コード例 #1
 def gather(self, tracker: Tracker, sequence: Sequence):
     trajectories = list()
     results = self.workspace.results(tracker, self, sequence)
     for i in range(1, self._repetitions + 1):
         name = "%s_%03d" % (sequence.name, i)
         if Trajectory.exists(results, name):
             trajectories.append(Trajectory.read(results, name))
     return trajectories
コード例 #2
ファイル: multistart.py プロジェクト: votchallenge/toolkit
    def subcompute(self, experiment: Experiment, tracker: Tracker,
                   sequence: Sequence, dependencies: List[Grid]) -> Tuple[Any]:

        results = experiment.results(tracker, sequence)

        forward, backward = find_anchors(sequence, experiment.anchor)

        if len(forward) == 0 and len(backward) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Sequence does not contain any anchors")

        overlaps_all = []
        success_all = []

        for i, reverse in [(f, False) for f in forward] + [(f, True)
                                                           for f in backward]:
            name = "%s_%08d" % (sequence.name, i)

            if not Trajectory.exists(results, name):
                raise MissingResultsException()

            if reverse:
                proxy = FrameMapSequence(sequence,
                                         list(reversed(range(0, i + 1))))
                proxy = FrameMapSequence(sequence,
                                         list(range(i, sequence.length)))

            trajectory = Trajectory.read(results, name)

            overlaps = calculate_overlaps(trajectory.regions(),
                                          proxy.size if self.burnin else None)

            grace = self.grace
            progress = len(proxy)

            for j, overlap in enumerate(overlaps):
                if overlap <= self.threshold and not proxy.groundtruth(
                    grace = grace - 1
                    if grace == 0:
                        progress = j + 1 - self.grace  # subtract since we need actual point of the failure
                    grace = self.grace

            success = True
            if progress < len(overlaps):
                # tracker has failed during this run
                overlaps[progress:] = (len(overlaps) - progress) * [float(0)]
                success = False


        return compute_eao_partial(overlaps_all, success_all, self.high), 1
コード例 #3
    def execute(self, tracker: Tracker, sequence: Sequence, force: bool = False, callback: Callable = None):

        results = self.results(tracker, sequence)

        with self._get_runtime(tracker, sequence) as runtime:

            for i in range(1, self.repetitions+1):
                name = "%s_%03d" % (sequence.name, i)

                if Trajectory.exists(results, name) and not force:

                if self._can_stop(tracker, sequence):

                trajectory = Trajectory(sequence.length)

                _, properties, elapsed = runtime.initialize(sequence.frame(0), self._get_initialization(sequence, 0))

                properties["time"] = elapsed

                trajectory.set(0, Special(Special.INITIALIZATION), properties)

                for frame in range(1, sequence.length):
                    region, properties, elapsed = runtime.update(sequence.frame(frame))

                    properties["time"] = elapsed

                    trajectory.set(frame, region, properties)

                trajectory.write(results, name)

                if callback:
                    callback(i / self.repetitions)
コード例 #4
    def subcompute(self, experiment: Experiment, tracker: Tracker,
                   sequence: Sequence):

        results = experiment.results(tracker, sequence)

        forward, backward = find_anchors(sequence, experiment.anchor)

        if not forward and not backward:
            raise RuntimeError("Sequence does not contain any anchors")

        robustness = 0
        accuracy = 0
        total = 0
        for i, reverse in [(f, False) for f in forward] + [(f, True)
                                                           for f in backward]:
            name = "%s_%08d" % (sequence.name, i)

            if not Trajectory.exists(results, name):
                raise MissingResultsException()

            if reverse:
                proxy = FrameMapSequence(sequence,
                                         list(reversed(range(0, i + 1))))
                proxy = FrameMapSequence(sequence,
                                         list(range(i, sequence.length)))

            trajectory = Trajectory.read(results, name)

            overlaps = calculate_overlaps(
                trajectory.regions(), proxy.groundtruth(),
                (proxy.size) if self.burnin else None)

            grace = self.grace
            progress = len(proxy)

            for j, overlap in enumerate(overlaps):
                if overlap <= self.threshold and not proxy.groundtruth(
                    grace = grace - 1
                    if grace == 0:
                        progress = j + 1 - self.grace  # subtract since we need actual point of the failure
                    grace = self.grace

            robustness += progress  # simplified original equation: len(proxy) * (progress / len(proxy))
            accuracy += sum(overlaps[0:progress])
            total += len(proxy)

