def upload(self, stream, path, conflict='replace', **kwargs): """Uploads the given stream to S3 :param waterbutler.core.streams.RequestWrapper stream: The stream to put to S3 :param str path: The full path of the key to upload to/into :rtype: dict, bool """ path, exists = yield from self.handle_name_conflict(path, conflict=conflict) stream.add_writer('md5', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.md5)) resp = yield from self.make_request( 'PUT', self.bucket.new_key(path.path).generate_url( settings.TEMP_URL_SECS, 'PUT', encrypt_key=self.encrypt_uploads ), data=stream, headers={'Content-Length': str(stream.size)}, expects=(200, 201, ), throws=exceptions.UploadError, ) # md5 is returned as ETag header as long as server side encryption is not used. # TODO: nice assertion error goes here assert resp.headers['ETag'].replace('"', '') == stream.writers['md5'].hexdigest return (yield from self.metadata(path, **kwargs)), not exists
def upload(self, stream, path, check_created=True, fetch_metadata=True, **kwargs): """Uploads the given stream to CloudFiles :param ResponseStreamReader stream: The stream to put to CloudFiles :param str path: The full path of the object to upload to/into :rtype ResponseStreamReader: """ if check_created: created = not (yield from self.exists(path)) else: created = None stream.add_writer('md5', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.md5)) url = self.sign_url(path, 'PUT') resp = yield from self.make_request( 'PUT', url, data=stream, headers={'Content-Length': str(stream.size)}, expects=(200, 201), throws=exceptions.UploadError, ) # md5 is returned as ETag header as long as server side encryption is not used. # TODO: nice assertion error goes here assert resp.headers['ETag'].replace('"', '') == stream.writers['md5'].hexdigest if fetch_metadata: metadata = yield from self.metadata(path) else: metadata = None return metadata, created
async def _contiguous_upload(self, stream, path): """Uploads the given stream in one request. """ stream.add_writer('md5', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.md5)) headers = {'Content-Length': str(stream.size)} # this is usually set in boto.s3.key.generate_url, but do it here # do be explicit about our header payloads for signing purposes if self.encrypt_uploads: headers['x-amz-server-side-encryption'] = 'AES256' upload_url = functools.partial( self.bucket.new_key(path.path).generate_url, settings.TEMP_URL_SECS, 'PUT', headers=headers, ) resp = await self.make_request( 'PUT', upload_url, data=stream, skip_auto_headers={'CONTENT-TYPE'}, headers=headers, expects=(200, 201, ), throws=exceptions.UploadError, ) await resp.release() # md5 is returned as ETag header as long as server side encryption is not used. if stream.writers['md5'].hexdigest != resp.headers['ETag'].replace('"', ''): raise exceptions.UploadChecksumMismatchError()
async def upload(self, stream, path, conflict='replace', **kwargs): """Upload a file to provider root or to an article whose defined_type is configured to represent a folder. :param asyncio.StreamReader stream: stream to upload :param FigsharePath path: FigsharePath to upload the file to. :param dict \*\*kwargs: Will be passed to returned metadata object """ path, exists = await self.handle_name_conflict(path, conflict=conflict) if not path.parent.is_root: parent_resp = await self.make_request( 'GET', self.build_url(False, *self.root_path_parts, 'articles', path.parent.identifier), expects=(200, ), ) parent_json = await parent_resp.json() if not parent_json['defined_type'] in settings.FOLDER_TYPES: del path._parts[1] stream.add_writer('md5', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.md5)) file_id = await self._upload_file(self.container_id,, stream) # Build new file path and return metadata path = FigsharePath('/' + file_id, _ids=('', file_id), folder=False, is_public=False) metadata = await self.metadata(path, **kwargs) if stream.writers['md5'].hexdigest != metadata.extra['hashes']['md5']: raise exceptions.UploadChecksumMismatchError() return metadata, True
async def _create_blob(self, stream): blob_stream = streams.JSONStream({ 'encoding': 'base64', 'content': streams.Base64EncodeStream(stream), }) sha1_calculator = streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.sha1) stream.add_writer('sha1', sha1_calculator) git_blob_header = 'blob {}\0'.format(str(stream.size)) sha1_calculator.write(git_blob_header.encode('utf-8')) resp = await self.make_request( 'POST', self.build_repo_url('git', 'blobs'), data=blob_stream, headers={ 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': str(blob_stream.size), }, expects=(201, ), throws=exceptions.UploadError, ) blob_metadata = await resp.json() if stream.writers['sha1'].hexdigest != blob_metadata['sha']: raise exceptions.UploadChecksumMismatchError() return blob_metadata
