def set_license_bind(lid, did, dname, sid, sname, surl, pexp, osname): if not dbsl: return {'errmsg': 'No database'} t = dbsl.transaction() try: count = web.listget("DM_CLIENTS", what="COUNT(*) CNT", where="ISPRIMARY=1").list(), 0, {}).get("CNT", 0) pubpem, pripem = gen_rsakey() if web.listget("DM_CLIENTS", vars=locals(), where="LICENSEID=$lid").list(), 0, None): dbsl.update("DM_CLIENTS", vars=locals(), where="LICENSEID=$lid", DEVICEID=did, DEVICENAME=dname, SERVERID=sid, SERVERNAME=sname, SERVERURL=surl, PUBKEY=pubpem, OSNAME=osname, push_expire=(pexp or 0)) else: ispri = 1 if count == 0 else 0 dbsl.insert("DM_CLIENTS", LICENSEID=lid, DEVICEID=did, DEVICENAME=dname, ISPRIMARY=ispri, SERVERID=sid, SERVERNAME=sname, SERVERURL=surl, PUBKEY=pubpem, OSNAME=osname, push_expire=(pexp or 0)) dbsl.update("DM_CONFIG", vars=locals(), where="CKEY='ENABLE_BIND'", CVAL=0) except Exception as e: t.rollback() traceback.print_exc() return {"errmsg": e} else: t.commit() load_pubkeys() return { "body": { "pem": pripem, "sid": sid, "sname": sname, "surl": surl, "lid": lid, "osname": osname } }
def getRecentOnePostsInNode(nodeId): return web.listget('_post', limit=1, order='id DESC', vars=dict(nodeId=nodeId), where='nodeId = $nodeId'), 0, {})
def get_just_added_comment(uid, pid): return web.listget('_post_comments', vars=dict(pid=pid, uid=uid), where='pid = $pid and uid = $uid', order='id DESC', limit=1), 0, {})
def make_question(url, category): """Create the random question from wikipedia.""" try: article = lib.dnl(url, referer='') xml = lib.parse_xml(article) except: return False raise 'Either can\'t download the wikipedia article or can\'t parse it.' answer = xml.findtext('.//h1').encode('utf-8') snippet = '' for p in xml.xpath('//div[@id="bodyContent"]/p'): snippet += etree.tostring(p, method='text', encoding='utf-8').strip() + ' ' # snippet += lib.strip_tags(etree.tostring(p)) + '\n' snippet = snippet[0:snippet_size].replace('\n', '<br />').decode('utf-8') snippet = re.sub('\[\d+\]', '', snippet) snippet_secret = snippet for a in answer.split(): if a[-1] == 's': a = a[:-1] p = re.compile(r'\b%ss?\b' % re.escape(a), re.I) snippet_secret = p.sub('<strong class="depleted">' + '?' * len(a) + '</strong>', snippet_secret) image_url = web.listget( xml.xpath('//img[@class="thumbimage"]//@src'), 0, '') return dict(answer=answer, snippet_secret=snippet_secret, category=category, snippet=snippet, wiki_url=url, image_url=image_url))
def add_compose(fpath): if not dbsl: return {'errmsg': 'No database'} realpath = utils.prefixStorageDir( fpath) if not os.path.isabs(fpath) else fpath if not os.path.isfile(realpath): return {'errmsg': 'File %s not exists' % fpath} folder = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(realpath))[0] if not web.listget("DM_COMPOSE", vars=locals(), where="FILEPATH=$fpath and FOLDER=$folder").list(), 0): if fpath.lower().endswith(('yaml', 'yml')): alias = os.path.basename(os.path.split(fpath)[0]) else: alias = os.path.basename(fpath) t = dbsl.transaction() try: dbsl.insert("DM_COMPOSE", ALIAS=alias, FILEPATH=fpath, FOLDER=folder) except Exception as e: t.rollback() traceback.print_exc() return {"errmsg": e} else: t.commit() return {} else: return {"errmsg": "%s already exists" % fpath}
def match(path): for pat, type, property, default_title in patterns: m = web.re_compile('^' + pat).match(path) if m: prefix = extra = web.lstrips(path, prefix) tokens = extra.split("/", 2) # `extra` starts with "/". So first token is always empty. middle = web.listget(tokens, 1, "") suffix = web.listget(tokens, 2, "") if suffix: suffix = "/" + suffix return type, property, default_title, prefix, middle, suffix return None, None, None, None, None, None
