def curv_from_height(height, virtual_pixelsize, grazing_angle=0.0, projectionFromDiv=1.0, labels=[], xlabel='x', ylabel='Curvature', titleStr='', saveFileSuf=''): ls_cycle, lc_cycle = wpu.line_style_cycle(['-'], ['o', 's', 'd', '^'], ncurves=height.shape[1] - 1, cmap_str='gist_rainbow_r') if grazing_angle // .00001 > 0: projection = 1 / np.sin(grazing_angle) * projectionFromDiv else: projection = projectionFromDiv projected_pixel = virtual_pixelsize * projection xvec = wpu.realcoordvec(height.shape[0] - 2, projected_pixel) print('projected_pixel') print(projected_pixel) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12 * 9 / 16)) list_curv = [xvec] header = [xlabel + ' [m]'] for j_line in range(1, height.shape[1]): curv = np.diff(np.diff(height[:, j_line])) / projected_pixel**2 if j_line == 1: factor_x, unit_x = wpu.choose_unit(xvec) #factor_y, unit_y = wpu.choose_unit(curv) list_curv.append(curv) header.append(labels[j_line - 1]) plt.plot(xvec * factor_x, curv, next(ls_cycle), c=next(lc_cycle), label=labels[j_line - 1]) marginx = 0.1 * np.ptp(xvec * factor_x) plt.xlim( [np.min(xvec * factor_x) - marginx, np.max(xvec * factor_x) + marginx]) plt.xlabel(xlabel + r' [$' + unit_x + ' m$]') plt.ylabel(ylabel + r'[$m^{-1}$]') plt.legend(loc=0, fontsize=12) if grazing_angle // .00001 > 0: plt.title(titleStr + 'Mirror Curvature,\n' + 'grazing angle {:.2f} mrad,\n'.format(grazing_angle * 1e3) + 'projection due divergence = ' + r'$ \times $ {:.2f}'.format(projectionFromDiv)) else: plt.title(titleStr + 'Curvature') plt.tight_layout() wpu.save_figs_with_idx(saveFileSuf) data2saveV = np.asarray(list_curv).T header.append(ylabel + ' [1/m]') if grazing_angle // .00001 > 0: header.append(', grazing_angle = {:.4g}'.format(grazing_angle)) if projectionFromDiv // 1 != 1: header.append('projection due divergence = ' + '{:.2f}x'.format(projectionFromDiv)) wpu.save_csv_file(data2saveV, wpu.get_unique_filename(saveFileSuf + '_curv_' + xlabel, 'csv'), headerList=header) return np.asarray(list_curv).T
def _n_profiles_H_V(arrayH, arrayV, virtual_pixelsize, zlabel=r'z', titleH='Horiz', titleV='Vert', nprofiles=5, filter_width=0, remove2ndOrder=False, saveFileSuf='', saveFigFlag=True): xxGrid, yyGrid = wpu.grid_coord(arrayH, virtual_pixelsize) fit_coefs = [[], []] data2saveH = None data2saveV = None labels_H = None labels_V = None plt.rcParams['lines.markersize'] = 4 plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2 # Horizontal if np.all(np.isfinite(arrayH)): plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12 * 9 / 16)) xvec = xxGrid[0, :] data2saveH = np.c_[xvec] header = ['x [m]'] ls_cycle, lc_jet = wpu.line_style_cycle(['-'], ['o', 's', 'd', '^'], ncurves=nprofiles, cmap_str='gist_rainbow_r') lc = [] labels_H = [] for i, row in enumerate( np.linspace(filter_width // 2, np.shape(arrayV)[0] - filter_width // 2 - 1, nprofiles + 2, dtype=int)): if i == 0 or i == nprofiles + 1: continue if filter_width != 0: yvec = arrayH[row - filter_width:row + filter_width, :] yvec = np.sum(yvec, 0) / filter_width / 2 else: yvec = arrayH[row, :] lc.append(next(lc_jet)) p01 = np.polyfit(xvec, yvec, 1) fit_coefs[0].append(p01) if remove2ndOrder: yvec -= p01[0] * xvec + p01[1] plt.plot(xvec * 1e6, yvec, next(ls_cycle), color=lc[i - 1], label=str(row)) if not remove2ndOrder: plt.plot(xvec * 1e6, p01[0] * xvec + p01[1], '--', color=lc[i - 1], lw=3) data2saveH = np.c_[data2saveH, yvec] header.append(str(row)) labels_H.append(str(row)) if remove2ndOrder: titleH = titleH + ', 2nd order removed' plt.legend(title='Pixel Y', loc=0, fontsize=12) plt.xlabel(r'x [$\mu m$]', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(zlabel, fontsize=18) plt.title(titleH + ', Filter Width = {:d} pixels'.format(filter_width), fontsize=20) if saveFigFlag: wpu.save_figs_with_idx(saveFileSuf + '_H') header.append(zlabel + ', Filter Width = {:d} pixels'.format(filter_width)) wpu.save_csv_file(data2saveH, wpu.get_unique_filename( saveFileSuf + '_WF_profiles_H', 'csv'), headerList=header) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12 * 9 / 16)) plt.imshow(arrayH, cmap='RdGy', vmin=wpu.mean_plus_n_sigma(arrayH, -3), vmax=wpu.mean_plus_n_sigma(arrayH, 3)) plt.xlabel('Pixel') plt.ylabel('Pixel') plt.title(titleH + ', Profiles Position') currentAxis = plt.gca() _, lc_jet = wpu.line_style_cycle(['-'], ['o', 's', 'd', '^'], ncurves=nprofiles, cmap_str='gist_rainbow_r') for i, row in enumerate( np.linspace(filter_width // 2, np.shape(arrayV)[0] - filter_width // 2 - 1, nprofiles + 2, dtype=int)): if i == 0 or i == nprofiles + 1: continue currentAxis.add_patch( Rectangle((-.5, row - filter_width // 2 - .5), np.shape(arrayH)[1], filter_width, facecolor=lc[i - 1], alpha=.5)) plt.axhline(row, color=lc[i - 1]) if saveFigFlag: wpu.save_figs_with_idx(saveFileSuf + '_H') # Vertical if np.all(np.isfinite(arrayV)): plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12 * 9 / 16)) xvec = yyGrid[:, 0] data2saveV = np.c_[xvec] header = ['y [m]'] ls_cycle, lc_jet = wpu.line_style_cycle(['-'], ['o', 's', 'd', '^'], ncurves=nprofiles, cmap_str='gist_rainbow_r') lc = [] labels_V = [] for i, col in enumerate( np.linspace(filter_width // 2, np.shape(arrayH)[1] - filter_width // 2 - 1, nprofiles + 2, dtype=int)): if i == 0 or i == nprofiles + 1: continue if filter_width != 0: yvec = arrayV[:, col - filter_width:col + filter_width] yvec = np.sum(yvec, 1) / filter_width / 2 else: yvec = arrayV[:, col] lc.append(next(lc_jet)) p10 = np.polyfit(xvec, yvec, 1) fit_coefs[1].append(p10) if remove2ndOrder: yvec -= p10[0] * xvec + p10[1] plt.plot(xvec * 1e6, yvec, next(ls_cycle), color=lc[i - 1], label=str(col)) if not remove2ndOrder: plt.plot(xvec * 1e6, p10[0] * xvec + p10[1], '--', color=lc[i - 1], lw=3) data2saveV = np.c_[data2saveV, yvec] header.append(str(col)) labels_V.append(str(col)) if remove2ndOrder: titleV = titleV + ', 2nd order removed' plt.legend(title='Pixel X', loc=0, fontsize=12) plt.xlabel(r'y [$\mu m$]', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(zlabel, fontsize=18) plt.title(titleV + ', Filter Width = {:d} pixels'.format(filter_width), fontsize=20) if saveFigFlag: wpu.save_figs_with_idx(saveFileSuf + '_Y') header.append(zlabel + ', Filter Width = {:d} pixels'.format(filter_width)) wpu.save_csv_file(data2saveV, wpu.get_unique_filename( saveFileSuf + '_WF_profiles_V', 'csv'), headerList=header) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12 * 9 / 