コード例 #1
ファイル: test_response.py プロジェクト: chenbremer/w3af-1
    def test_normalize_path_with_querystring_no_filename(self):
        url_0 = URL('https://w3af.org/?id=1')
        normalized_path_0 = FourOhFourResponse.normalize_path(url_0)

        url_1 = URL('https://w3af.org/?id=3')
        normalized_path_1 = FourOhFourResponse.normalize_path(url_1)

        self.assertEqual(normalized_path_0, normalized_path_1)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_response.py プロジェクト: chenbremer/w3af-1
    def test_normalize_path_filenames(self):
        url_0 = URL('https://w3af.org/assets/uploads/2015/09/index.php')
        normalized_path_0 = FourOhFourResponse.normalize_path(url_0)

        url_1 = URL('https://w3af.org/assets/uploads/2015/09/nidex.php')
        normalized_path_1 = FourOhFourResponse.normalize_path(url_1)

        url_2 = URL('https://w3af.org/assets/uploads/2015/09/hppvresion.php')
        normalized_path_2 = FourOhFourResponse.normalize_path(url_2)

        self.assertEqual(normalized_path_0, normalized_path_1)
        self.assertEqual(normalized_path_1, normalized_path_2)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_response.py プロジェクト: chenbremer/w3af-1
    def test_msgpack_transformations(self):
        url = URL('http://w3af.com')
        headers = Headers([('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
        body = ''

        http_response = HTTPResponse(200, body, headers, url, url)

        clean_response = FourOhFourResponse.from_http_response(http_response)
        clean_response.diff = ''
        clean_response.diff_with_id = 1

        clean_response_serialized = clean_response.dumps()
        clean_response_from_msgpack = FourOhFourResponse.loads(

        self.assertEqual(clean_response, clean_response_from_msgpack)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_response.py プロジェクト: chenbremer/w3af-1
    def test_dict_transformations(self):
        url = URL('http://w3af.com')
        headers = Headers([('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
        body = ''

        http_response = HTTPResponse(200, body, headers, url, url)

        clean_response = FourOhFourResponse.from_http_response(http_response)
        clean_response.diff = ''
        clean_response.diff_with_id = 1

        clean_response_dict = clean_response.to_dict()
        clean_response_from_dict = FourOhFourResponse.from_dict(

        self.assertEqual(clean_response, clean_response_from_dict)
コード例 #5
ファイル: response_cache_key.py プロジェクト: 5l1v3r1/Vulcan
def get_response_cache_key(http_response, clean_response=None, headers=None):
    Note: query.body has been cleaned by get_clean_body()

    :param http_response: The HTTP response we want to get a cache key for

    :param clean_response: The FourOhFourResponse associated with the HTTPResponse
                           passed as parameter (optional, will be calculated if not

    :param headers: A string containing the HTTP response headers that have to be
                    used to calculate the hash

    :return: Hash of the HTTP response body
    headers = '' or headers

    # Only some HTTP responses benefit from the XML-bones signature
    if _should_use_xml_bones(http_response):
        body = get_xml_bones(http_response.get_body())
        normalized_path = FourOhFourResponse.normalize_path(
        # Get a clean_response if it was not provided
        if clean_response is None:
            clean_response = FourOhFourResponse.from_http_response(

        body = clean_response.body
        normalized_path = clean_response.normalized_path

    # Calculate the hash using all the captured information
    key = ''.join([

    return quick_hash(key)
コード例 #6
    def _is_404_complex(self, http_response):
        # 404_body stored in the DB was cleaned when creating the
        # FourOhFourResponse class.
        # Clean the body received as parameter in order to have a fair
        # comparison
        query = FourOhFourResponse.from_http_response(http_response)

        return self._is_404_complex_impl(http_response, query)
コード例 #7
ファイル: generate_404.py プロジェクト: zxchmf/w3af
def send_request_generate_404(uri_opener,
    exclude = [] if exclude is None else exclude

    # Make sure to generate a URL which is not in exclude!
    url_404 = None

    for seed in xrange(25):
        url_404 = get_url_for_404_request(http_response, seed=seed)
        if url_404.url_string not in exclude:

    response_404 = send_404(uri_opener, url_404, debugging_id=debugging_id)
    return FourOhFourResponse.from_http_response(response_404)
コード例 #8
    def _get_404_response(self, http_response, query, debugging_id):
        :return: A FourOhFourResponse instance.
                    * First try to get the response from the 404 DB

                    * If the data is not there then send an HTTP request
                    with a randomly generated path or name to force a 404,
                    save the data to the DB and then return it.
        serialized_known_404 = self._404_responses.get(query.normalized_path,

        if serialized_known_404 is not None:
            return FourOhFourResponse.loads(serialized_known_404)

        known_404 = send_request_generate_404(self._uri_opener, http_response,

        self._404_responses[query.normalized_path] = known_404.dumps()
        return known_404
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_response.py プロジェクト: chenbremer/w3af-1
    def test_normalize_path_paths(self):
        url = URL('https://w3af.org/a/b/c/')
        normalized_path = FourOhFourResponse.normalize_path(url)

        self.assertEqual(normalized_path, 'https://w3af.org/a/b/path/')
コード例 #10
 def get_call_key(self, http_response):
     return FourOhFourResponse.normalize_path(http_response.get_uri())
コード例 #11
    def _is_404_complex(self, http_response):
        Verifies if the response is a 404 by comparing it with other responses
        which are known to be 404s, potentially sends HTTP requests to the

