コード例 #1
ファイル: ena_da.py プロジェクト: ISA-tools/COPO
    def refactor_ena_study_samples(self, ena_collection_id, study_id):
        normalised_ranked_list = self.get_normalised_ranked_list([],

        study_samples = []
        samples = self.get_study_samples(ena_collection_id, study_id)

        if samples:
            for sd in samples:
                sample_id = sd["id"]
                sample_details = self.get_ena_sample(ena_collection_id, sample_id)
                if sample_details:
                    study_sample = []
                    modified_ranked_list = self.get_modified_ranked_list(normalised_ranked_list)
                    for elem_dict in modified_ranked_list:
                        entry_dict = elem_dict
                        # get target values from sample_details and delete irrelevant entries in "entry_dict"
                        # also sort out "items" if entries exist for them
                        if entry_dict["ref"] in sample_details:
                            entry_dict["value"] = sample_details[entry_dict["ref"]]
                        structure = ""
                        if entry_dict["items"]:
                            # it might well be an "all for one, one for all" arrangement here...
                            # i.e., structure for a single entry under "items" suffices for the rest
                            structure = entry_dict["items"][0]["structure"].replace(" ", "").lower()
                        # now safe to delete redundant keys from entry_dict
                        del entry_dict["ref"]
                        del entry_dict["items"]

                        # another entry, this time for "items", that is, if exist!
                        if structure and structure in sample_details:
                            entry_dict = d_utils.get_isajson_refactor_type(structure)
                            entry_dict["items"] = sample_details[structure]

        return study_samples
コード例 #2
ファイル: ena_da.py プロジェクト: ISA-tools/COPO
    def get_modified_ranked_list(self, ranked_list):
        # this method produces a list of elements and their associated structured fields (items)

        # first, get document context by comparing bases of element's id
        d = difflib.Differ()
        context = ranked_list[0]["id"]
        for elem_dict in ranked_list[1:]:
            v = list(d.compare(context, elem_dict["id"]))
            h = ''.join(e.strip() for e in v)
            context = h.split("-")[0]
        context = context.strip(".").rsplit(".", 1)[1]

        structured_labels = ["characteristics", "factor value", "parameter value"]

        base_nodes_gap = []
        modified_ranked_list = []

        for indx, elem_dict in enumerate(ranked_list):
            # grab key elements: i.e., non-structured nodes
            element_base = elem_dict["id"].rsplit(".", 2)[1]

            if not element_base == context:  # possible target for a protocol node
                # add protocol node if not already added
                entry_dict = d_utils.get_isajson_refactor_type("protocol")
                entry_dict["value"] = re.sub("([a-z])([A-Z])", "\g<1> \g<2>", element_base).lower()
                entry_dict["ref"] = element_base
                entry_dict["items"] = []

                if entry_dict not in modified_ranked_list:

            if elem_dict["ref"].split("[", 1)[0].lower() not in structured_labels:
                if elem_dict["ref"].split("[", 1)[0].lower() == "comment":  # handles for comment elements
                    entry_dict = d_utils.get_isajson_refactor_type("comment")
                    entry_dict["commentTerm"] = elem_dict["ref"].split("[", 1)[1].strip("]")
                elif elem_dict["control"].lower() == "file":  # handles for files
                    entry_dict = d_utils.get_isajson_refactor_type("file")
                    entry_dict["name"] = elem_dict["ref"]
                elif d_utils.get_isajson_refactor_type(
                        elem_dict["id"].rsplit(".", 1)[1].lower()):  # handles for very specific elements
                    entry_dict = d_utils.get_isajson_refactor_type(elem_dict["id"].rsplit(".", 1)[1].lower())
                    entry_dict["name"] = elem_dict["ref"]
                    entry_dict = d_utils.get_isajson_refactor_type("generic")
                    entry_dict["name"] = elem_dict["ref"]
                entry_dict["ref"] = elem_dict["id"].rsplit(".", 1)[1]
                entry_dict["items"] = []

                if entry_dict not in modified_ranked_list:

        base_nodes_gap.append(len(ranked_list))  # will allow interval to include last element in list

        # now attach structured nodes as items to their respective "parents"
        # exploit "base_nodes_gap" to inform this process
        for indx, elem_dict in enumerate(modified_ranked_list):
            for gap in range(base_nodes_gap[indx], base_nodes_gap[indx + 1]):
                # search for and append structured items, if found, within the search "gap"
                if ranked_list[gap]["ref"].split("[", 1)[0].lower() in structured_labels:
                        {"id": ranked_list[gap]["id"], "structure": ranked_list[gap]["ref"].split("[", 1)[0],
                         "term": ranked_list[gap]["ref"].split("[", 1)[1].strip("]")}

        return modified_ranked_list
コード例 #3
ファイル: ena_da.py プロジェクト: ISA-tools/COPO
    def refactor_ena_study_assays(self, ena_collection_id, study_id):
        study_assay = d_utils.get_db_template("ENA")['studies'][0]['study']['assays'][0]

        # get study type to determine the context to represent
        study_type = self.get_ena_study(study_id, ena_collection_id)["studyCOPOMetadata"]["studyType"]

        normalised_ranked_list = self.get_normalised_ranked_list([],
        assays_table = []
        datafiles = self.get_study_datafiles(ena_collection_id, study_id)

        if datafiles:
            for df in datafiles:
                # get samples, every sample attached to a file will also have an entry in assaysTables
                if df["samples"]:
                    for sample_id in df["samples"]:
                        sample_details = self.get_ena_sample(ena_collection_id, sample_id)
                        if sample_details:
                            temp_dict = sample_details

                            # sort out data file
                            temp_dict["rawDataFile"] = ChunkedUpload.objects.get(id=int(df["fileId"])).file.name

                            # sort out elements captured under attributes
                            temp_dict["attributes"] = df["attributes"]

                            # now start making entries
                            assay = []
                            modified_ranked_list = self.get_modified_ranked_list(normalised_ranked_list)
                            for elem_dict in modified_ranked_list:
                                entry_dict = elem_dict
                                if entry_dict["ref"] in temp_dict:
                                    entry_dict["value"] = temp_dict[entry_dict["ref"]]

                                items = entry_dict["items"]
                                # remove redundant fields
                                del entry_dict["ref"]
                                del entry_dict["items"]

                                if items:
                                    # spin off another entry_dict to cater for these items

                                    # it might well be an "all for one, one for all" arrangement here...
                                    # i.e., structure for a single entry under "items" suffices for the rest
                                    structure = items[0]["structure"].replace(" ", "").lower()
                                    entry_dict = d_utils.get_isajson_refactor_type(structure)
                                    # delete the blank entry in items
                                    del entry_dict["items"][0]

                                    for item in items:
                                        for attribute in temp_dict["attributes"]:
                                            if attribute["question"] == item["id"]:
                                                # get the template, and sort out this entry
                                                items_entry = d_utils.get_isajson_refactor_type(structure)["items"][0]
                                                if "parameter" in structure:
                                                    items_entry["parameterTerm"] = item["term"]
                                                    items_entry["parameterValue"] = attribute["answer"]["value"]
                                                    items_entry["termAccessionNumber"] = attribute["answer"][
                                                    items_entry["termSourceREF"] = attribute["answer"]["termSourceREF"]
                                                elif "characteristics" in structure:
                                                elif "factor" in structure:

                                    # del entry_dict["items"][0] # no need keeping this dummy entry
            study_assay["assaysTable"] = assays_table
        return study_assay