コード例 #1
def test_benchmark_headless_time_nbody_cranelift_native(benchmark):
    store = Store(engine.Native(Cranelift))
    module = Module(store, TEST_BYTES)
    serialized = module.serialize()

    def bench():
        deserialized = Module.deserialize(store, serialized)
        _ = Instance(deserialized)
コード例 #2
def test_benchmark_memory_view_int8_get(benchmark):
    store = Store(engine.JIT(Compiler))
    module = Module(store, TEST_BYTES)
    instance = Instance(module)
    memory = instance.exports.memory.uint8_view()

    def bench():
        _ = memory[0]

コード例 #3
def test_benchmark_memory_view_bytearray_get(benchmark):
    store = Store(engine.JIT(Compiler))
    module = Module(store, TEST_BYTES)
    instance = Instance(module)
    memory = bytearray(instance.exports.memory.buffer)

    def bench():
        _ = memory[0]

コード例 #4
def test_wasi():
    store = Store()
    wasi_env = \
        wasi.StateBuilder("test-program"). \
            argument("--foo"). \
            environments({"ABC": "DEF", "X": "YZ"}). \
            map_directory("the_host_current_dir", "."). \
    import_object = wasi_env.generate_import_object(store, wasi.Version.LATEST)

    instance = Instance(Module(store, TEST_BYTES), import_object)
コード例 #5
def test_wat2wasm2instance():
    wat = """ (module
                (type (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
                (func (type 0)
                  local.get 0
                  local.get 1
                (export "sum" (func 0))) """
    wasm_bytes = wat2wasm(wat)
    instance = Instance(Module(Store(), wasm_bytes))

    assert instance.exports.sum(1, 2) == 3
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_global.py プロジェクト: zhutony/wasmer-python
def test_constructor_mutable():
    store = Store()
    global_ = Global(store, Value.i32(42), mutable=True)

    assert global_.value == 42

    type = global_.type

    assert type.type == Type.I32
    assert type.mutable == True

    global_.value = 153

    assert global_.value == 153
コード例 #7
def test_return_multiple_values():
    store = Store()
    module = Module(
          (type $swap_t (func (param i32 i64) (result i64 i32)))
          (func $swap_f (type $swap_t) (param $x i32) (param $y i64) (result i64 i32)
            local.get $y
            local.get $x)
          (export "swap" (func $swap_f)))
    instance = Instance(module)

    assert instance.exports.swap(41, 42) == (42, 41)
コード例 #8
def test_exports_all_kind():
    module = Module(
        Store(), """
          (func (export "func") (param i32 i64))
          (global (export "glob") i32 (i32.const 7))
          (table (export "tab") 0 funcref)
          (memory (export "mem") 1))
    instance = Instance(module)
    exports = instance.exports

    assert isinstance(exports, Exports)
    assert isinstance(exports.func, Function)
    assert isinstance(exports.glob, Global)
    assert isinstance(exports.tab, Table)
    assert isinstance(exports.mem, Memory)
コード例 #9
def test_memory_views_length():
    store = Store()
    memory_type = MemoryType(minimum=1, maximum=1)
    memory = Memory(store, memory_type)

    PAGE_SIZE = 65536

    assert memory.size == 1
    assert len(memory.uint8_view()) == PAGE_SIZE
    assert len(memory.int8_view()) == PAGE_SIZE
    assert len(memory.uint16_view()) == PAGE_SIZE / 2
    assert len(memory.int16_view()) == PAGE_SIZE / 2
    assert len(memory.uint32_view()) == PAGE_SIZE / 4
    assert len(memory.int32_view()) == PAGE_SIZE / 4
    assert len(memory.uint64_view()) == PAGE_SIZE / 8
    assert len(memory.int64_view()) == PAGE_SIZE / 8
    assert len(memory.float32_view()) == PAGE_SIZE / 4
    assert len(memory.float64_view()) == PAGE_SIZE / 8
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_module.py プロジェクト: zhutony/wasmer-python
def test_deserialize():
    store = Store()

    serialized_module = Module(
        store, """
          (func (export "function") (param i32 i64)))
    module = Module.deserialize(store, serialized_module)
    del serialized_module

    exports = module.exports

    assert len(module.exports) == 1
    assert exports[0].name == "function"
    assert isinstance(exports[0].type, FunctionType)
    assert exports[0].type.params == [Type.I32, Type.I64]
    assert exports[0].type.results == []
コード例 #11
ファイル: quiet.py プロジェクト: moxon6/quiet-py-wasm
def build_instance():
    import_object = ImportObject()

    store = Store(engine.JIT(Compiler))