        ar = (robustness / total,
              accuracy / robustness if robustness > 0 else 0)

        return accuracy / robustness if robustness > 0 else 0, robustness / total, ar, robustness, len(
コード例 #5
    def compute_partial(self, tracker: Tracker, experiment: Experiment,
                        sequence: Sequence):

        from vot.region.utils import calculate_overlaps

        results = experiment.results(tracker, sequence)

        forward, backward = find_anchors(sequence, experiment.anchor)

        if len(forward) == 0 and len(backward) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Sequence does not contain any anchors")

        robustness = 0
        accuracy = 0
        total = 0
        for i, reverse in [(f, False) for f in forward] + [(f, True)
                                                           for f in backward]:
            name = "%s_%08d" % (sequence.name, i)

            if not Trajectory.exists(results, name):
                raise MissingResultsException()

            if reverse:
                proxy = FrameMapSequence(sequence,
                                         list(reversed(range(0, i + 1))))
                proxy = FrameMapSequence(sequence,
                                         list(range(i, sequence.length)))

            trajectory = Trajectory.read(results, name)

            overlaps = calculate_overlaps(trajectory.regions(),
                                          proxy.size if self._burnin else None)

            grace = self._grace
            progress = len(proxy)

            for j, overlap in enumerate(overlaps):
                if overlap <= self._threshold:
                    grace = grace - 1
                    if grace == 0:
                        progress = j + 1 - self._grace  # subtract since we need actual point of the failure
                    grace = self._grace

            robustness += progress  # simplified original equation: len(proxy) * (progress / len(proxy))
            accuracy += len(proxy) * (sum(overlaps[0:progress]) /
                                      (progress - 1)) if progress > 1 else 0
            total += len(proxy)

        return accuracy / total, robustness / total, len(sequence)
コード例 #6
ファイル: multistart.py プロジェクト: votchallenge/toolkit
    def subcompute(self, experiment: Experiment, tracker: Tracker,
                   sequence: Sequence, dependencies: List[Grid]) -> Tuple[Any]:

        results = experiment.results(tracker, sequence)

        forward, backward = find_anchors(sequence, experiment.anchor)

        if not forward and not backward:
            raise RuntimeError("Sequence does not contain any anchors")

        accuracy = []
        success = []

        for i, reverse in [(f, False) for f in forward] + [(f, True)
                                                           for f in backward]:
            name = "%s_%08d" % (sequence.name, i)

            if not Trajectory.exists(results, name):
                raise MissingResultsException()

            if reverse:
                proxy = FrameMapSequence(sequence,
                                         list(reversed(range(0, i + 1))))
                proxy = FrameMapSequence(sequence,
                                         list(range(i, sequence.length)))

            trajectory = Trajectory.read(results, name)

            overlaps = calculate_overlaps(
                trajectory.regions(), proxy.groundtruth(),
                (proxy.size) if self.burnin else None)

            grace = self.grace
            progress = len(proxy)

            for j, overlap in enumerate(overlaps):
                if overlap <= self.threshold and not proxy.groundtruth(
                    grace = grace - 1
                    if grace == 0:
                        progress = j + 1 - self.grace  # subtract since we need actual point of the failure
                    grace = self.grace

            success.append((i / len(sequence), progress / len(proxy)))
                (i / len(sequence), sum(overlaps[0:progress] / len(proxy))))

        return success, accuracy
コード例 #7
    def execute(self,
                tracker: Tracker,
                sequence: Sequence,
                force: bool = False,
                callback: Callable = None):

        results = self.results(tracker, sequence)

        forward, backward = find_anchors(sequence, self.anchor)

        if len(forward) == 0 and len(backward) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Sequence does not contain any anchors")

        total = len(forward) + len(backward)
        current = 0

        with self._get_runtime(tracker, sequence) as runtime:

            for i, reverse in [(f, False)
                               for f in forward] + [(f, True)
                                                    for f in backward]:
                name = "%s_%08d" % (sequence.name, i)

                if Trajectory.exists(results, name) and not force:

                if reverse:
                    proxy = FrameMapSequence(sequence,
                                             list(reversed(range(0, i + 1))))
                    proxy = FrameMapSequence(sequence,
                                             list(range(i, sequence.length)))

                trajectory = Trajectory(proxy.length)

