コード例 #1
	def get(self):
		# lookup user's auth info
		user_info = User.get_by_id(long(self.user_id))

		# setup channel to do page refresh
		channel_token = user_info.key.urlsafe()
		refresh_channel = channel.create_channel(channel_token)

		# load projects pulldown
		self.form.project.choices = []

		# public + private
		projects = Project.get_available(user_info.key)
		for project in projects:
			self.form.project.choices.insert(0, (str(project.key.id()), project.name))

		# insert images into list for wisp
		self.form.image.choices=[('custom', "Dynamic Image URL")]
		images = Image.get_all()
		for image in images:
			self.form.image.choices.insert(0, (str(image.key.id()), image.description))

		# params build out
		params = {
			'refresh_channel': refresh_channel,
			'channel_token': channel_token 

		return self.render_template('wisp/new.html', **params)
コード例 #2
	def post(self):
		# lookup user's auth info
		user_info = User.get_by_id(long(self.user_id))

		# load projects pulldown
		self.form.project.choices = []

		# public + private
		projects = Project.get_available(user_info.key)
		for project in projects:
			self.form.project.choices.insert(0, (str(project.key.id()), project.name))

		# insert images into list for wisp
		self.form.image.choices=[('custom', "Dynamic Image URL")]
		images = Image.get_all()
		for image in images:
			self.form.image.choices.insert(0, (str(image.key.id()), image.description))

		# check what was returned from form validates
		if not self.form.validate():          
			self.add_message("The new wisp form did not validate.", "error")
			return self.get()

		# load form values
		name = self.form.name.data.strip()
		ssh_key = self.form.ssh_key.data.strip()
		dynamic_image_url = self.form.dynamic_image_url.data.strip()
		image_container_format = self.form.image_container_format.data.strip()
		image_disk_format = self.form.image_disk_format.data.strip()
		post_creation = self.form.post_creation.data.strip()
		callback_url = self.form.callback_url.data.strip()
		default = self.form.default.data # no strip cause bool

		# check if project is selected
		if self.form.wisp_type.data.strip() == 'project':
			project = Project.get_by_id(long(self.form.project.data.strip())).key
			project = None		

		# hack up form to deal with custom image
		if self.form.image.data.strip() == "custom":
			image = None
			image = Image.get_by_id(long(self.form.image.data.strip())).key

		# hack up form to deal with custom callback
		if self.form.wisp_type.data.strip() == "custom":
			image = None
			ssh_key = None
			dynamic_image_url = None
			post_creation = None
		elif self.form.wisp_type.data.strip() == "project":
			image = None
			dynamic_image_url = None
			post_creation = None
			callback_url = None

		# check if we have it already
		if Wisp.get_by_user_name(user_info.key, name):
			self.add_message("A wisp with that name already exists in this account!", "error")
			return self.redirect_to('account-wisps')		
		# check if we need to force default setting for first new wisp
		if not Wisp.get_by_user(user_info.key):
			default = True

		# save the new wisp in our database            
		wisp = Wisp(
			name = name,
			owner = user_info.key,
			image = image,
			ssh_key = ssh_key,
			dynamic_image_url = dynamic_image_url,
			image_container_format = image_container_format,
			image_disk_format = image_disk_format,
			post_creation = post_creation,
			callback_url = callback_url,
			project = project

		# set default if true
		if default:

		# log to alert
		self.add_message("Wisp %s successfully created!" % name, "success")

		# give it a few seconds to update db, then redirect
		return self.redirect_to('account-wisps-detail', wisp_id=wisp.key.id())
コード例 #3
	def post(self, wisp_id = None):
		# lookup user's auth info
		user_info = User.get_by_id(long(self.user_id))

		# load the wisp in question
		wisp = Wisp.get_by_id(long(wisp_id))

		# if doesn't exist, redirect
		if not wisp:
			return self.redirect_to('account-wisps')

		# load projects pulldown
		self.form.project.choices = []
		projects = Project.get_available(user_info.key)
		for project in projects:
			self.form.project.choices.insert(0, (str(project.key.id()), project.name))

		# insert images into list for wisp
		self.form.image.choices=[('custom', "Dynamic Image URL")]
		images = Image.get_all()
		for image in images:
			self.form.image.choices.insert(0, (str(image.key.id()), image.description))