16)) plt.imshow(arrayV, cmap='RdGy', vmin=wpu.mean_plus_n_sigma(arrayV, -3), vmax=wpu.mean_plus_n_sigma(arrayV, 3)) plt.xlabel('Pixel') plt.ylabel('Pixel') plt.title(titleV + ', Profiles Position') currentAxis = plt.gca() for i, col in enumerate( np.linspace(filter_width // 2, np.shape(arrayH)[1] - filter_width // 2 - 1, nprofiles + 2, dtype=int)): if i == 0 or i == nprofiles + 1: continue currentAxis.add_patch( Rectangle((col - filter_width // 2 - .5, -.5), filter_width, np.shape(arrayV)[0], facecolor=lc[i - 1], alpha=.5)) plt.axvline(col, color=lc[i - 1]) if saveFigFlag: wpu.save_figs_with_idx(saveFileSuf + '_Y') return data2saveH, data2saveV, labels_H, labels_V, fit_coefs
def integrate_DPC_cumsum(data_DPC, wavelength, grazing_angle=0.0, projectionFromDiv=1.0, labels=[], xlabel='x', ylabel='Height', titleStr='', saveFileSuf=''): ls_cycle, lc_cycle = wpu.line_style_cycle(['-'], ['o', 's', 'd', '^'], ncurves=data_DPC.shape[1] - 1, cmap_str='gist_rainbow_r') if grazing_angle // .00001 > 0: projection = 1 / np.sin(grazing_angle) * projectionFromDiv else: projection = projectionFromDiv xvec = data_DPC[:, 0] * projection plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12 * 9 / 16)) list_integrated = [xvec] header = [xlabel + ' [m]'] for j_line in range(1, data_DPC.shape[1]): integrated = ( np.cumsum(data_DPC[:, j_line] - np.mean(data_DPC[:, j_line])) * (xvec[1] - xvec[0])) integrated *= -1 / 2 / np.pi * wavelength * np.abs(projection) # TODO: check here!! if j_line == 1: factor_x, unit_x = wpu.choose_unit(xvec) factor_y, unit_y = wpu.choose_unit(integrated) list_integrated.append(integrated) header.append(labels[j_line - 1]) plt.plot(xvec * factor_x, integrated * factor_y, next(ls_cycle), c=next(lc_cycle), label=labels[j_line - 1]) marginx = 0.1 * np.ptp(xvec * factor_x) plt.xlim( [np.min(xvec * factor_x) - marginx, np.max(xvec * factor_x) + marginx]) plt.xlabel(xlabel + r' [$' + unit_x + ' m$]') plt.ylabel(ylabel + r' [$' + unit_y + ' m$]') plt.legend(loc=0, fontsize=12) if grazing_angle // .00001 > 0: plt.title(titleStr + 'Mirror Height,\n' + 'grazing angle {:.2f} mrad,\n'.format(grazing_angle * 1e3) + 'projection due divergence = ' + r'$ \times $ {:.2f}'.format(projectionFromDiv)) else: plt.title(titleStr + 'Integration Cumulative Sum') plt.tight_layout() wpu.save_figs_with_idx(saveFileSuf) data2saveV = np.asarray(list_integrated).T header.append(ylabel + ' [m]') if grazing_angle // .00001 > 0: header.append('grazing_angle = {:.4g}'.format(grazing_angle)) if projectionFromDiv // 1 != 1: header.append('projection due divergence = ' + '{:.2f}x'.format(projectionFromDiv)) wpu.save_csv_file(data2saveV, wpu.get_unique_filename( saveFileSuf + '_integrated_' + xlabel, 'csv'), headerList=header) return np.asarray(list_integrated).T