async def _upload_parity(path, credentials, settings): _, name = os.path.split(path) provider_name = settings.get('provider') provider = make_provider(provider_name, {}, credentials, settings) with open(path, 'rb') as file_pointer: stream = streams.FileStreamReader(file_pointer) stream.add_writer('sha256', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.sha256)) await provider.upload(stream, (await provider.validate_path('/' + name))) return (name, stream.writers['sha256'].hexdigest)
async def upload(self, stream, path, **kwargs): """Zips the given stream then uploads to Dataverse. This will delete existing draft files with the same name. :param waterbutler.core.streams.RequestWrapper stream: The stream to put to Dataverse :param str path: The filename prepended with '/' :rtype: dict, bool """ stream.add_writer('md5', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.md5)) zip_stream = streams.ZipStreamReader( AsyncIterator([(, stream)])) # Write stream to disk (Necessary to find zip file size) f = tempfile.TemporaryFile() chunk = await while chunk: f.write(chunk) chunk = await file_stream = streams.FileStreamReader(f) dv_headers = { "Content-Disposition": "", "Content-Type": "application/zip", "Packaging": "", "Content-Length": str(file_stream.size), } # Delete old file if it exists if path.identifier: await self.delete(path) resp = await self.make_request('POST', self.build_url( settings.EDIT_MEDIA_BASE_URL, 'study', self.doi), headers=dv_headers, auth=(self.token, ), data=file_stream, expects=(201, ), throws=exceptions.UploadError) await resp.release() # Find appropriate version of file metadata = await self._get_data('latest') files = metadata if isinstance(metadata, list) else [] file_metadata = next(file for file in files if == if stream.writers['md5'].hexdigest != file_metadata.extra['hashes'][ 'md5']: raise exceptions.UploadChecksumMismatchError() return file_metadata, path.identifier is None
async def upload(self, stream, path, conflict='replace', **kwargs): """Upload a file to provider root or to an article whose defined_type is configured to represent a folder. :param asyncio.StreamReader stream: stream to upload :param FigsharePath path: FigsharePath to upload the file to. :param dict \*\*kwargs: Will be passed to returned metadata object """ if path.identifier and conflict == 'replace': raise exceptions.UnsupportedOperationError( 'Files in Figshare cannot be updated') path, exists = await self.handle_name_conflict(path, conflict=conflict) if not path.parent.is_root: parent_resp = await self.make_request( 'GET', self.build_url(False, *self.root_path_parts, 'articles', path.parent.identifier), expects=(200, ), ) parent_json = await parent_resp.json() if not parent_json['defined_type'] in settings.FOLDER_TYPES: del path._parts[1] # Create article or retrieve article_id from existing article if not path.parent.is_root: article_id = path.parent.identifier else: article_name = json.dumps({'title':}) if self.container_type == 'project': article_id = await self._create_article(article_name) elif self.container_type == 'collection': # TODO don't think this is correct. Probably should POST to /accounts/articles article_id = await self._create_article(article_name) article_list = json.dumps({'articles': [article_id]}) await self.make_request( 'POST', self.build_url(False, *self.root_path_parts, 'articles'), data=article_list, expects=(201, ), ) stream.add_writer('md5', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.md5)) file_id = await self._upload_file(article_id,, stream) # Build new file path and return metadata path = FigsharePath('/' + article_id + '/' + file_id, _ids=(self.container_id, article_id, file_id), folder=False, is_public=False) metadata = await self.metadata(path, **kwargs) if stream.writers['md5'].hexdigest != metadata.extra['hashes']['md5']: raise exceptions.UploadChecksumMismatchError() return metadata, True