def batchInsertPreNf(market=None,brand=None): ##dbconn.query("insert into prenaifen (name,duration,weight,spec,brand,series,sellto,age,duan,pack,place,price,img) select name,duration,weight,spec,brand,series,sellto,age,duan,pack,place,price,img from naifenitem where brand = $brand and market = $market",vars=dict(brand=brand,market=market)) res = dbconn.query(u"select * from prenaifen where brand = $brand",vars=dict(brand=brand)) for r in res: res1 = dbconn.query(u"select * from naifenitem where name = $name and market=$market",vars=dict(,market=market)) item = web.listget(res1,0,None) dbconn.insert("prmatch",prid=r.ID,itemid=item.itemid,market=market)
def already_voted(module_id, user_ip): return web.listget('votes', vars = dict(ip=user_ip, id=module_id), what = 'count(vote)', where = 'ip = $ip and module_id = $id', group = 'module_id having count(module_id) > 0'), 0, False)
def get_question(question): """Get a specific question from the cache.""" return web.listget('wikitrivia_cache', vars=dict(url=question.wiki_url), where='wiki_url = $url', limit=1), 0, False)
def push_message(lid, pkey, data): if not dbsl: return {'errmsg': 'No database'} lobj = web.config.vars.pubkeys.get(lid) if not lobj: load_pubkeys() lobj = web.config.vars.pubkeys.get(lid) if not lobj: return {'errmsg': 'License not exists'} if not lobj.get('EXNOTIISON'): load_pubkeys() lobj = web.config.vars.pubkeys.get(lid) if not lobj.get('EXNOTIISON'): return {'errmsg': 'External notification is off'} if not pkey or (pkey and lobj.get('EXNOTIPASS') != pkey): return {'errmsg': 'Require password to send external notification'} if not data.get('body'): return {'errmsg': 'body required'} if '%s' % data.get('level', '') not in ('1', '2', '3'): data['level'] = 1 from . import apush try: aobj = web.listget( "DM_ALERTS", vars=locals(), where= "LICENSEID=$lid and CNAME='--sys--' and ALTYPE=0 and ALENABLED=0" ).list(), 0, None) if not aobj: alid = dbsl.insert("DM_ALERTS", ALSTR='', ALVAL='', ALPUSH=1, LICENSEID=lid, CNAME='--sys--', ALTYPE=0, ALENABLED=0, ALLEVEL=data.get('level', 1)) else: alid = aobj.ALID msgid = dbsl.insert("DM_MESSAGE", ALID=alid, MSGSTAMP=time.time(), ISREAD=0, ISPUSHED=1, MSGKEYWORD=data.get('title', ''), MSGBODY=data.get('body', ''), MSGURL=data.get('url', '')) if lobj.get('push_expire', 0) <= time.time(): load_pubkeys() lobj = web.config.vars.pubkeys.get(lid) if lobj.get('push_expire', 0) <= time.time(): return {'errmsg': 'License/Push service expired'} else: retval = apush.pushNotification( lobj.get('LICENSEID', ''), lobj.get('SERVERID', ''), lobj.get('DEVICEID', ''), data.get('title', ''), data.get('body', ''), 'domapp://message/%s?lid=%s' % (msgid, lid)) retval = formator.json_object(retval) return retval except Exception as e: return {'errmsg': str(e)}
def getUserByID(userid): res = dbconn.query(""" select * from user_info ui where ui.userid = $userid """, vars=dict(userid=userid)) u = web.listget(res, 0, None) return u
def get_random_question(category): """Get a random quiz question from the cache.""" return web.listget('wikitrivia_cache', vars=dict(category=category), where='category = $category', limit=1, order='rand()'), 0, False)
def get_module(id): """Get a specific module by its id.""" return web.listget('modules', vars = dict(id=id), what = 'id, title, description, author, author_affiliation, title_url, \ author_email, render_inline, screenshot, calculated_vote, url', where='id = $id'), 0, False)
