コード例 #1
def lu_type_average(data_fh, lu_fh, lu_dict):
    LULC = RC.Open_tiff_array(lu_fh)
    in_data = RC.Open_tiff_array(data_fh)
    out_data = {}
    for lu_class in list(lu_dict.keys()):
        mask = [LULC == value for value in lu_dict[lu_class]]
        mask = (np.sum(mask, axis=0)).astype(bool)
        out_data[lu_class] = np.nanmean(in_data[mask])
    return out_data
コード例 #2
def fuel_wood(output_folder, lu_fh, AREA, ndm_fhs, fraction_fhs, ndmdates):
    Calculate natural livestock feed production

    lu_fh : str
        filehandle for land use map
    ndm_fhs: nd array
        array of filehandles of NDM maps
    abv_grnd_biomass_ratio: dict
        dictionnary 'LULC':[above ground biomass]
    Data_Path_Fuel = "Fuel"
    out_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, Data_Path_Fuel)
    if not os.path.exists(out_folder):

    area_ha = AREA * 100
    LULC = RC.Open_tiff_array(lu_fh)
    geo_out, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(lu_fh)

    fuel_classes = [1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
    fuel_mask = np.zeros(LULC.shape)
    for fc in fuel_classes:
        fuel_mask[np.where(LULC == fc)] = 1

    fuel_fhs_landscape = []
    fuel_fhs_incremental = []

    for d in range(len(ndm_fhs)):
        ndm_fh = ndm_fhs[d]
        fraction_fh = fraction_fhs[d]
        yield_fract = RC.Open_tiff_array(fraction_fh)
        date1 = ndmdates[d]
        year = '%d' % date1.year
        month = '%02d' % date1.month
        #        year = ndm_fh[-14:-10]
        #        month = ndm_fh[-9:-7]
        out_fh_l = out_folder + '\\fuel_prod_landscape_%s_%s.tif' % (year,
        out_fh_i = out_folder + '\\fuel_prod_incremental_%s_%s.tif' % (year,
        NDM = becgis.open_as_array(ndm_fh, nan_values=True)

        NDM_fuel_incremental = NDM * .05 * fuel_mask * yield_fract * area_ha / 1e6
        NDM_fuel_landscape = NDM * .05 * fuel_mask * (
            1 - yield_fract) * area_ha / 1e6
        DC.Save_as_tiff(out_fh_i, NDM_fuel_incremental, geo_out)
        DC.Save_as_tiff(out_fh_l, NDM_fuel_landscape, geo_out)

    return fuel_fhs_landscape, fuel_fhs_incremental
コード例 #3
ファイル: DataAccess.py プロジェクト: DonteRW/watools
def Clip_Dataset(local_filename, Filename_out, latlim, lonlim):

    import watools.General.raster_conversions as RC

    # Open Dataset
    HiHydroSoil_Array = RC.Open_tiff_array(local_filename)

    # Define area
    XID = [
        int(np.floor((180 + lonlim[0]) / 0.00833333)),
        int(np.ceil((180 + lonlim[1]) / 0.00833333))
    YID = [
        int(np.ceil((90 - latlim[1]) / 0.00833333)),
        int(np.floor((90 - latlim[0]) / 0.00833333))

    # Define Georeference
    geo = tuple([
        -180 + 0.00833333 * XID[0], 0.00833333, 0, 90 - 0.00833333 * YID[0], 0,

    # Clip Array
    HiHydroSoil_Array_clipped = HiHydroSoil_Array[YID[0]:YID[1], XID[0]:XID[1]]

    # Save tiff file
    DC.Save_as_tiff(Filename_out, HiHydroSoil_Array_clipped, geo, "WGS84")
コード例 #4
def Download_ALEXI_from_WA_FTP(local_filename, DirFile, filename, lonlim,
                               latlim, yID, xID, TimeStep):
    This function retrieves ALEXI data for a given date from the
    ftp.wateraccounting.unesco-ihe.org server.

    The data and this python file may not be distributed to others without
    permission of the WA+ team due data restriction of the ALEXI developers.

    Keyword arguments:
	local_filename -- name of the temporary file which contains global ALEXI data
    DirFile -- name of the end file with the weekly ALEXI data
    filename -- name of the end file
    lonlim -- [ymin, ymax] (values must be between -60 and 70)
    latlim -- [xmin, xmax] (values must be between -180 and 180)

    # Collect account and FTP information
    username, password = WebAccounts.Accounts(Type='FTP_WA')
    ftpserver = "ftp.wateraccounting.unesco-ihe.org"

    # Download data from FTP
    ftp = FTP(ftpserver)
    ftp.login(username, password)
    if TimeStep is "weekly":
        directory = "/WaterAccounting/Data_Satellite/Evaporation/ALEXI/World/"
    if TimeStep is "daily":
        directory = "/WaterAccounting/Data_Satellite/Evaporation/ALEXI/World_05182018/"
    lf = open(local_filename, "wb")
    ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename, lf.write)

    if TimeStep is "weekly":

        # Open global ALEXI data
        dataset = RC.Open_tiff_array(local_filename)

        # Clip extend out of world data
        data = dataset[yID[0]:yID[1], xID[0]:xID[1]]
        data[data < 0] = -9999

    if TimeStep is "daily":

        DC.Extract_Data_gz(local_filename, os.path.splitext(local_filename)[0])

        raw_data = np.fromfile(os.path.splitext(local_filename)[0],
        dataset = np.flipud(np.resize(raw_data, [3000, 7200]))
        data = dataset[
            xID[0]:xID[1]] / 2.45  # Values are in MJ/m2d so convert to mm/d
        data[data < 0] = -9999

    # make geotiff file
    geo = [lonlim[0], 0.05, 0, latlim[1], 0, -0.05]
    DC.Save_as_tiff(name=DirFile, data=data, geo=geo, projection="WGS84")
コード例 #5
ファイル: Theta_FC.py プロジェクト: CMicha/watools
def Calc_Property(Dir, latlim, lonlim, SL):	

    import watools
    # Define level
    if SL == "sl3":
        level = "Topsoil"
    elif SL == "sl6":
        level = "Subsoil" 
    # check if you need to download
    filename_out_thetasat = os.path.join(Dir, 'SoilGrids', 'Theta_Sat' ,'Theta_Sat2_%s_SoilGrids_kg-kg.tif' %level)
    if not os.path.exists(filename_out_thetasat):
       if SL == "sl3":
           watools.Products.SoilGrids.Theta_Sat2.Topsoil(Dir, latlim, lonlim)
       elif SL == "sl6":
           watools.Products.SoilGrids.Theta_Sat2.Subsoil(Dir, latlim, lonlim)

    filedir_out_thetafc = os.path.join(Dir, 'SoilGrids', 'Theta_FC')
    if not os.path.exists(filedir_out_thetafc):
    # Define theta field capacity output
    filename_out_thetafc = os.path.join(filedir_out_thetafc, 'Theta_FC2_%s_SoilGrids_cm3-cm3.tif' %level)

    if not os.path.exists(filename_out_thetafc):
        # Get info layer
        geo_out, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(filename_out_thetasat)
        # Open dataset
        theta_sat = RC.Open_tiff_array(filename_out_thetasat)
        # Calculate theta field capacity
        theta_FC = np.ones(theta_sat.shape) * -9999   
        theta_FC = np.where(theta_sat < 0.301, 0.042, np.arccosh(theta_sat + 0.7) - 0.32 * (theta_sat + 0.7) + 0.2)        
        # Save as tiff
        DC.Save_as_tiff(filename_out_thetafc, theta_FC, geo_out, proj)

コード例 #6
def split_yield(output_folder, p_fhs, et_blue_fhs, et_green_fhs,
                ab=(1.0, 1.0)):
    Data_Path_split = "split_y"
    out_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, Data_Path_split)
    if not os.path.exists(out_folder):
    sp_yield_fhs = []
    geo_out, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(p_fhs[0])
    for m in range(len(p_fhs)):
        out_fh = out_folder + '\\split_yield' + et_blue_fhs[m][-12:]
        P = RC.Open_tiff_array(p_fhs[m])
        ETBLUE = RC.Open_tiff_array(et_blue_fhs[m])
        ETGREEN = RC.Open_tiff_array(et_green_fhs[m])
        etbfraction = ETBLUE / (ETBLUE + ETGREEN)
        pfraction = P / np.nanmax(P)
        fraction = sh3.split_Yield(pfraction, etbfraction, ab[0], ab[1])
        DC.Save_as_tiff(out_fh, fraction, geo_out)
    return sp_yield_fhs
コード例 #7
def lu_type_sum(data_fh, lu_fh, AREA, lu_dict, convert=None):
    LULC = RC.Open_tiff_array(lu_fh)
    in_data = becgis.open_as_array(data_fh, nan_values=True)
    #    in_data = RC.Open_tiff_array(data_fh)
    if convert == 'mm_to_km3':
        in_data *= AREA / 1e6
    out_data = {}
    for lu_class in list(lu_dict.keys()):
        mask = [LULC == value for value in lu_dict[lu_class]]
        mask = (np.sum(mask, axis=0)).astype(bool)
        out_data[lu_class] = np.nansum(in_data[mask])
    return out_data
コード例 #8
def lapse_rate(Dir, temperature_map, DEMmap):
    This function downscales the GLDAS temperature map by using the DEM map

