コード例 #1
ファイル: initial.py プロジェクト: ywf1215/pickme-service
    50695, 50698, 50699, 50700, 50701, 50702, 50703, 50704, 50705, 50706,
    24196, 50707, 50708, 50709, 50710, 50711, 50712, 73303, 73304, 73298,
    73299, 73300, 14245, 73301, 73302, 834596, 834597, 834598, 59132, 834599,
    834600, 834601, 834602, 834603, 834604, 834605, 834606, 834607, 834608,
    834609, 10876, 10877, 10845, 10846, 10847, 10848, 10849, 10850, 10851,
    10852, 10865, 10866, 97261, 97262, 97263, 97196, 97264, 97265, 97266,
    97267, 97268, 97269, 97270, 97271, 97247, 97249, 617117, 97287, 97288,
    97289, 72317, 72318, 72319, 72320, 72321, 72322, 72323, 72324, 72325,
    72326, 72327, 72328, 72329, 72330, 68505, 68506, 68507, 68508, 68509,
    68500, 68510, 68511, 68512, 68450, 68513, 68514, 68459, 617116, 617115,
    69265, 68711, 617114, 617113, 68713, 617112, 617111, 617110, 617109, 68593,
    68592, 68591, 68590, 68589, 68588, 68587, 68586, 68585, 68584, 68583,
    68582, 68581, 68464, 68465, 68466, 68467, 20186, 20187, 20188, 20189,
    20172, 28144, 28145, 28146, 28147, 28148, 28149, 28150, 28151, 28152,
    28153, 28154, 20107, 29247, 29248, 29249

# Plot the orders
plotOrders(roads, prob.orders)
plt.title("Showing orders. Click to show path")

# Plot the path
plt.title("Showing path")

# TODO : Print the path's length/distance in kilometers.
print("Path length: {:.2f}km".format(examplePath.getDistance() / 1000))
コード例 #2
# Plot the orders
plotOrders(roads, prob.orders)
plt.title("Showing orders. Click to show path")
plt.title("Showing orders. Click to show path")

colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'orange', 'grey']

plt.title("Showing paths")

totalDistance = 0
# Plot each order at a time
for i,order in enumerate(prob.orders):
    # Create a sub-problem to solve with A* (getting the optimal path for each order separately)
    subProblem = MapProblem(roads, order[0], order[1])

    subPath, distance, _, _ = mapAstar.run(subProblem)

    print("Shortest distance for order from #{} to #{}: {:.2f}km".format(order[0], order[1], distance / 1000))
    totalDistance += distance

    # Plot the path
    plotPath(Path(roads, [s.junctionIdx for s in subPath]), color=colors[i])

print("Total distance: {:.2f}km".format(totalDistance / 1000    ))