def mavencleancompile(modules_location): """ Executes mvn clean and mvn compile in the given modules_location. """"Doing maven clean in %s." % modules_location) output = run_asyncloop("mvn clean", startpath=modules_location) LOGGER.debug(output)"Doing maven compile in %s." % modules_location) output = run_asyncloop("mvn compile", startpath=modules_location) LOGGER.debug(output)
def maven_clean_compile(repo_location, repository): """ Executes mvn clean and mvn compile in the given modules_location. """ repoloc = os.path.join(repo_location, repository)"Doing maven clean compile in %s." % repoloc) output = run_asyncloop("mvn clean compile", startpath=repoloc) logger.debug(output)
def convertpodtomarkdown(podfile, outputfile): """ Takes a podfile and converts it to a markdown with the help of pod2markdown. """ LOGGER.debug("Running pod2markdown on %s." % podfile) output = run_asyncloop("pod2markdown %s" % podfile) LOGGER.debug("writing output to %s." % outputfile) LOGGER.debug(output) with open(outputfile, "w") as fih: fih.write(output[1])
def makeResult(self, profile, mode=None): """Compile the profile from SERVICE and run the template toolkit on it""" tmpdir = self.tmpdir self.pancout = None self.json2ttout = None includepaths = [self.PROFILEPATH, self.extradir, self.TEMPLATE_LIBRARY_CORE] cmd = [ 'panc', '--formats' , 'json', '--include-path', os.pathsep.join(includepaths), '--output-dir', tmpdir, os.path.join(self.PROFILEPATH, "%s.pan" % profile) ] ec, out = run_asyncloop(cmd) jsonfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, "%s.json" % profile) if not os.path.exists(jsonfile): logging.debug("No json file found for service %s and profile %s. cmd %s output %s" % (self.SERVICE, profile, cmd, out)) self.pancout = out return if self.SHOWJSON: print "profile %s JSON:\n%s" % (profile, open(jsonfile).read()) if mode is None: mode = ['--unittest'] cmd = [ 'perl', self.JSON2TT, '--json', jsonfile, '--includepath', os.path.dirname(self.METACONFIGPATH) ] + mode ec, out = run_asyncloop(cmd) if ec > 0: logging.debug("json2tt exited with non-zero ec %s: %s" % (ec, out)) self.json2ttout = out return self.result = out if self.SHOWTT: print "profile %s TT output:\n%s" % (profile, out)
def main(indices): """The main, only test the indices passed""" prep_grok() input, results = get_data() if indices: input = [input[idx] for idx in indices] results = [results[idx] for idx in indices] ec, stdout = run_asyncloop(cmd=LOGSTASH_CMD, input="\n".join(input + [''])) output = process(stdout, len(input)) test(output, input, results)
def build_annotations(file, basedir, outputdir): """Build pan annotations.""" panccommand = ["panc-annotations", "--output-dir", outputdir, "--base-dir", basedir] panccommand.append(file) logger.debug("Running %s." % panccommand) ec, output = output = run_asyncloop(panccommand) logger.debug(output) if ec == 0 and os.path.exists(os.path.join(outputdir, "%s.annotation.xml" % file)): return True else: logger.warning("Something went wrong running '%s'." % panccommand) return False
def markdown_from_perl(podfile): """ Take a perl file and converts it to a markdown with the help of pod2markdown. Returns True if pod2markdown worked, False if it failed. """"Making markdown from perl: %s." % podfile) ec, output = run_asyncloop("pod2markdown %s" % podfile) logger.debug(output) if ec != 0 or output == "\n": logger.warning("pod2markdown failed on %s." % podfile) return None else: return output
def build_annotations(pfile, basedir, outputdir): """Build pan annotations.""" panccommand = [ "panc-annotations", "--output-dir", outputdir, "--base-dir", basedir ] panccommand.append(pfile) logger.debug("Running %s." % panccommand) ec, output = output = run_asyncloop(panccommand) logger.debug(output) if ec == 0 and os.path.exists( os.path.join(outputdir, "%s.annotation.xml" % pfile)): return True else: logger.warning("Something went wrong running '%s'." % panccommand) return False
def convertpodtomarkdown(podfile, outputfile, title): """ Takes a podfile and converts it to a markdown with the help of pod2markdown. """ LOGGER.debug("Running pod2markdown on %s." % podfile) output = run_asyncloop("pod2markdown %s" % podfile) LOGGER.debug("writing output to %s." % outputfile) LOGGER.debug(output) fih = open(outputfile, "w") fih.write("---\n") fih.write("layout: article\n") fih.write("title: %s\n" % title) fih.write("category: documentation\n") fih.write("---\n") fih.write(output[1]) fih.close()