    Keyword arguments:
    temperature_map -- 'C:/' path to the temperature map
    DEMmap -- 'C:/' path to the DEM map

    # calculate average altitudes corresponding to T resolution
    dest = RC.reproject_dataset_example(DEMmap, temperature_map, method=4)
    DEM_ave_out_name = os.path.join(Dir, 'HydroSHED', 'DEM', 'DEM_ave.tif')
    geo_out, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(temperature_map)
    DEM_ave_data = dest.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
    DC.Save_as_tiff(DEM_ave_out_name, DEM_ave_data, geo_out, proj)
    dest = None

    # determine lapse-rate [degress Celcius per meter]
    lapse_rate_number = 0.0065

    # open maps as numpy arrays
    dest = RC.reproject_dataset_example(DEM_ave_out_name, DEMmap, method=2)
    dem_avg = dest.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
    dem_avg[dem_avg < 0] = 0
    dest = None

    # Open the temperature dataset
    dest = RC.reproject_dataset_example(temperature_map, DEMmap, method=2)
    T = dest.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
    dest = None

    # Open Demmap
    demmap = RC.Open_tiff_array(DEMmap)
    dem_avg[demmap <= 0] = 0
    demmap[demmap == -32768] = np.nan

    # calculate first part
    T = T + ((dem_avg - demmap) * lapse_rate_number)

    return T
コード例 #9
def adjust_P(Dir, pressure_map, DEMmap):
    This function downscales the GLDAS air pressure map by using the DEM map

    Keyword arguments:
    pressure_map -- 'C:/' path to the pressure map
    DEMmap -- 'C:/' path to the DEM map

    # calculate average latitudes
    destDEMave = RC.reproject_dataset_example(DEMmap, pressure_map, method=4)
    DEM_ave_out_name = os.path.join(Dir, 'HydroSHED', 'DEM', 'DEM_ave.tif')
    geo_out, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(pressure_map)
    DEM_ave_data = destDEMave.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
    DC.Save_as_tiff(DEM_ave_out_name, DEM_ave_data, geo_out, proj)

    # open maps as numpy arrays
    dest = RC.reproject_dataset_example(DEM_ave_out_name, DEMmap, method=2)
    dem_avg = dest.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
    dest = None

    # open maps as numpy arrays
    dest = RC.reproject_dataset_example(pressure_map, DEMmap, method=2)
    P = dest.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
    dest = None

    demmap = RC.Open_tiff_array(DEMmap)
    dem_avg[demmap <= 0] = 0
    demmap[demmap == -32768] = np.nan

    # calculate second part
    P = P + (101.3 * ((293 - 0.0065 * (demmap - dem_avg)) / 293)**5.26 - 101.3)


    return P
コード例 #10
def Nearest_Interpolate(Dir_in, Startdate, Enddate, Dir_out=None):
    This functions calculates monthly tiff files based on the daily tiff files.
    (will calculate the total sum)

    Dir_in : str
        Path to the input data
    Startdate : str
        Contains the start date of the model 'yyyy-mm-dd'
    Enddate : str
        Contains the end date of the model 'yyyy-mm-dd'
    Dir_out : str
        Path to the output data, default is same as Dir_in

    # import WA+ modules
    import watools.General.data_conversions as DC
    import watools.General.raster_conversions as RC

    # Change working directory

    # Define end and start date
    Dates = pd.date_range(Startdate, Enddate, freq='MS')

    # Find all monthly files
    files = glob.glob('*daily*.tif')

    # Get array information and define projection
    geo_out, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(files[0])
    if int(proj.split('"')[-2]) == 4326:
        proj = "WGS84"

    # Get the No Data Value
    dest = gdal.Open(files[0])
    NDV = dest.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue()

    # Define output directory
    if Dir_out is None:
	     Dir_out = Dir_in

    if not os.path.exists(Dir_out):

    # loop over the months and sum the days
    for date in Dates:
        Year = date.year
        Month = date.month
        files_one_year = glob.glob('*daily*%d.%02d*.tif' % (Year, Month))

        # Create empty arrays
        Month_data = np.zeros([size_Y, size_X])

        # Get amount of days in month
        Amount_days_in_month = int(calendar.monthrange(Year, Month)[1])

        if len(files_one_year) is not Amount_days_in_month:
            print("One day is missing!!! month %s year %s" %(Month, Year))

        for file_one_year in files_one_year:
            file_path = os.path.join(Dir_in, file_one_year)

            Day_data = RC.Open_tiff_array(file_path)
            Day_data[np.isnan(Day_data)] = 0.0
            Day_data[Day_data == -9999] = 0.0
            Month_data += Day_data

        # Define output name
        output_name = os.path.join(Dir_out, file_one_year
                                   .replace('daily', 'monthly')
                                   .replace('day', 'month'))

        output_name = output_name[:-14] + '%d.%02d.01.tif' % (date.year, date.month)

        # Save tiff file
        DC.Save_as_tiff(output_name, Month_data, geo_out, proj)

コード例 #11
ファイル: DataAccess.py プロジェクト: DonteRW/watools
def Merge_DEM_15s(output_folder_trash, output_file_merged, latlim, lonlim):

    tiff_files = glob.glob('*.tif')
    resolution_geo = []
    lonmin = lonlim[0]
    lonmax = lonlim[1]
    latmin = latlim[0]
    latmax = latlim[1]
    resolution_geo = 0.00416667

    size_x_tot = int(np.round((lonmax - lonmin) / resolution_geo))
    size_y_tot = int(np.round((latmax - latmin) / resolution_geo))

    data_tot = np.ones([size_y_tot, size_x_tot]) * -9999.

    for tiff_file in tiff_files:
        inFile = os.path.join(output_folder_trash, tiff_file)
        geo, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(inFile)
        resolution_geo = geo[1]

        lonmin_one = geo[0]
        lonmax_one = geo[0] + size_X * geo[1]
        latmin_one = geo[3] + size_Y * geo[5]
        latmax_one = geo[3]

        if lonmin_one < lonmin:
            lonmin_clip = lonmin
            lonmin_clip = lonmin_one

        if lonmax_one > lonmax:
            lonmax_clip = lonmax
            lonmax_clip = lonmax_one

        if latmin_one < latmin:
            latmin_clip = latmin
            latmin_clip = latmin_one

        if latmax_one > latmax:
            latmax_clip = latmax
            latmax_clip = latmax_one

        size_x_clip = int(
            np.round((lonmax_clip - lonmin_clip) / resolution_geo))
        size_y_clip = int(
            np.round((latmax_clip - latmin_clip) / resolution_geo))

        inFile = os.path.join(output_folder_trash, tiff_file)
        geo, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(inFile)
        Data = RC.Open_tiff_array(inFile)
        lonmin_tiff = geo[0]
        latmax_tiff = geo[3]
        lon_tiff_position = int(
            np.round((lonmin_clip - lonmin_tiff) / resolution_geo))
        lat_tiff_position = int(
            np.round((latmax_tiff - latmax_clip) / resolution_geo))
        lon_data_tot_position = int(
            np.round((lonmin_clip - lonmin) / resolution_geo))
        lat_data_tot_position = int(
            np.round((latmax - latmax_clip) / resolution_geo))

        Data[Data < -9999.] = -9999.
        data_tot[lat_data_tot_position:lat_data_tot_position + size_y_clip,
                 lon_data_tot_position:lon_data_tot_position +
                     lat_data_tot_position:lat_data_tot_position + size_y_clip,
                     lon_data_tot_position:lon_data_tot_position +
                     size_x_clip] == -9999] = Data[
                         lat_tiff_position:lat_tiff_position + size_y_clip,
                         lon_tiff_position:lon_tiff_position +
                             lat_data_tot_position:lat_data_tot_position +
                             lon_data_tot_position:lon_data_tot_position +
                             size_x_clip] == -9999]

    geo_out = [lonmin, resolution_geo, 0.0, latmax, 0.0, -1 * resolution_geo]
    geo_out = tuple(geo_out)
    data_tot[data_tot < -9999.] = -9999.

    return (data_tot, geo_out)
コード例 #12
ファイル: DataAccess.py プロジェクト: DonteRW/watools
def DownloadData(output_folder, latlim, lonlim, parameter, resolution):
    This function downloads DEM data from HydroSHED

