def run_alexa(): command = take_command() print(command) if 'play' in command: song = command.replace('play', '') talk('playing' + song) pywhatkit.playonyt(song) elif 'time' in command: time ='%H:%M') talk('Current time is ' + time) elif 'google' in command:'') elif 'facebook' in command:'') elif 'gmail' in command:'') elif 'twitter' in command:'') elif 'weather' in command: wf.forecast(place="Tetovo", time="14:15:00", date="2021-01-17", forecast="daily") elif 'search for' or 'find me' or 'who is' in command: query = command.replace('search for', '') info = wikipedia.summary(query, 2) print(info) talk(info) else: talk("Please say the command again.")
def weather(): place = e1.get() now = date = now.strftime("%y%y-%m-%d") time = (now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")) fore = (wf.forecast(place=place, time=time, date=date, forecast="daily")) print(fore) speak(fore) e1.pack_forget() b.pack_forget()
def voice_control(filename): file = filename f = open(file, 'r') command = f.close() # close file aviod IOException print command if command.find('开') != -1 and command.find('灯') != -1: #print '开灯' LED_light(True) os.system('mplayer %s' % 'music/lightOn.mp3') elif command.find('关') != -1 and command.find('灯') != -1: #print '关灯' LED_light(False) os.system('mplayer %s' % 'music/lightOff.mp3') elif command.find('天') != -1 and command.find('气') != -1: weather.forecast() elif command.find('放') != -1 and command.find('音') != -1 and command.find( '乐') != -1: try: os.system('mplayer %s' % 'music/小跳蛙.mp3') except KeyboardInterrupt: pass elif command.find('自') != -1 and command.find('我') != -1 and command.find( '介') != -1 and command.find('绍') != -1: tts.tts('我是小博,我能说会道,是机器人界的网红段子手,哈哈哈.') os.system('mplayer %s' % 'synthesis.mp3') elif command.find('编') != -1 and command.find('程') != -1 and command.find( '语') != -1 and command.find('言') != -1: tts.tts('我不喜欢编程') os.system('mplayer %s' % 'synthesis.mp3') elif command.find('去') != -1 and command.find('打') != -1 and command.find( '球') != -1: tts.tts('打个毛球啊,我要好好学习,走上人生巅峰。') os.system('mplayer %s' % 'synthesis.mp3') elif command.find('几') != -1 and command.find('岁') != -1: tts.tts('哼,我不想告诉你。') os.system('mplayer %s' % 'synthesis.mp3') else: os.system('mplayer %s' % 'synthesis.mp3')
print(songs) os.startfile(os.path.join(music_dir, songs[0])) elif 'the time' in query: strTime ="%H:%M:%S") speak(f"Ma'am , the time is {strTime}") elif "camera" in query or "take a photo" in query: ec.capture(0, "Jarvis Camera ", "img.jpg") elif 'weather' in query: #x=input("Enter the place-") #y=input("Enter the Time(24hr)-") #z=input("Enter the date(Y-m-d)-") wf.forecast(place='delhi',,'%Y-%m-%d'), forecast="daily") speak('okay') elif 'open code' in query: codePath = "C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Visual Studio Code" os.startfile(codePath) elif 'exit' in query: speak("Thanks for giving me your time") exit() elif 'email to priyanka' in query: try: speak("What should I say?") content = takeCommand()
import weather_forecast as wf wf.forecast(place="Bern", time="00:00:00", date="2020-06-10", forecast="daily")
import weather_forecast as wf wf.forecast(place="Bern", time="00:00:00", date="2021-01-20", forecast="daily")
elif 'make contact' in query: speak('Name of the contact') name = takeCommand() speak('What is the e- MAIL ADDRESS') email = input('What is the E mail address') speak('What is the phone number with country code') number = input('What is the phone number') file_name = name + '.txt' file_location = 'contacts/' + file_name file = open(file_location, 'a') file.write(number + '\n') file.write(email) elif 'weather' in query or 'weather forecast' in query: whether = wf.forecast(place="Muzaffarpur") place = whether['place'] time = whether['time'] dat = whether['date'] day = whether['day'] day_temperature = day['temperature'] day_precipitate = day['precipitate'] day_uv_description = day['uv_description'] day_windspeed = day['wind_speed'] day_humidity = day['humidity'] day_phrase = day['phrases'] day_narrative = day['narrative'] print('Location:' + place) speak('Location is ' + place) print('Time:' + time) speak('The time is ' + time)
import wikipedia import weather_forecast as wf from playsound import playsound import datetime import time import cv2 import webbrowser engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5') voices = engine.getProperty('voices') engine.setProperty('voice', voices[1].id) clock = time.ctime() aweatherfor = wf.forecast(place="ahmedabad", time="23:15:00", date="2021-01-09", forecast="daily") def speak(audio): engine.say(audio) engine.runAndWait() def wishMe(): hour = int( if hour >= 0 and hour < 12: speak("Good Morning!") elif hour >= 12 and hour < 18: speak("Good Afternoon!")