                _, properties, elapsed = runtime.initialize(
                    proxy.frame(0), self._get_initialization(proxy, 0))

                properties["time"] = elapsed

                trajectory.set(0, Special(Special.INITIALIZATION), properties)

                for frame in range(1, proxy.length):
                    region, properties, elapsed = runtime.update(

                    properties["time"] = elapsed

                    trajectory.set(frame, region, properties)

                trajectory.write(results, name)

                current = current + 1
                if callback:
                    callback(current / total)
コード例 #8
    def scan(self, tracker: Tracker, sequence: Sequence):

        results = self.workspace.results(tracker, self, sequence)

        files = []
        complete = True

        for i in range(1, self._repetitions + 1):
            name = "%s_%03d" % (sequence.name, i)
            if Trajectory.exists(results, name):
                files.extend(Trajectory.gather(results, name))
            elif self._can_stop(tracker, sequence):
                complete = False

        return complete, files, results
コード例 #9
    def scan(self, tracker: Tracker, sequence: Sequence):

        files = []
        complete = True

        results = self.results(tracker, sequence)

        forward, backward = find_anchors(sequence, self.anchor)

        if len(forward) == 0 and len(backward) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Sequence does not contain any anchors")

        for i in forward + backward:
            name = "%s_%08d" % (sequence.name, i)
            if Trajectory.exists(results, name):
                files.extend(Trajectory.gather(results, name))
                complete = False

        return complete, files, results
コード例 #10
    def execute(self,
                tracker: Tracker,
                sequence: Sequence,
                force: bool = False,
                callback: Callable = None):

        results = self.workspace.results(tracker, self, sequence)

        for i in range(1, self._repetitions + 1):
            name = "%s_%03d" % (sequence.name, i)

            if Trajectory.exists(results, name) and not force:

            if self._can_stop(tracker, sequence):

            trajectory = Trajectory(sequence.length)

            with self._get_runtime(tracker, sequence) as runtime:

                frame = 0
                while frame < sequence.length:

                    _, properties, elapsed = runtime.initialize(
                        self._get_initialization(sequence, frame))

                    properties["time"] = elapsed

                    trajectory.set(frame, Special(Special.INITIALIZATION),

                    frame = frame + 1

                    while frame < sequence.length:

                        region, properties, elapsed = runtime.update(

                        properties["time"] = elapsed

                        if calculate_overlap(
                                region, sequence.groundtruth(frame),
                                sequence.size) <= self.failure_overlap:
                            trajectory.set(frame, Special(Special.FAILURE),
                            frame = frame + self.skip_initialize

                            if self.skip_tags:
                                while frame < sequence.length:
                                    if not [
                                            t for t in sequence.tags(frame)
                                            if t in self.skip_tags
                                    frame = frame + 1
                            trajectory.set(frame, region, properties)
                        frame = frame + 1

            if callback:
                callback(i / self._repetitions)

            trajectory.write(results, name)
コード例 #11
    def compute_measure(self, tracker: Tracker, experiment: Experiment):

        from vot.region.utils import calculate_overlaps

        overlaps_all = []
        weights_all = []
        success_all = []
        frames_total = 0

        for sequence in experiment.workspace.dataset:

            results = experiment.results(tracker, sequence)

            forward, backward = find_anchors(sequence, experiment.anchor)

            if len(forward) == 0 and len(backward) == 0:
                raise RuntimeError("Sequence does not contain any anchors")

            weights_per_run = []
            for i, reverse in [(f, False)
                               for f in forward] + [(f, True)
                                                    for f in backward]:
                name = "%s_%08d" % (sequence.name, i)

                if not Trajectory.exists(results, name):
                    raise MissingResultsException()

                if reverse:
                    proxy = FrameMapSequence(sequence,
                                             list(reversed(range(0, i + 1))))
                    proxy = FrameMapSequence(sequence,
                                             list(range(i, sequence.length)))

                trajectory = Trajectory.read(results, name)

                overlaps = calculate_overlaps(
                    trajectory.regions(), proxy.groundtruth(),
                    proxy.size if self._burnin else None)

                grace = self._grace
                progress = len(proxy)

                for j, overlap in enumerate(overlaps):
                    if overlap <= self._threshold and not proxy.groundtruth(
                        grace = grace - 1
                        if grace == 0:
                            progress = j + 1 - self._grace  # subtract since we need actual point of the failure
                        grace = self._grace