    Keyword arguments:
    output_folder -- directory of the result
	latlim -- [ymin, ymax] (values must be between -50 and 50)
    lonlim -- [xmin, xmax] (values must be between -180 and 180)
    Resample -- 1 = The data will be resampled to 0.001 degree spatial
             -- 0 = The data will have the same pixel size as the data obtained
                    from the internet
    # Define parameter depedent variables
    if parameter == "dir_3s":
        para_name = "DIR"
        unit = "-"
        resolution = '3s'
        parameter = 'dir'

    if parameter == "dem_3s":
        para_name = "DEM"
        unit = "m"
        resolution = '3s'
        parameter = 'dem'

    if parameter == "dir_15s":
        para_name = "DIR"
        unit = "-"
        resolution = '15s'
        parameter = 'dir'

    if parameter == "dem_15s":
        para_name = "DEM"
        unit = "m"
        resolution = '15s'
        parameter = 'dem'

# converts the latlim and lonlim into names of the tiles which must be
# downloaded
    if resolution == '3s':

        name, rangeLon, rangeLat = Find_Document_Names(latlim, lonlim,

        # Memory for the map x and y shape (starts with zero)
        size_X_tot = 0
        size_Y_tot = 0

    if resolution == '15s':
        name = Find_Document_names_15s(latlim, lonlim, parameter, resolution)

    nameResults = []
    # Create a temporary folder for processing
    output_folder_trash = os.path.join(output_folder, "Temp")
    if not os.path.exists(output_folder_trash):

    # Download, extract, and converts all the files to tiff files
    for nameFile in name:

            # Download the data from
            # http://earlywarning.usgs.gov/hydrodata/
            output_file, file_name = Download_Data(nameFile,
                                                   parameter, para_name,

            # extract zip data
            DC.Extract_Data(output_file, output_folder_trash)

            # Converts the data with a adf extention to a tiff extension.
            # The input is the file name and in which directory the data must be stored
            file_name_tiff = file_name.split('.')[0] + '_trans_temporary.tif'
            file_name_extract = file_name.split('_')[0:3]
            if resolution == '3s':
                file_name_extract2 = file_name_extract[
                    0] + '_' + file_name_extract[1]

            if resolution == '15s':
                file_name_extract2 = file_name_extract[
                    0] + '_' + file_name_extract[1] + '_15s'

            input_adf = os.path.join(output_folder_trash, file_name_extract2,
                                     file_name_extract2, 'hdr.adf')
            output_tiff = os.path.join(output_folder_trash, file_name_tiff)

            # convert data from adf to a tiff file
            output_tiff = DC.Convert_adf_to_tiff(input_adf, output_tiff)

            geo_out, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(output_tiff)
            if int(size_X) != int(6000) or int(size_Y) != int(6000):
                data = np.ones((6000, 6000)) * -9999

                # Create the latitude bound
                Vfile = str(nameFile)[1:3]
                SignV = str(nameFile)[0]
                SignVer = 1
                # If the sign before the filename is a south sign than latitude is negative
                if SignV is "s":
                    SignVer = -1
                Bound2 = int(SignVer) * int(Vfile)

                # Create the longitude bound
                Hfile = str(nameFile)[4:7]
                SignH = str(nameFile)[3]
                SignHor = 1
                # If the sign before the filename is a west sign than longitude is negative
                if SignH is "w":
                    SignHor = -1
                Bound1 = int(SignHor) * int(Hfile)

                Expected_X_min = Bound1
                Expected_Y_max = Bound2 + 5

                Xid_start = int(
                    np.round((geo_out[0] - Expected_X_min) / geo_out[1]))
                Xid_end = int(
                        ((geo_out[0] + size_X * geo_out[1]) - Expected_X_min) /
                Yid_start = int(
                    np.round((Expected_Y_max - geo_out[3]) / (-geo_out[5])))
                Yid_end = int(
                    np.round((Expected_Y_max - (geo_out[3] +
                                                (size_Y * geo_out[5]))) /

                     Xid_start:Xid_end] = RC.Open_tiff_array(output_tiff)
                if np.max(data) == 255:
                    data[data == 255] = -9999
                data[data < -9999] = -9999

                geo_in = [
                    Bound1, 0.00083333333333333, 0.0,
                    int(Bound2 + 5), 0.0, -0.0008333333333333333333

                # save chunk as tiff file


            if resolution == '3s':
                # If tile not exist create a replacing zero tile (sea tiles)
                output = nameFile.split('.')[0] + "_trans_temporary.tif"
                output_tiff = os.path.join(output_folder_trash, output)
                file_name = nameFile
                data = np.ones((6000, 6000)) * -9999
                data = data.astype(np.float32)

                # Create the latitude bound
                Vfile = str(file_name)[1:3]
                SignV = str(file_name)[0]
                SignVer = 1
                # If the sign before the filename is a south sign than latitude is negative
                if SignV is "s":
                    SignVer = -1
                Bound2 = int(SignVer) * int(Vfile)

                # Create the longitude bound
                Hfile = str(file_name)[4:7]
                SignH = str(file_name)[3]
                SignHor = 1
                # If the sign before the filename is a west sign than longitude is negative
                if SignH is "w":
                    SignHor = -1
                Bound1 = int(SignHor) * int(Hfile)

                # Geospatial data for the tile
                geo_in = [
                    Bound1, 0.00083333333333333, 0.0,
                    int(Bound2 + 5), 0.0, -0.0008333333333333333333

                # save chunk as tiff file

            if resolution == '15s':

                print('no 15s data is in dataset')

        if resolution == '3s':

            # clip data
            Data, Geo_data = RC.clip_data(output_tiff, latlim, lonlim)
            size_Y_out = int(np.shape(Data)[0])
            size_X_out = int(np.shape(Data)[1])

            # Total size of the product so far
            size_Y_tot = int(size_Y_tot + size_Y_out)
            size_X_tot = int(size_X_tot + size_X_out)

            if nameFile is name[0]:
                Geo_x_end = Geo_data[0]
                Geo_y_end = Geo_data[3]
                Geo_x_end = np.min([Geo_x_end, Geo_data[0]])
                Geo_y_end = np.max([Geo_y_end, Geo_data[3]])

            # create name for chunk
            FileNameEnd = "%s_temporary.tif" % (nameFile)
            nameForEnd = os.path.join(output_folder_trash, FileNameEnd)

            # save chunk as tiff file

    if resolution == '3s':
        #size_X_end = int(size_X_tot) #!
        #size_Y_end = int(size_Y_tot) #!

        size_X_end = int(size_X_tot / len(rangeLat)) + 1  #!
        size_Y_end = int(size_Y_tot / len(rangeLon)) + 1  #!

        # Define the georeference of the end matrix
        geo_out = [Geo_x_end, Geo_data[1], 0, Geo_y_end, 0, Geo_data[5]]

        latlim_out = [geo_out[3] + geo_out[5] * size_Y_end, geo_out[3]]
        lonlim_out = [geo_out[0], geo_out[0] + geo_out[1] * size_X_end]

        # merge chunk together resulting in 1 tiff map
        datasetTot = Merge_DEM(latlim_out, lonlim_out, nameResults, size_Y_end,

        datasetTot[datasetTot < -9999] = -9999

    if resolution == '15s':
        output_file_merged = os.path.join(output_folder_trash, 'merged.tif')
        datasetTot, geo_out = Merge_DEM_15s(output_folder_trash,
                                            output_file_merged, latlim, lonlim)

    # name of the end result
    output_DEM_name = "%s_HydroShed_%s_%s.tif" % (para_name, unit, resolution)

    Save_name = os.path.join(output_folder, output_DEM_name)

    # Make geotiff file

    # Delete the temporary folder
コード例 #13
def main(files_DEM_dir, files_DEM, files_Basin, files_Runoff, files_Extraction, startdate, enddate, input_nc, resolution, Format_DEM_dir, Format_DEM, Format_Basin, Format_Runoff, Format_Extraction):

    # Define a year to get the epsg and geo
    Startdate_timestamp = pd.Timestamp(startdate)
    year = Startdate_timestamp.year

    ############################## Drainage Direction #####################################

    # Open Array DEM dir as netCDF
    if Format_DEM_dir == "NetCDF":
        file_DEM_dir = os.path.join(files_DEM_dir, "%d.nc" %year)
        DataCube_DEM_dir = RC.Open_nc_array(file_DEM_dir, "Drainage_Direction")
        geo_out_example, epsg_example, size_X_example, size_Y_example, size_Z_example, Time_example = RC.Open_nc_info(files_DEM_dir)

        # Create memory file for reprojection
        gland = DC.Save_as_MEM(DataCube_DEM_dir, geo_out_example, epsg_example)
        dataset_example = file_name_DEM_dir = gland