def getLastTimeStamp(userid): r = web.listget( dbconn.query( "select max(timeStamp) as timeStamp from user_data where userid=$userid", vars=dict(userid=userid)), 0, None) if r: return date_to_timestamp(r.timeStamp) return None
def get_random_wiki_url(category): """Use yahoo to get a random wikipedia url.""" wiki_url = '' if categories.yahoo_queries.has_key(category): query = categories.get_yahoo_query(category) wiki_url = web.listget( lib.yahoo_search(query, random.randint(0, question_range), 1), 0, {}).get('url', '') return wiki_url
def set_syskey(key, val): if not dbsl: return if web.listget("DM_CONFIG", vars=locals(), where="CKEY=$key").list(), 0, None): dbsl.update("DM_CONFIG", vars=locals(), where="CKEY=$key", CVAL=val) else: dbsl.insert("DM_CONFIG", CKEY=key, CVAL=val)
def get_special_question(ID_special_question): special_question_row = web.listget(list('special_questions',dict(ID_special_question=ID_special_question),where='ID_special_question=$ID_special_question')), 0, default=None) if special_question_row is None: return None else: ID_special_question=special_question_row['ID_special_question'] description_special_question=special_question_row['Description'] question_list = [Question(row['Description'],row['Answer']) for row in list('questions',dict(ID_special_question=ID_special_question),where='ID_special_question=$ID_special_question'))] return SpecialQuestion(description_special_question,question_list)
def get_by_id(id): return web.listget( 'applicants as a, users as u', vars=dict(id=id), what='a.*, nickname', where= '$id and ( = a.decided_by_user_id or a.decided_by_user_id is NULL)' ), 0, {})
def get_module(id): """Get a specific module by its id.""" return web.listget( 'modules', vars=dict(id=id), what= 'id, title, description, author, author_affiliation, title_url, \ author_email, render_inline, screenshot, calculated_vote, url', where='id = $id'), 0, False)
def get_message(msgid): if not dbsl: return {'errmsg': 'No database'} retval = web.listget( "DM_ALERTS A, DM_MESSAGE M", what= "A.ALID,A.CNAME,ALTYPE,ALLEVEL,MSGID,MSGSTAMP,ISREAD,ISPUSHED,MSGKEYWORD,MSGBODY", vars=locals(), where="A.ALID=M.ALID AND M.MSGID=$msgid").list(), 0, {}) return retval
def GET(self): data = web.input() naifenid = data.naifenid r = web.listget(dbconn.query(""" select n.itemid, from prmatch m join naifenitem n on m.itemid = n.itemid and = where m.naifenid = $naifenid """,vars=dict(naifenid=naifenid)),0,None) if r: return web.seeother(getItemUrl(r.itemid,
def GET(self,name): naifenid = int(name) nf = web.listget(dbconn.query("select * from formalnaifen where id = $naifenid",vars=dict(naifenid=naifenid)),0,None) nfs = dbconn.query(""" select n.price,,n.itemid from prmatch m join formalnaifen f on = m.naifenid join naifenitem n on m.itemid = n.itemid and = where $naifenid """,vars=dict(naifenid=naifenid)) return render.naifen(nf=nf,nfs=nfs)
def get_related(module_id): """Get a similar module.""" module_tags = [t.tag for t in tags.get_tags(module_id)] m = web.listget('tags', vars = dict(id=module_id, tags=module_tags), what = 'module_id', where = 'module_id != $id and %s' % web.sqlors("tag = ", module_tags), group = 'module_id having count(module_id) > 1', order = 'rand()'), 0, False) return m and get_module(m.module_id)
def count_message2(lid, cname, skey=''): if not dbsl: return [] swhere = "A.ALID=M.ALID and A.LICENSEID=$lid" if cname: swhere += " AND A.CNAME=$cname" if skey: skey = '%' + skey + '%' swhere += " AND MSGBODY like $skey" return web.listget("DM_ALERTS A, DM_MESSAGE M", what="COUNT(MSGID) CNT", vars=locals(), where=swhere).list(), 0, {}).get('CNT', 0)