from datetime import date, datetime today = now = d = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") t = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") print("Today's date:", d, 'now=', t) import weather_forecast as wf wf.forecast(place='Hayward', time=t, date=d, forecast='daily')
import weather_forecast as wf from datetime import datetime, date location = input('Where do you live? ') #location = 'Grand Rapids' now = current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") today = today2 = str( today ) #API requires a string not a date so convert the date to a string here then call it wf.forecast(place=location, time=current_time, date=today2, forecast="daily")
def game(): for i in range(1000): request = input('Auto-Bot at your service. Please state your request. ') if request == 'google': query = input('Search: ') print(search(query, num_results = 3)) elif request == 'stocks': ticker = input('Ticker Symbol: ') realticker = yf.Ticker(ticker) print(realticker.history(period= '1m')) elif request == 'weather': place = input('City: ') weather = weather_forecast.forecast(place=place, time=current_time, date=d1) elif request == 'email': to = input('Email address: ') content = input('What do you want to say? ') address = '*****@*****.**' password = '******' server = '' s = bot.SMTP(host= '', port= 587) s.starttls() s.login(address, password) s.ehlo() s.sendmail(address, to ,content) {} elif request == 'song': song = input('Song name: ') results = YoutubeSearch(song, max_results=1).to_dict() dict = results[0].values() newdict = list(dict) url = newdict[7] print(f'{url}') elif request == 'news': news = input('Search news: ') gn = GoogleNews() top = newnews = gn.results() dict = list(newnews[0].values()) dicttwo = list(newnews[1].values()) dictthree = list(newnews[2].values()) dictfour = list(newnews[3].values()) dictfive = list(newnews[4].values()) title1 = dict[0] title2 = dicttwo[0] title3 = dictthree[0] title4 = dictfour[0] title5 = dictfive[0] src1 = dict[1] src2 = dicttwo[1] src3 = dictthree[1] src4 = dictfour[1] src5 = dictfive[1] cap1 = dict[4] cap2 = dicttwo[4] cap3 = dictthree[4] cap4 = dictfour[4] cap5 = dictfive[4] url1 = dict[5] url2 = dicttwo[5] url3 = dictthree[5] url4 = dictfour[5] url5 = dictfive[5] print(f'Title: {title1}') print(f'Source: {src1}') print(f'Caption: {cap1}') print(f'Url: {url1}') print(f'Title: {title2}') print(f'Source: {src2}') print(f'Caption: {cap2}') print(f'Url: {url2}') print(f'Title: {title3}') print(f'Source: {src3}') print(f'Caption: {cap3}') print(f'Url: {url3}') print(f'Title: {title4}') print(f'Source: {src4}') print(f'Caption: {cap4}') print(f'Url: {url4}') print(f'Title: {title5}') print(f'Source: {src5}') print(f'Caption: {cap5}') print(f'Url: {url5}') elif request == 'math': def add(x, y): return x + y # This function subtracts two numbers def subtract(x, y): return x - y # This function multiplies two numbers def multiply(x, y): return x * y # This function divides two numbers def divide(x, y): return x / y while True: # Take input from the user choice = input("Enter choice( + / - / * / / ): ") # Check if choice is one of the four options if choice in ('+', '-', '*', '/'): num1 = float(input("Enter first number: ")) num2 = float(input("Enter second number: ")) if choice == '+': print(num1, "+", num2, "=", add(num1, num2)) elif choice == '-': print(num1, "-", num2, "=", subtract(num1, num2)) elif choice == '*': print(num1, "*", num2, "=", multiply(num1, num2)) elif choice == '/': print(num1, "/", num2, "=", divide(num1, num2)) break else: print("Invalid Input") elif request == 'game': type = input('Which game? Press 1 for tic-tac-toe, press 2 for rock-paper-scissors ') if type == '1': unused_keys = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] theBoard = {'7': ' ', '8': ' ', '9': ' ', '4': ' ', '5': ' ', '6': ' ', '1': ' ', '2': ' ', '3': ' '} board_keys = [] for key in theBoard: board_keys.append(key) ''' We will have to print the updated board after every move in the game and thus we will make a function in which we'll define the printBoard function so that we can easily print the board everytime by calling this function. ''' def printBoard(board): print(board['7'] + '|' + board['8'] + '|' + board['9']) print('-+-+-') print(board['4'] + '|' + board['5'] + '|' + board['6']) print('-+-+-') print(board['1'] + '|' + board['2'] + '|' + board['3']) # Now we'll write the main function which has all the gameplay functionality. def tictactoe(): turn = 'X' count = 0 for i in range(10): printBoard(theBoard) print("It's your turn," + turn + ".Move to which place?") if turn == 'O': choice = random.randint(1,9) choice = unused_keys[choice] if theBoard[f'{choice}'] == ' ': theBoard[choice] = turn unused_keys.remove(choice) count += 1 elif turn == 'X': move = input() if theBoard[move] == ' ': theBoard[move] = turn unused_keys.remove(move) count += 1 else: print("That place is already filled.\nMove to which place?") continue # Now we will check if player X or O has won,for every move after 5 moves. if count >= 5: if theBoard['7'] == theBoard['8'] == theBoard['9'] != ' ': # across the top printBoard(theBoard) print("\nGame Over.\n") print(" **** " + turn + " won. ****") break elif theBoard['4'] == theBoard['5'] == theBoard['6'] != ' ': # across the middle printBoard(theBoard) print("\nGame Over.\n") print(" **** " + turn + " won. ****") break elif theBoard['1'] == theBoard['2'] == theBoard['3'] != ' ': # across the bottom printBoard(theBoard) print("\nGame Over.\n") print(" **** " + turn + " won. ****") break elif theBoard['1'] == theBoard['4'] == theBoard['7'] != ' ': # down the left side printBoard(theBoard) print("\nGame Over.\n") print(" **** " + turn + " won. ****") break elif theBoard['2'] == theBoard['5'] == theBoard['8'] != ' ': # down the middle printBoard(theBoard) print("\nGame Over.\n") print(" **** " + turn + " won. ****") break elif theBoard['3'] == theBoard['6'] == theBoard['9'] != ' ': # down the right side printBoard(theBoard) print("\nGame Over.\n") print(" **** " + turn + " won. ****") break elif theBoard['7'] == theBoard['5'] == theBoard['3'] != ' ': # diagonal printBoard(theBoard) print("\nGame Over.\n") print(" **** " + turn + " won. ****") break elif theBoard['1'] == theBoard['5'] == theBoard['9'] != ' ': # diagonal printBoard(theBoard) print("\nGame Over.\n") print(" **** " + turn + " won. ****") break # If neither X nor O wins and the board is full, we'll declare the result as 'tie'. if count == 9: print("\nGame Over.\n") print("It's a Tie!!") # Now we have to change the player after every move. if turn == 'X': turn = 'O' else: turn = 'X' tictactoe() elif type == '2': print("Winning Rules of the Rock paper scissor game as follows: \n" + "Rock vs paper->paper wins \n" + "Rock vs scissor->Rock wins \n" + "paper vs scissor->scissor wins \n") print("Enter choice \n 1. Rock \n 2. paper \n 3. scissor \n") choice = int(input("User turn: ")) # OR is the short-circuit operator # if any one of the condition is true # then it return True value # looping until user enter invalid input while choice > 3 or choice < 1: choice = int(input("enter valid input: ")) # initialize value of choice_name variable # corresponding to the choice value if choice == 1: choice_name = 'Rock' elif choice == 2: choice_name = 'paper' else: choice_name = 'scissor' # print user choice print("user choice