    # Open Array DEM dir as TIFF
    if Format_DEM_dir == "TIFF":
        file_name_DEM_dir = os.path.join(files_DEM_dir,"DIR_HydroShed_-_%s.tif" %resolution)
        DataCube_DEM_dir = RC.Open_tiff_array(file_name_DEM_dir)
        geo_out_example, epsg_example, size_X_example, size_Y_example = RC.Open_array_info(file_name_DEM_dir)
        dataset_example = file_name_DEM_dir

    # Calculate Area per pixel in m2
    import watools.Functions.Start.Area_converter as AC
    DataCube_Area = AC.Degrees_to_m2(file_name_DEM_dir)

    ################################## DEM ##########################################

    # Open Array DEM as netCDF
    if Format_DEM == "NetCDF":
        file_DEM = os.path.join(files_DEM, "%d.nc" %year)
        DataCube_DEM = RC.Open_nc_array(file_DEM, "Elevation")

    # Open Array DEM as TIFF
    if Format_DEM == "TIFF":
        file_name_DEM = os.path.join(files_DEM,"DEM_HydroShed_m_%s.tif" %resolution)
        destDEM = RC.reproject_dataset_example(file_name_DEM, dataset_example, method=1)
        DataCube_DEM = destDEM.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
    ################################ Landuse ##########################################

    # Open Array Basin as netCDF
    if Format_Basin == "NetCDF":
        file_Basin = os.path.join(files_Basin, "%d.nc" %year)
        DataCube_Basin = RC.Open_nc_array(file_Basin, "Landuse")
        geo_out, epsg, size_X, size_Y, size_Z, Time = RC.Open_nc_info(file_Basin, "Landuse")
        dest_basin = DC.Save_as_MEM(DataCube_Basin, geo_out, str(epsg))
        destLU = RC.reproject_dataset_example(dest_basin, dataset_example, method=1)
        DataCube_LU_CR = destLU.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
        DataCube_Basin = np.zeros([size_Y_example, size_X_example])
        DataCube_Basin[DataCube_LU_CR > 0] = 1

    # Open Array Basin as TIFF
    if Format_Basin == "TIFF":
        file_name_Basin = files_Basin
        destLU = RC.reproject_dataset_example(file_name_Basin, dataset_example, method=1)
        DataCube_LU_CR = destLU.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
        DataCube_Basin = np.zeros([size_Y_example, size_X_example])
        DataCube_Basin[DataCube_LU_CR > 0] = 1

    ################################ Surface Runoff ##########################################

    # Open Array runoff as netCDF
    if Format_Runoff == "NetCDF":
        DataCube_Runoff = RC.Open_ncs_array(files_Runoff, "Surface_Runoff", startdate, enddate)
        size_Z_example = DataCube_Runoff.shape[0]
        file_Runoff = os.path.join(files_Runoff, "%d.nc" %year)
        geo_out, epsg, size_X, size_Y, size_Z, Time = RC.Open_nc_info(file_Runoff, "Surface_Runoff")
        DataCube_Runoff_CR = np.ones([size_Z_example, size_Y_example, size_X_example]) * np.nan
        for i in range(0, size_Z):
            DataCube_Runoff_one = DataCube_Runoff[i,:,:]
            dest_Runoff_one = DC.Save_as_MEM(DataCube_Runoff_one, geo_out, str(epsg))
            dest_Runoff = RC.reproject_dataset_example(dest_Runoff_one, dataset_example, method=4)
            DataCube_Runoff_CR[i,:,:] = dest_Runoff.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()

        DataCube_Runoff_CR[:, DataCube_LU_CR == 0] = -9999
        DataCube_Runoff_CR[DataCube_Runoff_CR < 0] = -9999

    # Open Array runoff as TIFF
    if Format_Runoff == "TIFF":
        DataCube_Runoff_CR = RC.Get3Darray_time_series_monthly(files_Runoff, startdate, enddate, Example_data = dataset_example)

    ################################ Surface Withdrawal ##########################################

    # Open Array Extraction as netCDF
    if Format_Extraction == "NetCDF":
        DataCube_Extraction = RC.Open_ncs_array(files_Extraction, "Surface_Withdrawal", startdate, enddate)
        size_Z_example = DataCube_Extraction.shape[0]
        file_Extraction = os.path.join(files_Extraction, "%d.nc" %year)
        geo_out, epsg, size_X, size_Y, size_Z, Time = RC.Open_nc_info(file_Extraction, "Surface_Withdrawal")
        DataCube_Extraction_CR = np.ones([size_Z_example, size_Y_example, size_X_example]) * np.nan
        for i in range(0, size_Z):
            DataCube_Extraction_one = DataCube_Extraction[i,:,:]
            dest_Extraction_one = DC.Save_as_MEM(DataCube_Extraction_one, geo_out, str(epsg))
            dest_Extraction = RC.reproject_dataset_example(dest_Extraction_one, dataset_example, method=4)
            DataCube_Extraction_CR[i,:,:] = dest_Extraction.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()

        DataCube_Extraction_CR[:, DataCube_LU_CR == 0] = -9999
        DataCube_Extraction_CR[DataCube_Extraction_CR < 0] = -9999

    # Open Array Extraction as TIFF
    if Format_Extraction == "TIFF":
        DataCube_Extraction_CR = RC.Get3Darray_time_series_monthly(files_Extraction, startdate, enddate, Example_data = dataset_example)

    ################################ Create input netcdf ##########################################
    # Save data in one NetCDF file
    geo_out_example = np.array(geo_out_example)

    # Latitude and longitude
    lon_ls = np.arange(size_X_example)*geo_out_example[1]+geo_out_example[0] + 0.5 * geo_out_example[1]
    lat_ls = np.arange(size_Y_example)*geo_out_example[5]+geo_out_example[3] - 0.5 * geo_out_example[5]

    lat_n = len(lat_ls)
    lon_n = len(lon_ls)

    # Create NetCDF file
    nc_file = netCDF4.Dataset(input_nc, 'w')

    # Create dimensions
    lat_dim = nc_file.createDimension('latitude', lat_n)
    lon_dim = nc_file.createDimension('longitude', lon_n)

    # Create NetCDF variables
    crso = nc_file.createVariable('crs', 'i4')
    crso.long_name = 'Lon/Lat Coords in WGS84'
    crso.standard_name = 'crs'
    crso.grid_mapping_name = 'latitude_longitude'
    crso.projection = epsg_example
    crso.longitude_of_prime_meridian = 0.0
    crso.semi_major_axis = 6378137.0
    crso.inverse_flattening = 298.257223563
    crso.geo_reference = geo_out_example

    lat_var = nc_file.createVariable('latitude', 'f8', ('latitude',))
    lat_var.units = 'degrees_north'
    lat_var.standard_name = 'latitude'
    lat_var.pixel_size = geo_out_example[5]

    lon_var = nc_file.createVariable('longitude', 'f8', ('longitude',))
    lon_var.units = 'degrees_east'
    lon_var.standard_name = 'longitude'
    lon_var.pixel_size = geo_out_example[1]

    Dates = pd.date_range(startdate,enddate,freq = 'MS')
    i = 0
    for Date in Dates:
        time_or[i] = Date.toordinal()
        i += 1
    nc_file.createDimension('time', None)
    timeo = nc_file.createVariable('time', 'f4', ('time',))
    timeo.units = 'Monthly'
    timeo.standard_name = 'time'

    # Variables
    demdir_var = nc_file.createVariable('demdir', 'i',
                                           ('latitude', 'longitude'),
    demdir_var.long_name = 'Flow Direction Map'
    demdir_var.grid_mapping = 'crs'

    dem_var = nc_file.createVariable('dem', 'f8',
                                           ('latitude', 'longitude'),
    dem_var.long_name = 'Altitude'
    dem_var.units = 'meters'
    dem_var.grid_mapping = 'crs'

    basin_var = nc_file.createVariable('basin', 'i',
                                           ('latitude', 'longitude'),
    basin_var.long_name = 'Altitude'
    basin_var.units = 'meters'
    basin_var.grid_mapping = 'crs'

    area_var = nc_file.createVariable('area', 'f8',
                                           ('latitude', 'longitude'),
    area_var.long_name = 'area in squared meters'
    area_var.units = 'squared_meters'
    area_var.grid_mapping = 'crs'

    runoff_var = nc_file.createVariable('Runoff_M', 'f8',
                                   ('time', 'latitude', 'longitude'),
    runoff_var.long_name = 'Runoff'
    runoff_var.units = 'm3/month'
    runoff_var.grid_mapping = 'crs'

    extraction_var = nc_file.createVariable('Extraction_M', 'f8',
                                    ('time', 'latitude', 'longitude'),
    extraction_var.long_name = 'Surface water Extraction'
    extraction_var.units = 'm3/month'
    extraction_var.grid_mapping = 'crs'