def update_calculated_vote(module_id): min_votes = 5 r = web.listget('votes', vars = dict(id=module_id), what = 'sum(vote) / count(module_id) as calculated_vote', where = 'module_id = $id', group = 'module_id having count(module_id) > %s' % min_votes), 0, False) if r: db.update('modules', vars = dict(id=module_id), where='id = $id', calculated_vote=r.calculated_vote)
def get_related(module_id): """Get a similar module.""" module_tags = [t.tag for t in tags.get_tags(module_id)] m = web.listget('tags', vars=dict(id=module_id, tags=module_tags), what='module_id', where='module_id != $id and %s' % web.sqlors("tag = ", module_tags), group='module_id having count(module_id) > 1', order='rand()'), 0, False) return m and get_module(m.module_id)
def GET(self, img_id): img = image.get_img_by_imgid(img_id) author = web.listget(users.get_users_by_id(img.userID) , 0, {}) fav_user = image.GetFavImageByImageId(img_id).list() fav_user_ids = [] for i in xrange(len(fav_user)): fav_user_ids += str(fav_user[i].user_id).split() usernnames = [] for i in xrange(len(fav_user_ids)): usernnames += users.get_users_by_id(fav_user_ids[i]) return view.base03(view.photo_fans(img_id, img, usernnames, author), user, siteName, 2)
def GET(self, img_id): img = image.get_img_by_imgid(img_id) author = web.listget(users.get_users_by_id(img.userID), 0, {}) fav_user = image.GetFavImageByImageId(img_id).list() fav_user_ids = [] for i in xrange(len(fav_user)): fav_user_ids += str(fav_user[i].user_id).split() usernnames = [] for i in xrange(len(fav_user_ids)): usernnames += users.get_users_by_id(fav_user_ids[i]) return view.base(view.photo_fans(img_id, img, usernnames, author), user, siteName)
def fix_dirs(data): data = list(data) keys = set() for id, author, t, comment, docs in data: keys.update(doc['key'] for doc in docs if web.listget(doc['key'].split("/"), 1) not in skip_dirs) dirnames = set(os.path.dirname(k) for k in keys) def f(doc): if doc['key'] in dirnames: doc['key'] = doc['key'].rstrip("/") + "/index" return doc return _map_docs(f, data)
def main(): data = read() data = fix_lang(data) data = fix_dirs(data) data = sorted(data, key=lambda d: d[2]) spammers = [email.strip() for email in open("data/spammers.txt")] spamedits = [id.strip() for id in open("data/spamedits.txt")] skip_dirs = "user permission macros templates type user group usergroup".split() system("rm -rf build && mkdir build && cd build && git init") for id, author, t, comment, docs in data: if "http://" in comment and "" not in comment: print "ignoring changeset: %s" % str((id, author, t, comment)) continue author = re.sub(" +", " ", author) if author.strip() in spammers or id in spamedits: print "ignoring spam: %s" % str((id, author, t, comment)) continue bad_keys = ['\xe0\xb1\', ').md'] print "** processing changeset", id, t added = False for doc in docs: key = doc['key'][1:].encode('utf-8') + ".md" if doc['type']['key'] == '/type/page' and web.listget(doc['key'].split("/"), 1) not in skip_dirs and key not in bad_keys: title = doc.get('title', '') body = doc.get("body", {}) if isinstance(body, dict): body = body.get("value", "").replace("\r\n", "\n") write("build/" + key, title, body) system("cd build && git add '%s'" % key) added = True if author == "annonymous": author = "anonymous <*****@*****.**>" if added: system("cd build && git commit -m %s --date='%s' --author='%s'" % (simplejson.dumps(comment), git_date(t), author)) system("cp -r _layouts static build") system("cd build && git add _layouts static && git commit -m 'Added layouts and static file'")