        "env", {
            Function(store, lambda: 42, FunctionType([], [Type.I32])),

        "wasi_snapshot_preview1", {
            Function(store, lambda *args: None, FunctionType([Type.I32], [])),
            Function(store, lambda *args: int(time.time()),
                     FunctionType([Type.I32, Type.I64, Type.I32], [Type.I32])),
            Function(store, lambda *args: 1,
                     FunctionType([Type.I32], [Type.I32])),
                store, lambda *args: 1,
                FunctionType([Type.I32, Type.I32, Type.I32, Type.I32],
                store, lambda *args: 1,
                FunctionType([Type.I32, Type.I64, Type.I32, Type.I32],
                store, lambda *args: 1,
                FunctionType([Type.I32, Type.I32, Type.I32, Type.I32],

    # Let's compile the module to be able to execute it!
    module = Module(store, open(quiet_path, 'rb').read())

    # Now the module is compiled, we can instantiate it.
    return Instance(module, import_object)
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_global.py プロジェクト: zhutony/wasmer-python
def test_constructor():
    store = Store()
    global_ = Global(store, Value.i32(42))

    assert global_.value == 42

    type = global_.type

    assert type.type == Type.I32
    assert type.mutable == False

    global_ = Global(store, Value.i64(153), mutable=False)

    assert global_.value == 153

    type = global_.type

    assert type.type == Type.I64
    assert type.mutable == False
コード例 #13
def test_wasi_imports():
    env = wasi.StateBuilder("foo").finalize()

    import_object = env.generate_imports(Store(), wasi.Version.LATEST)
    assert isinstance(import_object, dict)
    assert sorted(import_object['wasi_snapshot_preview1'].keys()) == [
        'args_get', 'args_sizes_get', 'clock_res_get', 'clock_time_get',
        'environ_get', 'environ_sizes_get', 'fd_advise', 'fd_allocate',
        'fd_close', 'fd_datasync', 'fd_fdstat_get', 'fd_fdstat_set_flags',
        'fd_fdstat_set_rights', 'fd_filestat_get', 'fd_filestat_set_size',
        'fd_filestat_set_times', 'fd_pread', 'fd_prestat_dir_name',
        'fd_prestat_get', 'fd_pwrite', 'fd_read', 'fd_readdir', 'fd_renumber',
        'fd_seek', 'fd_sync', 'fd_tell', 'fd_write', 'path_create_directory',
        'path_filestat_get', 'path_filestat_set_times', 'path_link',
        'path_open', 'path_readlink', 'path_remove_directory', 'path_rename',
        'path_symlink', 'path_unlink_file', 'poll_oneoff', 'proc_exit',
        'proc_raise', 'random_get', 'sched_yield', 'sock_recv', 'sock_send',
コード例 #14
def test_exports_iterable():
    module = Module(
        Store(), """
          (func (export "func") (param i32 i64))
          (global (export "glob") i32 (i32.const 7))
          (table (export "tab") 0 funcref)
          (memory (export "mem") 1))
    instance = Instance(module)
    exports_iterator = iter(instance.exports)

    assert isinstance(exports_iterator, ExportsIterator)

    (export_name, export) = next(exports_iterator)
    assert export_name == "func"
    assert isinstance(export, Function)

    (export_name, export) = next(exports_iterator)
    assert export_name == "glob"
    assert isinstance(export, Global)

    (export_name, export) = next(exports_iterator)
    assert export_name == "tab"
    assert isinstance(export, Table)

    (export_name, export) = next(exports_iterator)
    assert export_name == "mem"
    assert isinstance(export, Memory)

    with pytest.raises(StopIteration):

    # Works in a loop.
    for (name, export) in instance.exports:
        assert True

    # Works in a loop with `iter` called while it's not necessary.
    for (name, export) in iter(instance.exports):
        assert True

    assert [name for (name, _) in instance.exports
            ] == ["func", "glob", "tab", "mem"]
コード例 #15
def test_import_function_defaultdict():
    def sum(x: int, y: int) -> int:
        return x + y

    store = Store()
    module = Module(
        store, """
          (import "math" "sum" (func $sum (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
          (func (export "add_one") (param i32) (result i32)
            local.get 0
            i32.const 1
            call $sum))

    import_object = defaultdict(dict)
    import_object["math"]["sum"] = Function(store, sum)

    instance = Instance(module, import_object)

    assert instance.exports.add_one(1) == 2
コード例 #16
def test_import_function():
    def sum(x: int, y: int) -> int:
        return x + y

    store = Store()
    module = Module(
        store, """
          (import "math" "sum" (func $sum (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
          (func (export "add_one") (param i32) (result i32)
            local.get 0
            i32.const 1
            call $sum))

    import_object = ImportObject()
    import_object.register("math", {"sum": Function(store, sum)})

    instance = Instance(module, import_object)

    assert instance.exports.add_one(1) == 2
コード例 #17
def test_early_exit():
    store = Store()
    module = Module(
          (type $run_t (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
          (type $early_exit_t (func (param) (result)))

