def __init__(self, urls, size, format, *, thumbnail_url, source, source_quality, rank=None, check_metadata=CoverImageMetadata.NONE): """ Args: urls: Cover image file URL. Can be a tuple of URLs of images to be joined size: Cover size as a (with, height) tuple format: Cover image format as a CoverImageFormat enum, or None if unknown thumbnail_url: Cover thumbnail image file URL, or None if not available source: Cover source object that produced this result source_quality: Quality of the cover's source as a CoverSourceQuality enum value rank: Integer ranking of the cover in the other results from the same source, or None if not available check_metadata: If != 0, hint that the format and/or size parameters are not reliable and must be double checked """ if not isinstance(urls, str): self.urls = urls else: self.urls = (urls,) self.size = size assert((format is None) or (format in CoverImageFormat)) self.format = format self.thumbnail_url = thumbnail_url self.thumbnail_sig = None self.source = source assert(source_quality in CoverSourceQuality) self.source_quality = source_quality self.rank = rank assert((format is not None) or ((check_metadata & CoverImageMetadata.FORMAT) != 0)) assert((size is not None) or ((check_metadata & CoverImageMetadata.SIZE) != 0)) self.check_metadata = check_metadata self.reliable_metadata = True self.is_similar_to_reference = False self.is_only_reference = False if not hasattr(__class__, "image_cache"): cache_filepath = os.path.join(appdirs.user_cache_dir(appname="sacad", appauthor=False), "sacad-cache.sqlite") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(cache_filepath), exist_ok=True) __class__.image_cache = web_cache.WebCache(cache_filepath, "cover_image_data", caching_strategy=web_cache.CachingStrategy.LRU, expiration=60 * 60 * 24 * 365) # 1 year __class__.metadata_cache = web_cache.WebCache(cache_filepath, "cover_metadata", caching_strategy=web_cache.CachingStrategy.LRU, expiration=60 * 60 * 24 * 365) # 1 year for cache, cache_name in zip((__class__.image_cache, __class__.metadata_cache), ("cover_image_data", "cover_metadata")): purged_count = cache.purge() logging.getLogger("Cache").debug("%u obsolete entries have been removed from cache '%s'" % (purged_count, cache_name)) row_count = len(cache) logging.getLogger("Cache").debug("Cache '%s' contains %u entries" % (cache_name, row_count))
def __init__(self, target_size, size_tolerance_prct, *, min_delay_between_accesses=0, jitter_range_ms=None, rate_limited_domains=None, allow_cookies=False): self.target_size = target_size self.size_tolerance_prct = size_tolerance_prct self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) ua_cache_dir = os.path.join( appdirs.user_cache_dir(appname="sacad", appauthor=False), "fake_useragent") os.makedirs(ua_cache_dir, exist_ok=True) = fake_useragent.UserAgent( path=os.path.join(ua_cache_dir, "ua.json")) if not hasattr(__class__, "api_cache"): db_filepath = os.path.join( appdirs.user_cache_dir(appname="sacad", appauthor=False), "sacad-cache.sqlite") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(db_filepath), exist_ok=True) day_s = 60 * 60 * 24 __class__.api_cache = web_cache.WebCache( db_filepath, "cover_source_api_data", caching_strategy=web_cache.CachingStrategy.FIFO, expiration=random.randint(day_s * 7, day_s * 14), # 1-2 weeks compression=web_cache.Compression.DEFLATE) __class__.probe_cache = web_cache.WebCache( db_filepath, "cover_source_probe_data", caching_strategy=web_cache.CachingStrategy.FIFO, expiration=day_s * 30 * 6) # 6 months logging.getLogger('Cache').debug( f'Total size of file {db_filepath}: {__class__.api_cache.getDatabaseFileSize()}' ) for cache, cache_name in zip( (__class__.api_cache, __class__.probe_cache), ('cover_source_api_data', 'cover_source_probe_data')): purged_count = cache.purge() logging.getLogger('Cache').debug( f'{purged_count} obsolete entries have been removed from cache {cache_name}' ) row_count = len(cache) logging.getLogger('Cache').debug( f'Cache {cache_name} contains {row_count} entries')
def __init__(self, target_size, size_tolerance_prct, min_delay_between_accesses=2 / 3, allow_cookies=False): self.target_size = target_size self.size_tolerance_prct = size_tolerance_prct self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.http = http_helpers.Http( allow_session_cookies=allow_cookies, min_delay_between_accesses=min_delay_between_accesses, logger=self.logger) if not hasattr(__class__, "api_cache"): db_filepath = os.path.join( appdirs.user_cache_dir(appname="sacad", appauthor=False), "sacad-cache.sqlite") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(db_filepath), exist_ok=True) day_s = 60 * 60 * 24 __class__.api_cache = web_cache.WebCache( db_filepath, "cover_source_api_data", caching_strategy=web_cache.CachingStrategy.FIFO, expiration=random.randint(day_s * 7, day_s * 14), # 1-2 weeks compression=web_cache.Compression.DEFLATE) __class__.probe_cache = web_cache.WebCache( db_filepath, "cover_source_probe_data", caching_strategy=web_cache.CachingStrategy.FIFO, expiration=day_s * 30 * 6) # 6 months logging.getLogger("Cache").debug( "Total size of file '%s': %s" % (db_filepath, __class__.api_cache.getDatabaseFileSize())) for cache, cache_name in zip( (__class__.api_cache, __class__.probe_cache), ("cover_source_api_data", "cover_source_probe_data")): purged_count = cache.purge() logging.getLogger("Cache").debug( "%u obsolete entries have been removed from cache '%s'" % (purged_count, cache_name)) row_count = len(cache) logging.getLogger("Cache").debug( "Cache '%s' contains %u entries" % (cache_name, row_count))