"""The main, only test the indices passed""" prep_grok() input, results = get_data() if indices: for indx in indices: _log.debug("Test index %d => input: %s" % (indx, input[indx])) _log.debug("Test index %d => results: %s" % (indx, results[indx])) try: input = [input[idx] for idx in indices] results = [results[idx] for idx in indices] except IndexError, e: _log.error('Provided indices %s exceed avail data items %s' % (indices, len(input))) sys.exit(1) ec, stdout = run_asyncloop(cmd=LOGSTASH_CMD+[cfg_file], input="\n".join(input + [''])) output = process(stdout, len(input)) test(output, input, results) if __name__ == '__main__': opts = { "last": ("Only test last data entry", None, "store_true", False, 'L'), "first": ("Only test first data entry", None, "store_true", False, 'F'), "entries": ("Indices of data entries to test", "strlist", "store", None, 'E'), "logstash-version": ("Logstash version to test with", None, "store", DEFAULT_LOGSTASH_VERSION, 'V'), } go = simple_option(opts) indices = None if go.options.first: indices = [0]
def test_simple_asyncloop(self): ec, output = run_asyncloop([sys.executable, SCRIPT_SIMPLE, 'shortsleep']) self.assertEqual(ec, 0) self.assertTrue('shortsleep' in output.lower())
def test_simple_asyncloop(self): ec, output = run_asyncloop( [sys.executable, SCRIPT_SIMPLE, 'shortsleep']) self.assertEqual(ec, 0) self.assertTrue('shortsleep' in output.lower())
def test_simple_asyncloop(self): ec, output = run_asyncloop([SCRIPT_SIMPLE, "shortsleep"]) self.assertEqual(ec, 0) self.assertTrue("shortsleep" in output.lower())
def maven_clean_compile(location): """Execute mvn clean and mvn compile in the given modules_location.""""Doing maven clean compile in %s." % location) ec, output = run_asyncloop("mvn clean compile", startpath=location) logger.debug(output) return ec
prep_grok() input, results = get_data() if indices: for indx in indices: _log.debug("Test index %d => input: %s" % (indx, input[indx])) _log.debug("Test index %d => results: %s" % (indx, results[indx])) try: input = [input[idx] for idx in indices] results = [results[idx] for idx in indices] except IndexError, e: _log.error('Provided indices %s exceed avail data items %s' % (indices, len(input))) sys.exit(1) ec, stdout = run_asyncloop(cmd=LOGSTASH_CMD + [cfg_file], input="\n".join(input + [''])) output = process(stdout, len(input)) test(output, input, results) if __name__ == '__main__': opts = { "last": ("Only test last data entry", None, "store_true", False, 'L'), "first": ("Only test first data entry", None, "store_true", False, 'F'), "entries": ("Indices of data entries to test", "strlist", "store", None, 'E'), "logstash-version": ("Logstash verison to test with", None, "store", DEFAULT_LOGSTASH_VERSION, 'V'), }
def create_md_from_pan(source, comppath): """ Takes a pan schema, creates the pan annotations and parses them to markdown. """ modname = os.path.basename(os.path.split(source)[0]) mdfile = modname + "" tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() logger.debug("Temporary directory: %s" % tmpdir) panccommand = ["panc-annotations", "--output-dir", tmpdir, "--base-dir"] panccommand.extend(os.path.split(source)) output = run_asyncloop(panccommand) logger.debug(output) namespace = "{}" tpl = "schema.pan.annotation.xml" xml = etree.parse(os.path.join(tmpdir, tpl)) root = xml.getroot() mdtext = [] mdtext.append("# Types\n") for stype in root.findall('%stype' % namespace): name = stype.get('name') mdtext.append("- /software/%s/%s" % (modname, name)) for doc in stype.findall(".//%sdesc" % namespace): mdtext.append("%s- decription: %s" % (" "*4, doc.text)) for field in stype.findall(".//%sfield" % namespace): mdtext.append("%s- /software/%s/%s/%s" % (" "*4, modname, name, field.get('name'))) required = field.get('required') if required == "true": mdtext.append("%s- required" % (" "*8)) else: mdtext.append("%s- optional" % (" "*8)) for basetype in field.findall(".//%sbasetype" % namespace): fieldtype = basetype.get('name') mdtext.append("%s- type: %s" % (" "*8, fieldtype)) if fieldtype == "long" and basetype.get('range'): fieldrange = basetype.get('range') mdtext.append("%s- range: %s" % (" "*8, fieldrange)) mdtext.append("\n") deffunctions = root.findall('%sfunction' % namespace) if deffunctions: mdtext.append("\n# Functions\n") root.findall('%sfunction' % namespace) for fnname in deffunctions: name = fnname.get('name') mdtext.append("- %s" % name) for doc in fnname.findall(".//%sdesc" % namespace): mdtext.append(" description: %s " % doc.text) for arg in fnname.findall(".//%sarg" % namespace): mdtext.append("- arg: %s " % arg.text) with open(os.path.join(comppath, mdfile), "w") as fih: fih.write("\n".join(mdtext)) logger.debug("Removing temporary directory: %s" % tmpdir) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) return mdfile