コード例 #1
ファイル: joint.py プロジェクト: cdbrauer/VoxelFuse
    # Rotate to best orientation for printing
    modelIn = modelIn.rotate90(axis=Axes.Y)

    # Initialize object to hold result
    modelResult = VoxelModel.copy(modelIn)

    # Initialize array for identifying library materials
    library_materials = np.identity(len(material_properties))
    library_materials[0, 0] = 0
    a = np.ones((len(material_properties), 1))
    a[0, 0] = 0
    library_materials = np.hstack((a, library_materials))

    # Initialize object to hold inserted components
    insertedComponents = VoxelModel.emptyLike(modelResult)

    # Find inserted components
    for m in range(len(modelIn.materials)):
        i = np.where(np.equal(library_materials,
        if len(i) > 0:
            if material_properties[i[0]]['process'] == 'ins':
                insertedComponents = insertedComponents.union(

    # Find clearance for inserted components
    insertedComponentsClearance = insertedComponents.clearance(Process.INSERT)

    pauseLayers = []
コード例 #2
    model = VoxelModel.openVF(file)
    model.resolution = 5 # Manually set resolution if not set in file
    res = model.resolution

    # Define a region in which to calculate the contact area
    testRegionSize = (round(transitionWidth*res*1.75), model.voxels.shape[1], model.voxels.shape[2])
    testRegionLocation = (model.coords[0] + round(transitionCenter*res) - round(testRegionSize[0]*.5), model.coords[1], model.coords[2])
    test_region = cuboid(testRegionSize, testRegionLocation, material=3, resolution=res)

    # Cleanup operations
    if cleanup:
        model.materials = np.round(model.materials, 3)
        model = model.removeDuplicateMaterials()

    # Crop the model to the region of interest
    model_cropped = VoxelModel.emptyLike(model)
    if largestOnly:
        # Isolate the region of the model that intersects with the test region
        model_cropped_all_components = model & test_region

        # Loop through each material in model
        for m in range(1, len(model_cropped.materials)):
            model_current_material = model_cropped_all_components.isolateMaterial(m)
            model_current_material = model_current_material.getComponents()

            # Find the volume of each component made of this material
            componentVolumes = np.zeros(model_current_material.numComponents+1)
            for c in range(1, model_current_material.numComponents+1):
                componentVolumes[c], _ = model_current_material.getVolume(component=c)

            # Identify the largest component and add to cropped model
コード例 #3
def thin(model, max_iter):
    x_len = model.voxels.shape[0] + 4
    y_len = model.voxels.shape[1] + 4
    z_len = model.voxels.shape[2] + 4

    struct = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(3, 3)

    sphere = np.zeros((5, 5, 5), dtype=np.int32)
    for x in range(5):
        for y in range(5):
            for z in range(5):
                xd = (x - 2)
                yd = (y - 2)
                zd = (z - 2)
                r = np.sqrt(xd ** 2 + yd ** 2 + zd ** 2)

                if r < 2.5:
                    sphere[x, y, z] = 1

    input_model = VoxelModel(np.zeros((x_len, y_len, z_len), dtype=np.int32), model.materials, model.coords)
    input_model.voxels[2:-2, 2:-2, 2:-2] = model.voxels
    new_model = VoxelModel.emptyLike(input_model)

    for i in tqdm(range(max_iter), desc='Thinning'):
        # Find exterior voxels
        interior_voxels = input_model.erode(radius=1, plane=Axes.XYZ, structType=Struct.STANDARD, connectivity=1)
        exterior_voxels = input_model.difference(interior_voxels)

        x_len = len(exterior_voxels.voxels[:, 0, 0])
        y_len = len(exterior_voxels.voxels[0, :, 0])
        z_len = len(exterior_voxels.voxels[0, 0, :])

        # Create list of exterior voxel coordinates
        exterior_coords = []
        for x in range(x_len):
            for y in range(y_len):
                for z in range(z_len):
                    if exterior_voxels.voxels[x, y, z] != 0:
                        exterior_coords.append([x, y, z])

        # Store voxels that must be part of the center line
        for coords in exterior_coords:
            x = coords[0]
            y = coords[1]
            z = coords[2]

            if input_model.voxels[x,y,z] != 0:
                # Get matrix of neighbors
                n = np.copy(input_model.voxels[x - 2:x + 3, y - 2:y + 3, z - 2:z + 3])
                n[n != 0] = 1

                # Find V - number of voxels near current along xyz axes
                Vx = np.sum(n[:, 2, 2])
                Vy = np.sum(n[2, :, 2])
                Vz = np.sum(n[2, 2, :])