is: " + choice_name) print("\nNow its computer turn.......") # Computer chooses randomly any number # among 1 , 2 and 3. Using randint method # of random module comp_choice = random.randint(1, 3) # looping until comp_choice value # is equal to the choice value while comp_choice == choice: comp_choice = random.randint(1, 3) # initialize value of comp_choice_name # variable corresponding to the choice value if comp_choice == 1: comp_choice_name = 'Rock' elif comp_choice == 2: comp_choice_name = 'paper' else: comp_choice_name = 'scissor' print("Computer choice is: " + comp_choice_name) print(choice_name + " V/s " + comp_choice_name) # condition for winning if ((choice == 1 and comp_choice == 2) or (choice == 2 and comp_choice == 1)): print("paper wins => ", end="") result = "paper" elif ((choice == 1 and comp_choice == 3) or (choice == 3 and comp_choice == 1)): print("Rock wins =>", end="") result = "Rock" else: print("scissor wins =>", end="") result = "scissor" # Printing either user or computer wins if result == choice_name: print("<== User wins ==>") else: print("<== Computer wins ==>")
def loop(): try: #Recognising the voice with sp.Microphone() as source: print('Hey... Adio here ') speak('Hey..adio here? how can i help u') voice=hear.listen(source) command = hear.recognize_google(voice) command = command.lower() print(command,'...') #Playing songs/videos on youtube if 'play' in command: command=command.replace('play','') print('playing'+command) pwk.playonyt(command) #wikipedia elif 'who' in command: command=command.replace('who is','') wiki=wk.summary(command,sentences=1) print(wiki) speak(wiki) #date and time using datetime library elif 'date' in command:'%d %B %Y %A') print(date) speak(date) elif 'time' in command:'%H %M %p') print(time) speak(time) #automate to shop on amazon elif 'amazon' in command: command=command.replace('on amazon','') url='' driver=webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install()) driver.get(url) driver.set_page_load_timeout(10) driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="twotabsearchtextbox"]').send_keys(command); search=driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="nav-search-submit-text"]/input') elif 'flipkart' in command: command=command.replace('on flipkart','') url='' driver=webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install()) driver.get(url) driver.set_page_load_timeout(10) driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="container"]/div/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/form/div/div/input').send_keys(command); driver.find_element_by_xpath('/html/body/div[2]/div/div/button').click() search=driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="container"]/div/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/form/div/button/svg') #google search elif 'search' in command: command=command.replace('search','') #jokes using pyjokes library elif 'joke' in command: joke=pyjokes.get_jokes(language="en",) speak(joke[(random.randint(1, 5))]) #Weather updates using Weather_forecast library elif 'weather' in command: if 'in' in command: com=command.split('in',1) loc=com[1].capitalize() speak(wf.forecast(loc),'%X'),'%x')) else: speak('Please repeat the question with location') #News updates using GoogleNews library elif 'news' in command: ggn = GoogleNews('en') if 'about' in command: com=command.split('about',1) newz=com[1].capitalize() ggn.getpage(1) print(ggn.gettext()) speak(ggn.gettext()) if 'on' in command: com=command.split('on',1) newz=com[1].capitalize() ggn.getpage(1) print(ggn.gettext()) speak(ggn.gettext()) else:'India') ggn.getpage(0) print(ggn.gettext()) speak(ggn.gettext()) else: except: pass