    # Load data
    lat_var[:] = lat_ls
    lon_var[:] = lon_ls
    timeo[:] = time_or

    # Static variables
    demdir_var[:, :] = DataCube_DEM_dir[:, :]
    dem_var[:, :] = DataCube_DEM[:, :]
    basin_var[:, :] = DataCube_Basin[:, :]
    area_var[:, :] = DataCube_Area[:, :]
    for i in range(len(Dates)):
        runoff_var[i,:,:] = DataCube_Runoff_CR[i,:,:]
    for i in range(len(Dates)):
        extraction_var[i,:,:] = DataCube_Extraction_CR[i,:,:]

    # Close file
コード例 #14
def main(Dir,
         latlim=[-50, 50],
         lonlim=[-180, 180],
    This function downloads RFE V2.0 (monthly) data

    Keyword arguments:
    Dir -- 'C:/file/to/path/'
    Startdate -- 'yyyy-mm-dd'
    Enddate -- 'yyyy-mm-dd'
    latlim -- [ymin, ymax] (values must be between -50 and 50)
    lonlim -- [xmin, xmax] (values must be between -180 and 180)
    cores -- The number of cores used to run the routine.
             It can be 'False' to avoid using parallel computing
    Waitbar -- 1 (Default) will print a waitbar
    # Download data
    print('\nDownload monthly RFE precipitation data for period %s till %s' %
          (Startdate, Enddate))

    # Check variables
    if not Startdate:
        Startdate = pd.Timestamp('2001-01-01')
    if not Enddate:
        Enddate = pd.Timestamp('Now')
    Dates = pd.date_range(Startdate, Enddate, freq='MS')

    # Make directory
    output_folder = os.path.join(Dir, 'Precipitation', 'RFE', 'Monthly/')
    if not os.path.exists(output_folder):

    # Create Waitbar
    if Waitbar == 1:
        import watools.Functions.Start.WaitbarConsole as WaitbarConsole
        total_amount = len(Dates)
        amount = 0

    for Date in Dates:
        month = Date.month
        year = Date.year
        end_day = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]
        Startdate_one_month = '%s-%02s-01' % (year, month)
        Enddate_one_month = '%s-%02s-%02s' % (year, month, end_day)

        DownloadData(Dir, Startdate_one_month, Enddate_one_month, latlim,
                     lonlim, 0, cores)

        Dates_daily = pd.date_range(Startdate_one_month,

        # Make directory
        input_folder_daily = os.path.join(Dir, 'Precipitation', 'RFE',
        i = 0

        for Date_daily in Dates_daily:
            file_name = 'P_RFE.v2.0_mm-day-1_daily_%s.%02s.%02s.tif' % (
                Date_daily.strftime('%Y'), Date_daily.strftime('%m'),
            file_name_daily_path = os.path.join(input_folder_daily, file_name)
            if os.path.exists(file_name_daily_path):
                if Date_daily == Dates_daily[i]:
                    Raster_monthly = RC.Open_tiff_array(file_name_daily_path)
                    Raster_monthly += RC.Open_tiff_array(file_name_daily_path)
                if Date_daily == Dates_daily[i]:
                    i += 1

        geo_out, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(
        file_name = 'P_RFE.v2.0_mm-month-1_monthly_%s.%02s.01.tif' % (
            Date.strftime('%Y'), Date.strftime('%m'))
        file_name_output = os.path.join(output_folder, file_name)

        if Waitbar == 1:
            amount += 1
コード例 #15
def CollectLANDSAF(SourceLANDSAF, Dir, Startdate, Enddate, latlim, lonlim):
    This function collects and clip LANDSAF data

    Keyword arguments:
    SourceLANDSAF -- 'C:/'  path to the LANDSAF source data (The directory includes SIS and SID)
    Dir -- 'C:/' path to the WA map
    Startdate -- 'yyyy-mm-dd'
    Enddate -- 'yyyy-mm-dd'
    latlim -- [ymin, ymax] (values must be between -60 and 60)
    lonlim -- [xmin, xmax] (values must be between -180 and 180)

    # Make an array of the days of which the ET is taken
    Dates = pd.date_range(Startdate, Enddate, freq='D')

    # make directories
    SISdir = os.path.join(Dir, 'Landsaf_Clipped', 'SIS')
    if os.path.exists(SISdir) is False:

    SIDdir = os.path.join(Dir, 'Landsaf_Clipped', 'SID')
    if os.path.exists(SIDdir) is False:

                   Dates=[Startdate, Enddate])
    DEMmap_str = os.path.join(Dir, 'HydroSHED', 'DEM',
    geo_out, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(DEMmap_str)

    # Open DEM map
    demmap = RC.Open_tiff_array(DEMmap_str)
    demmap[demmap < 0] = 0

    # make lat and lon arrays)
    dlat = geo_out[5]
    dlon = geo_out[1]
    lat = geo_out[3] + (np.arange(size_Y) + 0.5) * dlat
    lon = geo_out[0] + (np.arange(size_X) + 0.5) * dlon

    for date in Dates:
        # day of year
        day = date.dayofyear
        Horizontal, Sloping, sinb, sinb_hor, fi, slope, ID = SlopeInfluence(
            demmap, lat, lon, day)

        SIDname = os.path.join(
            SIDdir, 'SAF_SID_Daily_W-m2_' + date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '.tif')
        SISname = os.path.join(
            SISdir, 'SAF_SIS_Daily_W-m2_' + date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '.tif')

        SIDdest = RC.reproject_dataset_example(SIDname, DEMmap_str, method=3)
        SIDdata = SIDdest.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()

        SISdest = RC.reproject_dataset_example(SISname, DEMmap_str, method=3)
        SISdata = SISdest.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()

        # Calculate ShortWave net
        Short_Wave_Net = SIDdata * (Sloping /
                                    Horizontal) + SISdata * 86400 / 1e6

        # Calculate ShortWave Clear
        Short_Wave = Sloping
        Short_Wave_Clear = Short_Wave * (0.75 + demmap * 2 * 10**-5)

        # make directories
        PathClear = os.path.join(Dir, 'Landsaf_Clipped', 'Shortwave_Clear_Sky')
        if os.path.exists(PathClear) is False:

        PathNet = os.path.join(Dir, 'Landsaf_Clipped', 'Shortwave_Net')
        if os.path.exists(PathNet) is False:

        # name Shortwave Clear and Net
        nameFileNet = 'ShortWave_Net_Daily_W-m2_' + date.strftime(
            '%Y-%m-%d') + '.tif'
        nameNet = os.path.join(PathNet, nameFileNet)

        nameFileClear = 'ShortWave_Clear_Daily_W-m2_' + date.strftime(
            '%Y-%m-%d') + '.tif'
        nameClear = os.path.join(PathClear, nameFileClear)

        # Save net and clear short wave radiation
        DC.Save_as_tiff(nameNet, Short_Wave_Net, geo_out, proj)
        DC.Save_as_tiff(nameClear, Short_Wave_Clear, geo_out, proj)
コード例 #16
ファイル: Part3_Reservoirs.py プロジェクト: CMicha/watools
def Calc_Regions(input_nc, output_nc, input_JRC, Boundaries):

    import numpy as np
    import watools.General.raster_conversions as RC

    sensitivity = 700  # 900 is less sensitive 1 is very sensitive

    # Get JRC array and information
    Array_JRC_occ = RC.Open_tiff_array(input_JRC)
    Geo_out, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(input_JRC)

    # Get Basin boundary based on LU
    Array_LU = RC.Open_nc_array(input_nc, "basin")
    LU_array = RC.resize_array_example(Array_LU, Array_JRC_occ)
    basin_array = np.zeros(np.shape(LU_array))
    basin_array[LU_array > 0] = 1
    del LU_array

    # find all pixels with water occurence
    Array_JRC_occ[basin_array < 1] = 0
    Array_JRC_occ[Array_JRC_occ < 30] = 0
    Array_JRC_occ[Array_JRC_occ >= 30] = 1
    del basin_array

    # sum larger areas to find lakes
    x_size = np.round(int(np.shape(Array_JRC_occ)[0]) / 30)
    y_size = np.round(int(np.shape(Array_JRC_occ)[1]) / 30)
    sum_array = np.zeros([x_size, y_size])

    for i in range(0, len(sum_array)):
        for j in range(0, len(sum_array[1])):
            sum_array[i, j] = np.sum(Array_JRC_occ[i * 30:(i + 1) * 30,
                                                   j * 30:(j + 1) * 30])

    del Array_JRC_occ

    lakes = np.argwhere(sum_array >= sensitivity)
    lake_info = np.zeros([1, 4])

    i = 0
    k = 1

    # find all neighboring pixels
    for lake in lakes:
        added = 0
        for j in range(0, k):
            if (lake[0] >= lake_info[j, 0] and lake[0] <= lake_info[j, 1]
                    and lake[1] >= lake_info[j, 2]
                    and lake[1] <= lake_info[j, 3]):
                lake_info[j, 0] = np.maximum(
                    np.minimum(lake_info[j, 0], lake[0] - 8), 0)
                lake_info[j, 1] = np.minimum(
                    np.maximum(lake_info[j, 1], lake[0] + 8), x_size)
                lake_info[j, 2] = np.maximum(
                    np.minimum(lake_info[j, 2], lake[1] - 8), 0)
                lake_info[j, 3] = np.minimum(
                    np.maximum(lake_info[j, 3], lake[1] + 8), y_size)
                added = 1

        if added == 0:
            lake_info_one = np.zeros([4])
            lake_info_one[0] = np.maximum(0, lake[0] - 8)
            lake_info_one[1] = np.minimum(x_size, lake[0] + 8)
            lake_info_one[2] = np.maximum(0, lake[1] - 8)
            lake_info_one[3] = np.minimum(y_size, lake[1] + 8)
            lake_info = np.append(lake_info, lake_info_one)
            lake_info = np.resize(lake_info, (k + 1, 4))
            k += 1