async def _upload_part(self, stream: streams.BaseStream, part_id: str, part_size: int, start_offset: int, session_id: str) -> dict: """Upload one part/chunk of the given stream to Box. Box requires that the sha of the part be sent along in the headers of the request. To do this WB must write the stream segment to disk before uploading. The part sha is calculated as the tempfile is written. API Docs: """ cutoff_stream = streams.CutoffStream(stream, cutoff=part_size) part_hasher_name = 'part-{}-sha1'.format(part_id) stream.add_writer(part_hasher_name, streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.sha1)) f = tempfile.TemporaryFile() chunk = await while chunk: f.write(chunk) chunk = await file_stream = streams.FileStreamReader(f) part_sha = stream.writers[part_hasher_name].digest part_sha_b64 = base64.standard_b64encode(part_sha).decode() stream.remove_writer(part_hasher_name) byte_range = self._build_range_header( (start_offset, start_offset + part_size - 1)) content_range = str(byte_range).replace('=', ' ') + '/{}'.format( stream.size) async with self.request( 'PUT', self._build_upload_url('files', 'upload_sessions', session_id), headers= { # ``Content-Length`` is required for ``asyncio`` to use inner chunked stream read 'Content-Length': str(part_size), 'Content-Range': content_range, 'Content-Type:': 'application/octet-stream', 'Digest': 'sha={}'.format(part_sha_b64) }, data=file_stream, expects=(201, 200), throws=exceptions.UploadError, ) as resp: data = await resp.json() f.close() return data['part']
async def _send_to_storage_provider(self, stream, path, **kwargs): """Send uploaded file data to the storage provider, where it will be stored w/o metadata in a content-addressable format. :return: metadata of the file as it exists on the storage provider """ pending_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) provider = self.make_provider(self.settings) remote_pending_path = await provider.validate_path('/' + pending_name) logger.debug( 'upload: remote_pending_path::{}'.format(remote_pending_path)) stream.add_writer('md5', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.md5)) stream.add_writer('sha1', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.sha1)) stream.add_writer('sha256', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.sha256)) await provider.upload(stream, remote_pending_path, check_created=False, fetch_metadata=False, **kwargs) complete_name = stream.writers['sha256'].hexdigest remote_complete_path = await provider.validate_path('/' + complete_name) try: metadata = await provider.metadata(remote_complete_path) except exceptions.MetadataError as e: if e.code != 404: raise metadata, _ = await provider.move(provider, remote_pending_path, remote_complete_path) else: await provider.delete(remote_pending_path) return metadata
async def _chunked_upload(self, path: WaterButlerPath, stream: streams.BaseStream) -> dict: """Upload a large file to Box over multiple requests. This method will be used if the file to upload is larger than ``NONCHUNKED_UPLOAD_LIMIT``. Checksum verification is built into this process, so manual verification is not needed. API Docs: """ # Step 1: Add a sha1 calculator. The final sha1 will be needed to complete the session stream.add_writer('sha1', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.sha1)) # Step 2: Create an upload session with Box and recieve session id. session_data = await self._create_chunked_upload_session(path, stream) logger.debug('chunked upload session data: {}'.format( json.dumps(session_data))) metadata = None try: # Step 3. Split the data into parts and upload them to box. parts_manifest = await self._upload_parts(stream, session_data) logger.debug('chunked upload parts manifest: {}'.format( json.dumps(parts_manifest))) data_sha = base64.standard_b64encode( stream.writers['sha1'].digest).decode() # Step 4. Complete the session and return the uploaded file's metadata. retry = self.UPLOAD_COMMIT_RETRIES while retry > 0: --retry try: metadata = await self._complete_chunked_upload_session( session_data, parts_manifest, data_sha) break except RetryChunkedUploadCommit: continue except Exception as err: msg = 'An unexpected error has occurred during the multi-part upload.' logger.error('{} upload_id={} error={!r}'.format( msg, session_data, err)) aborted = await self._abort_chunked_upload(session_data, data_sha) if not aborted: msg += ' The abort action failed to clean up the temporary file parts generated ' \ 'during the upload process. Please manually remove them.' raise exceptions.UploadError(msg) return metadata
