_verify_neighbors_on_asic(duthosts, per_host, asic, nbr_to_test, nbrhosts, all_cfg_facts, nbr_macs)

    ping_all_neighbors(duthosts, all_cfg_facts, nbr_to_test)
コード例 #4
    def test_gratarp_macchange(self, duthosts, enum_rand_one_per_hwsku_frontend_hostname, enum_asic_index,
                               ptfhost, tbinfo, nbrhosts, setup, teardown, all_cfg_facts, established_arp):
        Verify tables, databases, and kernel routes are correctly updated when a unsolicited ARP packet changes
        the MAC address of learned neighbor.

        Test Steps

        * Send unsolicited ARP packet into DUT for an IP known by DUT with a different MAC address for the neighbor.
        * Change the MAC address of the neighbor VM.
        * On local linecard:
            * Verify table entries in local ASIC, APP, and host ARP table are updated with new MAC.
        * On supervisor card:
            * Verify Chassis App DB entry is correct for with the updated MAC address.
        * On remote linecards:
            * Verify table entries in remote hosts/ASICs in APPDB, and host ARP table are still present with inband MAC
            * Verify ASIC DB is updated with new MAC.
            * Verify kernel route in remote hosts are still present to inband port.
        * Verify that packets can be sent from local and remote linecards to learned address.

            duthosts: The duthosts fixture
            enum_rand_one_per_hwsku_frontend_hostname: frontend enumeration fixture
            enum_asic_index: asic enumeration fixture
            ptfhost: The ptfhost fixure.
            tbinfo: The tbinfo fixture
            nbrhosts: The nbrhosts fixture.
            setup: The setup fixture from this module.
            established_arp: The established_arp fixture from this module.
            all_cfg_facts: The all_cfg_facts fixture from voq/contest.py

        self.ptfhost = ptfhost

        duthost = duthosts[enum_rand_one_per_hwsku_frontend_hostname]

        asic = duthost.asics[enum_asic_index if enum_asic_index is not None else 0]
        cfg_facts = all_cfg_facts[duthost.hostname][asic.asic_index]['ansible_facts']

        if 'BGP_NEIGHBOR' in cfg_facts:
            neighs = cfg_facts['BGP_NEIGHBOR']
            logger.info("No local neighbors for host: %s/%s, skipping", duthost.hostname, asic.asic_index)

        eth_cfg = cfg_facts['INTERFACE'] if 'INTERFACE' in cfg_facts else {}
        if eth_cfg == {}:
            pytest.skip("Can't run this test without any IP interfaces on ethernet ports")
        eth_ports = [intf for intf in eth_cfg]
        local_port = random.choice(eth_ports)

        logger.info("We will test port: %s on host %s, asic %s", local_port, duthost.hostname, asic.asic_index)

        nbr_to_test = []
        for neighbor in neighs:
            local_ip = neighs[neighbor]['local_addr']
            nbr_port = get_port_by_ip(cfg_facts, local_ip)
            if local_port == nbr_port:

        logger.info("We will test neighbors: %s", nbr_to_test)

        for neighbor in nbr_to_test:

            nbrinfo = get_neighbor_info(neighbor, nbrhosts)

            tb_port = get_ptf_port(duthosts,
                                   tbinfo, duthost, local_port)[0]
            original_mac = nbrinfo['mac']

            logger.info("*" * 60)
            logger.info("Verify initial neighbor: %s, port %s", neighbor, local_port)
            logger.info("%s port %s is on ptf port: %s", duthost.hostname, local_port, tb_port)
            logger.info("-" * 60)
            sonic_ping(asic, neighbor)
            pytest_assert(wait_until(60, 2, check_arptable_mac, duthost, asic, neighbor, original_mac),
                          "MAC {} didn't change in ARP table".format(original_mac))

            check_one_neighbor_present(duthosts, duthost, asic, neighbor, nbrhosts, all_cfg_facts)

                change_mac(nbrhosts[nbrinfo['vm']], nbrinfo['shell_intf'], NEW_MAC)
                self.send_grat_pkt(NEW_MAC, neighbor, int(tb_port))

                pytest_assert(wait_until(60, 2, check_arptable_mac, duthost, asic, neighbor, NEW_MAC, checkstate=False),
                              "MAC {} didn't change in ARP table of neighbor {}".format(NEW_MAC, neighbor))
                    sonic_ping(asic, neighbor)
                except AssertionError:
                    logging.info("No initial response from ping, begin poll to see if ARP table responds.")
                pytest_assert(wait_until(60, 2, check_arptable_mac, duthost, asic, neighbor, NEW_MAC, checkstate=True),
                              "MAC {} didn't change in ARP table of neighbor {}".format(NEW_MAC, neighbor))
                check_one_neighbor_present(duthosts, duthost, asic, neighbor, nbrhosts, all_cfg_facts)
                ping_all_neighbors(duthosts, all_cfg_facts, [neighbor])
                logger.info("Will Restore ethernet mac on neighbor: %s, port %s, vm %s", neighbor,
                            nbrinfo['shell_intf'], nbrinfo['vm'])
                change_mac(nbrhosts[nbrinfo['vm']], nbrinfo['shell_intf'], original_mac)

                if ":" in neighbor:
                    logger.info("Force neighbor solicitation to workaround long IPV6 timer.")
                    asic_cmd(asic, "ndisc6 %s %s" % (neighbor, local_port))
                    wait_until(60, 2, check_arptable_mac, duthost, asic, neighbor, original_mac, checkstate=False),
                    "MAC {} didn't change in ARP table".format(original_mac))
                sonic_ping(asic, neighbor, verbose=True)
                pytest_assert(wait_until(60, 2, check_arptable_mac, duthost, asic, neighbor, original_mac),
                              "MAC {} didn't change in ARP table".format(original_mac))

            check_one_neighbor_present(duthosts, duthost, asic, neighbor, nbrhosts, all_cfg_facts)
            ping_all_neighbors(duthosts, all_cfg_facts, [neighbor])