    # merge all overlaping regions
    p = 0
    lake_info_end = np.zeros([1, 4])

    for i in range(1, k):
        added = 0
        lake_info_one = lake_info[i, :]
        lake_y_region = list(
            range(int(lake_info_one[0]), int(lake_info_one[1] + 1)))
        lake_x_region = list(
            range(int(lake_info_one[2]), int(lake_info_one[3] + 1)))

        for j in range(0, p + 1):
            if len(lake_y_region) + len(
                        range(int(lake_info_end[j, 0]),
                              int(lake_info_end[j, 1] + 1)))
            ) is not len(
                                range(int(lake_info_end[j, 0]),
                                      int(lake_info_end[j, 1] + 1)))))
            ) and len(lake_x_region) + len(
                        range(int(lake_info_end[j, 2]),
                              int(lake_info_end[j, 3] + 1)))) is not len(
                                                  int(lake_info_end[j, 2]),
                                                  int(lake_info_end[j, 3] +
                lake_info_end[j, 0] = np.min(
                                range(int(lake_info_end[j, 0]),
                                      int(lake_info_end[j, 1] + 1))))))
                lake_info_end[j, 1] = np.max(
                                range(int(lake_info_end[j, 0]),
                                      int(lake_info_end[j, 1] + 1))))))
                lake_info_end[j, 2] = np.min(
                                range(int(lake_info_end[j, 2]),
                                      int(lake_info_end[j, 3] + 1))))))
                lake_info_end[j, 3] = np.max(
                                range(int(lake_info_end[j, 2]),
                                      int(lake_info_end[j, 3] + 1))))))
                added = 1

        if added == 0:
            lake_info_one = lake_info[i, :]
            lake_info_end = np.append(lake_info_end, lake_info_one)
            lake_info_end = np.resize(lake_info_end, (p + 2, 4))

            p += 1

    # calculate the area
    Regions = np.zeros([p, 4])
    pixel_x_size = Geo_out[1] * 30
    pixel_y_size = Geo_out[5] * 30
    for region in range(1, p + 1):
        Regions[region - 1,
                0] = Geo_out[0] + pixel_x_size * lake_info_end[region, 2]
        Regions[region - 1,
                1] = Geo_out[0] + pixel_x_size * (lake_info_end[region, 3] + 1)
        Regions[region - 1,
                2] = Geo_out[3] + pixel_y_size * (lake_info_end[region, 1] + 1)
        Regions[region - 1,
                3] = Geo_out[3] + pixel_y_size * lake_info_end[region, 0]

    return (Regions)
コード例 #17
ファイル: Rainy_Days.py プロジェクト: CMicha/watools
def Calc_Rainy_Days(Dir_Basin, Data_Path_P, Startdate, Enddate):
    This functions calculates the amount of rainy days based on daily precipitation data.

    Dir_Basin : str
        Path to all the output data of the Basin
    Data_Path_P : str
        Path to the daily rainfall data
    Startdate : str
        Contains the start date of the model 'yyyy-mm-dd'
    Enddate : str
        Contains the end date of the model 'yyyy-mm-dd'

    Data_Path_RD : str
        Path from the Dir_Basin to the rainy days data

    # import WA+ modules
    import watools.General.data_conversions as DC
    import watools.General.raster_conversions as RC

    # Create an output directory to store the rainy days tiffs
    Data_Path_RD = os.path.join(Dir_Basin, 'Rainy_Days')
    if not os.path.exists(Data_Path_RD):

    # Define the dates that must be created
    Dates = pd.date_range(Startdate, Enddate, freq ='MS')

    # Set working directory to the rainfall folder

    # Open all the daily data and store the data in a 3D array
    for Date in Dates:
        # Define the year and month and amount of days in month
        year = Date.year
        month = Date.month
        daysinmonth = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]

        # Set the third (time) dimension of array starting at 0
        i = 0

        # Find all files of that month
        files = glob.glob('*daily_%d.%02d.*.tif' %(year, month))

        # Check if the amount of files corresponds with the amount of days in month
        if len(files) is not daysinmonth:
            print('ERROR: Not all Rainfall days for month %d and year %d are downloaded'  %(month, year))

        # Loop over the days and store data in raster
        for File in files:
            dir_file = os.path.join(Data_Path_P, File)

            # Get array information and create empty numpy array for daily rainfall when looping the first file
            if File == files[0]:

                # Open geolocation info and define projection
                geo_out, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(dir_file)
                if int(proj.split('"')[-2]) == 4326:
                    proj = "WGS84"

                # Create empty array for the whole month
                P_Daily = np.zeros([daysinmonth,size_Y, size_X])

            # Open data and put the data in 3D array
            Data = RC.Open_tiff_array(dir_file)

            # Remove the weird numbers
            Data[Data<0] = 0

            # Add the precipitation to the monthly cube
            P_Daily[i, :, :] = Data
            i += 1

        # Define a rainy day
        P_Daily[P_Daily > 0.201] = 1
        P_Daily[P_Daily != 1] = 0

        # Sum the amount of rainy days
        RD_one_month = np.nansum(P_Daily,0)

        # Define output name
        Outname = os.path.join(Data_Path_RD, 'Rainy_Days_NumOfDays_monthly_%d.%02d.01.tif' %(year, month))

        # Save tiff file
        DC.Save_as_tiff(Outname, RD_one_month, geo_out, proj)

コード例 #18
def NPP_GPP_Based(Dir_Basin, Data_Path_GPP, Data_Path_NPP, Startdate, Enddate):
    This functions calculated monthly NDM based on the yearly NPP and monthly GPP.

    Dir_Basin : str
        Path to all the output data of the Basin
    Data_Path_GPP : str
        Path from the Dir_Basin to the GPP data
    Data_Path_NPP : str
        Path from the Dir_Basin to the NPP data
    Startdate : str
        Contains the start date of the model 'yyyy-mm-dd'
    Enddate : str
        Contains the end date of the model 'yyyy-mm-dd'
    Simulation : int
        Defines the simulation

    Data_Path_NDM : str
        Path from the Dir_Basin to the normalized dry matter data

    # import WA+ modules
    import watools.General.data_conversions as DC
    import watools.General.raster_conversions as RC

    # Define output folder for Normalized Dry Matter
    Data_Path_NDM = os.path.join(Dir_Basin, "NDM")
    if not os.path.exists(Data_Path_NDM):

    # Define monthly time steps that will be created
    Dates = pd.date_range(Startdate, Enddate, freq='MS')

    # Define the years that will be calculated
    Year_Start = int(Startdate[0:4])
    Year_End = int(Enddate[0:4])
    Years = list(range(Year_Start, Year_End + 1))

    # Loop over the years
    for year in Years:

        # Change working directory to the NPP folder

        # Open yearly NPP data
        yearly_NPP_File = glob.glob('*yearly*%d.01.01.tif' % int(year))[0]
        Yearly_NPP = RC.Open_tiff_array(yearly_NPP_File)

        # Get the No Data Value of the NPP file
        dest = gdal.Open(yearly_NPP_File)
        NDV = dest.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue()

        # Set the No Data Value to Nan
        Yearly_NPP[Yearly_NPP == NDV] = np.nan

        # Change working directory to the GPP folder

        # Find all the monthly files of that year
        monthly_GPP_Files = glob.glob('*monthly*%d.*.01.tif' % int(year))

        # Check if it are 12 files otherwise something is wrong and send the ERROR
        if not len(monthly_GPP_Files) == 12:
            print('ERROR: Some monthly GPP Files are missing')

        # Get the projection information of the GPP inputs
        geo_out, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(
        geo_out_NPP, proj_NPP, size_X_NPP, size_Y_NPP = RC.Open_array_info(
            os.path.join(Data_Path_NPP, yearly_NPP_File))

        if int(proj.split('"')[-2]) == 4326:
            proj = "WGS84"

        # Get the No Data Value of the GPP files
        dest = gdal.Open(monthly_GPP_Files[0])
        NDV = dest.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue()