		# check what was returned from form validates
		if not self.form.validate():          
			self.add_message("The new wisp form did not validate.", "error")
			return self.get(wisp_id = wisp_id)

		# load form values
		name = self.form.name.data.strip()
		ssh_key = self.form.ssh_key.data.strip()
		dynamic_image_url = self.form.dynamic_image_url.data.strip()
		image_container_format = self.form.image_container_format.data.strip()
		image_disk_format = self.form.image_disk_format.data.strip()
		post_creation = self.form.post_creation.data.strip()
		callback_url = self.form.callback_url.data.strip()
		default = self.form.default.data

		# hack up form to deal with custom callback
		if self.form.wisp_type.data.strip() == "custom":
			# custom callback, so zero everything
			image = None
			ssh_key = None
			dynamic_image_url = None
			post_creation = None
			project = None
		elif self.form.wisp_type.data.strip() == "project":
			# project, so zero image, urls, post_creation
			image = None
			dynamic_image_url = None
			post_creation = None
			callback_url = None
			project = Project.get_by_id(long(self.form.project.data.strip())).key
			# stock
			callback_url = None
			project = None

		# hack up results to deal with custom images
		if self.form.image.data.strip() == "custom":
			image = None
			if project:
				image = None
				image = Image.get_by_id(int(self.form.image.data.strip())).key

		# check if the wisp owner is this user
		if wisp and wisp.owner == user_info.key:
			# save the new wisp in our database            
			wisp.name = name
			wisp.image = image
			wisp.ssh_key = ssh_key
			wisp.dynamic_image_url = dynamic_image_url
			wisp.image_container_format = image_container_format
			wisp.image_disk_format = image_disk_format
			wisp.post_creation = post_creation
			wisp.callback_url = callback_url
			wisp.project = project

			# set default if true, or turn it off if false
			if default:
				wisp.default = False

			# log to alert
			self.add_message("Wisp %s updated!" % name, "success")

			# give it a few seconds to update db, then redirect
			# log to alert
			self.add_message("Wisp was not updated!", "error")
		return self.redirect_to('account-wisps')
コード例 #4
	def get(self, wisp_id = None):
		# lookup user's auth info
		user_info = User.get_by_id(long(self.user_id))
		# get the wisp in question
		wisp = Wisp.get_by_id(long(wisp_id))

		# if doesn't exist, redirect
		if not wisp:
			return self.redirect_to('account-wisps')

		# load projects pulldown
		self.form.project.choices = []
		projects = Project.get_available(user_info.key)
		for project in projects:
			self.form.project.choices.insert(0, (str(project.key.id()), project.name))

		# insert images into list for wisp
		self.form.image.choices=[('custom', "Dynamic Image URL")]
		images = Image.get_all()
		for image in images:
			self.form.image.choices.insert(0, (str(image.key.id()), image.description))

		# load values out of db to show in form
		self.form.name.data = wisp.name
		self.form.ssh_key.data = wisp.ssh_key
		self.form.dynamic_image_url.data = wisp.dynamic_image_url
		self.form.image_disk_format.data = wisp.image_disk_format
		self.form.image_container_format.data = wisp.image_container_format
		self.form.post_creation.data = wisp.post_creation
		self.form.callback_url.data = wisp.callback_url
		self.form.default.data = wisp.default

		# adjust the form's pulldown settings
		self.form.wisp_type.data = "stock"
		if wisp.image:
			self.form.image.data = str(wisp.image.id())
		if wisp.callback_url:
			self.form.wisp_type.data = "custom"
		if wisp.project:
			self.form.wisp_type.data = "project"
			self.form.project.data = str(wisp.project.id())
		if wisp.dynamic_image_url:
			self.form.wisp_type.data = "stock"
			self.form.image.data = "custom"

		# check if the owner is this user
		if wisp and wisp.owner == user_info.key:
			# setup channel to do page refresh
			channel_token = user_info.key.urlsafe()
			refresh_channel = channel.create_channel(channel_token)

			# params build out
			params = {
				'wisp': wisp,
				'refresh_channel': refresh_channel,
				'channel_token': channel_token 

			return self.render_template('wisp/edit.html', **params)
			return self.redirect_to('account-wisps')