コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: mikewlange/client-1
def init(job_type=None, dir=None, config=None, project=None, entity=None, reinit=None, tags=None,
         group=None, allow_val_change=False, resume=False, force=False, tensorboard=False,
         sync_tensorboard=False, name=None, notes=None, id=None, magic=None):
    """Initialize W&B

    If called from within Jupyter, initializes a new run and waits for a call to
    `wandb.log` to begin pushing metrics.  Otherwise, spawns a new process
    to communicate with W&B.

        job_type (str, optional): The type of job running, defaults to 'train'
        config (dict, argparse, or tf.FLAGS, optional): The hyper parameters to store with the run
        project (str, optional): The project to push metrics to
        entity (str, optional): The entity to push metrics to
        dir (str, optional): An absolute path to a directory where metadata will be stored
        group (str, optional): A unique string shared by all runs in a given group
        tags (list, optional): A list of tags to apply to the run
        id (str, optional): A globally unique (per project) identifier for the run
        name (str, optional): A display name which does not have to be unique
        notes (str, optional): A multiline string associated with the run
        reinit (bool, optional): Allow multiple calls to init in the same process
        resume (bool, str, optional): Automatically resume this run if run from the same machine,
            you can also pass a unique run_id
        sync_tensorboard (bool, optional): Synchronize wandb logs to tensorboard or tensorboardX
        force (bool, optional): Force authentication with wandb, defaults to False
        magic (bool, dict, or str, optional): magic configuration as bool, dict, json string,
            yaml filename

        A wandb.run object for metric and config logging.
    trigger.call('on_init', **locals())
    global run
    global __stage_dir__

    # We allow re-initialization when we're in Jupyter or explicity opt-in to it.
    in_jupyter = _get_python_type() != "python"
    if reinit or (in_jupyter and reinit != False):
        run = None

    # TODO: deprecate tensorboard
    if tensorboard or sync_tensorboard and len(patched["tensorboard"]) == 0:

    sagemaker_config = util.parse_sm_config()
    tf_config = util.parse_tfjob_config()
    if group == None:
        group = os.getenv(env.RUN_GROUP)
    if job_type == None:
        job_type = os.getenv(env.JOB_TYPE)
    if sagemaker_config:
        # Set run_id and potentially grouping if we're in SageMaker
        run_id = os.getenv('TRAINING_JOB_NAME')
        if run_id:
            os.environ[env.RUN_ID] = '-'.join([
                os.getenv('CURRENT_HOST', socket.gethostname())])
        conf = json.load(
        if group == None and len(conf["hosts"]) > 1:
            group = os.getenv('TRAINING_JOB_NAME')
        # Set secret variables
        if os.path.exists("secrets.env"):
            for line in open("secrets.env", "r"):
                key, val = line.strip().split('=', 1)
                os.environ[key] = val
    elif tf_config:
        cluster = tf_config.get('cluster')
        job_name = tf_config.get('task', {}).get('type')
        task_index = tf_config.get('task', {}).get('index')
        if job_name is not None and task_index is not None:
            # TODO: set run_id for resuming?
            run_id = cluster[job_name][task_index].rsplit(":")[0]
            if job_type == None:
                job_type = job_name
            if group == None and len(cluster.get("worker", [])) > 0:
                group = cluster[job_name][0].rsplit("-"+job_name, 1)[0]
    image = util.image_id_from_k8s()
    if image:
        os.environ[env.DOCKER] = image
    if project:
        os.environ[env.PROJECT] = project
    if entity:
        os.environ[env.ENTITY] = entity
    if group:
        os.environ[env.RUN_GROUP] = group
    if job_type:
        os.environ[env.JOB_TYPE] = job_type
    if tags:
        os.environ[env.TAGS] = ",".join(tags)
    if id:
        os.environ[env.RUN_ID] = id
        if name is None:
            # We do this because of https://github.com/wandb/core/issues/2170
            # to ensure that the run's name is explicitly set to match its
            # id. If we don't do this and the id is eight characters long, the
            # backend will set the name to a generated human-friendly value.
            # In any case, if the user is explicitly setting `id` but not
            # `name`, their id is probably a meaningful string that we can
            # use to label the run.
            name = os.environ.get(env.NAME, id)  # environment variable takes precedence over this.
    if name:
        os.environ[env.NAME] = name
    if notes:
        os.environ[env.NOTES] = notes
    if magic is not None and magic is not False:
        if isinstance(magic, dict):
            os.environ[env.MAGIC] = json.dumps(magic)
        elif isinstance(magic, str):
            os.environ[env.MAGIC] = magic
        elif isinstance(magic, bool):
            termwarn("wandb.init called with invalid magic parameter type", repeat=False)
        from wandb import magic_impl
    if dir:
        os.environ[env.DIR] = dir
    resume_path = os.path.join(wandb_dir(), wandb_run.RESUME_FNAME)
    if resume == True:
        os.environ[env.RESUME] = "auto"
    elif resume:
        os.environ[env.RESUME] = os.environ.get(env.RESUME, "allow")
        # TODO: remove allowing resume as a string in the future
        os.environ[env.RUN_ID] = id or resume
    elif os.path.exists(resume_path):
    if os.environ.get(env.RESUME) == 'auto' and os.path.exists(resume_path):
        if not os.environ.get(env.RUN_ID):
            os.environ[env.RUN_ID] = json.load(open(resume_path))["run_id"]

