コード例 #1
def main():

    # Attempt to connect to simulator
    sim_client = utils.connectToSimulation('', 19997)

    vrep.simxStopSimulation(sim_client, VREP_BLOCKING)
    vrep.simxStartSimulation(sim_client, VREP_BLOCKING)

    rdd = RDD(sim_client)
    ur5 = UR5(sim_client, rdd)

    # Generate a cube
    position = [-0.2, 0.9, 0.05]
    orientation = [0, 0, 0]
    # orientation = [0, 0, 0]
    size = [0.1, 0.2, 0.05]
    mass = 1
    color = [255, 0, 0]
    cube = utils.generateShape(sim_client, 'cube', 0, size, position,
                               orientation, mass, color)

    pose = ur5.getEndEffectorPose()

    target_pose = pose.copy()

    # rdd.openFinger(RDD.NARROW)

    narrow_finger_joint = rdd.finger_joint_narrow.joint

    def print_joint_pos(joint):
        while True:
            # print utils.getJointPosition(sim_client, joint)

            res, cube_pose = utils.getObjectPosition(sim_client, cube)
            while any(np.isnan(cube_pose)):
                res, cube_pose = utils.getObjectPosition(sim_client, cube)
            print cube_pose

    thread.start_new_thread(print_joint_pos, (narrow_finger_joint, ))

    target_pose[1, 3] += 0.3


コード例 #2
class ScoopEnv:
    def __init__(self, port=19997):
        self.sim_client = utils.connectToSimulation('', port)

        # Create UR5 and restart simulator
        self.rdd = RDD(self.sim_client, open_force=10)
        self.ur5 = UR5(self.sim_client, self.rdd)
        self.nA = 2

        self.cube = None
        self.cube_start_position = [-0.2, 0.9, 0.05]
        self.cube_size = [0.1, 0.2, 0.04]

    def reset(self):
        vrep.simxStopSimulation(self.sim_client, VREP_BLOCKING)
        vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.sim_client, VREP_BLOCKING)
        # Generate a cube
        # position = self.cube_start_position
        # orientation = [np.radians(90), 0, np.radians(90)]
        # # orientation = [0, 0, 0]
        # size = self.cube_size
        # mass = 0.1
        # color = [255, 0, 0]
        # self.cube = utils.importShape(self.sim_client, 'cube', CUBE_MESH, position, orientation, color)
        # self.cube = utils.generateShape(self.sim_client, 'cube', 0, size, position, orientation, mass, color)
        # time.sleep(1)

        sim_ret, self.cube = utils.getObjectHandle(self.sim_client, 'cube')

        utils.setObjectPosition(self.sim_client, self.ur5.UR5_target,
                                [-0.2, 0.6, 0.07])

        dy = 0.3 * np.random.random()
        # dy = 0.3
        current_pose = self.ur5.getEndEffectorPose()
        target_pose = current_pose.copy()
        target_pose[1, 3] += dy

        # time.sleep(0.5)


        return self.rdd.getFingerPosition(RDD.NARROW)

    def step(self, a):
        current_pose = self.ur5.getEndEffectorPose()
        target_pose = current_pose.copy()
        if a == 0:
            target_pose[1, 3] -= 0.02
            target_pose[1, 3] += 0.02
        utils.setObjectPosition(self.sim_client, self.ur5.UR5_target,
                                target_pose[:3, 3])
        # utils.setObjectOrientation(self.sim_client, self.ur5.UR5_target, target_pose.flatten()[:-4])
        # self.ur5.moveTo(target_pose)
        # time.sleep(0.5)

        # arm is in wrong pose
        sim_ret, tip_position = utils.getObjectPosition(
            self.sim_client, self.ur5.gripper_tip)
        # if np.linalg.norm(tip_position - target_pose[:3, -1]) > 0.05:
        #     print 'Wrong position, dist: ', np.linalg.norm(tip_position - target_pose[:3, -1])
        #     return None, -1, True, None
        if tip_position[1] < 0.42 or tip_position[1] > 0.95:
            print 'Wrong arm position: ', tip_position
            return None, -1, True, None
            # cube is lifted
            sim_ret, cube_orientation = utils.getObjectOrientation(
                self.sim_client, self.cube)
            if cube_orientation[0] < -0.02:
                return None, 1, True, None

            # cube in wrong position
            sim_ret, cube_position = utils.getObjectPosition(
                self.sim_client, self.cube)
            while any(np.isnan(cube_position)):
                res, cube_position = utils.getObjectPosition(
                    self.sim_client, self.cube)
            # if np.any(np.array(cube_position) < np.array(self.cube_start_position) - 0.5 * np.array(self.cube_size))\
            #         or np.any(np.array(cube_position) > np.array(self.cube_start_position) + 0.5 * np.array(self.cube_size)):
            if cube_position[0] < self.cube_start_position[0] - self.cube_size[0] or \
                    cube_position[0] > self.cube_start_position[0] + self.cube_size[0] or\
                    cube_position[1] < self.cube_start_position[1] - self.cube_size[1] or\
                    cube_position[1] > self.cube_start_position[1] + self.cube_size[1]:
                print 'Wrong cube position: ', cube_position
                return None, 0, True, None

            # cube is not lifted
            return self.rdd.getFingerPosition(RDD.NARROW), 0, False, None