async def upload(self, stream, path, conflict='replace', **kwargs): """Uploads the given stream to S3 :param waterbutler.core.streams.RequestWrapper stream: The stream to put to S3 :param str path: The full path of the key to upload to/into :rtype: dict, bool """ await self._check_region() path, exists = await self.handle_name_conflict(path, conflict=conflict) stream.add_writer('md5', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.md5)) headers = {'Content-Length': str(stream.size)} # this is usually set in boto.s3.key.generate_url, but do it here # do be explicit about our header payloads for signing purposes if self.encrypt_uploads: headers['x-amz-server-side-encryption'] = 'AES256' upload_url = functools.partial( self.bucket.new_key(path.path).generate_url, settings.TEMP_URL_SECS, 'PUT', headers=headers, ) resp = await self.make_request( 'PUT', upload_url, data=stream, skip_auto_headers={'CONTENT-TYPE'}, headers=headers, expects=( 200, 201, ), throws=exceptions.UploadError, ) # md5 is returned as ETag header as long as server side encryption is not used. if stream.writers['md5'].hexdigest != resp.headers['ETag'].replace( '"', ''): raise exceptions.UploadChecksumMismatchError() await resp.release() return (await self.metadata(path, **kwargs)), not exists
async def upload( self, # type: ignore stream: streams.BaseStream, path: WaterButlerPath, conflict: str = 'replace', **kwargs) -> Tuple[BoxFileMetadata, bool]: if path.identifier and conflict == 'keep': path, _ = await self.handle_name_conflict(path, conflict=conflict, kind='folder') path._parts[-1]._id = None stream.add_writer('sha1', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.sha1)) data_stream = streams.FormDataStream( attributes=json.dumps({ 'name':, 'parent': { 'id': path.parent.identifier } })) data_stream.add_file('file', stream,, disposition='form-data') async with self.request( 'POST', self._build_upload_url( *filter(lambda x: x is not None, ('files', path.identifier, 'content'))), data=data_stream, headers=data_stream.headers, expects=(201, ), throws=exceptions.UploadError, ) as resp: data = await resp.json() entry = data['entries'][0] if stream.writers['sha1'].hexdigest != entry['sha1']: raise exceptions.UploadChecksumMismatchError() created = path.identifier is None path._parts[-1]._id = entry['id'] return BoxFileMetadata(entry, path), created
async def _contiguous_upload(self, path: WaterButlerPath, stream: streams.BaseStream) -> dict: """Upload a file to Box using a single request. This will only be called if the file is smaller than the ``NONCHUNKED_UPLOAD_LIMIT``. API Docs: """ assert stream.size <= self.NONCHUNKED_UPLOAD_LIMIT stream.add_writer('sha1', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.sha1)) data_stream = streams.FormDataStream( attributes=json.dumps({ 'name':, 'parent': { 'id': path.parent.identifier } })) data_stream.add_file('file', stream,, disposition='form-data') if path.identifier is not None: segments = ['files', path.identifier, 'content'] else: segments = ['files', 'content'] response = await self.make_request( 'POST', self._build_upload_url(*segments), data=data_stream, headers=data_stream.headers, expects=(201, ), throws=exceptions.UploadError, ) data = await response.json() entry = data['entries'][0] if stream.writers['sha1'].hexdigest != entry['sha1']: raise exceptions.UploadChecksumMismatchError() return entry
async def upload(self, stream, path: wb_path.WaterButlerPath, *args, **kwargs) \ -> typing.Tuple[GoogleDriveFileMetadata, bool]: assert path.is_file if path.identifier: segments = [path.identifier] else: segments = [] stream.add_writer('md5', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.md5)) upload_metadata = self._build_upload_metadata(path.parent.identifier, upload_id = await self._start_resumable_upload(not path.identifier, segments, stream.size, upload_metadata) data = await self._finish_resumable_upload(segments, stream, upload_id) if data['md5Checksum'] != stream.writers['md5'].hexdigest: raise exceptions.UploadChecksumMismatchError() return GoogleDriveFileMetadata(data, path), path.identifier is None