    # the following line is useful to ensure that no W&B logging happens in the user
    # process that might interfere with what they do
    # logging.basicConfig(format='user process %(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

    # If a thread calls wandb.init() it will get the same Run object as
    # the parent. If a child process with distinct memory space calls
    # wandb.init(), it won't get an error, but it will get a result of
    # None.
    # This check ensures that a child process can safely call wandb.init()
    # after a parent has (only the parent will create the Run object).
    # This doesn't protect against the case where the parent doesn't call
    # wandb.init but two children do.
    if run or os.getenv(env.INITED):
        return run

    if __stage_dir__ is None:
        __stage_dir__ = "wandb"

        signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, _debugger)
    except AttributeError:

        run = wandb_run.Run.from_environment_or_defaults()
    except IOError as e:
        termerror('Failed to create run directory: {}'.format(e))
        raise LaunchError("Could not write to filesystem.")


    def set_global_config(run):
        global config  # because we already have a local config
        config = run.config
    global summary
    summary = run.summary

    # set this immediately after setting the run and the config. if there is an
    # exception after this it'll probably break the user script anyway
    os.environ[env.INITED] = '1'

    # we do these checks after setting the run and the config because users scripts
    # may depend on those things
    if sys.platform == 'win32' and run.mode != 'clirun':
            'To use wandb on Windows, you need to run the command "wandb run python <your_train_script>.py"')
        return run

    if in_jupyter:
    elif run.mode == 'clirun':
    elif run.mode == 'run':
        api = InternalApi()
        # let init_jupyter handle this itself
        if not in_jupyter and not api.api_key:
                "W&B is a tool that helps track and visualize machine learning experiments")
            if force:
                    "No credentials found.  Run \"wandb login\" or \"wandb off\" to disable wandb")
                if run.check_anonymous():
                        "No credentials found.  Run \"wandb login\" to visualize your metrics")
                    run.mode = "dryrun"
                    _init_headless(run, False)
    elif run.mode == 'dryrun':
            'Dry run mode, not syncing to the cloud.')
        _init_headless(run, False)
            'Invalid run mode "%s". Please unset WANDB_MODE.' % run.mode)
        raise LaunchError("The WANDB_MODE environment variable is invalid.")

    # set the run directory in the config so it actually gets persisted

    if sagemaker_config:
        allow_val_change = True
    if config:
        run.config.update(config, allow_val_change=allow_val_change)

    # Access history to ensure resumed is set when resuming
    # Load the summary to support resuming


    return run
コード例 #2
ファイル: magic.py プロジェクト: leopd/wandb_client
from wandb import magic_impl