def cl_main(): # parse args arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="AMG Player v%s. %s" % (__version__, __doc__), formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) arg_parser.add_argument("-c", "--count", type=int, default=20, dest="count", help="Amount of recent reviews to fetch") arg_parser.add_argument("-m", "--mode", choices=tuple( for m in PlayerMode),, dest="mode", help="""Playing mode. "manual" let you select tracks to play one by one. "radio" let you select the first one, and then plays all tracks by chronological order. "discover" automatically plays all tracks by chronological order from the first non played one.""") arg_parser.add_argument( "-i", "--interactive", action="store_true", default=False, dest="interactive", help= "Before playing each track, ask user confirmation, and allow opening review URL." ) arg_parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbosity", choices=("warning", "normal", "debug"), default="normal", dest="verbosity", help="Level of logging output") args = arg_parser.parse_args() args.mode = PlayerMode[args.mode.upper()] # setup logger logger = logging.getLogger() logging_level = { "warning": logging.WARNING, "normal": logging.INFO, "debug": logging.DEBUG } logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging_level[args.verbosity]) logging.getLogger("requests").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logging.getLogger("urllib3").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logging.getLogger("PIL").setLevel(logging.ERROR) logging_formatter = colored_logging.ColoredFormatter(fmt="%(message)s") logging_handler = logging.StreamHandler() logging_handler.setFormatter(logging_formatter) logger.addHandler(logging_handler) # locale (for date display) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "") # warn if missing tools if not HAS_FFMPEG: logging.getLogger().warning( "FFmpeg is not installed, some features won't be available") # get reviews known_reviews = KnownReviews() reviews = list(itertools.islice(get_reviews(), args.count)) # http cache cache_dir = appdirs.user_cache_dir("amg-player") os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True) cache_filepath = os.path.join(cache_dir, "http_cache.db") http_cache = web_cache.WebCache( cache_filepath, "reviews", caching_strategy=web_cache.CachingStrategy.FIFO, expiration=60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 3, # 3 months compression=web_cache.Compression.DEFLATE) purged_count = http_cache.purge() row_count = len(http_cache) logging.getLogger().debug("HTTP Cache contains %u entries (%u removed)" % (row_count, purged_count)) # initial menu if args.mode in (PlayerMode.MANUAL, PlayerMode.RADIO): menu_ret = menu.AmgMenu.setupAndShow(args.mode, reviews, known_reviews, http_cache) to_play = None track_loop = True while track_loop: if (args.mode in (PlayerMode.MANUAL, PlayerMode.RADIO)): if menu_ret is None: break else: selected_idx, action = menu_ret if args.mode is PlayerMode.MANUAL: # fully interactive mode review = reviews[selected_idx] elif args.mode is PlayerMode.RADIO: # select first track interactively, then auto play if to_play is None: review = reviews[selected_idx] to_play = reviews[0:reviews.index(review) + 1] to_play.reverse() to_play = iter(to_play) elif args.mode is PlayerMode.DISCOVER: # auto play all non played tracks if to_play is None: to_play = filter(lambda x: not known_reviews.isKnownUrl(x.url), reversed(reviews)) if args.mode in (PlayerMode.RADIO, PlayerMode.DISCOVER): try: review = next(to_play) except StopIteration: break # fetch review & play review_page = fetch_page(review.url, http_cache=http_cache) track_urls, audio_only = get_embedded_track(review_page, http_cache) if track_urls is None: logging.getLogger().warning("Unable to extract embedded track") else: print("-" * (shutil.get_terminal_size()[0] - 1)) print("Artist: %s\n" "Album: %s\n" "Review URL: %s\n" "Published: %s\n" "Tags: %s" % (review.artist, review.album, review.url, review.date_published.strftime("%x %H:%M"), ", ".join(review.tags))) if args.interactive: input_loop = True while input_loop: c = None while c not in frozenset("pdrsq"): c = input( "[P]lay / [D]ownload / Go to [R]eview / [S]kip to next track / Exit [Q] ? " ).lower() if c == "p": known_reviews.setLastPlayed(review.url) play(review, track_urls, merge_with_picture=audio_only) input_loop = False elif c == "d": download_audio(review, track_urls) input_loop = False elif c == "r": webbrowser.open_new_tab(review.url) elif c == "s": input_loop = False elif c == "q": input_loop = False track_loop = False else: known_reviews.setLastPlayed(review.url) if ((args.mode in (PlayerMode.MANUAL, PlayerMode.RADIO)) and (action is menu.AmgMenu.UserAction.DOWNLOAD_AUDIO)): download_audio(review, track_urls) else: play(review, track_urls, merge_with_picture=audio_only) if track_loop and (args.mode is PlayerMode.MANUAL): # update menu and display it menu_ret = menu.AmgMenu.setupAndShow(args.mode, reviews, known_reviews, http_cache, selected_idx=selected_idx)
#!/usr/local/bin/python3.8 import flask import requests import web_cache app = flask.Flask(__name__) app.config['DEBUG'] BASE_URL = '' CACHE = web_cache.WebCache() def response_or_cache(url): '''Handler for returning cached requests or new requests if url is uncached. Args: url (str): url pointing to tv_maze api endpoint. Returns: dict: JSON response that is new, cached, or an error. ''' if url in CACHE: return CACHE[url] else: request = requests.get(url) if request.ok: CACHE[url] = flask.jsonify(request.json()) return CACHE[url] else: bad_api_call = flask.jsonify(success=False)