async def upload(self, stream, path, check_created=True, fetch_metadata=True, **kwargs): """Uploads the given stream to CloudFiles :param ResponseStreamReader stream: The stream to put to CloudFiles :param str path: The full path of the object to upload to/into :rtype ResponseStreamReader: """ if check_created: created = not (await self.exists(path)) else: created = None self.metrics.add('upload.check_created', check_created) stream.add_writer('md5', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.md5)) resp = await self.make_request( 'PUT', functools.partial(self.sign_url, path, 'PUT'), data=stream, headers={'Content-Length': str(stream.size)}, expects=(200, 201), throws=exceptions.UploadError, ) await resp.release() # md5 is returned as ETag header as long as server side encryption is not used. if stream.writers['md5'].hexdigest != resp.headers['ETag'].replace( '"', ''): raise exceptions.UploadChecksumMismatchError() if fetch_metadata: metadata = await self.metadata(path) else: metadata = None self.metrics.add('upload.fetch_metadata', fetch_metadata) return metadata, created
def upload(self, stream, path, **kwargs): self._create_paths() pending_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) provider = self.make_provider(self.settings) local_pending_path = os.path.join(settings.FILE_PATH_PENDING, pending_name) remote_pending_path = yield from provider.validate_path('/' + pending_name) stream.add_writer('md5', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.md5)) stream.add_writer('sha1', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.sha1)) stream.add_writer('sha256', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.sha256)) with open(local_pending_path, 'wb') as file_pointer: stream.add_writer('file', file_pointer) yield from provider.upload(stream, remote_pending_path, check_created=False, fetch_metadata=False, **kwargs) complete_name = stream.writers['sha256'].hexdigest local_complete_path = os.path.join(settings.FILE_PATH_COMPLETE, complete_name) remote_complete_path = yield from provider.validate_path('/' + complete_name) try: metadata = yield from provider.metadata(remote_complete_path) except exceptions.MetadataError as e: if e.code != 404: raise metadata, _ = yield from provider.move(provider, remote_pending_path, remote_complete_path) else: yield from provider.delete(remote_pending_path) finally: metadata = metadata.serialized() # Due to cross volume movement in unix we leverage shutil.move which properly handles this case. # shutil.move(local_pending_path, local_complete_path) response = yield from self.make_signed_request( 'POST', self.build_url(path.parent.identifier, 'children'), expects=(200, 201), data=json.dumps({ 'name':, 'user': self.auth['id'], 'settings': self.settings['storage'], 'metadata': metadata, 'hashes': { 'md5': stream.writers['md5'].hexdigest, 'sha1': stream.writers['sha1'].hexdigest, 'sha256': stream.writers['sha256'].hexdigest, }, 'worker': { 'host': os.uname()[1], # TODO: Include additional information 'address': None, 'version': self.__version__, }, }), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, ) created = response.status == 201 data = yield from response.json() if settings.RUN_TASKS and data.pop('archive', True): parity.main( local_complete_path, self.parity_credentials, self.parity_settings, ) backup.main( local_complete_path, data['version'], self.build_url('hooks', 'metadata') + '/', self.archive_credentials, self.archive_settings, ) name = metadata.update({ 'name': name, 'path': data['data']['path'], 'version': data['data']['version'], 'downloads': data['data']['downloads'] }) return OsfStorageFileMetadata(metadata, str(path)), created
async def upload(self, stream, path, **kwargs): """Upload a new file to osfstorage When a file is uploaded to osfstorage, WB does a bit of a dance to make sure it gets there reliably. First we take the stream and add several hash calculators that can determine the hash of the file as it streams through. We then tee the file so that it's written to a "pending" directory on both local disk and the remote storage provider. Once that's complete, we determine the file's final location, which will be in another directory (by default called 'complete'), and renamed to its sha256 hash. We then check to see if a file already exists at that path on the remote storage provider. If it does, we can skip moving the file (since its already been uploaded) and instead delete the pending file. If it does not, we move the file on the remote storage provider from the pending path to its final path. Once this is done the local copy of the file is moved from the pending directory to the complete directory. The file metadata is sent back to the metadata provider to be recorded. Finally, we schedule two futures to archive the locally