def del_license_bind(lid): if not dbsl: return {'errmsg': 'No database'} t = dbsl.transaction() try: dbsl.delete("DM_CLIENTS", vars=locals(), where="LICENSEID=$lid") if web.listget("DM_CLIENTS", what="count(*) CNT").list(), 0, {}).get('CNT', 0) == 0: set_syskey('ENABLE_BIND', 1) except Exception as e: t.rollback() traceback.print_exc() return {"errmsg": e} else: t.commit() web.config.vars.pubkeys.pop(lid, None) return {}
def get(self, query): """ Get values from the cache given a query. The variable query is a string or an object with a unique representation. An object with a unique representation must implement instance variable "uniq". """ query = get_unique_repr(query) key = self._make_key(query) r ='cache', vars=dict(key=key), where='_key = $key', limit=1) r = web.listget(r, 0) value = None if r: if not r.sticky: self.db.query('update cache set datetime=now() where _key = $key', vars=dict(key=key)) value = pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(r.value)) return value
def set_alert(params): if not dbsl: return {'errmsg': 'No database'} retval = chk_alert(params) if retval.get('errmsg'): return retval t = dbsl.transaction() try: if params.alid and web.listget("DM_ALERTS", vars=locals(), where="ALID=$params.alid").list(), 0, None): dbsl.update("DM_ALERTS", vars=locals(), where="ALID=$params.alid", LICENSEID=params.lid, CNAME=params.cname, ALTYPE=params.altype, ALSTR=params.alstr, ALVAL=params.alval, ALENABLED=params.enabled, ALPUSH=params.push, ALLEVEL=params.level) else: dbsl.insert("DM_ALERTS", LICENSEID=params.lid, CNAME=params.cname, ALTYPE=params.altype, ALSTR=params.alstr, ALVAL=params.alval, ALENABLED=params.enabled, ALPUSH=params.push, ALLEVEL=params.level) except Exception as e: t.rollback() traceback.print_exc() return {"errmsg": e} else: t.commit() load_alerts() return {}
def make_question(url, category): """Create the random question from wikipedia.""" try: article = lib.dnl(url, referer='') xml = lib.parse_xml(article) except: return False raise 'Either can\'t download the wikipedia article or can\'t parse it.' answer = xml.findtext('.//h1').encode('utf-8') snippet = '' for p in xml.xpath('//div[@id="bodyContent"]/p'): snippet += etree.tostring(p, method='text', encoding='utf-8').strip() + ' ' # snippet += lib.strip_tags(etree.tostring(p)) + '\n' snippet = snippet[0:snippet_size].replace('\n', '<br />').decode('utf-8') snippet = re.sub('\[\d+\]', '', snippet) snippet_secret = snippet for a in answer.split(): if a[-1] == 's': a = a[:-1] p = re.compile(r'\b%ss?\b' % re.escape(a), re.I) snippet_secret = p.sub( '<strong class="depleted">' + '?' * len(a) + '</strong>', snippet_secret) image_url = web.listget(xml.xpath('//img[@class="thumbimage"]//@src'), 0, '') return dict(answer=answer, snippet_secret=snippet_secret, category=category, snippet=snippet, wiki_url=url, image_url=image_url))
def read_wexin(weixincode): '''从数据库读取微信公众号账户信息''' global wxaccount m = web.listget("WX_ACCOUNT", vars=locals(), where='WEIXIN_CODE=$weixincode').list(), 0) if m: m.MENUS = json.dumps(MENUS, ensure_ascii=False) print '-' * 20, 'Read WX Account [%s].' % weixincode wxaccount.ORIGINAL_ID = m.ORIGINAL_ID.encode('utf8') wxaccount.APPID = m.APPID.encode('utf8') wxaccount.APPSECRET = m.APPSECRET.encode('utf8') wxaccount.TOKEN = m.TOKEN.encode('utf8') if m.TOKEN else '' wxaccount.ACCESSTOKEN = m.ACCESSTOKEN.encode( 'utf8') if m.ACCESSTOKEN else '' wxaccount.EXPIRES = m.EXPIRES wxaccount.JSAPI_TICKET = m.JSAPI_TICKET wxaccount.JSAPI_EXPIRES = m.JSAPI_EXPIRES wxaccount.WEBTOKEN = m.WEBTOKEN.encode('utf8') if m.WEBTOKEN else '' wxaccount.WEBEXPIRES = m.WEBEXPIRES wxaccount.MCH_ID = m.MCH_ID.encode('utf8') if m.MCH_ID else '' wxaccount.WXPAY_KEY = m.WXPAY_KEY.encode('utf8') if m.WXPAY_KEY else ''