        :param http_response: The HTTP response
        :return: True if the HTTP response is a 404
        response_did = http_response.get_debugging_id()
        debugging_id = response_did if response_did is not None else rand_alnum(

        # 404_body stored in the DB was cleaned when creating the
        # FourOhFourResponse class.
        # Clean the body received as parameter in order to have a fair
        # comparison
        query = FourOhFourResponse(http_response)

        # Compare query with a known 404 from the DB (or a generated one
        # if there is none with the same path in the DB)
        known_404 = self._get_404_response(http_response, query, debugging_id)

        # Trivial performance improvement that prevents running fuzzy_equal
        if query.code in NOT_404_RESPONSE_CODES and known_404.code == 404:
            msg = ('"%s" (id:%s, code:%s, len:%s, did:%s) is NOT a 404'
                   ' [known 404 with ID %s uses 404 code]')
            args = (http_response.get_url(), http_response.id,
                    http_response.get_code(), len(http_response.get_body()),
                    debugging_id, known_404.id)
            om.out.debug(msg % args)
            return False

        # Since the fuzzy_equal function is CPU-intensive we want to
        # avoid calling it for cases where we know it won't match, for
        # example in comparing an image and an html
        if query.doc_type != known_404.doc_type:
            msg = ('"%s" (id:%s, code:%s, len:%s, did:%s) is NOT a 404'
                   ' [document type mismatch with known 404 with ID %s]')
            args = (http_response.get_url(), http_response.id,
                    http_response.get_code(), len(http_response.get_body()),
                    debugging_id, known_404.id)
            om.out.debug(msg % args)
            return False

        # This is the simplest case. If they are 100% equal, no matter how
        # large or complex the responses are, then query is a 404
        if known_404.body == query.body:
            msg = ('"%s" (id:%s, code:%s, len:%s, did:%s) is a 404'
                   ' [string equals with 404 DB entry with ID %s]')
            args = (http_response.get_url(), http_response.id,
                    http_response.get_code(), len(http_response.get_body()),
                    debugging_id, known_404.id)
            om.out.debug(msg % args)
            return True

        is_fuzzy_equal = fuzzy_equal(known_404.body, query.body,

        if not is_fuzzy_equal:
            msg = ('"%s" (id:%s, code:%s, len:%s, did:%s) is NOT a 404'
                   ' [similarity_ratio < %s with known 404 with ID %s]')
            args = (http_response.get_url(), http_response.id,
                    http_response.get_code(), len(http_response.get_body()),
                    debugging_id, IS_EQUAL_RATIO, known_404.id)
            om.out.debug(msg % args)
            return False

        if len(query.body) < MAX_FUZZY_LENGTH:
            # The response bodies are fuzzy-equal, and the length is less than
            # MAX_FUZZY_LENGTH. This is good, it means that they are equal and
            # long headers / footers in HTTP response bodies are not
            # interfering with fuzzy-equals.
            # Some sites have really large headers and footers which they
            # include for all pages, including 404s. When that happens one page
            # might look like:
            #   {header-4000bytes}
            #   Hello world
            #   {footer-4000bytes}
            # The header might contain large CSS and the footer might include
            # JQuery or some other large JS. Then, the 404 might look like:
            #   {header-4000bytes}
            #   Not found
            #   {footer-4000bytes}
            # A user with a browser might only see the text, and clearly
            # identify one as a valid page and another as a 404, but the
            # fuzzy_equal() function will return True, indicating that they
            # are equal because 99% of the bytes are the same.
            msg = ('"%s" (id:%s, code:%s, len:%s, did:%s) is a 404'
                   ' [similarity_ratio > %s with 404 DB entry with ID %s]')
            args = (http_response.get_url(), http_response.id,
                    http_response.get_code(), len(http_response.get_body()),
                    debugging_id, IS_EQUAL_RATIO, known_404.id)
            om.out.debug(msg % args)
            return True

            # See the large comment above on why we need to check for
            # MAX_FUZZY_LENGTH.
            # The way to handle this case is to send an extra HTTP
            # request that will act as a tie-breaker.
            return self._handle_large_http_responses(http_response, query,
                                                     known_404, debugging_id)
コード例 #12
ファイル: decorators.py プロジェクト: zsdlove/w3af
 def get_call_key(self, args):
     http_response = args[1]
     return FourOhFourResponse.normalize_path(http_response.get_uri())
コード例 #13
ファイル: decorators.py プロジェクト: andresriancho/w3af
 def get_call_key(self, args):
     http_response = args[1]
     return FourOhFourResponse.normalize_path(http_response.get_uri())