        # Create a empty numpy array
        Yearly_GPP = np.zeros([size_Y, size_X])

        # Calculte the total yearly GPP
        for monthly_GPP_File in monthly_GPP_Files:

            # Open array
            Data = RC.Open_tiff_array(monthly_GPP_File)

            # Remove nan values
            Data[Data == NDV] = np.nan
            Data[np.isnan(Data)] = 0
            # Add data to yearly sum
            Yearly_GPP += Data

        # Check if size is the same of NPP and GPP otherwise resize
        if not (size_X_NPP == size_X and size_Y_NPP == size_Y):
            Yearly_NPP = RC.resize_array_example(Yearly_NPP, Yearly_GPP)

        # Loop over the monthly dates
        for Date in Dates:

            # If the Date is in the same year as the yearly NPP and GPP
            if Date.year == year:

                # Create empty GPP array
                monthly_GPP = np.ones([size_Y, size_X]) * np.nan

                # Get current month
                month = Date.month

                # Get the GPP file of the current year and month
                monthly_GPP_File = glob.glob('*monthly_%d.%02d.01.tif' %
                                             (int(year), int(month)))[0]
                monthly_GPP = RC.Open_tiff_array(monthly_GPP_File)
                monthly_GPP[monthly_GPP == NDV] = np.nan

                # Calculate the NDM based on the monthly and yearly NPP and GPP (fraction of GPP)
                Monthly_NDM = Yearly_NPP * monthly_GPP / Yearly_GPP * (
                    30. / 12.) * 10000  # kg/ha

                # Define output name
                output_name = os.path.join(
                    Data_Path_NDM, 'NDM_MOD17_kg_ha-1_monthly_%d.%02d.01.tif' %
                    (int(year), int(month)))

                # Save the NDM as tiff file
                DC.Save_as_tiff(output_name, Monthly_NDM, geo_out, proj)

    return (Data_Path_NDM)
コード例 #19
def RetrieveData(Date, args):
    This function retrieves RFE data for a given date from the
    ftp://disc2.nascom.nasa.gov server.

    Keyword arguments:
    Date -- 'yyyy-mm-dd'
    args -- A list of parameters defined in the DownloadData function.
    # Argument
    [output_folder, lonlim, latlim, xID, yID] = args

    # Create https
    DirFile = os.path.join(
        output_folder, 'P_RFE.v2.0_mm-day-1_daily_%s.%02s.%02s.tif' %
        (Date.strftime('%Y'), Date.strftime('%m'), Date.strftime('%d')))

    if not os.path.isfile(DirFile):
        # open ftp server
        ftp = FTP("ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov", "", "")

        # Define FTP path to directory
        pathFTP = 'fews/fewsdata/africa/rfe2/geotiff/'

        # find the document name in this directory
        listing = []

        # read all the file names in the directory
        ftp.retrlines("LIST", listing.append)

        # create all the input name (filename) and output (outfilename, filetif, DiFileEnd) names
        filename = 'africa_rfe.%s%02s%02s.tif.zip' % (
            Date.strftime('%Y'), Date.strftime('%m'), Date.strftime('%d'))
        outfilename = os.path.join(
            output_folder, 'africa_rfe.%s%02s%02s.tif' %
            (Date.strftime('%Y'), Date.strftime('%m'), Date.strftime('%d')))

            local_filename = os.path.join(output_folder, filename)
            lf = open(local_filename, "wb")
            ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename, lf.write)

            # unzip the file
            zip_filename = os.path.join(output_folder, filename)
            DC.Extract_Data(zip_filename, output_folder)

            # open tiff file
            dataset = RC.Open_tiff_array(outfilename)

            # clip dataset to the given extent
            data = dataset[yID[0]:yID[1], xID[0]:xID[1]]
            data[data < 0] = -9999

            # save dataset as geotiff file
            latlim_adj = 40.05 - 0.1 * yID[0]
            lonlim_adj = -20.05 + 0.1 * xID[0]
            geo = [lonlim_adj, 0.1, 0, latlim_adj, 0, -0.1]

            # delete old tif file

            print("file not exists")

    return True
コード例 #20
def slope_correct(down_short_hor, pressure, ea, DEMmap, DOY):
    This function downscales the CFSR solar radiation by using the DEM map
    The Slope correction is based on Allen et al. (2006)
    'Analytical integrated functions for daily solar radiation on slope'

    Keyword arguments:
    down_short_hor -- numpy array with the horizontal downwards shortwave radiation
    pressure -- numpy array with the air pressure
    ea -- numpy array with the actual vapour pressure
    DEMmap -- 'C:/' path to the DEM map
    DOY -- day of the year

    # Get Geo Info
    GeoT, Projection, xsize, ysize = RC.Open_array_info(DEMmap)

    minx = GeoT[0]
    miny = GeoT[3] + xsize * GeoT[4] + ysize * GeoT[5]

    x = np.flipud(np.arange(xsize) * GeoT[1] + minx + GeoT[1] / 2)
    y = np.flipud(np.arange(ysize) * -GeoT[5] + miny + -GeoT[5] / 2)

    # Calculate Extraterrestrial Solar Radiation [W m-2]
    demmap = RC.Open_tiff_array(DEMmap)
    demmap[demmap < 0] = 0

    # apply the slope correction
    Ra_hor, Ra_slp, sinb, sinb_hor, fi, slope, ID = SlopeInfluence(
        demmap, y, x, DOY)

    # Calculate atmospheric transmissivity
    Rs_hor = down_short_hor

    # EQ 39
    tau = Rs_hor / Ra_hor

    #EQ 41
    KB_hor = np.zeros(tau.shape) * np.nan

    indice = np.where(tau.flat >= 0.42)
    KB_hor.flat[indice] = 1.56 * tau.flat[indice] - 0.55

    indice = np.logical_and(tau.flat > 0.175, tau.flat < 0.42)
    KB_hor.flat[indice] = 0.022 - 0.280 * tau.flat[indice] + 0.828 * tau.flat[
        indice]**2 + 0.765 * tau.flat[indice]**3

    indice = np.where(tau.flat <= 0.175)
    KB_hor.flat[indice] = 0.016 * tau.flat[indice]

    # EQ 42
    KD_hor = tau - KB_hor

    Kt = 0.7

    #EQ 18
    W = 0.14 * ea * pressure + 2.1

    KB0 = 0.98 * np.exp((-0.00146 * pressure / Kt / sinb) - 0.075 *
                        (W / sinb)**0.4)
    KB0_hor = 0.98 * np.exp((-0.00146 * pressure / Kt / sinb_hor) - 0.075 *
                            (W / sinb_hor)**0.4)

    #EQ 34
    fB = KB0 / KB0_hor * Ra_slp / Ra_hor
    fia = (1 - KB_hor) * (
        1 + (KB_hor /
             (KB_hor + KD_hor))**0.5 * np.sin(slope / 2)**3) * fi + fB * KB_hor

    Rs = Rs_hor * (fB * (KB_hor / tau) + fia * (KD_hor / tau) + 0.23 *
                   (1 - fi))

    Rs[np.isnan(Rs)] = Rs_hor[np.isnan(Rs)]

    Rs_equiv = Rs / np.cos(slope)

    bias = np.nansum(Rs_hor) / np.nansum(Rs_equiv)

    return Rs_equiv, tau, bias
コード例 #21
ファイル: DataAccess.py プロジェクト: wateraccounting/watools
def RetrieveData(Date, args):
    This function retrieves CHIRPS data for a given date from the
    ftp://chg-ftpout.geog.ucsb.edu server.