                success = True
                if progress < len(overlaps):
                    # tracker has failed during this run
                    overlaps[progress:] = (len(overlaps) -
                                           progress) * [float(0)]
                    success = False


            for w in weights_per_run:
                weights_all.append((w / sum(weights_per_run)) * len(sequence))

            frames_total += len(sequence)

        weights_all = [w / frames_total for w in weights_all]

        return compute_eao(overlaps_all, weights_all, success_all,
                           self._interval_low, self._interval_high)[0]
コード例 #12
    def subcompute(self, experiment: Experiment, tracker: Tracker,
                   sequence: Sequence):

        results = experiment.results(tracker, sequence)

        forward, backward = find_anchors(sequence, experiment.anchor)

        if len(forward) == 0 and len(backward) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Sequence does not contain any anchors")

        accuracy_ = Counter()
        tags_count_ = Counter()
        robustness_ = 0
        total_ = 0
        for i, reverse in [(f, False) for f in forward] + [(f, True)
                                                           for f in backward]:
            name = "%s_%08d" % (sequence.name, i)

            if not Trajectory.exists(results, name):
                raise MissingResultsException()

            if reverse:
                proxy = FrameMapSequence(sequence,
                                         list(reversed(range(0, i + 1))))
                proxy = FrameMapSequence(sequence,
                                         list(range(i, sequence.length)))

            trajectory = Trajectory.read(results, name)

            overlaps = calculate_overlaps(trajectory.regions(),
                                          proxy.size if self.burnin else None)

            grace = self.grace
            progress = len(proxy)

            for j, overlap in enumerate(overlaps):
                if overlap <= self.threshold and not proxy.groundtruth(
                    grace = grace - 1
                    if grace == 0:
                        progress = j + 1 - self.grace  # subtract since we need actual point of the failure
                    grace = self.grace

            for j in range(progress):
                overlap = overlaps[j]

                tags = proxy.tags(j)
                if len(tags) == 0:
                    tags = ['empty']

                for t in tags:
                    accuracy_[t] += overlap
                    tags_count_[t] += 1

            robustness_ += progress
            total_ += len(proxy)

        seq_robustness = robustness_ / total_

        seq_accuracy = {}
        for t in accuracy_:
            seq_accuracy[t] = accuracy_[t] / tags_count_[t]

        # calculate weights for each attribute
        attribute_counter = Counter()
        for frame_idx in range(len(sequence)):
            tags = sequence.tags(frame_idx)
            if len(tags) == 0:
                tags = ['empty']
            for t in tags:
                attribute_counter[t] += 1

        return seq_accuracy, seq_robustness, attribute_counter
コード例 #13
    def subcompute(self, experiment: Experiment, tracker: Tracker,
                   sequence: Sequence):

        results = experiment.results(tracker, sequence)

        forward, backward = find_anchors(sequence, experiment.anchor)

        if len(forward) == 0 and len(backward) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Sequence does not contain any anchors")

        tags_count = Counter()
        tags_not_failed = Counter()
        for i, reverse in [(f, False) for f in forward] + [(f, True)
                                                           for f in backward]:
            name = "%s_%08d" % (sequence.name, i)

            if not Trajectory.exists(results, name):
                raise MissingResultsException()

            if reverse:
                proxy = FrameMapSequence(sequence,
                                         list(reversed(range(0, i + 1))))
                proxy = FrameMapSequence(sequence,
                                         list(range(i, sequence.length)))

            trajectory = Trajectory.read(results, name)

            overlaps = calculate_overlaps(trajectory.regions(),
                                          proxy.size if self.burnin else None)

            grace = self.grace
            progress = len(proxy)

            for j, overlap in enumerate(overlaps):
                if overlap <= self.threshold and not proxy.groundtruth(
                    grace = grace - 1
                    if grace == 0:
                        progress = j + 1 - self.grace  # subtract since we need actual point of the failure
                    grace = self.grace

            for j in range(progress):
                tags = proxy.tags(j)
                if len(tags) == 0:
                    tags = ['empty']

                for t in tags:
                    tags_count[t] += 1
                    if progress == len(
                            proxy) or j < progress - self.fail_interval:
                        tags_not_failed[t] += 1

        attribute_counter = Counter()
        for frame_idx in range(len(sequence)):
            tags = sequence.tags(frame_idx)
            if len(tags) == 0:
                tags = ['empty']
            for t in tags:
                attribute_counter[t] += 1

        return tags_not_failed, tags_count, attribute_counter