def __init__(self, key): super(CharacterInterface, self).__init__() try: self.key = EVECharacter.objects.get(id=key) except EVECharacter.DoesNotExist: raise HTTPNotFound() if != raise HTTPNotFound()
def __init__(self, app): super(ApplicationInterface, self).__init__() try: = Application.objects.get(id=app) except Application.DoesNotExist: raise HTTPNotFound() if != and not user.admin: raise HTTPNotFound()
def __init__(self, grant): super(GrantInterface, self).__init__() try: self.grant = ApplicationGrant.objects.get(id=grant) except ApplicationGrant.DoesNotExist: raise HTTPNotFound() if != raise HTTPNotFound()
def __init__(self, char): super(CharacterInterface, self).__init__() try: self.char = EVECharacter.objects.get(id=char) except EVECharacter.DoesNotExist: raise HTTPNotFound() if (not self.char.owner or != and not user.admin: raise HTTPNotFound()
def __init__(self, key): super(KeyInterface, self).__init__() try: self.key = EVECredential.objects.get(id=key) except EVECredential.DoesNotExist: raise HTTPNotFound() if != raise HTTPNotFound() self.index = KeyIndex(self.key)
def __init__(self, userID): super(AccountInterface, self).__init__() try: self.user = User.objects.get(id=userID) except User.DoesNotExist: raise HTTPNotFound() except ValidationError: # Handles improper objectIDs raise HTTPNotFound() if != and not user.admin: raise HTTPNotFound()
def post(self, keyID=None, keyMask=None, violation=None): # Have to be an admin to access admin pages. if not is_administrator: raise HTTPNotFound() # Seed the initial results. keys = EVECredential.objects() # Limit to keys with the specified ID. if keyID: keys = keys.filter(key=keyID) # Limit to keys with the specified Mask. if keyMask: keys = keys.filter(_mask=keyMask) # Limit to keys with the specified violation. if violation.lower() == "none": keys = keys.filter(violation=None) elif violation: keys = keys.filter(violation__iexact=violation) return 'brave.core.admin.template.searchKey', dict(area='admin', result=keys, success=True)
def get(self): # Have to be an admin to access admin pages. if not is_administrator: raise HTTPNotFound() return 'brave.core.admin.template.searchKey', dict(area='admin')
def post(self, username=None, userMethod=None, ip=None, duplicate=None): # Have to be an admin to access admin pages. if not is_administrator: raise HTTPNotFound() # Seed the initial results. users = User.objects() # Limit to users with the specified username. if username: if userMethod == 'contains': users = users.filter(username__icontains=username) elif userMethod == 'starts': users = users.filter(username__istartswith=username) elif userMethod == 'is': users = users.filter(username__iexact=username) else: return 'json:', dict( success=False, message=_("You broke the web page. Good Job.")) # Limit to users with the specified IP address. if ip: users = users.filter(host=ip) # Limit to users with the specified duplicate status if duplicate.lower() == "ip": users = users.filter(other_accs_IP__exists=True) elif duplicate.lower() == "char": users = users.filter(other_accs_char_key__exists=True) return 'brave.core.admin.template.searchUser', dict(area='admin', result=users, success=True)
def post(self, **kw): if not request.is_xhr: raise HTTPNotFound() u = user._current_obj() valid, invalid = manage_form().native(kw) app = Application(owner=u, **{ k: v for k, v in valid.iteritems() if k in ('name', 'description', 'groups', 'site', 'contact') }) app.key.public = valid['key']['public'] app.mask.required = valid['required'] or 0 app.mask.optional = valid['optional'] or 0 if valid['development'] == "true" or valid['development'] == "True": app.development = True else: app.development = False return 'json:', dict(success=True, location='/application/manage/')
def get(self): if (not self.char.owner or != and not user.admin: raise HTTPNotFound() return 'brave.core.character.template.charDetails', dict( char=self.char, area='admin')
def __init__(self, id): super(OneGroupController, self).__init__() try: = Group.objects.get(id=id) except Group.DoesNotExist: raise HTTPNotFound()
def post(self, **kw): if not request.is_xhr: raise HTTPNotFound() app = valid, invalid = manage_form().native(kw) for k in ('name', 'description', 'groups', 'site', 'contact'): setattr(app, k, valid[k]) if valid['key']['public'].startswith('-'): # Assume PEM format. valid['key']['public'] = hexlify( VerifyingKey.from_pem(valid['key']['public']).to_string()) app.key.public = valid['key']['public'] app.mask.required = valid['required'] or 0 app.mask.optional = valid['optional'] or 0 if valid['development'] == "true" or valid['development'] == "True": app.development = True else: app.development = False return 'json:', dict(success=True, )
def __init__(self, app): super(ApplicationInterface, self).__init__() try: = Application.objects.get(id=app) except Application.DoesNotExist: raise HTTPNotFound() self.authorize = ApplicationAuthorization(
def get(self, admin=False): if admin and not is_administrator: raise HTTPNotFound() characters = user.characters if admin: characters = EVECharacter.objects() return 'brave.core.character.template.list', dict(area='chars', admin=bool(admin), records=characters)
def put(self): if != raise HTTPNotFound() u = user._current_obj() u.primary = self.key if request.is_xhr: return 'json:', dict(success=True) raise HTTPFound(location='/character/')
def post(self, character=None, charMethod=None, alliance=None, corporation=None, group=None): # Have to be an admin to access admin pages. if not is_administrator: raise HTTPNotFound() # Seed the initial results. chars = EVECharacter.objects() # Go through and check all of the possible posted values # Limit chars to the character name entered. if character: if charMethod == 'contains': chars = chars.filter(name__icontains=character) elif charMethod == 'starts': chars = chars.filter(name__istartswith=character) elif charMethod == 'is': chars = chars.filter(name__iexact=character) else: return 'json:', dict( success=False, message=_("You broke the web page. Good Job.")) # Limit to characters in the specified alliance. if alliance: alliance = EVEAlliance.objects(name=alliance).first() chars = chars.filter(alliance=alliance) # Limit to characters in the specified corporation. if corporation: corporation = EVECorporation.objects(name=corporation).first() chars = chars.filter(corporation=corporation) # Limit to characters in the specified group. if group: groupList = [] for c in chars: if group in c.tags: groupList.append( chars = chars.filter(id__in=groupList) return 'brave.core.admin.template.searchChar', dict(area='admin', result=chars, success=True)
def ar(self, ar): if not session.get('ar', None) == ar: session['ar'] = ar raise HTTPFound( location='/account/authenticate?redirect=%2Fauthorize%2F{0}'. format(ar)) try: return AuthenticationRequest.objects.get(id=ar, user=None, grant=None) except AuthenticationRequest.DoesNotExist: raise HTTPNotFound()
def get(self, admin=False): admin = boolean(admin) if admin and not is_administrator: raise HTTPNotFound() credentials = user.credentials if admin: #Don't send the verification code for the API keys. credentials = EVECredential.objects.only('violation', 'key', 'verified', 'owner') return 'brave.core.key.template.list', dict(area='keys', admin=admin, records=credentials)
def get(self, admin=False): if admin and not is_administrator: raise HTTPNotFound() return 'brave.core.account.template.settings', dict()