          (import "env" "early_exit" (func $early_exit (type $early_exit_t)))

          (func $run (type $run_t) (param $x i32) (param $y i32) (result i32)
            (call $early_exit)
                local.get $x
                local.get $y))

          (export "run" (func $run)))

    def early_exit():
        raise Exception('oops')

    import_object = ImportObject()
            "early_exit": Function(store, early_exit),
    instance = Instance(module, import_object)

        instance.exports.run(1, 2)
    except Exception as err:
        assert 'oops' in str(err)
        assert False
コード例 #18
def main():

    # Create a store
    store = Store(engine.JIT(Compiler))

    # Convert Wat file contents into Wasm binary code
    wat_file_name = str(sys.argv[1])
    with open(wat_file_name) as wat_file:
        wat_source_code = wat_file.read()
    wasm_bytes = wat2wasm(wat_source_code)

    # Compile the Wasm module
    module = Module(store, wasm_bytes)

    # Obtain functions to be imported from the Wasm module
    import_object = make_import_object(store)

    # Instantiate the module
    instance = Instance(module, import_object)

    # Run start function and return to OS its exit code
コード例 #19
def test_cross_compilation_roundtrip():
    triple = target.Triple('x86_64-linux-musl')
    cpu_features = target.CpuFeatures()

    target_ = target.Target(triple, cpu_features)

    engine_ = engine.Native(Compiler, target_)
    store = Store(engine_)

    module = Module(
        store, """
          (type $sum_t (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
          (func $sum_f (type $sum_t) (param $x i32) (param $y i32) (result i32)
            local.get $x
            local.get $y
          (export "sum" (func $sum_f)))

    assert isinstance(module, Module)
コード例 #20
def test_constructor_with_annotated_function():
    store = Store()

    def sum(a: int, b: 'i32', c: 'I32', d: 'i64', e: 'I64', f: float, g: 'f32', h: 'F32', i: 'f64', j: 'F64') -> int:
        return a + b

    function = Function(store, sum)
    function_type = function.type

    assert function_type.params == [Type.I32, Type.I32, Type.I32, Type.I64, Type.I64, Type.F32, Type.F32, Type.F32, Type.F64, Type.F64]
    assert function_type.results == [Type.I32]

    def return_none(a: int) -> None:

    function = Function(store, return_none)
    function_type = function.type

    assert function_type.params == [Type.I32]
    assert function_type.results == []

    def take_none(a: None):

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as context_manager:
        Function(store, take_none)

    exception = context_manager.value
    assert str(exception) == 'Variable `a` cannot have type `None`'

    def tuple(a: int) -> (int, int):
        return (a, a)

    function = Function(store, tuple)
    function_type = function.type

    assert function_type.params == [Type.I32]
    assert function_type.results == [Type.I32, Type.I32]
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_module.py プロジェクト: zhutony/wasmer-python
def test_imports():
    imports = Module(
        Store(), """
        (import "ns" "function" (func))
        (import "ns" "global" (global f32))
        (import "ns" "table" (table 1 2 anyfunc))
        (import "ns" "memory" (memory 3 4)))

    assert isinstance(imports[0], ImportType)

    assert imports[0].module == "ns"
    assert imports[0].name == "function"
    assert isinstance(imports[0].type, FunctionType)
    assert imports[0].type.params == []
    assert imports[0].type.results == []

    assert imports[1].module == "ns"
    assert imports[1].name == "global"
    assert isinstance(imports[1].type, GlobalType)
    assert imports[1].type.type == Type.F32
    assert imports[1].type.mutable == False

    assert imports[2].module == "ns"
    assert imports[2].name == "table"
    assert isinstance(imports[2].type, TableType)
    assert imports[2].type.type == Type.FUNC_REF
    assert imports[2].type.minimum == 1
    assert imports[2].type.maximum == 2