    Keyword arguments:
    Date -- 'yyyy-mm-dd'
    args -- A list of parameters defined in the DownloadData function.
    # Argument
    [output_folder, TimeCase, xID, yID, lonlim, latlim] = args

    # open ftp server
    ftp = FTP("chg-ftpout.geog.ucsb.edu", "", "")

    # Define FTP path to directory
    if TimeCase == 'daily':
        pathFTP = 'pub/org/chg/products/CHIRPS-2.0/global_daily/tifs/p05/%s/' % Date.strftime(
    elif TimeCase == 'monthly':
        pathFTP = 'pub/org/chg/products/CHIRPS-2.0/global_monthly/tifs/'
        raise KeyError("The input time interval is not supported")

    # find the document name in this directory
    listing = []

    # read all the file names in the directory
    ftp.retrlines("LIST", listing.append)

    # create all the input name (filename) and output (outfilename, filetif, DiFileEnd) names
    if TimeCase == 'daily':
        filename = 'chirps-v2.0.%s.%02s.%02s.tif.gz' % (
            Date.strftime('%Y'), Date.strftime('%m'), Date.strftime('%d'))
        outfilename = os.path.join(
            output_folder, 'chirps-v2.0.%s.%02s.%02s.tif' %
            (Date.strftime('%Y'), Date.strftime('%m'), Date.strftime('%d')))
        DirFileEnd = os.path.join(
            output_folder, 'P_CHIRPS.v2.0_mm-day-1_daily_%s.%02s.%02s.tif' %
            (Date.strftime('%Y'), Date.strftime('%m'), Date.strftime('%d')))
    elif TimeCase == 'monthly':
        filename = 'chirps-v2.0.%s.%02s.tif.gz' % (Date.strftime('%Y'),
        outfilename = os.path.join(
            output_folder, 'chirps-v2.0.%s.%02s.tif' %
            (Date.strftime('%Y'), Date.strftime('%m')))
        DirFileEnd = os.path.join(
            'P_CHIRPS.v2.0_mm-month-1_monthly_%s.%02s.%02s.tif' %
            (Date.strftime('%Y'), Date.strftime('%m'), Date.strftime('%d')))
        raise KeyError("The input time interval is not supported")

    # download the global rainfall file
        local_filename = os.path.join(output_folder, filename)
        lf = open(local_filename, "wb")
        ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename, lf.write, 8192)

        # unzip the file
        zip_filename = os.path.join(output_folder, filename)
        DC.Extract_Data_gz(zip_filename, outfilename)

        # open tiff file
        dataset = RC.Open_tiff_array(outfilename)

        # clip dataset to the given extent
        data = dataset[yID[0]:yID[1], xID[0]:xID[1]]
        data[data < 0] = -9999

        # save dataset as geotiff file
        geo = [lonlim[0], 0.05, 0, latlim[1], 0, -0.05]

        # delete old tif file

        print("file not exists")
    return True
コード例 #22
def Nearest_Interpolate(Dir_in, Startdate, Enddate, Dir_out=None):
    This functions calculates monthly tiff files based on the 16 daily tiff files. (will calculate the average)

    Dir_in : str
        Path to the input data
    Startdate : str
        Contains the start date of the model 'yyyy-mm-dd'
    Enddate : str
        Contains the end date of the model 'yyyy-mm-dd'
    Dir_out : str
        Path to the output data, default is same as Dir_in

    # import WA+ modules
    import watools.General.data_conversions as DC
    import watools.General.raster_conversions as RC

    # Change working directory

    # Find all eight daily files
    files = glob.glob('*16-daily*.tif')

    # Create array with filename and keys (DOY and year) of all the 8 daily files
    i = 0
    DOY_Year = np.zeros([len(files), 3])
    for File in files:

        # Get the time characteristics from the filename
        year = File.split('.')[-4][-4:]
        month = File.split('.')[-3]
        day = File.split('.')[-2]

        # Create pandas Timestamp
        date_file = '%s-%02s-%02s' % (year, month, day)
        Datum = pd.Timestamp(date_file)

        # Get day of year
        DOY = Datum.strftime('%j')

        # Save data in array
        DOY_Year[i, 0] = i
        DOY_Year[i, 1] = DOY
        DOY_Year[i, 2] = year

        # Loop over files
        i += 1

    # Check enddate:
    Enddate_split = Enddate.split('-')
    month_range = calendar.monthrange(int(Enddate_split[0]),
    Enddate = '%d-%02d-%02d' % (int(Enddate_split[0]), int(
        Enddate_split[1]), month_range)

    # Check startdate:
    Startdate_split = Startdate.split('-')
    Startdate = '%d-%02d-01' % (int(Startdate_split[0]), int(

    # Define end and start date
    Dates = pd.date_range(Startdate, Enddate, freq='MS')
    DatesEnd = pd.date_range(Startdate, Enddate, freq='M')

    # Get array information and define projection
    geo_out, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(files[0])
    if int(proj.split('"')[-2]) == 4326:
        proj = "WGS84"

    # Get the No Data Value
    dest = gdal.Open(files[0])
    NDV = dest.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue()

    # Loop over months and create monthly tiff files
    i = 0
    for date in Dates:
        # Get Start and end DOY of the current month
        DOY_month_start = date.strftime('%j')
        DOY_month_end = DatesEnd[i].strftime('%j')

        # Search for the files that are between those DOYs
        year = date.year
        DOYs = DOY_Year[DOY_Year[:, 2] == year]
        DOYs_oneMonth = DOYs[np.logical_and(
            (DOYs[:, 1] + 16) >= int(DOY_month_start),
            DOYs[:, 1] <= int(DOY_month_end))]

        # Create empty arrays
        Monthly = np.zeros([size_Y, size_X])
        Weight_tot = np.zeros([size_Y, size_X])
        Data_one_month = np.ones([size_Y, size_X]) * np.nan

        # Loop over the files that are within the DOYs
        for EightDays in DOYs_oneMonth[:, 1]:

            # Calculate the amount of days in this month of each file
            Weight = np.ones([size_Y, size_X])

            # For start of month
            if np.min(DOYs_oneMonth[:, 1]) == EightDays:
                Weight = Weight * int(EightDays + 16 - int(DOY_month_start))

            # For end of month
            elif np.max(DOYs_oneMonth[:, 1]) == EightDays:
                Weight = Weight * (int(DOY_month_end) - EightDays + 1)

            # For the middle of the month
                Weight = Weight * 16

            row = DOYs_oneMonth[np.argwhere(
                DOYs_oneMonth[:, 1] == EightDays)[0][0], :][0]

            # Open the array of current file
            input_name = os.path.join(Dir_in, files[int(row)])
            Data = RC.Open_tiff_array(input_name)

            # Remove NDV
            Weight[Data == NDV] = 0
            Data[Data == NDV] = np.nan

            # Multiply weight time data (per day)
            Data = Data * Weight

            # Calculate the total weight and data
            Weight_tot += Weight
            Monthly[~np.isnan(Data)] += Data[~np.isnan(Data)]

        # Go to next month
        i += 1

        # Calculate the average
        Data_one_month[Weight_tot != 0.] = Monthly[
            Weight_tot != 0.] / Weight_tot[Weight_tot != 0.]

        # Define output directory
        if Dir_out == None:
            Dir_out = Dir_in

        # Define output name
        output_name = os.path.join(
            Dir_out, files[int(row)].replace('16-daily', 'monthly'))
        output_name = output_name[:-9] + '%02d.01.tif' % (date.month)

        # Save tiff file
        DC.Save_as_tiff(output_name, Data_one_month, geo_out, proj)

コード例 #23
def livestock_feed(output_folder, lu_fh, AREA, ndm_fhs, feed_dict, live_feed,
                   cattle_fh, fraction_fhs, ndmdates):
    Calculate natural livestock feed production

    lu_fh : str
        filehandle for land use map
    ndm_fhs: nd array
        array of filehandles of NDM maps
    ndm_dates: nd array
        array of dates for NDM maps
    feed_dict: dict
        dictionnary 'pasture class':[list of LULC]
    feed_pct: dict
        dictionnary 'pasture class':[percent available as feed]
    cattle_fh : str
        filehandle for cattle map
    Data_Path_Feed = "Feed"
    out_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, Data_Path_Feed)
    if not os.path.exists(out_folder):

    area_ha = AREA * 100
    LULC = RC.Open_tiff_array(lu_fh)
    #  cattle = RC.Open_tiff_array(cattle_fh)
    geo_out, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(lu_fh)

    f_pct = np.zeros(LULC.shape)
    for lu_type in list(feed_dict.keys()):
        classes = feed_dict[lu_type]
        mask = np.logical_or.reduce([LULC == value for value in classes])
        f_pct[mask] = live_feed[lu_type]
    feed_fhs_landscape = []
    feed_fhs_incremental = []
    for d in range(len(ndm_fhs)):
        ndm_fh = ndm_fhs[d]
        fraction_fh = fraction_fhs[d]
        date1 = ndmdates[d]
        year = '%d' % date1.year
        month = '%02d' % date1.month

        yield_fract = RC.Open_tiff_array(fraction_fh)

        out_fh_l = out_folder + '\\feed_prod_landscape_%s_%s.tif' % (year,
        out_fh_i = out_folder + '\\feed_prod_incremental_%s_%s.tif' % (year,
        #        out_fh2 = out_folder+'\\Feed_prod_pH_%s_%s.tif' %(year, month)
        NDM = becgis.open_as_array(ndm_fh, nan_values=True)
        NDM_feed = NDM * f_pct
        NDM_feed_incremental = NDM_feed * yield_fract * area_ha / 1e6
        NDM_feed_landscape = (NDM_feed * (1 - yield_fract)) * area_ha / 1e6
        DC.Save_as_tiff(out_fh_l, NDM_feed_landscape, geo_out)
        DC.Save_as_tiff(out_fh_i, NDM_feed_incremental, geo_out)
        #        NDM_feed_perHead = NDM_feed / cattle
        #        DC.Save_as_tiff(out_fh2, NDM_feed, geo_out)
    return feed_fhs_landscape, feed_fhs_incremental