def _analyze(self, oFile, oLine, iLineNumber): sLine = utils.remove_comment(oLine.line) if sLine[-2:] == '--': sLine = sLine[:-2] if '-' in sLine: lLine = sLine.split() for sWord in lLine: if '-' in sWord: if sWord == '-': # already good. continue if re.match(r".*?'-'", sWord) is not None: # found a std_logic don't care. continue if re.match(r'(?:".*"|[^"\n])*?-', sWord) is None: # The - was in a quoted string. # e.g. found a std_logic_vector constant with a don't care. continue #if re.match('^.*\W-[0-9]', sWord) is not None: # # found a negative number # continue if re.match('^.*\w-', sWord): dViolation = utils.create_violation_dict(iLineNumber) self.add_violation(dViolation) elif not re.match('^.*-[0-9]+\)?$', sWord): dViolation = utils.create_violation_dict(iLineNumber) self.add_violation(dViolation) else: if re.match('^.*[\w+|\)][+|/|*]', sLine) or re.match( '^.*[+|/|*][\w+|\(]', sLine): if not re.match('^.*".*/.*"', sLine): dViolation = utils.create_violation_dict(iLineNumber) self.add_violation(dViolation)
def update_line(self, sLine): ''' This method updates the line, lineLower and lineNoComment attributes. ''' self.line = sLine self.lineLower = sLine.lower() self.lineNoComment = utils.remove_comment(sLine)
def update_line(self, sLine): ''' This method updates the line, lineLower and lineNoComment attributes. ''' self.line = sLine self.lineLower = sLine.lower() self.lineNoComment = utils.remove_comment(sLine) self.tokens, self.separators = tokens.create(sLine)
def update_line_from_tokens(self): ''' This method creates the line, lineLower and lineNoComment from the seperators and tokens list ''' sLine = '' for sSep, sTok in zip(self.separators, self.tokens): sLine += sSep + sTok self.line = sLine self.lineLower = sLine.lower() self.lineNoComment = utils.remove_comment(sLine)
def _analyze(self, oFile, oLine, iLineNumber): sLine = utils.remove_comment(oLine.line) if sLine[-2:] == '--': sLine = sLine[:-2] if '-' in sLine: lLine = sLine.split() for sWord in lLine: if '-' in sWord and not sWord == '-': if re.match('^.*\w-', sWord): self.add_violation(iLineNumber) elif not re.match('^.*-[0-9]+\)?$', sWord): self.add_violation(iLineNumber) else: if re.match('^.*[\w+|\)][+|/|*]', sLine) or re.match( '^.*[+|/|*][\w+|\(]', sLine): if not re.match('^.*".*/.*"', sLine): self.add_violation(iLineNumber)
def _analyze(self, oFile, oLine, iLineNumber): if oLine.isSignal: self.sFullLine = '' self.iFailureLine = iLineNumber if oLine.insideSignal: self.sFullLine += oLine.line if oLine.isEndSignal: #<<<<<<< HEAD match = re.match(r'.*?signal\s+(?P<signals>[^:\n]*):', utils.remove_comment(self.sFullLine), flags=re.IGNORECASE) if match: sSignalList ="signals") if sSignalList.count(',') > self.consecutive - 1: dViolation = utils.create_violation_dict(self.iFailureLine) dViolation['endLine'] = iLineNumber dViolation['line'] = self.sFullLine self.add_violation(dViolation)
def _fix_violations(self, oFile): for dViolation in self.violations[::-1]: iLineNumber = utils.get_violation_line_number(dViolation) utils.remove_lines(oFile, iLineNumber, dViolation['endLine']) sLine = dViolation['line'] sLine = utils.remove_comment(sLine) sLine = sLine.split(':')[0] iNumLines = sLine.count(',') + 1 lSignals = _extract_signals(dViolation['line']) sAfterColon = _extract_after_colon(dViolation['line']) for i in range(0, iNumLines): utils.insert_line(oFile, i + iLineNumber) oLine = oFile.lines[i + iLineNumber] oLine.isSignal = True oLine.insideSignal = True oLine.isEndSignal = True oLine.isBlank = False oLine.update_line(' signal ' + lSignals[i] + ' : ' + sAfterColon) utils.update_comment_line_attributes(oLine)
def __init__(self, line): self.line = line self.lineLower = line.lower() self.lineNoComment = utils.remove_comment(line) self.tokens, self.separators = tokens.create(self.line) self.indentLevel = None # Misc attributes self.isBlank = False # Comment attributes self.isComment = False self.hasComment = False self.hasInlineComment = False self.commentColumn = None # Library attributes self.isLibrary = False self.isLibraryUse = False # Entity attributes self.insideEntity = False self.isEntityDeclaration = False self.isEndEntityDeclaration = False # Port attributes self.insidePortMap = False self.isPortDeclaration = False self.isPortKeyword = False self.isEndPortMap = False # Generic attributes self.insideGenericMap = False self.isGenericDeclaration = False self.isGenericKeyword = False self.isEndGenericMap = False # Architecture attributes self.insideArchitecture = False self.isArchitectureBegin = False self.isArchitectureKeyword = False self.isEndArchitecture = False self.insideArchitectureDeclarativeRegion = False # Signal attributes self.isSignal = False self.insideSignal = False self.isEndSignal = False # Constant attributes self.insideConstant = False self.isConstant = False self.isConstantEnd = False self.isConstantArray = False # Variable attributes self.isVariable = False # Process attributes self.insideProcess = False self.isProcessBegin = False self.isProcessKeyword = False self.isProcessLabel = False self.isProcessEndLabel = False self.isProcessDeclarative = False self.isEndProcess = False self.insideSensitivityList = False self.isSensitivityListBegin = False self.isSensitivityListEnd = False self.isClockStatement = False self.insideClockProcess = False self.insideResetProcess = False self.isProcessIs = False # Concurrent attributes self.insideConcurrent = False self.isConcurrentBegin = False self.isEndConcurrent = False self.hasConcurrentLabel = False # When attributes self.insideWhen = False self.isWhenKeyword = False self.isWhenElseKeyword = False self.isWhenEnd = False # If attributes self.insideIf = False self.isElseKeyword = False self.isElseIfKeyword = False self.isEndIfKeyword = False self.isIfEnd = False self.isIfKeyword = False self.isThenKeyword = False self.isLastEndIf = False self.isFirstIf = False # Case attributes self.insideCaseStatement = False self.insideCase = False self.insideCaseWhen = False self.isCaseIsKeyword = False self.isCaseKeyword = False self.isCaseWhenEnd = False self.isCaseWhenKeyword = False self.isEndCaseKeyword = False self.isCaseNull = False self.hasCaseLabel = False self.hasEndCaseLabel = False # Sequential attributes self.insideSequential = False self.isSequentialEnd = False self.isSequential = False self.sequentialAlignmentColumn = None # Component attributes self.insideComponent = False self.isComponentDeclaration = False self.isComponentEnd = False # Instantiation attributes self.insideInstantiation = False self.isInstantiationDeclaration = False self.isDirectInstantiationDeclaration = False self.insideInstantiationPortMap = False self.isInstantiationPortKeyword = False self.isInstantiationPortEnd = False self.isInstantiationPortAssignment = False self.insideInstantiationGenericMap = False self.isInstantiationGenericKeyword = False self.isInstantiationGenericEnd = False self.isInstantiationGenericAssignment = False # Package attributes self.insidePackage = False self.isPackageKeyword = False self.isPackageEnd = False # Package Body attributes self.insidePackageBody = False self.isPackageBodyKeyword = False self.isPackageBodyEnd = False # Generate attributes self.insideGenerate = False self.isGenerateBegin = False self.isGenerateKeyword = False self.isGenerateEnd = False self.isGenerateLabel = False self.isGenerateEndLabel = False self.insideGenerateCase = False self.insideGenerateCaseWhen = False self.isGenerateCaseWhen = False # Function attributes self.insideFunction = False self.insideFunctionDeclarative = False self.isFunctionParameter = False self.isFunctionParameterEnd = False self.isFunctionBegin = False self.isFunctionKeyword = False self.isFunctionEnd = False self.isFunctionReturn = False self.hasFunctionReturnType = False self.isFunctionReturnKeyword = False self.hasFunctionIs = False # For Loop attributes self.insideForLoop = False self.isForLoopKeyword = False self.isForLoopEnd = False self.isForLoopLabel = False # While Loop attributes self.insideWhileLoop = False self.isWhileLoopKeyword = False self.isWhileLoopEnd = False # Type attributes self.isTypeKeyword = False self.isTypeEnd = False # Subtype attributes self.insideSubtype = False self.isSubtypeKeyword = False self.isSubtypeEnd = False # Enumerated Type attributes self.insideTypeEnumerated = False self.isTypeEnumeratedKeyword = False self.isTypeEnumeratedEnd = False # Type Array attributes self.insideTypeArray = False self.isTypeArrayKeyword = False self.isTypeArrayEnd = False # Type Record attributes self.insideTypeRecord = False self.isTypeRecordKeyword = False self.isTypeRecordEnd = False # Variable Assignment attributes self.insideVariableAssignment = False self.isVariableAssignmentEnd = False self.isVariableAssignment = False self.variableAssignmentAlignmentColumn = None # Assert attributes self.isAssertKeyword = False self.isAssertEnd = False self.insideAssert = False # With attributes self.isWithKeyword = False # Attribute attributes self.isAttributeKeyword = False self.isAttributeEnd = False self.insideAttribute = False # File attributes self.isFileKeyword = False self.isFileEnd = False self.insideFile = False # Procedure attributes self.insideProcedure = False self.insideProcedureDeclarative = False self.isProcedureParameter = False self.isProcedureParameterEnd = False self.isProcedureBegin = False self.isProcedureKeyword = False self.isProcedureEnd = False self.isProcedureReturn = False self.isProcedureIs = False # Block attributes self.insideBlock = False self.isBlockBegin = False self.isBlockKeyword = False self.isEndBlock = False # Wait attributes self.isWait = False # Code tags self.hasCodeTag = False self.codeTags = {} # After attributes self.hasAfterKeyword = False