complete file. One copies the file into Amazon Glacier, the other calculates a parity archive, so that the file can be reconstructed if any on-disk corruption happens. These tasks are scheduled via celery and don't need to complete for the request to finish. Finally, WB constructs its metadata response and sends that back to the original request issuer. The local file sitting in complete will be archived by the celery tasks at some point in the future. The archivers do not signal when they have finished their task, so for the time being the local complete files are allowed to accumulate and must be deleted by some external process. COS currently uses a cron job to delete files older than X days. If the system is being heavily used, it's possible that the files may be deleted before the archivers are able to run. To get around this we have another script in the repository that can audit our files on the remote storage and initiate any missing archives. """ self._create_paths() pending_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) provider = self.make_provider(self.settings) local_pending_path = os.path.join(settings.FILE_PATH_PENDING, pending_name) remote_pending_path = await provider.validate_path('/' + pending_name) logger.debug( 'upload: local_pending_path::{}'.format(local_pending_path)) logger.debug( 'upload: remote_pending_path::{}'.format(remote_pending_path)) stream.add_writer('md5', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.md5)) stream.add_writer('sha1', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.sha1)) stream.add_writer('sha256', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.sha256)) try: with open(local_pending_path, 'wb') as file_pointer: stream.add_writer('file', file_pointer) await provider.upload(stream, remote_pending_path, check_created=False, fetch_metadata=False, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: # If we fail to upload to the remote storage provider, then delete the copy of the file # from the local provider, too. The user will have to reupload the file to local # anyway, and this will avoid filling up the local disk with unused pending files. try: os.remove(local_pending_path) except OSError as os_exc: raise exceptions.UploadFailedError( 'Upload failed, please try again.') from os_exc raise exceptions.UploadFailedError( 'Upload failed, please try again.') from exc complete_name = stream.writers['sha256'].hexdigest local_complete_path = os.path.join(settings.FILE_PATH_COMPLETE, complete_name) remote_complete_path = await provider.validate_path('/' + complete_name) try: metadata = await provider.metadata(remote_complete_path) except exceptions.MetadataError as e: if e.code != 404: raise metadata, _ = await provider.move(provider, remote_pending_path, remote_complete_path) else: await provider.delete(remote_pending_path) metadata = metadata.serialized() # Due to cross volume movement in unix we leverage shutil.move which properly handles this case. # shutil.move(local_pending_path, local_complete_path) async with self.signed_request( 'POST', self.build_url(path.parent.identifier, 'children'), expects=(200, 201), data=json.dumps({ 'name':, 'user': self.auth['id'], 'settings': self.settings['storage'], 'metadata': metadata, 'hashes': { 'md5': stream.writers['md5'].hexdigest, 'sha1': stream.writers['sha1'].hexdigest, 'sha256': stream.writers['sha256'].hexdigest, }, 'worker': { 'host': os.uname()[1], # TODO: Include additional information 'address': None, 'version': self.__version__, }, }), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, ) as response: created = response.status == 201 data = await response.json() if settings.RUN_TASKS and data.pop('archive', True): parity.main( local_complete_path, data['version'], self.build_url('hooks', 'metadata') + '/', self.parity_credentials, self.parity_settings, ) backup.main( local_complete_path, data['version'], self.build_url('hooks', 'metadata') + '/', self.archive_credentials, self.archive_settings, ) name = metadata.update({ 'name': name, 'md5': data['data']['md5'], 'path': data['data']['path'], 'sha256': data['data']['sha256'], 'version': data['data']['version'], 'downloads': data['data']['downloads'], 'checkout': data['data']['checkout'], 'modified': data['data']['modified'], 'modified_utc': utils.normalize_datetime(data['data']['modified']), }) path._parts[-1]._id = metadata['path'].strip('/') return OsfStorageFileMetadata(metadata, str(path)), created