                # Subtract sphere
                n = n - sphere
                n[n < 1] = 0

                # Check if subtraction split model
                C = ndimage.label(n, structure=struct)[1]

                # Apply conditions
                if (C > 1) or (Vx <= 2) or (Vy <= 2) or (Vz <= 2):
                    new_model.voxels[x, y, z] = input_model.voxels[x, y, z]

        if np.sum(interior_voxels.voxels) < 1:
            input_model = VoxelModel.copy(interior_voxels)

    new_model = new_model.union(input_model)

    return new_model
コード例 #4
from voxelfuse.plot import Plot

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app1 = qg.QApplication(sys.argv)

    # User preferences
    modelName = 'boxes.vox'
    #modelName = 'joint2.1.vox'
    blur = [1, 2]  # materials to blur
    blurRadius = 3

    # Import model
    modelIn = VoxelModel.fromVoxFile(modelName)

    # Isolate materials with blurring requested
    modelBlur = VoxelModel.emptyLike(modelIn)
    for i in blur:
        modelBlur = modelBlur + modelIn.isolateMaterial(i)

    # Blur compatible materials
    # modelBlur = modelBlur.dither(blurRadius)
    modelBlur = modelBlur.blur(blurRadius)

    # Add unmodified voxels to result
    modelResult = modelBlur.union(modelIn)

    # Clean up result
    modelResult = modelResult.scaleValues()

    # Create mesh data
    mesh1 = Mesh.fromVoxelModel(modelIn)
            (center.coords[0] - (blurRadius * res) + newCenterLength, 0, 0), 3)
        transition_regions = transition_1 | transition_2
        transition_regions = transition_regions.getComponents()

        # Generate lattice elements
        latticeSize = None
        lattice_elements = None
        if latticeEnable:
            # Import Models
            lattice_model = VoxelModel.fromVoxFile("lattice_elements/" +
                                                   latticeElementFile + '.vox')
            latticeSize = lattice_model.voxels.shape[0]
            print('Lattice Element Imported')

            # Generate Dilated Lattice Elements
            lattice_elements = [VoxelModel.emptyLike(lattice_model)]
            for r in range(minRadius, maxRadius + 1):
            print('Lattice Elements Generated')

        elif gyroidEnable:
            # Import Models
            s = center.voxels.shape[2]

            if gyroidType == 2:
                lattice_model_1, lattice_model_2 = schwarzP((s, s, s), s)
            elif gyroidType == 3:
                lattice_model_1, lattice_model_2 = schwarzD((s, s, s), s)
            elif gyroidType == 4:
                lattice_model_1, lattice_model_2 = FRD((s, s, s), s)
コード例 #6
    normalizedModelName = 'stl_files_v5_combined/output_B2_normalized'

    # Open Files
    outputFolder = 'stl_files_v5_combined/'
    dModel = VoxelModel.openVF(defaultModelName)
    nModel = VoxelModel.openVF(normalizedModelName)

    # Markers
    size = dModel.voxels.shape
    markerSize = int((size[2] * 0.7)/2) * 2
    marker1 = cylinder(int(markerSize/2), size[2], (0, 0, 0), resolution=res)
    marker2 = marker1 | cylinder(int(markerSize/2), size[2], (0, markerSize*2, 0), resolution=res)
    marker3 = marker2 | cylinder(int(markerSize/2), size[2], (0, markerSize*4, 0), resolution=res)

    # Init result model
    resultModel = VoxelModel.emptyLike(dModel)

    # Add vertical coupons
    resultModel = resultModel | dModel.setCoords((0, 0, 0))
    resultModel = resultModel | nModel.setCoords((350, 100 + clearance, 0))
    resultModel = resultModel | dModel.setCoords((750, 200 + 2 * clearance, 0))
    resultModel = resultModel | nModel.setCoords((0, 1300 - 2 * clearance, 0))
    resultModel = resultModel | dModel.setCoords((350, 1400 - clearance, 0))
    resultModel = resultModel | nModel.setCoords((750, 1500, 0))

    resultModel = resultModel.difference(marker1.setCoords((0 + markerSize, 0 + markerSize, 0)))
    resultModel = resultModel.difference(marker2.setCoords((350 + markerSize, 100 + clearance + markerSize, 0)))
    resultModel = resultModel.difference(marker3.setCoords((750 + markerSize, 200 + 2 * clearance + markerSize, 0)))
    resultModel = resultModel.difference(marker1.setCoords((0 + markerSize, 1300 - 2 * clearance + markerSize, 0)))
    resultModel = resultModel.difference(marker2.setCoords((350 + markerSize, 1400 - clearance + markerSize, 0)))
    resultModel = resultModel.difference(marker3.setCoords((750 + markerSize, 1500 + markerSize, 0)))