def render_online(): """ Renders a spinning square moving on a straight line. """ movie_name = "square_online" save_dir = make_video_path(movie_name+".pngvin") if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) print "Rendering pngvin movie", movie_name delete_database(movie_name) create_database(movie_name, [2]) db = StateTransitionDatabase(movie_name) surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT) ctx = cairo.Context(surface) num_frames=32 x0 = 0.2 y0 = 0.2 theta0 = 0.0 dx=0.02 dy=0.02 dtheta=2.0*math.pi/num_frames width=0.1 prev_state = numpy.array([IMAGE_WIDTH*x0, IMAGE_WIDTH*y0, theta0]) for i in xrange(num_frames): clear(ctx) ctx.set_source_rgb(0,0,0) ctx.rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1) ctx.fill() ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) ctx.translate(x0+dx*i, y0+dy*i) ctx.rotate(theta0+dtheta*i) ctx.rectangle(-width/2, -width/2, width, width) ctx.fill() # Render Obstacle clear(ctx) surface.write_to_png(make_video_path(save_dir, "frame-"+left_align_videoformat(i)+".png")) if i>0: # Input the transition into the database new_state = numpy.array([IMAGE_WIDTH*(x0+dx*i), IMAGE_WIDTH*(y0+dy*i), theta0+dtheta*i]) db.add_transitions(prev_state[:2], new_state[:2]) prev_state = new_state print "Rendered frame", i print "Done."
def __init__(self, dataset, number_of_objects=1, number_of_transitions=1000, number_of_frames=64, number_of_movies=4, debug=False, dt=1, **other_kwargs): if isinstance(debug, str): debug = (debug == "True") delete_database(dataset) create_database(dataset, self.PARAMETER_GROUPS) self.dataset = dataset self.db = StateTransitionDatabase(dataset) self.number_of_objects = int(number_of_objects) self.number_of_transitions = int(number_of_transitions) self.number_of_frames = int(number_of_frames) self.number_of_movies = int(number_of_movies) self.dt = float(dt)
def test_delete_database(self): if not os.path.exists(self.db_path): open(self.db_path, "w").close() delete_database(self.db_name, self.db_dir, self.fileext) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(self.db_path), "File still exists after deletion attempt: " + self.db_path)
def render_bounce(movie_id=0, start_state=None, gravity=numpy.array([0, 1]), bounce_factor=0.75, input_to_database=True): """ Renders a falling and bouncing square. """ dataset = "square_bounce" num_frames = 128 square_side = 50. half_square_side = square_side/2.0 dt = 0.5 X_LIMITS = [half_square_side, IMAGE_WIDTH-half_square_side] Y_LIMITS = [half_square_side, IMAGE_HEIGHT-half_square_side] # State: [x, y, x', y'] if start_state is None: delete_database(dataset) create_database(dataset, [2, 2]) render_bounce(0, numpy.array([IMAGE_WIDTH/2., 0., Y_LIMITS[0], 0.])) render_bounce(1, numpy.array([IMAGE_WIDTH/2., 2., Y_LIMITS[0], 0.])) render_bounce(2, numpy.array([IMAGE_WIDTH*2./3, -1, IMAGE_HEIGHT/2., -0.4])) render_bounce(3, numpy.array([IMAGE_WIDTH/4., 0., Y_LIMITS[1], 0.])) render_bounce(4, numpy.array([IMAGE_WIDTH*3./4, 0., Y_LIMITS[1], 2])) render_bounce(5, numpy.array([IMAGE_WIDTH/2., 4, Y_LIMITS[1], 0.6])) render_bounce(6, numpy.array([IMAGE_WIDTH/2., 4., IMAGE_HEIGHT/2., 0.])) render_bounce(7, numpy.array([X_LIMITS[0], 5., Y_LIMITS[0], 0.]), input_to_database=False) render_bounce(8, numpy.array([IMAGE_WIDTH/2., -1, IMAGE_HEIGHT*3./4, 0.6]), input_to_database=False) render_bounce(9, numpy.array([IMAGE_WIDTH/5., 2, IMAGE_HEIGHT/3., 0.4]), input_to_database=False) return movie_name = dataset + "_" + str(movie_id) save_dir = make_video_path(movie_name + ".pngvin") if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) print "Rendering pngvin movie", movie_name db = StateTransitionDatabase(dataset) surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT) ctx = cairo.Context(surface) state = start_state # state[:2] += half_square_side print "Initial values:", state def timestep(state, fixpoint_iterations=10): next_state = state d0 = numpy.array((state[1], gravity[0], state[3], gravity[1])) for i in xrange(fixpoint_iterations): d = numpy.array((next_state[1], gravity[0], next_state[3], gravity[1])) next_state = state + 0.5 * (d0 + d) * dt return next_state for i in xrange(num_frames): if i>0: next_state = timestep(state) # Collisions with edges for axis, limits in ((0, X_LIMITS), (2, Y_LIMITS)): if next_state[axis] < limits[0]: next_state[axis+1] *= -bounce_factor next_state[axis] = 2*limits[0] - next_state[axis] elif next_state[axis] > limits[1]: next_state[axis+1] *= -bounce_factor next_state[axis] = 2*limits[1] - next_state[axis] if input_to_database: # Input the transition into the database normalizer = numpy.array((state[0], 0, state[2], 0)) db.add_transitions(state - normalizer, next_state - normalizer) state = next_state x = (state[0]-half_square_side)/IMAGE_WIDTH y = (state[2]-half_square_side)/IMAGE_HEIGHT clear(ctx) ctx.rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1) ctx.set_source_rgb(0,0,0) ctx.fill() ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) ctx.rectangle(x, y, square_side/IMAGE_WIDTH, square_side/IMAGE_WIDTH) ctx.fill() surface.write_to_png(make_video_path(save_dir, "frame-"+left_align_videoformat(i)+".png")) print "Completed rendering", movie_name
def generate_pendulum(number_of_transitions, l, g=9.81, dt=0.001, radius=24): """ Generates number_of_transitions random movements of a pendulum with start angle theta_0 from the y axis """ amplitude = 40 dataset = "pendulum" # State: [x, y, x', y'] delete_database(dataset) create_database(dataset, [1]) print "Generating %i random accelerating movements"%(number_of_transitions) db = StateTransitionDatabase(dataset) omega = math.sqrt(float(g)/l) T = 2*math.pi*1.0/omega theta_0 = numpy.random.uniform(math.radians(-amplitude), math.radians(amplitude), (number_of_transitions, 1)) t = numpy.random.uniform(0, T, (number_of_transitions, 1)) from_phi = theta_0 * numpy.cos(omega*t) to_phi = theta_0 * numpy.cos(omega*(t+dt)) db.add_transitions(from_phi, to_phi) print "Done." print "Generating movement sequences for testing..." num_movies = 4 num_frames = 64 for movie_id in xrange(num_movies): movie_name = dataset + "_" + str(movie_id) save_dir = make_video_path(movie_name + ".pngvin") import shutil if os.path.exists(save_dir): shutil.rmtree(save_dir) os.makedirs(save_dir) print "Rendering pngvin movie to %s"%(save_dir) surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT) ctx = cairo.Context(surface) theta_0 = numpy.random.uniform(math.radians(-amplitude),math.radians(amplitude)) t = numpy.atleast_2d(numpy.linspace(0, 3*T, num_frames)).T phi = theta_0 * numpy.cos(omega*dt*t) for i in xrange(num_frames): x = (IMAGE_WIDTH/2 + l*numpy.sin(phi[i]))/IMAGE_WIDTH y = l*numpy.cos(phi[i])/IMAGE_HEIGHT clear(ctx) ctx.rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1) ctx.set_source_rgb(0,0,0) ctx.fill() ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) # ctx.rectangle(x, y, 10, 10) ctx.arc(x, y, float(radius)/IMAGE_WIDTH, 0., 2 * math.pi) ctx.fill() surface.write_to_png(os.path.join(save_dir, "frame-"+left_align_videoformat(i)+".png")), "state_sequence.npy"), phi) print "Done."