# data[:,1:] *= np.pi list_all_data.append(data) xmin = np.min([xmin, np.min(data[:, 0])]) xmax = np.max([xmax, np.max(data[:, 0])]) # cant convert list_all_data to array because each array in the list can # have different sizes. It is necessary to do the spline to have same # vector sizes # %% lstyle_cycle, lc_cycle = wpu.line_style_cycle(ls=['-', '--'], ms=['s', 'o', 'd', '^', 'v'], cmap_str='default', ncurves=nfiles) # %% Plot Raw data curve_index = 3 plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12 * 9 / 16)) for i in range(0, nfiles, step_files): data = list_all_data[i] plt.plot(data[:, 0] * 1e3, data[:, curve_index] * 1e9, next(lstyle_cycle),
def _n_profiles_H_V(arrayH, arrayV, virtual_pixelsize, zlabel=r'z', titleH='Horiz', titleV='Vert', nprofiles=5, filter_width=0, remove1stOrderDPC=False, saveFileSuf='', saveFigFlag=True): xxGrid, yyGrid = wpu.grid_coord(arrayH, virtual_pixelsize) fit_coefs = [[], []] data2saveH = None data2saveV = None labels_H = None labels_V = None plt.rcParams['lines.markersize'] = 4 plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2 # Horizontal if np.all(np.isfinite(arrayH)): plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12*9/16)) xvec = xxGrid[0, :] data2saveH = np.c_[xvec] header = ['x [m]'] if filter_width != 0: arrayH_filtered = uniform_filter1d(arrayH, filter_width, 0) else: arrayH_filtered = arrayH ls_cycle, lc_jet = wpu.line_style_cycle(['-'], ['o', 's', 'd', '^'], ncurves=nprofiles, cmap_str='gist_rainbow_r') lc = [] labels_H = [] for i, row in enumerate(np.linspace(filter_width//2, np.shape(arrayV)[0]-filter_width//2-1, nprofiles + 2, dtype=int)): if i == 0 or i == nprofiles + 1: continue yvec = arrayH_filtered[row, :] lc.append(next(lc_jet)) p01 = np.polyfit(xvec, yvec, 1) fit_coefs[0].append(p01) if remove1stOrderDPC: yvec -= p01[0]*xvec + p01[1] plt.plot(xvec*1e6, yvec, next(ls_cycle), color=lc[i-1], label=str(row)) if not remove1stOrderDPC: plt.plot(xvec*1e6, p01[0]*xvec + p01[1], '--', color=lc[i-1], lw=3) data2saveH = np.c_[data2saveH, yvec] header.append(str(row)) labels_H.append(str(row)) if remove1stOrderDPC: titleH = titleH + ', 2nd order removed' plt.legend(title='Pixel Y', loc=0, fontsize=12) plt.xlabel(r'x [$\mu m$]', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(zlabel, fontsize=18) plt.title(titleH + ', Filter Width = {:d} pixels'.format(filter_width), fontsize=20) if saveFigFlag: wpu.save_figs_with_idx(saveFileSuf + '_H') header.append(zlabel + ', Filter Width = {:d} pixels'.format(filter_width)) wpu.save_csv_file(data2saveH, wpu.get_unique_filename(saveFileSuf + '_WF_profiles_H', 'csv'), headerList=header) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12*9/16)) plt.imshow(arrayH, cmap='RdGy', vmin=wpu.mean_plus_n_sigma(arrayH, -3), vmax=wpu.mean_plus_n_sigma(arrayH, 3)) plt.xlabel('Pixel') plt.ylabel('Pixel') plt.title(titleH + ', Profiles Position') currentAxis = plt.gca() _, lc_jet = wpu.line_style_cycle(['-'], ['o', 's', 'd', '^'], ncurves=nprofiles, cmap_str='gist_rainbow_r') for i, row in enumerate(np.linspace(filter_width//2, np.shape(arrayV)[0]-filter_width//2-1, nprofiles + 2, dtype=int)): if i == 0 or i == nprofiles + 1: continue currentAxis.add_patch(Rectangle((-.5, row - filter_width//2 - .5), np.shape(arrayH)[1], filter_width, facecolor=lc[i-1], alpha=.5)) plt.axhline(row, color=lc[i-1]) if saveFigFlag: wpu.save_figs_with_idx(saveFileSuf + '_H') # Vertical if np.all(np.isfinite(arrayV)): plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12*9/16)) xvec = yyGrid[:, 0] data2saveV = np.c_[xvec] header = ['y [m]'] if filter_width != 0: arrayV_filtered = uniform_filter1d(arrayV, filter_width, 