def _split(self, path): """Splits the path as required by the get_readable_path. >>> _split = ReadableUrlProcessor()._split >>> _split('/b/OL1M') ('/b/OL1M', '', '') >>> _split('/b/OL1M/foo') ('/b/OL1M', 'foo', '') >>> _split('/b/OL1M/foo/cover') ('/b/OL1M', 'foo', '/cover') >>> _split('/b/OL1M/foo/cover/bar') ('/b/OL1M', 'foo', '/cover/bar') """ tokens = path.split('/', 4) prefix = '/'.join(tokens[:3]) middle = web.listget(tokens, 3, '') suffix = '/'.join(tokens[4:]) if suffix: suffix = '/' + suffix return prefix, middle, suffix
def get_color_obj(color): if isinstance(color, str): color = web.listget( [c for c in COLOR_PALETTE if c['name'] is color], 0) return color
def get_just_added_comment(uid, pid): return web.listget('_post_comments', vars = dict(pid=pid, uid = uid), where='pid = $pid and uid = $uid', order='id DESC', limit = 1), 0, {})
def hasNfitem(nf): return web.listget(dbconn.query("select * from naifenitem where itemid=$itemid and market=$market",vars=dict(itemid=nf.itemid,,0,None)
def get_serverinfo(lid): m = web.listget("DM_CLIENTS", vars=locals(), where="LICENSEID=$lid").list(), 0, {}) return (m.get("SERVERNAME"), m.get('code_server') or '', m.get('SERVERURL') or '')
def get_syskey(key, defval=None): if not dbsl: return m = web.listget("DM_CONFIG", vars=locals(), where="CKEY=$key").list(), 0, None) return m.CVAL if m else defval
def insertPreNf(itemid,market): dbconn.query("insert into prenaifen name, duration, weight, spec, brand, series, sellto, age, duan, pack, place, price, img select from naifenitem name, duration, weight, spec, brand, series, sellto, age, duan, pack, place, price, img where itemid=$itemid and market=$market",vars=dict(itemid=itemid,market=market)) r = web.listget(dbconn.query("select last_insert_id() as lastid"),0,None) return r.lastid
def get_user_by_email(email): result ='users', vars=dict(email=email), where=web.db.sqlwhere({'email': email, 'is_active': '1'})).list() return web.listget(result, 0, {})
def _delete_lru(self): r = self.db.query('select count(*) as size from cache') r = web.listget(r, 0) n = r.size - MAX_SIZE if n > 0: self.db.query('delete from cache where sticky !=1 order by datetime limit %s' % n)
def fix_pagination(s): if s is None: s = '' return web.listget(re.findall('^\w?[\d-]+', s), 0)
def getThisPostByUserId(postAuthor): return web.listget('_post', vars=dict(postAuthor=postAuthor), order='id DESC', where='postAuthor = $postAuthor'), 0, {})
def get_compose(cmpsid): if not dbsl: return retval = web.listget("DM_COMPOSE", vars=locals(), where="CMPSID=$cmpsid").list(), 0) return retval
def get_session(session_id): res = dbconn.query("select * from sessions where session_id = $session_id", vars=dict(session_id=session_id)) return web.listget(res, 0, None)
def getPostByPostId(PostId): return web.listget('_post', vars=dict(id=PostId), where='id = $id'), 0, {})
def getsp(spid): return web.listget(dbconn.query("select * from formalitem where id=$spid",vars=dict(spid=spid)),0,None)
def getdp(dpid): return web.listget(dbconn.query("select * from danping where id = $dpid",vars=dict(dpid=dpid)),0,None)
def getLastTimeStamp(userid): r = web.listget( dbconn.query("select max(timeStamp) as timeStamp from user_data where userid=$userid",vars=dict(userid=userid)), 0, None) if r: return date_to_timestamp(r.timeStamp) return None
def GET(self): data = web.input() naifenid = int(data["id"]) nf = web.listget(dbconn.query("select * from formalnaifen where id = $naifenid",vars=dict(naifenid=naifenid)),0,None) return render.editnaifen(nf=nf)