def rotf(t): return np.array([[np.cos(t), np.sin(t), 0], [-np.sin(t), np.cos(t), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) output_shape = im_gray.shape print(output_shape) print(type(output_shape)) output_shape2 = (output_shape[0] * 2, output_shape[1] * 2) cx = im_gray.shape[1] // 2 #为了取rotation center cy = im_gray.shape[0] // 2 #为了取rotation center A = (transf( output_shape[1] // 2, output_shape[0] // 2, ).dot(scalef(0.8)).dot(rotf(-30 * np.pi / 180)).dot(transf(-cx, -cy))) # plot a dot at the rotation center axes[0, 1].plot(cx, cy, 'r+') #warped_im = warpA_check.warp(im_gray, A, output_shape) warped_im = warpA.warp(im_gray, A, output_shape) axes[1, 0].imshow(warped_im, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray')) axes[1, 0].set_title('warped') # write the plot to an image plt.savefig('./transformed_soln.jpg')
output_shape = im_gray.shape cx = im_gray.shape[1] // 2 cy = im_gray.shape[0] // 2 A = (transf( output_shape[1] // 2, output_shape[0] // 2, ).dot(scalef(0.8)).dot(rotf(-30 * np.pi / 180)).dot(transf(-cx, -cy))) # plot a dot at the rotation center axes[0, 1].plot(cx, cy, 'r+') warped_im = warpA_check.warp(im_gray, A, output_shape) warped_mine = warpA.warp(im_gray, A, output_shape) diff = warped_im - warped_mine print(np.sum(diff)) axes[1, 0].imshow(warped_im, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray')) axes[1, 0].set_title('warped') # write the plot to an image plt.savefig('../results/transformed_soln.jpg') plt.imshow(warped_mine, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray')) plt.savefig('../results/transformed.jpg')