コード例 #1
Make a icon actor to indicate orientation 
or for comparison and place it in one of 
the 4 corners within the same renderer.
from vtkplotter import Plotter, load, Text, datadir

vp = Plotter(axes=5, bg="white")
# type 5 builds an annotated orientation cube

a270 = load(datadir+"270.vtk", c="blue", bc="v")


vlg = load(datadir+"images/vtk_logo.png", alpha=0.5)
vp.addIcon(vlg, pos=1)

elg = load(datadir+"images/embl_logo.jpg")
vp.addIcon(elg, pos=2, size=0.06)

a1 = load(datadir+"250.vtk", c=2)
a2 = load(datadir+"290.vtk", alpha=0.4)
icon = a1 + a2  # vtkActor + vtkActor = vtkAssembly
vp.addIcon(icon, pos=4)  # 4=bottom-right

vp.add(Text(__doc__, pos=8))

vp.show(a270, interactive=1)
コード例 #2
# Make a icon actor to indicate orientation or for comparison
# and place it in one of the 4 corners within the same renderer
from vtkplotter import Plotter

vp = Plotter(axes=5)  # type 5 builds an annotated orientation cube

act = vp.load('data/270.vtk', c='blue', bc='v')


a1 = vp.load('data/250.vtk', c=2)
a2 = vp.load('data/290.vtk', alpha=.4)
icon = vp.makeAssembly([a1, a2])
vp.addIcon(icon, pos=4)  # 4=bottom-right

lg = vp.load('data/images/embl_logo.jpg')
vp.addIcon(lg, pos=1)
