def array2avi(A, fname, fps=25, codec='rawvideo', codec_params='', width=800, makelog=False): if A.ndim == 3: fmt = 'gray' elif A.ndim == 4: if A.shape[3] == 3: fmt = 'rgb8' elif A.shape[3] == 4: fmt = 'argb' else: raise Exception('Invalid input 4th dimension - should' ' be rgb or argb') else: raise Exception('Invalid number of input dimensions (should be' ' [frame,row,col] or [frame,row,col,(a)rgb]') A = rescale_8bit(A) nframes, h, w = A.shape[:3] aspect = float(h) / w width = 2 * int(width / 2.) height = 2 * int((width / 2.) * aspect) cmd = ['ffmpeg', '-y', '-f', 'rawvideo', '-pix_fmt', fmt, '-r', '%d' % fps, '-s', '%ix%i' % (w, h), '-i', 'pipe:0', '-vcodec', codec, # '-b:v', '%ik' %kbitrate, '-s', '%ix%i' % (width, height), fname] if makelog: logfile = open(fname + '.log', 'w') else: logfile = open(devnull, 'w') proc = sp.Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=logfile, stderr=logfile) wbh = Waitbar(title='Writing %s' % fname, showETA=True) for ii, frame in enumerate(A): proc.stdin.write(frame.tostring()) wbh.update((ii + 1.) / nframes) proc.stdin.close() proc.terminate() logfile.close()
def save(self, fname, codec='rawvideo', fps=None, width=800, makelog=False): if not np.all(self.hasplayed): raise Exception( "All frames need to have been displayed at " "least once before writing") if fps is None: fps = self.framerate # make sure we start with the first frame self.rewind() # need to disconnect the first draw callback, since we'll be # doing draws. otherwise, we'll end up starting the animation. if self.animator._first_draw_id is not None: self.animator._fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect( self.animator._first_draw_id) reconnect_first_draw = True else: reconnect_first_draw = False # input pixel dimensions w, h = self.fig.canvas.get_width_height() nframes =[0] # make sure that output width and height are divisible by 2 # (some codecs don't like odd dimensions) figsize = self.fig.get_size_inches() aspect = figsize[1] / figsize[0] width = 2 * int(width / 2.) height = 2 * int((width / 2.) * aspect) # spawn an ffmpeg process - we're going to pipe the frames # directly to ffmpeg as raw bytes cmd = [ # global options 'ffmpeg', '-y', '-loglevel', 'verbose', # input options '-f', 'rawvideo', '-pix_fmt', 'bgr24', '-r', '%d' % fps, '-s', '%ix%i' % (w, h), '-i', 'pipe:0', # output options '-vcodec', codec, '-an', '-pix_fmt', 'rgb24', # NB: need to reverse channel order! '-s', '%ix%i' % (width, height), fname ] # print ' '.join(cmd) if makelog: logfile = open(fname + '.log', 'w') else: logfile = open(devnull, 'w') proc = sp.Popen(cmd, shell=False, stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=logfile, stderr=logfile) # Render each frame, save it to the stdin of the spawned process wbh = Waitbar(title='Writing %s' % fname, showETA=True) for ii, data in enumerate(self.animator.new_saved_frame_seq()): self.animator._draw_next_frame(data, blit=True) # self.animator._fig.savefig(proc.stdin,format='png') proc.stdin.write(self.animator._fig.canvas.tostring_rgb()) wbh.update((ii + 1.) / nframes) logfile.close() if reconnect_first_draw: drawid = self.animator._fig.canvas.mpl_connect( 'draw_event', self.animator._start) self.animator._first_draw_id = drawid