1) else: arrayV_filtered = arrayV ls_cycle, lc_jet = wpu.line_style_cycle(['-'], ['o', 's', 'd', '^'], ncurves=nprofiles, cmap_str='gist_rainbow_r') lc = [] labels_V = [] for i, col in enumerate(np.linspace(filter_width//2, np.shape(arrayH)[1]-filter_width//2-1, nprofiles + 2, dtype=int)): if i == 0 or i == nprofiles + 1: continue yvec = arrayV_filtered[:, col] lc.append(next(lc_jet)) p10 = np.polyfit(xvec, yvec, 1) fit_coefs[1].append(p10) if remove1stOrderDPC: yvec -= p10[0]*xvec + p10[1] plt.plot(xvec*1e6, yvec, next(ls_cycle), color=lc[i-1], label=str(col)) if not remove1stOrderDPC: plt.plot(xvec*1e6, p10[0]*xvec + p10[1], '--', color=lc[i-1], lw=3) data2saveV = np.c_[data2saveV, yvec] header.append(str(col)) labels_V.append(str(col)) if remove1stOrderDPC: titleV = titleV + ', 2nd order removed' plt.legend(title='Pixel X', loc=0, fontsize=12) plt.xlabel(r'y [$\mu m$]', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(zlabel, fontsize=18) plt.title(titleV + ', Filter Width = {:d} pixels'.format(filter_width), fontsize=20) if saveFigFlag: wpu.save_figs_with_idx(saveFileSuf + '_Y') header.append(zlabel + ', Filter Width = {:d} pixels'.format(filter_width)) wpu.save_csv_file(data2saveV, wpu.get_unique_filename(saveFileSuf + '_WF_profiles_V', 'csv'), headerList=header) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12*9/16)) plt.imshow(arrayV, cmap='RdGy', vmin=wpu.mean_plus_n_sigma(arrayV, -3), vmax=wpu.mean_plus_n_sigma(arrayV, 3)) plt.xlabel('Pixel') plt.ylabel('Pixel') plt.title(titleV + ', Profiles Position') currentAxis = plt.gca() for i, col in enumerate(np.linspace(filter_width//2, np.shape(arrayH)[1]-filter_width//2-1, nprofiles + 2, dtype=int)): if i == 0 or i == nprofiles + 1: continue currentAxis.add_patch(Rectangle((col - filter_width//2 - .5, -.5), filter_width, np.shape(arrayV)[0], facecolor=lc[i-1], alpha=.5)) plt.axvline(col, color=lc[i-1]) if saveFigFlag: wpu.save_figs_with_idx(saveFileSuf + '_Y') return data2saveH, data2saveV, labels_H, labels_V, fit_coefs
def curv_from_height(height, virtual_pixelsize, grazing_angle=0.0, projectionFromDiv=1.0, labels=[], xlabel='x', ylabel='Curvature', titleStr='', saveFileSuf=''): ls_cycle, lc_cycle = wpu.line_style_cycle(['-'], ['o', 's', 'd', '^'], ncurves=height.shape[1] - 1, cmap_str='gist_rainbow_r') if grazing_angle//.00001 > 0: projection = 1/np.sin(grazing_angle)*projectionFromDiv else: projection = projectionFromDiv projected_pixel = virtual_pixelsize*projection xvec = wpu.realcoordvec(height.shape[0]-2, projected_pixel) print('projected_pixel') print(projected_pixel) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12*9/16)) list_curv = [xvec] header = [xlabel + ' [m]'] for j_line in range(1, height.shape[1]): curv = np.diff(np.diff(height[:, j_line]))/projected_pixel**2 if j_line == 1: factor_x, unit_x = wpu.choose_unit(xvec) #factor_y, unit_y = wpu.choose_unit(curv) list_curv.append(curv) header.append(labels[j_line - 1]) plt.plot(xvec*factor_x, curv, next(ls_cycle), c=next(lc_cycle), label=labels[j_line - 1]) marginx = 0.1*np.ptp(xvec*factor_x) plt.xlim([np.min(xvec*factor_x)-marginx, np.max(xvec*factor_x)+marginx]) plt.xlabel(xlabel + r' [$' + unit_x + ' m$]') plt.ylabel(ylabel + r'[$m^{-1}$]') plt.legend(loc=0, fontsize=12) if grazing_angle//.00001 > 0: plt.title(titleStr + 'Mirror Curvature,\n' + 'grazing angle {:.2f} mrad,\n'.format(grazing_angle*1e3) + 'projection due divergence = ' + r'$ \times $ {:.2f}'.format(projectionFromDiv)) else: plt.title(titleStr + 'Curvature') plt.tight_layout() wpu.save_figs_with_idx(saveFileSuf) data2saveV = np.asarray(list_curv).T header.append(ylabel + ' [1/m]') if grazing_angle//.00001 > 0: header.append(', grazing_angle = {:.4g}'.format(grazing_angle)) if projectionFromDiv//1 != 1: header.append('projection due divergence = ' + '{:.2f}x'.format(projectionFromDiv)) wpu.save_csv_file(data2saveV, wpu.get_unique_filename(saveFileSuf + '_curv_' + xlabel, 'csv'), headerList=header) return np.asarray(list_curv).T
def integrate_DPC_cumsum(data_DPC, wavelength, grazing_angle=0.0, projectionFromDiv=1.0, remove2ndOrder=False, labels=[], xlabel='x', ylabel='Height', titleStr='', saveFileSuf=''): ls_cycle, lc_cycle = wpu.line_style_cycle(['-'], ['o', 's', 'd', '^'], ncurves=data_DPC.shape[1] - 1, cmap_str='gist_rainbow_r') if grazing_angle//.00001 > 0: projection = 1/np.sin(grazing_angle)*projectionFromDiv else: projection = projectionFromDiv xvec = data_DPC[:, 0]*projection plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12*9/16)) list_integrated = [xvec] header = [xlabel + ' [m]'] for j_line in range(1, data_DPC.shape[1]): integrated = (np.cumsum(data_DPC[:, j_line] - np.mean(data_DPC[:, j_line])) * (xvec[1]-xvec[0])) # TODO: removed mean 20181020 # integrated = (np.cumsum(data_DPC[:, j_line])) * (xvec[1]-xvec[0]) integrated *= -1/2/np.pi*wavelength*np.abs(projection) p02 = np.polyfit(xvec, integrated, 2) fitted_pol2 = p02[0]*xvec**2 + p02[1]*xvec + p02[2] if remove2ndOrder: integrated -= fitted_pol2 titleStr += 'Removed 2nd order, ' # TODO: check here!! if j_line == 1: factor_x, unit_x = wpu.choose_unit(xvec) factor_y, unit_y = wpu.choose_unit(integrated) list_integrated.append(integrated) header.append(labels[j_line - 1]) lc = next(lc_cycle) plt.plot(xvec*factor_x, integrated*factor_y, next(ls_cycle), c=lc, label=labels[j_line - 1]) if not remove2ndOrder: plt.plot(xvec*1e6, (fitted_pol2)*factor_y, '--', color=lc, lw=3) marginx = 0.1*np.ptp(xvec*factor_x) plt.xlim([np.min(xvec*factor_x)-marginx, np.max(xvec*factor_x)+marginx]) plt.xlabel(xlabel + r' [$' + unit_x + ' m$]') plt.ylabel(ylabel + r' [$' + unit_y + ' m$]') plt.legend(loc=0, fontsize=12) if grazing_angle//.00001 > 0: plt.title(titleStr + 'Mirror Height,\n' + 'grazing angle {:.2f} mrad,\n'.format(grazing_angle*1e3) + 'projection due divergence = ' + r'$ \times $ {:.2f}'.format(projectionFromDiv)) else: plt.title(titleStr + 'Integration Cumulative Sum') plt.tight_layout() wpu.save_figs_with_idx(saveFileSuf) data2saveV = np.asarray(list_integrated).T header.append(ylabel + ' [m]') if grazing_angle//.00001 > 0: header.append('grazing_angle = {:.4g}'.format(grazing_angle)) if projectionFromDiv//1 != 1: header.append('projection due divergence = ' + '{:.2f}x'.format(projectionFromDiv)) wpu.save_csv_file(data2saveV, wpu.get_unique_filename(saveFileSuf + '_integrated_' + xlabel, 'csv'), headerList=header) return np.asarray(list_integrated).T