コード例 #1
ファイル: parser.py プロジェクト: paolomarin/vyper
def parse_other_functions(o,
    sub = ['seq', initializer_lll]
    add_gas = initializer_lll.gas
    for _def in otherfuncs:
            parse_func(_def, _globals, {
                    'self': sigs
            }, origcode))  # noqa E999
        sub[-1].total_gas += add_gas
        add_gas += 30
        sig = FunctionSignature.from_definition(_def, external_contracts)
        sig.gas = sub[-1].total_gas
        sigs[sig.name] = sig
    if runtime_only:
        return sub
        o.append(['return', 0, ['lll', sub, 0]])
        return o
コード例 #2
ファイル: parser.py プロジェクト: mandarvaze/vyper
def parse_func(code, _globals, sigs, origcode, _custom_units, _vars=None):
    if _vars is None:
        _vars = {}
    sig = FunctionSignature.from_definition(code, sigs=sigs, custom_units=_custom_units)
    # Check for duplicate variables with globals
    for arg in sig.args:
        if arg.name in _globals:
            raise VariableDeclarationException("Variable name duplicated between function arguments and globals: " + arg.name)
    # Create a context
    context = Context(vars=_vars, globals=_globals, sigs=sigs,
                      return_type=sig.output_type, is_constant=sig.const, is_payable=sig.payable, origcode=origcode, custom_units=_custom_units)
    # Copy calldata to memory for fixed-size arguments
    copy_size = sum([32 if isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayType) else get_size_of_type(arg.typ) * 32 for arg in sig.args])
    context.next_mem += copy_size
    if not len(sig.args):
        copier = 'pass'
    elif sig.name == '__init__':
        copier = ['codecopy', MemoryPositions.RESERVED_MEMORY, '~codelen', copy_size]
        copier = ['calldatacopy', MemoryPositions.RESERVED_MEMORY, 4, copy_size]
    clampers = [copier]
    # Add asserts for payable and internal
    if not sig.payable:
        clampers.append(['assert', ['iszero', 'callvalue']])
    if sig.private:
        clampers.append(['assert', ['eq', 'caller', 'address']])
    # Fill in variable positions
    for arg in sig.args:
        clampers.append(make_clamper(arg.pos, context.next_mem, arg.typ, sig.name == '__init__'))
        if isinstance(arg.typ, ByteArrayType):
            context.vars[arg.name] = VariableRecord(arg.name, context.next_mem, arg.typ, False)
            context.next_mem += 32 * get_size_of_type(arg.typ)
            context.vars[arg.name] = VariableRecord(arg.name, MemoryPositions.RESERVED_MEMORY + arg.pos, arg.typ, False)
    # Create "clampers" (input well-formedness checkers)
    # Return function body
    if sig.name == '__init__':
        o = LLLnode.from_list(['seq'] + clampers + [parse_body(code.body, context)], pos=getpos(code))
        method_id_node = LLLnode.from_list(sig.method_id, pos=getpos(code), annotation='%s' % sig.name)
        o = LLLnode.from_list(['if',
                                  ['eq', ['mload', 0], method_id_node],
                                  ['seq'] + clampers + [parse_body(c, context) for c in code.body] + ['stop']
                               ], typ=None, pos=getpos(code))

    # Check for at leasts one return statement if necessary.
    if context.return_type and context.function_return_count == 0:
        raise StructureException(
            "Missing return statement in function '%s' " % sig.name, code

    o.context = context
    o.total_gas = o.gas + calc_mem_gas(o.context.next_mem)
    o.func_name = sig.name
    return o
コード例 #3
ファイル: parser.py プロジェクト: mandarvaze/vyper
def mk_full_signature(code):
    o = []
    _contracts, _events, _defs, _globals, _custom_units = get_contracts_and_defs_and_globals(code)
    for code in _events:
        sig = EventSignature.from_declaration(code, custom_units=_custom_units)
    for code in _defs:
        sig = FunctionSignature.from_definition(code, sigs=_contracts, custom_units=_custom_units)
        if not sig.private:
    return o
コード例 #4
ファイル: parser.py プロジェクト: mandarvaze/vyper
def parse_external_contracts(external_contracts, _contracts):
    for _contractname in _contracts:
        _contract_defs = _contracts[_contractname]
        _defnames = [_def.name for _def in _contract_defs]
        contract = {}
        if len(set(_defnames)) < len(_contract_defs):
            raise VariableDeclarationException("Duplicate function name: %s" % [name for name in _defnames if _defnames.count(name) > 1][0])
        for _def in _contract_defs:
            sig = FunctionSignature.from_definition(_def)
            contract[sig.name] = sig
        external_contracts[_contractname] = contract
    return external_contracts
コード例 #5
ファイル: parser.py プロジェクト: spicer23/vyper
def parse_other_functions(o, otherfuncs, _globals, sigs, external_contracts, origcode, _custom_units, fallback_function, runtime_only):
    sub = ['seq', initializer_lll]
    add_gas = initializer_lll.gas
    for _def in otherfuncs:
        sub.append(parse_func(_def, _globals, {**{'self': sigs}, **external_contracts}, origcode, _custom_units))  # noqa E999
        sub[-1].total_gas += add_gas
        add_gas += 30
        sig = FunctionSignature.from_definition(_def, external_contracts, custom_units=_custom_units)
        sig.gas = sub[-1].total_gas
        sigs[sig.name] = sig
    # Add fallback function
    if fallback_function:
        fallback_func = parse_func(fallback_function[0], _globals, {**{'self': sigs}, **external_contracts}, origcode, _custom_units)
        sub.append(LLLnode.from_list(['revert', 0, 0], typ=None, annotation='Default function'))
    if runtime_only:
        return sub
        o.append(['return', 0, ['lll', sub, 0]])
        return o
コード例 #6
ファイル: parser.py プロジェクト: spicer23/vyper
def parse_external_contracts(external_contracts, _contracts):
    for _contractname in _contracts:
        _contract_defs = _contracts[_contractname]
        _defnames = [_def.name for _def in _contract_defs]
        contract = {}
        if len(set(_defnames)) < len(_contract_defs):
            raise FunctionDeclarationException("Duplicate function name: %s" % [name for name in _defnames if _defnames.count(name) > 1][0])

        for _def in _contract_defs:
            constant = False
            # test for valid call type keyword.
            if len(_def.body) == 1 and \
               isinstance(_def.body[0], ast.Expr) and \
               isinstance(_def.body[0].value, ast.Name) and \
               _def.body[0].value.id in ('modifying', 'constant'):
                constant = True if _def.body[0].value.id == 'constant' else False
                raise StructureException('constant or modifying call type must be specified', _def)
            sig = FunctionSignature.from_definition(_def, contract_def=True, constant=constant)
            contract[sig.name] = sig
        external_contracts[_contractname] = contract
    return external_contracts