    assert imports[3].module == "ns"
    assert imports[3].name == "memory"
    assert isinstance(imports[3].type, MemoryType)
    assert imports[3].type.minimum == 3
    assert imports[3].type.maximum == 4
    assert imports[3].type.shared == False
コード例 #22
def test_import_global():
    store = Store()
    module = Module(
        store, """
          (import "env" "global" (global $global (mut i32)))
          (func (export "read_g") (result i32)
            global.get $global)
          (func (export "write_g") (param i32)
            local.get 0
            global.set $global))

    global_ = Global(store, Value.i32(7), mutable=True)

    import_object = defaultdict(dict)
    import_object["env"]["global"] = global_
    instance = Instance(module, import_object)

    assert instance.exports.read_g() == 7
    global_.value = 153
    assert instance.exports.read_g() == 153
    assert global_.value == 11
コード例 #23
ファイル: engine_jit.py プロジェクト: zhutony/wasmer-python
      (func $sum_f (type $sum_t) (param $x i32) (param $y i32) (result i32)
        local.get $x
        local.get $y
      (export "sum" (func $sum_f)))

# Define the engine that will drive everything.
# In this case, the engine is `wasmer.engine.JIT` which roughly
# means that the executable code will live in memory.
engine = engine.JIT(Compiler)

# Create a store, that holds the engine.
store = Store(engine)

# Here we go.
# Let's compile the Wasm module. It is at this step that the Wasm text
# is transformed into Wasm bytes (if necessary), and then compiled to
# executable code by the compiler, which is then stored in memory by
# the engine.
module = Module(store, wasm_bytes)

# Congrats, the Wasm module is compiled! Now let's execute it for the
# sake of having a complete example.
# Let's instantiate the Wasm module.
instance = Instance(module)
コード例 #24

def get_string_ptr(string, instance):
    prepared_string = bytes(string, 'utf-8')
    length_of_string = len(prepared_string) + 1
    string_ptr = instance.exports.allocate(length_of_string)
    memory = instance.exports.memory.uint8_view(string_ptr)
    memory[0:length_of_string] = prepared_string
    memory[length_of_string] = 0
    return (string_ptr, length_of_string)

relative_dir = 'lib/python'

wasm_bytes = open(f'{relative_dir}/smartcore_wasi_lib.wasm', 'rb').read()
store = Store(engine.JIT(Compiler))
module = Module(store, wasm_bytes)
wasi_version = wasi.get_version(module, strict=True)
wasi_env = wasi.StateBuilder('smartcore-wasi-lib').preopen_directory(

import_object = wasi_env.generate_import_object(store, wasi_version)

instance = Instance(module, import_object)
(file_ptr, file_len) = get_string_ptr(f'{relative_dir}/iris_knn.model',
perfomances = []
num_executions = 1000
if os.environ.get("noe") is not None:
    num_executions = int(os.environ.get("noe"))
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_global.py プロジェクト: zhutony/wasmer-python
def instance():
    return Instance(Module(Store(), TEST_BYTES))
コード例 #26
# #[no_mangle]
# pub extern "C" fn add_one(x: i32) -> i32 {
#     unsafe { sum(x, 1) }
# }
# ```
wasm_bytes = wat2wasm("""
      (import "env" "sum" (func $sum (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
      (func (export "add_one") (param $x i32) (result i32)
        local.get $x
        i32.const 1
        call $sum))

# Create a store.
store = Store(engine.Universal(Compiler))

# Let's compile the Wasm module.
module = Module(store, wasm_bytes)

# Here we go.
# When creating an `Instance`, we can pass an `ImportObject`. All
# entities that must be imported are registered inside the
# `ImportObject`.
import_object = ImportObject()

# Let's write the Python function that is going to be imported,
# i.e. called by the WebAssembly module.
def sum(x: int, y: int) -> int:
コード例 #27
def test_wasi_import_object():
    env = wasi.StateBuilder("foo").finalize()

    assert isinstance(env.generate_import_object(Store(), wasi.Version.LATEST),
コード例 #28
def initiate_instance():
    wasm_bytes = open(wasm_file_location, 'rb').read()
    store = Store()
    module = Module(store, wasm_bytes)
    instance = Instance(module)
    return instance
コード例 #29
ファイル: test_store.py プロジェクト: zhutony/wasmer-python
def test_store_defaults():
    store = Store()

    assert store.engine_name == 'jit'
    assert store.compiler_name == 'cranelift'
コード例 #30
def test_wasi_env_memory():
    store = Store()
    wasi_env = wasi.StateBuilder("foo").finalize()
    import_object = wasi_env.generate_import_object(store, wasi.Version.LATEST)

    instance = Instance(Module(store, TEST_BYTES), import_object)